Cangkang Telur
Cangkang Telur
Cangkang Telur
186 - 193
NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Ali et al., pp.186 - 193
NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Ali et al., pp.186 - 193
(mg/g). Integrating equation (2) for the boundary to diffusion of the metal ions into the inner part of
conditions t = 0 to t=t and qt=0 to qt= qe and the eggshells.
rearranging yields the linear time-dependent
4.2. Effect of pH on Adsorption
The pH of solution was examined at different
Log (qe-qt) = Log qe-(kt /2.303) … (3) pH values, covering a range of 3-7. The
maximum adsorption was obtained at pH 6 for
The intercept of the straight-line plots of log both contaminants. Removal of Cu (II) and Cd
(qe-qt) against t equal log qe , However, if the (II) by eggshells was pH dependent as shown in
intercept does not equal qe, then the reaction is not Figure (2).
likely to be first-order, irrespective of the
magnitude of the correlation coefficient. The
Co=50 m g/L, t=90 m in, dose=0.25 g/50 m L,
pseudo- second- order kinetic rate equation is: agitation speed=200 rpm
Removal %
Where k2 is the rate constant of pseudo second 40
order adsorption ( into 20
account, the boundary conditions t=0 to t=t and
qt=0 to qt=qe .The integrated form of Equation (4) 2 3 4 5 6 7
can be rearranged to obtain Equation (5): pH
gradually from 0.05 to 2 g, as shown in Figure(3).
20 Cd Co=50 m g/L, t=90 m in, pH=6, agitation speed=200 rpm
0 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Tim e (m in) 80
Removal %
Figure 1: The effect of contact time on the 40
removal percent. 20 Cu
It was observed that the removal of Cu(II) and 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Cd(II) by the eggshells increased with increase in Eggshell dosage (g/50 m L)
NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Ali et al., pp.186 - 193
maximum quantity of ions and also the percent which promotes effective transfer of contaminants
removal of Cu (II) was more than that of Cd (II). to the eggshells sites.
Also the removal efficiency is associated with the
Co=50 m g/L, pH=6, t=90 m in
adsorbent dose due to the availability of more 100
adsorbing sites at higher doses.
Removal %
Concentration 40
The effect of initial Cu (II) and Cd (II)
20 Cu, eggshell dosage=0.4 g/50 mL
concentration on the adsorption of these Cd, eggshell dosage=0.5 g/50 mL
contaminants onto eggshells is shown in Figure 4. 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
It could be seen that the removal percent of Cu Agitation speed (rpm )
(II) decreased from 98% to 76% with the increase
in initial concentration from 50 to 100 mg/L, Figure 5: Effect of agitation speed on the
while this value decreased from 95% to 69% with removal percent.
the same range of increase in the value of initial
concentration for Cd (II). This means that the 4.6. Effect of temperature
amount of these contaminants sorbed per unit The extent of Cu (II) and Cd (II) adsorption on
mass of adsorbent decreased with the increase in the eggshells at various temperatures is shown in
initial concentration. This plateau represents Figures (6) and (7).
saturation of the active sites available on the
eggshells samples for interaction with Co=50 m g/L, dose=0.25g/50m L, pH=6,
contaminants, indicating that less favorable sites 100
agitation speed=250 rpm
T=20 C
T=30 C
20 T=40 C
T=50 C
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Tim e (m in)
4.5. Effect of agitation speed T=20 C
The effect of agitation speed on the removal T=30 C
T=40 C
percent of Cu (II) and Cd (II) was studied by 20
T=50 C
varying the speed of agitation from 0 to 250 rpm 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
and keeping other parameters equal to the best
Tim e (m in)
obtained from the previous steps. Figure 5 shows
that about 7.5% and 5% of the Cu (II) and Cd (II), Figure 7: Effect of temperature on the
respectively, were removed before shaking and removal percent of Cd (II).
the uptake increases with the increase in shaking
rate. However, there was an increase in As observed from the figures, temperature
contaminants uptake when agitation speed was rises resultes in an increase in the removal a
increased from zero to 250 rpm at which about percentage of the metals ions. The enhancement
100% of Cu (II) and Cd (II) were removed. These of the adsorption capacity when temperature is
results can be associated to the fact that the increased is due to increased mobility and
increase in the agitation speed improves the diffusion of the ionic species. The adsorption
diffusion of contaminant towards the surface of experiment could be regarded as a heterogeneous
the reactive media (eggshells). Thus, proper and reversible process at equilibrium. The
contact is developed between contaminants in the apparent equilibrium constant for the process is
solution and the binding sites on the eggshells, shown to be:
Kc = (Co - Ce)/Ce … (6)
NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Ali et al., pp.186 - 193
where ΔG is the standard Gibbs free energy -4 R2 = 0.9242
Table 1: Gibbs free energy values obtained Figure 8: The Gibbs free energy plot for the
from the adsorption of Cu (II) and adsorption of Cu(II) using eggshell.
Cd (II) using eggshell
Temperature ΔGo (KJ mol-1K-1 ) 0
(K) -0.5
Cu (II) Cd (II)
-2 R2 = 0.9902
293 -4.03 -2.06 -2.5
303 -5.02 -2.63 -3
313 -7.16 -3.00 -4
323 -7.39 -3.65 -4.5
283 293 303 313 323 333
The free energy change (ΔGo) obtained for the Tem perature (K)
adsorption of Cu (II) and Cd (II) at 293 K, initial
concentration of 50 mg/L, and pH = 6 is (-4.03
Figure 9: The Gibbs free energy plot for the
and -2.06)kJ mol-1 for Cu (II) and Cd (II) ,
respectively. The negative value of (ΔGo) adsorption of Cd(II) using eggshell.
obtained for the adsorption of Cu (II) and Cd (II)
onto eggshells shows spontaneity of the 4.7 Kinetic study
adsorption process at that temperature. However, It is clear from Figures (10, 11, 12 and 13)
the result in Table (1) shows that the free energy and Table (2) that the reactions for Cu (II) and Cd
values for the two contaminants decreases with (II) are not likely to be first order because of the
increasing temperature. This implies that the value of qe (experimental) does not equal to the
spontaneity of the adsorption process increases value of qe (theoretical), irrespective of the
with increasing the temperature. Consequently, magnitude of the correlation coefficient, while the
the adsorption of the Cu (II) and Cd (II) using values of qe (experimental) and qe (theoretical) are
eggshells as adsorbent is endothermic hence the very close with higher value of correlation
process is better carried out at kindly high coefficient in case of second - order, therefore the
temperature. From thermodynamics: adsorption processes followed well pseudo
second- order kinetics for the two contaminants.
ΔGo = ΔH -TΔS … (8)
Or Pseudo first order, Cu(II)
ΔGo = - ΔS (T) + ΔH … (9) 1
ΔH. In (Figures 8 and 9) the slopes are (0.1222 0.2
and 0.0514) kJ/mol for Cu (II) and Cd (II), 0
respectively. Therefore, the values of the entropy -0.2
are (0.1222 and 0.0514) kJ/mol and enthalpy are -0.4
(31.738 and 12.996) kJ/mol for Cu (II) and Cd 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Tim e (m in)
(II), respectively.
Figure 10: Pseudo-first order for Cu (II).
NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Ali et al., pp.186 - 193
4 5 y = 0.1376x + 2.4378
y = 0.1163x + 1.8689 4
R2 = 0.9838 3 R2 = 0.9789
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Tim e (m in) Tim e (m in)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Tim e (m in)
NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Ali et al., pp.186 - 193
NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Ali et al., pp.186 - 193
مسحوق قشر البيض كمادة ممتزة ألزالة أيونات النحاس والكادميوم من المحلول
المائي :دراسة الموازنة ،الحركية والديناميكية الحرارية
هدى مهدي مظلوم محمد عبدالخالق ابراهيم زياد طارق عبد علي
قسم الهندسة المدنٌة قسم الهندسة المدنٌة قسم الهندسة البٌئٌة
كلٌة الهندسة/الجامعة المستنصرٌة كلٌة الهندسة/جامعة النهرٌن كلٌة الهندسة/جامعة بغداد
تم التحقق فً هذا البحث من استخدام قشور البٌض كمادة ممتزة المتزاز اٌونات النحاس والكادمٌوم .وتم دراسة تاثٌر
عدة عوامل منها زمن التوازن ,الدالة الحامضٌه االبتدائٌه للمحلول ,كمٌة الماده الممتزه ,التركٌز االبتدائى ,سرعة
الرج ,باالضافه الى درجه الحراره .وكان الحد االعلى لسعة االمتزاز ) (8.4mg/gو) (7.01mg/gالٌونات
النحاس والكادمٌوم على التوالً .كذلك تم حساب بعض العوامل الثرمودٌنامٌكٌة مثل Gibbs free energy
Entropy, Enthalpyوقد اشارت هذه العوامل بان عملٌة االمتزاز هً عملٌه ثرمودٌنامٌكٌا تلقائٌة وماصه
للحرارة .النتائج العملٌه اشارت اٌضا بان عملٌه االدزوربشن تتبع ل " " pseudo second- order kinetics
.واخٌرا تم اجراء فحص FTIRالذي اشار بوجود تداخل بٌن اٌونات النحاس والكادمٌوم مع اكاسٌد المعادن
والمجموعه الفعالة ( )-OHالموجوده فً قشور البٌض.