Modeling Damage
Modeling Damage
Modeling Damage
1. Introduction
Robust modeling of complex structures under impact loading is, probably, one of the most
difficult areas in contemporary FEA for practical engineering applications. Efficient
computational analysis of damage processes presents significant challenges especially, for
complex crack patterns. Thus, Abaqus/Explicit seems to be an invaluable tool in modeling of
damage processes under impact load due to its advanced capabilities to capture both the dynamic
nature of loading as well as material failure.
In the case of heterogeneous materials and structures, complexities of internal microstructure and
expected damage patterns can require considerable modeling efforts and/or computationally
expensive solutions. Modeling of such problems, therefore, has a risk to be reduced into either
extremely time-consuming analysis or too simplified statements with limited practical value. Thus,
development of computationally efficient, yet physically adequate modeling approaches for
heterogeneous materials is valuable in engineering decision making process especially when
dealing with complex and large composite and/or hybrid structures.
The objective of this study is to develop a general engineering approach for modeling damage in
complex heterogeneous materials and structures under impact load and demonstrate its efficient
2. Approach
Damage processes in heterogeneous materials such as laminated composite materials (Figure 1a)
are complex and spans multiple length-scales. Conceptually, damage initiates at the scale of fiber
in the form of matrix cracking, fiber-matrix interfacial debonding, and fiber fracture. These
microscopic damage entities coalesce to form macroscopic damage within the plies such as
longitudinal and transverse ply cracks. In addition, in laminated material system, interfacial
damage may occur between the plies leading to delamination. The damage evolution processes are
inherently coupled, for example, a delamination typically forms when a transverse ply crack tip
reaches the ply interface. Modeling all of these damage processes in an explicit manner is
computationally prohibitive. Thus, typically, individual damage mechanism is considered in
isolation with the assumption that the coupling is not important.
In the present approach, all expected damage patterns at the simulation length-scale are divided
into two basic categories. The first one defines major damage with well-defined spatial locations
and growth directions. In the case of heterogeneous materials, interfacial boundaries are obvious
candidates for such damage (Figure 1b). Since topology and geometry of expected interfacial
damage are perfectly described, they can be easily modeled in FEA by cohesive elements (CE).
The second category defines possible lower length-scale damage mechanisms within the bulk
material. These internal damage (Figure 1c) can cover potentially the entire volume of the
material, and their locations, orientations and/or geometries are not known a priori. In the case of
internal damage, therefore, cohesive elements are less efficient. It is suggested to use Progressive
Damage (PD) models for FEA of the internal damage as shown in Figure 1d. Different definitions
of PD models may be used in principle. For isotropic elasto-plastic materials, ductile or shear PD
material models can be used to describe damage initiation and evolution. For anisotropic linear
elastic materials such as fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites, PD model (Hashin damage
initiation and evolution) can be applied. For more complex anisotropic non-linear elastic materials
such as ceramic matrix composites a user defined subroutine for PD would be required, since
available Abaqus capabilities do not support them so far (up to v6.9-1).
The described definition of expected damage patterns as two physically-connected but
independently modeled crack networks provides a very convenient way to reduce the complexity
of analyses. Firstly, existing FEA meshes can be used to add both interfacial and internal damage.
Secondly, possible ambiguity of damage growth is significantly mitigated as major interfacial
cracks are easily recognized and taken into account. Finally, the sophisticated nature of multiple
cracks is expected to be predicted, so subjectivism in their analysis will be mitigated. The
approach can be easily applied for a wide range of materials or structures as illustrated, for
example, for fiber-matrix microstructure (Figure 2a) and T-shape composite joint (Figure 2b).
a b
Elements with
… progressive
damage and
c d … failure
Figure 1. (a) Schemes of heterogeneous material, (b) expected interfacial damage, (c)
expected internal damage, and (d) FEA implementation
damages b
z 90
Interfaces: st
1 ply
W 18/17
L 19/18 th
20/19 19 ply
20 ply
Figure 3. Scheme of considered example and local segment of corresponding FEA model.
Solid or
impactor Expected pattern of
interfacial damages
internal damage modes are ignored and only interfacial damage mode is considered. Subsequently,
both the damage modes are considered together in order to understand the coupling between the
damage mechanisms and to assess whether ignoring certain damage modes in the analyses is
Time = 6.0e-4 Time = 10.0e-4
Figure 5. Time evolution of interfacial damage parameter (SDEG) at ply interface 20/19
[impact velocity, v = 10 m/s; without internal damage within the plies]
Figure 6. Time history of overall impact force for impact velocity, v = 10 m/s (a) and 50 m/s
(b): (1) elastic solution, (2) only interfacial damage, and (3) interfacial and internal ply
20/19 for the case of 10 m/s impact velocity. For the same impact velocity and at the end of
simulation, the interface damage parameter at various ply interfaces is shown in Figure 8. The
time history of internal damage parameter in the 19th ply is shown in Figure 9 and the value of the
same parameter within various plies at the end of the simulation is shown in Figure 10. Note that
Figure 9 is a zoomed-in view of the impact region.
A number of observations can be made from these figures. First, the interface damage and
delamination patterns are similar to those observed in the case where no internal damage
mechanisms were considered (Figure 5). Secondly, the size of delamination and associated
interface damage is larger when compared with the case without internal damage. It may also be
seen that some perforation of plies has occurred in the impact region for the impact velocity of 10
m/s. The ply damage is, however, more localized than the interfacial damage. Also note that both
interface damage and ply internal damage reduce in size and intensity as one traverse away from
the impact location in the +Y direction. Furthermore, the internal damage reduces more rapidly in
the Y-direction than the interfacial damage.
The time history of the impact force for both impact velocities is superimposed with the earlier
results in Figure 6. Note that for the case of 50 m/s impact velocity the analysis did not complete
due to excessive distortion of the continuum shell elements in the close proximity of the impact
site. For some reason one of the section points of the excessively distorted element did not reach
the condition for complete damage, preventing that element from deletion. In any case, it may be
noted that for both impact velocities consideration of multiple damage mechanisms leads to a
lower peak impact force when compared with the case where only interfacial damage mechanism
was considered. This is intuitively expected as multiple damage mechanisms allow for more
damage pathways leading to larger damage dissipation and overall compliant structure.
Figure 7. Time evolution of interfacial damage parameter (SDEG) at ply interface 20/19
[impact velocity, v = 10 m/s; with interfacial and internal ply damage]
th th th
17 ply 16 ply 15 ply
th th th
14 ply 13 ply 12 ply
th th x
11 ply 10 ply
Figure 10. Distribution of internal ply damage parameter (DAMAGESHR) in ply 19 at time
= 5.852e-4 s [impact velocity, v = 10 m/s; with interfacial and internal ply damage]
v = 50 m/s
t = 0.5e-4 s
a b z
v = 10 m/s
t = 1e-3 s
c d
Figure 11. Interfacial damage parameter (SDEG) at ply interface 20/19 predicted without
and with internal ply damage.
For the impact velocity of 10 m/s the interfacial damage size at interface 20/19 at the end of the
simulation for the case where internal damage is not considered is compared against the case
where internal ply damage is considered in Figure 11c,d. It is seen that consideration of internal
damage within the plies leads to higher interfacial damage. This result is counter-intuitive as one
might expect that ignoring internal damage mechanisms in plies would lead to higher interfacial
damage as more energy is available for forming interfacial damage in this case. However, the
simulation results point to a synergism between the interfacial and the internal damage
mechanisms: by considering internal damage mechanisms in the plies leads to more interfacial
damage. A similar conclusion can be noted for higher impact velocity (50 m/s) as shown in Figure
a b
Figure 12. Time history of overall impact force for impact velocity, v = 10 m/s (a) and 50 m/s
(b) when only interfacial damage considered: (1) Abaqus continuum shell, (2) Abaqus solid,
(3) LS-DYNA thick shell, and (4) LS-DYNA solid elements
The results from both these studies are compared in Figure 12 corresponding to impact velocity of
10 m/s and 50 m/s, respectively. It is seen that for v = 10 m/s, both Abaqus solid element and LS-
DYNA solid element leads to almost identical force-time response. The response of continuum
shell (thick shell in LS-DYNA terminology) differs slightly from the solid response. However, all
6. Conclusions
An efficient methodology is suggested and demonstrated for impact modeling of complex
heterogeneous materials and structures. Reliable computational validation of the described
methodology is demonstrated by comparison with corresponding independent LS-DYNA
solutions as well as using different types of elements (continuum shell, solid elements). It is shown
that the coupling between the internal and the interfacial damage mechanisms can be very
important in understanding and characterization of actual material failure. The methodology seems
to be a convenient way for numerous engineering applications involving impact behavior.
7. References
1. Abaqus Analysis User’s Manuals, v6.9, Dassault Systèmes SIMULIA Corp., 2009.
2. LS-DYNA User’s Manuals, v971, Livermore Software Technology Corp., 2007.
8. Acknowledgement
The authors thank United Technologies Research Center for permission to publish this paper.