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Exercise 1 (6 Points) Oscillations of A Horizontal Elastic Pendulum

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‫ الفيزياء‬:‫المادة‬

‫ الثانوية العامّة‬:‫الشهادة‬ ‫الهيئة األكاديميّة المشتركة‬

‫ العلوم العامة‬:‫الفرع‬ ‫ العلوم‬:‫قسم‬
2 ‫نموذج رقم‬
‫ ثالث ساعات‬:‫المدّة‬
)‫ وحتى صدور المناهج المطوّ رة‬2017-2016 ‫نموذج مسابقة (يراعي تعليق الدروس والتوصيف المعدّل للعام الدراسي‬

This test includes four mandatory exercises. The use of non-programmable calculators is allowed.

Exercise 1 (6½ points) Oscillations of a horizontal elastic pendulum

An elastic pendulum (R) is formed of a solid (S), of mass m, attached to the

extremity A of a horizontal spring of stiffness k  80 N/m; the other (R) (S)
x' x
extremity B of the spring is attached to a fixed support as shown in the
adjacent document (Doc 1). A
The center of inertia G of the solid can move along a horizontal axis x x . B G (Doc 1)
At equilibrium, the center of inertia G of (S) is confounded with the origin
O of the axis x’x. We shift the solid from its equilibrium position and then we release it from rest at the instant
t0 = 0. G starts oscillating on either side of its equilibrium position O.
At an instant t, the abscissa of G is x and the algebraic value of its velocity is v = dt = x′.
The horizontal plane passing through G is the reference level of the gravitational potential energy.

1) Free undamped oscillations

We neglect the force of friction.
1-1) Write down, at an instant t, the expression of the mechanical energy of the system (pendulum -Earth).
1-2) Derive the second order differential equation in x that describes the motion of (S).
1-3) Deduce the expression of the proper period T0 of these oscillations.

2) Free damped oscillations

In reality, the friction force has a certain value.
Taking into account the previous initial conditions,
a device allows to register the variations of x as
a function of time t as shown in the adjacent document
(Doc 2).
2-1) Referring to the graph, determine the
pseudo-period T of the oscillations.
2-2) Calculate the average power dissipated
between the instants t0 = 0 and t1 = 3T.

3) Forced oscillations
We connect now the extremity B of the spring to a vibrator of adjustable frequency fv and of constant amplitude.
We give fv different values and we register, for every value of fv, the corresponding value of the amplitude xm
of the oscillations of G as shown in the document (Doc 3) below.
fv (Hz) 1.5 2 2.5 2.8 3 3.2 3.3 3.6 4 4.5
(Doc 3)
Xm (cm) 0.4 0.6 1 1.5 2.1 2.3 2 1.5 1 0.7
3-1) Referring to the table, determine the approximate value of the proper period of the oscillations of (R).
3-2) Determine the approximate value of m.
3-3) Sketch the graph giving the variation of xm as a function of fv.
3-4) Trace, with justification, the shape of the previous curve when the force of friction has a greater value.
Exercise 2 (7½ points) Synchronous pendulums

1) Elastic pendulum
A spring, of force constant k and of negligible mass, is placed on a smooth
horizontal table. The left end of the spring is fixed to a support and
the right end is connected to the end of a massless string passing over a
light pulley as shown in the adjacent document (Doc 4). A particle (S), of x’
mass m, is tied to the other end of the string. At equilibrium, (S) is at O.
Take the horizontal plane passing through O as the reference level of the
gravitational potential energy and g = 10 m/s2. Neglect all resistive forces. GPe = 0 O
1-1) When (S) is at equilibrium, it coincides with the origin O of the (S)
vertical axis x’ox, and the spring is extended by Δℓ.
mg (Doc 4) x
Show that ∆ℓ = k .
1-2) The particle, pulled down by 4 cm, is released from rest at the instant t0 = 0. At an instant t, the abscissa
of the particle is x and the algebraic value of its velocity is v = dt = x′.
1-2-1) Show that, at an instant t, the expression of the mechanical energy of the system [(S), Earth,
1 1
spring, string, pulley] is given by: ME = 2 k(∆ℓ + x)2 − mgx + 2 mv 2 .
1-2-2) Determine the second order differential equation, in x, that describes the motion of (S).
1-2-3) Deduce the expression of the proper angular frequency ω0 of the pendulum and give that of its
proper period T0 in terms of ℓ and g.
1-2-4) Determine the time equation of the motion of (S) knowing that it is of the form:
x = xmsin(0t+).

2) Simple pendulum
A simple pendulum is formed of an inextensible and massless string of length L and a particle
(S') of mass m as shown in the adjacent document (Doc 5). Suspended in a proper way, (S')
is shifted from its equilibrium position by an angular abscissa θ0 = 0.10 rd, and then released
from rest at the instant t0 = 0. The pendulum performs oscillations of angular amplitude
θm = 0.10 rd. At an instant t, the angular abscissa of the pendulum is  and its angular velocity
is ′ = dt .
Take the horizontal plane passing through the equilibrium position of (S') at as the reference
level of the gravitational potential energy and g = 10 m/s2. Neglect all resistive forces. (S')
Take whenever needed, for small values of θ, ( in rd): cos  = 1 – 2 or sin θ = θ.
2-1) Determine, at an instant t, the expression of the mechanical energy of the system (Doc 5)
2-2) Determine the second order differential equation, in θ, that describes the motion of the pendulum.
2-3) Deduce the expression of the proper angular frequency '0 of this pendulum and give that of its proper
period T'0 in terms of L and g.
2-4) Determine the time equation of the motion of the pendulum knowing that it is of the form:
 = msin('0t + φ').

3) Comparison
Compare the proper periods T0 and T'0 of these pendulums and give the condition to be satisfied by an elastic
pendulum and a simple pendulum to be synchronous.

Exercise 3 (6½ points) Sparks in a Car ignition system

The ability of a coil, to oppose rapid changes in current, makes it very useful for spark generation.
The engine of a car requires that the fuel-air mixture in each cylinder must be ignited at proper times. This is achieved
by means of a spark plug, which essentially consists of a pair of electrodes separated, at a specific distance, by an air
gap. By creating a large voltage (a few tens of thousands of volts) between the electrodes, a spark is formed across
the gap, thereby igniting the fuel.
The coil of a car ignition system has an inductance L = 20 mH and a resistance r = 2  .
The electromotive force of car battery is: E = 12 V.

1) Switch K is closed

The adjacent document (Doc 6) shows the circuit of

a spark plug in a car where the resistor used for B
protection is of resistance R= 4Ω. K R
At the instant t0 = 0, the switch K of the circuit i
is closed. (L, r) plug
1-1) The current in the branch of the spark plug is
considered zero. Justify. E = 12 V
1-2) At an instant t, the circuit carries the current i. Air
Using the law of addition of voltages, gap
determine the differential equation in i. (Doc 6) C
1-3) Deduce, in steady state, the current I0 carried by
the circuit.
1-4) Calculate the time needed by the current i to reach, practically, its maximum value I0 knowing that the
time constant τ of the circuit is:  = .
1-5) Calculate the maximum magnetic energy stored by the coil.
1-6) Determine, in steady state, the voltage across the air gap of the spark plug.
1-7) A spark is a visible disruptive discharge of electricity between two electrodes of high voltage. It is
preceded by an ionization of the gas (air - fuel) then followed by a rapid heating effect that burns the
fuel. Specify if sparks are created in the air gap during the growth of the current in the circuit.

2) Switch K is opened

2-1) When the switch K is opened, the current drops to zero during 1 s. Determine the voltage developed
across the electrodes of the plug.
2-2) Specify if sparks are produced in the air gap.
2-3) The sparks in the air gap get weaker as the distance between the electrodes gets larger. Explain why the
spark plug must be changed after being used for a long time.

Exercise 4 (7 points) Nuclear reactions

Consider the following four reactions (1), (2), (3) and (4) and the masses of some nuclei.

1 2 3 4 1 235 140 94
1H 1H H
1 He
2 0n U
92 Xe
54 38Sr
m(u) 1.0073 2.0141 3.0155 4.0015 1.0087 235.0439 139.9216 93.9153

1 u = 1.66 x 10-27 kg = 931.5 MeV/c2; c = 3×108 m/s; 1 eV=1.6×10-19 J.

235 231
92U → 90Th + AZX (1)
1H + 21H → 31H + 11H (2)
1H + 31H → 42He + 10n (3)
1 235 140 94
0n + 92U → 54Xe + 38Sr + 2( 10n) (4)

1) Give the type of each of these four reactions.

2) Consider the reaction (1).
2-1) Calculate A and Z indicating the laws used.
2-2) Name the particle X and give its symbol.
3) The deuterium nuclei undergo the nuclear reactions (2) and (3).
3-1) Write the overall reaction (5) that takes place.
3-2) Determine, in MeV and in joule, the energy liberated by this reaction.
4) Consider the reaction (4).
4-1) Calculate, in u and in kg, the mass lost.
4-2) Determine the released energy.
4-3) The released energy by the atomic bomb dropped at Hiroshima was estimated to be the equivalent to
15 kilotons of dynamite or 63×1012 J.
4-3-1) Calculate the number of uranium-235 nuclei that underwent fission in this bomb assuming that
all of the fission reactions took place as reaction (4) from the energetic point of view.
4-3-2) Determine the mass of reacting uranium-235 necessary to release this energy.
5) The combustion of a mass m1 = 1 kg of fuel oil liberates an amount of energy E = 4.3×107 J.
5-1) Determine the mass m2 of the deuterium nuclei and the mass m3 of uranium nuclei that may produce this
5-2) Classify in ascending order the masses m1, m2 and m3 and indicate the substance that is preferable to be
used to obtain energy, regardless of other factors.

‫ الفيزياء‬:‫المادة‬
‫ الثانوية العامّة‬:‫الشهادة‬ ‫الهيئة األكاديميّة المشتركة‬
‫ العلوم العامة‬:‫الفرع‬ ‫ العلوم‬:‫قسم‬
2 ‫نموذج رقم‬
‫ ثالث ساعات‬:‫المدّة‬
)‫ وحتى صدور المناهج المطوّ رة‬2017-2016 ‫أسس التصحيح (تراعي تعليق الدروس والتوصيف المعدّل للعام الدراسي‬

Exercise 1 (6½ points) Oscillations of a horizontal elastic pendulum

Question Answer Mark
1-1 ME = KE + PE ∀t ¼
ME = ½ mv2 + ½ kx2 ¼
1-2 There is no friction, so the mechanical energy of the system is conserved
Then ME = constant ∀t
dME ½
= mvv' + kxx' = 0 ∀ t
 k 
mx '  x ' ' x   0  t
 m 
The product of two physical quantities is always nil, but mx’ is not always nil,
we get: x ' ' x  0 ½
1-3 The differential equation is of the form x'' + ω02x = 0
The oscillator undergoes simple harmonic oscillation of proper angular
frequency 0 =√m ¼
2π m
the proper period is thus: T0 = ω = 2π√ k ¼
2-1 Using the graph, 3 T = 0.98 then T= 0.326 s ½
2-2 for t0 = 0, x0 =2.6 cm, ME0= ½ kx02 = 0.02704 J
(KE0 = 0 because the elongation is maximum);
for t = 3T, x = 1.8 cm, ME = ½ kx2 = 0.01296 J
(KE = 0 because the elongation is maximum); ½
Energy lost 0.02704−0.01296 ½
Pav diss = duration = = 0.0144 W
3-1 Referring to the graph, damping is relatively very weak. In this case, the
resonant frequency is too close to the proper frequency of the pendulum. ½
f0 corresponds to the highest amplitude, f0 = 3.2 Hz, thus, T0 = 1/f0 = 0.3125 s ½
3-2 m T0 2 × k (0.3125)2 × 80 ½
T0 = 2π√ k ; m = = = 0.198 kg ½
4π2 4π2

3-4 When the force of friction increases,
the maximum value of the amplitude of
the curve of resonance becomes smaller
(the bandwidth larger and the resonance
frequency smaller).
When the force of friction becomes
greater, the phenomenon of resonance
disappears, and (S) is then sensitive to
a large band of frequencies, the
bandwidth becomes larger. ½
Remark: The shape of the curve must be
in accordance with the initial conditions
and in respect for the problem situation.

Exercise 2 (7½ points) Synchronous pendulums

Question Answer Mark
1-1 The Particle S is at equilibrium: W = T ½
mg = k∆ℓ  ∆ℓ = k ½
1-2-1 ME = KE + PEg + PEe = ½ k(∆ℓ + x) – mgx + ½ mv
2 2
1-2-2 There is no friction thus ME is conserved
ME = ½ k∆ℓ2 + ½ kx2 + kx∆ℓ – mgx + ½ mv2 = constant ∀t (k ∆ℓ = mg)
dME  k  ½
= 0 + kxx' + mvv' = 0 ∀ t  mx '  x ' ' x   0  t
 m 
The product of two physical quantities is always nil, but mx’ is not always nil,
we get: x ' ' x  0
m ½
1-2-3 The differential equation is of the form x'' + ω0 x = 0

The oscillator undergoes simple harmonic oscillations of proper angular

k ¼
frequency 0 =√ m
m Δℓ
the proper period is thus: T0 = 2π√ k T0 = 2π√ g ¼
1-2-4 k ¼
ω0 = √m
x = xmsin(0t + φ); v = xmω0cos(0t + φ); ¼
π ¼
at t0 = 0: x0 = xmsin(φ) > 0 and v0 = xmω0cos (φ) = 0 then φ = 2 rd
x0 = xm = 4 cm.
k π ¼
x = 4sin(√m t + 2 ); (t in s and x in cm)
2-1 ME = PEg + KE ¼
ME = mgh + ½ I θ'2 = mgL(1 – cosθ) + ½ Iθ'2 ¼
Knowing that θ = 0.1 rd < 6o , cos θ = 1 – 2 L ½
ME = ½ mgLθ2 + ½ mL2 θ'2 Lcosθ

2-2 ME = ½ mgLθ2 + ½ mL2 θ'2 = constant t ¼
= 0 then: mgLθθ' + mL2 θ'θ'' = 0;
mLθ' is not always nil
gθ + Lθ'' = 0  θ" + (g/L) θ =0 ½
2-3 The differential equation has the form to θ'' + ω'0 θ = 0

The oscillator undergoes simple harmonic oscillation of proper angular

g g
frequency ω'0 with ω'02 = L , thus, ω'0 = √L
2π L
The proper period is thus: T'0 = ω′ = 2π√g ½

2-4 θ = θmsin('0t + φ'); θ' = θ'mω'0cos('0t + φ'); ¼

π ¼
at t0 = 0: θ0 = θmsin(φ') > 0 and θ'0 = θmω'0cos (φ') = 0 then φ' = 2 rd
θ0 = θm = 0,1 rd
g π
θ = 0.1sin (√L t + 2 ); (t in s and θ in rd) ¼
3 Δℓ L
T0 = 2π√ g and T'0 = 2π√g
The two pendulums are synchronous, T0 = T’0  ∆ℓ = L ½

Exercise 3 (6½ points) Sparks in a Car ignition system

Question Answer Mark
1-1 Since the branch of the spark plug is an open circuit due to the air gap ½
1-2 uAC = uAB + uBC; E = Ri + (ri + L di/dt) ½
E (R + r) di ½
= i+
L L dt
1-3 In steady state: i = I0 = constant
E (R+ r) di ½
= I0 + , (di/dt = 0)
L L dt ½
E = (R+r) I0  I0 = E/(R+r) = 12/6 = 2 A
1-4 t = 5 = 5(R+r) = 5 0.02/6 = 0.0167 s ½
1-5 Emag(max) = ½ LI02 = ½0.0222 = 0.04 J ½
1-6 uair gap = uBC = rI0 = 2  2 = 4 V ½
1-7 No since uair gap = 4V is small. ½
2-1 The average induced e.m.f. is: eav = -L(Δi/Δt) = -0.02  (0-2)/10-6 = 40000 V ½
 |uairgap| = uCB  40000 V (since ri is assumed very small). ½
2-2 Yes, sparks are produced in the gap because the voltage is very high. ½
2-3 The sparks produced in the air gap will melt gradually the electrodes of the
spark plug; this causes an increase in the distance between them and
consequently the sparks get fainter and then the plug must be replaced by a
new one. ½

Exercise 4 (7 points) Nuclear reactions
Question Answer Mark
1 (1): Natural radioactivity ¼
(2): and (3): fusion ½
(4): fission ¼
2-1 By applying Soddy’s laws: ¼
Conservation of the mass number: 235 = 231 + A  A = 4 ¼
Conservation of the charge number: 92 = 90 + Z  Z = 2 ¼
2-2 This particle is the helium-4 nucleus; its symbol is 42 He . ¼
3-1 Adding 2 and 3 we obtain:
3 21H + 31H → 42He + 31H + 11H + 10n
3 21H → 42He + 11H + 10n (5) ½
3-2 ELib.=  m.c2 = [(3×2.0141) – (4.0015 + 1.0073 + 1.0087)] × 931.5
ELib = 0.0248 × 931.5 = 23.1012 MeV = 3.696×10-12 J ½
4-1 Δm = [(1.0087 + 235.0439) – (139.9216 + 93.9153 + 2(1.0087))]
Δm = 0.1983 u = 0.19831.6610-27 = 3.292×10-28 kg ½
4-2 ELib.=  m.c2 = 0.1983×931.5 = 184.72 MeV = 184.72  1.6610-13 J
ELib.= 29.56×10-12 J ½
4-3-1 1 nucleus liberates 29.56 ×10-12 J
N nuclei liberate 63×1012 J
N = 2.131×10 nuclei ½
4-3-2 The mass lost of 3.292×10-28 kg corresponds to 1 nucleus
The mass lost of Δmtotal corresponds to 2.131×1024 nuclei
Then Δmtotal = 0.0007 kg ½

The mass lost of 3.292×10-28 kg corresponds to 1 nucleus of mass 235.0439 u

The mass lost of 0.0007 kg corresponds to N nuclei of mass mt
Then the mass of the used uranium is: mt = 4.99 × 1026 u = 0.83 kg. ½
5-1 For the deuterium nuclei:
3m( 21 H ) = 6.0423 u = 10.03 × 10-27 kg gives 36.96×10-13J
m2 gives 4.3×107J
Then we need m2 = 4.3×10 × 10.03 × 10-27/36.96×10-13 = 1.1669×10-7 kg
7 ½

For the uranium nuclei:

mU = 235.0439 u = 3.9×10-25 kg gives 29.56 ×10-12 J
m3 gives 4.3×107 J
Then we need m3 = 4.3×107 × 3.9 × 10-25/29.56 ×10-12 = 5.67×10-7 kg ½
5-2 To liberate the same quantity of energy, 4.3×107 J, we need:
Fuel: m1 = 1 kg
Deuterium nuclei: m2 = 1.1669×10-7 kg
Uranium nuclei: m3 = 5.67×10-7 kg
m2 < m3 < m1
We prefer using deuterium nuclei. ½


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