Estate Tax Notes
Estate Tax Notes
Estate Tax Notes
The estate tax shall be computed on the basis of the value of 1. Revocable transfers – the decedent reserves for himself
the net estate in accordance with the following graduated the power to alter, amend, revoke or even terminate such
rates. (effective Jan.1, 1998) transfer.
If the net estate is: 2. Transfers with retention or reservation of certain rights –
the decedent retains for himself the economic benefits of
Over But Not Tax Shall Plus Of Excess the property or the power to designate the persons who
Over Be Over may exercise such rights
- 200,000 - - -
3. Transfers in contemplation of death – the decedent was
200,000 500,000 5% - 200,000 motivated by the thought of death to transfer the
500,000 2,000,000 15,000 8% 500,000 property
2,000,000 5,000,000 135,000 11% 2,000,000
4. Transfers under general power of appointment – the
5,000,000 10,000,000 465,000 15% 5,000,000 decedent was given the authority to hold the property
10,000,000 - 1,215,000 20% 10,000,000 during his lifetime and to name the beneficiaries thereof
when he dies.
1. Succession - a mode of transferring and acquiring In the absence of a marriage settlement, or when the regime
ownership, rights, interest and obligations from a dead agreed upon is void, the system of absolute community of
individual. property shall govern, unless the marriage was celebrated
prior to August 3, 1988 because those celebrated before the
2. Estate - refers to all property, rights and obligations of a effectivity of the Family Code, which had no prior agreement
person which are not extinguished by his death and also on the system of property relationship were governed by the
those which accrued thereto since the opening of conjugal partnership of gains.
succession; subject matter of succession.
Unless otherwise provided, the community property shall
3. Decedent - a person whose property is transmitted thru consist of:
succession whether or not he left a will
1. All the property owned by the spouses at the time of the
4. Testator - a person whose property is transmitted thru celebration of the marriage; or
succession with a will
2. Those acquired during marriage
5. Heir - a person called to the succession either by will or
by provision of law The following shall be excluded from the community
6. Legatee - a person who inherits personal or movable
property by a will 1. Property acquired during marriage by gratuitous title by
either spouse, and the fruits as well as the income
7. Will - a document wherein in his handwriting an thereof, if any, unless it is expressly provided by the
individual makes known his wishes concerning the donor, testator or grantor that they shall form part of the
disposition of his estate after his death community property;
8. Successor - the person to whom the property or property 2. Property for personal or exclusive use of either spouse.
rights is transferred. However, jewelry shall form part of the community
9. Executor -a person appointed by a testator to carry out
the provisions of the will. 3. Property acquired before the marriage by either spouse
who has legitimate descendants by a former marriage,
10. Administrator - a person appointed by the court in the and the fruits as well as income, if any, of such property.
absence of the executor
Conjugal Partnership of Gains
11. Testamentary succession - one carried out according to
the wishes of the testator to express in a will executed in All property acquired during marriage, whether the
a form prescribed by the law (voluntary) acquisition appears to have been made, contracted or
registered in the name of one or both spouses, is presumed
12. Intestate/Legal succession - succession affected partly by to be conjugal unless the contrary is proved.
will and partly by operation of law
The following are not conjugal because they shall be the
13. Transfer tax - tax imposed upon gratuitous transfer of exclusive property of each spouse:
1. That which brought to marriage as his or her own;
14. Legitime – is that part of the testator’s property which he 2. That which each acquires during marriage by gratuitous
cannot dispose of because the law has reserved it for title;
certain heirs who are therefore, called compulsory heirs. 3. That which is acquired by right of redemption, by barter
or by exchange with property belonging to only one of
the spouses; and
2. Transfers for public purpose. The amount of all bequests, 1. What is a notice of death?
legacies, devisees or transfers to or for the use of the
It is a written notice from the executor, administrator, or
Government of the Philippines, or any political
any of the legal heirs, as the case may be, informing the
subdivision thereof, for exclusively public purposes.
Commissioner of the Internal Revenue about the
3. Vanishing deductions decedent’s death.
a. The property is situated in the Philippines; Within 2 months after the decedent’s death or within 2
b. The property must have been acquired thru months after the executor or administrator shall have
inheritance or donation within 5 years before the qualified
death of present decedent;
3. Is it required in all cases of death?
7. What is the time for filing the estate tax return? Is it It shall not allow any withdrawal by a surviving depositor
extendable? from the said joint account unless the BIR Commissioner
has certified that the estate tax has been paid. However,
It shall be filed within 6 months after the decedent’s the administrator of the estate or any one of the heirs of
death. In meritorious cases, the BIR Commissioner may the decedent may withdraw without such certificate an
give reasonable extension of the time, not exceeding 30 amount not exceeding P20,000 upon authorization by the
days. BIR Commissioner.
The return shall be filed with the RDO, collection agent or A. State the amount of allowable deductions from the
duly authorized treasurer of the municipality (or city) in gross estate in each of the following:
which the decedent was domiciled at the time of his
death, or if there be no legal resident in the Philippines, 1. ____________________ Gross estate ofP8,000,000 and
with the Office of the BIR Commissioner. funeral expenses of P250,000.
2. ____________________ Unpaid taxes of the decedent
9. When should the estate tax be paid?
P3M, 25% of which accrued after death already
At the time the return is filed by the executor, 3. ____________________ Receivable of P75,000 from an
administrator or the heirs. (Pay as you file system) insolvent debtor whose ratio of assets to liabilities is 1:3.
4. ____________________ Hospitalization expenses until
10. May the time of payment be extended? death: P3M, 50% incurred 1 year prior to death but only
½ of which is supported by receipts.
Yes, in meritorious cases, if payment of such tax should
cause undue hardship upon the estate or any of his heirs, 5. ____________________ Expenses for the probate of a
the BIR Commissioner may extend the time as follows: will including P10,000 facilitation fee for a court
personnel, P100,000 amount paid to broker to convert
a. If the estate is settled through the courts (juridically) some property in the estate to cash as authorized by the
– 5 years court P50,000.
6. ____________________ P75,000 indebtedness with
b. If the estate is settled through extra-judicially – 2 interest at 20% pa contracted 3 months before death, not
years. notarized and a deed of mortgage P20,000, contracted 6
months before death 24% pa
11. Who is liable to pay estate tax?
7. ____________________ P100,000 note payable
1. Property acquired
before marriage __________ __________
2. Property acquired
during marriage
a. By onerous title __________ __________
b. By gratuitous title __________ __________
3. Income from 2-a
earned during marriage __________ __________
4. Income from 2-b __________ __________