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Lesson Plan 2

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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: Children have access to ipads in the classroom.
LESSON Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES other
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 1
lesson 2 - Following on from the last lesson
- Teacher revises on what the students did last lesson. Book Rosie’s walk
Revise the book, possibly read text again to re jog
students memory of the text Rosie’s walk.
- Teacher explains to the class again that there are going
to be “4 rotations in the class today like last lesson,
and your going to go around in groups and do each
activity at each station”

Explore different ways of ACTIVITY 1:

expressing emotions,
including verbal,
Use questions and - Look at the animals in the text and their facial
Identify facial expressions answers to check for Emotions work sheet
visual, body language and expressions. How are they feeling? Draw the faces of
facial and link to how the understanding and Pencils
the characters in the story and show their facial
expressions (ACELA1787) characters are feeling. identification of Textas
feelings. expression and write their emotion beneath it.
- Have discussion with students about emotions and
how we can tell how people feel through facial
Use of known stories and
personal experiences to Create a farm like setting ACTIVITY 2:
using constructive Construction materials
create drama with simple
- Students are to create their own farm using
objects and available materials in the classroom.
technologies construction materials in the classroom

Measure and compare

the lengths and
capacities of pairs of ACTIVITY 3:
objects using uniform Measure distances by Check the students Informal uniform units
- Get students to measure distances in the classroom
informal walking using informal answers. Paper to use for a
units. using uniform informal units. record sheet
units (ACMMG019)
- Teacher begins with explaining what prepositions are Ipads
to students. Wordcloud app
- The teacher reads the text to students identifying each
preposition that is used in the text.
- Teacher shows students the wordcloud app and shows
students how to use the app.
- Teacher also shows students an example of a finished
wordcloud, so that students can see what the final
product is meant to look like.
Present data of any Identify all prepositions in Teacher to mark and
kind using a variety the text and create a check each students Body:
wordcloud using the word clouds making
of digital - Students are to firstly identify all of the prepositions
tools (ACTDIP003) prepositions. sure they have every
themselves that they can find in the text.
preposition in the
text. - Once they have identified each preposition that is used
in the text, they are then then to use the app
wordcloud and make a wordcloud of all of the
prepositions that they can find in the text, which are
the words that describe the directions that rosie
travelled in the story. (prepositions in text: across,
around, over, past, through, under)
- Students are then to find a partner in the same group
as them, and compare their wordclouds, seeing if they
have each found all of the prepositions in the text.

- Students to show and compare each others
wordclouds and see if they have identified each
preposition in the text.
- Teacher to mark and check each students word clouds
making sure they have every preposition in the text.

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