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Chapter 3 Gases Lesson1 - 12

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Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures

Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Lesson  1

2 sessions


Classroom and laboratory

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 summarize the main ideas of the kinetic molecular theory; and
 explain the behavior of gases based on the Kinetic Molecular
Theory (KMT).

The students should have a basic knowledge of the properties and
behavior of gases.


 piece of stone  water

 medicine dropper  shallow plate
 bowl or wide-mouthed

Opening Statement
This lesson will help you explore the gaseous state of matter, which is
an essential part of the study of chemistry. You will also discover the
ways in which the particles of reactants interact with each other. One
might think that because we can easily handle samples of liquids and
solids, the study of their behavior would be simpler than the study of
gases. Such is not the case. It is through working with gases that we
can become familiar with one of the most powerful ways of looking at
matter—the moving particle theory or the Kinetic Molecular Theory

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

In the latter half of the 19 th century, Ludwig Boltzmann, James Clark

Maxwell, and their co-workers formulated the KMT to explain the
observed properties or behavior of gases. Kinetic comes from the
Greek word kinesis, which means motion.


Ask students to perform the following experiment.

a. Examine a stone using your naked eye.

b. Drop the stone from a height of 1 meter.
c. Observe what happens to the stone.
d. Next, put a drop of water in a shallow plate and observe.
e. Feel the air around you.

Guide Questions

After the activity, allow students to discuss the following:

a. What did you observe in each procedure?

b. What can you say about the motion and/or attraction of
molecules in stone? In water? In air?
c. Between a piece of stone and a drop of water, which do
you think has a stronger force of attraction between molecules?
d. Which among the three has the least forces of attraction
between molecules? Why?

Discussion Ideas

To understand the behavior of a gas, begin with the atomic theory

which states that all substances are composed of a large number of
very small particles (molecules or atoms). In principle, the observable
properties of gas (pressure, volume, temperature) are the
consequences of the actions of the molecules making up the gas.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Summarize the key learning points using this mnemonic:

ATTER consists of very tiny particles called molecules

BSERVATIONS have shown that collision or the total kinetic energy of

particles remains constant; some lose energy while others gain energy

OO WIDE spaces between molecules of a gas, and most limited in solids

N CONSTANT MOTION, particles of matter move the greatest among
molecules of a gas and least among molecules of a solid
VERLY STRONG FORCES OF ATTRACTION between molecules of a solid
exist because particles move least and are closest in a solid

EGLIGIBLE (weak) FORCES OF ATTRACTION occur in gases where the

molecules move fastest and are farthest apart.


1. You may use improvised materials for this activity.

2. Tell the students to discover whether the bubbles will sink or float
after they do the following steps.

3. Make air bubbles by using a soap solution and an O-ring made of

wire or broomstick.

4. Make CO2 bubbles by setting up the apparatus as shown below.

5. Add vinegar to the baking soda.

6. Dip the end of the tubing into the dish of soap solution.

7. Compare the behavior of the two kinds of bubbles.

8. Explain your observations using the properties of gases.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Extension Ideas

 The motion of bubbles or any gas particles can be as fast

as a bullet, while the motion of solids can be very slow like the
blooming of a flower.

 Gas molecules behave in the same way people do. For all
our actions, we must not take random moves or decisions.

 Consider whether the approaches and reactions we have

to make should be very quick or whether they require ample time.
Alternatives should be weighed accurately. Decisions should be
based on actual knowledge and careful analysis of data. Principles
should be applied to everyday problems.


Part I

There are five postulates that describe the behavior of molecules in a

gas. The Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases begins with these
postulates. In reading a postulate, do two things.

a. Try to understand and appreciate the basic physical idea embodied

in the postulate. This idea will ultimately be important to
understanding the properties of the gas in terms of the behavior of
the molecules making up the gas.
b. Second, identify and underline the possible weakness or flaws in
the postulates. Write TRUE if the postulate is accurate and FALSE
if the postulate is flawed.


1. A gas consists of a collection of small particles traveling in straight-

line motion and obeying Newton's Laws.
2. The molecules in a gas occupy no volume (that is, they are points).
3. Collisions between molecules are perfectly elastic (that is, no
energy is gained nor lost during the collision).
4. There are no attractive nor repulsive forces between molecules.
5. The average kinetic energy of a molecule is constant.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Answer key

Gases consist of large numbers of molecules (or atoms in the case
of the noble gases) that are in continuous, random motion.

The volume of all the molecules of the gas is negligible compared
to the total volume in which the gas is contained

Energy can be transferred between molecules during collisions (but
the collisions are perfectly elastic)

Attractive and repulsive forces between gas molecules is

The average kinetic energy of the molecules does not change with
time (as long as the temperature of the gas remains constant). The
average kinetic energy of the molecules is proportional to absolute
temperature. At any given temperature, the molecules of all gases
have the same average kinetic energy. In other words, if I have two
gas samples, both at the same temperature, then the average
kinetic energy for the collection of gas molecules in one sample is
equal to the average kinetic energy for the collection of gas
molecules in the other sample.

Closing Activity

Ask each group to prepare a poster with the following theme: “Gas
Molecules: The Restless Particles.” Post their outputs on the board for
gallery viewing. Recognize the best output.


Ask the students to develop their own concept map of the Kinetic
Molecular Theory. Outputs should be attached in student portfolios.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


Deauna, Mendoza, Religioso. Chemistry: You and the Natural World

Series. 166–167.
Magno, Marcelita C. et al. 1991. Science and Technology III. Science
and Technology Textbook for Third Year High School. First edition.
SEDP series. 58–61.
Magno, Tan, Punzalan: Chemistry. 39.
“The theory of moving molecules”; Rudolf Clausius, 1857.
BasicConcepts.html version 1.1© 2001 David N. Blauch

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Lesson  2


1 session


Classroom and laboratory


At the end of the session, the students should be able to analyze the
relationship between molecular interactions, boiling point, vapor
pressure and the phases of matter.


The students should have basic knowledge on molecular interactions.

They must be prepared to present their work.


 hot plate or stove

 beakers
 water

Opening Statement

Introduce the lesson using the visual aid in the next page.

Gases are the least felt of the three physical states of matter. They
expand indefinitely and uniformly to fill all the spaces in which they are
placed. Their molecules are moving so rapidly and are so far apart that
the forces of attraction between molecules are negligible. Heat makes
solids and liquids expand. But they do not expand indefinitely when
heat is continuously applied. Some solids like ice melt to form liquids
and then evaporate to form gases. When gases are cooled, they
condense to liquids and then they freeze to solids upon further cooling.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


1. Demonstrate a simple activity to explain the concept of boiling point

and vapor pressure in relation to molecular interaction.

2. Do the set-up for the boiling point and vapor pressure

demonstration activity. In the photo, the thermometer is placed in a
rubber stopper, which then fits into the buret clamp.

3. If you don't have the necessary equipment for this kind of set-up,
you can secure the thermometer using a string or rubber band to a
piece of wood that can then be placed in the water.

Boiling Vapor Pressure

2. Allow several students to share what they learned from the previous
lesson about water’s freezing or melting point. Ask, “What can we
do to speed up the change in water from liquid to gas?” Remind

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

students of the matter particle model. Ask, “What if we add more

heat energy?” How will the water respond to the heat energy?

 Heat changes the properties of water. If we add enough heat

to water in its solid form (ice) it will change into a liquid. We call
this process melting. If more heat is added, the liquid will
change to gas (water vapor). When enough vapor forms so that
the pressure of the vapor is equal to the pressure of the
atmosphere above the water, the vapor can then push the air
above the container away and allow vapor bubbles to be
released. We call this process boiling.

3. Give some safety precautions

This experiment requires proper laboratory equipment. Tell the
students about the danger of being burned by the hot plate.

 Do not try this if you do not have the proper equipment.

 You will be working with very hot water.
 You will need an apron and heat mittens to protect your body
and hands.
 Make sure that the beaker is safe to heat (e.g., Pyrex)
 Take the necessary precautions to prevent being burned by
the heat source: Do not touch it, etc.
 Be careful with the steam; it can burn too.

4. Allow the students to explore. Have the first three students half-fill
the beaker with water and place it on the heat source until the
distilled water boils. Ask them to describe any changes they see in
the water as it boils. Ask the students to predict what they expect to
happen. When the steam is noticed ask, “What is happening?”
Have students write their ideas. Show the students the water.
Remove the beaker from the hot plate or stove.
5. Encourage discussion about the water loss per amount of time
compared to the evaporation experiment. You may use the
attached visual aid on “Heating Curve for Water”.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Discussion Ideas

How does water evaporate?

Liquid water molecules are moving around, sliding over one
another. If you add energy to them, they move faster. When they
have enough energy, they can become water vapor (a gas) and
move off into the air. That is evaporation.

How can one determine the temperature at which water boils?

Bubbles start to appear in water well below the known boiling point
of 100 degrees 0C (212 °F).

Describe boiling point and vapor pressure in relation to molecular


If you think about what is going on, the water vapor (steam) is
saturating the air above the boiling water. Eventually you are going
to get so much water into the air to the point where water does not
want to boil. That is you are bringing the vapor pressure of the
boiling water and the steam to where they are almost the same.
Essentially, you have overcome the vapor pressure of the water in
solution by having a saturated air "solution" above it. So the water
will begin to cool because its temperature is slightly lower than the
boiling point.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

You will still see some boiling because there is equilibrium between
molecules of steam condensing to water and the water reboiling to
replace the condensed portion.

When you cool the steam it converts to water. This conversion

lowers the vapor pressure on the saturated air above the water, and
when that steam is removed, the water will heat up to boiling again
to replace those molecules of water that condensed.

The two principal factors that affect boiling are pressure and
temperature. Under one atmosphere of pressure, pure water boils
at 100 0C. If the pressure changes, then the temperature will also

More pressure means that the water vapor has to push harder on
the air above it, while less pressure means that there is less air to
push out of the way.

What is the most common unit of pressure?

Water has a vapor pressure of approximately 15 torr at room
temperature. Normal atmospheric pressure is defined as 1
1 atm = 14.6956 psi = 101.3 kPa = 760 torr = 60 mm Hg at its
boiling point of 1000C (2120F)

Extension Ideas

a. When you blow up a balloon, the air inside pushes against

the balloon and keeps it firm. This example illustrates that gas
exerts pressure on its surroundings.
b. When water boils in a covered pan, the collisions of the
molecules exert pressure.
c. Make a prediction as to how you think the water will behave
in different locations, different altitudes, and different pressures.

Most materials have very low vapor pressures. Because the air
pressure is lower in a city far above sea level, the boiling point
of water is lower than in a sea level city. At high altitudes, the air
density is lower than at sea level. Will any change in boiling
point at different altitudes also change cooking time?

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

If you are making something that needs to be boiled, the cooking

process will take longer at high altitudes than at sea level. At as low
as 5,000 feet (1,500 meters), the boiling point of water changes
enough to change cooking times significantly. For example, expect
rice cooked at 5,000 feet (1,500 meters) to take 25-30 minutes
instead of 20-25 minutes of simmering before the water is absorbed
and the rice is done.

The water is not as hot in Baguio City as it is in Manila, and this

phenomenon includes boiling water. This is the reason why, when
cooking in the mountains, your coffee and hot chocolate can be
merely lukewarm, even if the water is boiling.

At higher elevations, water boils at a LOWER temperature, thus

requiring you to cook longer once you hit boiling. Therefore, the
time it takes you to prepare food is longer too.

d. Look for "high altitude" baking directions on a cake mix package.

How do the "high altitude" directions differ from the regular

Usually, in baking bread, for example, there will be a note (in

fine print) stating what to add or delete from the recipe so that
the rapid rise time doesn't make the resulting bread or cake too
dry. For any baked goods that rise (yeast breads, cakes or
breads made with baking powder, etc.), it is important to adjust
the recipe.
Sometimes, you may need to adjust the baking temperature in
your oven as well. At elevations over 3500 feet, the oven
temperature for batters and doughs should be 25 degrees
Fahrenheit higher than the temperature used at sea level.
Proofing time for yeast breads should be reduced.

e. Why do high-altitude baking directions differ from regular cooking


As you may know, air pressure at sea level is roughly 15 pounds

per square inch. Since there are a few miles of air above us, lots
of stuff (molecules) in the air is all pulled to the earth by gravity.
For example, when you go up in the atmosphere a mile (5,280
ft.) you have much less air pressure (i.e. much less air pressing
down on you).

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

The same is true for being underwater: the closer to the surface
you are, the less pressure you feel in your ears; the deeper you
go, the greater the pressure.

Any reaction that causes expansion (like giving off gasses as

part of a chemical reaction) will happen slower the closer one is
to sea level, since the air pressure surrounding the reaction is
greater. But as one goes up in the atmosphere, the surrounding
air pressure is less. Therefore expanding processes (like rising
bread) would seem to happen faster and maybe more profusely.

The lower air pressure as a result of high altitudes does cause

increased evaporation of liquids during baking, which can
result in the structure of the cake not setting up properly and
eventually collapsing. Since most recipes are for sea-level
baking, you can include some adjustments for high altitudes
that will help produce a moist and finely textured cake. Being
acquainted with the facts so that you are knowledgeable about
this adversary can give you a definite edge in the baking

Closing Activity

Based on what they have learned, ask the students to explain why it is
easier to tenderize beef using a pressure cooker rather than firewood
or regular cooking gas.


1. Table 1 presents vapor pressure at 303 0K for the different

a. Which substance boils first?
b. Which substance has the weakest forces of attraction among its

Table 1
Substance Vapor Pressure at 3030k
Water 31.82
Acetone 282.7
Alcohol 78.8
Ether 647.3

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

2. What is the pressure in the atmosphere of a gas that has a

pressure of 600 torr?

The equality 1 atm = 760 torr can be used as the conversion factor:

1 atm –1
600 torr x 760 torr = 0.789 atm = 7.89 x 10 atm


Deauna, Mendoza, Religioso. Chemistry: You and the Natural World

Series. 167–169.

Mapa, Fedelino, Religioso. Science and Technology III. 240–242.

Bairnsfather, Andrew. Santa Fe, New Mexico:


MadSci Network, webadmin@www.madsci.org

p.html#equipment help



Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Teacher Notes
What is the difference between pressure and the vapor pressure of a liquid?

Pressure is a measure of the force against a surface. It Pressure (P) = Force

is usually expressed as force per unit area. The vapor Area
pressure of a liquid is the pressure exerted by its vapor
when the liquid and vapor are in dynamic equilibrium.

Is there vapor pressure if a liquid is placed in an open container?

Normally, if we were to place a substance in an evacuated, closed container,

some of it would vaporize. The pressure in the space above the liquid would
increase from zero and would eventually stabilize the vapour pressure at a
constant value. Liquids that are not in a closed container have vapor
pressure. However, the liquid eventually evaporates or vaporizes (turns into a
gas) completely.

What is the relationship between boiling point and vapor pressure?

Vapor pressure and boiling point have an intimate relationship. Boiling point is
the temperature at which a liquid changes to gas (vapor) at normal
atmospheric pressure. At boiling point, the vapor pressure of the liquid equals
the external pressure. It is important to specify the temperature when stating
a vapor pressure because vapor pressures increase with temperature.
In general, the higher the vapor pressure of a material at a given temperature,
the lower its boiling point. In other words, compounds with high vapor
pressures are volatile, forming a high concentration of vapor above the liquid.
They can sometimes pose a fire hazard (especially in an enclosed space).

Why is boiling point important?

Heating water under pressure may raise its boiling point above the normal
boiling point of 100o C. Likewise, the addition of a solute may also raise the
boiling point.
Knowing the boiling point of a substance is an important consideration for
storage. For example, storing a chemical with a boiling point of 50 0C (122 0F)
in direct sunlight or next to a boiler could cause the material to completely
vaporize and/or explode or cause a fire. Items with a low boiling point
generally have high vapor pressure. Containers of such materials can build
up significant pressure even when they are below their boiling point. Likewise,
low-boiling materials easily produce large amounts of vapor which can be
flammable or even explosive.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Lesson  3


2 sessions


Classroom and laboratory


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 explain the concept and principles of diffusibility;
 describe the forces of attraction between molecules of gases during
the diffusion of gases, and;
 determine the importance of diffusion as well as its harmful effects.


1. The students should have prior knowledge on diffusion.

2. Students should be prepared to present their work in front of the


 eight bottles
 rosewater
 vanilla extract
 oil of clover
 peppermint oil
 almond extract

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Opening Activity WHAT CAN GASES DO?

1. Begin the presentation by asking the students what they see in front
of their nose. Let the students respond. Tell the students to wave
their hand in front of their faces. Discuss and conclude that
although they could not see the air in front of their faces, they could
feel it as a breeze against their skin.
2. Spray a very small amount of deodorant or cologne into the air. Ask
the students to raise their hand when they smell something. The
smell will diffuse and, depending on their distance away from the
source, the students will raise their hands at intervals. Discuss with
them the following questions:

Can you see the particles of the deodorant or cologne? How did it
reach your nose?

3. This demonstration helps to show that although the air cannot be

seen, it can be felt; and an odor can be diffused through it. Air is
matter: it exists and takes up space.

4. Explain that in general, diffusion refers to the spreading out of

molecules to fill a space. When gases move by diffusion, they go
from areas of higher concentration of the gas to areas of lower

For example, sponges obtain oxygen when dissolved oxygen in

seawater moves from an area of higher concentration (sea water)
to an area of lower concentration (water inside the sponge cells).

5. In the next activity, let the students work on a task that has
something to do with diffusion.


1. Prepare the necessary materials for the activity.
2. Divide the students into groups depending on the actual class
3. Provide each group with an activity sheet.
4. Allow the students to do the activity for 10 minutes and then
give each group two minutes to present their findings to the class.
5. Facilitate the presentation of group outputs.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Discussion Ideas

Discuss the students’ answers. Let them summarize what they have
learned from the activity.

a. How many of the unknown scents did team members agree on?
b. Obtain the correct identification of the scents from your teacher.
How many scents did all of the team members identify
c. How many of the scents did only one team member identify?
d. Can you propose a hypothesis to explain how the scents were

The Phenomenon
Air is a mixture of gases. Normally, clean air has no odor. It only
smells when a pollutant or foreign substance is mixed with it. The
scents of different substances were easily identified because odors
of vapors consist of gaseous particles that diffuse. Gas particles
move randomly and thus spread everywhere, even in spaces where
other gases are present. The spreading out of particles is known as

What is Diffusion?
Diffusion is the movement of molecules through a liquid or gaseous
medium from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration, due to the kinetic energy of the molecules.

Is there a chemical change during diffusion?

Diffusion is a purely physical phenomenon. Gases diffuse very
quickly due to large empty spaces among the molecules. Different
gases diffuse at different rates (velocities).

Is diffusion applicable only to gases?

Diffusion can occur in gases, liquids, and solids. Substances diffuse
at different speeds. They diffuse fastest in gases and slowest in

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Extension Ideas

 In case of fire, victims who are trapped in a closed area or room

should crawl out to avoid suffocation caused by the smoke. Smoke
has the tendency to diffuse in the above space; hence it is by
crawling that the victim can safely get out of the room.

 Industrial firms that emit gases should know how to control their
exhaust gases to avoid gas diffusion problems, which can harm the
ecological balance of our environment.

 Develop environmental awareness and concern among your

students. Ask them to do any of the following:

1. Assign students to do a week-long observation of the different

odors which diffuse from their surroundings. They must identify
odors which have harmful effects, as well as those with helpful
effects on human beings and the environment.

2. Visit any of the following:

 Garbage dumping areas
 Large or small-scale industries/businesses
 Power plants

3. Give the following guide questions to the students before they

visit the sites.

 What problems (e.g., pollution, health and sanitation) are

created by the existence of this plant/ factory?
 What type of waste materials (e.g., solid, liquid, gas,
biodegradable and non-biodegradable) do they produce?
 How do these factories dispose of their waste materials?

4. You may require your students to submit their findings either

individually or by groups. Findings should be connected to the
concept of diffusion of gas.

5. Later discuss in class the environmental problems they cause.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Closing Activity


1. Provide a brief introduction of the activity:

Many everyday experiences show you how gases easily spread

in the air through diffusion. The fragrant smell of flowers and the
pungent smell of cigarette smoke both prove that gases diffuse.
The intermixing of two or more gases to form a homogeneous
mixture without any chemical change is called "DIFFUSION OF

2. End this topic with a debate on the following situation.

Scientific evidence shows that cigarette smoke contains many

toxic compounds, some of which are cancer-causing. A
municipal ordinance was passed banning smoking in public
places. Also, the Secretary of Education passed a regulation
prohibiting elementary and secondary students like you from

3. Ask the students.

Are you for or against this regulation? Argue from a scientific
point of view.

Give the following instruction.

Those who are pro-smoking please form one group; those
against it, please form another group.


1. Ask the class: What do you know about the composition of air?
Air contains three primary gases (below). You are familiar with the
structure of each one. Draw the molecular structures of the three
gases below.
Composition of Air
~78.00 % nitrogen
~21.00 % oxygen
~0.03 % carbon dioxide

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

In addition, other gases such as water vapor, helium and carbon

monoxide may be present in small quantities. Water vapor may be
present in air in widely varying concentrations. Particulate matter is
also often present.

2. Assign individual students to do the following:

Assume that the flask below is sitting in the room close to a perfume
spray or other aromatic molecules. The air in the flask has
equilibrated with the air around it. Draw the molecules of gas in the
flask now. Sum up your learnings on rate of diffusion using your
drawing. Show your drawing to the class and share your insights.

Figure. Flask in Room with Aromatic Liquid


Students’ responses during the activities and follow-up discussions will

serve as the performance assessment. For group participation, the
following rubrics may be used:

5 points Ability to follow procedures carefully; the active

participation and unity of the members were observed.
4 points Ability to follow procedure. Active participation of the
members was observed.
3 points Ability to follow procedure. Some members were active
while others were not.
2 points Inability to follow procedures; carefully observed; some
members showed unity.
1 point Inability to follow the procedure. Members were inactive
and there was no unity at all.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


1. How would you explain why gas completely fills a closed container?
2. How would you explain the very fast diffusion of gas through
another gas?


Magno, C. Marcelita. Science and Technology III Textbook for Third

Year High School. SEDP series. 66–69.

Mapa, Fidelino, Rabago. Science and Tecnology III. 240–241.

Science and Technology III for Young and Old. 40–41.


Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Teacher Notes
Lead the discussion on the applications and the problems with diffusion:

 In biological systems, diffusion plays an essential role in

the transport, over short distances (for example, across cell membranes),
of molecules such as nutrients, respiratory gases (carbon dioxide and
oxygen), and neurotransmitters. It provides the means by which small
molecules pass into and out of individual cells and micro-organisms, such
as amoeba, which has no circulatory system.

 Plant and animal organs whose functioning depend on diffusion

—such as the lungs—have a large surface area.
 Diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane is
termed osmosis.
 Some important processes, which involve diffusion take place in
the colon. For example, the uptake of the products of digestion from the
gut. Other processes, which involve diffusion are the gas exchange in the
lungs, and gas exchange in the leaves of plants.
 Another application of diffusion is found in the diffusion pump
which is used extensively in vacuum work. In such the gas to be
evacuated diffuses into a chamber from which it is carried away by the
vapour of a suitable medium, usually oil or mercury.

The problems with diffusion include the following:

 Diffusion may pose problems since certain gases are harmful both to man
and the environment. There are numerous cases involving exposure to
harmful gases due to diffusion.
 Because of the diffusion of gas, the smoke coming from burning garbage
reaches you even if you are inside your house.
 A more extensive effect of gas diffusion was the radioactive fallout from
the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor in the USSR. Radioactive particles
spread far and wide affecting, the USSR and its neighboring European
 Chemical weapons like tear gas, anthrax and the like which are used by
warring countries can kill people through gas diffusion.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Student Activity 3


In this activity, your team will:

 explain the diffusion of gases using different perfumes;
 describe the forces of attraction between the molecules of gases.


 eight bottles  oregano extract

 ilang-ilang extract  White Flower
 sampaguita extract  eucalyptus oil
The teacher can provide other scented materials if the substances are
not available in the place, such as the following flower extracts: camia,
rosal, tanglad (lemon grass), aceite de mazanilla, etc.


1. Your teacher will prepare six or eight bottles with identifiable scents.
Bottles will contain substances such as ilang-ilang extract,
sampaguita, oregano, White Flower, eucalyptus oil, etc.
2. You and your group mates should take turns identifying the scents
in each bottle.
3. A member of the group should record all your findings before you
exchange positions.
4. You should record all your responses to each of the questions
below and report your findings to the class.


1. How many of the unknown scents did the team members agree on?
2. Find out the correct answers from your teacher. How many of the
scents did all of the team members identify successfully?
3. How many of the scents did only one team member identify?
4. Can you propose a hypothesis to explain how the scents were

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Lesson  4


2 sessions


Classroom and laboratory


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 define the process of diffusion and;
 determine the ratio of speeds of diffusion in air of two different
gases by observing the distance traveled within the same unit of


Students should have clearly understood the properties of diffusion.


 4 cotton balls  2 medicine droppers

 4 matchsticks  glass tubing 30-cm long
 vial with concentrated NH3 water and 2-cm wide
 vial with concentrated HCl  ruler
 tweezers  carbon paper


Opening Activity THE OPEN FLASK

1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the concept of
diffusion for the students to be able to describe the properties or
behavior of gases.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Ask students: Can molecules travel through air as well as through

water? Describe any experiences or observations that may support
your answer.

Students should be able to draw on past experiences to help

them answer the question. Remind them that when they use
their sense of smell, the molecules from the object they smell
are actually going to their nostrils by diffusing through the air
from their source, just like in diffusibility.

2. Review key concepts on gas behavior by asking

the following:

Do you think these gas molecules are polar (partially charged) like
the water molecule? Explain. If they are not polar, how do gas
molecules interact?
These gas molecules are not polar. There is absolutely equal
sharing of electrons between the atoms in nitrogen and in
oxygen. In carbon dioxide, each carbon-oxygen bond is polar
but the resulting molecule has no net charge. Gas molecules do
not interact with one another in the way that water molecules
do. They move around, bump into each other, and bounce off of
one another.

Are molecules of air closer together or farther apart than molecules

of water? Explain.
Air molecules are much farther apart than water molecules.
Think about this in several ways. Gases have a higher kinetic
energy than liquids. Higher kinetic energy produces greater
movement of molecules, greater entropy or randomness, and
greater intermolecular distance.

3. Students may be asked to picture equal masses of water and water

vapor. At equal temperatures, a gram of air (or a gram of water
vapor) will occupy a greater volume than a gram of water.

What is between the molecules of air?

Nothing. Empty space exists between the molecules that
comprise air.

4. Start the activity by demonstrating the concept of diffusion using the

open flask. Below is a flask of ordinary air. There is no stopper so
the flask is open to the air in the room. Draw a representation of the

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

three major gases (nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide) in the

flask using three different types of dots as shown. Label the space
between the dots.

 Co2
 N2
 O2

Figure 2. Open Flask with Air

Guide Questions

1. What do you see?

2. Will oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse faster through air or through
water? Why?

Gases will always diffuse faster through other gases than through
fluids. Picture yourself as a gas molecule in the middle of a
classroom. If your objective was to get out of the room (diffuse),
would it be easier to do so if there were a few other "molecules"
scattered throughout the room (as would be the case if you were to
diffuse through a gas), or if there were many molecules in the room
in a more ordered formation (as would be the case if you were to
diffuse through water)? You would find it easier to diffuse through a


1. Try this experiment and compute data before going to class.

2. The glass tube must be dry. Use a hair dryer to dry the tube
between classes.
3. Form groups with at least 6 members each.
4. Distribute the activity sheet and materials to each group.
5. Instruct the students to make a presentation of the results of the

Guide Questions
1. How were you able to tell where the two gases would meet?

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

2. Considering that the two gases were inserted into the tube at the
same time, which gas diffused faster?

3. Solve for the ratio of the speed of diffusion of NH 3 and HCl by using
the equation:

average speed of NH3 = distance traveled by NH3

average speed of HCl distance traveled by HCl

4. Explain why NH3 gas diffused faster than HCl gas.

Figure 3. Rate of Diffusion: The Ammonium Chloride Ring


Hydrogen chloride and ammonia diffuse from opposite ends of a

long tube. See Figure 3. They meet and react to produce
ammonium chloride, a white solid powder. The distances of the
white powder from either end of the tube are measured, and the
ratio compared with a predicted ratio from Graham's Law.

The experiment is not expected to give close quantitative

agreements between calculated and observed values, but the
ammonia does diffuse faster than the HCl, as expected. (Lighter
molecules move faster than heavier ones).

5. What is Graham’s Law?

In 1829, Thomas Graham, an English chemist, studied the

quantitative relationship between the densities of gases and their
rate of diffusion. The ratio of the rate of diffusion of gases is
inversely proportional to the square roots of their molecular
masses. This is known as the Graham’s Law of Diffusion.

6. What is Diffusion?

Diffusion is the spreading of gases to occupy all the space available

to them. A gas will diffuse even if another gas is present in the
same space. The molecules of gases are far enough apart to allow
other gas molecules to fit in between.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

The rate at which a gas diffuses is directly proportional to the

average speed of its molecules: the faster molecules diffuse at a
faster rate. The rates of diffusion depend on the molar masses.

7. How do you express the rate of diffusion in mathematical terms?

At a given temperature, the average kinetic energy (KE) of all
gas molecules is the same:
KE = (1/2) mv2
where: m = mass of molecule
v = speed of molecule so that:
KE (HCl(g)) = KE (NH3(g))
(1/2) (mHCl) (cHCl)2 = (1/2) (mNH3) (cNH3)2
(mHCl) / (mNH3) = (cNH3)2 / (cHCl)2)
[ (cNH3) / (cHCl) ] = [ (mHCl) / (mNH3) ]

Since speed = distance/time, and the time is the same for both
kinds of molecules in this experiment.

Extension Ideas
a. The hydrochloric acid bottles left out in your lab, with time, become
covered with white powder. Suggest a possible composition for this
powder. Why do the ammonia bottles become less covered than do
the HCl bottles?

b. How long do you think it would take a substance to diffuse from the
front of the classroom to the back? What factors need to be
considered in making such a prediction?

The time required, of course, will depend upon the dimensions of

your classroom. Other than that, factors that may be considered
include: the substance being released, the temperature of the
room, whether the doors/windows are open or closed, and the
presence of convection currents.

c. An approximate floor plan for a classroom with an approximate

distribution of students (indicated by numbers) is shown below.
Record the time when the instructor sprays a strong perfume at the
front of the room (after-shave lotion, ammonia or another harmless,
aromatic liquid could also be used). When the odor reaches you,
record the time again.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

 Time substance was spilled ______

 Time the odor reached you ______
 Total elapsed time _________ min.
 Record your elapsed time on the floor plan on the
blackboard, and record all the other students’ times in the floor
plan below.


Front of room

Figure 4. Approximate Floor Plan of Classroom with Students

d. Sometimes, several areas that are the same distance away receive
the odor at different times. How would you account for that?

Gases diffuse in all directions at once, provided there is no

physical barrier. Convection currents in the air cause greater
movement in some directions than others.

e. Describe in molecular terms how the substance diffused across the

room. What steps were involved? What caused the movement of
the molecules?

The first thing that would happen would be for surface

molecules from the substance to avaporate. Then, due to the
gas molecules’ kinetic energy, the molecules will diffuse
throughout the airspace in the classroom from regions of higher
concentration to regions of lower concentration.


Ask the students individually or in groups to draw in paper the concept

of Gas Diffusion based on their level of understanding. After they have
drawn this, they must also write a caption or brief description of their
artwork such as that written below:

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

“A gas is viewed as a collection of widely separated molecules in

chaotic, constant motion. They move freely around expanding to
occupy whatever space is available to them. Diffusion takes place
because the molecules of gas are always in rapid, random, straight-
like motion, endlessly bumping each other and hitting the walls of

Closing Activity

Students will demonstrate their new knowledge and skills in

determining the rate of diffusion of gases by solving the following:

 Length of tube = 84.2 cm
 Distance traveled by NH3 = 51.3 cm
 Distance traveled by HCl = 84.2 - 51.3 = 32.9 cm


1. Write a chemical equation for the reaction which took place.

2. Find the ratio of the experimental distance which the NH 3 molecules

traveled to the distance which the HCl molecules traveled.

3. Compare this ratio to the ratio predicted based on the molar


Answer key

1. NH3 (g) + HCl(g)  NH4Cl(s)

2. Experimental ratio = 51.3 cm / 32.9 cm = 1.56

3. Predicted ratio = [(36.5 g / mol0 / (17.0 g / mol)] = 1.47

% error = [ ( | Experimental - Accepted value | )/(Accepted value) ]x100%

= [(|1.56- 1.47|) / (1.47)] x 100%
= 6.1%

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


Students will solve the problem below:

 Gas A travels a distance of 4.0 cm in air.

 Gas B travels a distance of 12.0 cm within the same
 What is the ratio or speed of diffusion of gases A and B in

5 points Ability to follow procedures carefully; active

participation and unity of the members were observed.
4 points Ability to follow procedure. Active participation of the
members was observed.
3 points Ability to follow procedure. Some members were active
but others were not.
2 points Inability to follow procedures; carefully observed; some
members showed unity.
1 point Inability to follow the procedure. Members were inactive
and showed no unity at all.


Assign students to solve the sample problem:

 Find the ratio of the speed of diffusion of HCL to that of SO 2


Deal W. J. 1975. "Ideal Gas Laws." Journal of Chemical Education. 52,



Lianko Aurora, A. 1996. Science and Technology III Chemistry

Technology. SEDP based. FNB Eucational Inc. 65.

Mapa, Fidelino, Rabago. Science and Technology III. 239–241.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Student Activity 4

In this activity, your team will:
 demonstrate Graham's law by observing gaseous diffusion.
 determine the ratio of the speeds of diffusion in air of two different
gases by observing the distances traveled within the same time.

 4 cotton balls
 4 matchsticks
 vial with concentrated NH3 water
 vial with concentrated HCl
 glass tubing, 30-cm long, 2-cm wide
 carbon paper or black paper
 ruler
 gloves (for hand protection)

HCl and NH3 are toxic. Their vapors irritate the mucous membranes. If
ingested or inhaled, they are potentially fatal respiratory hazards. They
are also corrosive to the skin and the eyes, and are especially irritating
to the latter. Their solutions can cause burns if spilled on the skin or

Dispense the chemicals in a hood. Have an eye wash accessible.
Caution should be employed when saturating the cotton with the
liquids. Do not inhale the vapors; ensure adequate ventilation.
Thoroughly wash any affected area with water.

Disposal (after the activity)

Fill a 250-mL beaker with 200 mL of tap water. Remove one stopper;
use tweezers to remove the cotton wad and immerse it into the water.
Repeat this sequence for the second stopper. Place the cotton wads in
a plastic bag and discard with ordinary trash. Flush the water down the
sink. Rinse the tube with tap water.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


1. Take 2 sticks. Attach cotton balls to one end of each stick.

2. Wet one cotton ball with NH 3 water and the other with HCl. Do not
bring the vial of NH3 water and HCl close to each other.

3. Bring the cotton balls near (but not touching) each other.

4. Throw the cotton balls in the garbage outside the classroom. The
smell can irritate your nose.

5. Place the dry glass tubing against carbon paper. Mark at about 1
cm from each end of the glass tubing.

6. Take another 2 sticks. Attach a cotton ball to one end of each stick.
The cotton balls should have the same diameter as the glass

7. Wet one cotton ball with 3 drops of HCl and the other cotton ball
with the same amount of NH 3. Don’t bring the cotton balls close

8. Immediately insert the wet cotton

balls into each end of the tube at the
same time. See figure on the right.

9. Measure the distance from the meeting point of the two gases to
each of the two marks on the glass tube where the cotton balls
were inserted.

10. Record your measurement in #9. Which gas diffused faster?

11. Solve for the ratio of the speed of diffusion of NH 3 and that of HCl
by using the equation.
average speed of NH3 dis tan ce traveled by NH3

average speed HCl dis tan ce traveled HCl

12. All other conditions equal, who do you think

will travel a longer distance in 10 minutes?
See picture on the right.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Lesson  5


2 sessions


Classroom and laboratory


At the end of the session, the students should be able to derive from
the given data the relationship between pressure and volume at a
constant temperature, or between temperature and volume, pressure
of a confined gas being constant.


1. Students should have a background of the units for measuring

2. Students must be familiar with the safety precautions in the


 Bunsen burner/alcohol lamp

 pair of forceps/tweezers or pliers
 small container of water
 disposable syringe needle with cap
 pair of disposable plastic syringes with luer-lock tip
 several fresh miniature marshmallows of the same size (use
merengue if marshmallows are not available)

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


Opening Activity

1. Give a short background on Boyle’s Law.

Robert Boyle, an English chemist, was the first to determine the

quantitative relationship between the volumes and pressure of
gases. His investigations in 1662 showed that doubling the
pressure on a given quantity of gas kept under constant
temperature halved the volume. Hence, increasing the gas
pressure threefold reduced the gas volume to one-third;
increasing the gas pressure fourfold reduced the volume to one-
fourth, and so on.

2. Provide a brief demonstration of Boyle’s Law:

Boyle's Law and the Mass of a Textbook


After using a syringe to confine a fixed volume of gas at room
temperature, the pressure on the gas is increased by balancing
books on the syringe plunger. The resulting gas volumes are
recorded and the data examined to illustrate Boyle's Law.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


1. After the demonstration of Boyle’s Law, lead the class discussion

on why the marshmallow behaves as it does, bringing out the
relationship between gas, volume and pressure. Encourage
students to use their observations to support their ideas.
2. Remove the marshmallow from the syringe and compare it to the
control marshmallow (the marshmallow from the syringe usually
appears shrunken and shriveled when compared to the control
3. Facilitate the discussion on why the two marshmallows are
4. Elicit a statement of Boyle’s Law from the students.
5. Elicit practical examples of pressure-volume relationships.
6. Present the formula of Boyle’s Law and show how problems using
the Boyle’s Law formula are solved.

Discussion Ideas

 As you pull back the plunger of the syringe, you are

decreasing the air pressure in the barrel of the syringe by allowing
the air molecules more space in which to move around. The air in
the marshmallow “pushes” it out and causes it to expand. The
opposite happens when you push in the plunger. As the air
pressure increases the marshmallow is compressed.

 The compressibility of a gas was illustrated in our activity.

The air in the syringe is compressed when a plunger is pushed and
it expands when the plunger is pulled out. The activity illustrates the
pressure-volume relationship of a gas known as Boyle’s Law, which
states that,
The volume varies inversely with pressure at constant
temperature and constant amount of gas. Therefore, as volume
increases, pressure decreases.

 Why did we use marshmallow?

A marshmallow is a convenient tool for illustrating Boyle’s Law
because it is a gas in a solid, making it a type of colloid. Matter
consists of tiny particles called molecules.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Extension Ideas

1. Place a marshmallow inside a bell-jar, and evacuate it. The

marshmallow swells as the external pressure is reduced.


2. Place ready-whip whipped cram inside a bell jar, and evacuate it.
The whipped cream swells as the external pressure is reduced

Boyled Whip Cream


3. Ask the students to imagine a marshmallow sealed on Earth in a

steel container. Students must use “less”, same”, or ”more” as
descriptors. For example, the marshmallow will increase in size or
swell inside the space shuttle.

What will happen to the marshmallow if it is

 in the space shuttle?
 on the space walk?
 on a deep-sea dive at a depth of 100 ft.?

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

4. Cite other practical examples of pressure-volume relationship


 Cartesian divers and scuba diving

 Weather balloons expanding as they travel to higher altitudes
 Need to open windows when there is a tornado
 “Popping” of ears when on a plane or when going up a fast
 Packing tennis balls in pressurized cans
 Popcorn popping.


Ask three students to demonstrate how they breathe through inhalation

and exhalation three times. Let them explain how they inhale and
exhale air. Then ask them to share their understanding of Boyle’s Law
by comparing it with the process of breathing.

Boyle’s law helps us understand the process of breathing. Like

balloons, our lungs are elastic. They can expand and contract.
Breathing involves the muscles of the diaphragm and the
intercostal muscles (i.e., those found within the ribs). The
contraction of these muscles lowers the diaphragm and raises the
ribs, causing the lungs to expand. This results in decreased
pressure in the lungs. The pressure of the atmosphere is now
greater than the pressure inside the lungs. This pressure difference
causes air to rush to the lungs.


If a sample of gas has a volume of 450 ml (V1) at a pressure of 680

torr (P1), what is the volume (V2) at 869 torr (P2)?

Assign homework to research on how popcorn pops. Remind the
students to use the concepts learned in class.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


Magno, Marcelita C. et al. 1991. Science and Technology III Textbook,

SEDP Series. First edition. Instructional Materials Inc. 72–74.

Mendoza, Religioso. Chemistry. 169–172.

Redmore, F.H. Fundamentals of Chemistry. 242–244.


Boom. D:\chem2grdg\boyles.htm

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Teacher Notes

Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3

k = P1V1 k = P2V2 k = P3V3
k = (1 atm)(10 L) k = (2 atm)(5 L) k = (4atm)(2.5 L)
k = 10 atmL k = 10 atmL k = 10 atmL

Boyle's Law states that the product of the pressure and volume of a gas is a
constant for a fixed amount of gas at a fixed temperature. As the pressure
increases, the volume decreases because the molecules are forced closer
together. Written in mathematical terms, the equation of this law is as follows:

P V = constant

A common use of this law is to predict how a change in pressure will alter the
volume of the gas and vice versa. Such problems can be regarded as a two-state
problem, the initial state (represented by subscript i) and the final state
(represented by subscript f). If a sample of gas initially at pressure Pi and volume
Vi is subjected to a change that does not change the amount of gas or the
temperature, the final pressure Pf and volume Vf are related to the initial values
by the equation Pi Vi = Pf Vf

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Sample Problem

A gas occupies a volume of 400 mL at a pressure of 1.5 atmospheres. What

would be the new pressure if the volume were increased to 700 mL?
Let P1 and V1 be the initial pressure and volume, respectively; P 2 and V2 be the
final pressure and volume.

Given P1 = 1.5 atm

V1 = 400 mL
V2 = 700 mL
P2 = ?


1. Write the formula P1 V1 = P 2 V2

P2 
400 mL
2. Substitute the units  1.5 atm x
700 mL

3. Solve with a calculator = 0.857

4. Indicate the units = 0.857 atm

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Student Activity 5

In this activity, your team will show the effect of changing pressure on
the volume of a gas.


 Bunsen burner/alcohol lamp

 pair of forceps/tweezers or pliers
 small container of water
 disposable syringe needle with cap
 pair of disposable plastic syringe with luer-lock tip
 several fresh miniature marshmallows (or merengue) of the same

 Discard the needles/syringe properly after use.

 Take care not to get melted plastic on your skin.


Getting Ready

1. Prepare an inexpensive cap for each syringe as follows:

Hold a disposable syringe needle with a pair of pliers, forceps, or

tweezers and use a candle or Bunsen burner to heat the needle out
with the second pair of pliers. Drop the hot needle into the small
container of water to cool.

2. After the plastic has cooled, check the cap for leaks as follows:

Place the cap on the syringe with the plunger completely in

position. Pull the barrel until it is about halfway out and then release
it. If it returns to its original position, some air is in the syringe, and
the cap leaks. Try heating the plastic tip again to get it to seal or
discard the cap and try again.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

3. If the plastic catches fire, extinguish the fire by dipping the cap in
water. Once prepared, the cap may be saved and used again.
Dispose of the needle properly.

Activity Proper

1. With the cap off, remove the plunger from the syringe barrel. Place
one miniature marshmallow inside the syringe, leaving the cap off.
Choose a second marshmallow of the same size to serve as the

2. Place the plunger in the syringe barrel and push it in to force out as
much air as possible without squeezing the marshmallow.

3. Place the cap on the tip of the syringe.

4. Pull on the plunger, hold it in the out position and observe

5. Compare the size of this expanded marshmallow with the size of

the control marshmallow.

6. Predict what will happen if the plunger is released. Release the

plunger and observe.

7. Repeat steps 4-6 several times. Your group is given the opportunity
to manipulate the syringe.


a. Predict what will happen to the marshmallow.

b. Is there a change in the size of the marshmallow? Why?
c. Why does the marshmallow behave as it does?
d. What does this tell you about the content of the marshmallow?
e. Explain why the two marshmallows are different.
f. What is being compressed, the air or the marshmallow?
g. Use your observations to describe the relationship between gas,
volume and pressure.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Lesson  6

2 sessions


Classroom and laboratory

At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
 determine the relationship between the temperature of air and the
volume of a gas at constant pressure;
 use the concept of “Charles’s Law” in problem solving.

1. Students should have prior knowledge about the behavior of
2. Students must know the safety precautions in the laboratory.

 600-ml beaker  ring stand
 vegetable oil  rubber bands/strings
 2 thermometers  thermometer clamp
 ruler  sharp pencil
 capillary tube  paper towel

Opening Statement

1. Relate this topic to the behavior of gases. Begin by asking students

to cite familiar situations involving the behavior of gases.
Some examples of everyday events involving gases are the
odor of perfume pervading a confined room; tire pressure in
cars’ increasing if these are overheated by continuous driving on
a hot day; a balloon’s bursting if blown up too much; an aerosol
can’s carrying a warning not to be exposed to high

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

2. Then, introduce the principle of Charles’s Law and give a short

background on the topic using visual aids.

Scientists have found that certain relationships exist between

the various parameters which define the state of gas. Pressure,
volume, temperature, and concentration are the parameters
they use to define the behavior of gases.

One such law, which was developed out of empirical

observations, was Charles’s law. It defines the relationship
between volume and absolute temperature at constant
pressure. In this activity, you will determine the approximate
relationship between the volume and the temperature of air at
constant pressure based on Charles’s Law.


1. Divide the students into groups.

2. Emphasize the safety precautions prior to the activity.
3. Allow the students to perform the activity.
4. Remind them that in any gas law that uses temperature, they must
always use Kelvin, never Celsius, because there are negative
readings on the Celsius scale.
To convert Celsius to Kelvin, add 273 to the Celsius temperature:
K = oC + 273 = 0oC + 273 = 273 K
Also, the volume must be in liters, not milliliters. Convert as follows:

Discussion Ideas
1. At what temperature does your extended graph line intersect the x-
2. What will the volume of your gas sample be at this temperature?
3. Based on your graph, what temperature in the Kelvin scale
corresponds to 0°C, the normal freezing point of water? What
temperature corresponds to 100°C, the normal boiling point of

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

In your activity, the height of the column of trapped air decreases as

temperature decreases; that is, gas contracts as it cools.

Most forms of matter expand when heated and contract when

cooled. As you know, gas samples expand and shrink to a much
greater extent than either solids or liquids.

If we increase the temperature of a sample gas, the average

energy and speed of the molecules will increase. This example
illustrates a direct relationship wherein related properties increase
or decrease together.

For two different conditions, the ratio of volume (V) to temperature

(t) is constant for as long as pressure (p) and the number of moles
(n) do not change.

Extension Ideas

Apply Charles’s law using a bottle of soda or beer:

1. When soda or beer is cold, very little pressure is released when

the bottle is opened. When a warm can or bottle of soda or beer
is opened, there is often enough pressure build-up in the can or
bottle to squirt soda or beer out of the top. Sometimes, warm
soda or beer explodes spontaneously when exposed to too
much direct heat such as sunlight.

2. Consider the volume-temperature relationship: which air is

warmer, the one blown with your mouth slightly open or with
your mouth wide open? Explain the difference in their


To sum up this lesson, ask students to compare and contrast Boyle’s

Law with Charles’ Law based on the results of their experiments.


What is the volume of a sample of gas measuring 750 tons at 300°C, if

the same amount of gas occupies 467 ml at 25°C?

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


Ask students to practice solving problems such as this:

When heat was applied at constant pressure to 2.42 dm 3 gas at

190oC, the volume of the gas increased to 2.67 dm. 3 Find the final
temperature of the gas.


Magno, Marcelita C. et al. 1991. Science and Technology III Textbook.

SEDP Series. First edition. Instructional Materials Inc. 78–79.

Mendoza, Religioso. Chemistry. 173–174.

Redmore, F.H. Fundamentals of Chemistry. 245–246.


Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Teacher Notes
According to Boyle’s Law, the volume of a gas varies inversely as
the pressure. But, in Charles’s Law, the volume of a gas varies
directly as the absolute temperature, K.

As the temperature increase, the volume increases because the

faster molecules collide harder and push each other farther apart.

This observation can be explained by the Kinetic Molecular Theory


 As the temperature is raised, the average speed of the gas

particles increases.
 The particles collide with the container walls with more force
because they are traveling faster. The effect of this is to increase
gas pressure.
 To maintain the gas pressure at its original value, the gas volume
must expand.
 As the volume increases, the concentration of the particles
becomes less, resulting in fewer collisions with the wall surfaces.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

 The net effect of the temperature increase is that the volume has
to increase for the pressure to remain constant.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Jacques Charles (1746-1823) experimented with gas under constant

pressure. In today's language, his discovery was that the volume of a
gas is proportional to the temperature in K (kelvin),

V = kc
where kc is a constant. You should note that the absolute temperature
scale (K) must be used for the above formula to be valid. A certain
mass of gas held at constant pressure has a constant volume and
Kelvin temperature ratio for different values of V and T. Thus, for the
first two measurements,

V1 = V2
T1 T2

What is the Kelvin Temperature Scale?

The Absolute Temperature is a condition where there is no heat yet the

substance does not get colder! A degree Kelvin has the same
magnitude as a degree Celsius. However, there are no negative
readings on the Kelvin Scale.

In Kelvin, K = C + 273

Sample Problem

Assume that 10 cm3 of a gas has a temperature of 2000. If the

temperature is increased to 3000 absolute, what will the new volume

Given V1 = 10 cm3
T1 = 2000K
V2 = unknown in cm3
T2 = 3000K
V1 x T2 = V2 x T1
10 x 300 = V 2 x 200
3000 = V2 x 200
V2= 3000
V2 = 15 cm3

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Student Activity 6


In this activity, your team will demonstrate the relationship between the
temperature and volume of a gas.


 600-ml beaker  ring stand  capillary tube

 vegetable oil  rubber bands/strings  sharp pencil
 2 thermometers  thermometer clamp  paper towel
 ruler

 Wear safety goggles at all times.
 Practice extreme caution when working with hot oil.


1. Tie a capillary tube to the lower end of a thermometer using small

rubber bands or thread. The open end of the tube should be placed
closest to the thermometer bulb and 5–7 mm from the bulb’s tip.

2. Immerse the tube and the thermometer in a hot oil bath that has
been prepared by the teacher. Be sure that the entire capillary tube
has been immersed in oil. Wait for your tube and thermometer to
reach the temperature of the oil (approximately 110°–120°C).
Record the temperature of the bath.

3. After your tube and thermometer have reached constant

temperature, lift them so that about ¾ of the capillary tube is
elevated above the oil bath. Pause here for about 3–5 seconds to
allow some oil to rise in the tube.

Then, quickly transfer the tube and the thermometer to a paper

towel on your lab bench.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

4. Using a sharp pencil, mark the far end of the oil plug on the paper
towel. In addition, make a reference line at the sealed end of the
capillary tube.

5. As the temperature of the gas sample drops, make at least six

marks representing the length of the air column trapped above the
oil plug at various temperatures. Write the corresponding
temperature drops by 80 to 100 degrees. Since the tube has a
uniform diameter, length serves as a relative measure of the gas

6. When the thermometer shows a steady temperature (near room

temperature), make a final length and temperature observation.
Discard the tube and the string (or rubber bands) according to your
teacher’s instructions. Rinse the thermometer and wipe it dry.

7. Measure and record (in centimeters) the mark of the gas sample.

8. Wash your hands thoroughly before leaving the laboratory.

9. Prepare a sheet of graphing paper for plotting your data. Label your
axes. Plot the temperature 0C on the x-axis against the length (cm).
In constructing your graph, leave enough space for extrapolation by
starting at the middle of the sheet. Draw the best straight line
possible through the plotted points.

Height (ht) or Length Temperature 0C Temperature 0K



1. At what temperature does your extended graph line intersect the x-

2. What would be the volume of your gas sample at this temperature?
3. Based on your graph, what temperature in Kelvin would correspond
to 0°C, the normal freezing point of water? What temperature would
correspond to 100°C, the normal boiling point of water?

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Lesson 7


2 sessions


Classroom and laboratory

At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
 discuss the concept of a mole;
 describe the relationship between the amount of gas moles and
their volume;
 apply the relationship in solving problems involving Avogadro’s law
of partial pressure.

1. Students should have prior knowledge of the Kinetic Molecular
Theory (KMT).
2. Students should be familiar with conversion units.

Opening Statement

In 1811, the Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856) wrote in a

paper that “Equal volumes of all gases, kept at the same pressure and
the temperatures being equal, contain the same number of molecules”.

The paper related the amount of gas to volume. Avogadro was the first
to suggest that the volume of a gas is proportional to the number of
gas molecules present at a given temperature and pressure. His law
simply says that having twice the amount of gas means having twice
the volume, if the pressure and temperature are constant.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Ultimately, Avogadro’s law led to the concept of a mole. A mole of any

substance (the number of grams equal to the molecular weight)
contains the same number of particles as there are in 12g of carbon-12
atoms. By definition, this number is called Avogadro's number or
Avogadro's constant (NA) and is equal to 6.022 x 1023 particles.

Main Activity AVOGADRO’S LAW

1. Discuss the following:

It can be seen that for a given number of moles of any gas at
the same temperature and pressure, the volume must be the
same; that is, the gases would have to be contained in equal
volumes if Pressure and Temperature are the same (P and T
constant). Stated mathematically, Avogadro’s formula for this is:

Vi / N i = V f / N f

where: Vi is volume in its initial condition

Ni is the number of molecules in its initial condition
Vf is volume in its final condition
Nf is the number of molecules in its final condition

2. Present sample 1 problem using Avogadro’s formula:

A balloon containing 5 moles of He has a volume of 1.50 L at a

given temperature and pressure. If an additional 0.50L of He is
added (without changing temperature and pressure), what will
the new volume of the balloon be?

3. Ask the students to practice solving problems using the hup, two,
three, four approach:

Hup write the formula

Two substitute therein
Three solve with calculator
Four do the units

4. Tell them that no credit will be given for solutions that do not have
all four steps.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Sample 1

V1 = 1.5 L V2 = ?
N1 = 5 mol N2 = 5 mol + 0.5 MOL =5.5 mol
Hup: Write the formula Vi / Ni = Vf / Nf
V2 = V1
(5.5mol )
Two: Substitute therein = 1.5 L
Three: Solve with calculator = 1.65

Four: Do the units = 1.65 L

Sample 2

A balloon containing 3.00 moles of helium has a volume of 920 mL.

What is the new volume after 3.00 moles of helium is added to the
balloon at the same temperature and pressure?

Direction: Solve the problem then complete the table.

Initial Condition Final Condition Change

V1= 920 mL V2 = ?
N1= 3 moles N2 =3 moles

Discussion Ideas

1. What is Avogadro’s Principle?

Equal volumes of all gases at the same temperature and pressure

contain the same number of molecules.

2. What is the concept of a mole?

One mole of any gas at STP is 22.4 liters, so: Mol  22.4 L / mol

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

3. How do you explain Avogadro’s Law?

Equal volumes of gases have equal numbers of molecules at the

same temperature and pressure. The law explains the simple ratios
of volumes when gases react with one another. Experiments have
shown this to be always true. This law can be and has been stated
in many ways.

Equal numbers of molecules means equal amount in moles.

4. What is the molar volume of gas?

Since the volume of a gas varies with changes in temperature
and pressure, it is necessary to specify the conditions under
which a gas is studied. For purposes of comparison, the
standard conditions have been arbitrarily chosen as 273 K (0 0)
and 101 325 Pascal (internationally accepted unit of pressure).
These are referred to as the STP.


The molar volume of a gas is the volume occupied by one mole

of the gas. It is equal to 22.4 litres at STP and about 24 litres at
room temperature.

One mole of any gas occupies a volume of 22.4dm 3 or 22.4 L at

STP. Thus, 22.4 dm3 is the molar volume of any gas at STP.
This volume contains 6.02 x 1023 particles of any gas at STP.

Gases at the same temperature and pressure conditions have

the same number of moles or particles.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Extension Ideas

Mention some important applications of Avogadro’s Law:

1. Pumping up a flat tire is an application of Avogadro's Law.

2. Explaining gaseous reactions.

The most useful application of Avogadro's Law is that for

gaseous reactions: a mole reacting ratio can be replaced by the
volume reacting ratio.

For example, if 1 mole of gas X reacts with 3 moles of gas Y,

then 1 volume (e.g., 1 litre) of gas X will react with 3 volumes (3
litres) of gas Y.

3. Electrolysis of water.
The electrolysis of water produces two volumes of H 2 gas for
every mole of 02 gas. Its equation is:

2H2O 2H 2(g) + O2(g)
At some specific T and P, the volume of a gas is proportional to
its amount, n, in moles (a fun link). Amounts of two gases at the
same T and P are proportional to their volumes. Thus, when 2 L
of hydrogen reacts with 1 L of O 2, the number of hydrogen
molecules is twice that of oxygen molecules.

4. Obtaining the composition of all molecules.

Observations like these led Avogadro to propose the diatomic
molecules for these elements, and to express the chemical
reaction as:
2 H2 + O2 = 2 H2O

Closing Activity

1. Summarize the gist of the lesson by saying:

Avogadro's Law states that under conditions of constant pressure
and temperature, there is a direct relationship between the volume
and number of moles of an ideal gas.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

It is important to understand that a mole is defined in terms of the

Avogadro constant, not the other way round. The Avogadro
constant cannot therefore be defined as the number of particles in a

The molar volume of a gas is the volume occupied by one mole of

the gas. It is equal to 22.4 litres at STP and about 24 litres at room
temperature. Room temperature is taken to be about 20°C. At this
temperature, the 22.4 litres expands to 24 litres.

At a given temperature, the Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) states

that average kinetic energy is the same regardless of the kind of
gas. The pressure depends on both the energy of the molecules
and the frequency of their collision with the walls.

Thus, at a constant temperature, pressure depends only on the

frequency of collisions. This frequency is proportional to the
volume available and the number of moles of molecules. Thus,
at a given temperature and pressure, a given number of moles of
any gas will occupy the same volume.

2. Leron-Leron Sinta

Ask the students to sing “Leron-Leron Sinta” while the teacher

passes the box containing four questions from one student to
another. When the teacher makes a sudden move or signal to
temporarily stop the song, the student holding the box when the
song stops will pick one question and answer it. Once the question
has been answered, the box will again be passed on to the next
student while the group resumes the singing of “Leron-Leron
Below are the sample questions:

1. The relationship between the concept of a mole and the volume

of a gas is __________________
2. A container with volume V contains some gases. Its pressure is
directly proportional to which one of the following?
a. temperature in °C
b. the amount of gas in a mole
c. the temperature in °F

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

3. The formula used in this relationship is: _______________

4. At the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gases

contain the same
a. number of atoms
b. number of molecules

Answer key
1. directly proportional
2. the amount of gas in a mole
3. Vi / Ni = Vf / Nf
4. number of molecules


Ask the students to solve the following problem:

At a certain temperature and pressure, 10 g of nitrogen has a
volume of 7 L. What would be the volume after adding 5.0g of
nitrogen to the balloon?


Direction to the students: Calculate the missing quantity, paying close

attention to all dimensions. Then, complete the cell.

Initial Condition Final Condition Change

V1= 1900 mL V2 = ? (Liters)
N1= 0.594 moles N2 =0.6 moles
Initial Condition Final Condition Change
V1= ? (mL) V2 = 9.07 L
N1= 0.038 moles N2 =0.1 moles


Lianko, Aurora A. and Enrique F. Coralejo. Science and Technology III,

Chemistry – Technology. FNB Educational Inc. 75.
Magno, Tan, Punzalan. Science and Technology 3 for a Better Life.
Mendoza, Religioso. Chemistry. 179–180.
Redmore, F.H. Fundamentals of Chemistry. 251–252.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Lesson  8


2 sessions


Classroom and laboratory


At the end of the session, the students should be able to:

 identify the variables that describe the state of gases; and
 describe the relationship between volume, temperature and
pressure among gases.


To get the most from this lesson, students should be familiar with the
differences between atoms of different elements, the kinetic nature of
gases, and the following terms: pressure, volume, temperature,
Kelvin temperature, and mole.


 Bunsen burner or alcohol lamp

 wire gauze
 glass tubing
 thermometer
 water trough filled with ice water
 250-ml flask with one-hole rubber stopper
 500-ml beaker
 100-ml graduated cylinder
 iron stand with clamp
 barometer
 tripod or iron ring

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Opening Statement

So far, you have gained a better understanding of the behavior of

gases through the different gas laws. With your knowledge of Boyle’s
Law and Charles’s law, you should be able to easily predict gas
behavior and properties.
In this lesson, you will explore the variables that govern the behavior of
a gas and discover the relationships between these variables, namely,
volume, temperature, pressure and amount of gas.


The students will perform the activity "Pressure-Volume-Temperature
Relations". The volume of a certain gas Y is affected by a change in its
temperature or pressure. The pressure-volume-temperature
relationship is illustrated in this activity.

Discussion Ideas

What happens to the volume of a gas when both the temperature and
pressure change?

The pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional to

each other, but directly proportional to the temperature of that gas.
Mathematically, this can be represented as:

Temperature = Volume x Pressure / Constant

Volume = Constant x Temperature / Pressure
Pressure = Constant x Temperature / Volume
Pressure x Volume/Temperature = Constant

Substituting, the formula is PV/T=K

The constant K in this equation is known as the universal gas
constant. It arises from a combination of the proportionality
constants in the three empirical gas laws. Because the formula is
equal to a constant, it is possible to solve for a change in volume,
temperature, or pressure using a proportion:
PV/T = P1V1/T1

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

where P = pressure
V = volume
T = Kelvin temperature

Key Learning Points

The Combined Gas Law is a combination of Boyle's and Charles's

Laws. The Combined Gas Law describes the relationship between
pressure, volume, and temperature. For example, if the pressure
increased, either the volume would decrease or the temperature
would increase.

The Combined Gas Law can be used to solve any Boyle's or Charles'
Law problem. If one of the variables remains constant, disregard that
variable by leaving it out of your equation or setting it to the same
value on either side of the equal sign.

Extension Ideas

Conditions of varying temperature, volume, and pressure are part of

many industrial processes. In most commercial uses of gases, the
volume, temperature, and pressure can all change. Sometimes the
volume isn’t supposed to change, but it does anyway, as when a
cylinder of gas exposed to too high temperature explodes. Boyle’s
law tell us what happens under conditions of constant temperatures.
Charles’s law tell us what happens under conditions where
temperature, pressure, and/or volume may change. We need to
combine the two laws.

Closing Statement

A gas fills every available space. The space where the gas
particles move about is the gas volume. In making quantitative
calculations involving gases, the temperature must be expressed
on the Kelvin temperature scale. The pressure of a gas is the force
exerted when the molecules strike the sides of the container. To
consider the amount of gas in a sample, the main factor is the
number of particles present.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

In analyzing the behavior of gases, you have to consider the

relationships between the volume, temperature and pressure of gases.
To do this, we shall consider the relationship between two variable
where the third one is constant. In all cases we shall always consider
the variation for a given amount of gas.


Students will match column A with column B. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided.

___1. force when molecules strike the sides of a a. temperature
container b. volume
___2. it is the state of hotness or coldness; usually c. amount of gas
expressed in Kelvin when it involves gases
d. pressure
___3 it is the space occupied by the sample
___4. this can vary depending on the number of
particles present


Choose the best answer.

a. A sample of ideal gas occupies a volume of 238 mL at STP. To what

temperature must the sample be heated if it is to occupy a volume
of 185 mL at 2.25 atm?

1. 94.3 K

2. 477 K

3. 477°C

4. none of these

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

b. Increasing the pressure on a sample of gas increases its

temperature, but its volume remains the same. What law best
explains this?

1. Avogadro's Law

2. Graham's Law

3. Ideal Gas Law

4. Avogadro's Interpretation of Guy-Lassac's observations

c. A few minutes after a bottle of perfume is opened, its scent

permeates the room. What law relates to this phenomenon?

1. Boyle's Law

2. Graham's Law

3. Charles's Law


Mendoza, Religioso. Chemistry. 182–183.

Redmore, F. H. Fundamentals of Chemistry. 242–243.

Magno, Tan, Punzalan. Science and Technology III for a Better Life.

Tom Stretton (strettont@ucdsb.on.ca) Updated February 2, 1999.


Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Student Activity 8

In this activity, your team will measure the changes in volume of a

definite mass of gas when its pressure changes at constant
temperature and when its temperature changes at constant pressure.

 Bunsen burner or alcohol lamp
 wire gauze
 glass tubing
 thermometer
 water trough filled with ice water
 marker pen
 250-ml flask with one-hole rubber stopper
 500-ml beaker
 100-ml graduated cylinder
 iron stand with clamp
 barometer
 tripod or iron ring


Practice extreme caution when working with fire.


1. Get a clean, dry 250-mL flask with a one-hole rubber stopper. Insert
the glass tubing into the stopper. Put the flask in the 500-ml beaker
and clamp it in position. Fill the beaker with water, and boil the
water for 10 minutes.

2. Take the temperature of boiling water (T 1), and read the

atmospheric pressure (P1) in the barometer.

3. After 10 minutes, turn off the burner. Plug the open end of the glass
tubing with your thumb. Remove the flask from the clamp and
immerse it upside down into the trough filled with ice water.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Remove your thumb from the glass tubing only when the flask has
been submerged in water. Hold the flask underwater for 10
minutes. Raise the flask slightly to adjust the level of the water
inside the flask and in the water trough.

4. Plug the glass tube again with your thumb, lift the flask out of the
water, and set it upright on the table. Take the temperature of the
water in the trough (T2). Wipe the water outside the flask. Remove
the stopper and measure the volume of the contents of the flask in
the graduated cylinder.

The volume of the water which entered the flask represents the
shrinkage upon cooling from T1 to T2.

5. Fill the flask with water, and fit the stopper as in its initial position.
Measure the volume of water that the flask can actually hold.

This volume represents the volume of air (V 1) at T1 and P1. The

pressure (P2) of the air is the barometric reading minus the vapor
pressure at T2.


1. Initial temperature (T1) = _______ °C = __________ K

2. Final temperature (T2) = _______ °C = __________ K

3. Barometric reading (P1) = __________

4. Barometric reading-vapor pressure = P2 = __________

5. Original volume (V1) = __________

6. Original volume - shrinkage = V2 = __________

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Lesson  9


2 sessions




At the end of the session, the students should be able to:

 review the concepts and principles of Boyle’s Law;
 solve problems related to Boyle’s Law using mathematical
calculations; and
 cite applications of Boyle’s Law in everyday living.


Students should have a thorough understanding of the characteristics

of gases.


 syringe
 problem set
 art materials


Opening Activity SQUASH THE AIR

1. Begin by saying: A gas fills every space available.

The space where the gas particles move about is called the gas
volume. In this session, we will learn how the volume of air or any
gas in a small and closed container is affected by a change in
2. Introduce the concepts of pressure and volume of

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

3. Call a student to do the following:

a. Take the syringe and lift the plunger so that air fills the syringe.
b. Cover the hole of the syringe with a finger and press down hard
with the plunger. Then let go.
c. Observe what happens.
 The plunger shoots up, as if because of an unseen force.
Then it stops: you feel a strong push against your finger and
the plunger returns to its original position.

4. Draw out the following observations from your students:

The air is compressed because the plunger makes it occupy a
much smaller space. This compression increases the air
pressure—that is, the force with which it presses against the
inside of the container and on your finger. The plunger returns to
its original position because the compressed air tries to expand.
Then the pressure diminishes and makes a depression (dent).

What happens if you try the experiment with a syringe full of


You will find that the plunger does not shoot up. Mathematically,
this law can be expressed as:
V α 1/P Therefore, PV= constant

If P1 and V1 represent the original pressure and volume of a

sample gas, let P2 and V2 represent the final volume and
pressure of the sample. Then we can say

P1 V1 = k (at constant temperature)

Therefore: P1V1 = P2V2


1. This activity will reveal mathematically that the volume of a gas

varies inversely as pressure changes. The students will learn to
apply mathematical calculations in solving problems related to
Boyle’s Law.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

2. Do the following before the class starts:

a. Make paper cutouts shaped like hearts.
b. Write problems using Boyle’s Law on the hearts.
c. Cut the hearts into two parts (just like a jigsaw puzzle)

3. Provide a sample illustration.

A sample of gas occupies a

volume of 86.8 ml at a
pressure of 730 mm Hg
and a temperature of 270C.
What will be its volume at
standard pressure (760
mm Hg) and at constant

Given P1 = 730 mmHg

V1 = 86.8
P2 = 760 mmHg
T2 = K
Find V2
Analysis Since the pressure increased, we expect the new volume
to decrease for the law states that their relationship is

Hence P1V1 = P2V2

V2 =

Solution V2 = (760mm Hg) (86.8) / 760mm Hg

= 63364 ml/ 760

Answer V2 = 83.37 ml

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

4. Proceed to the following steps after the sample illustration.

a. Ask your students who among them have experienced

heartache. Tell them that you too have a problem. You are
broken-hearted and only they can solve your problem.
b. Ask your students to get a piece of your heart and let them find
their partner in solving your problem. Make sure that everybody
has a pair.
c. Allow the students to help each other in solving the problems
written on the “heart”.
d. Discuss the answers to the problems in class.

Discussion Ideas

Boyle’s Law may be expressed as:

V α 1/P with T = constant or PV=K

As you have observed in the previous activity, a certain mass of a gas

at constant temperature will have the product PV, which is constant for
different values of P and V.

Thus, for the first two measurements:

P1V1 = K P2V2 = K

According to Boyle’s Law, K is the same for both.

Thus: P 1V1 = P 2V2

Extension Ideas

Discuss the applications of Boyle’s Law which are illustrated in the


1. Automobile engine. During compression stroke inside the cylinder

of an automobile engine, the upward motion of the piston reduces
the volume of the gas and the pressure, according to Boyle’s Law,
increases. When the compressed gas is ignited and it explodes, the
resulting high pressure pushes the piston down.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

As the piston moves down, the volume of the gas increases and the
pressure decreases. It moves down, while the volume of the gas
increases and the pressure decreases. This downward motion of
the piston provides power to the wheels of the car.

2. Medical respirators. Boyle’s Law is the principle behind the iron

lung used in hospitals to aid in the breathing of patients. A slight
increase in the volume of the iron lung reduces its pressure. As a
consequence, the air in the patient’s lungs pushes out against the
lower pressure. The patient is thus made to exhale. When the
volume of the iron lung decreases, its pressure increases, forcing
air into the patient’s lungs.

Closing Activity

Ask the students to name the uses of compressed air in vehicle tires,
helicopters and parachutes:

Answer key
Vehicle Tires
Compressed air inside a tire is able to support the weight of a
bicycle, a car or an automatic train. The tire’s flexible, springy
surface cushions the vehicle when the wheels go over bumps or
any unevenness on the ground.
As the rotor blade of the helicopter whirls, it pushes the air
downwards and compresses it, thereby getting a force to help it
take off and pushing it up into the sky.
The shape of the parachute is designed to gather and compress
under it a great quantity of air that presses it upwards. This air is
sufficient to counteract the force of falling and so slows down the

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


Students will solve the following problems:

1. A sample of oxygen has a volume of 20.0 L at 740
mmHg. What will the volume of each of the following pressures
a. 800 mm Hg
b. 700 torr
c. 2.00 atm

2. Find the corresponding volumes of the following gases at

standard pressure. Volumes of the gases listed are under the
corresponding, indicated pressures:
a. 200 ml at 710 torr
b. 320 ml at 1.50 atm
c. 36.0 L at 0.650 atm
d. 952 ml at 561 torr
e. 930 ml at 697 torr

Answer key

1. a. V2 = 18.5 L 2. a. 187 ml
b. V2 = n 21.1 L b. 480 ml
c. V2 = 9.70 L c. 23.4 L
d. 703 ml
e. 853 ml


1. Ask each group to conduct interviews regarding LPG refilling and

the safety precautions that need to be implemented during the
refilling process. Take note of the following questions:

 What is the general process in LPG refilling?

 What are the standards that need to be followed
during this process? Example: Why are the containers made of
strong and thick metal?
 How can you relate this idea to the concept of
Boyle’s Law?

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

2. Ask individual students to make the indicated corrections in the

following gas volumes:

a. 171 ml at 332 torr to 0,877 atm

b. 459 ml at 4.32 atm to 9.40 atm
c. 0.951 L at 0.791 atm to 316 torr
d. 388 ml at 0.581 atm to 500 torr
e. 0.123 L at 0.832 atm to 865 torr

Answer key
a. 85.2 ml
b. 211 ml
c. 1.75 ml
d. 343 ml
e. 0.0899 L


Buenaventura, Marcia. Chemistry. Salesiana Publishers Inc. 120–127.

Kapauan, Amado F. and Ma. Assunta C. Cuyegkeng. 1990. Creative

Chemistry. Manila: Cacho Publishing House, Inc.

Mendoza, Estrella. Chemistry. Phoenix Publishing House Inc. 176–


Nueva Espana, Rebecca. Chemistry. Updated edition. Abiva

Publishing House, Inc. 101–102.

Science and Technology III textbook. 72–73.

The Big Book of Experiments (An encyclopedia of science). 12.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Student Activity 9


By the end of the activity, you will have done the following:
 observed how the volume of a given mass of gas varies with
pressure at constant temperature;
 plotted a graph of the pressure exerted on a fixed amount of

 J-tube
 barometer
 mercury
 meter stick
 dropper


1. Remove all hand jewelry. Record the

height of the J-tube’s short arm.

2. Use a medicine dropper to put enough

mercury into the J-tube to fill the curved portion of the tube and until
the mercury reaches the graduated ends of the meter stick
mounted on the wooden support.

3. Tip the tube sideways to let air flow past

the mercury and into the short arm. Make the mercury column
attain the same height in both the short and long arms of the J-

4. Record the height of the mercury

columns in both arms of the J-tube, then get the height of the air
column inside the short arm by subtracting the mercury level from
the height of the short arm. Use this result to compute for the
volume of air trapped inside the short arm. Note that the short arm
is a cylindrical tube.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

5. With the J-tube undisturbed, add 3 to 5 cm of mercury into the long

arm of the J-tube.

6. Take readings of the height of the mercury level in each arm of the
tube. Calculate the new pressure by adding the barometer reading
to the difference between the heights of the mercury levels in the
two columns.

7. Repeat the procedure until all the

mercury has been added. In each case calculate the product of the
pressure and volume.

8. Graph the pressure as a function of the


Data Table

Height of the short arm _____cm

Barometric pressure _______cm Hg

Mercury Volume Mercury Difference Pressure PV

Trail level in the of gas level in the in mercury on gas (cm3
short arm (cm3) short arm levels (cm Hg) cm Hg)
(cm) (cm) (cm Hg)


Describe the relationship between the pressure exerted on gas and the
volume it occupies at constant temperature.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Lesson  10


2 sessions


Classroom/science laboratory


At the end of the session, the students should be able to:

 review the concepts and principles of Charles’s Law;
 solve problems related to Charles’s Law using mathematical
calculations; and
 cite applications of Charles’s Law.


The students should have a thorough knowledge of Boyle’s Law.


For Teacher Demonstration For Student Activity

 balloon  books
 empty bottle  cardboard with smooth surface
 basin with hot water  cold and hot water
 drinking glass



1. Begin the session by saying: We all know that the air in a tire
expands when heated and contracts when cooled. The quantitative
measurements of the exact relationships between volume and
temperature will be learned in this session.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

2. Demonstrate this simple experiment:

a. Inflate the balloon slightly and place it on the neck of the bottle.
b. Hold the bottle for a minute or two in hot water. Observe what
c. Take note that the balloon inflates.
d. Now run the tap water over the bottle. What happens?
 Take note that the balloon deflates.

3. Explain the phenomenon.

 Air, like all substances is made up of tiny moving particles called
molecules. Heat makes these molecules move apart. This
means that the air inside the bottle spreads and therefore needs
more space. So it enters the balloons and inflates it.
 After running the bottle under cold water, the air in it, now
affected by the cold water, contracts (that is, the molecules
come closer together) and so the air occupies only the space in
the bottle.


a. Divide the students into manageable groups depending on the
class size and the availability of materials.
b. Clarify the objectives of the attached student activity.
c. Distribute the necessary materials.
d. Give the precautionary measures.
e. Allow the students to perform the activity.
f. Ask the students to answer the guide questions.
g. Discuss the results of the activity with the class.

Discussion Ideas

1. Based on the activity, what happens to the air when heated?

 The air expands when heated.
2. What will happen to the air when it is cooled?
 The air contracts when cooled.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

3. What is the relationship of volume and temperature according to

Charles’s Law?

Gases expand or contract at the same rate with changes in

temperature, provided that the pressure remains unchanged.
The change in volume amounts to 1/273 of the original volume
at 00C for each degree Celsius the temperature is changed.

Mathematically Charles’s Law can be expressed at constant

pressure as:
V α T or =K

If V1 and T1 represent the original volume and temperature of a

sample gas while V2 and T2 are the final volume and
temperature of the same sample, we can say that:

V1 V
 K and 2  K
V1 T2
V1 V2

T1 T2

4. Discuss your observations and analysis on the Student Activity.

When the glass is rinsed in cold water, it moves slowly towards the
bottom of the board and then stops. When the glass is rinsed in hot
water, it slides rapidly to the bottom and falls.

Explain the phenomenon

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

The air contained in the glass, when heated by the water,

expands and the glass rises very, very slightly from the board.
Thus, it can slide towards the bottom without any resistance
(anything to stop it).

Extension Ideas
Some household products that we use contain aerosol. You will notice
that the labels of aerosols have warnings like “Keep out of direct
sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures above 50 0C.” What do these
warnings mean?
The gas compressed in the aerosol that we use to spray the product is
like air: if it heats up, it will expand and make the aerosol explode!

Closing Activity INDIVIDUAL WORK

Open your mouth and blow on the palm of your hand. Repeat. Feel the
warmth of the air blown. Blow again on the palm of your hand, this time
with your mouth slightly open. Repeat this procedure to clearly
distinguish the difference between the temperatures of the air blown.

Which air is warmer, the one blown with your mouth slightly open or
with your mouth wide open? Explain the difference in their
temperature. Relate the activity to Charles’s Law.


1. A sample of gas occupies a volume of 625 ml at 22 0C and 1.12 atm.

Calculate the new volume if the temperature is changed to 100 0C at
constant pressure.

2. A sample of gas occupies a volume of 1.5 L at 100 0C and 760 torr.

Calculate the new temperature in Kelvin if the volume is changed to
2.75 L at constant pressure.

Answer key

1. Given: V1 = 625 ml
T1 = 22 0C + 273 = 295 0K
T2 = 100 0C + 273 = 373 0K
P =K

Find V2
Solution: V2 = V1 T2/ T1
V2 = (625 ml)(3730K)/ 2950K

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Answer: V2 = 790.25 ml

2. Given: V1 = 1.5 L
V2 = 2.75 L
T1 = 100 0C + 273= 373 0K
P =K
Find T2
V2 T1
Solution: T2 
(2.75L )(373 o K )
T2 
1.5 L
1025.75 o K )
T2 
1 .5 L

Answer: T2 = 683.83 0K

Each group will discuss the following problems:
1. Gas cylinders, liquefied petroleum gas tanks, and oxygen tanks are
made of very strong materials like steel. Find out why wood, glass,
plastic and ordinary tin cans are not used as gas storage.
2. A pressure cooker saves cooking time and therefore saves on fuel
or electricity. How does a pressure cooker shorten cooking time?
What are the principles involved?


Buenaventura, Marcia. Chemistry. Salesiana Publishers Inc. 22–123.

Mendoza, Estrella. Chemistry. Phoenix Publishing House Inc. 180–
Nueva Espana, Rebecca. Chemistry. Updated Edition. Abiva
Publishing House, Inc. 104–105.
Science and Technology III Textbook. 80–82.
The Big Book of Experiments (an encyclopedia of science).

Student Activity 10

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

In this investigation, your team will describe what happens when air is
heated and when it is cooled.

 drinking glass
 books
 cardboard with smooth surface
 cord and hot water

1. Balance the board on the book so that it is slightly tilted.
2. Rinse the glass in cold water and put it upside down on the highest
point of the board.
3. Now take the glass and rinse it in hot water. Put it once more
on the highest point of the board. See figure below.

Hot water must be handled with care!

Guide Questions
1. What happens when the glass is rinsed in cold water?
2. What happens when the glass is rinsed in hot water?
3. What will happen to the gas (air) when the temperature is
increased? When the temperature is decreased?

Lesson 11

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

2 sessions



At the end of the session, the students should be able to:

 review the concepts and principles of the Ideal Gas Law; and
 solve problems related to the Ideal Gas Law using mathematical


The students should have prior knowledge on the different gas laws.


 an empty plastic 1.5-liter bottle with cover

 hot water


Opening Activity

Introduce the lesson.

In the previous lessons, we explored the applications of Boyle’s Law
and Charles’s Law. In this lesson, we will connect the two gas laws and
Avogadro’s Law.

The quantity 6.02x 1023 is known as Avogadro’s constant (N) or

Avogadro’s number. This constant is used to describe the number of
particles contained in a mole.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

By definition, one mole of any gas occupies a volume of 22.4 dm 3 or

22.4 L at Standard Condition (SC). The SC is 273 0K (00C) and 1.0135 x
105Pa (1 atm = 760 mm Hg).

From Avogadro’s Law, we can state that one mole of any gas contains
the same number of particles and, therefore, one mole of any gas
occupies the same volume. Avogadro’s Law can be expressed as:

N α V or N = constant (T and P are fixed)

where N is the number of particles and V is the volume occupied by

the gas at fixed temperature and pressure.

We can then state that the number of particles of any gas is directly
proportional to the volumes at fixed temperature and pressure.

We all know that the air in a tire expands when heated and contracts
when cooled. The quantitative measurements of the exact
relationships between volume and temperature will be tackled in this


a. Divide the students into manageable groups depending

on the class size and the availability of materials
b. Clarify the objectives of the attached student activity.
c. Distribute the necessary materials.
d. Give the precautionary measures.
e. Allow the students to perform the activity.
f. Ask the students to answer the guide questions.
g. Discuss the results of the activity with the class.

Discussion Ideas

1. Give the equations of Boyle’s Law, Charles’s Law and Avogadro’s

Law. What gas equation will be derived when these equations are

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

The different gas laws are:

Boyle’s Law: Vα (n and T are constant)
Charles’s Law: VαT (n and P are constant)

Avogadro’s Law: Vαn (P and T are constant)

Combining the three laws, you will get:



Changing the sign of proportionality to the sign of equality:

V= or PV= nRt

V = volume in liters
P = pressure in atmosphere
N = moles
T = temperature in Kelvin
R = proportionality constant, 0.0821 L. atm
mol. K

The value of R is computed from the following:

= (1atm)(22.4L)
(1 mole)(273 K)
= 0.0821 L. atm
mol. K

2. Facilitate discussions on the results of the Student Activity.

For Activity A
a. What happened when you covered the bottle?
The bottle was flattened lengthways, as if two hands were
squeezing it.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

b. What caused it to happen?

The air inside the bottle, light and expanded because of the
heat, had lower pressure than the air outside. It was the
pressure of the air outside which squashed the bottle.

c. Do hot air and cold air exert the same pressure?

Hot air expands, weighs less and therefore exerts lower
pressure than cold air.

For Activity B

a. What happened to the bottle?

The bottle curled up.

b. Explain the phenomenon.

Inside the bottle, the ice caused a rapid reduction in the
temperature of the air, thereby reducing its volume. The air
outside the bottle pressed down on it and squashed it.

Extension Ideas
During the class discussion, give examples of the interaction of several
parameters using gas laws.

Closing Activity

1. Examine the job of weather forecasters and meteorologists.

Discuss what causes rainy weather and fine weather. Connect the
lesson to the pressure of gases.
Answer key
In an area of low pressure we can predict rainy weather
because the air rises and condenses to form clouds.
In an area of high pressure, dry weather with clear skies and
radiant sunshine is predicted because the winds push the
clouds toward the outside area.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


1. Calculate the pressure that will be exerted by a 0.300 mole of gas

contained in an 8.00-liter vessel at 180C.

2. What is the density of oxygen gas at

a. STP?
b. 200C and 750 mm Hg?

Answer key

1) Given: V = 8.00 L
n = 0.300 mol
T = 180C + 273
Find P
Solution: PV = nRT
 0.300mol  0.0821L.atm / molK  291K  
P = 0.896 atm

2.a) At STP,
T = 273 K
P = 1 atm
PV = nRt But n =
mass g
Since: D= or D =
volume V
g MW
Then: =
 32 g / mol 1atm 
 0.0821L.atm / molK  273K 
D = 1.43 g/L

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

2.b) At 20 0C and 750 mm Hg

T = 200C+ 273
P= = 0.987 atm
760mm / atm
 32 g / mol  0.987atm 
 0.0821L.atm / mol.K  293K 
D = 1.31 g/L


1. An aerosol contains 300 ml of gases at 1.50 atm and 25 0C. What

should its temperature be for the pressure of the gases inside the
sealed can to reach 15.0 atm?

2. What is the volume of 32.0 g O2 at SC?


Mendoza, Estrella. Chemistry. Phoenix Publishing House Inc.


Nueva Espana, Rebecca. Chemistry. Updated edition. Abiva

Publishing House, Inc. 105–106.

The Big Book of Experiments (An encyclopedia of science). 20.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Student Activity 11
At the end of the activity, you should have:
 shown the relationship of volume, temperature and pressure;
 related the investigation to the Ideal Gas Law.

 two empty, plastic, 1.5-litre bottles with cover
 hot water
 ice cubes
 hammer or stone
 tissue

Activity A
1. Fill the bottle with hot water.
2. After a few seconds, empty the bottle and put the cover at once.
Activity B
1. Put some ice cubes in the tissue. Crush the cubes with a
hammer or a stone.
2. Put the crushed ice cubes in the bottle. Put the cover on.
3. Shake the bottle so that the inner portion is thoroughly chilled. Then
put the bottle down.

Activity A
a. What happened when you covered the bottle?
b. What caused it to happen?
c. Do hot air and cold air exert the same pressure?
Activity B
a. What happened to the bottle?
b. Explain the phenomenon.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Lesson 12


2 sessions


Classroom/science laboratory


At the end of the session, the students should be able to:

 review the Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT); and
 apply the principles of gas laws to daily life.


Students should have a thorough understanding of the gas laws.


For teacher demonstration

 a glass with a smooth rim
 a picture, postcard or a glossy card
(postcard size)
 water
 sink in which to work

For the student activity

Activity A Activity B Activity C

 string  glass bottle  bowl
 sticky tape  medium-sized balloon  drinking glass
 medium-sized balloon  sink with hot and cold  water
 drinking straw water

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


Opening Activity A MAGIC TRICK

1. Begin by saying:
Why can you smell perfume from a distance? What causes
pressure in our automobile tires? In this lesson, you will be able
to understand further the behavior of gas molecules.

2. Demonstrate the following experiment:

a. Fill the glass with water.

b. Carefully place the glossy side of the card down on the rim
of the glass. (You will eventually make it a little bit wet).
c. Keeping the palm of your hand on the card, turn the glass
upside down.
d. Take your hand away from the card. Observe what
happens. Take note that the card remains attached to the rim of
the glass and the water does not spill out. What made this
 The air pressure exerted on the card from underneath is
greater than the weight of the water inside the glass. This is
why the card is able to sustain the water and the water does
not spill out.
 Air pressure is exerted in all directions, as well as from the
bottom to the top.


1. Divide the students into manageable groups depending on the

class size and the availability of materials
2. Clarify the objectives of the attached student activity.
3. Distribute the necessary materials.
4. Give the precautionary measures.
5. Allow the students to perform the activity.
6. Ask the students to answer the guide questions.
7. Discuss the results of the activity with the class.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Discussion Ideas

a. Explain the Kinetic Molecular Theory.

The kinetic molecular theory explains the behavior of gases in

terms of the characteristics of their molecules. It postulates that
gases are made up of molecules that are in constant, random
motion and whose sizes are insignificant compared to the total
volume of the gas. Forces of attraction between molecules are
negligible so that when the molecules collide, the collisions are
perfectly elastic. The average kinetic energy of the gas is
directly proportional to the absolute temperature

b. Discuss students’ observations and analysis on the following


Jet-Propelled Balloons
The balloon shoots along the thread at a speed because when
the balloon is closed, the air inside presses equally against the
inside surface. When the balloon is released, the air inside
expands. This creates a backward thrust that pushes the
balloon forward.
Air can be compressed; the force of compressed air can support
and move considerable weights.

Air that Shrinks

The balloon sinks inside the bottle because the hot air inside the
bottle contracts (shrinks) when it is cold so that its volume is
reduced. As the air outside enters the bottle and occupies the
remaining space, it also pushes the balloon from the inside. The
contraction of the air is due to the slowing down of the speed of
its molecules, resulting from the lowering of the temperature.

The Rising Water (describe the experiment)

The level of the water rises, so that it is higher than the water
outside the glass. The pressure of air on the surface of the
water in the bowl pushes the water up the glass. If the rim of the
glass were raised above the surface of the water, air would
enter and push the air outside. Then the glass would be empty.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Air exerts pressure on all surfaces with which it comes in


Extension Ideas

A pressure cooker is a container that is sealed airtight so that steam

does not escape when the food is being cooked. Steam inside the
pressure cooker accumulates as more molecules collide. Each
colliding molecule exerts pressure and as pressure increases, the
temperature also increases. The increase in temperature shortens the
cooking time of the food.

The pressure cooker is helpful at higher elevation like Baguio where

cooking time is usually longer because of the lower atmospheric
pressure. The boiling temperature of water is lower at high altitudes;
thus, using a pressure cooker in these places speeds up cooking time.

Closing Activity

Ask students to individually prepare a concept map of the Kinetic

Molecular Theory of Gases.


 Explain this situation using the concept behind the Kinetic

Molecular Theory (KMT).
 During summer months there are more tire blowouts than
during the colder months.

Answer key
In the summer months, as the temperature is higher, the kinetic
energy of the particles is also higher, thereby bringing about
more collisions among the particles, and correspondingly,
greater pressure

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles


Students will research on the following technological advances.

Discuss their applications in relation to gas laws and the Kinetic
Molecular Theory.
1. pressure cooker
2. refrigerator
3. bicycle pump
4. generator


Buenaventura, Marcia. Chemistry. Salesiana Publishers Inc.


Mendoza, Estrella. Chemistry. Phoenix Publishing House Inc. 180–


Nueva Espana, Rebecca. Chemistry. Updated edition. Abiva

Publishing House, Inc. 104–105.

Science and Technology III Textbook. 80–82.

The Big Book of Experiments (An encyclopedia of science). 20.

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

Student Activity 12

By the end of this investigation, the students will have determined the
application of gas laws in daily occurrences.


Activity A Activity B Activity C

 string  glass bottle  bowl
 sticky tape  medium-sized balloon  drinking glass
 medium-sized balloon  sink with hot and cold  water
 drinking straw water


A. Jet-Propelled Balloon

1. Thread a string through the straw and tie its ends tightly
between two points at equal heights in a room (e.g., handles or
2. Inflate the balloon and keep the neck closed between your
3. Fix the balloon underneath the drinking straw with the sticky
tape and pull the balloon along to one end of the string.
4. Pull your fingers against the mouth of the balloon then let go.

B. Air That Shrinks

1. With the help of an adult, pour very hot water into the bottle.
2. After a few minutes, empty the bottle. Put the neck of the
balloon over the top of the bottle at once.
3. Run tap water on the outside of the bottle. Observe what

Chemistry Unit 2 Investigating Mixtures
Chapter 3 Gases: The Fastest Moving Particles

C. The Rising Water

1. Put the glass into the water upside down.

2. Lift the glass up, but without the rim going above the surface of
the water. Observe what happens.


A. 1. Explain why the balloon shoots along the thread at a speed

using the concept of the gas laws.
2. What does this prove regarding the compressibility of gases?

B. 1. What happened to the toy balloon?

2. What happens to air when heated? When cooled?
3. Why do we have to store aerosol sprays away from fire or heat?

C. 1. What happened to the level of the water inside the glass?

2. What caused this to happen?
3. If the rim of the glass was raised above the surface of the water
what might have happened?
4. Where does air exert force?


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