Fracture Mechanics Tests To Characterize Bonded Glass/Epoxy Composites: Application To Strength Prediction in Structural Assemblies
Fracture Mechanics Tests To Characterize Bonded Glass/Epoxy Composites: Application To Strength Prediction in Structural Assemblies
Fracture Mechanics Tests To Characterize Bonded Glass/Epoxy Composites: Application To Strength Prediction in Structural Assemblies
This paper presents results from a study of assemblies composed of glass fibre reinforced
epoxy composites. First, tests performed to produce mixed mode fracture envelopes are
presented. Then results from tests on lap shear and L-stiffener specimens are given. These
enabled failure mechanisms to be examined in more detail using an image analysis technique
to quantify local strain fields. Finally the application of a fracture-mechanics-based analysis
to predict the failure loads of top-hat stiffeners with and without implanted bond-line defects
is described. Correlation between test results and predictions is reasonable, but special
attention is needed to account for size effects and micro-structural variations induced by the
assembly process.
Adhesive bonding is finding increasing applications in marine and aerospace composite
structures. The weight savings associated with this form of assembly can be considerable, but
designing to optimise strength requires great care. The overall aim of the present work is to
develop reliable methods to predict the failure strength of composite assemblies. There have
traditionally been two approaches available for strength analysis, either stress-based or
fracture mechanics based, though several variants exist according to the adherend and
adhesive properties [1-3].
The stress-based approach involves performing a stress analysis of the structure, either
analytically, for simple assemblies, or numerically by finite elements for more complex
structures, and then comparing stresses or strains to failure criteria for the different
constituents (adherend, adhesive and if possible interface). The difficulties with this approach
in the past have been the analysis of thin bond-line regions and tackling the stress singularities
at joint extremities. With the increasing computer power available today the former is now
less of a problem, but the latter remains a major limitation. It should be noted also that
sources of reliable strength data to apply in failure criteria have always been scarce,
particularly when the adherends are composites. At first sight a fracture mechanics approach
which enables crack tip fields to be treated looks very attractive for this type of problem, and
indeed it has been employed in the description of delaminations in orthotropic materials with
some success (refs). However its application to composite assemblies has been limited so far,
partly due to a severe shortage of fracture data to use in a failure criterion but also because it
is necessary to assume the presence of a crack. The question is then raised, where should this
crack be introduced and how long should it be ? Some work has been performed to address
this question, notably by Femlund and Spelt [4,5] and encouraging results have been
presented for a range of bonded metal joints. It should be noted that these two approaches are
not the only ones attracting interest at present. Other recent developments have included the
use of damage mechanics models [6] and the development of cohesive zone models [7,81.
A first aim in the present study was to establish whether the approach proposed by
Femlund & Spelt, which will be described in more detail below, could be applied to bonded
composite joints. A second objective was to evaluate the benefits to be gained from a fracture
mechanics characterisation when industrial structural assemblies are considered, both
qualitatively in material selection, and quantitatively when failure predictions are required.
The paper is presented in three parts. First, the tests employed to determine the mixed
mode fracture envelope of a glass fibre reinforced epoxy composite adhesively bonded with
either a brittle or a ductile adhesive are briefly described. These include mode I (DCB), and
mixed mode (MMB) with various mixed mode (I/II) ratios. In the second part of the paper
different structural joints will be discussed. These include single and double lap shear and L-
specimens. In a recent European thematic network lap shear and double lap shear composite
joints were tested, and predictions of failure load were made by different academic and
industrial partners [9,10]. It was apparent that considerable differences existed between
different analytical predictions and FE analyses, and correlation with tests proved complex. In
particular, the progressive damage development in assemblies bonded with a ductile adhesive
was not treated adequately. A more detailed study of damage mechanisms was therefore
undertaken, using image analysis combined with microscopy to examine the crack tip strain
fields and measure adherend displacements. This is described below and correlation is made
between predicted displacements and failure loads, based on the mixed mode envelope
determined previously, and measured values.
In the final part of the paper the extension of the fracture mechanics approach to the
prediction of the pull-off of top hat stiffeners on sandwich panels is presented. Composite top-
hat stiffeners have been studied by several workers as they are often used in ship structures.
Smith [11] gives an overview of structural connections in marine structures and describes
experimental results. Shenoi and colleagues have described failure mechanisms under pull-off
and flexural loading and compared failure loads with predictions from finite element analysis
[12,13]. For their geometry and materials they predict delamination of the overlaminate under
tensile pull-off loads, using a failure criterion based on a critical value of through-thickness
stress. They also examined strain energy release rates, but for the overlaminate not the bonded
interface [13], In the present work we have concentrated on the latter. Experimental details
and initial results are given and the influence of implanted bond-line defects is discussed.
The results described in this paper were all obtained from tests on E-glass reinforced
composite materials produced by hand lay-up. This is the manufacturing route most
frequently used for marine structures. For the majority of the tests reported here the E-glass
fibres were either quasi-unidirectional (250 g/m^ with 1 g/m^ of polyester fibres bonded in the
90° direction to keep the UD fibres in place) or stitched quadriaxial (0/45/907-45° 1034 g/m^)
cloths. The same uniaxial ply is used in both cloths. The resin is based on DGEBA epoxy
(SRI 500) with an amine hardener (2505) from Sicomin, France. All epoxy specimens were
post-cured at 90°C for 6 hours. Some results are also shown for a woven glass (0/90° 500
g/m^) reinforced isophthalic polyester for comparison, as this is the traditional marine
Fracture Mechanics Tests to Characterize Bonded Glass/Epoxy Composites 281
— Brittle epoxy
0 2 4 6 8 10
Tensile Strain, %
Figure 1. Tensile stress-strain behaviour. Indicative Gc values from tests on cast brittle resin,
and on tough epoxy as adhesive on steel substrates.
In order to determine the failure load of a structure under a given loading the approach is
essentially as follows: First determine the maximum strain energy release rate in the structure
for the load of interest. This may be achieved either by applying analytical expressions, when
the geometry is simple, or by finite element methods using virtual crack closure for more
complex structures. This gives values of Gi and Gn (or Jj and Jn). to be compared to a fracture
criterion, which has been determined by a separate series of tests on the same materials. If the
loads of interest are well defined only a small part of the mixed mode failure envelope may be
needed, but more generally the complete mixed mode envelope is required. Figure 2 shows
this procedure schematically for a double lap shear specimen.
A first step in the validation of this approach is to test simple specimens under controlled
conditions and to compare predictions with measured failure load values. First lap shear
geometries were examined, then an L-geometry was studied in more detail. The bond-line in
these small specimens was very similar to that in the quasi-unidirectional fracture specimens
as the small dimensions allow panels to be pressed uniformly after assembly (which is not the
case for industrial top-hat stiffeners).
NB Equation 25 in reference [5] is incorrect. The correct equation, used in tlie analysis here, is:
-DiC3>.i^cosh(>.iLi) = -D2>.2^{C7COsh(?.2Li) + C8sinh(>.2Li)}
Fracture Mechanics Tests to Characterize Bonded Glass/Epoxy Composites 283
Redux 420
"S 12000 SR1500
Test no
Model Test no
Test with
Figure 3. Test-prediction comparisons for 3mm adherend single lap shear specimens.
The correlation is quite good for the SRI 500 resin, while for the more ductile adhesive resin
the predictions overestimate the measured failure loads. However, in the latter case an
extensive damage zone develops before final failure and the non-linear elastic fracture model
is no longer appropriate. It is interesting to note however, that when a fillet is left at the end of
the overlap the test values are much closer to the predictions.
Figure 4. Schematic diagram showing the loading and geometry for the "L" type specimen.
These could be found, for example, in "zed" section stringers or parts of rib-elements in
aircraft wings. In-situ testing of small, approximately 2mm wide sections, of such structures
was performed on an optical microscope using a "Minimaf miniature materials tester [18]
with the loading arrangement shown schematically in Figure 4. Image analysis [19] was then
used to spatially correlate surface features from images taken in the initial unloaded state,
with the same features in the loaded state, to derive strain field maps within the adhesive
bond-line and to make measurements of adherend displacements. Figure 5 shows an example
of a typical vector displacement map for the detailed inset region of the above specimen.
Figure 5. Vector displacement map for the inset region of the specimen from Figure 4. Heavy
dashed white lines show adherend outline. Lower adherend approximately 1.6 mm thick.
It was estimated that displacements could be obtained with an accuracy of better than 1/20^^ of
a pixel, giving an equivalent accuracy of approximately 0.2JLI when using a 2.5x microscope
objective, and strains could be measured with an accuracy of approximately 0.1%. Figure 6(a)
and (b) shows, respectively, maps of the tensile (^Uy/5y) and shear {dwjdy +dnyldx) strain
components recorded for the specimen from Figure 5 with an intact fillet and 1.6 mm thick
SRI 500 composite adherends under a load P3 of approximately 20 N/mm.
•g O.OIH
0.0 I
Figure 6a, b. Strain maps for the specimen with a fillet from Figure 5. Load P3 = 20N/inm.
Examination of these images showed significant strain developed throughout the whole fillet
with maximum strain values of approximately 1% for the tensile (Syy ) and shear (Cxy =
{dwxidy +d\Jiyldx)l2 ) components at a region located within the fillet and adjacent to its free
Specimens without a fillet were also tested in which starter cracks had been
deliberately introduced into the bond line. Figure 7 (a) and (b) shows, respectively, the tensile
and shear components of strain for an example of such a specimen with a crack of length
Fracture Mechanics Tests to Characterize Bonded Glass/Epoxy Composites 285
c I
•g 0.01
0.0 I
This specimen, which failed at a load P3 of 11.7N/mm, is shown at a load before failure of
approximately lON/mm. Inspection of Figure 7 shows that whilst the bulk of the adhesive
shows tensile strains of approximately 0.1%, regions of tensile and shear maxima apparently
followed the outline of the interfacial region between adherend and adhesive, with some
regions indicating strains in excess of 2-3%. It should also be noted however, that a careful
inspection of the vector displacement map showed that these large apparent strains were in
fact due to a discontinuity in the displacement vectors as a result of sub-critical damage
accumulation ahead of the nominal crack front. Figure 8 shows a plot of the adherend
displacements (Uy) as a function of "x" for the specimen from Figure 7.
1....LJ i L
'^ 1
X r xifeiais Fflajc bnXejnt
"^"^x;^ ^ i „ 1
^ ToV'<
^ X-J....
ocd ^
i"^ .440W eri.^ 4dh<j renldttt ±:x :t:: :±:
U-l(|) 1400
"x"iDixel s
The nominal crack front was located at an "x" pixel position of 450, equivalent to an effective
crack length "a" of approximately 4.8 mm from the loading point P. The dotted line shows the
net w(x) displacement difference between the adherends.
Approximate crack
Effective crack length "a" (mm)
Figure 9. Comparison between predicted and experimental measurements of net beam
displacement (w(x)) for the specimen from Figure 5.
Formally, the differential equation relating the transverse deflection of a simple beam of
width "b", thickness "h" is given by:
The results above suggest that it may be possible to apply fracture mechanics data to
determine failure loads of more complex structures, provided that (i) the adhesives used are
not too ductile, (ii) bondline thickness is known and controlled, (iii) non-linear behaviour due
to adherend and interface damage is limited, and (iv) the specimens employed to determine
the fracture envelope are representative of the real structure. In order to examine this two
series of top hat stiffeners were manufactured. These are typical of real stiffeners in naval
superstructures. The first series used a woven glass fibre reinforced polyester representing
current shipbuilding practice. The second series was based on the glass/epoxy material. For
both materials, in addition to the standard stiffener additional specimens were prepared with
starter cracks (8 micron thick polypropylene film) of different lengths (20, 40 and 60 mm)
placed at the stiffener/base interface during manufacture. The test set-ups used are shown in
Figure 12. When the base is a stiff balsa sandwich material the loading is pure mode I, Figure
12(a). As the base becomes thinner there is a mode II component. Figure 12(b), so a simple
tensile pull-off allows the I/II mode mix to be varied. In the limited space available here only
results from the former will be given.
Figure 12. Top hat stiffener pull-off test set-up (a) mode I, (b) mixed mode I/II.
Two digital cameras interfaced with a PC and a load input were used to record the crack
length and opening displacement continuously. An image analysis programme then enabled
crack length versus applied force and crack opening displacement plots to be generated. Two
acoustic emission transducers were placed on the stiffeners and interfaced to a second PC.
The load and machine cross-head displacement were recorded on a third PC. The specimens
without implanted defects will be considered first, it is apparent from the load-displacement
plots that replacing the woven glass/polyester by a QX/epoxy material results in a very
significant increase in pull-offload. Figure 13.
Pull-off tests, no defect
5 10 15 20
displacement, mm
However it should be emphasised that many factors affect pull-off load including geometry,
fillet material, and surface preparation. The top-hats employed here were produced to allow
the existing fracture data to be applied, they are certainly not optimised.
When specimens with implanted defects are tested there is a very large drop in pull-off
load for both materials. Examples of load and crack length versus time are shown in Figure
14. For the shortest defect the crack propagation is unstable and asymmetric but for the longer
defects stable, symmetrical propagation was observed.
Figure 14. Load and crack length versus time plots top-hats with defects.
Transverse pull-off tests induce mainly mode I loading, provided the base panel is sufficiently
rigid. Finite element analyses have been performed to look at this geometry in more detail,
and will be reported elsewhere, but here a simple analytical beam theory expression is used to
predict the pull-off failure load [21]:
F=2 [
21a' ]
The results from 12 pull-off tests on QX/epoxy specimens with implanted defects are shown
in Figure 15. Both measured and predicted values are shown. Different criteria may be used to
compare top hat pull-off and fracture test values. These include various acoustic emission
parameters (first acoustic events, first events above a certain amplitude), visual or image
analysis parameters or values on the load-displacement plots. Several criteria have been
examined, here non-linear values are shown (Gic = 240 J/m^, the lower, dashed line).
QX/Epoxy top hat pull-off (E=15 GPa, t=5mm)
4000 1 M"
A • NL experimental points
1 \\
\\ - - Gc = 240 J/m^
I 2000 Gc = 330J/m2
c 1 ^%."
w 1000
H 1
Figure 15. Test results and predictions, QX/epoxy top-hats on balsa sandwich.
While the results from this first attempt to use fracture data from standard specimens to
predict failure loads are quite encouraging there are a number of aspects which have been
neglected and these must be examined in more detail if the work is to be extended in the
Size effects
One point which should be addressed is size effects. This is important, not only because
dimensions of marine structures can be very large and the hand lay-up fabrication can lead to
rather heterogeneous materials, but also because the reinforcement repeat unit size may be
tens of millimetres. Larger specimens were therefore produced, 50 mm wide and 350 mm
long rather than the standard 20 mm by 140 mm dimensions tested previously. These large
specimens were manufactured from exactly the same materials as the top hat stiffeners, i.e.
four layers of quadriaxial glass cloth each side of the starter film for a total specimen
thickness of 8 mm. The layers were arranged symmetrically about the specimen mid-plane,
with the starter film placed between two 0° layers, i.e. exactly the same interface as that in the
specimens used previously. A special scaled-up MMB fixture was developed to test them
under mixed mode loading. Here only the mode I results will be presented, in the following
Manufacturing effects
If the production assembly process influences the material structure, compared to that found
in the quasi-unidirectional specimens used to obtain the fracture envelope, then there is no
reason for predictions to correlate with measurements. Two manufacturing procedures were
studied, the first was a continuous lay-up in which a panel was produced with no pause during
manufacture. This corresponds to the composite adherend fabrication. The second procedure
was in two steps. Half the panel thickness (4 layers) was impregnated. Fabrication was then
stopped, a peel ply layer was applied and the panel was left overnight. The following day the
peel ply was removed and the four remaining layers were laminated. This second procedure
corresponds more closely to real manufacturing of top hat stiffeners by over-lamination,
where large panels are produced first and stiffeners are added later. It can result in poor
bonding and/or a resin rich layer at the interface between the stiffener and base plate. When
specimens of both materials were tested there was no significant difference in initiation \alues
for the epoxy composite but the polyester material showed lower values for the material
manufactured with a delay. Thus while tests on continuously-produced specimens indicate
very similar values for the polyester and the epoxy when the real fabrication process is used
the former are only half those of the latter and this is reflected in the pull-offloads.
The values measured on the QX/epoxy with delay are also higher than those for the UD
material. Predictions with this higher value are shown on Figure 15, but are not sufficient to
explain the under-estimation of the pull-offloads in the top hats with longer defects.
Fracture Mechanics Tests to Characterize Bonded Glass/Epoxy Composites 291
Ductile adhesives
While the approach described above works reasonably well for the polyester and epoxy
matrix resins which do not show extensive ductility there is clearly a need for an alternative
approach when very ductile structural adhesives are applied. The development of extensive
damage zones can be treated more efficiently using damage mechanics models and these are
now being examined.
3-D structures
Finally, it should be emphasised that the objective of this work is to optimise design of real
three-dimensional structures such as stiffened panels. While the top hat section is part of this
structure debonding is generally seen to initiate at the stiffener ends under complex (mixed
mode) loading and stiffener/panel debonding is not the unique failure mechanism. The top hat
pull-off test is still of some interest, as mixed mode loading (I/II) can be studied by varying
the plate thickness of the lower panel (Figure 12b). However, tests on real structural elements
are important if the correct failure mechanisms are to be modelled and some of these are
being examined in a current project (EUCLID RTF 3.21, [23]).
Fracture mechanics characterisation tests have been performed to determine the mixed mode
fracture envelope of an epoxy bonded glass/epoxy composite. Analysis of lap shear, and L-
stiffener geometries has shown that for this relatively brittle adhesive reasonable first
estimations of failure loads can be obtained for both cracked and uncracked specimens. An
image analysis technique has been developed which enables failure mechanisms to be
analysed in more detail. Damage development and accumulation have been observed before
final fracture, and must be taken into account if better predictions are required. The extension
of the predictions to an industrial top hat stiffener shows that while the fracture mechanics
properties do mirror the structural behaviour many geometrical and manufacturing details
must be taken into account if reliable predictions are to be made even for this simple
geometry. Further work is concentrating on more detailed damage modelling and more
complex loading cases.
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