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1.1 Mesopotamia

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Mesopotamia location:
• ‘ land between the rivers’ Euphrates and Tigris rivers
• was part of the Fertile Crescent; wild sheep, cow lived here; hot but fertile territory
suitable for growing crops and vegetables
• irrigation agriculture = riverine civilization ( folyómenti) BUT the silt leaves back mineral
salts later it became alkali soil and the population constantly moved towards north;
building irrigation canals was done by the government
• was rich in clay but lack of wood, stone and metals therefor people were obliged to trade
with other regions
• Mesopotamia lays at the crossroad of different trading roads; was exposed to
constant invasions

• 4th millennia Sumerians (sumérok) arrived from the Zagros mountain they established the
first city-states( városállam) e.g. Ur, Uruk, Larsa, Eridu, Nippur, Girsu, Lagash, Surripak
• cities weren’t joined into an empire, we can’t call Mesopotamia a country;

• the leader of the city-state was the priest-king =ensi/patesi he had despotic power
He was the lawgiver and the highest judicial authority in the city-state, the city ruler was
responsible for order
• nobility: priesthood, the official aristocracy and soldiers
• free citizens ( farmers, merchants, craftsmen)
• slaves - prisoners of war or citizens who became slaves until paying their debts
• developed an oikos economy:( templomgazdaság)= economic structure based on
government’s control over production and distribution ; it meant a closed self-supplying
system, market had no rule in the structure( was good for the citizens because it organised
the jobs and granted protection against enemies)
• its centre was a ziggurat( zikkurat),functions: 1. temple, 2. secure place in case of invasion
or flooding 3. had stores for storing goods

• Culture: they invented the oldest known writing system the Cuneiform script ( ékírás)
• originally it was a pictographic script but eventually pictograms became more abstract
a mixture of logophonetic and syllabic script ( szó és szótagírás)
• for writing they used a clay tablet and a sharpened reed stylus
• Writing and reading was the task of the scribes who gained great power and influence in
society. Scribes were taught at the Edubba schools
• the most famous Mesopotamian literary work is the Epic of Gilgamesh

• polytheist 450-3600 gods and goddesses (each cities had its set of gods and patron
gods); anthropomorphic deities; deities were cruel and frightening ones
• there were god triads e.g. Anu the sky god, Enlil god of atmosphere and Ea god of
ocean( he created the men using clay and blood)
• the chief gods were: Marduk -god of thunderstorm, later the national god of
• Shamas: god of sun
• science: Sumerians were good at astronomy, knew 5 planets
maths: they invented the sexagesimal numeral system e.g. 12 months, 2x12 hours in
a day, divided a circle into 360 degrees

Old-Babylonian period: (Ó-BABILONI BIRODALOM)

• starts with the emergence of the first Amorite ( amarru) dynasty - the dynasty of
• Babylon became the new centre, here stood the Babel tower mentioned in the Bible
• reached its height under Hammurabi (c. 1792 - c.1750 BC)
• the Code of Hammurabi- had great influence on legal history ( contains 282 rules)
it was based on lex talionis ( talio elv) =’an eye for an eye ’BUT penalties depended
from social status - awelum= free citizens ( teljes jogú szabad)
muskenum – citizens with limited rights ( nem teljes jogú szabad)
• the fall of the empire arrived with the Hittite ( hettita) invadors in 1600 BC who used
chariots and iron weapons

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