The course is designed to impart knowledge and Course Director : Dr Y.G.Prasad, Principal Scientist
skills to the participants on various aspects of (Entomology)
developing weather based pest and disease Duration : 8 weeks
forewarning systems for different crops / cropping Course fee : US $ 1000 (One thousand US
systems. dollars only)
No. of trainees : 15
Faculty per course
Resource Faculty includes in-house research Accommodation : Institute’s Guest House/Hotel in
scientists working in this field and invited speakers City
with expertise and experience in related Eligibility : Masters Degree in Entomology/
disciplines as external faculty Plant pathology/Plant
protection/ Agro meteorology.
Course contents Work experience in pest and
Disease forecasting and agro
● Basic aspects of agro-meteorology advisories; concerned officers
nominated by Government on
● Pest and diseases attributes
● Development of models and decision support
● Introduction to modern tools
The course will improve the skills and knowledge Course Director : B VenkateswaruluDirector
of the participants on changing climate scenarios CRIDA
and various adaptation and mitigation strategies Duration : 10 weeks
towards food security Course fee : US $ 1000
(One thousand US dollars only)
Faculty No. of trainees : 15
Speakers with long experience and expertise in per course
the field will constitute the faculty for delivering Accommodation : Institute’s Guest House/Hotel in
the lectures/practical/Field visits covering the City
topic related to the training programme Eligibility : Master’s degree in any discipline
in Agriculture/Agrometeorology
Course contents Atmospheric Sciences/Botany
Sociology/Economics/Soil and
● Spodoptera litura damage & flowering behaviour Water Conservation Engineering.
of castor under elevated CO2 Working experience in relevant
● Open Top Chambers at CRIDA
● Agro-climatic analysis techniques for
identification of vulnerable regions causes and
evidences of climate change, climate change
scenarios and projections for different regions,
climate change impact on agriculture and rural
livelihoods, crop contingency plans, impacts on
crop/insect growth, adaptation strategies, will
be covered in the course.
The course is designed to strengthen the Course Director : Dr Sreenath Dixit, Principle
understanding of the participants about Scientist (Agril. Extension)
sustainable rural livelihoods especially in Duration : 8 days
vulnerable environments like the rainfed areas. No. of trainees : 20
Besides, it exposes the participants to live per course
examples of how the vulnerable communities have Accommodation : Institute’s Guest House/Hotel in
been facilitated to improve livelihoods through City
sustainable management of natural resources. Eligibility : Degree in Agriculture and allied
subjects with working
Faculty experience in rural development
projects, officers nominated by
Scientists having long experience and select guest the governments of developing
faculty from reputed institutions from across the countries on deputation.
Course Content
● Sustainable rural livelihoods concepts and models;
diversified farming systems for risk aversion;
sustainable natural resource management on
watershed basis; integration of livestock with
crops; alternate land use in marginal
environments; rainwater harvesting, post harvest
value addition, use of ICTs for planning,
communication and decision support; improving
market linkages; influencing policy and building
institutions for promoting rural livelihoods.