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Naja The Royal Cobra

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Naja the royal cobra

A remedy fit for the great queen of Egypt, writes Marysia Kratimenos

leopatra. The name Berenice IV and three with the political marriage,
conjures up images of younger siblings, Arsinoe IV she soon began to omit
untold wealth, exotic and the princes Ptolemy XIII Ptolemy’s name from official
mystery and beauty. Elizabeth and Ptolemy XIV. Cleopatra documents. Unlike her father,
Taylor and her deep love-hate VI did not survive infancy, she had immense strength of
relationship with Richard and her father later executed character, and was motivated
Burton set against the Berenice for treason. by duty to her country. She
excesses of Hollywood. Ptolemy Auletes was a devoted her energy to
Passion, intrigue and power, weak man, who lacked the bringing back the glory of
mixed with deceit and fire and wisdom of his Egypt. Of all the snake
corruption. But who was the lineage. Over the preceding remedies, Naja has the
real Cleopatra? What is the two centuries Egypt had lost strongest sense of duty. Rajan
truth behind the last pharaoh vast amounts of land to the Sankaran, the celebrated
of Egypt? rising Roman Empire, which Indian homeopath, describes
Cleopatra has gained was poised to take over as the Naja character as having
immortality, not least of all the ancient superpower. “ a certain quality of nobility
by the method of her death Greek tradition had diluted about them, of morality, of
from the venom of a cobra, the Egyptian culture and responsibility”; qualities
the sacred sign of Egyptian tradition, and the country Cleopatra had in abundance.
royalty. The snake traditionally was set to fall into Roman
symbolises wisdom and hands. Ptolemy Auletes felt The linguist
healing, a connection with this was inevitable and Cleopatra was very well
other worlds and the power created a pact with the educated and highly
over sexuality and death. Romans, paying them tribute. intelligent, the match of any
Cleopatra was the incarnation On his death, he left his man intellectually. She spoke
of the female royal cobra, as remaining children in the care nine languages but not Latin,
her life so clearly shows. of Pompey, the Roman leader, perhaps showing her
The golden age of Egypt and willed Egypt to contempt for the Romans.
was long dead at her birth in Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII. Unlike her predecessors she
69 BC. The marvels of the In accordance with Egyptian immersed herself in the ways
pyramids and Karnak temples law Cleopatra was expected of Ancient Egypt, learning
remained as shadowy to have a consort to reign, their language and their
reminders of the glorious and so the 18 year-old was heritage. She celebrated their
past. The Egyptian dynasties married to her 12 year-old religion, and was a devotee of
had been replaced by brother. Incestuous marriages the cult of Isis, the goddess of
Macedonian Greeks. were common practice in healing. The snake remedies
Cleopatra VII was the Ancient Egypt. are excellent linguists, and
third child of Ptomely However, Cleopatra was extremely quick witted and
Auletes, having two older determined to reign alone and intelligent.
sisters, Cleopatra VI and although she went through She had no intention of

24 Health & Homeopathy Summer 2003

and Cleopatra maintained
control of the lighthouse of
Pharos, and thus the all-
important harbour. Ptolemy
XIII died trying to escape.
Arsinoe, her younger
sister, had herself proclaimed
queen by the Macedonian
mob, a betrayal that led to
her being paraded through
the streets of Rome as a
slave, before her execution in
front of Cleopatra. Unlike
many snakes, the cobra is not
naturally aggressive, and will
raise its hood as a warning
before striking. She only
attacks when provoked to the

The romantic snake

Caesar and Cleopatra were
well matched. Both great
intellectuals and radical
thinkers. Their love was
genuine, although originally
motivated by mutual political
ambitions. Naja is very
romantic in nature.
They spent two months
cruising down the Nile, as
Photo: BFI Stills

Cleopatra showed off the

wonders of her kingdom.
Despite being married off
again, this time to her
being a vassal of the Roman smuggled in a carpet, through youngest brother, Ptolemy
Empire. She wanted to enemy lines, to the palace in XIV, Cleopatra bore Julius a
restore Egypt to a great Alexandria where he was son, Caesarion (Ptolemy
empire. Many did not share staying. By the next day they Caesar) and it is believed that
her ambitions and backed the were lovers, and her reign they married during their trip
malleable youth, Ptolemy was assured. on the Nile. Ptolemy XIV
XIII. A power struggle Roman propaganda depicts later died and Cleopatra was
ensued, with Cleopatra being Cleopatra as a harlot, but blamed. There is little
forced into exile. She rallied there is no evidence to support evidence to support this claim
Arab troops, determined to this slur on her morality. If of fratricide, but her
regain her birthright. anything she was a serial reputation was tarnished
In the meantime her monogamist. The cobra again by the implication.
guardian, Pompey had been bonds with her mate and they Naja has deep feelings of
murdered and Julius Caesar remain together. Cleopatra resentment and impulses to
was the rising star in the certainly used her charm and harm those who have
Roman Empire. He arrived in sexuality to further her inflicted the suffering.
Alexandria in 48 BC with ambitions, as any self-
vast numbers of legionaries, respecting snake remedy would! Jealousy and suspicion
to restore peace in the East. Her brother was incensed When Julius returned to
Cleopatra realised that Julius by her actions, and provoked Rome, Cleopatra joined him
Caesar could help her reclaim riots, which led to the and soon became an object of
the throne. She showed great burning of part of the great hatred. The deeply
courage by having herself library of Alexandria. Caesar conservative Romans were ➤

Summer 2003 Health & Homeopathy 25

offended by her extravagant prosperity be restored. The the Greek coast. Anthony
ways and her bigamous energy of the snake as was unable to engage in a
marriage to Caesar. She intermediary between the land battle, which he
proclaimed herself the New heavens and earth is favoured and realising the
Isis, according to Egyptian demonstrated by this action. supremacy of the Roman
culture, and had gold statues fleet, fled to Alexandria, with
of herself and Caesar erected The Naja venom Cleopatra.
in the temple of Venus. Rome declared a triumvirate Mark Anthony chose to
Caesarian was openly with Mark Anthony, Lepidus remain at their landing point,
proclaimed as Caesar’s only and Octavian (later the which is still known as
son and heir. Emperor Augustus Caesar) Cleopatra’s beach. Both knew
Jealousy is a theme of all sharing power. Julius Caesar that defeat was inevitable, as
the snake remedies; they can was deified in 42 BC but his Octavian was close behind.
be very jealous and suspicious will left no provision for Anthony lapsed into a deep
people or evoke that emotion Cleopatra and his heir. depression and committed
in others as Cleopatra Cleopatra was initially suicide, dying in Cleopatra’s
undoubtedly did. There were occupied with averting arms.
vast differences at that time famine, but soon realised she Cleopatra’s priority was
between Egyptian and was alone again and her children. She had them
Roman culture. Women had unprotected against the might sent away, hoping to ensure
far more rights in Egypt as of Rome. Octavian reigned in their safety. Unfortunately,
compared to the typical the Western Empire and her trust was betrayed and
Roman matron. They were Mark Antony the East. Being Caesarion was murdered.
free to chose husbands and a snake, her choice was clear, Octavian spared her children
own property. As a queen as was her approach! She was by Mark Anthony, bringing
and the incarnation of a god, in need of the strongest ally, them up in his own family.
Cleopatra was used to preferably one she could Cleopatra was taken
supreme power, fabulous manipulate using her sensual prisoner when Octavian
wealth and luxury. In her charm. stormed the city, and fearing
own country, she was Isis, Her seduction of Mark the same fate as her sister
Venus, Aphrodite, every Anthony is legendary – the Arsinoe, also took her own
feminine goddess; a concept ornate ship bearing her life. The choice of the cobra
that was incomprehensible to dressed as Aphrodite, goddess ensured a rapid death, as the
the Roman populace. Her of love. It was an venom paralyses the nervous
behaviour and bearing must ostentatious and possibly system, leading to paralysis of
have infuriated them. vulgar act, but clearly the muscles of respiration.
Julius Caesar was demonstrated her Cleopatra died as she lived,
assassinated by senators in 44 understanding of the as a royal female cobra, the
BC, and Rome descended uncouth, womanising and uraeus, the symbol of Egypt.
into chaos. Cleopatra only heavy drinking Mark Her servants chose to die
just managed to escape to Anthony, a devotee of with her, showing their faith
Alexandria with her life; such Dionysis / Bacchus. Subtlety and admiration of her.
was the hatred of the Roman would have been wasted on Although sworn enemies,
people. him. Cleopatra needed him, Octavian held her in high
On her return, she found and he needed her wealth. regard. When he took the
her country in equal chaos. Her behaviour shows her name Augustus and was to be
The “bread basket of the deep comprehension of honored by having a calendar
Mediterranean” was human nature, which she month named after him, he
threatened with famine due exploited with characteristic chose the eighth month, the
to failure of the Nile floods. flair. Together they had three month of Cleopatra’s death,
As pharaoh-goddess, children. Mark Anthony rather than his birth month.
Cleopatra was directly married her following his Egypt fell into the hands
responsible for the fertility of divorce, and legitimised all of Rome, and Alexandria fell
her nation. It was her duty to the children. into the sea, burying its secrets.
intervene between the gods Octavian declared war on The legend of Cleopatra lives
and the people. Only when Anthony and Cleopatra, on. Naja has truly attained
she performed the correct which culminated in the immortality and her name
religious rituals, would famous battle at Actium, off will never be obliterated.

26 Health & Homeopathy Summer 2003

Naja – remedy profile the homeopathic principle of means snakes can only be
Cobra venom is used like cures like! The discovery safely held around the neck.
homeopathically to treat a of the polio vaccine put paid Those requiring snake
variety of complaints. As it is to this fascinating method of remedies are often intolerant
a profoundly powerful treatment. Homeopaths are of tight clothing, particularly
remedy and reserved for still using the venom, but in around the neck. There is
serious health complaints, it potentised doses. often a tendency to sore
is not suitable for self- throats, and it is easier to eat
prescribing and should be left Common characteristics rather than drink.
to the professional The snake remedies share Snakes do not have
homeopath to use judiciously. certain common eyelids, and hypnotise their
characteristics. They all prey, and so the eyes of the
Paralysis dislike extremes of patients have a mesmeric
Cobra venom is neuro-toxic, temperature, and are very quality. They are prone to
in other words poisonous to sensitive to changes in nasty eye infections.
the nervous system. The bite weather and the seasons.
mark becomes red, swollen Naja can be terrified of rain. The gentle snake
and there is some tissue Their symptoms recur at Naja is one of the gentle
damage and infection, though regular intervals. They feel snakes and can be easily
not as severe as with the better from movement and confused with Pulsatilla.
vipers or sea snakes. The free flow of bodily fluids, and There are marked mood
earliest symptom is drooping swings, especially pre-
of the eyelids, giddiness and menstrually. They are
weakness, followed by romantic in nature, very
generalised muscle paralysis, devoted to the family and
difficulty in swallowing and duty. When provoked, and
breathing, vomiting and they are very sensitive
foaming round the mouth. emotionally, they flare up
There is some damage to the after issuing warnings and
blood clotting mechanism, then “go for the jugular”.
leading to a bleeding Their rebukes are sarcastic
tendency, but this is less and biting. They are prone to
dramatic than with the viper go off in a sulk in mild cases,
family. Death results from but can become suicidally
paralysis of the muscles of depressed. Naja can be used
respiration and heart failure. for the treatment of many
If death has not occurred psychological conditions
within two hours, it is likely including depression, manic
that the person will recover. depression and severe mood
Treatment is with anti-venom, swings.
which must be specific to the On a physical level, the
snake species. Resistance can main focus is on the heart.
build up to snake bites; those are worse following inactivity Naja is used for many serious
handling snakes often give (including sleep). Symptoms heart diseases, including valve
themselves tiny injections of flare up when the menstrual problems and heart failure,
the venom to protect periods are stopped, either obviously alongside orthodox
themselves against accidental with the pill, pregnancy or medical treatments. There is
bites. In ancient times snake the menopause. often a hacking cough
charmers allowed themselves Snakes shed their skin, associated with the heart
to be bitten to gain immunity and “snake people” often problem. It is very useful for Marysia
– a risky business! suffer with flaking skin. They paralysing diseases, such as Kratimenos MB
In view of the paralysing are prone to nasty septic polio. In the past it was used BS FRCS (Ed)
effects of the venom, one lesions, and have a tendency in diphtheria epidemics, with MFHom is an
enterprising doctor started to bruising and bleeding. The wonderful results. associate specialist
using tiny injections of cobra skin often becomes Naja is one of the lesser- at the Royal
venom for polio, with discoloured, bluish or known remedies, and used in London
excellent results. It is unlikely reddish-purple with infections. the appropriate cases has a Homoeopathic
he realised he was applying A dislike of constriction, profound curative effect. Hospital.

Summer 2003 Health & Homeopathy 27

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