Ductile Failure Behavior of Polycrystalline Al 6061-T6
Ductile Failure Behavior of Polycrystalline Al 6061-T6
Ductile Failure Behavior of Polycrystalline Al 6061-T6
DOI 10.1007/s10704-012-9689-z
Received: 19 August 2011 / Accepted: 14 February 2012 / Published online: 15 March 2012
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012
A. Ghahremaninezhad · K. Ravi-Chandar (B) 1.1 Void nucleation, growth and coalescence model
Center for Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Materials,
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,
TX 78712-0235, USA Nucleation, growth and coalescence are taken to form
e-mail: kravi@mail.utexas.edu the three different stages of ductile failure. First,
178 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
micovoids nucleate at second phase particles at some of Hancock and Mackenzie (1976) when the stress state
stage during the loading history (Tipper 1949; Puttick in the ligament between two voids is shear dominant.
1959). These second phase particles are a product of In both cases, this localized phenomenon results in a
the manufacturing process in which nucleating agents sharp drop in the stress-strain response of the ductile
and alloying elements are added to metals; the nucle- materials, resulting in final failure. The specific details
ating agents promote nucleation of grains and control of the onset of nucleation, the nature of the growth
grain size distribution while the alloying elements pro- and the mode of coalescence are, of course, material
vide specific microstructural features such as precip- dependent. This class of micromechanical models that
itates, and multi-phase structure, that can be used to incorporate void nucleation, growth and coalescence
develop specific material characteristics such as high are typically called Rousselier or Gurson–Tvergaard–
yield strength, wear or corrosion resistance. However, Needleman (GTN) models and the general framework
in many cases, these second phase particles act as nucle- of these models is now rather well-established. Tver-
ation sites for damage during large inelastic deforma- gaard (1990) and Benzerga and Leblond (2010) provide
tion; this nucleation can be either through particle frac- comprehensive reviews of this approach to modeling of
ture or by decohesion at the particle-matrix interface, ductile failure. Experimental aspects of ductile failure,
depending on the flow properties of the matrix, the particularly in the 6xxx series of aluminum alloys are
particle size and morphology, the stiffness mismatch reviewed by Lassance et al. (2007).
between the matrix and the particle, and the local stress Calibration and validation of these models have
state. These two modes of nucleation are illustrated in been attempted by numerous investigators (see for
the micrographs of two model materials in Figure 1 example, Brocks et al. 1996; Dong et al. 1996;
of Babout et al. (2004). Matrix-particle interface dec- Decamp et al. 1997; Pardoen et al. 1998; Steglich and
ohesion in a material made of soft matrix and hard Brocks 1998; Benseddiq and Imad 2008; Nielsen 2008;
particles results in debonding at the interface while Simar et al. 2010). However, this process is inher-
particle fracture occurs in a material made of higher ently non-unique, since many different combinations
strength matrix and hard particles. Many investigators of parameters appear to capture the softening part of
have performed experiments and created model simu- the material/structural response (Bernauer and Brocks
lations of the nucleation problem in order to provide a 2002). In this paper, attention is focused on quantitative
quantitative measure of the stress at nucleation. Second, assessment of the microscopic deformation and failure
voids that are either present in the material initially or mechanisms in order to evaluate the applicability of
nucleated during the first stage, grow in size with con- micromechanical models of ductile failure in the Al
tinued macroscopic deformation; note that this growth 6061-T6 alloy.
must occur at the submicroscale by slip in the lattice of
polycrystalline metals. However, growth of the voids is
typically evaluated by considering a continuum plas- 1.2 Strain-to-failure models
ticity model of the deformation as in the analysis of
McClintock (1968), and Rice and Tracy (1969). Mac- Due to the complexity of modeling ductile fracture on
roscopic response of the material corresponding to such the micro-scale, simpler macroscopic strain-to-failure
growth of voids is obtained using homogenization the- models have been introduced over the past four decades
ory (for example, Gurson 1977), and exhibits softening to facilitate fracture prediction. These models usually
of the material response with continued deformation. contain several material parameters that need to be
The third and final stage of ductile damage is the coales- calibrated from experiments; strain-to-failure is deter-
cence of voids by plastic strain localization in the liga- mined with respect to some characteristic specimen
ments between the voids in the form of internal necking dimension such as the gage length or cross-sectional
or shear bands; at the onset of coalescence the defor- area. With the advent of numerical tools in recent
mation is localized into a thin layer of highly strained years, the simulations of the experiment have also
material. Internal necking in the intervoid ligament been widely used in calculating the strain at the onset
occurs as shown in Figure 3 of Puttick (1959) when of failure. However, these methodologies of obtain-
the stress state in the ligament is predominantly ten- ing strain-to-failure suffer from strong dependence on
sile, and shear localization occurs as shown in Figure 7 specimen length scale or discretization scheme, and do
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 179
Table 1 Material constants calibrated from strain measurement in Sect. 3; the macroscopic strains are measured with
based on specimen dimensions for Al 6061-T6 (reproduced from the digital image correlation method and used to char-
Lesuer et al. 2001)
acterize the constitutive response of the material. The
Material constant D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 failure behavior is characterized by performing inter-
Al 6061-T6 −0.77 1.45 −0.47 0.0 1.60
rupted tests on notched tension tests, and exploring the
development of strain at the level of grains and attempt-
ing to characterize the damage evolution quantitatively.
Quantitative optical microscopy is used to extract local
not represent the intrinsic failure characteristics of the strain estimates at the level of the grains. These meth-
material. In this section we discuss the widely used ods as well as the results on Al 6061-T6 are described
Johnson–Cook fracture model as an example of this in Sect. 4. Based on the experimental identification of
class of models. the development of failure, we perform numerical sim-
The Johnson–Cook model (Johnson and Cook 1985) ulations of the uniaxial and notched tension tests. The
is an empirical model that is written in the following primary aim of these simulations is to be able to iden-
form: tify the stress-state in the regions where failure was
σm ε̇ observed. This enables the formulation of a failure cri-
ε f = D1 + D2 exp D3 1 + D4 ln
σeq ε̇0 terion as discussed in Sect. 5.
× 1 + D5 T (1)
where ε f is the strain-to-failure, σm /σeq is the ratio of 2 Material
the mean stress to the von Mises effective stress and
is termed stress triaxiality, ε̇/ε̇0 is the dimensionless Attention is focused in this paper on specimens of Al
strain rate with ε̇0 = 1.0 s−1 , T ∗ is the homologous 6061-T6. The nominal chemical composition of the
temperature and D1 − D5 are material constants that are aluminum alloy is listed in Table 2. In the T6 condition,
calibrated from experiments at the macroscale. We will the material is peak-aged with a coherent distribution
examine the applicability of the Johnson–Cook model of fine precipitates of Mg2 Si within the grains; this
to Al 6061-T6 through measurements at different gage structure results in a material with a very high yield
lengths, all the way down to the size of grains. The strength, but very low strain-hardening. In order to
material constants, D1 − D5 , conventionally calibrated reveal the grains, sections of the specimen were pre-
through the strain measurements based on specimen pared using standard metallographic polishing tech-
dimensions for Al 6061-T6 are listed in Table 1. niques. The specimens were mounted in epoxy and wet-
In this paper, the results of an investigation into polished starting from 320-grit size and going down
the elastic-plastic response of Al 6061-T6 and the to 1200-grit size sand paper. Special care was taken
development of damage leading up to the point of not to apply excessive force on the specimens so as to
final failure are reported. Macroscopic as well as prevent the polishing compound from embedding into
microscopic responses are investigated in order to soft aluminum matrix. In the next stage, an abrasive
facilitate model building. Uniaxial tests and notched diamond paste with particle diameter 3 µm and 1 µm
tension tests were used in order to vary the degree of was used with a lapping cloth, and finally a colloidal
triaxiality significantly. Further investigations on duc- suspension with 0.05 µm diameter silica particles was
tile failure under shear dominated loading conditions used to achieve the required metallographic finish. The
will be reported elsewhere. The basic material charac- specimens were then etched, first in 2% aqueous solu-
teristics are described in Sect. 2. The results of uniaxial tion of sodium hydroxide for about 55 s, and subse-
and notched tension tests on Al 6061-T6 are discussed quently color-etched with Weck’s (Weck and Leistner
Table 2 Chemical
Wt% Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others Al
composition of Al 6061-T6
Min. 0.4 – 0.15 – 0.8 0.04 – – –
Max. 0.8 0.7 0.40 0.15 1.2 0.35 0.25 0.15 0.15 Bal.
Source: Alcoa
180 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
z 0.05
y 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
Grain Size - μm
1996) alkaline solution (4% potassium permanganate orientation, if any, of different grains. In addition to
+1% sodium hydroxide) for about 15 s to obtain the the grains, the optical micrographs also reveal the dis-
contrast in the microstructure. This polishing and etch- tribution of second phase particles; one such particle is
ing process allows excellent visibility of the grains and identified by the highlighted circle in Fig. 1b. The com-
grain boundaries.To our knowledge, papers published position of these particles was identified through EDS
in the literature on Al 6061-T6, have not exploited such in a scanning electron microscope to be composed pri-
an etching process to identify the grain structure or to marily of iron; these particles are added in the solidifi-
extract estimates of the strain at the grain level. About cation process. Quantitative estimates of the amount of
40–50 images of each section were taken in a Nikon second phase particles were obtained by thresholding
Eclipse optical microscope at magnification of 200× and image analysis methods in NIH ImageJ software.
in order to quantify the initial grain size distribution in The average size of equivalent ellipses is in the range
the material. The initial microstructure of the Al 6061- of 1–5 µm; the average volume fraction of the particles
T6 in three sections x − y, x − z and y − z is shown in was found to be 0.012 and the particle spacing (defined
Fig. 1a–c. The x, y, z directions correspond to the roll- as the mean distance between nearest neighbors) was
ing, transverse and thickness directions respectively. determined to be about 25 µm.
The grain dimensions in y and z directions are cal-
culated for each section as the distance between two
intersecting points of a grain with the lines parallel to y 3 Experiments
and z directions. The distributions of the grain dimen-
sions on the three sections are plotted in Fig. 1d. It 3.1 Uniaxial tension test
is evident from distributions of the grain size that the
grains are nearly equiaxed in the rolling plane (x − y Uniaxial tension tests were performed on standard dog-
plane) with a mean size of 39 µm. The average grain bone type specimens in order to characterize the elastic-
size in the z-direction is about 14 µm. This grain size plastic behavior of the materials. The geometry of the
distribution suggests planar isotropy in the microstruc- specimens used in the experiments is shown in Fig. 2.
ture; it should be noted that this anisotropy is morpho- Specimens corresponding to the test geometry were cut
logical and does not account for the crystallographic by electric discharge machining (EDM) from 2.44 mm
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 181
R6.35 400
6.35 9.52
107.95 200
182 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
extrapolating the curve to larger strains by curve fitting Table 3 Lankford r -values at different orientations to the rolling
is fraught with inaccuracies that cannot be estimated. direction
In order to extend the characterization of material r0 r45 r90
response beyond the point of localization, a few meth-
r -values 0.57 0.60 0.58
ods, such as the Bridgman correction factor (Bridgman
1964) torsion tests, and Bridgman’s ‘refigured’ com-
pression tests, have been suggested in the literature.
Here, we choose an inverse method to calibrate the detailed grain-based analysis is required to verify this.
stress-strain behavior (Norris et al. 1978), where the It turns out that this anisotropy of the rolled sheets is
measured response in other loading configurations is very important in capturing the true response of the Al
compared to predictions from a finite element simula- 6061-T6 specimens in other loading conditions, such
tion. We note further that there are many other possibili- as the notched-tension test.
ties for fitting the measured stress-strain response, such
as the Voce law or micromechanically based models
that incorporate the different stages of hardening, but 3.2 Notched-tension tests
there is no particular advantage to these models when
a phenomenological theory of plasticity calibrated on Although the uniaxial tension test is perhaps the sim-
the basis of macroscopic measurements is used as the plest and most commonly used test for material char-
underlying basis for calibration. acterization, the onset of localized deformation at very
The sheets of aluminum used in these experiments low strain levels makes it ill-suited for constitutive and
are expected to exhibit anisotropy resulting from the failure characterization; specifically, one cannot deter-
rolling process used in their manufacture. The mea- mine the stress-strain variation beyond the Considère
sured nominal stress versus normalized gage displace- point. Furthermore, eventual failure occurs within the
ment curves from uniaxial tension tests performed localized region where strain evolves to much larger
on dogbone tensile specimens cut in the direction at levels in a more complex stress state. In order to push
0◦ , 45◦ and 90◦ to the rolling direction are shown in the evaluation of the stress-strain diagram to larger
Fig. 3; these curves for different orientations are very strain levels and to explore the failure behavior under
close to each other, implying that the planar isotropy different triaxiality conditions, we performed tension
maybe assumed. However, the local strains have to be tests on symmetrically notched flat specimens. It was
compared in all directions as well in order to verify estimated that the initial value of triaxiality (the ratio
planar isotropy and characterize the extent of anisot- of the mean stress to the equivalent stress, σm /σeq ),
ropy. In the tests reported here, the axial and transverse could be increased to about 0.577 in this configuration.
strains dεα and dεα+π/2 were measured for each ori- The geometry of the specimen is depicted in Fig. 4a.
entation α using DIC. Therefore, the ratio of the width Two notches of radius 4.06 mm were introduced in
to thickness strain increment, which is referred to as 25.40 mm wide strips cut from the aluminum sheet
Lankford’s r -value, defined as follows: in the direction parallel to the rolling direction. One
dεα+π/2 advantage of this geometry is that it enables reaching
rα = (3)
dεz significantly larger strain levels, but at the penalty of
where dεα and dεz are the strain in direction at an angle a nonuniform strain field; therefore, it is essential that
α from the rolling direction and in thickness direction, local strain fields be monitored using DIC. Another
respectively, can be measured from each test. The volu- advantage is that it could decouple strain localization
metric strain is assumed to be zero so that the increment triggered by plastic instabilities from damage processes
of strain in thickness
can be easily calculated that result in material separation so that attention may
as dεz = − dεx + dε y . The measured r -values for be focused on the latter.
the Al 6061-T6 are given in Table 3. It was observed In order to study the onset and growth of dam-
from strain measurements that the ratio dε y /dεx before age during deformation under different levels of stress
the onset of necking remains relatively constant sug- triaxiality and plastic strain, notched tension speci-
gesting that the anisotropy does not appear to evolve mens were loaded in the rolling direction and inter-
during uniaxial loading in this material. However, a rupted at different crosshead displacements. The nom-
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 183
Fig. 4 a Schematic p2
diagram of the flat notched 25.4
specimen (dimensions in
mm). b Photograph of the
surface of the flat notched a b
specimen. p1 –p2 is used to x
define a gage length x2
(24.02 mm). DIC based
strain measurements are 152.40
reported along lines labeled y1 y2
x1 − x2 and y1 − y2 .
examinations are performed
on sections cut along a–a
and b–b
a b
(a) (b)
between the peak load and ultimate failure, Specimens
350 A C and D corresponding to just at the brink of failure, and
B C Specimen E corresponding to a fully failed specimen.
Nominal Stress - MPa
E Contours of the axial and transverse strain as measured
D with DIC are overlaid on the speckled specimen sur-
200 face in the images shown in Fig. 6. These are from
150 Specimen E and correspond to the normalized cross-
head displacements of Specimens A, B and C. For the
specific implementation of DIC used in this work, the
displacements are measured on a square lattice with a
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
nodal spacing of 79.6 µm and strains are determined
Normalized Crosshead Displacement - Δ /L with a gage length of 159.2 µm. From these results, we
note the following:
Fig. 5 Nominal stress (force/initial minimum cross-sectional
area) versus crosshead displacement (Δ) normalized by gage • The surface strain over much of the specimen is
length (L) (see Fig. 4b for the definition of the gage length) quite small, on the order of 0.02, except in the vicin-
curves of Al6061-T6 flat-notched specimens interrupted at dif-
ferent stages during the deformation
ity of the notch where it increases to values in the
range of 0.35–0.40. Associated with this, there is
significant thinning of the specimen in this region.
inal stress (force/initial minimum cross-sectional area) Clearly, as expected, the strain εx at the notch is
versus normalized crosshead displacement curves from significantly higher than that in the middle region
five different tests that were interrupted at different dis- of the specimen.
placement levels are plotted in Fig. 5. Four other tests • Near the middle portion of the minimum cross sec-
under similar conditions were also performed, three to tion (x = 0, y = 0), the strain ε y ∼ = 0, indicating
complete failure and one that was unloaded just prior to a plane strain state, and thereby an elevated triaxi-
global failure. The variation in the load at final failure ality at this location.
was within 0.9%; the crosshead displacement at final • With increasing global displacement, the strain
failure also varied within 1.6%. This small variation is contours in Fig. 6 indicate the emergence of two
used as support for considering the specimens that were horizontal bands of elevated strains. For closer
unloaded just prior to failure as being at the “brink of observation of this region of large strains, this
failure”. Specimen A corresponds to unloading from experiment was repeated with the imaging sys-
the point of the peak load, Specimen B from a point tem tracking the deformation at very high spa-
184 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
tial resolution such that only the central 8 mm by • It is clear that strain levels as large as 0.4 develop
6 mm region of the specimen was observed (see near the notch tips (see Fig. 6). It is common prac-
dashed box in Fig. 4b). Contours of axial strain tice to take the largest strain measured with the
from this test are shown in Fig. 7. The variation of DIC to be the “failure strain” in the material. This,
the axial strain εx along the line x1 − x2 is shown however, ignores a couple of important aspects
in Fig. 8b, corresponding to different values of the of the measurement. First, DIC does not resolve
gage displacements indicated in Fig. 6. It is evi- the extremely high strains near the notch tip due
dent that a double humped variation is seen in εx to destruction of the speckles, decorrelation and
along the x direction. The double hump in this fig- other experimental effects associated with DIC.
ure is a clear indication of the formation of the Second, strain continues to evolve within localized
strain localization across the thickness direction of bands as material separation occurs with signif-
the specimen. Post-test examination of these spec- icantly larger local strains than that captured by
imens indicated that this localization occurred at the DIC. Although direct images acquired using
an angle of 56◦ to the loading direction and devel- the DIC system (at 1 frame per second) are typ-
oped in the thickness direction over the minimum ically not able to resolve the final events leading
cross section. This is in good agreement with the to the failure, visual observation clearly indicated
result from analytical calculation of Hutchinson the onset of cracking at the notch region(s), propa-
and Tvergaard (1980) for the formation of shear gating quickly towards the center of the specimen.
bands under plane strain condition in an elastic- Therefore, it is expected that the local strains at
plastic solid with strain hardening exponent of 0.1. the point of failure initiation are somewhat higher
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 185
Fig. 7 Close-up view of axial strain (εx ) contour plots of Al 6061-T6 flat notched specimens corresponding to three different normalized
crosshead displacements of Specimens A, B and C
0.15 0.1
0 0
-10 -5 0 5 10 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y - mm x - mm
Fig. 8 Variation of the axial strain (εx ) along lines a y1 − y2 and b x1 − x2 for Specimens A, B and C
than the strain obtained by DIC at the last frame. to extend the constitutive characterization to larger
Additional local measurements must be made post- strain levels. In this process, it became evident that
mortem as discussed next in order to obtain a better plastic anisotropy played a key role in dictating the
estimate of the “strain-to-failure”. response. These are discussed in the following sections.
The notched tension response of the material is
explored further through two additional investiga-
tions; first, optical and scanning electron microscopy 4 Microscopic examination of deformation
observations and measurements were performed on and damage
specimens recovered after unloading to various gage
displacement levels in order to reveal the details of the Specimens A through D that were unloaded from dif-
deformation leading to failure. The specimens were cut ferent loading stages of the flat notched specimens and
to expose the planes y = 0 as well as y = 7.14 mm Specimen E that was taken to final failure were cut
(denoted as section a–a and b–b, respectively, in Fig. 4b along lines a–a and b–b indicated in Fig. 4b to reveal
and in the subsequent discussion) in order to evaluate the x − z planes (thickness direction), and prepared for
the local strains as well as to examine the onset and metallographic examination. Optical microscopy was
growth, if any, of damage. Second, numerical simula- used first for examining the grain evolution and scan-
tions were performed using J2 -plasticity theory in order ning electron microscopy was used next to examine
186 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
Fig. 9 Micrographs of
x − z sections of Specimens
A–D at a–a (see
Supplementary Materials
for high resolution images
where each individual grain
can be visualized over the
entire image)
the extent of damage. The optical micrographs of the in the initial microstructure were estimated from the
section a–a of specimens A–D are shown in Fig. 9. images of the kind shown in Fig. 1. Next, the location
High magnification images of the region near the neck of each grain boundary was identified visually along
are shown in Figs. 10 and 11. An image of the bro- horizontal dashed lines such as Line-1 through 3 in
ken specimen E is shown in Fig. 12. Comparing these Figs. 10, 11, 12 and captured into a data file using a
images with the initial microstructure shown in Fig. 1d, MATLAB code. As is apparent from the micrographs
the elongation of the grains in the direction of tension in Figs. 10, 11, 12, and further verified by our analysis
and the decrease in grain size in the thickness direction of the grain measurement, grain rotation does not seem
at different stages of the deformation can be identified to be significant, and hence no corrections for grain
clearly. We develop a simple scheme to obtain a quan- rotations were performed. The variation of the grain
titative measure of deformation at the grain level and to size across the dashed lines in Figs. 10, 11, 12 was
correlate the grain level strain with the progression of obtained, and divided by the mean grain size in the z
damage or failure. The grain size measurements can be direction to obtain an estimate of the strain in the thick-
interpreted in terms of an average strain measure; note ness direction εt = ln(t/T̂ ), where T̂ is the mean initial
that this can be done only in a statistical sense since we grain size and t is the size of the deformed grain. The
have images of the grain only from interrupted tests. equivalent plastic strain can be estimated if the strain
This is accomplished using the procedure described in the transverse direction (y-direction) is determined.
by Ghahremaninezhad and Ravi-Chandar (2011): first, For section a–a, based on the DIC measurements, we
the average and standard deviation of the grain size assume that a condition of plane-strain is satisfied, and
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 187
188 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
• There are large local fluctuations in the strain distri- it can be seen that the maximum strains are signif-
bution, and furthermore, the specimen to specimen icantly larger in Specimen C than in Specimen D.
variation appears to be quite high. With particular • It is interesting to contrast these strain measure-
reference to Specimens C and D, both of which ments with the usually postulated strain-to-failure
were unloaded just prior to reaching final failure, models such as the Johnson–Cook and related fail-
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 189
Equivalent Strain
Equivalent Strain
(a) and Specimen D (b), the 1 1
section b–b of Specimen C
(c) and Specimen D (d) and
across Line-3 on the section
a–a of Specimen E (e). 0.5 0.5
Open symbols correspond to
strain estimate for each
grain; red line corresponds
0 0
to averaging the deformed 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
grain size over eleven Position - µm Position - µm
neighboring grains, five on 1.5 1.5
either side (c) (d)
Equivalent Strain
Equivalent Strain
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Position - µm Position - µm
Equivalent Strain
0 100 200 300 400
Position - µm
ure models. We will return to this aspect in Sect. 4 in Fig. 12; it should be noted that final failure is
where we establish that these local strains are sig- due to the merging of failure along the two equiv-
nificantly larger than typical values used in the alent planes of shear banding, resulting in a zig–
Johnson–Cook model where the strain-to-failure zag shape of the fracture surface observed in these
is obtained from macroscale measurements. images.
• The emergence of the macro-shear bands across
the cross-section at an angle of 56◦ to the loading The spatial resolution of the optical micrographs of
direction, with highly localized strains within the the etched specimens is not sufficient to reveal the
bands, and the associated high level of stress tri- nucleation of damage at the location of the second
axiality in the specimen triggers failure processes phase particles. In order to investigate the formation
such as nucleation, growth and coalescence within and evolution of cavities and damage in the material,
this plane of localization. The resulting fracture is the same metallographic samples were examined in
slanted1 in the x − z plane as can be seen clearly a scanning electron microscope. The micrographs of
1 We do not go into the details of the formation of slant fracture
Specimen A did not reveal any differences from the
here except to note that it is certainly influenced by the low strain unstrained material; there is a distribution of second
hardening ability of the T6 condition. phase particles, but there is no indication of fracture or
190 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
debonding of these particles from the matrix. A typi- dependent. Scanning electron micrographs of the sec-
cal micrograph of section a–a of Specimen B is shown tions a–a and b–b of Specimens C and D are shown in
in Fig. 14a. The irregularly shaped white areas repre- Figs. 15 and 16; these show the regions where the final
sent the second phase particles. Sporadic breakage and failure is expected to develop. Clearly, a few scattered
debonding of a few second phase particles, especially cavities can be identified in these micrographs. Such
the larger particles could be seen; a high magnification features in the micrographs are typically interpreted as
image of a fractured second phase particle is shown evidence for the nucleation and growth of voids. How-
inset in Fig. 14b. However, it should be emphasized ever, before confirming such a conclusion, one must
that very few of the particles had fractured with most of rule out damage resulting from metallographic speci-
the second phase particles undamaged and still bonded men preparation procedures. The typical argument that
to the matrix. If particle fracture is associated with is put forward to exclude polishing damage is that other
nucleation of cavities for a ductile void growth model regions in the specimen have also been subjected to
(Tipper 1949; Puttick 1959), then correlating the grain the same polishing procedures, but did not reveal any
based strain measurements in the optical micrographs, such damage. In order to pursue this idea further, we
and the damage identified in the scanning electron consider quantitative comparison of the optical micro-
micrographs, these observations and measurements graph that reveals grain and grain boundaries with the
indicate that cavities are not nucleated until very high scanning electron micrograph of the same region of
strain levels on the order of one are reached. In con- the specimen. This comparison is shown in Fig. 17
trast, the typical value of ε N (mean nucleation strain where Fig. 17a is an optical micrograph, Fig. 17b is
of a normal distribution model introduced by Chu and a scanning electron micrograph of the same region and
Needleman 1980) used in literature is 0.3 (Brocks et al. Fig. 17c is a composite overlay of the SEM image
1996; Zhang 1996; also see Benseddiq and Imad 2008, over the optical image, with an opacity of about 0.5.
for a table with a collection of ε N used in the literature). With the overlaid image as a guide, attention is now
Note that the Specimen B corresponds to macro- focused on regions marked by the blue, dashed circle
scopic response that is well beyond the peak load and and square in Fig. 17b; high magnification images of
approaching failure conditions; the absence of signif- these features are presented in Fig. 18 where the grain
icant fracture or debonding of the second phase parti- boundaries can be easily identified. Clearly the entire
cles indicates that much of the descending portion of grain appears to be missing in Fig. 18a; if a nucle-
the nominal stress versus normalized crosshead dis- ated void were to grow, the grain surrounding it has
placement curve corresponds to plastic deformation to deform to accommodate such a large growth and
of the material and not to damage accumulation; of should be identifiable in the micrograph. However in
course, it is important to recognize that this conclu- the regions outlined by the dashed circles in the micro-
sion is applicable to Al 6061-T6 and could be material graphs, the entire grain is lost suggesting that these
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 191
1 2 3
1 2 3
192 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
grains must have been pulled out during polishing. We was removed from the surface to ensure that the new
do not observe such large pulled out grains in Spec- section is far enough away from the previous section
imens A, B and even C. Could such pull-out be the to avoid the artifacts associated with etching process.
result of damage at the grain boundaries during defor- It was subsequently fine polished as mentioned before
mation?2 In order to explore this further, section b–b of but not etched. It was verified by numerical simulation
Specimen D was polished until a layer of about 300 µm and DIC measurements that the variation of strain and
triaxiality between these two sections did not exceed
This raises the issue of accurate metallographic quantification
3 and 0.8%, respectively. The resulting microstructure
of porosity: since even under precise conditions the presence of
artifacts resulting from metallographic preparation is unavoid- is shown in Fig. 18c where large cavities correspond-
able, new non-destructive techniques such as X-ray tomography ing to grain pullout during metallographic preparation
are being developed as potential candidates. Attempts to obtain are not observed and the only visible cavities are those
the reconstructed 3D X-ray tomography images of the voids in
which have nucleated at second phase particles during
interrupted specimens, however, did not succeed due to insuffi-
cient spatial resolution of images. the deformation process.
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 193
Fig. 18 Higher magnification images indicating differences b–b of Specimen D showing only the cavities nucleated at second
between possible grain pull-out (a) and cavity growth (b). (c) phase particles during the deformation
Micrograph of the unetched section 300 µm away from Section
In order to develop quantitative measures of dam- the Table 4 that the area fraction of cavities is larger in
age from the micrographs in Figs. 15 and 16, a grid of Specimen D than in Specimen C at the two sections a–a
square cells of size 150 µm is overlaid on the images to and b–b. This is of particular importance in that both
provide a symbolic representative area element of the Specimens C and D were unloaded at about the same
material. Discounting cavities that have been identified point in the nominal stress versus normalized cross-
to be the result of pullout of grains during polishing, head displacement response; yet the different damage
the area fractions of the remaining cavities are calcu- levels experienced by the two specimens can be attrib-
lated for three cells at the center of the section marked uted to the stochastic nature of the void nucleation,
in each of Figs. 15 and 16; these measurements of the which, in turn, stems from the variation in the micro-
void areas and spacing are given in Table 4. structure of the material. Furthermore, the local strains
The size of cavities is in the range of 1–5 µm, sim- in Specimen C exhibiting smaller amount of voids is
ilar to the size range of the second phase particles; larger than in Specimen D. The absence of significant
the spacing between these cavities is on the order of damage in Specimens A and B, and the appearance of a
35–45 µm. Comparing this to the average spacing of small number of voids in Specimens C and D that were
the second phase particles (25 µm), it is clear that not all loaded to the brink of failure indicates that nucleation
second phase particles are trigger points for voids; this of damage from the second phase particles in the form
is also identifiable from the micrographs. It is seen from of debonding and/or particle fracture occurs rather late
194 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
Table 4 Microstructure
Mean spacing (µm) Average void area fraction
analysis of sections a–a and
b–b of Specimens C and D Cell # 1 2 3 1 2 3
in the overall straining of the material. Correlating the (only half the image was analyzed), we identify the
local grain based strain in the Specimens C and D, as centers and equivalent diameters of each cavity in the
shown in Fig. 13, to the emergence of the voids, we can fracture plane. The distribution of areas of the cavities
suggest that nucleation of damage in Al 6061-T6 occurs is shown in Fig. 19c; the histogram appears to indicate
at equivalent strain levels larger than one. Of course, three groups or clusters of void areas. First, there is a
one must bear in mind that the nucleation strain level large number of very small voids (diameter <10 µm);
will be a strong function of the properties of the matrix, these appear typically at the junctions between larger
the second phase particles, the interface characteristics cavities and are most likely the secondary voids
and stress state. Lee and Mear (1999) made an estimate that arise during coalescence between primary voids.
of the stress concentration in ellipsoidal inclusions in a Second, there seems to be a cluster of voids of size
power law hardening material. Their results indicated ∼25 µm, and another cluster ∼18 µm; these appear to
that the stress concentration at the inclusion boundaries correlate to the mean size of the grains in the y−z plane.
saturated after rising quickly with strain. This is often From these measurements, we estimate that the primary
taken as indication that cavity nucleation must occur voids are nearly of the shape of the grains, and cause
either at very low strain levels or not at all. The pres- separation of the grains; some of the voids that are of the
ent results suggest that cavity nucleation could occur average size of the grain in the y −z plane are identified
at high strain levels. in Fig. 19a by the red lines. Smaller, secondary voids
Fractographs of Specimen E at the intersection of appear in the region of coalescence of the primary voids
sections a–a and b–b with the fracture plane are shown or at grain boundaries; a few of these smaller cavities
in Fig. 19a, b. These images exhibit numerous dim- are highlighted by the blue lines in Fig. 19a. But the
ples that are characteristics of the development of most important observation that deserves reiteration is
ductile fracture through the nucleation, growth and that the entire fracture surface is tiled with the dimpled
coalescence of cavities. Almost all of the larger dim- features and, therefore, every point in the y − z plane
ples contain a second phase particle inside its boundary, belongs to a void.
indicating that these particles are, indeed, the nucle- We now contrast this with an examination of the
ation sites. The void surfaces themselves appear ‘ter- plane orthogonal to the fracture plane. SEM micro-
raced’ or stepped, suggesting crystallographic slip as graphs of the Section b–b of Specimen E’ (another bro-
the deformation process during void growth; there is no ken specimen) is shown in Fig. 20; these micrographs
evidence of any other mechanism of failure. The overall allow an examination of damage in the planes that are
fracture plane is tilted at an angle about 56◦ to the load- below the fracture plane. A depth of about 500 µm
ing direction, which is in line with the inclination of the below the fracture surface at two different locations
shear bands that developed preceding the final failure is shown in this figure; a higher magnification view of
(see Fig. 12). While dimpled images of fracture surface the region just below the fracture surface is also shown
are typically shown to provide qualitative support for inset in Fig. 20c. A small number of second phase par-
the mechanism of failure, it is possible to obtain signif- ticles can be seen to have been broken and/or debonded
icant quantitative measures of fracture. We begin with a from the matrix; the ‘voids’ resulting from such dam-
consideration of the statistics of cavities: by identifying age appear to have elongated slightly in the direction
the boundaries of each cavity, as indicated in Fig. 19a of tension. However, the damaged particles appear in
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 195
(c) 0.08
100 200 300 400 500 600
clusters, leaving large regions of the material below the fracture plane. It is easy to recognize that this scale
the fracture plane completely undamaged, exhibiting must be set by the grain size by the following argument:
no systematic development of voids. Grain boundaries nucleation of voids is seldom a homogeneous process,
are clearly visible in the micrograph and these appear but governed by the heterogeneities, especially by the
to be undamaged as well. In contrast to the appearance extreme fluctuations. Therefore, we can postulate that
of the fracture surface that was tiled with voids, we the first failure of a single grain by void growth would
can see that almost no point below the fracture plane at be triggered by the weakest heterogeneity in the region
locations that are as close as 30 μm experiences nucle- of the largest stress; when failure of this grain occurs,
ation or growth of voids and therefore in contrast to the the load is shed to the neighboring grains, triggering
fracture plane, almost no point in the x − z plane is part the nucleation and growth of the next void in these
of a void/nucleation or growth process. grains, even if the heterogeneities in this grain are not
Comparison of the number and distribution of voids as weak. The cascading of such a process results in a
on the fracture plane and the planes below the fracture localization of the failure process to the “failure plane”.
plane indicates that, indeed, ductile fracture in Al 6061- Outside of this plane, plastic deformation occurs to very
T6 occurs by void nucleation, growth and coalescence; large equivalent plastic strain levels without significant
however, it occurs in an extremely localized manner, damage (see Fig. 13). Such localization of damage was
with almost no statistically significant void nucleation identified in the percolation model of Worswick et al.
or growth at locations as close as 30 µm away from (2001).
196 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
The optical and scanning electron micrographs of – Once damage in the form of breakage or debonding
specimens that failed as well as those that were inter- of the second phase particles begins, subsequent
rupted prior to failure provide a picture of the evolution failure occurs with little further increase in macro-
of deformation, damage and failure in Al 6061-T6; we scopic strain. Specimens that were unloaded, and
summarize our observations here. specimens that were fractured, reveal that there is
not a significant number or distribution of voids
– Nucleation of damage does not appear to occur left in the wake of the fracture at distances greater
until equivalent plastic strains of at least about one; than about 30 µm from the fracture plane.
much of the post-peak response of the specimen – The fracture plane is tiled with voids indicating
can be attributed to the formation of necking and that void nucleation, growth and coalescence is
shear bands in the specimen through plastic defor- the essential mechanism of crack growth; however,
mation and not to development of material damage. dominated by the fluctuations in the distribution of
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 197
second phase particles, failure by void nucleation, (a)
growth and coalescence occurs in a highly local- 350
5 Numerical simulation
As mentioned earlier, the variation of stress through- 100 Simulation (isotropic)
out the notched specimens in experiments can only be Simulation (anisotropic)
evaluated by means of numerical simulations. A com-
mercial finite element software ABAQUSTM was used 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
to perform these calculations. Finite element models Normalized Gage Displacement - Δ/L
are created for each test using two different material
models—an isotropic von Mises plasticity model and (b)
the Hill quadratic anisotropic plasticity model, both
available in the ABAQUS standard material library.
198 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
5.2.1 Plastic response
300 B ment curve from simulations using isotropic plasticity
250 (von Mises yield function) and anisotropic plasticity
200 (Hill quadratic yield function) are compared to that
from the experiment in Fig. 23. As can be seen from
Fig. 23, the Hill anisotropic plasticity model captures
Simulation (isotropic J2 plasticity) very well the material response during the deformation
Simulation (anisotropic plasticity) history while the isotropic model prediction is not satis-
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
factory. Note that no failure model or criterion has been
Normalized Gage Displacement - Δ /L used in the simulations; thus the response is entirely
due to plastic deformation. This also means that the
Fig. 23 Comparisons of nominal stress (force/initial minimum termination point (final failure point) is not obtained in
cross-sectional area) versus gage displacement (Δ) normalized
the simulations. The nominal stress versus normalized
by the gage length (L) (see Fig. 4b for definition of the gage
length) responses from experiment and simulation using isotro- gage displacement response gives the global response
pic von Mises and Hill’s anisotropic quadratic yield functions of the material where the effects of localization are
smeared out; therefore, we consider comparison of
local field measurements to assess the capability of the
constitutive model. To this end, the variation of surface
axial strain εx along the lines y1 − y2 and x1 − x2 (see
5.2 Notched tension test Fig. 4b) from simulations and experiments for three
different normalized gage displacements (correspond-
The response of the flat, notched tension specimen is ing to Specimens A, B and C) are plotted in Fig. 24. It
considered next. Due to symmetry half the specimen is seen that the numerical simulation with Hill aniso-
was modeled with 3D continuum elements (C3D8R) tropic yield function captures the essential features of
with 31 elements through the thickness; a finer mesh the deformation observed in the experiment. From the
size of 50 µm was used in the minimum cross section Fig. 24a it is observed that the strain prediction is in
(Fig. 22). First, we discuss the plastic response of the fairly good agreement with the experiment for much
specimen; this is then followed by some observations of the line y1 − y2 . The peak near the notch tip that
regarding failure modeling. occurs at y = 7.14 mm due to the necking at this loca-
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 199
200 A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar
Strain to Failure
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
without any observable damage in the material; for
comparison, the Johnson–Cook model calibrated for
Al 6061-T6 by Lesuer et al. (2001) is also shown. As
readily seen from Fig. 26 the strain-to-failure obtained
at the level of grains that are building blocks of the
0.1 material lies distinctly above the fracture locus of John-
0 son–Cook; the arrow on the red band indicates that the
0 2 4 6 8 10
y -mm true fracture strain could be even larger as we report
the strain in the specimens just before the final failure;
Fig. 25 a Contour plot of the stress triaxiality in y − z plane at therefore, we consider this to be the lower bound of
the minimum cross section (x = 0) corresponding to Specimen the strain-to-failure. The difference from the Johnson–
C. b Variation of the stress triaxiality at different stages of defor-
mation (Specimens A, B and C) along the minimum cross section Cook type models arises from the fact that we have
in the mid-plane in the thickness direction (0 < y < y2 , z = 0) used an intrinsic length scale based on the microstruc-
ture—the grain size—as the basis for the definition of
an invariant strain measure.
broken specimen or using a hybrid experimental-
numerical method; in the latter the force-gage displace-
ment response of the specimen is used as the measure 6 Summary
of fitness and the calculated strain at the critical point
corresponding to global failure is taken as the intrinsic Tension tests and interrupted flat notched tension tests
material strain-to-failure for a given level of triaxial- were performed on Al 6061-T6 in order to examine the
ity. In this section we give a conservative lower bound evolution of the microstructure at different stages of
estimate of the strain-to-failure for Al 6061-T6 that deformation. The macroscopic strain fields were mon-
is rooted in the grain based measurement of strain. It itored with a variation of the digital image correlation
was shown in Sect. 3 that strains in the range of 0.5– method called Q4-DIC which was adopted and imple-
1.0 could be measured in the specimens just before the mented in MATLAB.
final failure, but without any indication of damage. The Samples from interrupted tests were sectioned, pol-
stress triaxiality in the region b–b at this stage of defor- ished and etched following standard procedures for
mation is obtained from the finite element analysis to be metallographic examination. The initial microstructure
about 0.82. We now show this as a red band on a plot of the Al 6061-T6 was examined and the grain size was
of strain-to-failure versus triaxiality (see Fig. 26) to determined; it is evident from distributions of the grain
represent that strains of this magnitude were observed size that the grains are equiaxed in the rolling plane
Ductile failure behavior of polycrystalline Al 6061-T6 201
(x − y plane) with a mean size of 39 µm. The average N00014-01-1-A00001 and FNC project: N00014-08-1-0189.
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