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Exercise 1 (6 Points) Horizontal Mechanical Oscillator

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‫ الفيزياء – لغة إنكليزية‬:‫المادة‬

‫ الثانوية العا ّمة‬:‫الشهادة‬

‫الهيئة األكاديميّة المشتركة‬
‫ علوم الحياة‬:‫الفرع‬
‫ العلوم‬:‫قسم‬
2019 / 1 :‫نموذج رقم‬
‫ ساعتان‬:‫المدّة‬

This test includes three mandatory exercises. The use of non-programmable calculators is allowed.

Exercise 1 (6 points) Horizontal mechanical oscillator

The aim of this exercise is to determine the stiffness k of the spring (R) of a horizontal mechanical oscillator.
This oscillator is formed of a particle (S1) of mass M = 400 g and the spring (R) of negligible mass and of
stiffness k.
The center of mass G of (S1) may move along a horizontal straight axis x'Ox; O is at the equilibrium position of
G, the spring being unstretched, as shown in (Doc 1). Neglect any force of friction.

(S2) (S1)
x x
(Doc 1)

1) Setting the oscillator in motion

(S1) is initially at rest and G is at O. To set (S1) in motion, a particle (S2), of mass m = 2 , is launched towards
(S1) along the axis x'Ox. Just before the collision, (S2) was moving with the velocity ⃗⃗⃗⃗
V2 = V2 i (V2 = 0.75 m/s).
Just after the collision, (S1) and (S2) stick together to form a system (S) of mass MS and of center of mass G.
Thus, (S) acquires the velocity ⃗⃗⃗⃗
V0 = V0 i.
1-1) Specify the physical quantity that remains conserved during this collision.
1-2) Write the equation that expresses the preceding conservation.
1-3) Show that V0 = 0.25 m/s.

2) Energetic study of the un-damped oscillator

(S) is set in motion, just after the collision, with the velocity ⃗⃗⃗⃗
V0 = V0 i at the instant t0 = 0. At an instant t,
the position of G is defined by its abscissa x = OG and the algebraic value of its velocity is v = x' = dt .
The horizontal plane passing through G is taken as a gravitational potential energy reference.
2-1) Write, at an instant t, the expression of the mechanical energy ME of the system [(S), (R), Earth].
2-2) Derive the differential equation that describes the motion of G as a function of time.
2-3) We suppose that the time equation of motion of G is written as:
x = Xmsin(ω0t) (x in m; t in s), where Xm is a positive constant.
2.3.1) Determine the expression of ω0.
2.3.2) During the motion of (S), G oscillates between two extreme positions A and B, 20 cm apart.
Determine the value of k.
2.3.3) G passes through the point C of abscissa x1 = -5.0 cm for the second time at the instant t1. Determine t1.

Exercise 2 (7 points) Determination of the characteristics of electric components

The aim of this exercise is to determine the characteristics R, L and C respectively

of a resistor, a coil of negligible resistance and a capacitor. For this, we perform i A
two experiments. Take: π2 = 10. q
1) 1st experiment
Consider a series circuit (Doc 2) that consists of an LFG which delivers across its L
terminals an alternating sinusoidal voltage of effective value U and of adjustable D
frequency f, a resistor of resistance R, a coil of inductance L and of negligible R
resistance, a capacitor of capacitance C and an ammeter.
A voltmeter, connected across the terminals of the LFG, reads a constant value (Doc 2) M
of U = 21 V.
We give f different values and we register, for each value, the
I asa function
I as a fuction ofoff f
effective current carried by the circuit. We obtain the plotted
graph of (Doc 3) giving the variations of I as a function of f.
1-1) Specify the name of the physical phenomenon that
takes place for f = 200 Hz.
1-2) Indicate then the proper frequency f0 of this circuit. 100

I (mA)
1-3) Deduce the value of R.
1-4) Show that the first relation between L and C is:
LC = 0.625×10-6 SI. 50

2) 2nd experiment 0
We consider the RLC series circuit shown in (Doc 4) where 0 100 200 300 400 500
R = 150 Ω.
f (Hz)
The expression of the voltage across the terminals of the LFG (Doc 3)
is: uAM = Um sin (2ft).
The circuit thus carries an alternating sinusoidal current i. i A
The oscilloscope is connected to display the voltage uAM across the LFG and the q
voltage uDM across the resistor. (Doc 5) shows the waveforms (1) and (2) C
corresponding respectively to the voltages uAM and uDM, the frequency of uAM B
being adjusted to f = 50 Hz. L
The vertical sensitivity on both channels is 5 V/division. D Y2
2-1) Calculate, referring to (Doc 5), the maximum voltage Um across the LFG. R
2-2) Determine, referring to (Doc 5), the expression of the voltage uDM.
2-3) Deduce the expression of i. (Doc 4) M
2-4) Determine the expression of the voltage uAB across the terminals of the
2-5) Determine the expression of the voltage uBD across the (1)
terminals of the coil.
2-6) Using the relation uAM = uAB + uBD + uDM, at any instant t, and (2)
giving t the value zero (t = 0), show that the second relation
between L and C is: 104 π2 LC + 15000πC√3 = 1.

3) Conclusion
Determine the values of L and C from the above two relations (Doc 5)
between L and C.

Exercise 3 (7 points) Aspect of light

1) In a Young’s set up, placed in air, the two slits S1 and S2, straight and parallel, have their centers, separated
by a distance a = S1S2 = 1 mm. They are illuminated by a source S emitting a monochromatic light of wavelength,
in air, λ = 625 nm, S being equidistant from S1 and S2.

The screen of observation (P), parallel to the plane of (S1S2), is at

a distance D = 1 m from I, the mid-point of [S1S2]. On (P), we
consider a point M in the zone of interference whose position is
defined by its abscissa x relative to the point O, the orthogonal
projection of I on (P) as shown in (Doc 6).
1-1) Describe the fringes observed on the screen E.
1-2) Interpret the existence of the fringes. (Doc 6)
1-3) Specify the nature of the fringe whose center is at O.
1-4) Give, in terms of D, a and x, the optical path difference at point M.
1-5) Derive the expression of the abscissa x of the centers of the dark fringes in terms of D, λ and a.
1-6) Deduce the inter-fringe distance in terms of λ, D and a.
1-7) Determine the type and order of the fringe whose center is at a distance of 3.75 mm from O.
1-8) A parallel plate, of thickness e and index of refraction n = 1.5, is placed in front of S 1. The optical path
difference at a point M becomes:  = (S2M – S1M) = D – e(n-1). The center of the central bright fringe
occupies now the position that was occupied previously by the center of the 2nd dark fringe. Determine e.

2) Now, we cover the slit S1. The source S, emitting the

monochromatic radiation, is placed facing the slit S2 whose width
is of 0.10 mm as shown in (Doc 7).
2-1) Name the phenomenon that the light undergoes through the
2-2) Calculate the width L of the central fringe obtained on the

3) The preceding two optical phenomena show evidence of a

particular aspect of light. Indicate this aspect. (Doc 7)

‫ الفيزياء – لغة إنكليزية‬:‫المادة‬
‫ الثانوية العا ّمة‬:‫الشهادة‬
‫الهيئة األكاديميّة المشتركة‬
‫ علوم الحياة‬:‫الفرع‬
‫ العلوم‬:‫قسم‬
2019 / 1 :‫نموذج رقم‬
‫ ساعتان‬:‫المدّة‬
‫أسس التصحيح‬

Exercise 1 (6 points) Horizontal mechanical oscillator

Question Answer Mark
The linear momentum of the system [(S1), (S2)] is conserved since the forces applied are the
1-1 ½
weights Mg ⃗ and mg ⃗ and the normal reactions of the support ⃗⃗⃗⃗
N1 and ⃗⃗⃗⃗
N2 whose sum is nil.
1-2 MS ⃗⃗⃗⃗
V0 = mV ⃗ 2 ; along the x-axis, we may write: mV2 = MSV0 ½
1-3 V0 = mV2/MS = 0.200 × 0.75 / 0.600 = 0.25 m/s ½
2 2
2-1 ME = KE + PE = ½ MSv + ½ kx (PEg = 0) ½
The conservation of the mechanical energy of the system [(S), (R), Earth] is due to the absence
of any loss in energy (the only external force applied, whose point of application moves,
is the normal reaction whose work is nil).
2-2 ME = ½ MSv2 + ½ kx2 = constant t 1
dME dv dx
The derivative with respect to time gives: dt = MS v dt + kx dt = 0 ∀t ; we get:
d2 x k k
MS v ( dt2 + M x ) = 0 ∀t; But v is not always nil. We obtain: x ′′ + x=0
x = Xmsin(ω0t) ; v = x' = ω0Xmcos(ω0t) ; x'' = -ω0 2 Xm sin( ω0 t) = -ω0 2 x ; We get:
2-3-1 k k 1
x'' + ω0 2 x = 0. Identifying with the previous equation, we obtain: ω0 2 =  ω0=√M

Since ME = constant, so : ME(t0 = 0) = ME(t) = ½ MSV02 = 0.5 × 0.6 × (0.25)2 = 0.01875 J

2-3-2 The amplitude is : Xm = AB/2 = 10 cm = 0.10 m ; for x = Xm ,v = 0; ME = PEe = ½ kXm2 1
0.01875 = ½ k × (0.10)2 ; k = 3.75 N/m
For t = t1, v1 > 0 since G moves in the positive direction, and x1 = -5.0 cm. So:
(ω0 = √0.600 = 2.5 rad/s and T0 = 2π/2.5 ≈ 2.51 s).
2-3-3 1
x1 = 0.10 sin(2.5t1) = -0.050 m and v1 = 0.25cos(2.5t1) > 0
 sin(2.5t1) = -0.50 and cos(2.5t1) > 0  2.5t1 = -π/6 or 2.5t1 = 2π – π/6 = 11π/6
The negative value of t1 is rejected; Hence: t1 ≈ 2.3 s

Exercise 2 (7 points) Determination of the characteristics of electric components
Question Answer Mark
The circuit is thus the seat of the current resonance phenomenon since the effective current
1-1 ¼
takes a maximum value I0 for f = 200 Hz.
1-2 The proper frequency is then f0 = 200 Hz. ¼
The maximum value of the effective current is: I0 = 140 mA.
1-3 U 21 ½
So: R = I = 0.140 = 150 Ω.

1 1
In this case: f 0 = = 200 ; LC = 4×π2 ×4×104
1-4 2π LC ½
LC = 0.625×10 SI (1)
Um = Sv.Y = 4 × 5 = 20 V
2-1 ½
uAM = 20 sin (100πt)
The waveform (2), (uDM), leads in phase the waveform (1), (uAM), by |φ|.
One period (2π) extends over 6 div; the phase difference |φ| is relative to 1 div.
2π×1 π
2-2 So: |φ| = = rad and ω = 2πf = 100π rad/s 1½
6 3
Um2 = Sv.Y = 2 × 5 = 10 V and
uDM = 10 sin(100πt + π/3) (uDM in V, t in s)
u 10 π
Ohm's law gives: i = DM = sin(100πt + ) ; We get:
R 150 3
2-3 1 π π ½
i = 15 sin(100πt + 3 ) = 0. 067 sin (100πt + 3 ) ; (i in A, t in s).
dq duAB
i= =C
dt dt
1 1 π
2-4 The voltage across the capacitor is written as: u AB =
C  i dt= -
1500 π C
cos(100π t+ ) ,

the integration constant being nil since uAB is an alternating sinusoidal voltage.
di 100 π
2-5 u BD =L = π L cos (100π t+ ) ½
dt 15 3
u AM =u AB +u BD +u DM t
100 1 π π
20sin (100 π t )=( π L- ) cos (100π t+ )+10sin (100π t+ )
15 1500πC 3 3
2-6 For t = 0 1
100 1 π π
0= ( πL- )cos ( )+10sin ( )
15 1500πC 3 3
10 π LC+15000πC 3=1 (2)
4 2

C=1.15×10-5 F=0.115μF
3 The equations (1) and (2) give:  1
 L=0.0543H = 54.3 mH

Exercise 3 (7 points) Aspect of light
Question Answer Mark
We observe on the screen fringes that are straight, alternately bright and dark, parallel to each
1-1 ½
other and to the slits, and having the same dimensions.
We have the superposition of the two light beams emitted by S1 and S2. When these light
beams reach a certain point in phase, we have a constructive interference and this point is the
1-2 ½
center of a bright fringe; when they reach another point in opposite phase, we have a
destructive interference and this point is the center of a dark fringe.
The optical path difference at O is written as: δ = S2O – S1O = 0   = 0.
1-3 ¾
So, O is the center of a bright fringe since the waves received at O are in phase.
1-4 The optical path difference is written as: δ = S2M – S1M = D ¼
1 ax
For the centers of the dark fringes, we have: δ = (k + 2) λ and δ = where k  Z.
1-5 1 λD ½
Thus: x = (k + 2) a
The inter-fringe distance is the distance between the centers of two consecutive fringes of the
1-6 same nature. 1
1 λD 1 λD λD
i = xk+1 − xk = (k + 1 + 2) a − (k + 2) a = a
x = 3.75 mm = 3.7510-3 m
M is the center of a bright fringe if  = k ,
and M is the center of a dark fringe if δ = (k + 2) λ,
1-7 1
k being an integer number.
δ ax
So: λ = λD = 10-3 × 3.75×10-3 / (625×10-9 × 1) = 6
So, M is the center of the 6th bright fringe.
For the center of the central bright fringe, we have: δ = 0; We get: = e (n-1) and i =λD/a,
so: i = 625×10-9 ×1/ 10-3 = 0.625×10-3 m = 0.625 mm.
1-8 but the abscissa x of the center of the second dark fringe is written as: 1
x = 3i/2 = 9.375×10-4 m
ax 9.375×10−4 × 10−3
We get: e = = = 1.875 × 10−6 m
D(n−1) 1 × (1.5−1)
The width of the slit is: b = 0.10 mm = 1.0×10-4 m; it is very small.
2-1 ½
The light thus undergoes the diffraction phenomenon.
2λD 2λD 2×625 109 ×1
2-2 L= ; so : L= = 4
= 1250×10-5 m = 12.5 mm ½
b b 10
The first phenomenon is the phenomenon of light interference and the second is the
3 ½
phenomenon of light diffraction. So, it is the wave aspect of light.


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