Spot Envi Atmospheric
Spot Envi Atmospheric
Spot Envi Atmospheric
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Remote sensing images have been increasingly used by its ability to collect data from extensive areas in a
Received 3 March 2016 short time and with relatively low cost. Studies conducted in aquatic environments require great at-
Received in revised form tention in relation to atmospheric correction, since the signal leaving water bodies is strongly attenuated.
12 May 2016
The present work aimed to assess the atmospheric correction of SPOT-6 image based on the variation of
Accepted 9 September 2016
Available online 10 September 2016
initial visibility parameter in FLAASH and analyze its influence on models to estimate Secchi depth (SD)
and diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd). The study was carried out in Nova Avanhandava Reservoir, which
Keywords: belongs to the chain of the Tietê River reservoirs (São Paulo, Brazil). The models calibration was based on
FLAASH remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) of simulated SPOT bands from data collected in the field. The best
models were obtained using the band ratio Rrs(560 nm)/Rrs(660 nm) for SD (R2 ¼92%, RMSE ¼11.45%)
Diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd)
and the band Rrs(660 nm) for Kd (R2 ¼ 92%, RMSE ¼11.98%). Maps of the spatial distribution of SD and Kd
Secchi depth (SD)
Nova Avanhandava Reservoir were made by applying the models on atmospherically corrected images. The main problem was the high
amount of negative pixels when the suitable initial visibility value was not adopted in the atmospheric
correction, which prevents the use of bio-optical models to retrieve limnological variables of the re-
& 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction because the signal from the water column is small (Hu et al.,
2001). For Wang (1999), the atmospheric correction is a funda-
The radiation reflected or emitted by the Earth’s surface passes mental procedure in water color imagery data processing and re-
through the atmosphere, which interacts with several gases, water move about 90% of the signal measured by the sensor in the visible
vapor and particulates. Thus, the radiation is influenced by the bands. Chen et al. (2007) ignored the atmospheric correction of
atmospheric scattering, absorption, reflection and refraction be- TM-Landsat data because only one scene was used; however, the
fore being recorded by the remote sensing system (Jensen, 2009). results are not comparable temporally or spatially. Usually, atmo-
Even when the sky is clear, the intensity of the solar beam is sig- spheric correction is necessary. An algorithm to perform atmo-
nificantly reduced during its passage through the atmosphere spheric correction of SeaWiFS data for turbid coastal waters has
(Kirk, 2011). In studies of aquatic environments, application of been described and tested by Ruddick et al. (2000). According to
atmospheric corrections is recommended (Wang et al., 1999; Hu Hadjimitsis and Clayton (2009), the atmospheric correction must
et al., 2001; Jamet et al., 2011), since the signal of the water bodies be done for the assessment of temporal variations of water quality.
are significantly lower than vegetation, soil or anthropogenic tar- Many studies of aquatic environments have shown the importance
gets, demanding greater accuracy in the correction process. of atmospheric correction using different satellite images such as
The use of satellites to monitor the color of the water requires Landsat (Hu et al., 2001; Giardino et al., 2001; Zheng et al., 2015),
effective removal of the contribution of the atmosphere to the SPOT (Doxaran et al., 2002), MODIS (He and Chen, 2014), ENVISAT/
total signal measured by the remote sensor by atmospheric cor- MERIS (Guanter et al., 2010), and SeaWiFS (Hu et al., 2000).
rection process (Jamet et al., 2011). Atmospheric correction over Several studies have been conducted in order to evaluate dif-
aquatic environments is generally more demanding than over land ferent atmospheric correction methods, especially for aquatic en-
vironments. Bonansea et al. (2015) evaluated the potential of 6S
radiative transfer model to improve the reliability for estimating
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (L.H.S. Rotta),
water clarity in Río Tercero reservoir (Argentina). They demon- (E.H. Alcântara), (F.S.Y. Watanabe), strated the usefulness of 6S code for atmospheric correction in (T.W.P. Rodrigues), (N.N. Imai). Landsat data. The water clarity algorithm using surface reflectance
2352-9385/& 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L.H.S. Rotta et al. / Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 4 (2016) 158–166 159
was more reliable than the top of atmosphere (TOA) reflectance a source of uncertainty. Normally, the researchers do not test the
model. visibility in the atmospheric correction, and this can lead to error
According to Goyens et al. (2013), studies comparing algo- in the correction. Zhang et al. (2014) used initial visibility of 40 km
rithms of atmospheric correction are of great interest for further in atmospheric correction of EO-1 hyperion using FLAASH. They
improvement in water leaving radiance retrievals from satellite aimed to estimate the leaf area index in the forested area of
images. Four atmospheric correction algorithms for MODIS-Aqua Yongan county, Fujian province (China). The 20 km initial visibility
were tested and compared: (1) the standard NIR algorithm of was used by Yuan and Niu (2008) to evaluate the capability of
NASA, (2) the NIR similarity spectrum algorithm, (3) the NIR-SWIR FLAASH to make the atmospheric correction for Hyperion and ALI
algorithm and (4) an Artificial Neural Network algorithm. The image in Heihe River valley of Gansu province (China). Wicaksono
standard NIR algorithm performs better for water dominated by (2012), aimed remove sunglint from Quickbird image of an area
phytoplankton and the artificial neural network algorithm shows
located in the National Park of Ujung Kulon, Banten Province (In-
the best results for water mainly dominated by detrital and mi-
donesia). For the initial visibility, they used 40 km considering
neral material.
visibility during clear sunny cloudless day. Landsat images from
There are several atmospheric correction algorithms available,
1978 to 2013 (MSS, TM, ETMþ and OLI sensors) were used in
nevertheless, algorithms based on MODTRAN - FLAASH (Fast Line-
Zheng et al. (2015); initial visibility was chosen as 30–40 km for
of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercube) (Adler-
the aerosol retrieval, depending on the image quality.
Golden et al., 1999) have been widely used with success in studies
The visibility is a parameter required to minimize the effect of
of aquatic environments for both atmospheric corrections of hy-
perspectral (Brando and Dekker, 2003; Kutser, 2004; Moses et al., the atmosphere on the remote sensor signal. Being the initial
2012) and multispectral images (Kutser, 2012; Tebbs et al., 2013; visibility required for atmospheric correction in FLAASH, what is
Watanabe et al., 2015). the effect of setting different visibility values for the estimation of
In some cases, initial visibility value must be specified by user water quality parameters using satellite images? Therefore, this
when using FLAASH. The researchers can use appropriated study aimed to assess the atmospheric correction of SPOT-6 image
equipment to measure the local visibility. Initial visibility of based on the variation of initial visibility parameter in FLAASH and
33.86 km, obtained by a sun photometer (CE318), was used in analyze its influence on models to estimate Secchi depth (SD) and
FLAASH for atmospheric correction of Landsat image by Song et al. diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd). It is noteworthy that atmo-
(2012). However, the authors commonly must insert an initial spheric correction is necessary mainly when temporal analysis is
visibility based on their personal perception of the day, and this is required, thereby initial visibility is needed in several procedures.
Fig. 1. (a) Study area – Nova Avanhandava Reservoir. (b) Sampling stations collected in Bonito River: deep water (yellow dots) and shallow water (white dots). Image: SPOT-
6; B0G1R2; July 9th, 2013; WGS-84; UTM Zone 22S.
160 L.H.S. Rotta et al. / Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 4 (2016) 158–166
2. Study area L u( λ ) t
R rs(λ )= Fi
Ed( λ ) n2 (2)
Nova Avanhandava Reservoir (Fig. 1a) belong to Tietê River's
cascading system, fully contained in São Paulo State (SP) - Brazil. where,
The Nova Avanhandava hydroelectric plant is located in Buritama
city - SP, in the lower course of Tietê River, between Promissão 1. Lu(λ): is the upwelling radiance at nadir just below-surface;
(upstream) and Três Irmãos (downstream) dams. Nova Avanhan- 2. Ed(λ): is the downwelling irradiance;
dava began its operation in 1982 and is managed by AES Tiete 3. t: is the transmittance at air-water interface (0.98);
Company ( It has a flooded area of 4. n: is the refractive index of water relative to air (1.33);
210 km2 and volume of 2830 106 m3. The dam is the type 5. Fi: is the spectral immersion coefficient.
ground/concrete, with 2038 m length.
Those 20 samples were collected in Bonito River, tributary of
Tietê River, as follow: 10 sampling stations in optically deep water,
3. Methodology i.e. regions with reflectance without bottom signal; and 10 sam-
pling stations in optically shallow water, i.e. regions where the
3.1. Field data collection water-leaving reflectance is the sum of water column and bottom
reflectance. The Rrs was calculated for every 20 sample stations,
Secchi depth (SD) and diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) were however, the SD and Kd were measured only at 10 stations in deep
collected in a field campaign carried out between 28th and 30th water (Fig. 1b – yellow points). This procedure was adopted in
June 2013. Nowadays, the Secchi disk method still widely used in order to avoid bottom reflectance contribution.
water body studies, due to the low cost and simplicity: a circular
disk about 30 cm (Fig. 2a) must be submerged up to the point of its 3.2. Atmospheric correction of SPOT-6
disappearance – the distance between the water surface and that
point is called SD. Kd is defined as the attenuation rate of irradiance SPOT-6 satellite sensor built by AIRBUS Defense & Space was
with depth, which diminishes almost as an exponential function successfully launched on September 9th, 2012. SPOT-6 satellite
(Kirk, 2011). Kd is derived using the downwelling irradiance just and SPOT-7 ensure service continuity of SPOT- 4 and SPOT-5 sa-
below the water surface, Ed (z;λ), measured in field as shown in tellites, which have been operating since 1998 and 2002. The re-
Eq. (1) (Mobley, 1994): visit time is 1d with SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 operating simultaneously
(Astrium, 2013). The Table 1 shows the main characteristics of
Ed( z; λ ) = Ed( 0−; λ )e−Kd( z; λ)z (1)
SPOT-6 image acquired on study area.
where, The atmospheric correction of SPOT-6 image was made using
FLAASH which is an atmospheric correction tool based on MOD-
1. Ed(z;λ): downwelling irradiance at depth z; TRAN4 (MODerate spectral resolution atmospheric TRANsmittance
2. Ed(0-;λ): downwelling irradiance just below the water surface; algorithm and computer model) (Adler-Golden et al., 1999). Users
3. Kd(z;λ): diffuse attenuation coefficient at depth z. have limited control over the choice and setting of input para-
meters in FLAASH. This program is simple to run, but the user has
A vertical profile of the downwelling irradiance (Ed) was ac- to specify appropriate input parameters that characterize the at-
quired using a spectroradiometer RAMSES/TriOs (http://www. mospheric conditions and illumination/viewing geometry at the; Rastede, Germany) through the water at every 1.0 m time of image acquisition. The default values are based on theo-
depth (Fig. 2b). The hyperspectral UV/VIS irradiance sensor has retical estimates and information from the literature are used as
190 channels ranging from 320 to 950 nm. However, the Ed values input parameters when actual measurements are not available
between 400 and 700 nm were integrated to obtain Ed of Photo- (Moses et al., 2012).
synthetically Active Radiation (PAR), Ed(PAR). The scene visibility value must be inserted in FLAASH for the
Besides Ed, upwelling radiance (Lu) data were also collected and atmospheric correction. According to ITT (2009), for clear atmo-
therefore, the remote sensing reflectance above surface (Rrs) (see sphere, i.e. without haze, the initial visibility should be approxi-
Fig. 1b for sampling location) was calculated at 20 sampling sta- mated to the values from 40 to 100 km. Due to uncertainty about
tions. Rrs was calculated using Eq. (2), based on Dall’Olmo and the adequate initial visibility; three different values
Gitelson (2005) and Gitelson et al. (2008): were tested: 40, 70 and 100 km (Table 2). Therefore, three
Table 1
SPOT-6 image characteristics.
Fig. 4. Remote sensing reflectance spectra (a) and SD and Kd at each sampling stations (b).
Fig. 5. Rrs from simulated SPOT-6 based on in situ data (a). Rrs for SPOT image using visibility of 40 km (b), 70 km (c) and 100 km (d) in the atmospheric correction process.
Fig. 6. Atmospheric correction validation for visible bands according to the inserted initial visibility of 40 km (a), 70 km (b) and 100 km (c).
was used (Fig. 7a). The best model for Kd was obtained using only for Kd. There was an offset to lower values in histograms of images
the band Rrs(660 nm) (Fig. 7c). The SD (Eq. 4) and Kd (Eq. 5) models corrected for visibility of 40 km (SD and Kd – Fig. 8a and d, re-
were selected based on the coefficient of determination (R2), RMSE spectively), i.e. the frequency is higher for lower SD and Kd values,
and then presented in graphs confronting the measured and cal- which corroborates with the previously discussion (Fig. 5) about
culated values. We observed an adjustment for both models with the underestimation of reflectance when using this visibility
high accuracy. The R2 of 92% and RMSE less than 12% were ob- (40 km). Furthermore, there was a high frequency in the class “No
tained for both models, SD and Kd. Data”, i.e. the model was not able to calculate the value for SD
R rs(560nm) approximately in 6% of the pixels, probably because of negative
SD=2. 0709× −1. 2697 values that occurred using visibility of 40 km in the atmospheric
R rs(660nm) (4)
correction. Finally, it was observed higher frequency in values
greater than 4.0 m for image based on visibility of 40 km, what is
Kd=67.4155×R rs( 660nm)+0.3978 (5) not consistent with the data observed in the field work.
The atmospherically corrected image based on visibility of
4.4. Atmospheric correction assessment based on SD and Kd models 40 km should not be used due to the high percentage of negative
pixels, which could disturb the results in models calibration. Fur-
The best models based on simulated SPOT bands (Fig. 7) were thermore, the histogram using visibility of 40 km showed in-
selected and applied to each corrected image, using visibility of compatibility with findings in the field. Based on Fig. 5 and Table 3,
40 km, 70 km and 100 km. Further, the RMSE based on in situ data the image corrected using visibility of 70 km presented better
were calculated (Table 4). Therefore, the spatial distribution of SD results when compared to visibility of 100 km and 40 km, with
and Kd for the three atmospheric conditions were obtained, re- RMSE of 53.9% for SD and 21.6% for Kd. Fig. 9 shows RMSE values
sulting in six different histograms (Fig. 8). and scatter plot between measured and calculated values for SD
The frequency was quite similar to the images corrected by (a) and Kd (b) based on selected models and image corrected by
visibility of 70 km and 100 km, with the highest occurrences in visibility of 70 km. It is noteworthy that these results (RMSE,
values between 1.0 and 2.0 m for SD and between 0.6 and 1.0 m 1 measured versus calculated graphs, and histogram graphs) were
164 L.H.S. Rotta et al. / Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 4 (2016) 158–166
Fig. 7. Model calibration (a) and validation (b) for SD and model calibration (c) and validation for Kd.
Fig. 8. Histogram of SD images based on atmospheric correction with visibility of 40 km (a), 70 km (b) and 100 km (c); and histogram of Kd images based on atmospheric
correction with visibility of 40 km (d), 70 km (e) and 100 km (f).
Fig. 9. Validation of atmospherically corrected image with visibility of 70 km based on models for SD (a) and Kd (b).
Fig. 10. Thematic maps showing the spatial distribution of SD (a) and Kd (b) using SPOT-6 image (Acquisition data: July 9th, 2013) in Nova Avanhandava Reservoir.
166 L.H.S. Rotta et al. / Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 4 (2016) 158–166
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