Coated Components - Oerlikon PDF
Coated Components - Oerlikon PDF
Coated Components - Oerlikon PDF
© 2010
3rd edition/November 2010
Engine technology 37
Engines 37
Motor sport 41
Fuel injection 43
Mechanical drives 45
Vehicle gears 45
Industrial drives 49
Ball- and roller-bearings 51
Fluid technology 55
Compressors 55
Hydraulic pumps and hydraulic motors 57
Valves and fittings 60
Other applications 61
Partners in your success 65
Glossary 75
Tribology, PVD technology and coatings
It all comes down to the surface
Friction is a key factor in the performance and service life of precision compo-
nents. Frictional behaviour is chiefly governed by the properties of the component
surface, therefore great importance is attached to methods of treating surfaces
to improve their wear and corrosion resistance and thus reduce friction.
Oerlikon Balzers (hereinafter: Balzers) Experience has shown that many tribo- BALINIT ® coating lends itself to mass
plasma-assisted coating processes systems can be optimised through the production of engine components and
have proved themselves excellent for choice of the right coating. BALINIT ® enhances the performance of the
creating economical, reliable tribosys- standard coatings cover a range of whole system. Examples include BALI-
tems. Collaboration with our custom- properties and make it possible to pick NIT ®-coated components in state-of-
ers has taken us far beyond just coat- the coating that will yield the desired the-art diesel injection systems as well
ing: Today’s customer also looks for results. What is more, Balzers works as wrist pins, tappets and piston rings.
competent help and support in the with the customer to devise custom As a partner to renowned automakers
early development and design phases solutions for getting specific outcomes, and suppliers, Balzers is totally com-
as well as professional project man- thus allowing scope for creativity in mitted to developing innovative tech-
agement, quality management, logis- design. nologies.
tics and processes to meet the needs
of mass production. Coating enhances component perfor- This booklet will provide designers and
mance, reliability and service life and their customers, as well as operating
BALINIT ® coatings offer reproducible permits lighter, more compact designs. and maintenance engineers, with an
quality in every run by virtue of the Reduced energy consumption and the overview of the processes used to
PVD and PACVD processes that Bal- use of environmentally benign products make wear-resistant, low-friction sur-
zers has developed, together with in smaller quantities are further advan- faces with improved corrosion resist-
technical quality systems that enable tages that come into play in the build- ance. It will show off, in particular, the
the manufacturer to meet and maintain ing of machines and equipment just as capabilities and advantages of BALI-
specifications in the production pro- they can in engine and vehicle making. NIT ® PVD and PACVD coatings.
Components of machine tools, textile
machines, injection moulding equip-
ment for plastics, and equipment for
food processing now come with BALI-
NIT ® coatings as a standard feature.
Coating is also a proven technique in
fluid technology, used to upgrade
critical components in hydraulic drives,
pumps and valves.
Tribology under the magnifying glass
Solving any wear problem begins with a careful analysis of the tribological system
and all the factors that affect it. Such an analysis reveals what frictional states
and wear mechanisms occur and when. Engineered processes for treating com-
ponent surfaces, coating in particular, often result in more efficient solutions than
pure material or design alternatives.
Friction in a tribosystem can be clas- coefficient of friction µ, which depends on constant service conditions and
sified by the state of the contact be- on the frictional state and the tribologi- appropriate system design. Mixed
tween interacting surfaces: cal factors that are at work in an appli- and boundary friction often cannot be
cation process. completely avoided, despite lubrica-
Dry friction occurs when the inter- tion, and this is especially true when
acting surfaces are in direct contact. The Stribeck curve shows that the a triboprocess is being started up or
coefficient of friction is especially low allowed to run down. A wide variety
Boundary friction is an intermediate for fluid friction in oil-lubricated tribo- of wear mechanisms can occur as a
state between dry and mixed lubrica- systems. This state, however, depends result.
tion, in which adsorbed lubricant
molecules cover the interacting sur-
Stribeck curve: schematic graph of friction
Mixed friction is a superposition of
frictional states such as dry, boundary Coefficient of friction µ
and fluid. Here the load is taken up
partly by solid-to-solid contact and FN FN FN
partly by a load-bearing lubricant film.
v v v Opposed body
d Intermediate material
Fluid friction is friction in a liquid Base object
Typical wear mechanisms
Abrasive wear comes about when ent hardnesses or when the harder
material is torn away by hard or sharp- surface is sufficiently rough or sharp-
edged particles in between the inter- edged.
acting surfaces, but can also result
from hard or sharp-edged (abrasive) Consequences include scratches,
surfaces and asperity peaks of one or grooves, chips and material removal
the other partner. Abrasion is promot- at the surfaces.
ed when the surfaces have very differ-
Surface fatigue results from repeti- terms of hydraulic loads, the hardness
tive (pulsating or alternating) mechani- and elasticity of the material are crucial.
cal or hydraulic loads that lead to crack
formation and propagation below the Consequences of surface fatigue in-
loaded surface, culminating in damage clude cracking, pitting and micropit-
to the surface. If the surface is loaded ting, especially where elements are in
by friction, wear can be reduced by rolling contact. On hydraulic compo-
diminishing the friction coefficient. In nents cavitation-erosion occurs.
Failings of simple material solutions
Comprehensive surface technology
DIN (German Institution for Standards) Electroplating processes The nitriding process involves dif-
guideline 8580 identifies two classes of The most important electrochemical fusing nitrogen into the steel surface
manufacturing processes by which the and chemical processes for protection to harden the metal in the boundary
tribological processes that take place against wear and corrosion are hard zones down to a typical depth of 0.5
at material surfaces can be influenced: chrome-plating and chemical nickel- mm. A hardness of approx. 900 HV is
plating. attained in the outer diffusion zone. A
- Application of coatings by such compound layer (iron nitride such as
processes as electrodeposition, ther- Hard chrome (approx. 1,200 HV) is Fe4N) up to 20 µm thick can be formed,
mal sputtering or deposition from the applied in coating thicknesses of up to depending on the process conditions
gas or vapour state (PVD/PACVD) 200 µm. It is suitable for components and the substrate material. These ni-
subject to abrasive wear, but micro- tride zones are resistant to moderate
- Modification of material pro- cracking inherent in the process limits wear and corrosion.
perties by means of nitriding or its use against corrosion. While micro-
boronising, for example. cracks can be avoided by application Many electroplating and nitriding pro-
of a thin coating (a few µm thick with a cesses involve environmentally prob-
All these processes have special appli- hardness of 1,200 HV), such a coating lematic media. In addition, classical
cations associated with their distinctive offers only limited wear resistance. hard chrome-plating baths contain
properties. In many cases, however, a hexa-valent chromium compounds,
variety of processes can be employed, Chemical nickel can be applied over which are carcinogenic. The construc-
particularly when stresses are not too a range of hardnesses, depending on tion of some kinds of electrochemical
great. the process conditions; the maximum plants is no longer feasible in many
is approx. 600 HV. The advantage of industrial regions; the same is true of
chemical nickel coatings lies chiefly in salt-bath nitriding plants.
corrosion protection. The tribological
properties can be enhanced by inclu-
sions (dispersion) of hard (diamond,
silicon carbide) or soft (PTFE) phases.
Key properties of PVD and PACVD - Coatings are thin, typically 0.5-4 - PVD/PACVD processes are environ-
processes include: µm. This feature in conjunction with mentally benign and do not entail
close tolerancing means that the the use or emission of pollutants. The
- A wide range of coatings can be component retains its form, fit and gases used are noble gases such as
made. The high vacuum employed dimensions after coating without the argon together with ordinary working
makes it possible to achieve coating need for costly refinishing. gases such as hydrogen and acetyle-
properties that are not available with ne. No toxic reaction products are
gases and baths at atmospheric generated.
pressure (thermal spraying, nitriding,
electro- or chemical deposition). The
resulting coatings offer good adhe-
sion, high hardness and wear resist- Coating thicknesses and process temperatures
ance, and these properties are often
specially tailored for the service in Coating thickness [µm]
question. 1,000
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200
1 Plasma spraying
2 Electrolytic and chemical deposition
3 Phosphating
4 Nitriding (white layer)
5 Boronising
Applications of surface treatment processes
and untreated components illustrate, tion. The properties of PVD coatings Experimental method:
above all, what protection against also improve corrosion protection 1 Ball, nonrotating, diam. 3 mm
AISI 52100 (DIN 1.3505), 60 HRC
scuffing and surface fatigue results and thus guard components from 2 Test ring: AISI 52100 (DIN 1.3505), 60 HRC
from surface coatings. Data from external factors. Abrasive-blasted or polished, N4
Test conditions:
F = 30 N
Dry-running/Sliding-wear test v = 0.3 m/s
Dry contact
Coefficient of friction
X AISI 52100 (DIN 1.3505) uncoated
X AISI 4142 (DIN 1.7225) nitrided
X Cr electroplated
X Ni-P chemical
X = Test stopped on account of severe abrasive wear
0.2 2
0 100 200 300 800 v
PVD and PACVD processes
The advantages set forth on the previous pages explain why Balzers has fo-
cussed on PVD (physical vapour deposition) and PACVD (plasma-assisted chemi-
cal vapour deposition) for the coating of precision components. The technologies
used are ones that work with plasma assisted processes and can be both flexibly
and precisely controlled: sputtering, ion plating, arc evaporation and
In reactive sputtering (cathodic sputter- 1 2
1 Argon
2 Reactive gas
ing), cleaned and pretreated compo- 3 Planar magnetron
nents for coating are placed on a turn- evaporation source
(coating material)
table and loaded into the vacuum 4 Components
chamber of a PVD sputtering machine. 3 4 < 250 °C 3 5 Vacuum pump
Enhanced sputtering
The BALINIT ® CNI chromium nitride 2
Electron beam source
coating is applied by an enhanced 3 Reactive gas
sputtering process, which works on a 4 Planar magnetron
evaporation source
similar principle. The coating material (coating material)
contains chromium, nitrogen gas is 4 5 < 250 °C 4 5
Low-voltage arc discharge
present, and there is an additional 5
7 Auxiliary anode
ionisation step. A low-voltage arc dis- 8 Vacuum pump
Ion plating
Ion plating is a PVD process involving 2
Electron beam source
reactive electron-beam evaporation. 3 Reactive gas
In ordinary sputtering, a metal plate is 4
Coating material
bombarded with argon atoms to gen- 6 Crucible (anode)
erate the coating material. The metallic 4 < 500 °C 7 Low-voltage arc discharge
8 Vacuum pump
component for ion plating (e.g., tita- 4
Arc Evaporation
1 Argon
In arc evaporation, an arc is struck 1 2 2 Reactive gas
between the backing plate (anode) and 3 Arc sources
(coating material
the coating material (cathode). The arc and backing plate)
moves over the coating material and 3 3 4 Components
< 500 °C 5 Vacuum pump
evaporates it. Because of the high cur- 4
rents and power densities employed,
the evaporated material is ionised to a
high degree. Reactive gas and metal
ions hit the component surface and 5
are deposited there as the coating
material. Balzers uses this process to
make, among others, the BALINIT ®
FUTURA NANO titanium-alumin-
ium nitride coating.
PACVD process
1 Argon
The high-frequency PACVD process 1 2 2 Reactive gas
comes into play when Balzers applies 3 Components
4 Plasma sheath
the BALINIT ® DLC metal-free car- 5 High-frequency connection
bon coating. The setup is similar to 6 Vacuum pump
that used for sputtering, but a high- 3 < 250 °C 3
Combined PVD/PACVD process
1 Electron beam source
The enhanced sputtering process is 2
3 2 Argon
combined with PACVD in order to ap- 3 Reactive gas
7 4 Planar magnetron
ply carbon-containing multifunc- evaporation source
tional coatings such as BALINIT ® (coating material)
DLC STAR. A hard, tough metal layer 4 6 < 250 °C 6 4 5
Plasma sheath
is deposited by sputtering, and PACVD 5 7 Low-voltage arc discharge
is used to build up the tribologically 8
Auxiliary anode
High-frequency connection
effective carbon coating on top of it. In 10 Vacuum pump
contrast to conventional combination
coatings, Balzers multifunctional coat- 9
ings are made in a single process that
yields homogeneous, defect-free coat-
ings of uniquely high quality and adhe-
sion strength.
Hard coatings: classification and nomenclature
Quite a large number of coatings can In nitride hard coatings, metal atoms cess and group nomenclature is en-
be made by the PVD and PACVD from groups IV-VI of the periodic sys- countered in the market. The English
processes that have been described. tem (Ti, Cr) form compounds with non- abbreviation “DLC” (diamond-like car-
Their classification and nomenclature metal atoms (C, N, O). Stoichiometric bon), for example, refers to the whole
begins with a separation of the most compounds (i.e., 50% metal atoms group of amorphous carbon coatings,
important hard coatings into three and 50% nonmetal) are commonly but DLC is inadequate as a term for
groups. The first includes coatings in chosen because such compounds any individual carbon coating belong-
which metals and nitrogen combine to frequently offer the most favourable ing to this group.
form metal nitrides (TiN, CrN, TiAlN, properties.
etc.). The second group comprises The Balzers product family of carbon
carbide coatings generated from met- Carbon coatings are most often coatings has its own brand names,
als and carbon (TiC, WC, NbC, etc.). formed through the use of hydrocar- with BALINIT ® C denoting the a-C:H:W
There are also blends of materials bons. The kind of amorphous hydro- system (WC/C) and BALINIT ® DLC the
from these two groups (such as TiCN). carbon network (a-C:H) produced will a-C:H coating.
Carbon coatings containing metals vary with the process conditions. The
(a-C:H:Me) and those free of metals carbon atoms can have graphitic (sp2) Hydrogen-free carbon coatings make
(a-C:H) make up the third group. or diamond-like (sp3) bonds; the coeffi- up a further class. These are identified
cient of friction as well as the hardness as tetragonal carbon or amorphous
of the coating depend on the ratio of diamond (ta-C).
the bonding type. As a consequence,
an inconsistent blend of material, pro-
Metal: Nonmetal:
Ti, Cr, Al C, N, B
Properties of BALINIT ® coatings
BALINIT ® PVD and PACVD coatings Properties and tribological effectiveness of BALINIT ® coatings
have qualities that make them superbly
well-suited to use on precision compo- BALINIT ® C BALINIT ® C
Coating material a-C:H:W (WC/C) CrN + a-C:H:W
- High hardness Typical microhardness (HK 0.01)*/*** 1,000 I 1,500 1,000 I 1,500
- Good wear resistance Typical coating thickness (µm) 1-4 3-5
- Low coefficient of friction Increase in surface roughness Ra (µm)* approx. 0.02 approx. 0.02
- Good corrosion resistance Coefficient of friction against steel (dry)* 0.1 - 0.2 0.1 - 0.2
- Thin coatings Coating temperature (°C) < 250 < 250
- High precision, excellent Maximum service temperature (°C)* 300 300
replication of contours Coating colour anthracite anthracite
- Good adhesion Protection against abrasive wear + I ++ + I ++
Protection against adhesive wear +++ +++
The coating thicknesses generally Protection against tribo-oxidation ++ ++
range from 0.5 to 5 µm, whereby the Protection against surface fatigue +++ ++
coatings exactly match the surface Protection against corrosion* + +
topography of the component and so
remain faithful to its shape. Edge sharp- * Depends on application and test conditions
ness and surface roughness remain ** Ion plating
*** HK (Knoop hardness) corresponds approximately to HV (Vickers hardness)
virtually unchanged. This means that
remachining is no longer needed; the
coating can become the last step in
component manufacturing.
Excellent replication of contours with BALINIT ® coatings Excellent adhesion of BALINIT ® coatings
BALINIT ® C is highly resistant to adhe-
sive wear (scuffing) in particular. It has
a high load-bearing capacity even un-
der conditions of deficient lubrication
or dry contact. Thanks to its low fric-
tion coefficient, it also acts to reduce
surface fatigue (pitting) and tribo-oxi-
dation (fretting corrosion). The 1,000
HK grade of BALINIT ® C is used where BALINIT® C in dry running and starved lubrication (gear test)
abrasive conditions are milder and sur-
face pressures are high but sliding Number of load cycles
speeds are relatively low. This BALI- 107
NIT ® C grade shows excellent running- Terminated after 2,000,000
in and burnishing behaviour under 150,000
constant sliding load by virtue of its 105
moder-ate hardness. The harder (1,500 104
HK) grade of BALINIT ® C can be used 103
Coefficient of friction
0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 5,000
Performance of BALINIT® coatings in mixed friction
Wear [µm]
290 N 1,200 N
No measurable
wear at 290 N
Block-ring test
0 Block coated
WC/C WC/C Load: 290 N/1,200 N
Oil: 5W-30
Mixed friction Coatings and additives Two trends lie in store for the future.
Carbon coatings are employed in lu- Additives are frequently employed to Firstly, additive use will decline on en-
bricated systems far more often than reduce wear in lubricated systems. Ef- vironmental grounds, with coatings
in dry-running ones. The behaviour of forts to identify the action of additives used instead. Secondly, additives are
coatings with, and in comparison to, when used with coated parts have being developed and tested that can
lubricants has been demonstrated in been under way for some years. The cooperate with PVD coatings to deliver
a gear scuffing test (see page 22). effects have been found to be slight on greater performance than either prac-
Experiments performed by the IMM the whole. The coating (WC/C is the tice alone.
(Institute of Machine Elements and one most studied) and the additive
Machine Design) at the Technical Uni- work together positively in many cases Applications
versity of Dresden show that both light but negatively in many others. For ex- BALINIT ® C finds use in all domains of
lubrication and WC/C coating can lead ample, sulphur-based high-pressure mechanical engineering, in motors and
to marked gains in service life, but the additives together with the tungsten transmissions, and also in fluid technol-
best results are obtained with a combi- in the WC/C coating form WS2 com- ogy. This coating also aids functional
nation of the two. This means on the pounds that reduce friction similarly reliability in systems where lubricants
one hand that coating cannot supplant to MoS2. This effect was measured at must not be employed (cryogenic and
regular lubrication, but on the other short running times, high pressures vacuum systems, clean rooms, food
hand that lubrication and WC/C coat- and low sliding speeds. equipment). BALINIT ® C is particularly
ing act in a positive synergy. suitable for case-hardening as well as
In most instances the coating has the ball- and roller-bearing steels because
Not only carbon but also nitride coat- more robust and permanent action. it can be applied at temperatures
ings come out well in mixed-friction This is no surprise, for the coating is under 200 °C.
tests. Chromium nitride in particular applied as a uniform, hard and wear-
may actually surpass carbon coatings. resistant film while additives take the
form of small soft particles that come
into play only under load.
3 BALINIT® DLC STAR BALINIT ® DLC is suitable for the most
drastic wear conditions and high rela-
Properties tive sliding speeds. The strengths of
BALINIT ® DLC is a pure, metal-free, this coating lie in protection against
amorphous carbon coating that con- abrasion, tribo-oxidation and adhesion
tains only carbon and hydrogen. Its (scuffing). The coating can accommo-
diamond (sp3) bonding content is date surface pressures that would
1 higher than in BALINIT ® C coatings. quickly lead to scuffing and cold weld-
The coating is therefore very hard and ing under normal service conditions.
1 µm
compact (>2,000 HK). It also features Frictional losses are minimised and
Typical structure of a multifunction extreme chemical stability and a dry corrosion resistance is enhanced.
BALINIT ® coating of the STAR series: friction coefficient of 0.1 to 0.2. BALINIT ® DLC STAR improves the
1 Base material (component)
2 CrN supporting layer
A special coating technology results load-bearing capacity of hard DLC
3 Tribologically effective carbon layer in very good adhesion despite high coatings.
internal stresses. For extreme load
situations, the carbon coating can be
combined with a metallic (CrN) sup-
port layer (BALINIT ® DLC STAR).
BALINIT® DLC STAR coating for valve seats
Needle seat (schematic) Fracture surface of BALINIT ® DLC STAR coating Top view on worn surface
Bright dots: tips of CrN grains
Dark background: run-in DLC coating
BALINIT® CNI Applications
The application spectrum of BALINIT ®
Properties CNI extends from wear protection in
BALINIT ® CNI is a chromium nitride machinery and hydraulics (pistons) to
(CrN) coating applied by a special the automotive (valve train compo-
process that yields a particularly dense, nents, piston rings) and the aircraft in-
smooth coating. The increase in rough- dustry. As BALINIT ® coatings are FDA
ness Ra is less than 0.02 µm, inside (Food and Drug Administration) ap-
normal manufacturing tolerances, and proved, BALINIT ® CNI can be applied
the coating hardness of 1,750 HK is to parts that come into direct contact
substantially greater than that of elec- with foods. Other applications arise
troplated hard chrome (approx. 1,000 wherever thin electroplated chrome
HK). and nickel have been used in the past.
By virtue of its special process, BALI- Coating structure of BALINIT® CNI
Benefits NIT ® CNI has also proved a highly con-
This chromium nitride coating offers not just great
Components coated with BALINIT ® ductive material and exhibits excellent hardness but also a high degree of tightness and
CNI display good wear resistance and chemical stability at electrical junctions. smoothness. Coated components show improved
wear and corrosion resistance as well.
good frictional qualities under condi- Chemical electrodes, hot contacts and
tions of deficient lubrication when fuel-cell applications are applications
they are subject to severe mechanical in which BALINIT ® CNI provides good
loads. At the same time, they show electrical conductivity even in the most Corrosion test
improved corrosion resistance. Be- drastic environments.
cause the coating temperature is less Area not corroded [%]
than 250 °C, a broad range of ma- A key property of PVD coatings is 60
terials can be coated. The coatings their thinness, which sets them apart 54 %
and can thus be applied as the final thermal spray coatings. The gaps be- 40
step in the manufacturing process; no tween these processes, however, are
further machining is needed. What is increasingly being closed with thinner 30 27 %
Impact erosive wear Nitride and carbon coatings in impact erosive wear
In fluid technology, impact erosive wear
is crucial where the flow of abrasive Wear [µm]
media is controlled. Metal-on-metal 0.9
sliding is secondary under these con- 0.8
ditions. Surfaces and coatings must 0.7
combine hardness and toughness in 0.6
order to stand up to this kind of load. 0.5
Nitride coatings such as TiN or CrN 0.4
as well as DLC coatings with a nitride 0.3
support layer (BALINIT ® DLC STAR) 0.2
are best suited to these requirements. 0.1
sputtered PACVD Sputter-CVD Ionplating sputtered electroplated
Advantages of BALINIT ® coatings
- protects dry-running systems. - boosts power and reduces - helps protect the environment.
The low friction coefficients of BALI- weight. BALINIT ® coatings come Lubricants and additives pollute, so
NIT ® permit operation with deficient into their own where higher tribo- areas such as fluid technology are
lubrication as well as emergency logical loads and higher mechanical increasingly using water-based hy-
operation in case of an undesired loads occur at the same time. BALI- draulic fluids (HFA fluids) or additive-
loss of lubricant. Coatings also allow NIT ® C, for example, enhances the free lubricating oils. There is also a
systems to function where lubricants load-bearing capacity of gear wheels, rising demand for ozone-neutral re-
are not permissible, as in cryogenic so that they can be made smaller and frigerants in climate-control applica-
and vacuum equipment, the food thus lighter but still handle increased tions. When wear problems result
industry, clean rooms and space burdens. from these shifts, BALINIT ® coatings
technology. offer new solution approaches.
- lessens the need for lubrication
- replaces costly materials. and maintenance. Oil lubrication
While the base material provides the drives up operating costs because of Environmentally benign coating
needed strength, BALINIT ® imparts the continual need for inspection and When you use BALINIT ® coatings,
hardness and good frictional behav- maintenance. Lifetime lubrication with you are adopting an advanced technol-
iour. This makes it possible to cut grease, however, often fails to meet ogy. In contrast to many conventional
costs by replacing expensive ma- stringent tribological requirements. coating processes such as phosphat-
terials such as cemented carbides, A supplemental BALINIT ® coating ing, nitriding, electro- and chemical
ceramics and bronze with steel. improves tribological performance plating (hard chrome, chemical nickel,
Examples include cemented carbides and greatly lengthens maintenance etc.), the BALINIT ® vacuum process
in pump shafts, bronze bushings in intervals. generates no polluting compounds,
hydraulic systems or wrist pin bear- emissions or residues. If you must
ings in internal combustion engines - reduces the threat of corrosion. meet environmental limits or manufac-
and the metals used for plain bear- Thanks to this quality of BALINIT ® turing standards, or if you are seeking
ings. coatings, severely loaded compo- ISO 14001 certification, BALINIT ®
nents can function reliably even in coatings can offer new avenues to you.
unfavorable environments.
Limitations of BALINIT ® coatings
Coating as a design element
Any user who means to exhaust the full potential of wear-protection coatings
must include them in the design phase. This is when the component form, the
manufacturing method, and the selection of material and heat treatment can be
optimally brought into accord with a highly effective coating. A coating thus
affords scope for designing a more powerful system.
Materials and their coatability
Coatable materials
Steels with
heat-treatment temperatures > 500 °C
Heat-treatable steels + + + + +
Cold-working steels + + + + +
Hot-working steels + + + + +
High-speed steels + + + + +
Austenitic steels + + + + +
Age-hardened steels + + + + +
Steels with
heat-treatment temperatures around 200 °C
Ball- and roller-bearing steels + + +
Case-hardening steels + + +
Hardenable chrome steels + + +
Low tempering temperature tool steels + + +
Other materials
General engineering steels + + + + +
Nitrided steels (after pretreatment) + + + + +
Cast iron
Chrome-plated metals
Nickel-plated metals
Nickel alloys + + + + +
Titanium alloys + + + + +
Copper alloys
Aluminium alloys
Cemented carbides + + + + +
Sintered metals (after pretreatment)
Plastics – – – – –
+ coatable
– not coatable
conditionally coatable (inquire)
Hardness and strength of materials
The hardness and load-bearing capac- The following details should be kept in Roughness plays a central role in fric-
ity of materials play a special role in view: tion and wear processes. The smaller
coating because typical PVD/PACVD the roughness, the better the tribologi-
coatings are not self-supporting. A - Surfaces must be metallically bright. cal properties. Improving the surface
hard substrate offers adequate sup- Corroded, brown-finished, steam- quality, however, comes with costs as
porting action for the coating and pre- blued or similarly treated surfaces well. This is true for both uncoated
vents it from breaking up (“eggshell cannot be coated. surfaces and those that will receive
effect”). coatings. For severely loaded precision
- Ground surfaces must not display components, designers specify the
Therefore as a rule of thumb, to burrs, grinding cracks, oxide skins well-ground surfaces (Rz = 0.5-5 µm).
apply a coating, the greater the load or rehardening burns. PVD coatings follow the surface topo-
on the component, the harder the sub- graphy exactly, and there is just a very
strate material must be (> 45 HRC). small increase in roughness.
Plasma nitriding or case-hardening of
soft steels can produce a boundary A roughness in the high range (i.e., 3
zone that will support the coating. If to 5 µm) can be chosen when applying
subsequent loss of hardness is to be “softer” coatings such as BALINIT ® C
avoided, the tempering temperature Coating (WC/C, approx. 1,000 HK), thanks to
must be higher than the temperature the very good running-in and burnish-
at which the component is coated. ing qualities and the good behaviour
Do not reduce the substrate hardness towards the mating part. With hard
badly ground well ground
of the component to be coated. nitride and DLC coatings, the rough-
Furthermore, it is advisable to coat ness Rz should be between 0.5 and
the harder surface in the tribosystem. - Coolants employed in grinding must 1 µm to avoid unduly great wear to
not contain calcium sulfonates, com- the mating part.
pounds of boron or iodine, or silicone-
Component surface quality based antifoaming agents. The increase in roughness with PVD
coatings is generally negligible. There
Along with strength, the surface condi- - Ground, honed, polished or lapped is an increase of approx. 0.2 µm in
tion of the component affects coating surfaces must be cleaned of abrasive Rz with sputtering, evaporation and
performance. A necessary condition compounds and their residues. PACVD processes, and approx. 2 µm
for good coating in a vacuum process with arc coating. Methods such as
is therefore: - Brazed and soldered joints must be blasting or brushing have become
free of pipes, fluxes and cadmium. standard in order to remove rough-
A readily coatable component ness peaks (droplets) after arc coating.
is one that has been ground - Blind holes and internal threads must
or polished, well cleaned, and be free of hardness salts and other
conserved for shipping. contaminants.
Component design for coating
Coated surface = The best coating results will be achieved if component condition and geometry
functional surface are in harmony with the physical and engineering conditions of cleaning, prepa-
The designer can exert a good deal ration and coating.
of control over unit coating costs by
taking into account the coating from
the very beginning of the component Component condition - Blind holes can be coated, but they
design process. The configuration is - Components are fixtured for coating. should not have a depth greater than
best if only the component with the Allowance should be made for the their diameter.
functional surface has to be coated - surface covered by the fixture, which
that is, other surfaces of the compo- will remain uncoated. Geometry, dimensions and
nent are not coated needlessly and no weights
expense is incurred in masking them - Surfaces that must be left uncoated In addition to the condition, the ge-
off. The illustration shows an example. are covered by a mechanical mask. ometry and weight of the component
If the functional surface of the worm Optimal component design must must be considered. The maximum
is rigidly attached to the shaft stubs, permit this, since the use of pastes size and weight of a component for
the entire component must be coated. (as in nitriding) is not possible. coating depend on the coating select-
A better solution is to make the worm ed. The maximum weight is about
and stubs separately. This approach - Preassembled (glued, screwed or 3,000 kg, or a diameter of 1,300 mm
saves space in the coating machine pressed together) components can- and a length of 1,500 mm.
and thus optimizes the number of not be coated. The joint surfaces will
components per batch. The two parts outgas in vacuum and may not lend
can be joined or press-fitted together themselves to adequate cleaning.
after coating. Welded structures must be put
through a stress-relief anneal before
A component not designed for coating: Fewer units per coating batch, need for masking.
functional surface
Conservation and packaging
The parts must be guarded against The use of oils in fabrication processes
rusting in the course of transport. This has proved not to be a problem, be-
can be done by treating them with a cause there is less danger of residues
slight water-displacing oil, which can on the parts.
be removed without residue by alkaline
cleaning after delivery. An alternative is Proper packaging guards components
VCI (volatile corrosion inhibitor) paper from harm due to external factors and
in a vacuum package. Undiluted oil, keeps them from damaging one an-
grease or wax should not be used. other. A packaging that is also suitable
These conserving agents are difficult for repeated use and for return ship-
to remove and would interfere with the ment is advisable.
sensitive baths used in cleaning sys-
tems. For mass-production parts we recom-
mend consulting with us on fabrication
When emulsion coolants are used in media and packaging. We shall be
manufacturing, it is essential to clean glad to assist you.
components thoroughly before con-
servation. This must be effected in
an aqueous process using deionised
water. Otherwise, water hardness can Optimal coating results do not depend
result in lime deposits on the parts; solely on component design. The
such deposits can combine with the choice of the right coating for the ap-
conserving agent to form durable sur- plication is also crucial to boosting
face residues that cannot be removed component and system performance,
by chemical means. as the next chapter will demonstrate.
Balzers offers both proven, standard
solutions and customised coatings for
specific needs.
Application tailored solutions
The chief objectives of today’s designers and design engineers as they work out
new and innovative concepts include lighter weight, higher output from more-
compact mechanisms, lower emissions, and minimal lubrication and maintenance.
As requirements on systems grow more stringent, so do requirements on their
components, and classical materials soon reach their limits. Potential for perfor-
mance can be greatly enhanced with application-tailored BALINIT ® hard coatings;
indeed, only BALINIT ® makes new design solutions feasible in many cases.
Engine technology Engines friction will bring about not just greater
output but also a potential for lower
Boosted fuel economy, reduced emis- Design innovations aimed at boosting fuel consumption and emissions.
sions, greater power and passenger efficiency, such as lighter aluminium Solutions based on BALINIT ® carbon
comfort are among the challenges that engine blocks, are costly in terms of or metal coatings have proven them-
have led vehicle and engine developers development. Less effort has been selves both in automotive production
toward innovative engine designs: focussed on cutting internal friction and in racing. The very good wear and
and how this will affect power output. friction behaviour of these coatings
- Gasoline engines with direct fuel in- Frictional losses in engines occur at improves the performance and service
jection, variable valve timing, smaller piston/connecting rod joints, crank- life of engine components such as
displacement and turbo charging, as shafts, valve trains and oil pumps, tappets, wrist pins and piston rings.
well as fuel-cell hybrid technology among other places. A reduction in
600 1,000 1,400 1,800 2,200
This test programme result shows how much friction loss is due to individual engine components and thus
how these components affect fuel consumption in a truck diesel engine.
Source: IVECO Motorenforschung AG
Valve train face. With regard to service life and
BALINIT ® C and BALINIT ® CNI are wear, both coatings are far superior to
recommended for the coating of tap- conventional phosphating. BALINIT ®
pets in high volume production. The coatings have found acceptance in
WC/C coating displays its special motor sports for friction and wear re-
advantages in low friction, while the duction. BALINIT ® DLC STAR is used
CrN coating stands out chiefly in the on a large scale for the coating of cam
good wettability of the very fine sur- followers and tappets.
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000
Piston rings and PVD coatings are finding greater
Piston rings cause significant frictional and greater acceptance along with the
losses in engines, while being subject proven coatings for piston rings, such
to added wear as a result of rising as hard chrome and molybdenum,
ignition pressures and exhaust gas plus nitriding for steel rings. A bench-
recirculation. For this reason, a wide mark trial has shown that BALINIT ® C
variety of anti-wear coatings offer is among the best solutions. In a com-
potential improvement. Electroplated parison with the most important stand-
coatings with fine dispersed carbides ard coatings, BALINIT ® C displays the
least ring and cylinder wear.
A simulation with passenger-car piston Friction and wear tests on piston rings (passenger car)
rings showed that PVD-CrN and PVD-
WC/C sustained greater loads in the Friction coefficient Normalised wear
scuffing test than hard-chrome-coated 0.12 1.2
or nitrided rings. What is more, CrN
displayed the lowest wear while friction 0.10 1.0
Normalised wear Friction coefficient
was least with WC/C. An engine test 0.08 0.8
provided impressive confirmation of
these results, with WC/C and CrN 0.06 0.6
nitriding. 0 0
Hard chrome Nitrided CrN - PVD WC/C - PVD
Results on piston rings in two-stroke Piston ring wear in two-stroke engines
engines for recreational and sport ve-
hicles were similarly convincing. Some Wear [µm]
chrome dispersion coatings (even 7
those established in the field) were not
up to the challenge of this application,
failing by heat checking. A series of 5
series. 0
In addition to replacing conventional TiN WC/C WC/C
800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200
Motor sport
Shock absorbers
The coating of shock absorbers is
not just a matter of appearance. The
excellent sliding properties of PVD
coatings also lead to better response
(reduced stick-slip) and improved
anti-diving behaviour. The coatings
BALINIT® FUTURA NANO (TiAlN)-coated motorcycle shock absorber tube
used are TiN, DLC and TiAlN.
Formula 1 Valves experience severe loads at seat, ance for valve spring retainers among
Formula 1 racecars could not compete tip and shank. Ductile CrN coatings other parts, but it is ideally suited to
without thin hard coatings. DLC and (such as BALINIT ® CNI) have proven internal surfaces (holes) as well.
nitride coatings are applied to engine serviceable for exhaust valves, WC/C
parts under extreme loads, such as or DLC for intake valves. DLC coat- Where service conditions are critical,
camshafts, finger followers, valves and ings, commonly over a nitride base piston rings can no longer reliably hold
connecting rods, in order that they can layer (e.g., BALINIT ® DLC STAR), are the aluminium pistons away from the
withstand high speeds and high sur- employed in the valve train. cylinder walls. Carbon coatings on the
face pressures and meet the need for aluminium pistons eliminate the danger
longer service life. Furthermore, a long list of steering and of seizing. Coating the piston-ring
suspension parts, as well as threaded grooves simultaneously provides effec-
The small eyes of connecting rods are connectors made of titanium, receive tual protection against cyclical frictional
coated in order to allow operation WC/C or TiN coatings. wear due to the side flanks of the
without bushings. In most cases the piston rings.
frictional partner of the small eye is a Titanium parts can be additionally oxi-
DLC-coated wrist pin. The lateral sur- dised in a special process (Ti-Plus).
faces of the connecting rods are coat- Along with a TiO2 layer, an oxygen
ed so that frictional losses at the crank diffusion coating typically 10-15 µm
arms can be reduced to the greatest thick is applied; the latter affords good
extent possible. support to the rather soft titanium
alloys. This process has found accept-
Fuel injection
plastic deformation.
Schematic drawing of a diesel injection pump BALINIT ®-coated polygon ring for a
diesel injection pump
Common-rail injectors Service life of Pump plungers for marine,
BALINIT ® DLC sets a new standard in common-rail injector plungers locomotive and utility vehicle
common-rail systems. The hard car- applications
bon coating provides great abrasion Service life [h] Since the 1980s, Balzers has applied
resistance for the tribologically stressed 10,000
PVD coatings to plungers for in-line,
components in modern common-rail 2,000 distributor and single-cylinder pumps
injectors. These components must 1,000 used in marine diesel engines, engines
handle high surface pressures and at 100
for construction machinery and station-
the same time stand up to severe abra- 20 ary plants (emergency generator sys-
sive stress due to ultrafine particles in 10 tems). These applications feature the
the fuel. BALINIT ® DLC gives these 1 use of heavy oil and contaminated
components the needed service life. fuels, leading to premature wear and
0.1 0.05 high maintenance costs. For this rea-
0.01 son, original-equipment plungers in the
uncoated WC/C BALINIT® DLC injection pumps of large engines are
coated with BALINIT ® C or BALINIT ®
Test conditions DLC, which contributes to better
Material: AISI 52100 (DIN 1.3505) bearing steel economy and lower emissions.
Criterion for stopping test: Material wear of 1 µm
Diesel injector under accelerated operating conditions
Unit-injector system:
plain bearings
The BALINIT ® C carbon coating
strengthens many components in the
unit-injector system, such as the plain
bearings that transfer the motion from
cam to plunger. In a floating system
with a pin, a bushing and a roller, the
pin and bushing are coated with BALI-
NIT ® C to safeguard against wear.
Mechanical drives
The design of drive components for Wear-protection coatings offer a dif-fer- helicopter transmissions, and in racing
vehicles and machinery is marked by ent approach. Their use guards com- transmissions, where it reduces friction
trends such as the use of lightweight ponents against scuffing and pit- and boosts power. Another application
construction, higher efficiencies, more ting and extends their service lives, area where coating protects against
severe loads, lower lubricant consump- thus making the whole system more surface fatigue, tribo-oxidation, brinel-
tion and longer maintenance intervals. durable. ling and also permits unlubricated
These requirements tend to increase operation is for rollers and races in
the wear of bearing and transmission The BALINIT ® C carbon coating, for industrial roller bearings, which experi-
components. Alternative material se- example, has proved its worth in the ence very severe loading.
lection can only rarely meet these planetary transmissions of construction
challenges. machinery and commercial vehicles, in
the emergency operating reserve of
High-speed spur gears High-speed gears in severe service
BALINIT ® C quadruples the service
life of gears. The standard FZG C test Tooth face pressure [N/mm2]
shows that the fatigue strength is 2,100
increased by 10-15 % over case-
hardened but uncoated gears. In the 2,000
Test conditions:
Oil: Mobil Jet / 80 °C
Sliding/rolling ratio: 24 %
Speed: 2,860 rpm
Material: M50 Nil / > 700 HV
Source: J. Kleff and D. Wiedmann,
ZF Asset Brite Euram Project
Gear wear by scuffing Gear wheel wear in dry running and starved lubrication
Scuffing, a consequence of starved
lubrication, is an important mechanism Number of load cycles
of gear wear. Simulating the process 107
on the test stand involves supplying Terminated after 2,000,000
only very small quantities of lubricant 150,000
and comparing the results with coat- 105
ings. Experiments at the IMM (Institute 104
of Machine Elements and Machine 103
Spur gears for motorcycles Planetary gear set for Model test: planetary gears
The practical impact of protecting concrete mixers
gears against scuffing was illustrated A quite different kind of load causes Total wear of sun and planetary gears [mg]
by an emergency that occurred during wear in the planetary gears of concrete 600
a motorcycle race. The transmission mixers. The very low speed and the
was threatened with scuffing due to simultaneously high surface pressure 500
a loss of oil, but amazingly the rider mean that no lubricant film can form, 400
was able to finish the race thanks to and the sun wheel, the most greatly
coating of the most severely stressed stressed component, is subject to se- 300
gears. An analysis showed that the vere abrasion. With BALINIT ® C (WC/C) 200
Sun and planetary gears
BALINIT® C-coated
uncoated gears had perceptible wear coating, wear is practically brought to
marks but the coated ones displayed a halt after a running-in phase. 100
virtually no abrasion. 0
0 40 80 120 160 200
Test conditions:
Gear tooth profile: FZG-C
Low-speed wear
Load: 2,180 MPa (316 KSI)
Sliding speed: 0.04 m/s
Transmissions for aircraft Helicopter transmission
For weight reasons titanium alloys
are replacing steel more and more in Temperature [°C]
gears. The low hardness and poor ad- 250
hesive wear resistance of Ti-alloys can X X = Test ended because of wear
be overcome by using BALINIT ® C. 200
Standard transmission
But also steel gears benefit from BALI- 150
BALINIT® C-coated
NIT ® coatings. E.g., helicopters must transmission
have the ability to run under emer- 100
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Industrial drives Worm gear sets: greater loads, longer service lives
Worm gears with coated worm Wear rate of bronze gear [mg/h]
Lubrication is not always enough to 1,000
protect helical-gear transmissions,
which are coming under more and
more severe stress, against friction 100 Worm uncoated
and wear. Worm systems, for example,
work under very unfavourable tribo-
logical conditions. The sliding motion 10
and the force between the worm and Worm BALINIT® C (WC/C)-coated
gear faces make it difficult for a lubri-
cant film to form. For this reason, the 0
gear is most often made of bronze in 0 100 200 300
Cam and follower drive system Simulation of cam drive
BALINIT ® C wins the comparison test
by a clear margin: The values and time
variation of load and velocity in cam 100Cr6 - 100Cr6 Test roller Mating roller
drives imply poor lubrication conditions Si3N4 - 100Cr6
and a danger of excessive wear. In the Si3N4 - Si3N4
search for a better solution, couples
involving hardened steel, ceramic TiN - 100Cr6
Cam drives in
can-forming machines
Very great forces must be transmitted Ø 377
Ball screw drive system Ball screw drive
BALINIT ® C makes it possible to boost
the speed of machine-tool operations. Frictional torque [Nm]
Lead screws are often used in the feed 1.25
of these machines, but positioning 1.15
speeds are limited by wear and friction 1.05
between the balls and the return 0.95
tubes. Practical tests have shown that 0.85
WC/C coating of the balls in particular 0.75
can reduce the frictional torque and 0.65
return tube coated, balls uncoated
stick-slip effects. 0.55 balls coated, return tube uncoated
0.45 balls and return tube coated
0 100 200 300 400
Speed [rpm]
BALINIT ® C (WC/C) reduces friction and wear and cuts the frictional torque of the ball screw drive.
Source: WBK, Institute of Machine Tools and Production Science, University of Karlsruhe
The typical rolling motion in ball- and A variety of materials are currently used For some applications and some fric-
roller-bearings means that friction and in an attempt to combat these and tional requirements, however, conven-
wear conditions are generally good. other problems. One example is a very tional materials are not adequate and
When loads are severe and lubrication pure form of the standard bearing steel special materials are too costly. BALI-
is poor, however, wear mechanisms AISI 52100 (DIN 1.3505). Nitrided or NIT ® coatings offer an excellent solu-
can arise that will ultimately harm the chrome-plated steels offer protection tion in these cases by virtue of their
entire tribosystem: against corrosion, while tool steels are great hardness and dimensional stabil-
suitable for high-temperature applica- ity. By affording effective protection
- Scuffing in case of starved lubrication tions and ceramic rollers can serve in against wear, these PVD coatings re-
- Abrasion due to contaminants very high-speed applications. veal new tribological potential, especial-
- Surface fatigue (pitting) when over- ly where extreme service conditions
loading occurs (high/low temperatures, aggressive
- Fretting and brinelling in the presence environments, vacuum, clean-room
of vibration settings) limit reliability and make lubri-
cation difficult or impossible.
FE-8 test stand
Cylindrical-roller thrust bearings Service life [h] Bearing type: 81206
Specially designed test stands are 1,000
Load: 33 kN
used to study the frictional and wear Cage material: PA 66
Speed: 15 rpm
behaviour of roller bearings. Critical > 250
Temperature: 30 °C Dry running
lubrication conditions and loads lead- 100
Coefficient Source: IME, Aachen University (RWTH Aachen)
ing to scuffing are preferably investi- of friction: 0.004
Roller wear: 5 mg
gated on stands for cylindrical-roller
thrust bearings. Because this type of 10
bearing is inherently subject to high
tribological stress. 1.5
Rings and Rollers uncoated
Material pairs for roller bearings The advantage of coating only the other tribosystems: It applies in the first
The Institute for Machine Elements rings over coating the rollers is under- instance only to systems with a ten-
and Machine Design at RWTH Aachen standable because more contact area dency towards adhesive wear. If abra-
University studied the development of is coated and the coating itself is sion and surface fatigue are in ques-
wear in thrust bearings with various somewhat thicker. There is no direct tion, it is better to coat both frictional
combinations of WC/C coatings. In way to account for the poorer behav- partners.
one series only the rollers were coated, iour with all coated components; one
in another only the rings, in another possible interpretation is that steel
both frictional partners. Interestingly, surfaces with the selected lubricant
bearings with all coated components cooperate with the WC/C coating to
displayed only the second-best wear produce especially good running-in
behaviour, after those with coated and wear conditions. But this finding
rings. cannot necessarily be extended to
Partial coating of rollers wear by some 50 %, and treating half Surface fatigue
Another interesting experiment involved the rollers results in more than a 90 % Early in the 1980s tests on spindle
coating various numbers of the rollers decrease in wear. This behaviour bearings showed that a reduction in
but not all of them. The aim was to occurs because the coated rollers race wear can be expected with WC/C
show whether and how well coating promote good running-in and burnish- coating. More recent measurements
protects against wear even when not ing even for the rings, which also have been carried out to examine in
all the rollers are coated. Surprisingly, receive some of the coating material. detail the actions of the individual com-
even a few coated rollers bring about The same phenomenon can also be ponents. Test-stand trials on radial
marked improvements. Coating just observed in respect of the uncoated bearings have shown for example that
two of a maximum of 15 rollers cuts rollers. applying a WC/C coating to the inner
rings yields only a slight extension of
service life because now the uncoated
Wear behaviour with various numbers of rollers coated rollers begin to wear. Only when the
rings and the rollers are coated does a
Total wear [%] significant increase in life come about.
4 1 0.2
0 20 µm
0 1 2 4 8 12 15
WC/C coating Race
Number of WC/C-coated rollers WC/C-coated
Test conditions:
Test stand: FE8 thrust bearing
Bearing: 81212
Speed: 7.5 rpm
Axial thrust: 80 kN 4 µm
Contact pressure: 2,000 MPa
Bearing temperature: 70 °C
Running time: 80 h Bearing type: 7014 P4 spindle bearing
Base material: AISI 52100 / DIN 1.3505 Test duration: 50 h
Source: J. Loos, RWTH Aachen Speed: 19,000 rpm
Speed coefficient: 1.7 · 106
Lubricant: Grease
Ball bearings Bearing balls Linear guides for semiconductor
BALINIT ® C effectively protects ball BALINIT ® C is applied not only to inner component assembly
bearings against tribo-oxidation and and outer races and cylinders but also Lubrication is not acceptable in some
brinelling under severe static-vibrating to the balls in ball bearings. The typical industries. In semiconductor manufac-
loads. Electroplated chrome and coating thickness is 0.5-1 µm with a turing, for example, machinery must
Teflon ® (PTFE) coatings had little effect uniformity in the order of ± 0.1 µm operate without lubrication on grounds
against these forms of wear. The WC/C measured over the full circumference. of cleanliness. Drive components must
coating reduces wear and noise, and The slight increase in roughness is none the less operate reliably over long
bearings in such settings as electrical- offset by the good burnishing qualities service lives. This goal is achieved in
discharge machining (EDM) equipment of the coating. linear guides by applying a WC/C coat-
showed a more than doubled service ing to the rollers. WC/C-coated rails
life. with uncoated steel rollers display
markedly longer life than uncoated
rails with ceramic rollers.
Ball bearings under
vibrating load
Service life [cycles]
Time to failure [h]
140 107
> 128
120 106
64 103
20 1
0 uncoated Ceramic rollers WC/C-
lubricated: dry:
electroplated Cr or BALINIT® C (WC/C)
Fluid technology
The Montreal Protocol requires that, cation and corrosion issues. The trend Hard coatings have been proposed as
after 2020 chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) toward lighter weights and higher a way of addressing these problems.
are no longer used in automotive and pressures and speeds means that hy- BALINIT ®-coated components experi-
home air conditioners, compressors draulic system components must be ence much less wear and thus extend
and refrigerators. New concepts based able to handle more-severe tribological the life of coolant and air compressors,
on environmentally benign refrigerants, stresses. In fields where water is used hydraulic pumps, and hydraulic and
however, generally involve poorer lubri- as the pressure medium instead of oil, pneumatic valves and fittings. What
cation and wear properties. or where hydraulic components are is more, coating makes it possible to
exposed to more-drastic corrosive and phase out costly materials such as
Makers of hydraulic drives are also abrasive operating conditions, there bronze, carbide and ceramic.
more and more confronted with lubri- are even more requirements that must
be met.
Test conditions
Duration: 1,000 h
Pressure: 3.5 N/mm2
Temperature: 100 °C
Refrigerant: CFC-free
Ring material: Cast iron
Vane material: Steel
Screw compressors Screw compressors with water injection
Conventional screw-type air compres-
sors are designed for synchronised dry Surface wear [%]
running or unsynchronised operation 100
with oil injection. Where safety or en- uncoated
vironmental considerations rule out oil 80
injection, complicated designs with
synchronising gears have had to be 60
used. Tests with BALINIT ®-coated PVD-CrN
rotors have shown that unsynchro- 40
Hydraulic pumps and Radial-piston pumps
hydraulic motors Radial-piston motors
High power density in very compact
High pressure, extreme flow velocities hydraulic motors makes lubrication
and the presence of fine particles difficult, so that frictional losses and
stress water-pump components, often adhesive wear occur. BALINIT ® C cuts
to the point that carbide is no longer static friction between the rollers and
an adequate material solution. The the grey-iron pistons by 40 %; energy
exceptionally hard BALINIT ® DLC and losses on motor starting are lowered
BALINIT ® FUTURA NANO coatings by 18 %; and stick-slip processes do
offer good wear protection, thereby not occur. Furthermore, WC/C coating
opening up further scope for design prevents scuffing and improves the
innovations. performance of bearing rollers so
much that virtually no wear can be
Other severely stressed hydraulic com- detected after 58,000 revolutions. In
ponents are also protected against contrast, an uncoated steel roller dis-
such wear mechanisms as erosion, plays as much as 10 µm of wear.
cavitation, deformation, adhesion and
abrasion when BALINIT ® coatings are
applied. Radial-piston hydraulic motor
0 5 10 15 20 25
Wear reduction with WC/C coating of roller bearings in the radial-piston motor
Load: 70 kN
Temperature: 50 °C
Test duration: 58,000 revolutions
Speed: 6 rpm
Lubricant: Shell Tellus 68 S / 4 mg/l ISO MTD
Source: U. Olofsson, H. Sjöström, U. Sjödin / ASME Journal of Tribology
Sliding shoe
Axial piston pumps
Making the sliding-shoe components
from BALINIT ® C-coated steel instead
of bronze improves durability in axial
piston pumps. The system becomes
more resistant to abrasion, mechanical
overload and deformations that typi-
cally affect bronze shoes as a result of Bronze: abrasive wear and deformation
Test conditions:
rising pressures and speeds. The coat- Max. pressure: 350 bar
ing safeguards the sliding function and Max. speed: 2,200 rpm
Test duration: 1,000 hours
increases wear protection, while the
steel prevents deformations. BALINIT ®
C also improves the frictional behav-
iour of the axial pistons, thus prevent-
ing scuffing damage that results from
starved lubrication.
Abrasion properties of optimal combination was determined improvements come about if soft slid-
hydraulic system materials by model measurements of the wear ing materials are replaced by a heat-
A pairing of hard and soft materials of behaviour of various materials, includ- treatable steel (AISI 1045/DIN 1.1191)
construction is often used to minimise ing PVD-coated components. Solid and the hard plate is given a PVD
wear in axial piston pumps; an exam- particles in the flowing medium cause coating at the same time. The entire
ple is nitrided steel against bronze for a measurable increase in the clearance system gains in abrasion resistance.
the cylinder drum and valve plate. The between the discs under test. Marked
Vane pumps with Service life [h]
additive-free oil 10,000
Bearing steel
AISI 52100
Uncoated vanes in a vane pump (DIN 1.3505)
tested with additive-free hydraulic oil 1,000
uncoated TiN BALINIT® C
Pressure [bar]
Valves and fittings
Valves and fittings often suffer corrosion coupled with abrasion and erosion by
suspended particles. Abrasion resistance and protection against scuffing and
corrosion are essential requirements in the fabrication of components for high-
pressure systems in particular.
Solution concepts that unite all these properties, however, are virtually impossible
to implement with classical material pairings and without the use of coatings.
Leakage protection for of housings, seats and plunger edges Dry operation of
hydraulic valves even when contaminated media are pneumatic valves
PVD carbon coatings such as BALI- present. The net effect is to prevent BALINIT ® C lowers outage costs by
NIT ® C guard valves against wear and leakage. In a trial with proportional making it possible for pneumatic valves
thus allow them to operate precisely directional control valves and a HFA to operate without lubricant. These
and efficiently without leakage. By vir- hydraulic fluid, wear was cut to a valves perform functions such as pre-
tue of their great hardness, these coat- fraction of that measured on an un- cisely controlling the motion of paper
ings protect the precision geometries coated valve of heat-treatable steel. webs in papermaking machines. They
are usually lubricated with grease, but
they seize up, causing an expensive
Wear behaviour of BALINIT ® C (WC/C)-coated production stoppage, if the lubrication
hydraulic valves is lost. Coating with WC/C reduces
friction to the point that the pneumatic
Increase in clearance Δh [µm] valves can function without any grease
at all.
Ck 45 = AISI 1045
Valves in air conditioning
Corrosion and tribo-oxidation threaten
4 the stems of the valves that control the
2 admission of outside air in climate-con-
0 trol systems. Applying BALINIT ® C and
Valve housing: Cast iron Cast iron BALINIT ® DLC coatings cuts the coeffi-
Valve plunger: Ck 45 / 650 HV Ck 45 / 650 HV cient of friction and distinctly improves
uncoated WC/C-coated
corrosion protection, so that the valves
can perform their precise control func-
tion far longer.
Flow rate: 50 l/min
Valve housing
Valve type: 4/3 proportional control valve
Medium: HFA oil-water emulsion
Δh Source: PhD Thesis, St. Lehner,
Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls,
Aachen University (IFAS, RWTH Aachen)
Other applications
Machinery and systems where long Machine tools adhesion of molten stock to screw
life and/or reliability is needed impose tips, backflow valves, nozzles and
extreme requirements on precision Machine tools have to produce ever shutoff needles.
components, with an increasing risk more quickly and precisely. The conse-
of failure. Coating with BALINIT ® can quences include greater stresses and Threaded cores
significantly boost the performance, hence more wear, which works against Lubricants and mould-release agents
reliability and service life of mechanical machining precision and product qual- must not be employed in the injection
components so that they can meet all ity. BALINIT ® coatings contribute to moulding of caps for pharmaceutical
such specifications. maintaining precision as well as provid- packagings. With BALINIT ®-coated
ing custom-tailored wear protection cores, the maintenance interval for a
Many areas of mechanical engineering for machine-tool components such as 30-cavity mould can be extended from
benefit from the performance-enhanc- gearboxes, clamping systems, lead one week to over eight months. Re-
ing qualities of coatings. Functional re- screws, guide rails and disc cams. liable demoulding and a 10 % shorter
liability is improved, maintenance inter- cycle time result in a 20 % gain in
vals lengthened and operating costs Clamping systems productivity.
lowered. BALINIT ® C and BALINIT ® DLC keep
clamping systems working at a high
Several BALINIT ® coatings are ap- level of precision. Collet chucks suffer
proved for food industry and medtech undesired and precision-impairing
applications by RCC (Registration and wear, particularly where clamping oper-
Consulting Company) and FDA (Food ations are fast, as in mass production,
and Drug Administration). or clamping forces are high. Coating
cuts down on tribo-oxidation and fret-
ting and thus improves the efficiency
of clamping systems. Ejectors for plastics moulds
BALINIT ® C (WC/C) prevents seizing
of ejectors, improving reliability in the
injection moulding.
Textile machinery Spinning machines Food processing machinery
CrN coatings have proven their worth
Components of textile machines experi- on opening cylinders of open-end Corrosion in food processing machin-
ence severe abrasive wear from fibres spinning machines as well as on rings ery is often combatted with austenitic
and additives (e.g., titanium oxide) as of ring spinning frames. stainless steels. However, because
well as contaminants (dust). What is these are relatively soft materials, wear
more, increasingly fast motions in the Carbon coatings in ring spinning and scuffing are major problems. Ad-
machines imply high sliding speeds in frames fail prematurely because of the ditional problems arise, for example,
metallic frictional contacts. too high temperatures produced by the when filling plungers run in a closely
extremely high speed of the ring travel- toleranced cavity, the product exerts
Weaving machinery lers. only a slight lubricating action, and
may contain powdered additives that
Weft yarn holders CrN and DLC coatings are applied to increase wear. In many cases lubri-
Borided steel has been used for weft steel and ceramic thread guides. cants and conventional coatings can-
yarn holders in gripper looms. How- not be considered because all ma-
ever, the surface treatment produces terials that come into contact with
a relatively rough surface resulting in foodstuffs have to be inert to them.
poor performance. Coating with BALI- BALINIT ® coatings meet these require-
NIT ® CNI combines high hardness ments and are FDA approved.
(thus wear resistance) with surface
smoothness, so that the yarns can be Metering plungers
reliably held. Coating with BALINIT ® CNI greatly
improves the functioning of metering
plungers used to fill marmalade jars.
Opening cylinder of an open-end spinning frame Corrosion results both from the escape
with BALINIT ® CNI coating of fruit acid and from condensation
when the equipment is not operating.
Also abrasive wear occurs at gaskets
due to deposits of marmalade. With
BALINIT ® CNI coating, filling stations
can run without maintenance for many
Medical technology Precision mechanics
Partners in your success
Since the BALINIT ® rollout in 1980, Balzers PVD technology has been used to Applications support Logistics
Product Pretreatment
coat many hundreds of millions of components for renowned automotive manu- development
facturers and their suppliers as well as for the mechanical engineering industry.
The processes have found use in both low and high volume production. Balzers BALINIT®
has gained a position of world leadership in the field, pursuing a strategy that
begins with research and development and culminates in a high standard of
quality implemented in a global network of coating and application centres. Coating of
precision components Quality assurance
Test methods for quality assurance
Rockwell hardness (HRC) Substrate hardness Substrate hardness ± 1 HRC yes yes
Rockwell test Coating adhesion Substrate hardness ± 0.5 HF-Class yes yes
Stylus profilometer Roughness Geometry * no no
Abrading ball
Determination of coating v r
D Coating
thickness by calo grinding
In this method, a spherical cup is Substrate
BALINIT® coating
with abraded
spherical indentation
(top view)
Coating thickness measurement ences before the measurement is Coating thickness measurement
by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) performed. The instrument then com- by infrared spectroscopy
Coating thickness is measured by putes the coating thickness from the A special infrared (IR) procedure has
irradiating the surface under test with observed intensities for the coating been devised for BALINIT ® DLC. Infra-
broad-band x-rays. The intensities of and substrate material. red light directed at the IR-transparent
those x-ray fluorescence lines, which DLC coating is partly transmitted and
are characteristic of the coating, are X-ray excitation Ti intensity W-intensity partly reflected; the coating thickness
used as a measure of coating thick- is determined from the interference
ness. Calibrated spectra for the coat- TiN coating effect.
ing and substrate materials under
study are stored in the instrument. The WC grains
Methods used for specification and analysis
Cross section grinding/fracture Coating thickness none 0.1 - 0.5 µm yes yes
SEM, microscope Coating structure
EDX / SEM Coating composition Detectable element: * no no
Energy-dispersive X-ray boron or higher
Nano-/microhardness Coating hardness Geometry, roughness, ± 20 % yes no
coating thickness > 1µm
Scratch test Coating adhesion Substrate hardness * yes yes
Calowear test Coefficient of wear Planar surface * yes no
Tribometer Coefficient of friction Geometry * yes yes
Rotation, Oscillation Lifetime test
Surface scanner Surface topography Geometry * no no
While the methods used in the factory Balzers employs the following instru-
support economical, standardised ments: 1 µm
quality assurance in mass production,
more profound analytical methods are Scanning electron microscopes
available for development purposes. (SEM) with EDX
Some of these, however, are quite These microscopes yield high-resolu-
expensive and therefore do not often tion images of the surface. They use
find use in quality assurance. EDX (energy-dispersive x-ray spectros-
copy) systems to analyse the coating
composition and identify the elements Coating fatigue in a severely loaded DLC-coated
present. The SEM is also used to valve-train component.
Scanning electron micrograph, 8,000x
analyse the wear mechanism at work
in a tribosystem. The photomicrograph
at right shows fatigue wear on a criti-
cally stressed valve-train component
coated with DLC.
Scratch test
A Rockwell C diamond is drawn over
the coated surface under an increas- F
Scratch diamond
Scratch in BALINIT®-coated
surface, top view
Abrasive wear test (Calowear) ing, not right through. The test involves
The coating is abraded with a steel standardised parameters such as
ball and an abrasive paste, and its configuration, sphere size, speed and
coefficient of wear is determined from diamond slurry. The wear volume is
the results. In contrast to the case of then compared with a reference ma-
thickness measurement, the grinding terial, most commonly a standard
proceeds only partway into the coat- DLC coating.
Polishing ball
v r
Grinding slurry
Substrate material
The tribometer is used to measure the
coefficient of friction µ or the wear be-
haviour of surfaces. The specimens for
test can be set in rotation or oscillation
during the measurement, and lubricant
may be added depending on the pur-
pose of the measurement.
Wear trace in
WC/C coating
Surface scanner Structure analysis by
This laser scanner operates without x-ray diffraction
touching the specimen and produces XRD analysis uses x-ray diffraction to
a three-dimensional scan record used identify the crystalline phases of hard A
to verify the quality and roughness of coatings. The instrument holds all Under load:
coated component surfaces. possible phases of such coatings in elastic and
memory and compares them with the deformation
Nanohardness and
After unloading:
microhardness plastic deformation
Because of the relatively large test only
Applications support
Customer-oriented products and services
Production process and process engineering
The path that leads from incoming inspection of precision components for coat- Balzers’ coating know-how becomes
ing to shipment back to the customer is a specialised production process. Its apparent at the transition from the
many steps can be tailored to the coating that is required and its special qualities. etching to the coating phase. Optimal
adhesion of the functional coating is
ensured by precisely controlled appli-
cation of suitable intermediate films
by monolayer or multilayer processes.
Control of the plasma parameters de-
termines the coating properties, while
the tested hardware provides the
needed process reliability.
Post-processing and conservation Quality management does not start facilities supplying the automotive
In many cases Balzers carries out post- when the goods are received. An industry are additionally certified under
processing, for example when the understanding of what quality means ISO/TS 16949. Currently the coating
coated components must be demag- and an active partnership with the cus- centres in Lagny-sur-Marne/FR, Milton
netised or conserved. tomer impel Balzers to provide support Keynes/UK and Luxembourg/LU are
throughout the course of a project. accredited to NADCAP quality stand-
Mechanical finishing of coatings is This effort includes customised solution ard for the aerospace industry.
becoming more and more important. proposals that range from the choice
Even though coating increases the of coating to (for example) how a pro- To Balzers, quality means meeting the
surface roughness only slightly, the re- duct can be optimally packaged and customer’s requirements; this is the
moval of tiny metal droplets or growth conserved for shipment in order to key to customer satisfaction. Control
errors can further increase the tribo- create the best conditions for the coat- of the coating process, modern testing
logical performance of coated parts. ing process. laboratory management, availability of
test instruments, and the use of statis-
“Zero defects” tical process control (SPC) are there-
The Balzers quality objective is “zero de- fore the day-to-day components of
fects.” This level of quality is achieved Balzers technical quality control, which
with certified, process-based quality is based on many years’ experience
management. All Balzers coating in high volume production.
centres world-wide have ISO 9001
certification. Furthermore, Balzers was Quality management is not something
the first coating company to receive a static but a process that is a way of
10 µm
QS-9000 certificate for coating centres life and an area of continuous improve-
Surface of a PVD arc coating with droplets, that have specialised in the coating of ment for Balzers.
without finishing precision components. All production
10 µm
Galling Microblasting Phosphating
A more severe form of adhesive wear Bombardment of a surface with very A chemical treatment of ferrous ma-
associated with gross surface damage, fine abrasive (e.g., corundum with a terials with a dilute phosphoric acid,
chipping and transfer or displacement grain size of 10-20 µm) in order to by which the surface is converted to
of large material fragments. remove contaminants or impart struc- an integral, mildly protective layer of
ture or texture. insoluble phosphate.
Hard coatings
Coatings of very hard materials (com- Micropitting Pitting
monly metal carbides or nitrides, (grey staining) See Surface fatigue.
sometimes silicides, or diamond-like A form of surface degradation found in
carbon) applied to surfaces in order to gears, thought to be related to surface Plasma
impart greater resistance to wear and fatigue. A gas-like state often called the “fourth
lower the coefficient of friction. state of matter”, comprising electrically
Monolayer coating charged species (ions, electrons, ex-
Heat-treatment A hard coating applied in the form of cited and neutral particles).
The temperature of the final heat treat- a single homogeneous layer.
ment (tempering, precipitation harden- Plasma polymer
ing, annealing) must not be exceeded Multilayer coating A coating made up of a polymer de-
during coating because structural A “stack” of hard coating layers varying posited from the gas phase by plasma
changes in the part may occur other- in their properties. action.
Nitriding Plasma-assisted coating
Hertzian pressure (including plasma nitriding) processes
Effective pressure at the surface of A thermochemical treatment for up- See Vacuum coating processes.
contact between two arbitrarily curved grading (hardening, passivating) sur-
solids. face regions of ferrous materials by PVD
allowing nitrogen from solutions or (physical vapour deposition)
Ion etching gases to diffuse into the material. A vacuum coating process in which
Removal of material from a surface by Called “plasma nitriding” if performed the coating material is physically de-
ion bombardment. with the aid of a plasma. posited from the vapour phase. Pro-
cesses include ion plating, thermal/arc
Ion plating Outgassing evaporation and sputtering.
A vacuum coating process in which Thermal evaporation of organic resi-
the coating material is evaporated by dues and trapped gases. Residual stress
an electron beam. Elastic stresses in a coating, existing
PACVD when no external forces and moments
Ionisation (plasma-assisted chemical vapour are applied and mechanical equilibrium
Degree of ionisation deposition) holds. Residual stresses affect such
Production of electrically charged par- A vacuum process for depositing a properties as coating adhesion.
ticles (ions and electrons) in a gas by coating from the gas phase by a
various kinds of excitation (e.g., tem- chemical reaction aided by a plasma. Scuffing
perature, electric arc, high-frequency Localised surface damage in between
waves). The strength or extent of Passivating layer sliding surfaces due to adhesive wear,
ionisation is measured by the degree A layer that renders a surface less associated with cold welding and the
of ionisation. susceptible to chemical attack. breakdown of lubrication at high loads
and/or sliding speeds.
Seizing Tribo-oxidation Wear resistance
The most severe form of adhesive The oxidation of surfaces caused by Coefficient of wear
wear: cold welding due to high friction frictional contacts in the tribosystem The ability of a solid body to prevent
between the mating parts. (e.g., fretting corrosion). progressive loss of material from its
surface due to mechanical loading.
Sputtering Tribosystem The coefficient of wear is determined
Enhanced sputtering Tribological system by system-specific measurements.
A vacuum coating process in which The tribosystem consists of the struc-
the coating material is atomised by ion ture and the input and output condi- Wear-protection coatings
bombardment. tions. The structure includes the ma- See Hard coatings.
terial elements (frictional partners,
Stick-slip lubricant, contaminants), their prop-
The discontinuous or jerky motion erties and interactions. As the input
of two frictional partners. Static and conditions (forces, motion, tempera-
sliding friction alternate. ture) act upon the structure, they are
transformed into useful quantities
Substrate (work performed) and loss quantities
The component or the parent material (friction, wear).
to be coated.
Ultrasonic cleaning
Surface engineering The cleaning of solid surfaces in
Design and treatment of surfaces to liquids (aqueous detergent solutions
achieve optimum wear properties. or organic solvents) with the aid of
Surface fatigue
Damage to a surface due to dynamic Vacuum coating processes
loading. Surface fatigue results in the Processes for the application of
formation of cracks and the removal of homogeneous coatings to material
material in particle form (pitting, micro- surfaces using chemical and physical
pitting). processes carried out under high
vacuum. Vacuum coating processes
TiN coating include PVD, CVD and PACVD.
(titanium nitride)
A hard coating applied by PVD. WC/C coating
(tungsten carbide/carbon)
Tribology A hard coating applied by PVD.
The science and technology of inter-
acting surfaces in motion relative to Wear
one another. Tribology deals with Progressive loss of material from
processes such as wear, friction and the surface of a solid body due to
lubrication. tribological action.
Wear mechanisms
The physical and chemical processes
that cause the damage or wear.
Wear mechanisms include adhesion,
abrasion, surface fatigue and tribo-
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