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Lesson 1

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TERM 2 / WEEK 3 YEAR LEVEL: 1 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Humanities and Social Sciences
General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: 1:1 ratio of iPads to students, Peardeck – allows students to contribute to the presentation, iMovie – allows students to record
short explanations of themselves and their partner answering set questions
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)
1 Geography As a result of this lesson, students FORMATIVE Introduction Peardeck – allows
ACHASSK032 will be able to: - Open up Peardeck and link students to the presentation. Put students to contribute to
aside iPads the presentation
How weather - Identify one example of - Create an - Read If Frogs Made Weather by Marion Dan Bauer iPads – to connect to the
(e.g. rainfall, weather that matches each of iMovie, presentation
- Mystery box – what is each item? How do they link?
temperature, the two given seasons explaining the If Frogs Made Weather
sunshine, wind)  What are the different seasons? What weather goes with by Marion Dan Bauer
- Illustrate the types of clothes type of each season? What are your experiences? Why is each
and seasons vary Mystery box with
between places, worn on a boiling hot day, weather one season important? (rain, sunshine and sustainability) pictures of summer,
and the terms freezing cold morning and would make autumn, winter and
used to describe hot rainy day and why Lesson Steps spring; hat; raincoat; and
them - Create an iMovie, interview (checklist – - Word Wall. Class is split in two (each half gets two scarf
style, explaining what kind of type of seasons). Each student given two sticky notes to write down Sticky notes x 60
weather one would make, and weather one one describing word for each season. Sticky notes put on
giving three reasons why. would make, board. Discuss results – which season are similar/different.
three reasons Why do we need different seasons? iPads and Peardeck
why) - Using Peardeck, students are to draw the clothes they would
- Draw the wear on a: boiling hot day, freezing cold morning, and hot
types of rainy day iMovie – allows students
clothes worn - iMovie. In pairs, students to create a movie, interview style, to record short videos
on different on what kind of weather they would make and why. answering questions
which can act as a
occasions Students to take turns answering the questions on Peardeck
diagnostic assessment
(checklist – (What kind of weather would you make? Why?). Final
appropriate product to be airdropped to teacher
clothes for
hot, cold and Lesson Closure
- Students to describe to their partner an experience they have
rainy days)
had with one of the seasons

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