Casr Part 66: Information Booklet
Casr Part 66: Information Booklet
Casr Part 66: Information Booklet
Type-rated aircraft 7
Comparison of licence privileges – CAR 31 to CASR Part 66 8
Summary of the rules for converting a CAR 31 licence to a
Part 66 licence 8
Exclusion listing 10
Part 66 training standards and Part 147 organisations 14
Licence category experience requirements 14
Frequently asked questions 15
This booklet provides basic information on the CASR Part 66 aircraft maintenance licensing
requirements, as well as conversion of existing CAR 31 licences to Part 66 licences. It is an
introduction only, and does not replace the regulations or related documents. The information
contained in this booklet is valid as of 2 June 2011.
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In Part 42 there are two levels of certifying Certification of release to service
the completion of maintenance on aircraft or following line maintenance
aeronautical products.
An appropriately licensed and authorised
1. Maintenance certification. Licence category A, category B1 or category B2
holders certify for maintenance work licence holder may issue a CRS.
done on aircraft systems covered
by their licence. Category C licence Certification of release to service
holders cannot provide maintenance
following base maintenance
certifications. The licence holder
For base maintenance of large aircraft in
issuing the certificate of release to
a Part 145 AMO, the CRS is issued by
service (CRS) relies on the individual
an appropriately licensed and authorised
maintenance certifications to confirm that
category C licence holder.
all maintenance has been carried out in
accordance with approved maintenance The category C licence holder is supported
data and procedures. by a team of authorised category B1 and
B2 licence holders. They carry out or
2. Certificate of release to service (CRS)
supervise the performance of specific base
for the aircraft. The CRS must be issued
maintenance tasks. The tasks must be
before an aircraft or an aeronautical
carried out in accordance with the approved
product can be returned to service
maintenance data and procedures. When
after maintenance. A CRS can be
they are satisfied the tasks have been carried
issued by the holder of a category A,
out properly, they issue the maintenance
B1 or B2 licence, except following base
certification for those tasks.
maintenance on large aircraft in a Part
145 AMO. Category C licence holders The certifying category C licence holder
with the appropriate type rating can issue issues the CRS when satisfied the complete
a CRS in a Part 145 AMO for a large maintenance process has been carried out in
aircraft following base maintenance. accordance with the approved maintenance
data and procedures.
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The new Part 66 licence structure Details of licence privileges, aircraft systems,
designations, conditions and limitations,
Part 66 provides for licences to be issued
and other related information, can be found
with any of the following categories and
in the Part 66 manual of standards (MOS)
and the associated acceptable means of
Category A compliance/guidance material documents.
»» A1 – turbine-engined aeroplanes
Privileges of category A licence
»» A2 – piston-engined aeroplanes
The category A licence only applies to work
»» A3 – turbine-engined helicopters being performed in a Part 145 AMO.
»» A4 – piston-engined helicopters Category A licences are issued with one
or more of the subcategories A1, A2, A3,
Category B1
A4. The holder of a subcategory A1, A2,
»» B1.1 – turbine-engined aeroplanes A3 or A4 licence who has been type- and
»» B1.2 – piston-engined aeroplanes task-trained, and then authorised by
the Part 145 AMO for the aircraft, may
»» B1.3 – turbine-engined helicopters
perform maintenance certification for the
»» B1.4 – piston-engined helicopters maintenance activity and issue a CRS for
the aircraft following completion of specific
Category B2 and limited maintenance activities mentioned
»» B2 - aircraft (aeroplanes and helicopters) in the Part 145 MOS. Category A licences
are not endorsed with specific aircraft type
Category C
ratings by CASA.
»» Large aircraft in a base maintenance
Category A licence holders may not
supervise the work of others for maintenance
certification purposes. A second person
Part 66 licence privileges could be present during the maintenance
The table on page 8-9 compares CAR 31 task and be assisting the category A licence
licence privileges to the new CASR Part 66 holder. However, the assistant would be
privileges. unable to provide any maintenance actions -
In June 2011, when CAR 31 licences are tasks needing to be observed or supervised
converted to Part 66 licences, CASA will to ensure they were carried out correctly.
apply ‘exclusions’ to the Part 66 licence Category A licence holders may only issue a
so that the privileges of the old and new CRS when maintenance certifications have
licences match. The table on pages 10-12 been performed only by a category A licence
lists those exclusions. holder. If a category B1 or B2 licence holder
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Type-rated aircraft Permission for the B1 licence holder to
perform maintenance certifications and issue
The Part 66 advisory material lists aircraft
CRS for the powerplant of aircraft types (b)
requiring you to have a type rating. These
and (c) above is gained by holding those
type-rated aircraft include large aircraft –
aircraft type ratings.
aeroplanes over 5,700kg MTOW, multi-engine
helicopters, and aircraft (including, where A category B1 licence holder would be
appropriate, a particular engine type) CASA permitted to work on the mechanical,
has designated. electrical and structural systems of those
aircraft via the holding of the appropriate
CASA designates type ratings for small
licence; for example, subcategory B1.1.
aircraft, or for specific engines, if CASA
Holding ratings for aircraft types (b) and (c)
considers that type training would improve
is not relevant to B2 and C licence holders.
safety, taking into account issues such as
complexity, new technology and Australian
Transport Safety Bureau recommendations.
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Electrical or instrument aspects of Electrical (generation, Instrument Radio
airframe or engines systems (currently distribution and
a CAR 31 electrical or instrument lighting)
category privilege)
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# Detail of exclusion Exclusion could be CAR 31 category/group
applied to a category, & type rating required to
subcategory or an prevent exclusion being
aircraft type rating * applied
E1 Excluding electrical systems Subcategory B1.x, Electrical category and
category B2, type rating electrical type rating
E2 Excluding mechanical Subcategory B1.x, Airframe category and
or structural type rating airframe type rating
E3 Excluding powerplant Subcategory B1.x, Engine category and engine
systems type rating type rating
E4 Excluding electrical Subcategory B1.x, Electrical category and
sub-system of mechanical, type rating, category B2, electrical type rating
powerplant or structural type rating
E5 Excluding instrument Subcategory B1.x, Instrument category rating
sub-systems of mechanical,
powerplant or structural
E6 Excluding avionic LRUs Subcategory B1.x, CAR 31 cross-category
category B2, type rating privilege for engine and
airframe; or CAR 31 licence
with instrument and radio
E7 Excluding Instrument Category B2, type rating CAR 31 licence with
aspects of avionic systems instrument category rating
– ATA 22, 27, 31, 34, and
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# Detail of exclusion Exclusion could be CAR 31 category/group
applied to a category, & type rating required to
subcategory or an prevent exclusion being
aircraft type rating * applied
E8 Excluding radio aspects of Category B2, type rating CAR 31 licence with radio
avionic systems – ATA 23, category rating
34, 42 and 44
E9 Excluding fabric surfaces Subcategory B1.2 Airframe group 4
E10 Excluding wooden Subcategory B1.2 Airframe group 3
E11 Excluding audio CVR Category B2 Radio group 2 or radio
systems group 20
E12 Excluding propellers Subcategories B1.1, Engine group 1 or engine
category B1.2 group 21 with propellers
E13 Excluding hydraulics – Subcategory B1.x Airframe group 5, 19 or 20
ATA 29
E14 Excluding vapour cycle Subcategory B1.x Airframe group 6 and group
air-conditioning aspects 20 fitted with airconditioning
of ATA 21 systems (see note 1)
E15 Excluding air-conditioning Subcategory B1.x Airframe group 6 or
aspects of ATA 21 airframe group 20 type
rating for aircraft fitted
with airconditioning
E16 Excluding pressurisation Subcategory B1.x Airframe group 10 or
aspects of ATA 21 airframe group 20 fitted with
pressurisation control
E17 Not allocated
E18 Excluding ADF systems Category B2 Radio group 3 or radio
group 20
E19 Excluding VOR systems Category B2 Radio group 4 or radio
group 20
E20 Excluding ILS systems Category B2 Radio group 5 or radio
group 20
E21 Excluding weather radar Category B2 Radio group 6 or radio
systems group 20
E22 Excluding ATC transponder Category B2 Radio group 7 or radio
systems group 20
E23 Excluding radio altimeter Category B2 Radio group 9 or radio
systems group 20
E24 Excluding DME systems Category B2 Radio group 10 or radio
group 20
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# Detail of exclusion Exclusion could be CAR 31 category/group
applied to a category, & type rating required to
subcategory or an prevent exclusion being
aircraft type rating * applied
E41 Excluding oxygen systems Subcategory B1.x, Instrument group 1
category B2 or airframe group 1
(see note 1)
E42 Excluding landing gear Subcategory B1.x Airframe group 1
retraction systems (see note 1)
E43 Excluding fabric other than Subcategory B1.x Airframe group 4
flight controls (see note 1)
E44 Excluding wiring repairs Subcategory B1.x Electrical group 1 or 2
Additional privileges
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# Detail of additional Applied to a category or Reason for adding
privilege (inclusion) subcategory privilege
I-1 Including compensation Subcategory B1.x LAME holds CAR 31
of direct reading magnetic airframe or engine category
compasses and has instrument cross-
category privileges as per
CAO 100.90 – appendix I,
subparagraph 2.4(a)(ii).
I-2 Including oxygen systems Category B2 LAME holds CAR 31
instrument category
privileges as per CAO
100.90 – appendix I,
subparagraph 6.1(h)
I-3 Including pressurisation Category B2 LAME holds CAR 31
control instrument category
privileges as per CAO
100.90 – appendix I,
subparagraph 6.4(b), (c)
* reference to B1.x refers to any of the subcategories of the category B licence.
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Frequently asked questions 3. Can I hold a category or sub-category
of licence without a specific aircraft type
1. Will I be able to use a B1 and B2 rating?
category licence in general aviation?
Yes, providing you are fully trained and
Yes, unless the aircraft is large or complex. eligible for the category or sub-category of
Category B1 and B2 licence holders can licence, CASA will issue you that licence with
perform maintenance certification and issue or without a specific aircraft type rating.
a CRS for general aviation (small or simple)
If you do not have the rating for an aircraft
listed in the Part 66 advisory material then
2. I work for an airline that does not have you cannot issue a CRS for that aircraft.
propeller driven aeroplanes. Do I need However, you may still exercise the privileges
to do the propeller training to get my of the licence on those aircraft that do not
require ratings and are covered by the
If you are applying for a subcategory B1.1 category or sub-category of your licence.
or B1.2 licence, you do not need to do
propeller theory and practical, unless you 4. How do I gain a specific aircraft type
want to work on propeller-driven aeroplanes. rating on my licence?
You would gain a B1.1 or B1.2 licence with a To gain a specific type rating, you must
propeller exclusion. If you subsequently want hold an appropriate B1/B2 category or
to work on propeller-driven aeroplanes, you subcategory of licence. If your category or
would need to complete all propeller training, subcategory licence has an exclusion, then
to have the exclusion removed. the aircraft type rating would carry the same
exclusion. You would then need to:
B2 licence applicants will need to undertake
adequate training to allow them to maintain (1) Attend, and pass, an approved
and certify for propeller control systems. course relevant to the B1 or B2 category/
subcategory you are seeking a rating for
(approved type courses will include both
theory and practical); or
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9. Who sets the requirements for 11. I will be working for a maintenance
category A, B1 and B2 licences for organisation that hasn’t transitioned
transitional training? to Part 145 or Part 42. Do I need to be
authorised by the organisation to exercise
The Government publishes the Aeroskills
my licence privileges?
Training Package. The Aeroskills Training
Package delivers the CASA knowledge From 27 June 2011, a LAME with a Part
syllabus. If by transitional training you 66 licence will continue to exercise licence
mean the training required to remove privileges in the same way. Once the
exclusions, then you would need to gain the organisation becomes a Part 145 AMO, the
competencies of the package to have the new rules will apply and the LAME will need
exclusions removed. to be authorised by the AMO to perform their
licence privileges.
10. Will aircraft such as Metros and
Beech 1900s become type rated, where
currently they are not?
Yes, all large aircraft would become type
rated. However, CASA may choose not
to list aircraft considered large but simple.
Large aircraft means:
»» a twin-engined helicopter.
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