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Nicholas J. Higham
Dqx@nent SfMathemutks
Unioersitg 0fMafwhmtfs
Manchester Ml3 OPL, EngEanc

Sdm%sd by G. W. Stewart


The nearest symmetric in the Frobenius norm

positive senidefbite matrix to an
arbitraryreal matrixA is shown to be (B + H)/2, where H is the symmetric p&r
factor of B = (A + AT)/% In the e-norm a nearest symmetric positive semidefinite
matrix, and its distance &s(A) from A, are given by a cc$mputationaUy &akuging
formuia due to Halmos. We show how the bisection method can be applied to this
bml.4a to compute upper and lower bout& for 8s(A) d&ring by no more tk a
given amount. A key @rexBent is a stable and efficient test for positive definiteness,
based on an attempted Choleslci decomposition. For accurate computation of &(A)
we fommlate the problem as one of zero fin&g aud apply a hybrid Newton-bisection
algorithm. Some numericaldiffkukes are dkussed and inustrated by example.


Symmetric positive definiteness is aqgiably one of the highest mathemati-

cal accolades to which a matrix can aspire. For symmetry confers important
advantage md simplificationsin the eigenproblem, and positive definitiness
permits economy and numerical stability in the solution of linear systems.
2%~ 2 is plea&g that in a wide variety of physica! probkms th appli@i~
of minimum principles gives rise to symmetric positive definite linear systems
[I?]. But in some appk2ths a matrix ht is expected to be symm&rk
positive (semi)definite fails to be so, and it is requhd to approximate it by a
matrix that is. A well-knownexample occurs in
indefhite Hessian in [lo].
[16], it is requhd t0 compensate for the errorsof measurement, computation,


@ Ekvier sdence IkblishingCo., Inc., 1988

59 VanderbiltAve., New York,IVY103~3 0024-379!5/88/$3.50

01; even typing,which could vitiate the symmetry or definiteness of a matrix.

Some other problemswith IKMMX c!efirdkc~ CXMIS~P&&S 8~edescribed in [8].
This work is concerned with the computation of nearest symmetric
F&enius norm. (we will use the abbreviation psd for “symmet& positive
semidefinite.“) out work to the recent literature on matrix nearness
problems [3,5, 13,14,20].
RI&&ion 2 we show that in the Frobenius norm there is aunique nearest
sin& spectral decomposition.
In the 2norm there are, in general.,many nearest psd matrices to A.
Hamos [12] obtains one such matrix in terms of a convenient, though
computationallychaUc@ng,formulaforitsd.istancefrom A. WeuseHalmos’~
formula to derive methods for estima&g and computing this matrix and its
Znorm distance from A.
develop a bkction algorithm,similar to that in [3], for computing upper and
lower bounds on the 2=normdistance to the nearest psd matrix. To imple-
ment the algorithm we need an effkient and numerically stable method for
testing whether a given qmmetric matrix is positive definite. We show in
Section 5 that an attmpted Chokski factorkation has the mquired proper-
ties, and we investigate a “reverse pivoting” implementation that attempts to
reduce the cost.
In Section 6 we consider the use of a hybrid bisection Newton iteration
for computing the distance to high accuracy. Section 7 presents some
Our notation is as follows. Ah matrices are assumed real (there is no
difficulty in extending afl the results du1I1
algorithmsto the complex case). We
use the Snorm,

where the spectral radius p(B)= max{lhl:det(B- XI)= 0), and the
Frobenius norm

Recall that a symmetric matrix A is positive definite if its eigenvalues are

positive, and positive semidefinite, which we will denote by A 2 0, if its
which givesan uppr bound cllAll on the abdute ermr. Writing (1.1) in
terms obthe scale iudependent quantity $(A)/ljAJI Q 1, we have, for 6(A) # 0,

8 W)

The folkmhg result givesthe solution to the pddem of positive ap-

proxima&n knthe Frobenius norm. The result to be new.

T- 2.1. -, und let B=(A+AT)/2

(A -AT)/2 be the hwqnw&&g~ntsofA

&3tB=UH~i2polm~ti(UTU==I, H=HT>,@).2%enX,=
(B + FE),/2 is the unique of A in the Fmbeniusmmz,

Let X -bepsd. Fmm the fact that IIS+ Klli- I[!# + llKllt if
S=STand K= -KT,wehave

IlA- X1$ ‘- ;;B - XII; + IlCll$,

and so the problem reduces to that of approximating B. Let B= ZAZT

[ZTZ= I, A =diag(X,)] be a spectral decomposition, and let Y = ZTXZ.

llB - XII; = 1111

- VI;

= Z Y$+ c(xi-Yid)s
i#j t

sinceyir 2 0 becauseY ispsd.This lower bound is attained, uniquely, for the

mati Y z ~~dj), where

A. x,20,
9 Xj<O,

that is,
x,= z&g(a,)zT. (2-a)

The representation X ,-(B+~)/efo~~~,sinceH=ZdiagQIXi~ZT. l

Computation of the positive approximant X, = (B + H)/2 is stmightfor-

ward. 3%~ gr~f5~redapp is to compute a spectral decomposition of B
and to form X, according to (2.1) and (2.2). Au alternative, when B is
nonsinguk, is to compute N using the iterative algorithm of [13], which is
based ou matrix inversions.
IWmos [IZ] proves the following re~uk,in the more genepl cx~ntextof
linear operators on a Hibert spiwe.

3.1. For A E

where B=(A+AT)/2 t& C=(A-AT)/2 are the sgrnmtk and skew-

- parts of A rqzechely. The muth

P = B + [$(A)? + C”]lB (3.2)

The importance of Halmc& result is that it replaces the problem of

minimhhg over the set of n x n psd matrices by the much simpler problem
of minimihg over the nonnegative scalars.
It should be stressed that a 2norm positive approximant of A is not in
general unique. To see this, note that B = (A c AT)/2 is a nearest symmetric
matrix to A in the %norm [7]. If I3 is psd, then clearly it must also be a
positive appeant for A; but if C2 is not a multiple of the identief, tSernB
differ from the positive approximant given by (3.2). For e&s on the
uitiqueness of positive appnximants see [I, 2, 121.
We now examine some properties of the matrix

which occurs in (3.1). The eigenvalues of r’1 + Cs are re - lX,(C)12Y

in (3.1) is equivalent to I > p(C). The next two results, combined with
Theorem 3.1, form the basis for the numerical methods to be in
Ee@ious 4 and 6

3.2. &JG(r)) is a stddy munotonejhction of r (r 2 p(C)).

We have

G(r+Sr)-G(r)= [(r+&)21+C2]"2-(r21+C2)1/8

- r2]I = (2rSr + Gr2)D-1,
usingthe fact the two matrices
that whose sum is D commute. Thus
G(r + 6r) -G(r) is positivedefinite, which implies that h,,,JG(r + Er)) -
X&(G(r)) > 0, as requirei< q

COROIURY3.3. Suppe G(p(C)) is not posit&e semidefinise. Hen

tht~ is Q dq~ I* > p(C) &r which G(t*j is pitiue semidefinite ad
singdur. For r > I*, G(r) is positfoe d@ai&, ad j;, I < I*, G(r) bus at
btlst me negative &gtmtllue.
matrix G(r) whose distance from A is correspon~y close to the mini-
mum, &(A).

3.4. l[A - G(r)li2 = r (r 3 p(c))=


= r. n

Finally we consider the role of the Frobenius noxm positive appmximant

in approximatiox~in the 2-norm. When A is normal (that is AAT= ATA),
X, = (B + W)/2 is actually a Znonn positive approximant of A. This is
sh~wrrby Halm~ [IS]-Note, however, that X, is generallydifferent from P
in (3.2). For arkrary A we can show that X, is an approximateminimber of
&e &norm distant llA - XllP

3.5. &(A) 6 IlA- XFl12< 28,(A).
SYMMETRIC- !smmDElimlTEMATlux 109

IXe lower istrivial. For the upper~boand,

IlA - &llo = IlC + :(a - H) IIs6 IlClle+ illB - We

=p(c)*=(o, -&&Q),

sinceB-H=Zdiag(X,-IX,~Zr, Z*Z=I(seetheproofof Theomn2.1).

We have p(G) < &da). Also

sinceCe has negative eige~values;thus


to compute i&(A) from (3.I), “becausethe eigemalues of G(r) = B + ( rel +
CB)lfl 8z5 nonlinear functio~~sof r. Therefore we turn to iterative methods.
Suppose G(p(C)) is not positive SemidRfioife[if it is, then &(A) = P(C)&
Corollary 3.3 suggests the follow@ bisection app&. Find an interval
[a,@] containing P =&(A). If G(y) is positive definite9 where y =
(a+ jQ/2, accept the interval [a,yjcontaining r*; othawise accept [y,Bl*
Repeat the promo u& the desired accmacy is obtained.
A suitable convergence test is (since 0 < u < j3)

whichtalceseffect choice for to1 is
pllAllF, where cc should be

The costoffamingC(y) at each stage can be reduced mnsiderably by

making use of a spectral d-position of Ce. If

ce=znz=, z=z=1, A=diag(A,),


c( 2) = B + z( rBI + nyz=
and it suffices to form and test for positive definitena the matrix fi + (rs1+
A)‘? where s = ZTBZ, and whe!rethe square root is trivial to compute.
An initial kterval contaiuing P is given by the bounds



The upper bound is from the proof of Lemma 3.5, and the second lower
bound follows from the fact that a psd matrix has nonnegative diagonal
elements. These bounds differ by no moxethan a factor 2, and they are exact
when A is symmtic (since C= 0). We mention that computation of
X&(B) could be avoided by using the altemative, but pote&ially much
weaker, upper bound jfA]l,.

hlput: AEIPX”, a relative error tolerance f< 1, and an absolute error

Output: a,~sOedW

andapsdmatrix Xsuch&at [lA-X(ls=/3.

1. B :=(A + A=)/Z; C := (A - A=)/Z.
2. cz = Zh Z T (s_pectddecomposition).

3. B := Z=BZ.
4. Form an interval [a, j?] bracketing &s(A) using (4.2).
5. IfB+(as~+A)‘/BiS~SetB:=aand~~step7. ,_
6. While (#I- a)/2 > max{ fqtol) .i_
P:= (a + /3)/2,
G = B +($l + A>l/z,
7. x := Z[B +{/!?sI -t A)qE?:
hence sectioning is unnv.
Algorithm nsr works entirely in reai arithmetic. In step 2 one can either
form C2 explicitly and apply a symmetric eigensolver, or ccmpute a real
Schur decomposition C=2DZT (preferably using a routine that takes ad-
vantage of skewmetry) and take A=Ds. The former approach is
numeri4y stable, since ]]C]]% = ]lC2]iP
A remainhg question is how to test the definiteness of G in the iteration


In Algorithm EsT.we a methcd

require for determining whether a given
symmetric matrix G is positive semidefinite. The method should be efficient
and numericaNy stable. By the lMter we mean that the answer, “yes” or
%Q” shculd be the correct answer for a nearby symmetric matrix

where E is a small multiple of the machine precisicn Since with an arbitrarily

small pertmbatb a semMinite matrix can ‘becomedefinite, it follows that
in finite pm&ion arithmetic testing for definiteness is equivalent to test@
for semidefiniteness. We will adopt the vieWpoint of testing for strict
One approach is to compute the eigenvalues of G, using the symmetric
Qi algorithm Ill, p. 2gl], and to check if the smallest computed eigenvahre
is positive. This approach is certainly numerically stable, since the computed
eigenvalues are these cf a nes!&y matrix [11, p. 2321.The cost is abut %Q3
A hss expensive apprcach is to attempt to compute a
position of G, &&ring the matrix positive definite if the

that pivotsare! encountered, and not positive

is,if no zero or negative definite
otherwise. The costis at most n3/S flops, and depends on the number of
successfiJ eliminaw stages. This Ch&ski approach is related to technims
to be found in [l?, p. 461, where LIX? factorbtions are used to compute
tire itktia of a symmetric matrix, and in [4], where the inertia of a symmeth
Toeplitz matrix is computed using the IAnson-Dlrrbin algorithm.
obvious. Indeed, at first *t it is not clear why instsbility cannot conk&e to
allow Choleski factorization of a “safely” indefinite matrix to SIXXBXL To
invest&& the stability we turn to the classical error analysis for the Ch&slci

uT=G+E, II% G d#llGII,* 8 (5.1)

Theoem 5.1 immediably yields 3ne half of the quired stability result.
definite with ~JG)c,tl < 1 as this would contradict part (a). Thus either G is
not positive definite or it is positive definite with K&)c,,u > 1. In the kter
case ‘G is within !&normdistance c,ullGl12of a singular, symmetric matrix,
and the answer “not positive definite” is therefore the correct one for a
matrix close to G.
Considering now the “po&ive definite” answer, we note that Theorem
5.1 apparently is not applicable to genesal symmetric matrices G. However,
(5.1) bkls without any assumption on the definiteness of G-it requiresonly
that the algorithm M to completion. It follows from (5.1) that if Choleski
factorization of a symmea+ matrix G succsds, then G is near to a positive
definite mats& n~~~1yIAT.
We con&de that the Choleski positive definiteness test is numerically

to use a method that converges rnc~re
rapidly t&n Algorithm EST.To obtain
such B .-method we assume i&(A)> p(C) and we uss Theorem 3.1,
bmma 3.2, and Gxnlby a3 to reformulate the problem of computing

G(r)= B .+(d-i- C2>1/8.

= rs(r)“(rSH
+ c”) - %(‘), (62)

where x(r) is an eigenvector correspondingto &&G(r)), normahued so that

]]x(r)]]a= 1. We can thdm apply Newton’s method, suitably txmsbhd
to &e interval [p(C),c~) zn which f is defined, We v+iUuse a ‘Vail-&?
hybrid Newt-n algodm, in which a bisection step is taken if th?
Newton step either would leave the currentbracket or would not pruduce a
!5uffhiat aduction in the size of the bracket.
There are several details concerning the implementation.
(1) If A is normal, then X, is a 2norm positive approximant and both
X, and $(A) may be computed from a single spectml decomposition, that of
A (see Sections 2 and 3). This will be less expensive than the Newtoti-
tion approach, and so normal matrices should ba treated as a spatial case.
(2) An initial bracket can be obtained from (4.2). A speckal decomposi-
(3) If LilLG( r )) is a repeated eigenvalue, then f is not differentiable at
r; the expression in (6.2) exists, but it is not uniquely defined. F’inding the
zero of f in (6.1) can be posed as a nonlinear inverse eigenvalue problem:
Mii&iZ!e I subject to &(G(r))> 0 for all i. The behavior of Nswton’s
method for solving linam inverse eigenvalue prnblems is investigated in [9].
It is shown that local Quadraticconvergence is generally obtained, both in
theory and in practice, even wh@n them are muitiple eigenvalues at the
solution. It seems masom&le to expect this behavior to hold also for our
nonlinear problem. In any case, the hybrid Newton-bise&on algorithm is
guaranteed to converge, by construction, akit only linearly in the worst
cake.A pleasing result in these mces is that the positive appuximant
P=G(&(A)) has the minimum number of zero eigenvalues over all positive
approximants of A. This follows from Theorem 4.2 in [l], which states that
P-X&Oforany2-nonnpositiveapproximant Xof A.
(4) Depending on the relative separation of r, p(C), and adA), the
Nawton step may leave the range [p(C)& on which fir) is defined,
abisectionsteptobetaken.Byconside&gthe ts=lcasa, At)=
F+FP -C (r 3 ]cD,which represents the upper half of a parabola, it is
easy to see that more steps may be mquired for convergence when &(A) =
(5) Since we are using a spectral decomposition of Cs, we work with
G(r) in the form G(P) = fi + [$I- diag(&)ilfl (see Section 4). For r 2: r*,
when forming

~RJSof Qgnificant figures will occur in the subtraction when re * p(C), and

may oeeur in the addition: for example when B is diagonal, so that [if G(r*)
is not positive definite] &&G(P)) = g,,(r*) = 0 (some i). The aceumey of
tile computti function and derivative values may be adversely deeted (see
Example 5 in the next se&ion). Unfortunately there does not seem to be any
way to avoid these losses of sign&ant figures~but at feast they are easily


We have implemented ~rithm EST,and the zero finding approach of

section 8, in FoRTLuN 77 on a CDC Cyber computer with machine precision
u=3.5!5X~O- ? We used the NAG Library speetral decomposition routine
we for all eigeneomputations. For zero finding by hybrid Newton-bisec-
tion we used subroutine IITSAFG from [18], q&fying the stringent absolute
error tolerance ujjAllP [see (l.l)J. An initial bra&et was obtained from (4.2).
In Algorithm USAwe to& f= 5X lo-“, and we tested for positive definite-
uess using a reverse pivoting modification of LI[Mp~crc’s M [6] (see 8ec-
tion 5).
For each of the five examplespresented we report in Table 1 the number
of steps taken by Algorithm ESTand by RTMFZ. We &KSshow the sequence
of steps taken by rrrs~~~,with “N” for Newton and “V for bisection, and
the number of sueces&l stages for each attempted Chokski decomposition
in Algorithm EST, specifid as a sequence of integers. Note that the variation
in the number of steps taken by Algorithm ESTreflects variation in Thairatio
of the bounds in (4.2).

Example ta Algorithm steps (see text)
10 (3,% 3,3,3,% 3,% 293)
9 (5,&S, 5,5,3,3,4,5)
9 (4,4,3,4,4,4,39 493)
4 10 EST 10 (10, 1, 1, 10,1, 10,1,103il@,10)
RTSrn 5 (NN
5 5 EST 3 (4,494)

0 0

10 0.
A= 0 1 01
Hahn= [12] states that i&(A) = i(l+&)‘fi = 0.8994. The computed value
of &(A) was correct to 15 digits. P = G(&dA)) has one zero e@annhe and

P= I
For mmparison, &(A) = 1.2247and

0.1768 OSSMI 0.1768

xi+ [ 0.3536 0.1768


Exums2. Aisaperturbationd&e5x5Hihrtmatrix((i+j-
with the initial SeqWU!eofbiSf&h~~~,~~by~2~sne9sof
$(A) = O.W32trJp(C) = O.Q625[see note (4) oh Section 0].

-1 -1 -1

To five figures the computed qA) is 1.27+. G&(A)) has one zero
eigeinYh.q t!he others being of order I. The closeness of &&A) to p(C) =
1.2071 does not unduly affect the convexgencq although we did observe that
many mare steps were _ when using a weaker initial bra&t t&an that
given by (4.2).

EXMF+IS~. HereA=2= T-I++,oforder 10, where e=[l,l,..., llT

dDis dia*naI, composed of blocks
It is easy to see that &(A)=& and that G(i3dA))= 2eeT, which has a zero
edgemde of muhiplicity 9. Despite the eigenvalm rapid conver-
gence is obtained, with the computed &A) cone& to 14 fight. For
t,xnmm &&A) -m and X, = sesT.

5. _4= 1, - 1, - 1, - 1)+O.Ole,e,T,where e, is the fth

cohmm of the identity. Hem, MA)= l.O~p(C)=O.oQs. The very slow

ih4w= s..- 2.5x lO+ = h&G(r)).


IIhos’s formula (3.1) for &A) poses some interesting computational
G&(A)) has mukple zero e@wahes. The usehhss of the formula (3.1)
~~accunrcy islimitedbyitspotentialhrlossofsig&-


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