Energy Transformation, 20190304
Energy Transformation, 20190304
Energy Transformation, 20190304
Keywords: This paper explores the technical and economic characteristics of an accelerated energy transition to 2050, using
Energy transition new datasets for renewable energy. The analysis indicates that energy efficiency and renewable energy tech-
Sustainable development nologies are the core elements of that transition, and their synergies are likewise important. Favourable eco-
Energy policy nomics, ubiquitous resources, scalable technology, and significant socio-economic benefits underpin such a
transition. Renewable energy can supply two-thirds of the total global energy demand, and contribute to the bulk
of the greenhouse gas emissions reduction that is needed between now and 2050 for limiting average global
surface temperature increase below 2 °C. Enabling policy and regulatory frameworks will need to be adjusted to
mobilise the six-fold acceleration of renewables growth that is needed, with the highest growth estimated for
wind and solar PV technologies, complemented by a high level of energy efficiency. Still, to ensure the eventual
elimination of carbon dioxide emissions will require new technology and innovation, notably for the transport
and manufacturing sectors, which remain largely ignored in the international debate. More attention is needed
for emerging infrastructure issues such as charging infrastructure and other sector coupling implications.
Corresponding author. IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre, Robert-Schuman-Platz 3, 53175, Bonn, Germany.
E-mail address: (N. Wagner).
Received 4 June 2018; Received in revised form 4 January 2019; Accepted 19 January 2019
2211-467X/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
D. Gielen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019) 38–50
energy scenarios [28]. A transition away from fossil fuels to low-carbon production of natural gas and a determined policy effort at federal and
solutions will play an essential role, as energy-related carbon dioxide state levels driven by mechanisms like tax incentives for renewables
(CO2) emissions represent two-thirds of all greenhouse gases (GHG) have transformed the country's energy sector. 11% of the total energy
[8].1 This energy transition will be enabled by technological innova- demand and 17% of all electricity generation in the United States is
tion, notably in the field of renewable energy. Record new additions of supplied from renewable energy resources according to the latest data
installed renewable energy power capacity can be attributed to rapidly for 2017 from the U.S. Energy Information Administration [81]. This
falling costs and competitiveness, particularly for solar photovoltaics was also enabled strong by grid planning and innovation. For instance,
(PV) and wind power. A quarter of all electricity worldwide was pro- Hawaii in the United States aims to reach 70% energy independence by
duced from renewables in 2017. However, the transition is not hap- 2030, out of which 40% of this will be represented by renewable en-
pening fast enough: following three years of constant CO2 energy ergy. The case of the United States also shows the importance of con-
emissions from 2014 to 2016, they rose in 2017 by 1.4% [9–12].2 tinuous updates and improvement of energy transition policies where
Predicting the timing and the extent of energy transitions is not electricity and transport sectors show similarity in the way that the
straightforward. The age of nuclear [13] and the age of hydrogen [14] scope of their policies has been repeatedly expanded and their timelines
were “announced” but have not yet come to pass. Recent examples of have been extended beyond the original targets [79].
other projections that have not proven accurate include inflated natural As the largest energy producer and consumer, China has a critical
gas projections and structural underestimations of renewables growth role in the global energy transition. China has turned to renewables to
[15–17]. Experience has shown that an energy transition takes time, meet its growing energy demand and reduce air pollution. China has
typically half a century from first market uptake to majority market also set targets to reduce its carbon emissions per unit of gross domestic
share for energy transition [18]. Previous energy transitions were product by 60–65% by 2030 from the 2005 levels where renewables
driven by technological change, economics, access to resources, or su- will play a pivotal role. The target for non-fossil fuel share in total
perior energy service for consumers [19]. Therefore business opportu- energy demand is 20% by 2030 [75]. China has accounted for more
nities, energy transition benefits or self-determination of individuals than half of all global solar PV capacity additions of 94 GW in 2017.
were at the heart of the change [20,21]. However, in 2018, the Government of China introduced solar PV de-
National energy transition narratives include learnings from both ployment quotas and decided to phase out feed-in tariffs which is ex-
successes and failures. Success stories show that energy transitions that pected to reduce capacity installations [80].
build on enabling energy policy frameworks designed by governments Several other large energy users are taking part in the global energy
that can accelerate energy transitions and determine their direction. transition. The Russian Federation that owns one of the largest fossil
Well-designed transition policies consider energy systems character- fuel resources in the world is accelerating the deployment of solar and
istics and encompass energy supply and demand [22]. Lessons from wind through auctions to create benefits for employment, science,
several countries and regions are examples to this. In Brazil, the technology and energy security for isolated populations [72]. More
Proalcool programme was started in 1975 and a mix of policy instru- than 5 GW wind and solar capacity have been awarded since 2013,
ments that evolve over time were used to address the needs of both indicating that the country will most likely surpass its 2024 target of 5.9
supply and demand sides. It remains the case that government blending GW installed renewable energy capacity (including geothermal)
mandates are driving biomass-based ethanol demand [23], but the [72,73]. As an emerging economy Turkey is also exploring ways to
sector's long-term success continuous to be impacted by economic cy- increase solar and wind share with the urgent need to reduce its energy
cles and changing government priorities [77]. In Germany, the En- imports that compromises three-quarters of the country's current ac-
ergiewende is the result of a national consensus to abandon nuclear and count deficit. To realise its short-term renewable energy targets to
reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80% by 2050 through an 2023, feed-in tariffs were in place which proved successful for solar PV
accelerated uptake of renewables [24,25]. However, the Energiewende to reach the 5 GW installed capacity target already in 2018. However,
still remains as a power sector transition policy with small impact on unclarity in planning after 2023 and the growing weight of large-scale
coal-fired generation and for accelerating transition in heating and capacity auctions that primarily aim for creating a local renewable
transport sectors [78]. In Denmark, there also is a consensus on climate energy equipment industry have pushed small-scale players outside the
objectives in combination with tacit renewable supply industry support market and suffer from lack of financing [74].
policy [26]. In view of energy transition's central role to climate change miti-
Ambitions of renewable energy targets are consistently raised in gation that builds on the two pillars of energy efficiency and renewable
many countries for other reasons. For instance, the European Union has energy, the objectives of this paper are to:
adjusted its 2030 binding target of 27% that was set back in 2014 to
32% in June 2018. The new target includes an article stating that in • Outline the technical characteristics of the ongoing global energy
2023 countries will reconvene to discuss an update upwards [71]. The transition, with a focus on the renewable energy component;
Government of India set an ambitious renewable energy target of • Outline an energy transition scenario for sustainable development
175 GW by 2022 which includes 60 GW of wind and 100 GW of solar between now and 2050, and the role renewable energy can play in
energy [76]. As the country made good progress, the Government of such global energy transition, using the latest datasets for renewable
India has raised the target to 227 GW by 2027. Despite the hetero- energy and comparison of transition scenarios from different
geneity in its energy sector and distinct differences and priorities of sources;
each actor that compromises individual energy markets regulated • Assess the cost and benefits of an accelerated energy transition;
across each of its 50 states and with more than 3000 utilities, the United • Outline the synergies between accelerated energy efficiency and
States offers a successful story of energy transition. Domestic renewable energy deployment;
• Specify the main challenges and research priorities arising.
1 The results add new insights into the scientific debate on the on-
This data refers to the situation in 2010 and it includes emissions from in-
going global energy transition by identifying action areas and the in-
dustrial processes. Emissions from latter are released during the physical and
chemical transformation of materials like clinker production. Since these in- novation gaps at technology and sector levels. While the paper shows
dustrial production processes are also consumers of energy, here we made the where more policy attention is needed, a detailed assessment of de-
choice to combine them with CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. tailed policy design is beyond the scope of this paper. The results pre-
Recent analysis by the Global Carbon Project and data released by the sented in this paper stem from the International Renewable Energy
International Energy Agency show that CO2 emissions have risen again in 2017. Agency's (IRENA) in-depth global energy modelling framework -
D. Gielen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019) 38–50
REmap [27], and is an update of the results published in the joint study synergies between energy, climate and other economic policies are le-
by IRENA and the International Energy Agency (IEA) [28].3 veraged, it can lead to overall higher GDP and have positive net em-
The rest of this paper is organised as follows: Section 2 provides a ployment impacts. For this analysis, the E3ME global macro-econo-
brief overview of the REmap global energy modelling framework metric model that considers the energy system (based on the REmap
methodology. Section 3 considers low-carbon energy technology energy mix) and the world economies has been used. Model has been
trends. Section 4 considers an accelerated transition. Section 5 presents used to estimate the impacts of energy transition on employment, GDP
some of the costs and benefits of the energy transition. Section 6 pre- and structural changes in the economy. E3ME simulates the economy
sents the contours of an accelerated transition for renewable energy and based on post-Keynesian principles, in which behavioral parameters are
energy efficiency. Section 7 covers areas related to innovation, and estimated from historical time series data. Interactions across sectors
Section 8 draws conclusions. are based on input/output relations obtained from national economic
statistics. The model includes 24 technologies used for electricity gen-
eration and 43 sectors of the economy. In total, 59 countries and re-
2. Methodology overview gions are covered but more countries can be added to the model [28].
D. Gielen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019) 38–50
cooking, water and space heating, and cooling is available today. Light sector where some emissions from energy-intensive sectors are very
industry and the service sectors are areas where electricity can make challenging to mitigate, such as iron and steel or cement production.
similar significant inroads [45]. However, in heavy industry, electricity CCS is not considered as an option for the power sector.
use is limited to specific processes, such as smelting or electrolysis. The power sector would contribute more than 10 Gt to the 25 Gt
Generally, new electric solutions are technically feasible but often not emissions reduction in 2050. The remainder would be accounted for by
economic [46]. reduction of direct emission sin buildings, industry and transport and to
In transport, significant growth in the use of electricity once seemed a lesser extent district heating (Fig. 1). The G20 countries would ac-
a long shot. But a rapid progress in electric vehicles (EVs) has been seen count for 85% of renewables deployment including China 26%, United
over the last couple of years. In 2016, around 1% of all car sales were States 15%, India 12%, European Union 9%. This limited number of
EVs. The rate of EV sales growth is high, and nearly 2 million EVs are on actors plays a critical role for the energy transition.
the road today [47]. Also, the number of electric two- and three- The share of renewable energy in total primary energy supply would
wheelers is rising rapidly, with around 300 million in operation rise from 14% in 2015 to 63% in 2050. This is equivalent to an average
worldwide [48]. Passenger cars account for around half of transport's annual growth rate of 1.4%, a six-fold increase from recent years. At the
energy use, so electrification can bring major reductions in GHG same time the fossil fuel share would drop from 86% to 37%. Energy
emissions [49]. The other half consists of trucks, aviation, shipping and use would be nearly constant between 2015 and 2050 while economic
railways. While electric delivery trucks are making inroads, there is no activity nearly triples (Fig. 2).
such solution around the corner for aviation, shipping or long-range The prospects for renewable energy at country level would vary
trucking. Those would require technology breakthrough solutions in widely [27,28]. This is a result of energy resource endowment, the
electricity storage. However, there is a clear trend towards fuel cells energy demand projection, the current renewables share and other
with electric drives for trucks and ships [50]. factors. However, for all economies the share of renewables must grow
substantially. Flattening of primary energy supply is possible by ac-
celerating the improvements in energy intensity from its current level of
4. Energy transition pathways
1.8% to as high as 2.8% per year until 2030. This is consistent with the
energy efficiency target of the SDG 7. This effort needs to continue
Climate change and local air pollution are among the key drivers for
further until 2050. Improvements in energy intensity will come from
energy transition worldwide. Local air pollution is a main driver in
introducing energy efficiency measures (including electrification) as
countries such as China and India. But also in Europe, there is in-
well as the energy savings from more efficient renewable energy tech-
creasing attention for the harmful health effects of air pollution, largely
nologies. Several recent independent studies come to the same con-
related to energy supply and use.
clusions, with minor differences [28,52].
Whereas local air pollution can in certain cases be tackled with end-
Fig. 3 provides a breakdown of renewables deployment. In total
of-pipe technologies, this is not the case with the bulk of CO2 emissions
222 EJ (EJ) renewable energy is deployed in final energy terms. The
from energy use. Around two-thirds of global GHG emissions is attrib-
power sector accounts for 58%. This includes growth of renewable
uted to fossil fuel energy supply and use [8]. The agreed Paris Climate
power consumption related to electrification (notably electric vehicles
target of well below 2° implies zero energy CO2 emissions in the coming
and heat pumps). This type of renewables deployment could also be
fifty years. A more ambitious target of only 1.5° implies even faster
attributed to the end use sectors. In terms of total renewables deploy-
ment, the key role of bioenergy (32% incl. district heating) and wind
The energy transition must reduce emissions substantially, while
(24%) deserves special attention.
ensuring that sufficient energy is available for economic growth. The
The findings presented here based on IRENA's REmap analysis are
analysis shows that the CO2 emissions intensity of global economic
comparable with energy scenarios from other major studies like IEA's
activity needs to be reduced by 85% between 2015 and 2050, and CO2
World Energy Outlook. Table 1 compares IRENA and IEA scenarios for
emissions need to decline by more than 70% compared to the Reference
energy transition that were developed independently. Both studies
Case in 2050. The result is an annual decline of energy related CO2
point to the key importance of energy efficiency and renewable energy
emissions by 2.6% on average, or 0.6 Gigatonnes (Gt) on absolute
for the global energy transition, while IEA is somewhat more optimistic
terms, resulting in 9.7 Gt of energy CO2 emissions per year in 2050. This
on the prospects of fossil fuels with CCS and nuclear energy. The fact
is represented by the REmap Case. This scenario is compared to the
that the results are so close indicates a convergence regarding the de-
Reference Case that represents the developments in energy use and its
sirable energy transition direction. However, both analyses also in-
mix if the world follows policies that are currently in place and under
dicate that such transition is not a given, and that the current pace of
consideration. According to the baseline, or the so-called Reference
the transition is too slow.
Case of IRENA, energy CO2 emissions increases by 6% from 33 Gt in
The Shell Sky scenario is also indicated in Table 1. This scenario is
2015 to 35 Gt in 2050 (Fig. 1).5
less ambitious in terms of emissions reduction till 2050, it banks on
Higher energy efficiency and much a higher share of renewable
negative emissions post-2050. But also this scenario indicates a 43%
energy are the two pillars of energy transition in the REmap Case. Fig. 1
renewable energy share in total final consumption by 2050. Because
shows that renewable energy and energy efficiency measures can po-
total energy use levels are much higher, renewables deployment is even
tentially achieve 94% of the required emissions reductions by 2050
higher in absolute terms in the Sky scenario than in the other two
compared to the Reference Case. The remaining 6% would be achieved
scenarios. The comparison shows a consensus that renewables growth is
by the other options for reduction of energy related CO2 emissions, i.e.
a key pillar for energy transition, but opinions diverge regarding the
fossil fuel switching, continued use of nuclear energy and carbon cap-
potential role of energy efficiency.
ture and storage (CCS) [28] (Fig. 1). Between 41% and 54% of the total
reduction can be directly attributed to renewables. The range indicates
5. Cost and benefits of energy transition
the contribution of electrification based on increased use of renewable
electricity, which simultaneously raises energy efficiency and renew-
Our analysis shows that the decarbonisation of the energy system is
able energy shares. Potential for CCS is only considered for the industry
affordable. While overall energy investment requirements are sub-
stantial, the incremental investment needs associated with the transi-
The Reference Case is based on the national energy plans of the 19 G20 tion to a low-carbon energy sector amount to 0.4% of global GDP in
countries and the European Union as a whole [51] which together represent 2050. The additional cumulative investments over the 2015–2050
three-quarters of the current global energy demand. period would be 27 trillion USD, equivalent to 0.77 trillion USD per
D. Gielen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019) 38–50
Fig. 1. CO2 emission reduction potential by technology in the Reference Case and REmap, 2010–2050.
Note: Figure shows the breakdown of energy-related CO2 emissions by technology in the REmap Case compared to the Reference Case. The figure excludes emissions
from non-energy use (feedstocks).
Source: [27].
Fig. 2. Global total primary energy supply in the Reference Case and REmap between 2015 and 2050.
Note: includes non-energy use (feedstock).
Source: Based on [27].
year on average in the same period. This is in addition to the 93 trillion investment in renewables and energy efficiency, and enhanced through
USD cumulative investments in the Reference Case, or 2.66 trillion USD pro-growth policies, the use of carbon pricing and recycling of its
per year on average (+29%). The additional investments that are re- proceeds to lower income taxes.
quired for energy sector decarbonisation are mainly concentrated in The global energy transition and stronger overall economic growth
end-use sectors for improving energy efficiency (notably buildings and according to the REmap Case could create around 19 million additional
transport sectors) [27], but also includes investments for infrastructure direct and indirect jobs in 2050 in the renewable energy, energy effi-
(e.g. transmission and distribution lines, energy storage, recharging ciency and grid enhancement and flexibility sector. Job losses in the
infrastructure for electric vehicles, and hydrogen and CO2 pipeline). fossil fuel sector (7.4 million) would be completely offset by new jobs in
According to the E3ME econometric model used for the purpose of renewables alone, with more jobs being created by energy efficiency
this analysis, REmap Case can boost global GDP by around 1% in 2050 activities. Thus, the global energy transition results in 11.6 million
compared to the Reference Case. The cumulative gain through in- additional direct and indirect jobs in the energy sector [27]. These in-
creased GDP between 2015 and 2050 could amount to some USD 52 clude the millions of additional jobs that will be created in other sectors
trillion. Increased economic growth is driven by the stimulus of higher of the economy related to activities of deployment and maintenance of
D. Gielen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019) 38–50
Fig. 3. Breakdown of renewables use in total final energy consumption terms, REmap 2050.
Note: Excludes non-energy use.
Source: Based on [27].
D. Gielen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019) 38–50
Table 2
Breakdown of renewable energy growth in the REmap Case, 2017–2050.
Source: Based on [27].
Key renewable energy Units Recent growth Future growth Growth acceleration Contribution to renewables share growth in total final
technologies requirement factor consumption 2015–2050 (ppt/yr)*
2017(e) 2018–50
renewables growth, half of the total (Table 2). Under the REmap Case, should be phased out. Investment in new renewable power capacity
electricity consumption in end-use sectors would double by 2050 (re- should increase to USD 500 billion per year over the period to 2050. In
lative to 2015 levels) to over 42,000 TWh, while the carbon intensity of total, investment in decarbonisation of the power system will need to
the power sector would decline by 85%. Gross power generation will reach an average of nearly USD 1 trillion per year to 2050. Fig. 4
almost double with renewable energy providing 85% of electricity. provides a geographical breakdown of the renewable power generation
Renewable power generation capacity would grow by eight times from capacity additions. China accounts for over one third, followed by the
around 2000 GW to 16,000 GW, including 7122 GW solar PV and United States, India and the European Union.
5445 GW wind power. Annual capacity additions of these two would Around 85% renewables in the power sectors with a large share
double and triple, respectively, compared to 2017. No new coal plants from intermittent solar PV and wind is not possible without some strong
should be commissioned and 95% of coal plants in operation today combination of flexible dispatchable power, transmission
D. Gielen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019) 38–50
interconnection, storage, smart grids and demand-side management. air traffic. The development of metro systems in urban centres, for
Innovative technologies, operational practices, market designs and example in China, is another example of shifts towards public trans-
business models are needed. Digital technologies open up new oppor- portation. In a US context, electric scooters have been deployed widely.
tunities that yield new forms of flexibility such as aggregators that The synergies between energy efficiency and renewables are evident
bundle services from small systems into marketable packages or con- when energy sectors are coupled, as it the case of renewable power and
sumer real-time price signals. In 2017, 50 Hz the grid operator in transport, as electrification of transport represents close to a-quarter of
eastern Germany recorded an annual average of 53.4% variable re- the improvements in energy intensity between the Reference Case and
newable energy. This indicates that it is possible to operate grids with the REmap Case in 2050.
high shares of variable renewables. Electrification emerges as a key area that offers synergies between
The growth of direct use of renewables in end use sectors (buildings, efficiency and renewables as well as for coupling sectors. Latter is
industry and transport) would contribute 0.3% points annual renew- particularly important for integration of variable renewable energy
ables share growth, around a quarter of the total. Biomass alone would sources in the power system (see Box 1). In each end-use sector, there
account for two-thirds of direct use of renewable energy in 2050. This are applications where renewable electricity can substitute direct use of
includes modern biomass heating applications and liquid biofuels. In fossil fuels, often with substantial efficiency gains. An electric vehicle is
primary energy terms annual bioenergy supply would roughly double typically three times as efficient as a comparable ICE. In the REmap
from present levels to around 116 EJ in 2050. This includes a shift away Case, the share of electricity in total final energy consumption increases
from traditional biomass use to modern applications, including modern from around 20% in 2015 to 40% in 2050. Enabling technologies such
cooking stoves. Direct use from production of liquid transportation fuels as EVs have seen breakthroughs with many GW-scale battery factories
would account for around one third, followed by industrial applications coming online in China, the United States and elsewhere [55]. This type
and conversion into electricity and district heat. of sector coupling requires smart charging and smart grids, to facilitate
Finally significant synergies exist between energy efficiency and VRE integration and ensure sufficient flexibility in the power system
renewable energy. In fact energy efficiency contributes 0.35% points to operation. Heat pumps can play a similarly important role for buildings.
the overall growth of renewables. The reason is that the same absolute Ultimately, electrification would slow down the growth of final and
amount of renewable energy yields a higher renewable energy share, if primary energy demand because of higher variable renewable energy
energy demand growth is diminished because of energy efficiency. shares in power generation (that are accounted with 100% efficiency)
As for energy intensity, the annual gain has jumped from an average and higher efficiency of final energy use).
of 1.3% between 1990 and 2010 to 2.2% for the period 2014–2016, In IRENA analysis, ambitious decarbonisation can see the share of
whole falling to 1.7% in 2017 [12]. Technical efficiency gains can ac- electricity in all of transport sector energy rise from just above 1% in
count for about 70% of the incremental improvement from 1.8% per 2015 to 33% in 2050, 85% of which is renewable, with over one billion
year in the Reference Case to around 2.8% on average for the period electric vehicles on the road, which is equivalent to today's total pas-
until 2050 [28,54]. Renewables can contribute to the remainder 30% of senger vehicles fleet. Building share of electricity could reach about
the energy intensity improvements between now and 2050, for instance 56% by 2050 under IRENA's REmap Case, with a 10x increase in
through renewables-based electrification for heating and cooking or electric heat pump units (to over 250 million) and electric cooking
100% efficient solar PV and wind power compared to 30–40% efficient technologies able to cut the energy demand of cooking by three to five
coal power generation (Fig. 5). Fig. 5 excludes improvements in times. Industry share of electricity could reach about 42% by 2050
structural changes, as for example transport-mode shift from private under IRENA's REmap Case, with a 80-fold increase in electric heat
cars to public transport or bicycles. Therefore the energy efficiency pump units to over 80 million units, which would meet about 7% of
decarbonisation potential can be even higher. Examples of such shifts global industrial heat demand.
include for example the high speed train connections in France and Up to 20% of the energy intensity improvements can be attributed
elsewhere that have cut down significantly in short and medium range to the increased use of renewable energy (Fig. 5). Hydro, solar PV and
Fig. 5. Energy intensity by factor in the Reference Case and Remap, 2050.
Note: EE – power refers to efficiency of electricity use.
Source: Based on [27].
D. Gielen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019) 38–50
Box 1
EV charging impact on Hamburg distribution grid
A mass adoption of EVs has an impact on the electricity infrastructure. Bottlenecks or grid congestions may occur when the existing trans-
mission and/or distribution lines, or transformers, are unable to accommodate all required load during periods of high demand -such as
simultaneous charging of thousands of EV- or during emergency load conditions, such as when an adjacent line is taken out of service.
Hamburg is at present the city with the highest number of charging points in Germany (several hundred charging points in households and
810 public charging points as of November 2018). The city expects to install 1000 public charging points by the beginning of 2019.
Electrification of public buses and EVs growth are the most critical drivers in the load development in the city. The majority of EVs will be in
the suburbs where, in Hamburg's case, the grid is weaker (Pfarrherr, 2018).
Local DSO, Stromnetz Hamburg ran a load development analysis to identify critical situations for uncontrolled charging of EVs with
charging point load of 11 kW and 22 kW. Stromnetz Hamburg assessed two scenarios:
❖ Scenario 1: 3% EV share corresponding to 20.000 EVs loading in private infrastructure will cause 200 bottlenecks. This would cause issues in
the low voltage grid.
❖ Scenario 2: 9% EV share corresponding to 60.000 EVs loading in private infrastructure will cause bottlenecks in 800 out of 6,000, or 15% of
the feeders in the city's distribution network (Pfarrherr, 2018).
To avoid these critical situations, Stromnetz Hamburg assessed the investment needs for reinforcing the local grids. Scenario 2 would
require reinforcing approximately 10,000 km of 0.4 kV cable lines resulting in an investment of at least EUR 20 million (around EUR 200/
meter of cable). This investment estimate does not include the replacement if overloaded transformers, which would be quite significant as
well. In addition to the costs for reinforcing the local grids, one more challenge, perhaps more complex than the monetary implications, would
be finding the workforce capacity to reinforce the grid, to obtain the permits, and the public acceptance to works that require closing many
roads in the city to change underground cables for periods of several months or even years.
Given the magnitude of the challenge and costs needed to reinforce the local grids, Stromnetz Hamburg is exploring an alternative solution
to address the problem. For that, a smart solution is being tested, which includes:
❖ Every household with a charging point has to report it to the DSO. This information has not been required yet.
❖ Measure the loads on the 0.4 kV cables, which at the moment is not required in the city of Hamburg either. This will permit to identify the
bottleneck problem as soon as it emerges
❖ A real-time communication system that enables the DSO to reduce the load of the charging points needed to address the problem. The 11 kW
charging points, for example, can reduce their load from 16 A to 8 A, allowing EVs to be charged but in a longer period of time.
30 control and monitoring units help to anticipate congestion issues and plan the network based on the load profiles. A strong IT and
communications infrastructure is being established between the Charging Point Operators and the grid.
A full implementation would require the engagement of consumers as well as the more than 400 electricity retailers in the City of Hamburg
to use an e.g. Time-of-Use price incentive to allow the DSO to control their charging points based on the local grid needs. This case shows not
only the impact that EVs may have on local grids, but the potential solutions to address it that may require a combination of digital tech-
nologies, new business models and market regulation to engage all the needed actors.
wind power are generated with 100% efficiency. When these renew- advance the transition till 2030, however, according to the REmap
ables replace fossil fuel power generation with 25–60% efficiency, the analysis around one-third of all total primary energy would still be
efficiency improves. Also net efficiency gains are created through solar sourced from non-renewable energy sources in 2050. For these appli-
heating systems offering 100% efficiency and some biofuel-fired boilers cations, solutions are either not yet available at scale or their costs are
and furnaces that are more efficient than their fossil fuel equivalents. too high. Therefore, there are still major technology challenges to
Finally, electrification with renewable power accounts for another complete the transition into an energy supply that is based on renew-
24% of the energy efficiency gain. In total 20–44% of the energy in- ables by the middle of the century. Innovation has historically been and
tensity improvement can be attributed to renewables. However, it can will continue to be sitting in the driving seat of this transition. There are
be debated whether this should be attributed to efficiency or renew- two important next steps to enable this: (i) for those applications where
ables since technologies that fall into this category provide benefits to technology solutions exist, the important next step is to enabling fra-
both sides. For instance a heat pump or an electric vehicle is much more meworks are needed to scale up their deployment, and (ii) for appli-
efficient than an energy device that uses fossil fuels to deliver the same cations where solutions are today either at their early stage of com-
service. Provided that these electricity-based technologies are sourced mercialisation or do not exist, the next step is to foster technology
with renewable power, they increase the renewable energy share in innovation, along with enabling policy, social and financial measures,
both the power sector and the sectors they belong to, heating or to rapidly bring the emerging clean technologies to the marketplace
transport. [32,56].
Technology breakthroughs can be reflected in patent filings, so
IRENA has developed a database of International Standards and Patents
7. Innovation and R&D to enable the energy transition In Renewable Energy (INSPIRE) to track them. The patterns of patent
filing over time offer interesting insights into where renewable energy
As shown in Fig. 2, renewable energy share would be equivalent to technologies are headed [57]. The data show for example a gradual
two-thirds of the total global primary energy supply in 2050 according shift in patenting activity over recent years, away from supply side to
to the REmap Case. This would represent a significant acceleration sector coupling.
compared to the Reference Case that would only yield 24% renewable The sectors with the most significant challenges are energy-
energy by 2050. Technologies are available today to significantly
D. Gielen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019) 38–50
intensive industry sectors such as iron and steel making, chemical and will result in additional low-carbon technology solutions, further bring
petrochemical, and cement making. It also includes road freight down the costs technologies and thereby decrease the overall costs of
transport, shipping and aviation [40,58–61]. These are all end-use the energy transition. Today most R&D investment flows into the power
sectors where addressing the innovation challenge to improve existing sector (such as solar and wind) rather than into end-use technologies
technologies, develop breakthroughs and major shifts is most urgent. such as bioenergy and solar thermal, where the urgency is higher.
There is an urgent need to act today to change this situation for these Innovation can be strengthened by global cooperation. Recent in-
sectors, as a full-scale energy transition takes decades due to the dif- ternational initiatives have been established with the aim of fostering R
ferent technology development steps and the long lifespans of the ex- &D and innovation for clean energy technologies, including Clean
isting capital stock. In these sectors, biomass could play a role as the Energy Ministerial, the Breakthrough Energy Coalition and Mission
only renewable energy carrier with carbon content (for hydrocarbon Innovation, an international initiative announced at the COP21 that
products and chemical reactions) that can be stored with a high energy sets a target of doubling government R&D investment in clean energy
density (for transport) [62–64]. But this is not an obvious transition: the technologies [68]. These initiatives build on clusters of priority areas
economics are not attractive today and sustainable, affordable and re- which are all relevant to accelerating the energy transition plan out-
liable feedstock supply is a major issue. According to a recent study, lined in this paper. Mission Innovation has defined eight challenges to
supplying the volume of biomass like estimates here for the iron and date. Smart grids, sustainable biofuels, offgrid, heating and cooling and
steel, cement and chemical and petrochemical sectors alone would re- renewable and clean hydrogen are all directly relevant to the main
quire the mobilisation of around 1000 million tonnes of feedstock. This technology deployment needs that have been identified in REmap. Di-
compares with today's feedstock demand for all types of modern rect sunlight conversion, materials are the two other ongoing chal-
heating, transport and electricity applications from biomass worldwide. lenges. To date efforts are mainly aimed at information exchange but
For the United States alone, the biomass feedstock potential is a one some bilateral cooperation programmes have started to emerge, and
billion tons (ORNL, 2016), global potentials are at least four times public R&D budgets have risen in participating countries.
higher. Energy transition will require a holistic innovation approach tai-
Ramping up supply to these levels is challenging and would still lored to the needs of each renewable energy and energy efficiency
remain insufficient to decarbonise the industry sector, thereby re- technology since a wide range of approaches will be required across all
quiring options like electrification, renewable hydrogen and CCS [88]. sectors of the energy system. While aiming at increasing investment in
Some efforts are also still focusing on hydrogen for the transport sector R&D for low-carbon technologies benefits the energy transition, more
or its derivatives such as formic acid [63,65] or ammonia [64,66]. attention can be paid to monitoring and verifying that those invest-
Electrification on the other hand is a limited option for those sectors, as ments have the desired impact and R&D budgets and priorities are
technologies that use electricity coupled with renewable power may not impact driven.
always provide a low-carbon solution. While many innovative solutions exist on a lab or pilot scale, up-
Infrastructure will be needed to integrate technologies. These will scaling of economically viable robust solutions is often still a challenge.
include smart charging networks for electric vehicles; new low-losses Governments have an important role to play during the early stages of
cross-border electricity interconnections; super high-voltage transmis- this transition as these solutions struggle to reach scale and descend on
sion lines – possibly underground - to dispatch massive amounts of the learning cost curve.
power from areas with abundant wind or solar resources to demand Furthermore, the innovation challenge goes beyond traditional
centres; district heating networks; and biomass feedstock management government energy R&D. The sectors with the lowest progress in in-
strategies. Without this infrastructure, the commercialisation and mass novation for decarbonisation, such as heavy industry as well as freight
deployment of low-carbon technologies for the energy transition will transport and aviation, are those where proper policy incentives and
not occur on time. The coupling of different energy applications also long-term perspectives are lacking [61]. This challenge cannot be ad-
creates opportunities for the integration of clean technologies. An ex- dressed by increased R&D investment alone. Innovation also entails a
ample is the power and transport sectors through electric vehicles. fundamental rethink of production processes and energy technologies
Today, especially interesting opportunities exist at the crossroads of ICT required for the energy transition. While there are add-on solutions,
and energy technology, as well as in the areas of new high-performance such as the use of CCS for smokestack emissions, these approaches are
materials, new battery formulations, and other challenges of materials limited in their field of application, and in the foreseeable future they
science [56]. New business models are emerging, notably elated to will increase the costs of the energy transition.
electricity markets. This includes virtual power plants, aggregators for
electricity storage services. They need to be combined with new market 8. Conclusions
designs with more precise time and place of use pricing for consumers,
new operational practices, and new smart grid technologies (Fig. 6). An increasing number of indicators point to an accelerating energy
Around thirty types of innovations have been identified, covering sev- transition that can have profound implications for energy supply and
eral hundred discrete cases. The most successful cases usually deploy demand in the coming decades.
several innovations at once [67]. As the analysis shows, rapid innovation is taking place that facil-
Ultimately the benefits of energy transition will by far exceed the itates the ongoing transition through falling costs of renewable tech-
cost, but todays markets are heavily distorted in favour of the incum- nologies and also enabling technologies such as batteries. Along with
bents. This transition will depend on the creation of the right policy the new policy imperatives, innovation strengthens the momentum of
signals. This includes removal of market distortions but also strength- energy transition. As technology improvements are permanent, they
ened support for innovation and technology. reduce the risk of policy volatility. The progress for solar and wind
For those end-use sectors with no clear technology solutions com- technology is a prime example that the future can be steered in a certain
mercially available, basic science research and engineering efforts are direction through technology policy.
called for. Innovation requires funding; and over the past seven years, The share of renewable energy can grow from 15% in 2015 to 63%
government and corporate investment in clean energy technology re- of total primary energy supply in 2050 as this paper shows. Such re-
search and development (R&D) has been stagnant. While investment newables growth in combination with higher energy efficiency can
volumes for renewable energy have risen to around USD 300 billion per provide 94% of the emissions reduction that is needed to stay within the
year, R&D expenditures for clean energy amount to USD 10 billion per limits of the Paris Climate Agreement. While absolute numbers vary
year. The 3% R&D investment share is well below other innovative there is consensus across recent scenario studies that renewable energy
sectors such as ICT and vehicle manufacturing. Additional R&D efforts and energy efficiency is the most feasible direction to meet climate
D. Gielen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019) 38–50
objectives. profound effects on the way that transportation is organised and all its
The policy decisions to accelerate energy transition will need to be developmental consequences. The share of electricity or electricity
aligned with the development of enabling infrastructure. Infrastructure derivatives such as hydrogen must grow substantially in the final en-
planning early on will be of paramount importance because of its ergy use of buildings, industry and transport. A significant part of
carbon lock-in effect due to long life span and inertia. More attention is transport and industry challenge is largely ignored in the current in-
needed for emerging infrastructure issues such as smart charging of ternational debate. Significant uncertainty remains what solutions will
EVs, distribution grid reinforcements and the role of shifting demand prevail.
and smart grids. Financing for both energy generation capacity and The potential of this energy transition is not yet fully appreciated by
infrastructure will also be crucial through carefully drafted policies that many decision makers and analysts. Yet it is critical to the achievement
create a credible, predictable and transparent investment environment. many of the sustainable development goals and it offers a prospect of
There is a need to mobilise public and private sector resources and just and fair growth, that would result in USD 27 trillion additional
develop innovative financing models that can mitigate investment risks. investments by 2050, 1% higher GDP, 0.15% more jobs and environ-
However, the speed of energy transition is not commensurate with mental benefits that dwarf the increased cost. The socioeconomic
the agreed sustainable development goals. Scenario studies suggest that benefits are substantial and provide a strong policy rationale.
especially for renewable energy more efforts are needed. A six-fold
acceleration is needed of renewables growth, compared to Business-as- Acknowledgements
Usual. Wind, solar PV, modern bioenergy and solar thermal can con-
tribute the bulk of renewables growth on the supply side. More energy This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
efficiency tempers demand growth and therefore contributes about one agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
quarter to the overall growth of renewables share in total final energy
consumption. At the same time 20–44% of the energy intensity im- Annex 1
provement can be attributed to the growth of renewable energy. These
numbers indicate that important synergies exist between higher energy REmap (Renewable Energy Roadmap) is IRENA's global energy
efficiency and higher shares of renewable energy, both solutions should modelling framework. Modelling is carried out at the level of countries.
therefore be pursued jointly. The REmap approach involves a techno-economic assessment of the
Renewable power would account for 58% of total renewables de- energy system developments for energy supply and demand by energy
ployment in 2050. Variable renewable power would account for 60% of transformation (power and district heat generation) and end-use sectors
total power generation, up from around 10% today. Such high shares of (residential and service buildings, industry and transport), and for each
variable renewable power generation require a paradigm shift in the energy carrier in the time period between 2010 and 2050. REmap al-
power sector. Best practice in leading countries shows that such systems lows for assessment of the accelerated potential of low-carbon tech-
can be operated successfully, though changes are needed. The systems nologies, and their subsequent effects on costs, externalities (human
flexibility that is required can only be mobilized through a systemic health and climate change), investments, and the emissions of CO2 and
approach that mobilizes all types of innovations. Technology innova- air pollutants.
tion must be combined with new market designs and business models The REmap analyses assume two trajectories of energy system de-
that build on the new technology characteristics. velopment:
In certain end use sectors, new scalable and affordable solutions will
be needed. Sector coupling, notably tailored electrification of end-use • The Reference Case is based on national energy plans. It represents
sectors will play an increasingly important role. The electricity share in the energy use developments based on policies in place or under
final energy use will more than double to a level of 40%–50%. Due to consideration. The Reference Case also includes any expected de-
the high efficiency of electricity use, the share of useful energy is even velopments in energy efficiency improvement. The availability of
higher. Electric vehicles are a prime example of such transition, with country data for national energy plans varies, so data gaps are filled
D. Gielen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019) 38–50
based on similar reputable sources that forecast expected develop- Development Goal 7: Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and
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