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Motor Insurance

Insurance Product Information Document

Company: Affinity Insurance Solutions Limited Product: Private Car Insurance
Affinity Insurance Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 940309).
Registered in England and Wales number 12486813. Registered Office: Markerstudy House, 45 Westerham Road, Bessels
Green, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 2QB. Affinity Insurance Solutions Limited is part of the Markerstudy Group of Companies.
You can check this by visiting the Financial Services Register at www.fca.org.uk/register

This document provides a summary of the key information relating to this motor insurance policy and should be read in
conjunction with your Certificate of Insurance, schedule, policy booklet and statement of fact or proposal form, to ensure you
understand the full terms and conditions that apply. Full and complete pre-contractual and contractual information about the
insurance product is provided in other documents such as the policy wording. [AISLCOOPPCCOMP10/21]
What is this type of insurance?
Private Car Insurance – Motor Insurance policies provide the level of cover you are required, by law, to have to drive your
vehicle on the road. This Comprehensive policy also provides cover for damage to your vehicle following an accident, fire or theft

What is insured? What is not insured?

✓ Legal liability for the death of or injury to any other person, You will be responsible for the first part of any claim –this is
includingpassengers. known as the “Excess”. The Excess will be shown on your
✓ Legal liability for damage to other people’s property up to Schedule or in the policy wording.
£20,000,000. This amount will reduce to £1,200,000 where the If your vehicle is damaged while a young or inexperienced
insured vehicle is carrying hazardous goods or is driven at a person is driving, or is in charge of the vehicle, you will have to
hazardous location. Please refer to the policy wording for full pay the excess as shown on your schedule.
details. Loss or damage when your vehicle is left unattended if the last
✓ Loss or damage caused accidentally, or as a result of malicious person in charge of your vehicle is not shown on your certificate
damage, fire and theft up to the market value. of motor insurance as allowed to drive.
✓ Windscreen repair / replacement. Damage to or loss of your vehicle or its accessories when your
✓ Personal Accident Benefits: For you, any named driver or your vehicle is left unattended unless your vehicle is fully secured.
partner for death, permanent total disablement, loss of Mechanical or component damage caused by an inappropriate
limb(s)/eye(s) up to the sum of £5,000. type or grade of fuel being used.
✓ Medical expenses. Up to £250 per person. Loss of or damage to tyres caused by braking, punctures, cuts
✓ Personal belongings. Up to £250. or bursts.
✓ Courtesy car for duration of repairs authorised by us and Loss or damage caused deliberately by you or any person who
completed by an approved repairer. Up to £200 for alternative is in charge of the insured vehicle with your permission.
travel expenses if we are unable to supply a courtesy car. Damage caused by frost unless you took precautions to protect
✓ In-car entertainment & navigation equipment –unlimited if the insured vehicle.
fitted as standard or up to £500 if not fitted as standard. Any liability to others, or loss or damage to any car covered by
✓ Foreign use. For up to 30 days in total in any period of this insurance when being driven in an unsafe, unroadworthy or
insurance. damaged condition or does not have a valid MOT certificate
✓ Replacement locks if your keys or keyless entry system for the when needed or is carrying a load or a number of passengers
insured vehicle is lost or stolen. This does not include device which is unsafe or greater than the manufacturer's specifications.
replacement where your insured vehicle uses a mobile phone, Mechanical, electrical, electronic, computer or computer
smartphone or smartwatch as a digital key. software breakdowns, failures, faults or breakages.
✓ Uninsured driver promise. Following an accident that is caused The loss of, or damage to, your car resulting from fraud,
by an uninsured motorist we will refund the cost of your excess deception or attempted fraud or deception.
and restore your No Claim Discount. Loss of or damage caused by someone taking the insured
✓ Vandalism promise. If you make a claim caused as a result of vehicle without your permission, unless the incident is reported
vandalism, you will not lose your No Claim Discount. to the police and assigned a crime reference number and you do
✓ Emergency transport & accommodation. If you are not not subsequently withdraw that statement.
able to drive as a result of an incident covered under section Loss of or damage by fire caused directly or indirectly from use
A or B we will assist in getting you and up to eight passengers of the cooking or heating equipment where your car is equipped
to a safe location; or pay you up to £500 in total for one for the cooking or heating of food or drink.
night’s emergency overnight accommodation; or Loss of or damage caused to your insured vehicle by the
supply a hire car up to 1100cc for a maximum of 24 hours. unauthorised, and/or malicious access to computer or electronic
✓ Child car seat cover. If you have a child car seat fitted to the components and systems, resulting in any reprogramming of
vehicle that is involved in a covered loss, we will cover the cost software, introduction of malware, codes or viruses with the
of replacing the seat even if there is no damage to it. intention or effect to cause such systems to stop, fail or function
✓ Misfuelling – we will pay up to £250 toward the cost of otherwise than is intended by the Vehicle Manufacturer.
draining and flushing inappropriate fuel accidentally put into Loss of or damage where the insured vehicle is being used and
the insured vehicle’s fuel tank. you have failed to install manufacturer approved software
Are there any restrictions on cover?
 We will not provide any cover under this insurance (other than that required by the Road Traffic Acts), if an accident occurs whilst you
or any other insured person whilst driving; a) Is found to be over the lawful limit for driving with alcohol; or b) Is driving whilst unfit
through drink or drugs, whether prescribed or otherwise; or c) Fails to provide a sample of blood, urine or breath when required to do
so, without a lawful reason. In addition, we will recover from you or the driver all sums paid (including legal costs) whether in
settlement or under a judgment of any claim arising from an accident.
 Where an excess applies you will be required to pay this in the event of a related claim. Excesses are shown on your schedule or in the
policy wording.
 Section C 'Driving other cars', may be excluded from this policy. If included, it will show on your certificate of motor insurance and gives
third party only cover (which means that if the car is damaged or stolen we will not pay the cost to repair or replace it). This section will
not apply when the other car is not insured in its own right. Other restrictions may apply in addition therefore please check your policy
documents thoroughly if you are unsure as to whether this cover applies as you run the risk of driving the car with no insurance cover.
 Courtesy cars are not always available but we will always do our utmost to provide you with assistance and where possible supply a car
within 48 hours following collection of the damaged vehicle. Some specialist repairers or repairers not on our approved repairer panel
may not be able to provide you with a courtesy car. You are not entitled to a courtesy car if it is believed your vehicle is beyond
economical repair. Courtesy cars must be cared for by you and as such you will be responsible for any damage, unauthorised use and
any penalties associated with its use.
 Loss or Damage in respect of theft or attempted theft of your car may be excluded unless your vehicle is kept as you declared at
inception or renewal or following a change of address i.e.: garaged or on private property.
 Your policy cover may be inoperative and of no effect if your car is driven in excess of the annual mileage you have disclosed at the
inception or renewal of your policy.
 Loss or damage in respect of theft or attempted theft of your car may be excluded if you have an alarm, immobiliser or tracking device
fitted to your car and it is not operative.
 Replacement lock cover only applies if we are satisfied that any person who may have the keys or keyless entry system device knows
the identity or location of the insured vehicle.

Where am I covered?
You are covered to drive in:
✓ UK
✓ Any member country of the European Union for up to 30 days in total in any period of insurance
✓ Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Serbia for up to 30 days in total in any period of insurance.

What are my obligations?

• You must give complete and accurate answers to any questions we may ask you whenever you make a change to your policy
• Premiums must be paid on time
• If you need to make a claim you must provide us with full details as soon as possible
• You must tell us about any changes to your details as soon as possible as failure to advise us may invalidate your insurance and any
claim may be refused.

When and how do I pay?

• You can choose to pay for your insurance upfront in full using a credit or debit card, or by monthly instalments through a Direct
Debit facility
• If you pay by instalments, a credit charge will be applied and when you first set up your policy you’ll need to pay a deposit upfront
by card.

When does the cover start and end?

The policy is for a period of one year. Cover will starton and end on

How do I cancel the contract?

When you receive your policy, you have 14 days in which to consider the cover provided. If the cover does not meet your needs, you have the right to
cancel the Policy. To cancel your policy, please contact Affinity Insurance Solutions Limited either by writing or by calling 03457 464646. Full
cancellation details are contained within your policy wording..

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