The Incorporated Society of Musicians ISM Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy, Code of Practice and Procedures
The Incorporated Society of Musicians ISM Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy, Code of Practice and Procedures
The Incorporated Society of Musicians ISM Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy, Code of Practice and Procedures
This policy and guidance should be observed by all ISM members and staff of
the Society.
Many ISM members will have frequent contact with children in the course of their
professional activities. The ISM acknowledges that it has a responsibility to promote best
practice and the highest standards of conduct among its members and staff in relation to
the safety of children. It also recognises that good safeguarding and child protection
policies and procedures are also of benefit to ISM members, as they can help protect
them from misunderstandings or erroneous allegations.
All ISM members and staff who have access to or contact with children must:
recognise and accept they have a responsibility to protect any children within
their sphere of work and care;
develop awareness of the issues which can cause children harm and have
knowledge of and be able to recognise signs of the four most common types of
abuse (emotional, physical, sexual, neglect);
be aware of ‘grooming’ behaviour (the befriending of children as a precursor to
abuse); and
immediately report any concerns using the ISM’s procedures for reporting
safeguarding concerns.
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N.B. The ISM Council is committed to keeping the ISM Safeguarding & Child Protection
Policy and Code of Practice under constant review.
The Policy
1. All ISM staff and ISM members accept responsibility for the welfare of children
with whom they come into contact in the course of their work, and that they will
report any concerns about a child or somebody else’s behaviour, using the
procedures laid down.
2. There is a Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) within the ISM who will take
action following any expression of concern and the lines of responsibility in
respect of child protection are clear.
3. The Chief Executive and, in his/her absence, the DSP know how to make
appropriate referrals to statutory child protection agencies.
4. All ISM members who come into contact with children in the course of their
professional activities must adhere to the ISM Safeguarding Code of Practice (see
section 3), the procedure for reporting safeguarding concerns (see section 5) and
have regard to any other relevant guidance issued by the ISM. Failure to comply
with these obligations may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the
ISM’s Disciplinary Procedure.
5. Information relating to any allegation or disclosure must be clearly recorded as
soon as possible, and there is a procedure setting out who should record
information and the time-scales for passing it on.
6. The Children Act 1989 states that the “welfare of the child is paramount”. This
means that considerations of confidentiality which might apply to other situations
should not be allowed to over-ride the right of children to be protected from
harm. However, every effort should be made to ensure that confidentiality is
maintained for all concerned when an allegation has been made and is being
7. This Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy will be referred to or included in
recruitment, training and policy materials, where appropriate, and this policy will
be openly and widely made available to members and staff and actively promoted
within the organisation.
8. A culture of mutual respect between children and ISM members will be
encouraged, with adults modelling good practice in this context.
9. It is part of the ISM’s acceptance of its responsibility of duty of care towards
children that ISM members and staff who encounter child protection concerns in
the context of their work will be supported when they report their concerns in
good faith.
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Our Code of Practice
1. Stay calm.
2. Listen carefully to what is said and show that you are taking it seriously.
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3. Find an appropriate early opportunity to explain that it is likely that the
information will need to be shared with others – do not promise to keep secrets.
4. Tell the child that the matter will only be disclosed to those who need to know
about it.
5. Allow the child to continue at her/his own pace.
6. Ask questions for clarification only, and at all times avoid asking questions that
suggest a particular answer.
7. Reassure the child that they have done the right thing in telling you.
8. Tell them what you will do next, and with whom the information will be shared (if
this is in a school it will need to be the designated person within that school).
9. Make no judgment about what you have heard.
10. Record in writing what was said, using the child’s own words as soon as possible
– note the date, time, any names mentioned, to whom the information was given
and ensure that the record is signed and dated.
11. Remember that whilst you may have been the first person encountering an
allegation of abuse it is not your responsibility to decide whether abuse has
occurred. That is a task for the professional child protection agencies, following a
referral from the Designated Safeguarding Person in the organisation.
ISM members could have their suspicion or concern raised in a number of ways,
the most likely of which are:
If an ISM member has such concerns they should report them immediately to the
appropriate person in the organisation within which the concern has arisen (for example
a school, orchestra or music service). This principle applies regardless of whether the
ISM member is working in an employed or self-employed capacity.
Where a concern arises independently of any organisation (for example where an ISM
member has concerns about the welfare or safety of a child who they teach privately)
the ISM member should immediately contact the ISM’s Designated Safeguarding Person
by telephone (020 7079 1204) or email ( in the first instance. If a
child in your care has suffered a serious injury as a result of abuse, seek medical
attention immediately and then inform your Local Authority Children’s Social Care
Department. If you have a concern out of ISM office hours you can seek advice from the
NSPCC free 24-hour Child Protection Helpline (0808 800 5000).
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ISM members are always able to contact the ISM’s Designated Safeguarding Person if
they wish to discuss any safeguarding concerns, however they arise. ISM members
must report to the ISM’s Designated Safeguarding Person immediately any concerns
they may have about the conduct of another ISM member in relation to children.
The most common examples of the types of concerns that must be reported immediately
someone has behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a
someone has possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child;
someone has behaved towards a child in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable
to work with children.
The DSP will consider the concerns raised and refer them immediately to the Chief
Executive. The Chief Executive will consider the matter and then, if appropriate, refer it
to the Child Protection Committee for their immediate attention. If the Chief Executive is
not available the DSP will undertake the role of referring the matter to the Child
Protection Committee. The Committee will then decide whether to report the matter to
the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) or, after taking appropriate advice (which
may include discussing the circumstances on a confidential basis with professional
advisers), decide either to deal with the matter internally or not to take any further
action. If further information comes to light at a later stage which warrants a referral to
the LADO, the Child Protection Committee will make this referral.
ISM staff members do not, in the normal course of their duties, have direct contact with
children. However, there may be circumstances in which concerns about the safety of a
child or about the conduct of an ISM member in relation to children are brought to the
attention of an ISM staff member. Any such concerns must be reported immediately to
the ISM’s DSP or to the Chief Executive. The DSP and/or the Chief Executive will then
follow the procedure for considering child protection concerns set out at section 5 of this
September 2013
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