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Interlaminar Modelling To Predict Composite Coiled Tube Failure

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Interlaminar modelling to predict composite Lead author

coiled tube failure Mishani

S. Mishani1, B. Evans1, V. Rasouli1, R. Roufail1, S. Soe2 KEYWORDS

and P. Jaensch2
Deep Exploration Technologies Cooperative Research Centre Coiled tubing, delamination, damage, stiffness, fibre com-
(DET CRC) posites, fatigue, modelling.
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University
26 Dick Perry Avenue INTRODUCTION
Kensington, WA 6151
DET CRC Coiled tubes are under different loading conditions, and
Burbridge Business Park cyclic bending and straightening during running in and pull-
26 Butler Boulevard ing out of wellbores. Reifsnider et al (1983) concluded that the
Adelaide Airport, SA 5950 damage index value of composite material follows a non-linear
Siamak. Mishani@yahoo.com graph for cyclic loading (as shown in Fig. 1). During the period
of fatigue life many modes of damage—including matrix cracks,
interfacial de-bonding, interlaminar failure (delamination)
ABSTRACT and fibre breakage—can be observed in composite materials
In a field operation that uses coiled tubing in its applica- (Ochoa and Reddy, 1992).
tions, fibre-reinforced polymer matrix composite tubing is Delamination is a common failure mode that causes an un-
seldom used. Fibre-composite coiled tubes offer advantages, predictable redistribution of the load path along the composite
compared to steel material, through a reduction in weight and structure and leads to a reduction in the strength and stiffness
improvement in fatigue life. of the fibre-reinforced composite material (Szekrenyes, 2002).
The stiffness of composite material degrades progressively Although delamination occupies the highest percentage of the
when increasing the number of cyclic loading. The fatigue middle period of the fatigue life, the changes in the damage
damage and failure criteria of fibre-reinforced composite index are not available; as a result, the investigation of crack
coiled tubes are more complex than that of steel; hence, fail- propagation between the layers is unclear and, consequently,
ure predictions are somewhat unreliable. composite materials often need to be over-designed with an
Among the defects in composite materials, interlaminar additional margin of safety to compensate for the deficiency in
delamination is the foremost problem in fibre-reinforced predicting its lifetime in cyclic-load conditions (Degrieck and
composite material, and it leads to a reduction in strength Van Paepegem, 2001).
and stiffness especially in cyclic-load conditions. Delami- The damage index, as a physical parameter that quantifies
nation causes a redistribution of the load path along the the degradation of composite material (Gibson, 2011), can be
composite structure, which is unpredictable; therefore, de- calculated using Equation 1 according to Wu and Yao (2010).
lamination in a composite coiled tube in an oil and gas field
eventually leads to final failure, which could be catastrophic. E0 − En
A-ply-by-ply mathematical modelling and numerical Dn = (1)
simulation method was developed to predict interlaminar E0 − E f
delamination of filament-wound composite coiled tubes
under a combination of different loading scenarios with Refer to the nomenclature section of this paper for defini-
consideration to low-cycle fatigue. tions of each variable.
The objective of this paper is to explain interlaminar According to Figure 1, when the crack density saturation
delamination as an initial crack and source of stress con- (CDS) occurs in the matrix, the tip of the delamination initi-
centration in composite coiled tubes in the framework of ates and propagates. Based on the meso-scale damage mod-
meso-cracking progression of matrix damage modelling of el, therefore, a composite laminate is defined as a stacking
composite laminates. sequence (Jones, 1998) of elementary composite layers and
The paper focuses on delamination failure because the interfaces (Fig. 2) with different mechanical properties. The
largest span of the composite lifecycle is at the crack propaga- meso-scale damage model helps to define the interlaminar
tion phase, which manifests itself in the form of delamination. delamination phenomenon as interface cracking or loss of
The analysis shows that the crack front tip is not uniform, cohesion between layers (Burlayenko and Sadowski, 2008).
and also shows that carbon fibre possesses higher stiffness Delamination (inter-ply damage) growth causes a reduc-
values compared to glass fibre. The paper confirms that 2D tion of the load capacity by both tensile and shear stresses
modelling cannot express the real release strain energy rate at the delaminated interface, which would eventually cause
at the crack front tip. Mode-I testing, however, showed that failure to the laminate composite structure (Szekrenyes,
the double cantilever beam (DCB) only represents the normal 2002). Tensile and shear stresses in the pre-existing delami-
stress from the release strain energy rate. The results also nated layer can be measured by Mode-I and Mode-II inter-
indicated that there were other sources contributing to the laminar fracture toughness testing methods, respectively.
strain energy release rate, such as inter-layer frictions and The interlaminar fracture toughness of composite material
normal stress in the end notched flexure (ENF) testing mode. can be quantified by the strain energy release rate (GI) in


S. Mishani, B. Evans, V. Rasouli, R. Roufail, S. Soe and P. Jaensch

Mode-I testing for pure normal stress, (GII) in Mode-II test- two independent failure modes in unidirectional fibre com-
ing for pure shear stress, and (GIII) for pure sliding stress. As posites: fibre failure and inter-fibre failure. In the fibre failure
shown in Equation 2, the total strain energy release rate (GT) mode, composite material fails due to a rupture resulting from
expresses the total pure strain energy release rates from nor- a tension force and buckling from a compressional force. Ma-
mal, shear and sliding stresses. Interlaminar fracture tough- trix (inter-fibre) failure occurs in a plane parallel to the fibres
ness shows the resistance of composite materials to delami- (Hashin, 1980).
nation (Thakur, 2013); therefore, it is an important composite Unidirectional fibre composites are transversely isotropic
property and widely acknowledged by designers. in the fibre direction; therefore, fibre-reinforced failure modes
consider the uni-axial stress state in the fibre direction, while
GT = GI + GII + GIII (2) matrix failure modes consider the tri-axial stress state.
Hashin’s failure criteria involved four failure modes for fi-
Ply-by-ply mathematical modelling and numerical simula- bres and matrices (Hashin, 1980):
tions were developed to predict interlaminar delamination of 1. tensile fibre failure for σ11 ≥ 0;
filament-wound composite coiled tubes. Fracture test models 2. compressive fibre failure for σ11 < 0;
such as the double cantilever beam (DCB) and end-notched 3. tensile matrix failure for σ22 + σ33 ≥ 0; and,
flexure (ENF) models can be used to extract fracture param- 4. compressive matrix failure for σ22 + σ33 < 0.
Three-dimensional commercial finite element software— Interlaminar fracture (delamination)
ANSYS/APDL version 15.0—was used for all simulations. The
virtual crack closure technique (VCCT) and cohesive zone Three crack propagation failure modes of delamination are
model (CZM) were used to determine delamination growth shown in Figure 3 for interlaminar crack displacements. The
in an initially delaminated composite model. The finite ele- numerical simulation of the crack propagation follows two
ment model was evaluated under a combination of different procedures. The first is based on fracture mechanics, and the
loading scenarios. A comparison between the crack propaga- second is based on a mixture of damage mechanics and soften-
tion in glass- and carbon-fibre in composite material was then ing plasticity (Spada et al, 2009).
performed. The mechanical parameters indicate that delamination hap-
pens through the interface layer. The resistance of the interface
Hashin’s failure criteria for unidirectional fibre to propagate the interlaminar crack under the opening mode
composites (Mode-I) is different from under the shear mode (Mode-II).
The increase of force applied in Mode-I and Mode-II gives rise
One of the critical problems in the design and modelling of to tensile and shear stresses at the delamination crack front,
fibre-reinforced composite material under cyclic loading is to respectively (Mathews and Swanson, 2007).
establish meaningful fatigue failure criteria. There are many A delamination crack propagates when the strain energy
failure criteria for the design and modelling of composite ma- release rate is equal to or greater than the value of the critical
terial (Barbero, 2013). energy release rate (Alfano and Crisfield, 2001).
Hashin (1980) proposed a failure criterion for unidirec-
tional fibre-composite materials based on quadratic stress Crack opening mode (Mode-I)
polynomials. Hashin’s failure criteria indicated that there are
According to Wisheart and Richardson (1998), the strain
energy release rate can be statically measured using a DCB
test for Mode-I delamination. The model is designed with a
pre-existing crack. By applying an opposite direction force to
the end of the sample, perpendicular to the crack surface, the
pre-existing crack will extend. Figure 4 shows the crack geom-
etry, the reaction forces and crack displacements. The reaction
forces are calculated according to Equation 3 and the resul-
tant crack displacements are used to calculate the total frac-
ture toughness energy (GI). A schematic diagram of the DCB
is shown in Figure 5.

GI = R dv (3)
2 da y

Figure 1. Damage index in composite material (Reifsnider et al, 1983).

Figure 3. Crack growth modes: (a) opening Mode-I; (b) sliding shear Mode-II; and,
Figure 2. Meso-scale damage model of a laminate (Bordeu and Boucard, 2009). (c) scissoring shear Mode-III (Van Mier, 2012).


Interlaminar modelling to predict composite coiled tube failure

DCB (Mode-I) a crack front; however, it cannot predict the initiation of the
interlaminar crack. Mesh size and material parameters are im-
The crack opening mode (Mode-I) test is generally portant factors in CZM modelling. The interface between the
performed on a unidirectional composite laminate specimen. adjacent layers of the composite structure is properly defined
In this method, the applied load versus crack displacement is to determine the crack propagation. The CZM is considered to
linear, and the first deviation from linearity occurs as the crack be a tool to evaluate the deterioration of cohesion between the
initiation happens. According to fracture mechanics concepts, layers, which uses the relationship between the separation and
the propagation from a pre-existing delamination can be traction along the interface. Table 1 shows the strengths and
calculated by the amount of strain energy release rate and the weaknesses of the CZM and CVVT modelling methods.
fracture toughness of the interface (Choupani, 2008).
The interlaminar fracture toughness calculations are based Interface
on Equation 4 (Prasad et al, 2011).
The laminated interface is a 3D medium and its thickness is
negligible compared to the laminated specimen dimensions;
3 Pδ (4)
GI = therefore, modelling the interface layer is defined as a 2D entity
2ba to evaluate the relative displacement and reaction force from
one layer to the next. Due to low-strength bonding between the
Crack sliding mode (Mode-II) adjacent layers, the interface offers the best path for the crack
to propagate. The interface strength only depends on matrix
Mode-II delamination failure is a method for measuring properties.
shear stresses at the crack tip. A three-point bending load on
the ENF specimen with a pre-existing crack (a, as shown in
Fig. 6) can determine the strain elastic release energy rate. The
pre-existing crack propagates as the bending load is applied
to the specimen. The finite element model was designed to
simulate a sample similar to the set up shown in Figure 6. Ac-
cording to Equation 5, the total fracture toughness energy (GII)
is calculated from the reaction force at the crack tip, load point
displacement and the crack propagation length.

GII = R du (5)
2 da x

ENF (Mode-II)
The ENF test is a method for measuring interlaminar fracture
toughness in composite materials under in-plane shear stress.
The crack sliding mode (Mode-II) is a type of fracture testing
method in which the crack initiation and propagation’s front
faces slide on each other in the direction of the crack’s growth
path and no crack opening mode occurs (Salehizadeh and Saka, Figure 4. 2D crack geometry of the DCB (Krueger, 2004).
1992). Mode-II interlaminar fracture toughness is calculated
according to Equation 6 and is denoted by GII (Zhu, 2009).

GII = (6)

Finite element modelling analysis can use the virtual crack

technique and/or cohesive crack model method to compute
the strain energy release rate.

Virtual crack closure technique (VCCT)

The VCCT is a fracture mechanics method that is com- Figure 5. A schematic of the DCB specimen.
monly used for modelling interlaminar delamination failure.
The VCCT requires an initial crack in the structure between
two layers to model the crack propagation. VCCT computes the
strain energy release rate for crack growth. Delamination failure
occurs when the strain energy release rate becomes equal to or
greater than the critical energy release rate (Sun et al, 2009).

Cohesive zone model (CZM)

The CZM is based on strength criteria and fracture mechan-
ics concepts. It incorporates the initiation and propagation of Figure 6. A schematic of the ENF specimen.


S. Mishani, B. Evans, V. Rasouli, R. Roufail, S. Soe and P. Jaensch

FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING To simulate Mode-I (the opening mode), one end of the DCB
structure was fixed. The opposite free end (with the pre-exist-
To study the effect of crack initiation and propagation behav- ing crack) was subjected to a total of 20 mm of displacement,
ior, a glass-fibre composite material and a carbon-fibre com- as shown in Figure 5. For Mode-II (the sliding shear mode), a
posite material were modelled. The two approaches, VCCT and three-point loading was simulated, similar to the ENF model.
CZM, were implemented in the finite element analysis software Both ends of the sample were supported on one side, and on
(ANSYS/APDL version 15). The applied load modes evaluated the opposite side to the sample a 10 mm displacement was
were opening Mode-I using the DCB design according to ASTM exerted through the point load at the centre, as illustrated in
D5528, and shear Mode-II using the ENF design according to JIS Figure 6. The 3D zero thickness interfaces were modelled as an
K7086 standards. The strain energy release rates—GI and GII— inter-layer cohesive element between the laminate to direct the
due to normal and shear stresses, respectively, were evaluated. interlaminar crack propagation front paths.


The mechanical properties of the unidirectional composite A DCB was used to determine Mode-I interlaminar fracture
glass fibre/epoxy, carbon fibre/epoxy and interface epoxy resin toughness, and the ENF beam was used to determine Mode-II
are presented in Table 2. interlaminar fracture toughness. The finite element 3D models
The structure modelled a rectangular cross-section 150 mm are shown in Figure 7 for ENF and DCB. The models illustrate
long, 25 mm wide and 3 mm high. The pre-existing crack length the von-Mises stress distribution in both the ENF and DCB
was 50 mm, as listed in Table 3. models. According to Equations 2 and 3, the resultant stresses
Static analysis is performed using regular mesh eight-node represent the reaction forces, and consequently the energy
Brick elements with SOLID185 for both DCB and ENF laminates release rates GI for the DCB and GII for the ENF models were
and interlaminar layers. calculated.
Figure 8 shows a contour plot for the crack front face versus
Table 1. Comparison between the CZM and CVVT (ANSYS®, 2013). total strain energy release rate (GT) for the DCB model in both
carbon- and glass-fibre composite laminates. The GI and GT val-
CZM VCCT ues are equal at the crack front face for both the carbon- and
• Prediction of initial and • Based on fracture glass-fibre composite materials. The graphs illustrate that the
growth of crack. mechanics concept. release energy rate by the carbon fibre was almost three times
Strengths more than that for the glass-fibre. The results of the Mode-I
• Applicable to complex • Crack growth related to
structures. strain energy release rate. testing method confirm that the DCB model represents only
• Difficult to obtain • Necessary to assume the pure normal stress from the release strain energy rate GI
characterisation data. number, location and size (Brunner et al, 2008).
Weaknesses • Accurate assessments of the cracks. As presented in Figure 9, the total energy release rate (GT)
are strongly tied to • Difficult to incorporate with and shear energy release rate (GII) obtained from the ENF model
element size. complex structures. correspond to a crack initiation during the application of slide
shear load, Mode-II. The results show that the GT values are
Table 2. Mechanical properties. slightly more than the GII values (almost 2.5% and 1% at the
edges for glass fibre and carbon fibre, respectively). The narrow
Material Glass fibre/ Carbon fibre/ difference between GT and GII indicates that, apart from shear
properties epoxy epoxy stress (the evaluation of which was based on the strain energy
X 135.3 GPa 40 GPa release rate Mode-II), there are other sources contributing to the
Young’s strain energy release rate (such as inter-layer frictions and nor-
Y 9 GPa 5 GPa
modulus mal stress) in the ENF testing mode. The result confirms Brun-
Z 9 GPa 5 GPa ner et al’s (2008) suggestion that the ENF testing method cannot
XY 0.24 0.27 represent pure shear stress in delamination crack testing.
YZ 0.46 0.27
XZ 0.24 0.275 Effect of load force on testing approach
XY 5.2 GPa 1.07 GPa
Shear The results from the analyses of the load point displacement
YZ 3.08 GPa 0.806 GPa responses of the applied force to the ENF and DCB models for
XZ 5.2 GPa 1.07 GPa the carbon- and glass-fibre composite materials are shown in
Minimum stress = 25 Mpa Figures 10 and 11. The contour plots present a meaningful re-
lationship between carbon fibre and glass fibre in Mode-I and
Interface Normal separation = 0.004 mm
Mode-II modelling. In the Mode-I DCB model, for a 10 mm
Shear separation = 1,000 mm load point displacement, the applied force to the pre-existing
crack edges of the model for carbon- and glass-fibre composites
Table 3. Modelled sample Dimensions. are 20 N and 5.6 N, respectively. A 10 mm load point displace-
ment to the center of Mode-II ENF model illustrates 1,500 N
Length = 150 mm for carbon fibre and 470 N for glass fibre. This means that the
Crack length = 50 mm applied load for the same load displacement in carbon fibre
Specimen is almost three times more than that of glass fibre in the DCB
Height = 3 mm
dimensions and ENF models.
Width = 25 mm
Maximum load displacement = 10 mm Continued next page.


Interlaminar modelling to predict composite coiled tube failure

Continued from previous page.

Figure 7. ANSYS model von-Mises stress distribution (N) for (a) ENF and (b) DCB.

Figure 8. Total energy release rate (Mode-I).

Continued next page.


S. Mishani, B. Evans, V. Rasouli, R. Roufail, S. Soe and P. Jaensch

Continued from previous page.

Figure 9. Energy release rates (Mode-II) for (a) carbon fibre and (b) glass fibre.

Figure 10. Mode-I DCB testing for (a) carbon fibre and (b) glass fibre.

Figure 11. Mode-II ENF testing for (a) carbon fibre and (b) glass fibre.

Continued next page.


Interlaminar modelling to predict composite coiled tube failure

Continued from previous page.

This paper presents the initial results of a study into the in- ALFANO, G. AND CRISFIELD, M., 2001—Finite element in-
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strain energy rate at the crack front tip. The contour for GI in- Canonsburg, Pennsylvania: ANSYS, Inc.
creases—almost doubling in value—from the edge to the cen-
tre (from 5 J/m2 to approximately 10.2 J/m2), while GII slightly BARBERO, E.J., 2013—Finite element analysis of composite
decreases from the edge to the centre (from 10.4 to 9.9 J/m2). It materials using ANSYS®. Second edition. Boca Raton, Florida:
is, therefore, necessary to investigate the crack propagation in CRC Press.
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According to Figures 10 and 11, the applied load to load dis- BORDEU, F. AND BOUCARD, P., 2009—A mesoscale model
placement perpendicular to the crack plane for carbon fibre is for the prediction of composites materials until final failure.
almost three times more than that for glass fibre in Mode-I and Proceedings of ICCM-17 17th International Conference on
Mode-II. The observations are similar to those of Williams (1988) Composite Materials, 27–31 July, Edinburgh, UK.
in that the Mode-II interlaminar fracture toughness of compos-
ite laminate is several times higher than Mode-I interlaminar BRUNNER, A., BLACKMAN, B.R.K. AND DAVIES, P., 2008—A
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δ Load point displacement Budownictwo i Architektura, 2 (1), 95–109. Translation: Con-
σ11 Normal stress parallel to the fibre direction struction and Architecture Magazine.
σ22 Normal stress transverse to the fibre-parallel direction
σ33 Normal stress transverse to the fibre-perpendicular CHOUPANI, N., 2008—Experimental and numerical investi-
direction gation of the mixed-mode delamination in Arcan laminated
a Crack delamination length specimens. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 478 (1),
b Sample width 229–42.
D n Fatigue damage (equals 0 for n = 0 and equals 1 for n = N)
d u Crack displacement in the x direction DEGRIECK, J. AND VAN PAEPEGEM, W., 2001—Fatigue dam-
d v Crack displacement in the y direction age modeling of fiber-reinforced composite materials: review.
E 0 Initial Young’s modulus Applied Mechanics Reviews, 54 (4), 279–300.
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G I Strain energy release rate in Mode-I testing for pure
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GII Strain energy release rate in Mode-II testing for pure posites. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 47 (2), 329–34.
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GIII Strain energy release rate in for pure sliding stress JONES, R.M., 1998—Mechanics of composite materials. Second
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2h Sample thickness
N Fatigue life KRUEGER, R., 2004—Virtual crack closure technique: history,
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RY Node reaction force in the y direction
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The authors would like to express their thanks for the sup- 1,489–98.
port by the Deep Exploration Technologies Cooperative Re-
search Centre (DET CRC), and Curtin University’s Department OCHOA, O.O. AND REDDY, J.N., 1992—Finite element analy-
of Petroleum Engineering. This paper is DET CRC report num- sis of composite laminates. Dordrecht, The Netherlands:
ber 2014/606. Springer.

Continued next page.


S. Mishani, B. Evans, V. Rasouli, R. Roufail, S. Soe and P. Jaensch

Continued from previous page.

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Interlaminar modelling to predict composite coiled tube failure


Siamak Mishani holds a Bachelor Brian Evans is a Professor in Curtin

of Mechanical Engineering degree University’s Department of Petroleum
and a Master of Science degree in Engineering. His background includes
executive management of business graduation as an electrical engineer,
administration. He is now undertaking mud logger and operations geophysicist,
his PhD research at Curtin University’s and later as an academic. He helped
Department of Petroleum Engineering. establish the Department of Exploration
Siamak has worked for more than Geophysics at Curtin University.
20 years in—and has in-depth knowledge Brian won the 2006 Society of
of—the designing and engineering of coiled tubing and drilling Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) International Distinguished
operations. His research aims are to compare the complex stress Achievement Award, the 2013 Society of Petroleum Engineers
analyses in composite and steel coiled tubes to improve their (SPE) International Faculty Award, and the 2014 Subsea
mechanical properties under cyclic loading. Energy Australia (SEA) Business Special Recognition Award.
Siamak.Mishani@yahoo.com He is the author of the SEG book A Handbook for Seismic Data
Acquisition in Exploration.

Vamegh Rasouli is a Professor in Curtin Reem Roufail has a diverse technical

University’s Department of Petroleum background. She earned her BSc and
Engineering. He is a Char tered MSc degrees in mechanical engineering
Professional Engineer (CPEng) and is a from the American University in Cairo,
registered engineer with the National specialising in materials engineering in
Professional Engineers Register (NPER) her BSc degree and material selection
of Australia. Vamegh received his for design and failure analysis in her MSc
PhD from Imperial College London degree.
in 2002. In 2006, after joining Curtin She joined the mining industry
University, Vamegh established the Curtin Petroleum Geo- through mineral processing consultants in Canada (G&T
mechanics Group (CPGG), and the Curtin Drilling Research Metallurgical Services in Kamloops). Reem then undertook her
Group (CDRG) in 2010. Vamegh is supervising a number of PhD in mining engineering at the University of British Columbia
PhD students and is involved in a number of research and (titled The Effect of Stirred Mill Operation on Particles Breakage
consulting projects in the area of geo-mechanics and drilling. Mechanism, and their Morphological Features).
He has undertaken several projects related to petroleum Reem is now working on DET CRC’s Project 1.1. Her focus is
geo-mechanics for various companies, and has also been on selecting the most appropriate coiled tubing material for
a consulting engineer on various geo-mechanics-related the coiled tubing drill rig. Her experimental research identifies
projects with Schlumberger’s Data and Consulting Services the strength and bending fatigue resistance of potential coiled
(DCS) in Perth. tubing materials. She also uses computer numerical analysis
v.rasouli@curtin.edu.au to study the distribution of stresses on the coiled tubing in

Soren Soe is DET CRC’s leader for Peter Jaensch received his BEng degree
Project 1.1: Next Generation Drilling in mechanical engineering from the
Technologies. Soren has held various University of South Australia in 1997.
project, engineering and executive Since 1990 Peter has worked for a
leadership positions since completing number of organisations—primarily in
his Bachelor of Science degree in research and product development—in
engineering in 1991. fields such as automotive components,
He has worked extensively with special purpose machinery, printing
leading the development of onshore industry new technologies, equine
drilling rigs for mineral exploration, production holes, racing equipment, beef abattoir equipment, and mineral
geotechnical applications and coiled tubing rigs for the oil exploration drilling equipment.
and gas industry. Peter started with Boart Longyear in June 2010 and he
During his career, Soren has expatriated to China, The lead the engineering team in the development of the LX12
Netherlands and Poland with such companies as Knebel multipurpose drill rig.
Drilling A/S, Boart Longyear and A.P. Moller-Maersk. Peter has been with DET CRC’s Project 1.1 since September
sorensoe@detcrc.com.au 2013 to develop the composite drill to a point where the
torsional load and axial load capabilities are adequate for
typical drilling operations.


S. Mishani, B. Evans, V. Rasouli, R. Roufail, S. Soe and P. Jaensch



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