Energiron Book 2014 PDF
Energiron Book 2014 PDF
Energiron Book 2014 PDF
4 Energiron at a glance
12 Energiron products
14 Energiron plants
20 Energiron process
38 Quality manufacturing
40 Construction capability
Energiron at a glance
Energiron is the result Since its establishment in February a premium raw material for competitive
2006, the Energiron alliance has and quality clean steel production.
of a strategic alliance brought to the market the most
between Tenova HYL and revolutionary technology which strongly Steel production cost is a combination
Danieli to competitively contributed to change the DRI world of raw material, energy and labor cost.
serve the DR plant market. scenario, as confirmed by the several There are areas where DRI production
Energiron DRP assigned. is naturally more convenient due to the
Under the alliance, availability of energy and iron ore at low
the two companies have The largest capacity DR plants in the prices. Energiron plant configurations
combined their know-how world are now Energiron Zero-Reformer can be designed to be competitive
plants: Suez Steel in Egypt (2.0 Mtpy) even in those areas where Natural Gas
and technology for the and Nucor, USA (2.5 Mtpy). Moreover, is not economically available, by using
design and construction since 2009 Emirates Steel in Abu Dhabi other sources of reducing gas, such as
of gas-based DR plants, has been operating the two most Coke Oven Gas (COG), Coal
offered worldwide under efficient hot DRI Energiron units, each of Gasification Gas (SYNGAS) and others.
which will reach a capacity of 2.0 Mtpy.
the Energiron trademark. Energiron DRI is a highly metallized
As a consequence, after six years of product with controllable carbon
successful collaboration, Danieli and content in the range of 1.5 to 4.0%
Tenova HYL reconfirmed their exclusive which generates chemical energy in
alliance for an additional 10 years. the EAF melting process.
With this background and these long
term prospectives, Danieli and Tenova In DRI-based integrated minimills the
HYL will continue to offer their use of the HYL HYTEMP® system
combined experience to support the allows the delivery of hot DRI directly
competitiveness of the steel producers to the EAF, thus further reducing electric
and to enhance raw material quality energy consumption and tap-to-tap time.
and availability.
The uniquely stable characteristic of
EAF steelmaking continues to grow in Energiron DRI, makes it a product which
the production of higher quality steels, can be safely and easily transported
including specialty steel products. without briquetting, following standard
Energiron responds to the need for IMO guidelines.
Proven layout and process integration
for DRI production and electric steelmaking
(DRI-based minimill concept).
Emirates Steel minimills #1 and #2.
What makes _No raw materials limitation
Energiron _Best Carbon-Iron units mix
unique: _Lowest OpEx in EAF melting
Sustainable production thanks to the lowest
carbon footprint
Energiron plants are ecologically friendly and meet the most stringent
environmental regulations; because of the unique features of this
technology, it is the lowest carbon footprint of any ironmaking technology,
with the further advantage that selectively removed CO2 can be sold.
Significant achievements have also been reached in the reduction of the
air pollutants like NOx and SOx. Additionally the water by-product of the
reduction reaction, easily condensated and removed from the gas stream,
can be used as cooling water in a zero-water consumption circuit.
Emirates Steel, UAE. Energiron III (with external reformer) DR plants
for production of 2+2 Mtpy of hot discharged DRI (94% metallization
and 2.5% C). HYTEMP® system for directly feeding hot DRI to the EAF.
Pioneering achievements
since 1957
Production of extra-deep drawing
steels in EAF using DRI.
Start up of the HYL continuous
shaft reactor process in Monterrey.
First HYL pilot operation of a direct
reduction plant without external gas
Use of coating of pellet/lump ores for
direct reduction.
HYTEMP® pneumatic transportation
system and hot DRI feeding to the EAF.
Successful design of HYL ZR process
plants based on coal gasification and
First coal gasification-based Energiron
DRI plant for Jindal Steel, India. This
2 Mtpy module is the largest plant of
this kind ever to be built in the world.
First 1.6 Mtpy Energiron DR plant with
HYTEMP® system order from Emirates
Steel, UAE.
First HYL Micro-Module plant built,
GSPI, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Second 1.6 Mtpy Energiron DR plant
with HYTEMP® system ordered by
Emirates Steel, UAE.
1.9 Mtpy Energiron plant for production
of Cold DRI for Ezz Rolling Mill, Egypt.
Startup of first commercial scale 2009
HYL Zero Reformer Process plant, First new generation 1.95 Mtpy Zero
Hylsa 4M, Monterrey. Hot and cold Reformer Energiron plant for production
DRI charging to the world’s largest of hot and cold DRI for Suez Steel, Egypt.
twin-cathode DC EAF.
1999 The world biggest Energiron DR
HYL III Plant with water producing plant in a single module supplied
option starts up at Hadeed, KSA. for Nucor Steel with a 2.5 Mtpy
design capacity.
First plant to use 100% lump ore 2013
charge successfully on a routine basis Excellent production ramp-up and
(Usiba HYL plant, Brazil). Vikram Ispat learning curve at Emirates Steel DR
becomes second in 2006. plant #2 leading to full productivity
during second year of operation.
Successful economical design of Micro-
Module (200,000 tpy) plants based on
HYL ZR reformerless technology.
Energiron products
DRI is reduced iron pellet and/or lump, Reduced pellet or lump is discharged
at temperatures > 700 °C into hot BRIQUETTED IRON
which is cooled and discharged at low
(ambient) temperatures. The process briquetting presses located below the
characteristics allow for independent reactor discharge area. Briquettes are
control of the DRI metallization and compressed, cut and cooled to make
carbon levels. Metallization can be HBI, typically for merchant sale over
adjusted at will, typically around 94% long distances. As with DRI, HBI is
and higher. produced in controlled metallization
_ DRI carbon levels can be selected in ranges around 94% and higher. HBI
the range of 1.5 - 4.0%, most of which can be easily charged to an EAF as part
is in the form of iron carbide. of a standard scrap bucket charge to
_ The high iron carbide content reduce scrap residual levels. It is
provides the unique stability additionally an excellent charge in
characteristic of this product. Energiron integrated mills as a coolant to the
DRI is safe to transport and store under basic oxygen furnace.
normal established procedures. Carbon for HBI is typically 1.5%, higher
than other HBI products that often have
less than 1% carbon. Work is underway
to develop HBI at even higher carbon
Unique to Energiron DRI which inhibits the re-oxidation of ZR Process scheme. Since stability
metallic iron in contact with air. For a itself is not measured but rather
High carbon DRI - iron carbide carbon content of 4%, approximately reactivity of the product in three distinct
A unique benefit of the ZR process is 95% is present as Fe3C. In general, environments, tests were conducted in
the DRI that it produces. As compared every 1% of combined carbon the presence of air, air plus water and
with DRI from other processes, his corresponds to 13.5% of Fe3C. air plus salt water to determine which
product typically has a metallization of Therefore, a DRI with 4% Carbon type of DRI is more stable. The test
95% and a carbon content controlled in contains more than 50% of Fe3C. results indicate that reactivity to air,
a range between 1.5 to 4% in the form The high percentage of Fe3C in the DRI water and salt water is significantly less
of combined carbon. This type of makes the product very stable. over time for DRI containing high
product yields significant benefits in the percentages of carbon as iron carbide.
electric furnace that no other process to DRI stability Currently, all or most direct reduction
date has been able to achieve. Extensive tests were conducted to technologies carry out reduction
Carbon in the DRI, mostly as iron determine whether the combined reactions at very high temperatures –
carbide (Fe3C) is derived mainly from carbon in DRI was a factor in improving from 920 to 980 °C. The high reduction
methane (CH4) and to a lesser extent product stability over that of temperature is one of the factors
from CO. The level of carbon is conventional DRI, whether produced by determining the DRI stability.
adjusted by controlling the reducing gas Energiron plants or other process Nevertheless a more significant factor
composition and/or oxygen injection. technologies. In general, High-Carbon is the carbon content of DRI. DRI,
DRI produced with the ZR scheme is DRI is more stable than conventional which has high levels of carbon in the
characterized by higher stability than DRI. This has been proven in specific form of iron carbide or cementite, forms
DRI typically obtained in other DR tests that were performed for DRI being a quality of DRI pellet which, while still
process schemes. The reason for this is produced at the Ternium 3M5 plant, requiring proper handling procedures,
the high cementite or Fe3C content, before and after its conversion to the is much safer than ever before.
Energiron plants
Suez Steel, Egypt. Energiron ZR (without external reformer)
DR plant for production of 1.95 Mtpy of hot and cold
discharged DRI (94% metallization and 3.5% C).
HYTEMP® system for directly feeding hot DRI to the EAF.
Plant and process
Typical consumption figures
Item Remark
Plant capacity (Mtpy) 0.2 - 2.5 world’s smallest and largest capacities
Metallization (%) ≥ 93 adjustable to suit meltshop needs
Carbon (controlled) (%) 1.5 - 4 depending on extent of “in-situ” reforming
Technological characteristics
OpEx Requires top-grade DR pellet feed Can use any pellet, lump or mix, Lowest possible iron metallics cost
even high sulfur per ton of product
Higher fines loss to process off-gas Lower velocity, lower fines loss Higher yield per ton of ore
Custom reformer catalyst No reformer, no catalyst No maintenance cost
for replacing damaged catalyst
CO2 not recovered, fully released CO2 can be selectively captured Lucrative additional revenue source
to atmosphere and sold to off-takers
Energiron process
Energiron is the unique the Energiron process scheme and of A remarkable advantage of this process
direct reduction high importance environmentally is the scheme is the wider flexibility for DRI
selective elimination of both by- carburization, which allows attaining
technology that, products generated from the reduction carbon levels up to 5%. This is due to
with the same process process; water (H2O) and carbon the improved carburizing potential of
scheme configuration, dioxide (CO2), which are eliminated the gases inside the shaft, which allow
lets you choose through top gas scrubbing and CO2 for the production primarily of iron
removal systems, respectively. carbide.
the best energy source:
natural gas, reformed gas, Direct use of natural gas Reformed gas, Syngas, COG
syngas from a coal gasifier The Energiron ZR process is a major Energiron plants can also use the
step in decreasing the size and conventional steam-natural gas
or even coke oven gas, improving the efficiency of direct reforming equipment, which has long
without any modification. reduction plants. Reducing gases are characterized the process. Other
generated in-situ in the reduction shaft, reducing agents such as hydrogen,
by feeding natural gas as make-up to gases from coal, pet coke and similar
General process scheme the reducing gas circuit. fossil fuels gasifications, and coke oven
The Energiron Direct Reduction Process gas, among others, are also potential
is designed to convert iron pellet/lump Since the reducing gases are generated sources of reducing gas, depending on
into metallic iron by the use of reducing in the reduction section, optimum the particular situation and availability.
gases in a solid-gas moving bed shaft reduction efficiency is attained, and
furnace. Oxygen is removed from the thus an external reducing gas reformer This flexibility is made possible precisely
iron ore by chemical reactions based on is not required. Therefore, the overall because the Energiron ZR Process is
hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide energy efficiency of the ZR process is independent of the reducing gas
(CO), for the production of highly over 80%, optimized by the in-situ source, with no requirement to
metallized DRI. The technology offers reforming inside the shaft furnace, since recirculate gases back to a reformer to
the flexibility to produce three different the product takes most of the energy complete the process chemistry loop.
product forms, depending on the supplied to the process, with minimum Several projects are currently under
specific requirements of each user. energy losses to the environment. development that will use coke oven
gas as the reducing gas source, and
Reducing gases can be generated: The impact on plant size of eliminating projects using gas from coal gasification
- directly, by in-situ reforming of natural the external gas reformer is significant. technology are also underway.
gas inside the shaft furnace, For example, a plant of 1-Mtpy capacity
- in an external natural gas/steam requires only 60% of the area needed Reduction
reformer, by other process plants for the same Inside the shaft furnace vessel, hot
- from gasification of fossil fuels, capacity. For additional capacity, the reducing gas is fed to the reduction
biomass, etc., as Syngas area required is proportionally smaller in zone and flows upward counter-current
- from Coke Oven Gas (COG) sources. comparison. This also facilitates to the iron ore moving bed.
locating the DR plant adjacent to the The gas distribution is uniform and
In all the above cases, the process meltshop in existing operations. This there is a high degree of direct contact
configuration corresponds to the same plant configuration has been operated between gas and solids.
basic proven Zero Reformer (ZR) successfully since 1998 with the The exhaust reducing gas (top gas)
scheme, adjusting the relative sizes of Ternium DR 4M plant, and also was leaves the reactor at about 400 °C and
equipment for the particular application. incorporated in 2001 to the 3M5 plant, passes through the top gas heat
For both the in-situ and steam both at the Ternium steel facility in recuperator, where its energy is
reforming schemes, natural gas analysis Monterrey, Mexico. The Energiron ZR recovered to produce steam, or
(heavy hydrocarbons content) is not a plants in Egypt and in the USA are a alternatively to preheat the reducing gas
limiting factor. further reference for this innovative stream, and then through the
One of the inherent characteristics of technology. quenching/ scrubbing system.
Standard ENERGIRON H2O Top gas heat
process flowsheet. removal recuperator
Process Gas
Compressor Iron ore
CO2 Heater
removal reactor
Syngas Humidifier
Reformed gas
DRP Tail gas
Sinter plant Coke oven
plant COG
Blast Furnace
Power plant
to in-plant
HM users
Virtually maintenance-free
and with no fines nor
metallization losses, the
low OpEx HYTEMP® inert
pneumatic charge system E
allows safe hot DRI feed HE C
and energy savings into
the EAF.
improves steelmaking
The virtual absence of residual elements
makes DRI the ideal complement to
EAF scrap charges, as well as the
recommended charge material for
producing most high grades of steel.
Additionally, DRI and HBI serve as
quality metallic sources for blast furnace
and BOF shops. DRI can be
continuously charged for even greater
advantages. The use of this quality
feedstock in the EAF provides numerous
advantages in steelmaking, including:
_ Greater uniformity and predictability; charging only cold DRI. For example in operations, as also widely
_ Better slag foaming; Emirates Steel Industry Phase 1&2 demonstrated in the Ternium Monterrey
_ Increased efficiency and productivity, plants, feeding the EAF their typical mix EAF. The diagrams show the effect of
especially when using High-Carbide DRI; (90% hot +10% cold DRI), it is possible DRI temperature inside the EAF, when
_ Lower total steel cost. to save about 26 kWh/tls for every 100 using 100% DRI feed. Data are taken
°C increase in the DRI temperature. from industrial installation records,
The perfect integration between the sorted by DRI average metallization,
direct reduction plant and the meltshop, Together with the savings in electricity, with a carbon content consistently in
achieved through the combination of the EAF productivity increases with the the range of 2.2 to 2.5%.
the HYTEMP® system and a properly DRI temperature. The tap-to-tap time
designed EAF, is presently a proven decreases about 5% and the Effect of high carbon (as Fe3C)
concept as previously indicated. productivity increases accordingly per Chemical energy contribution
every 100 °C increase in the DRI The conversion of Fe3C into iron and
In particular, when DRI with a temperature. For this reason, when DRI carbon is an exothermic reaction which
temperature of 600 °C is directly melted with a temperature of 600 °C is melted improves the thermal efficiency in the
in the EAF, all the thermal energy of the in the EAF, the savings in power EAF, by means of oxygen injection
DRI, discharged hot from the Direct consumption are up to 141 kWh/tLS to the furnace.
Reduction Reactor, is completely with an increase in productivity of up to
recovered in the EAF. Immediate 22% for a practice of 90% hot+10% Efficient use of carbon in EAF
benefits are recorded at the melt-shop cold DRI. The combined carbon is totally used,
in terms of both electrical energy minimizing external carbon (graphite)
consumption and tap-to-tap time, if Further benefits can be achieved by additions, since it is a part of the DRI
compared to the traditional solutions of using high-carbon hot DRI in meltshop being fed.
Higher stability during handling The diagrams show the effect of DRI temperature inside the EAF,
Iron carbide is more stable and is safer when using 100% DRI feed. Data are taken from industrial installation
records, sorted by DRI average metallization, with a carbon content
to be stored and transported. consistently in the range of 2.2 to 4.0%.
Suez Steel, Egypt. The high process flexibility provided by this Energiron
ZR plant, designed for hot and cold DRI production, makes it possible
to schedule the production according to any actual final user requirement.
Advanced automation
Carbon Carbon
in product in non selective
(DRI/HBI; emissions
24% 31%
45% in selective
Nucor Steel (LA), USA. World’s largest single DR module for 2.5 Mtpy
cold DRI production (Energiron ZR - without external reformer).
The plant reached 95% metallization and over 4% C in the first 24
hours of operation. Production rate was as expected since day #1.
Global project
The manufacturing
capacity of the Energiron
partners, Danieli and
Tenova, assures quality
and on-time delivery
of the main technological
equipment through
in-house and controlled
Danieli and Tenova firmily believe equipment, flow feeders, rotary valve,
manufacturing is a key factor for a expansion joints, and sealing valves) to
winning project execution and assuring steel structures and pipework.
overall competitiveness. To speed-up construction activities,
Quality procedures and international complete material handling systems
certifications are the basis for the can be produced and pre-assembled
success in the production of the core in our workshops before delivery to the
equipment. Our workshops and project sites. Select qualified external
assembly facilities in Europe, China, workshops cooperate in the successful
Thailand, India and the Americas allow execution of the jobs.
us to optimize the sourcing of quality
raw materials and to take advantage of Employee involvement, quality belief
the most competitive specific skills and and structured management form the
manpower. The manufacturing capacity basis of our manufacturing culture,
ranges from the core area equipment which is widely recognized by the steel
(reactor, process vessels, thermal community.
Ezz Steel, Egypt. Installation of a 700-t reactor in a 1.9-Mtpy DRP
(Energiron III, with external reformer; cold discharged DRI: 93%
metallization and 3% C) by means of the new Danieli TCR800 tower
crane, an ideal flexible solution for on-site construction of heavy
DRP or meltshop equipment.
Customer training
and assistance
Suez Steel Company - SSC
Integrated steel plant 1.95 Mtpy
_ Location: Suez, Egypt
_ Original design capacity: 1.95 Mtpy
_ Energiron ZR (without external reformer)
_ Hot or cold discharged DRI:
94% metallization & 3.5% C
_ HYTEMP® system for directly feeding
hot DRI to the EAF
Nucor Steel
2.5 Mtpy
_ Location: Convent (LA), USA
_ Original design capacity: 2.5 Mtpy
_ Energiron ZR (without external reformer)
_ Cold discharged DRI:
96% metallization and 4.2% C
ENERGIRON www.energiron.com info@energiron.com
Danieli headquarters
Via Nazionale, 41
33042 Buttrio (UD) Italy
Tel (39) 0432.1958111
Fax (39) 0432.1958289
Tenova HYL
Av. Munich 101
San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L.
66450 México
Tel (52) 81.8865.2801
Fax (52) 81.8865.2810