English FPD
English FPD
English FPD
DIFFERENTIATION: The story books used for the guided reading session are
differentiated to suit the reading ability of the rotation group which has already
been organised into literacy ability. At the education assistant’s table,
differentiation can occur if the teacher takes away the word cards and verbally
tells the students what word they must build rather than having the letters in the
cards in front of them as a guidance mechanism (this would be for the
extension/high group of students). To enable the lower groups of students the
EA could provide words from the previous set that the students have learnt and
are just grasping, and then introduce some of the words from today’s lesson.
-Identify and -The education InitiaLit
state the new assistant will be Handbook 7
tricky words. assessing which
-Construct students can
CVC/CVCC build the
words from CVC/CVCC
lesson 93. word with and
without assistant
(word card) and Whiteboards and
will use an Markers.
sheet to record
which students WEDNESDAY
with which MAT SESSION:
CVC/CVCC InitiaLit Handbook 7 Lesson 94: New sound /v/.
words. Activity 1: Review previous sounds learnt in past lessons firstly with matching CVC/CVCC
-The mentor pictures to assist sound recognition and then without pictures. Review tricky word cards, rice
teacher will be words. tray, foam
conducting her Activity 2: Students will orally segment words using sound boxes. letters,
own Activity 3: The teacher will introduce the new sound which is /v/ and show the observations
assessment at matching character picture for the sound. assessment
the guided Activity 4: Students will practice linking the /v/ sound to the letter ‘v’ and sheet.
reading table by practice writing a lower case ‘v’ on its own and in a sentence.
using an Activity 5: Students will then be shown several different words with the new
observation sound in them which the students will practice reading by segmenting and then Tricky word
assessment blending. matching pair
sheet. Activity 6: There will be a final review for the sound /v/ by reintroducing the cards.
character poster and restating some words with the sound in it.
Guided reading
TEACHER’S TABLE: Numeracy activity (refer to mathematics FPD). assessment
EDUCATION ASSISTANT’S TABLE: CVC/CVCC Word Building Activity: Using sheet.
the words from lesson 93, students will each be distributed a word card. In the
centre of the table will be a rice tray with hidden letters inside. The students must
find the letters to make the word stated on the card that they have been
distributed. Once they have built the word the teacher will check and ask them to
segment and then blend the letters together to state the word, then the student
can be given a new word card. Each student will have a turn at constructing
each of the words and the EA will note which students struggled with which
PARENT HELPER TABLE: Tricky Word Matching Pair Game: The parent
helper and students will engage in a game of matching pairs where the students
each take a turn at turning over the two cards to see if they have made a pair.
Students must be encouraged to state the word on each card they turn over to
practice recognition of these tricky words.
MENTOR TEACHER’S TABLE: Guided Reading: At this table the teacher will
be conducting a guided reading session with each group, reading through the
designated text suited towards the ability group.
INDEPENDENT TABLE: Numeracy activity (refer to mathematics FPD).
DIFFERENTIATION: The story books used for the guided reading session are
differentiated to suit the reading ability of the rotation group which has already
been organised into literacy ability. At the education assistant’s table,
differentiation can occur if the teacher takes away the word cards and verbally
tells the students what word they must build rather than having the letters in the
cards in front of them as a guidance mechanism (this would be for the
extension/high group of students). To enable the lower groups of students the
EA could provide words from the previous set that the students have learnt and
are just grasping, and then introduce some of the words from today’s lesson.
-Define the -There is no Storybook
focus words official Lesson Text.
glee, plunging assessment in
and dazzled. this lesson. The Book: Magic
-Apply the teacher will Beach, focus
focus words to make word labels.
different observation
contexts notes on the
outside of the students’
story book. performance at
the end of the
Book: Magic Beach. Lesson 3: Word Work.
Activity One: Remember the Word: The teacher will define each of the focus
words and identify where and how each focus word was used in the story.
Activity Two: Say the Word: The students are asked to repeat the word
several times to articulate their phonological representation of each focus word.
Each of the focus words will get compared to different words with similar sounds
which the students will then have to identify the correct word they are learning.
Activity Three: Use the Word: The students will learn how to apply the word in
different contexts other than the story.
Activity Four: Act the Word: The students are asked to act out each of the
focus words.
Activity Five: Word Play: This is a small game used to close the session and is
designed to reinforce the focus words that have been learnt in this lesson in an
engaging and active manner.
Book: Magic Beach. Lesson 4: Beyond the Book.
-Devise a -There is no Activity One: Word Revision: Revise the focus words that have been InitiaLit Storybook
sentence official learnt in this story book and ask the students to devise their own sentence Lesson Text.
containing one assessment in using one of the focus words. Revisit the word wall and ask the students if
of the focus this lesson. The they can identify one word from a past book that they can apply to the Book: Magic beach.
words. teacher will make context of this book.
-Apply one of observation notes Activity Two: Making Connection: Engage the students in a whole class
the focus words on the students’ discussion about some key messages discussed throughout the book (if
to a different performance at required the teacher can re-read the book to the students). Questions
context. the end of the should be asked to students in a way that they can attempt to make
-Make lesson. connections to their own past experiences.
between the
text and past TUESDAY
experiences. MAT SESSION:
InitiaLit Handbook 7 Lesson 96: New sound /y/
Activity 1: Review previous sounds learnt in past lessons firstly with
-Identify the -At the pre- matching pictures to assist sound recognition and then without pictures.
new sound /ks/ service teacher’s Review tricky words and digraphs. InitiaLit Handbook 7
‘x’ in a variety of table, the Activity 2: Introduce to the students the term vowel and explain it. Identify
different words. students will be which letters in the alphabet are vowels and teach students the vowel
-Construct assessed on their song.
CVC/CVCC ability to construct Activity 3: Teach the student vowel discrimination of letters and sounds.
words correctly. the CVC/CVCC Activity 4: The teacher will introduce the new sound which is /y/ and show
-Segment and words or tricky the matching character picture for the sound.
blend specific words by finding Activity 5: Students will practice linking the /y/ sound to the letter ‘y’ and
CVC/CVCC and ordering the practice writing a lower case ‘y’ on its own and in a sentence.
words. letters correctly Activity 6: Students will then be shown several different words with the
-Identify what a on the Lego new sound in them which the students will practice reading by segmenting
vowel is and blocks. Students and then blending.
which will also be Activity 7: There will be a final review for the sound /y/ by reintroducing
letters/sounds assessed on their the character poster and restating some words with the sound in it.
are vowels. ability to segment
each of their TEACHER’S TABLE: CVC/CVCC Lego Build: Students will have a variety
words on the of Lego blocks with different letters and words on them. Students must
Lego blocks. The build the words on the large Lego blocks (these blocks will have CVC or Lego blocks with
pre-service CVCC words associated with the sounds learnt previously) using the letters and
teacher will record letters on the small Lego blocks, this helps students segmenting and CVC/CVCC words
this assessment blending abilities. on them, checklist.
using a checklist. EDUCATION ASSISTANT’S TABLE: Recount Writing on Excursion to
-The mentor Kings Park: At this table the students will complete a recount work sample
teacher will be on their excursion to Kings Park attempting to write key words and draw Recount work
conducting her images to support. samples, pencils.
own assessment PARENT HELPER TABLE: Tricky Word Bingo: Each student will have a
on the recount bingo card filled with different tricky words from sets 8 and 9 which the Tricky word bingo
writing by using parent helper will call out and students must place a counter on the tricky cards and counters.
an observation word stated. After a student says bingo, the parent helper will check that
assessment sheet all of the words have been called out and assist the student in stating the Sounds and Words
and checklist. name of each of the tricky words on their bingo card. book and
MENTOR TEACHER’S TABLE: Sounds and Words Book and/or Recount observation
Writing on Excursion to Kings Park. At this table the students will complete assessment
a recount work sample on their excursion to Kings Park attempting to write checklists, Recount
key words and draw images to support. work samples,
INDEPENDENT TABLE: Playdough Digraph Modelling: At this table pencils.
students will have a variety of digraph templates which they will use to help
them create playdough letters for each digraph. Playdough,
playdough utensils
DIFFERENTIATION: At the CVC/CVCC Lego Building table, students in and digraph
lower literacy ability groups who need enabling will be given CVC Lego templates.
blocks to build and work towards moving to build CVCC words. The
students in the higher or average literacy ability groups will be given CVCC
Lego blocks or even tricky word Lego blocks to challenge and extend
learning. At the recount writing table, the teacher can enable the lower
literacy ability groups by scaffolding the students slowly through the work
sample and prompt student responses. The teacher can also encourage
the use of tricky words where applicable. To extend certain students the
teacher can ask these students to write a sentence about their excursion.
-Identify and InitiaLit Handbook 7 Lesson 97: Text reading and writing. Tricky words:
state the new like, very.
tricky words Activity 1: Review previous sounds learnt in past lessons firstly with InitiaLit Handbook 7
‘like’ and ‘very’. matching pictures to assist sound recognition and then without pictures.
-Identify vowels Review digraphs.
and their Activity 2: Recall with the students the term vowel and explain it. Identify
sounds. which letters in the alphabet are vowels and sing the vowel song.
-Practice Activity 3: Flashcards will appear on the screen with words for the
segmenting and students to read firstly by segmenting and then blend the word together.
blending words These words contain sounds learnt in previous lessons. Then the same
to read a words will appear but this time students do not segment and blend, they
sentence. aim to state the word immediately without sounding out.
Activity 4: Reading mystery words that do not exist to encourage students
to practice the sounds previously learnt. Then students will determine
which words are real and not real by providing thumbs up or down.
Activity 5: Reviewing tricky words and then introducing new tricky words
on their own and in a sentence.
Activity 6: Students will read sentences as a class segmenting and
blending words as they go and identifying tricky words throughout.
Activity 7: Students will use their whiteboards to practice writing
sentences with the sounds and tricky words in them.
Whiteboards and
DIFFERENTIATION: When practicing sounds or writing the letters that markers.
correspond to the sound, the teacher and education assistant will both ask
students who have been categorised in the low ability literacy group to
pronounce the sound and when writing, check on their work and model
correct letter formation by writing on the student’s personal whiteboard.
Book: All Through the Year. Lesson One: Vocab: nervous, tumble, bold.
-Predict what -There is no Read the Story.
might happen in official MAT SESSION: InitiaLit Storybook
the story. assessment in Activity One: Before the Story: Revise print conventions with the Lesson Text.
-Identify what this lesson. The students and then make predictions on what the story may be about by Book: All Through
happened at the teacher will make asking the students their thoughts and why. the Year.
beginning, observation notes Activity Two: During the Story: The teacher will read the whole story
middle and end on the students’ and pause at the focus words in the text to define them briefly to the
of the story. performance at students.
the end of the Activity Three: After the Story: The teacher will ask the students to
lesson. explain what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story. The
students’ predictions will be revisited to see if any students got them
correct and discussions can be held on what the students liked and
disliked about the story book.
-Recall and InitiaLit Handbook 7 Lesson 98: Revision of ‘ch’, ‘v’, ‘x’, ‘y’.
state the Activity 1: Review previous sounds learnt in past lessons firstly with
digraph sounds matching pictures to assist sound recognition and then without pictures. InitiaLit Handbook 7
‘ch’, ‘v’, ‘x’, ‘y’. Review digraphs, vowels and tricky words.
-Write the Activity 2: Flashcards will appear on the screen with words for the
digraph sounds students to read firstly by segmenting and then blend the word together.
‘ch’, ‘v’, ‘x’, ‘y’. These words contain sounds learnt in previous lessons. Then the same
-Identify the words will appear but this time students do not segment and blend, they
vowels and their aim to state the word immediately without sounding out.
sounds. Activity 3: Students will practice their handwriting by spelling sounds and
Activity 4: Students will review tricky words and then work towards Whiteboards and
fluently reading them on the screen. markers.
Activity 5: The students will engage in a sentence sort activity as the
teacher reads out the sentences and assists where appropriate.
-There is no
Book: All Through the Year. Lesson 2: Vocab: nervous, tumble, bold. Talk
-Recall what official InitiaLit Storybook
About the Story.
happens in the assessment in Lesson Text.
story. this lesson. The Book: All Through
Activity One: Before the Story: Go through a story recap with the
-Discuss their teacher will make the Year
students and discuss the characters, title and summarise the book.
favourite part of observation notes
Activity Two: During the Story: Re read the story to the students
the story. on the students’
pausing at different parts to ask particular questions.
-Define the performance at
Activity Three: After the Story: Get the students to partner up and
focus words. the end of the
discuss what their favourite season is and what their favourite part of the
story was. Then close the lesson by revising the focus words for this story.
-At the pre-
-Construct service teacher’s
REVIEW: InitiaLit Handbook 7 Lesson 97: Text reading and writing.
CVC/CVCC table, the InitiaLit Handbook 7
Review Focus Activities:
words correctly. students will be
Activity 2: Recall with the students the term vowel and explain it. Identify
-Segment and assessed on their
which letters in the alphabet are vowels and sing the vowel song.
blend specific ability to build the
Activity 3: Flashcards will appear on the screen with words for the
students to read firstly by segmenting and then blend the word together.
words correctly. words and once These words contain sounds learnt in previous lessons. Then the same
-Identify vowel built, their ability words will appear but this time students do not segment and blend, they
sounds within to segment and aim to state the word immediately without sounding out.
words. blend the sounds Activity 7: Students will use their whiteboards to practice writing
together to sentences with the sounds and tricky words in them. Whiteboards and
pronounce the markers.
service teacher TEACHER’S TABLE: CVC/CVCC Build and Say: Students will be verbally
will use a told or be given a picture/word card with the CVC/CVCC word that they Pool noodle letters,
checklist to record must build using the pool noodle letters in the tub. Students will then sticks, picture/word
and identify which segment and blend the letters together to state the word (these words will cards and
words and sounds contain the sounds being revised ‘ch’, ‘v’, ‘x’, ‘y’). assessment
students are EDUCATION ASSISTANT’S TABLE: Vowel Ice Creams: Students will checklist.
struggling with. each be distributed an ice cream cone with a vowel sound on it. In the
-The mentor centre of the table will be ice cream scoops with images on them which the Vowel ice cream
teacher will be name of the image contains a vowel sound in it. Students must look for as cards.
conducting her many ice cream scoops to put on their vowel cone.
own assessment PARENT HELPER TABLE: Sound Writing Picture Cards: Students will be
at the guided given a variety of different picture cards and beside the picture is the name Picture word cards
reading table by of the object shown with the missing digraph sound. Students must look at with missing
using an the picture to determine what the word should be and write the missing sounds, whiteboard
observation digraph sound on the dotted lines. Digraph focus sounds: (ch, sh, qu, ee, markers.
assessment ck, ss).
sheet. MENTOR TEACHER’S TABLE: Guided Reading: At this table the teacher Guided reading
will be conducting a guided reading session with each group, reading books and
through the designated text suited towards the ability group. observations
INDEPENDENT TABLE: Teach Your Monster to Read App on the iPads: assessment sheet.
Students will go on this app and press the lesson that they are up to which
will go over previously learnt sounds and words. iPads and Teach
Monster app.
DIFFERENTIATION: At the CVC/CVCC build and say activity, the lower
ability groups will be given CVC words that are simple and can be focused
on previously learnt sounds as well as incorporating the review sounds for
the day. For the higher ability groups, the students will be given CVCC
words and construct a variety of words from previous lessons as well as
focusing on the sounds from this review lesson. At the vowel ice cream
building activity, the lower ability groups can each be given one ice cream
cone vowel sound and assist peers if they find a different vowel sound ice
cream scoop. For the higher ability groups, the students can each be given
three to five vowel ice cream cones which they can search for and build.
-Recall and InitiaLit Handbook 7
state the
REVIEW: InitiaLit Handbook 7 Lesson 98: Revision of ‘ch’, ‘v’, ‘x’, ‘y’.
sounds ‘ch’, ‘v’,
Review Focus Activities:
‘x’, ‘y’.
Activity 2: Flashcards will appear on the screen with words for the
-Write the
students to read firstly by segmenting and then blend the word together.
sounds ‘ch’, ‘v’,
These words contain sounds learnt in previous lessons. Then the same
‘x’, ‘y’.
words will appear but this time students do not segment and blend, they
-Identify the Whiteboards and
aim to state the word immediately without sounding out.
vowels and their markers.
Activity 3: Students will practice their handwriting by spelling sounds and
Activity 5: The students will engage in a sentence sort activity as the
teacher reads out the sentences and assists where appropriate.
The students will then engage in a tricky word game as a class. Students
will be called up in pairs (from their literacy ability group) to play a game of Tricky word label
tricky word swat. The teacher will have tricky word cards on the whiteboard cards, fly swats.
and each student will stand on either side of the whiteboard with a fly swat
each. The teacher will call out tricky words and the students must swat the
correct tricky words. The teacher will allow each student to have a turn in
ability group pairs.