V10K Gas Chlorinator
V10K Gas Chlorinator
V10K Gas Chlorinator
THE INJECTOR CREATES AN OPERATING VACUUM 3 Vacuum contact pressure gauge
THAT OPENS THE REGULATING VALVES AND LETS THE Will release an alarm in the case of a too high vacuum (gas
GAS IN. cylinder empty), or a too low vacuum (insufficient vacuum
developed by injector). It can also be used to initiate
1 Vacuum regulator
changeover from empty to full gas cylinders.
Vacuum regulating valves equipped with a pressure
gauge and mounted directly on the gas supply containers 4 Rotameter
immediately reduce the pressurized gas to the operating Large scale rotameter tubes provide clear and accurate
vacuum. The regulator is optionally available with automatic indication of the feed rate in g/h or kg/h.
switchover for capacities up to 10 kg/h.
5 Differential regulating valve
2 Safety unit
Maintains the proper vacuum differential across the
The safety vent valve and the vacuum safety valve are V-notch orifice for consistent feed rate, regardless of
combined in the safety unit: It opens the injector only at changes in the operating vacuum, that e.g. can occur
the correct vacuum level. It additionally protects against through pressure fluctuations in the operating water.
a possible pressure build-up in the vacuum system. The
integral safety vent valve will release any overpressure
to the atmosphere in the case of a failure of the vacuum
6 Electric positioner for automatic control 8 Injectors
For the requirements of an automatic control, the Fixed throat injectors create a powerful operating
positioner includes the following features: vacuum to drive the V10k™ system. Three injector
• Manual changeover from manual to automatic control sizes are available: 3/4” for capacities up to 4 kg/h,
mode by pulling the knob to disengage the drive motor 1” for capacities up to 10 kg/h, 2” for capacities up
to 15 kg/h. The double check valves protect against
• 3 sets of volt-free contacts for system interface – backflooding. The main check valve consists of a
manual; MAX and MIN position spring-loaded diaphragm with a spherical seat for
positive sealing. A spring-loaded poppet check provides
• Internal feedback potentiometer additional safety.
The vacuum gauge provides an easy check of the operating The two channel measuring system is designed for gas and
vacuum and injector function. temperature monitoring in up to two rooms. It controls
safety equipment such as a chlorine srubber, a shut off
valve or a water spraying system.
1” Injector
Gas su
3/4” Injector
Auf der Weide 10, 89312 Günzburg, Germany
V10k and Wallace & Tiernan are trademarks of Evoqua, its subsidiaries or affiliates, in some countries. All information presented
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