Civil War Webquest
Civil War Webquest
Civil War Webquest
CATEGORY 50 30 25 15
Length The letter is 1 page The letter is almost 1 The letter is only half The letter is less
or more. page long. a page than half a page.
Content The letter contains The letter contains The letter contains The letter contains
Accuracy information retrieved some information very little information no information from
from the resources retrieved from the from the resources. the resources.
Ideas Ideas were Ideas were Ideas were The letter seemed to
expressed in a clear expressed in a pretty somewhat be a collection of
and organized clear manner, but organized, but were unrelated sentences.
fashion. It was easy the organization not very clear. It took It was very difficult to
to figure out what the could have been more than one figure out what the
letter was about. better. reading to figure out letter was about.
what the letter was
Grammar & Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes more
spelling errors in grammar or errors in grammar errors in grammar than 4 errors in
spelling. and/or spelling. and/or spelling grammar and/or
(conventions) spelling.
Format Complies with all the Complies with Complies with Complies with less
requirements for a almost all the several of the than 75% of the
friendly letter. requirements for a requirements for a requirements for a
friendly letter. friendly letter. friendly letter.