LTA Form A
LTA Form A
LTA Form A
(FORM – A)
(See Rule 5) (To be submitted in Triplicate)
Pension Disbursing Authority/Head of Office
(Name of Bank/Treasury/Post Office/Accounts Office etc.)
(Place) ………………………………………………………………
I ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. hereby nominate the person named below under
rule 5 of the Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983.
1. Name and address of the nominee :
2. Relationship with the pensioner :
3. Date of Birth :
4. Name and address of the person who may receive the said pension :
during the nominee’s minority (if the nominee is minor)
5. Name and address of other nominee in case the nominee under :
column (1) above predeceases the, Pensioner
6. Relationship with the pensioner :
7. Date of birth if the other nominee is a minor :
8. Name and address of the person who may receive the pension :
during the other nominee’s minority
9. Contingency on happening of which nomination shall become invalid :
Place: Signature (or thumb impression if illiterate) and the
name of the pensioner
Witness’s Signature:
Name and Address:
Signature of Pension Disbursing Authority/Head of Office
Acknowledgement to be sent by the Pension Disbursing Authority/Head of Office
Certified that application/nomination has been received from ……………………………………………………………………
(Name of the pensioner) whose address is …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Place: Signature of Pension disbursing
Authority/Bank/Treasury/Post Office/ Accounts
Office/Head of Office
Date: Full Address ……………………………………………………
Sub :‐ Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules 1983‐In force from date of publication in the official
gazette in September,1883.
1. These rules shall apply to the Central Government Pensioners.
2. Pension disbursing Authority means the authority through whom pension is drawn and includes Public
Sector Banks, Treasuries, Post Office, Account Offices.
3. Any Pensioner to whom any pension is payable by the Government out of the consolidated fund of India
may nominate any other person (herein after referred to as nominee) in accordance with the provision of rule 5,
who shall receive, after the death of the pensioner on account of such pension on, before or after the date of such
nomination and which remains upheld immediately before the death of the pensioner.
4. Every pensioner who had retired on or before the date of commencement of these rules shall within 6
months nominate any pension for the purpose of rule 4 in form ‘A’ and submit it in triplicate by personal service
after taking receipt or by sending through registered post acknowledgement due, to the respective pension
disbursing authority through whom pension is drawn.
5. Within 15 days of the receipt of nomination in form ‘A’ as referred to in sub rule (1) the pension disbursing
Authority shall get the particulars of the pension, as mentioned in form ‘A’ ,verified with reference to available
record and return of the pensioner, after obtaining a receipt thereof, the duplicate copy of the nomination in form
‘A’ duly attested by him, or an officer authorized by him in this behalf. The triplicate copy shall be sent to the
Account officer of the Department from where the pensioner had retired while the original copy of the nomination
shall be recorded.
6. Every employee who is due to retire after the date of commencement of these rules shall submit the
nomination, in triplicate, in form ‘A; to the Head of the department from where he is retiring within 3 months
before or after the date of retirement.
7. A notice of modification of nomination including cases where a nominee pre‐deceases the pensioner shall
be submitted in triplicate in form ‘B’ to the pension Disbursing Authority in the manner specified in sub rule (1) and
thereafter the provisions of sub rule () shall apply mutatis mutandis with modification as if it was made under sub
rule (1).
8. A nomination or fresh nomination or a notice of modification of nomination shall be signed by the
pensioner, or if he is illiterate, shall bear his thumb impression given in the presence of two witnesses who shall
also sign a declaration to that effect in the nomination, fresh nomination or notice of modification, as the case may
9. Nomination, fresh nomination or a notice of modification of nomination shall take effect from the date of
receipt thereof by the Pension Disbursing Authority or Head of Office as the case may be.
(RBI Letter No. GA.NB 2240/GA 64 (11‐fly MISC) 91‐92 of 24‐2‐92)
1. Payment of arrears of Pension (nomination) Rule s, 1983. After the death of a Pensioner his Bank account
automatically stands closed, and arrears of Pension if any, that may be payable, cannot be credited to his account.
This amount of undrawn Pension can be paid to a person nominated by the deceased pensioner under the payment
of arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983.
2. Banking Laws (Nomination) Act, 1983.
The payment of the amount including the pension amount which already stands credited to the account of the
deceased Pensioner in his individual capacity at the time of his death can be made by the bank to a person in whose
favor the deceased Pensioner has made the nomination under the Banking Laws (Amendment) Act, 1983 under
which the nomination facility has been made available to the depositors from 29‐3‐85.vclyii.
Copy of letter No. GA/NB 484/GA‐64 (11‐Rly. Misc.) 92‐93 dated 2.9.92 addressed to the Alwar Rly.
Pensioners Society:
Please refer to your letter No. PEN/44/AWR/92 dated 11.8.92. We advise that there are two types of
nominations as far as pensioners drawing Pensions through P S Banks are concerned.
1. Nomination under the Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules framed by the Govt. of India or
State Govt. for the purpose of receiving the arrears of pension which has actually fallen due before the death of the
Pensioner but not credited to his/her account and
2. Nomination under the Banking laws (Amendment) Act, 1986 (not 1983 as stated in your letter) for the
purpose of receiving the balance amount which already stands credited to the Pensioner’s account at the time of
his death. As you are aware, once the amount of pension or other pensioner benefits is credited to the Pensioner’s
SB/current account, all the operations in the account will be governed by the General Banking Rules and practice.
Any amount lying in the SB/current account of the deceased Pensioner shall be paid to his nominee under the
Banking Laws (Amendment Act), and in the absence of any nomination, to the legal heir of the Pensioner by
following the relevant banking rules.