CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ___________________________________ 1
1.1. Maintenance Manual Target Public ............................................................................................... 2
1.2. General Note ................................................................................................................................. 2
Maintenance Manual
Instructions for:
Preventive Maintenance
Corrective Maintenance
Target public:
Maintenance Technicians
Inspection Technicians
Repair Technicians
Prior to perform any maintenance work, switch the machine off via the main switch and
lock it with padlock in order to prevent serious injuries or material damages.
The bed assembly is greatly responsible for the machine rigidity, and consequently for its accuracy.
The lathe bed has been carefully designed in order to achieve simple and solid construction. The illustration
below shows some of the most important parts of this assembly.
Bed and Columns
The bed assembly, for 1000mm between centers machine version, is provided with a large column (A)
and a small column (B), both made of cast iron, to support the bed (C). For 2000mm between centers machine
version a middle column (D) is included.
The columns are rested on the ground by leveling screws, being 4 on the large column (A), 2 on the
small column (B) and 2 on the middle column (D).
The lathe bed (C) is also built in cast iron, very rigid, to assure the saddle accurate movement. The
prism/plan type guides are tempered and machined.
The ribbing has been developed aiming at conciliating the high rigidity desired with a good condition of
chips outflow. However, good chips outflow depends on the type of chip generated, and this depends directly
on using suitable toolset.
For the machine accuracy and geometric stability, it is very important that the machine would be precisely
leveled. This procedure is performed by Romi during the machine installation, and the customer is recommended
to have the machine leveling checked after one month and at every six months.
For leveling the machine, 2 high-accuracy (0,02mm/m) levels are required, at the position shown on
figure 1, ensuring that the leveling difference would be less than the tolerances specified for the longitudinal
and transversal directions. The bubbles always move towards the higher side. By tightening the screws on the
opposite side, the bubbles would be brought to the level center.
For example:
If the transversal level bubble would move towards the 2B screw area (see figure 2), tighten the 2A screw
for centralizing the bubbles.
When both bubbles would be centralized, the machine would be leveled. There is a tolerance for difference
of level from one to the other side, as shown on the following table:
Table 1
Note: Prior to use the levelers, remove the tool-holder base, and carefully clean the cross slide surface and
the levelers.
Cross slide
Figure 1
c. Level the machine through the leveling screws until the bubbles within the levelers are approximately
at the center.
Example: If the bubble would be to the left, tighten the right side screws and vice-versa.
Note: The bubble would always move towards the tightened screw side.
Transversal Adjust
1) After the bubbles would be at the leveler center, with the cross slide at the lathe bed center, move the
cross slide fully to the left. Check the bubble position in the transversally placed leveler. Following
the same procedure as in item "c" above, perform leveling so that the bubble would be at the leveler
2) Move the cross slide fully to the right and repeat the procedure in item "1" above.
3) After the bubble would be at the leveler center (transversal) at both ends and at the lathe bed center,
move the cross slide over the lathe bed fully from left to right, and check that the level variance will
not exceed the tolerance specified in table 1.
Should any difference of level exist above such tolerance, take the left end leveler reading as refe-
rence, and proceed as follows:
- If sides A and B are higher than sides B and C, tighten bolt 3B, located at the side opposite to the
higher side, until the transversal bubble leveler is approximately at the same level as the reference
plan (left end).
- If sides B and C are higher than sides A and B, tighten the 3A screw, located at the side opposite to
the highest side, until the transversal level bubble is approximately at the same level as the reference
plan (left end).
4) Move the cross slide again to the left, make a new reference and displace the cross slide to the right.
Check for any variations above tolerance specified in the table in relation to the reference. If there is
any difference, repeat the procedure.
a. Position the cross slide at the lathe bed center, and take the level longitudinally placed for referen-
- Move the cross slide to the left, with the level longitudinally placed adjusting from zero to "X" lower
than the center.
- Move the cross slide to the right, with the level longitudinally placed adjusting from zero to "X" lower
than the center.
Center above "X" higher than ends: Evenly loosen screws 2A and 2B. (fig.2).
Center lower than ends: Evenly tighten screws 2A and 2B. (fig.2).
Left end higher than center: Evenly loosen screws 1A and 1B (fig.2).
Left end above "X" lower than center: Evenly tighten screws 1A and 1B (fig. 2).
Right end higher than center: Evenly loosen screws 3A and 3B (fig.2).
Right end above "X" lower than center: Evenly tighten screws 3A and 3B (fig. 2).
1A 2A
SIDE DD Column Small SIDE BB
1B 2B 3B
C FIG. 2
Figure 2
Center above "X" higher than ends: Evenly loosen screws 3A and 3B. (fig.3 ).
Center lower than ends: Evenly tighten screws 3A and 3B. (fig.3).
Left end higher than center: Evenly loosen screws 1A , 2A, 1B and 2B (fig.3).
Left end above "X" lower than center: Evenly tighten screws 1A, 2A, 1B and 2B (fig. 3).
Right end higher than center: Evenly loosen screws 4A and 4B (fig.3).
Right end above "X" lower than center: Evenly tighten screws 4A and 4B (fig. 3).
Then check the transverse and longitudinal levelling and in case of need repeat procedures until it brings
specified tolerances.
1A 2A 3A 4A
1B 2B 3B 4B
Figure 3
The levelling must be checked each 6 months to keep the machine in good
conditions of operation.
The spindle is connected to a position encoder through an indented belt, with 1:1 transmission ratio.
The encoder function is to inform to the CNC control the spindle angular position and rotation, allowing perfect
synchronism between the spindle and advancement in a threading operation.
The position encoder unit is installed near the spindle and it is driven by pulleys and indented belt,
properly adjusted at the factory. Under normal working conditions, adjustments would not be necessary, but if
abnormal noises would occur at this portion of the machine, check the toothed belt. If teeth are damaged, the
belt should be replaced.
- Loosen the bolts (1) and move leftwards the encoder assembly (2) through the oblong;
- Remove the old belt (3);
- Place the new belt;
- Adjust the belt tension by moving the encoder rightwards;
- Tight the bolts (1).
The spindle roller bearings are permanently lubricated with special grease estimated to last for the
entire roller bearings service life. These roller bearings are protected by labyrinths that prevent the grease to
be contaminated by oil.
If by any reason, the spindle would require to be disassembled, its roller bearings should
be cleaned and lubricated again with special grease ISOFLEX NBU-15 (KLBER).
2.2.3. Alignment
Under normal conditions, aligning the headstock would not be necessary. However, if by any reason
missalignment would occur, of if the headstock would be replaced, maximum care should be taken with the
aligning operation.
The alignment of the headstock is an operation that directly influences the machine
accuracy and shall be done by qualified personnel only.
Using 50-mm steel bar and 300-mm useful measuring length, perform measuring using millesimal
clock at three points of the rod, distributed over 300-mm length and check conicality. If necessary, perform the
headstock alignment according to the following procedures.
a) 0.015mm toward only
Aligning on the vertical plan is done by adjusting the height of the shims (1) that support the headstock
on the lathe bed.
Geared Headstock
4 2
Geared Headstock 2
The Motorization basically consists of an AC Electrical Motor (1) located at the large column (2), provided
with driver and driven pulleys and micro V belt.
After some time of use, the belt (3) may loosen due to natural wear-out. If this would occur, proceed as
follows to replace or adjust it:
The table aside contemplates the values for Headstock Spindle New belt Used
belt tensioning, using the apparatus Optibelt
TT3. Geared A2-8" 60 a 62 56 a 58
In the absence of this apparatus, use an
apparatus suitable to micro V belt. Direct Drive A2-8" 53 a 54 49 a 51
Lifting eyebolts
Do notexecute
performqualquer operao ou
any maintenance trabalho de
operation or manuteno, antes de reading
work before carefully ler cuidadosamente
the motor
o manual do motor que acompanha a mquina.
manual that comes together with the machine.
Always switch the main switch off prior to accessing the fan. Such access could only be done when
the spindle and fan would be fully stopped.
Never attempt to access those devices while the machine would be powered-up. Serious accident
risks would exist.
Do No execute any
not perform qualquer operaooperation
maintenance ou trabalho
orde manuteno,
work antes de
before carefully ler cuidadosamente
reading the motor
o manual
manual do motor
that comes que acompanha
together a mquina.
with the machine.
2 1
The chuck (1) opening and closing motion is performed by a hydraulic cylinder (2), which applies a
force by draw tube (3) that interconnects both assemblies. To open the chuck, the cylinder applies a
compressive force, and to close it, the chuck applies a traction force.
The chuck may fasten the part by securing it by the inside or outside diameter depending on the
shape of the part to be machined. By using M codes (see list to follow), the CNC is informed on the
part fastening mode.
The cylinder motion, and consequently the chuck jaws motion (opened or closed), is informed to
CNC via two sensors located behind the cylinder, which indicate if the cylinder is pulled backwards
or forwards. Therefore, by using M code plus sensor information, the CNC controls the current chuck
position during machining.
Chuck Closed Without Piece - When the "chuck without part" sensor is activated
Chuck Unclamped - When the "chuck unclamped" sensor is activated
Chuck Closed With Piece - When none of the sensors above are activated.
In function of the actuation of these sensors, two messages may appear to warn that the plate is not
safe to operation: "Chuck Unclamped" or "Chuck Without Part. The function and message generated
by both sensors is inverted in function of the M code selected. When required, sensors must be
Chuck without part - There are two situations in which this message occurs:
1st When there is a command to secure the part and no part is present on chuck (or collet
chuck), thus activating the "chuck without part" sensor. This message generates Emergency
when occuring while the spindle is turning. If the spindle is stopped, it does not permit motion
of axes.
Possible causes: Check that there is part on chuck or whether the part is poorly secured,
2nd This message occurs after changing the part securing mode (M81, M82) and when the
"chuck without part" sensor is activated.
Possible causes: Check that the part is secured according to the mode selected. Check
sensors, solenoids, etc...
Chuck unclamped - This message usually occurs after opening the chuck. The command
generates this message after activating the output to release the part and with the "chuck
unclamped" sensor activated - this is not an alarm.
Possible causes: If this message is incorrectly generated, check that there is no part poorly
placed, sensor poorly adjusted or short circuited, etc...
Chuck fault when securing the part - Fault message. This message is generated by the
command after activating the output to secure the part and with the "unclamped part" sensor still
activated after expiring the supervision time. Generates audible alarm. The button "OK Operator"
resets audible alarm and the RESET key cancels the fault after eliminating the cause.
Possible causes: Check sensors, solenoids, etc... .
Chuck fault when releasing the part - Fault message. This message is generated by the
CNC after activating the output to release the part and without receiving any signal from the
"chuck unclamped" sensor within the supervision time. Generates audible alarm. The button
"OK Operator" resets audible alarm and the RESET key cancels the fault after eliminating the
Possible causes: Check sensors, solenoids. ,etc...
Unclamped part - This message usually occurs after changing the part securing mode (M81,
M82) and when the "chuck without part" sensor is activated. It generates audible alarm, axis
stop and spindle blocking. The button "OK Operator" resets audible alarm and the RESET key
cancels this messsage after eliminating the cause.
Possible causes: Check that the part is secured according to the mode selected. Check sensors
and solenoids.
Chuck fault - This message may occur due to chuck motion without command or when two
sensors are activated simultaneously. It generates audible alarm, axis stop or spindle blocking.
The button "OK Operator" resets audible alarm and the RESET key cancels this messsage after
eliminating the cause.
Possible causes: Check sensors, solenoids, etc....
The saddle movement (Z Axis) over the lathe bed and the cross slide (X Axis) over the saddle
provides the tool with the two movements required for the machining operation.
The saddle moves over the Z axis direction, driven by a servomotor coupled to the ballscrew (2)
though pulleys (3) and toohhed belt (4). The ballscrew (2) is supported by a frontal bearing house
(5) mounted with angular contact ball bearing (6 e 6A) and by a rear bearing house (7) mounted with
one ball bearing (8).
The bearings are lubricated with long-life grease. The ballscrew and guides lubrication is done by
Automatic Lubrication System.
1 5 2
6A 6
Check the belt conditions at every 4000 hours, and replace it if necessary.
The right bearing (5), placed beside the headstock, is assembled with a set
of angular contact roller bearings (6 and 6A) separated by a bushing (9). In case of Bearings
ballscrew removal, it is necessary to pay attention about the correct position for these arrangement (6 e 6A)
bearings assembly. DF ("O")
The shielded ball bearing (8) is assembled on the rear bearing (7) , with permanent
lubrication, and this does not requires a correct position for assembly. Grease
Bearings (6 and 6A) are lubricated with grease (ISOFLEX NBU- Grease
Bearings total
15 Klber). This is a long lasting grease that, under normal working Qty
conditions, is specified for 10.000 working hours. The grease quantity 6 and 6A 4,0 c.c. 8,0 c.c.
is indicated on the right beside chart.
Angular contact ball bearings (6 and 6A) are assembled with standard load, named as pre-load, which
is a predefined load for the perfect functioning of angular contact ball bearings and to eliminate bearing
Pre-load is the contact pressure between bearing and cover, calculated with the ball bearings housed
in the bearing - see figure bellow.
In order to adjust the pre-load it is necessary to put the bearing (6) in the housing paying attention
to the correct assembly position and put the cover (10). Then put the internal bushing (11), the
external bushing (9) and the bearing (6 a) in the housing paying attention to the correct assembly
position - . After this it is necessary to register B measure and adjust the cover (12) respecting a
measure A, which means B amount + (0,010 to 0,030mm). For example: if B = 5mm, A = 5,01 to 5,03
mm. When tightening the cover (12) against the bearing, this additional amount will turn the bearing
contact pressure, which means, the pre-load itself.
Bear in mind that the pre-load adjusting should be done for cover 12 only after assembling the cover
After the complete bearing pre-load adjusting the ballscrew can be assembled.
Remark: Tighten screws M10 of covers (10 and 12) with 50 Nm torque. Tighten also the nut SKF (13)
with 30 Nm torque. Covers screws should be alternately (in "X"shape).
6A 6
13 12
B 11 9
Bushings (9 and 11) are factory adjusted and should not have their lengths modified.
- Loosen the four bolts (1) and move the servomotor mounting flange (2) leftwards through the oblong;
- Remove the old belt;
- Put the new belt;
- Adjust the belt tension moving the mounting flange downwards.
- For finishing, tighten the bolts (1).
Belt Tensioning
The table below contemplates the values for belt tensioning, using the Optibelt TT3 device.
In the absence of this apparatus, use a device suitable to micro V belt. .
The cross slide moves over the X axis direction, driven by a servomotor (1) coupled to the ballscrew
(2) through pulleys (3) and toothed belt (3).
The ballscrew is supported by 2 roller bearings (frontal and rear).
The ball bearing (7) is coupled to cross slide (6) and doe not require pre-loading.
Rear bearing (5) is assembled with a set of angular contact axial roller bearings (8 e 8A).
7 8 8A
Rear bearing (5) is assembled with a set of angular contact axial ball bearings Bearings arrangements
(8 e 8A). In case of ballscrew disassembly it is necessary to pay attention about the (8 e 8A)
correct position when assemblying the bearings again.
DF ("X")
Shielded roller bearing (7) is coupled to the frontal bearing (6), with permanent
lubrication which does not require a correct assembly position. Grease
The angular contact ball bearings (8 and 8A) are assembled with standard load, named as pre-load,
which is a predefined load for the perfect functioning of angular contact ball bearings and to eliminate
bearing gap.
Pre-load is the contact pressure between bearing and cover, calculated with the ball bearings housed
in the bearing - see figure bellow.
In order to adjust pre-loading it necessary to put bearings (8 e 8A) in their housing - paying attention to
the correct assembly position. Then the cover (10) should be adjusted with a B measurement (equal
to the A measurement plus (0,040 to 0,060mm). For example: if A = 5mm, B = 5,04 to 5,06 mm.
When tighting the cover on the bearing this additional amount will turn the bearing contact pressure,
which means, the pre-loading. After bearing pre-loading the ballscrew (2) can be assembled.
2 9
8 8A 10
3 4
The side table contemplates the values for belt tensioning, using New belt Used belt
the Optibelt TT3 device.
In the absence of this apparatus, use a device suitable to micro V 179 a 188 150 a 160
2.5.3. Guides
The saddle moves on the lathe bed driven by ballscrew (Z axis). The lathe bed is provided with tempered
and machined guides, being the saddle covered by turcite on the surfaces in contact to the lathe bed guides.
The contact between turcite and cast iron reduces the friction coefficient providing less displacement
A tempered and machined guide is placed atop the saddle. The cross slide slides over this guide through
the movement provided by X ballscrew. The elimination of gap between the cross slide guides and saddle
guides is achieved through a taper gib adjustment.
ROMI C620 v3.0 machine has 3 taper gibs to eliminate the gap on sliding sub-assemblies. One is
located on the cross slide (X axis) and 2 are located on the longitudinal carriage (saddle) (Z axis).
Taper gibs should be adjusted (tightened) to eliminate the gap between the cross slide and the
saddle prism and the longitudinal and the bed. The excess on taper gibs tightenin may cause the
locking of the sub-assembly.
When adjusting the taper gib, take into consideration that this adjustment will displace the cap
laterally until the rule would accommodate and eliminate the gap.
For this reason, the ballscrew nut front bolts shall be loosen to allow the cap to move freely.
2 1
carriage (saddle)
Cross slide adjusting screw
adjusting screw
4 3
The taper gib adjust is an operation that directly influences the machine accuracy and shall
be done by qualified personnel only.
A) Turn the machine off. Remove the four screws (1) and the two guide pins (2) that fix the cross slide
to the ballscrew. This way the cross slide is released;
B) Reach the adjusting screws (3 and 4) of cross slide taper gib through the chip scraper;
C) Loosen screw (3) with an 8mm Allen wrench to enable the taper gib adjustment; Procedures for adjustment of longitudinal carriage (saddle) (Z axis) taper gib:
A) Turn the machine off. Loosen the screws (5) of Z axis ballscrew;
B) Access the adjusting screws (3 and 4) of longitudinal carriage taper gib;
C) Loosen screw (3) with na 8mm Allen wrench to enable the taper gib adjustment;
D) Reach the screw (4) with a 5mm Allen wrench inside the screw (3). Tighten it with turn each time
to press the taper gib inside the longitudinal carriage until the elimination of the gap;
Caution: The excess of tightening may cause the longitudinal carriage locking on the guide;
E) After eliminating the gap, tighten the screw (3) until it touches the taper gib. Loosen the screw (4) until
the taper gib clamps between two screws;
F) Tighten the screws of the ballscrew that were loosen in the beginning of this procedure;
G) Turn the machine on . Move the longitudinal carriage to check if it moves smoothly without the overload
on the servomotor.
The pin is located behind the tailstock and is actuated to avoid the contact between the longitudinal carriage
(Z axis) and the tailstock, activating the micro switch sensor (S325) placed inside the longitudinal carriage.
The driving of this micro switch by the pin is treated in two different ways, depending on the situation it
occurs (JOG mode or AUTO mode).
If the micro switch is actuated during Z axis movement, in JOG mode, the following message will appear:
Warning! Axis in a collision area with the tailstock.
If the micro switch is actuated during Z axis movement, in AUTO mode, the following message will appear:
Z axis end of travelling.
Micro Switch
The tailstock is positioned at the right end of the machine lathe bed.
The machine is equipped with three front doors. The access to the tailstock is by displacing the right
door leftwards.
Right Door
2.6.2. Lubrication
The lubrication of the tailstock quill is done through greasers (1). This lubrication shall be performed at
every 8 working hours, but such period should be reduced under extreme working conditions.
Use DIN 51502 CGLP68 lube oil.
Before checking tailstock alignment make sure the machine is correctly leveled. Tailstock leaves
the factory perfectly aligned and, under normal working conditions, the alignment is not necessary.
However a checking at every 4000 working hours is advisable.
If for any reason a misalignment occurs or a replacement is required it is a maximum care during
tailstock alignment procedures.
The checking between tailstock quill and saddle longitudinal movement should be performed
with the use of a thousandth dial (see below figure);
Figura / Diagram: L
The quill parallelism on XZ and YZ planes is provided with the scraping. Under normal working
conditions this adjustment will not be required. In case of need to perform this procedure please
contact ROMI After Sales Service.
Having a steel bar (50mm and 300mm long), follow the procedures below:
Clamp the piece between the chuck and the tailstock.
Perform a finishing machine operation removing minimum material from workpiece. (low feed
and low cutting speed).
Use a micrometer to measure the diameters of both ends of the piece, checking for the taper
Taper value divided by two or half of the taper value will indicate the displacement value of
tailstock for aproppriate adjustment.
In order to perform the adjustment see "Procedure for tailstock alignment".
Having a 300mm long machined rod perform the measurement between centers with a thousandth
dial in three positions along said rod to check the misalignment. See allowed tolerances below:
b) 0,030mm
(upward - higher than headstock "at cold")
Recommended cylindricity
for the rod = 0,003mm
Aligning the movable headstock is an operation that directly influences the machine accuracy
and shall be done by qualified personnel only.
Tailstock is provided with a side system alignment through screws and keys which guarantees
the alignment between tailstock and headstock center lines.
In order to make this effective it is necessary to loosen screw (1), nuts (2) and adjust the
alignment through screws (3) and (4).
See the following example:
4 1
The tailstock is provided with a MT5 Live Center, which can be extracted manually. For doing so, advance
the quill until the extraction slot would become visible, and then use the extraction wedge and hit it smoothly
until the live center be loosen from the quill. Remove the live center and extracting wedge manually.
Extracting Wedge
For the assembly conservation, it is important to keep the MT5 live center mounted
to the assembly even if not in use, thus preventing impurities to enter.
The lathe bed, saddle and cross slide guides, and the ballscrews are lubricated by the Automatic
Lubrication System.
The system contains an intermittent automatic pump driven by electric motor with
regulated oil injection cycles The oil distributors deliver oil to the friction points.
Not all lubricant oils are compatible with all coolant liquids. The lubricant oil shall
present proper de-emulsifying behavior before the coolant liquid.
Lubricant suppliers can report on compatibility between lubricant oil and coolant
Discharge Pressure
43 PSI (3 Kgf/cm2).
The system peak pressure would decrease when:
1 - The discharge volume decreases.
2 - The oil viscosity increases.
Tank Capacity
0.5 gal (1.8 liters)
Lubrication Filter
It shall be periodically inspected and cleaned or changed, as required.
220 V (50/60 Hz), 3 Watt Synchronous.
Oil Level
Check the lubricating oil level on a daily basis, and fill up the oil level in the tank, if
Do not remove the screen filter for filling-up the tank.
If the machine has remained stopped for some days, it is necessary to manually actuate
the lubrication system, checking the following procedure:
Check the plunge stem position.
Should the plunge stem be fully lowered, manually lift it until it sucks the oil, and let the
stem return to the original position lubricating all points of the machine.
Should the plunge stem not be fully lowered, the machine shall be switched on and wait
for the stem to return, and then lift it manually so that it would suck the oil, and let the
stem to return to its original position.
After pulling the lever, do not push it down because it would to its original
position by the spring system.
Do not fill the oil tank while the axes are switched on. Switch them off
before filling.
Retorno por sistema de mola
Should the lubricator not be actuating, the possible causes could be:
Low oil level
Contaminated oil
Clogged pipes
Disrupted pipes (line open)
Dirt in suction filter
Damage to pump piping
Improper oil viscosity
Air in the piping system
Pressure switch
Flow Unit
Line Filter
Changing the suction filter every 12 months of
operation is recommendable.
Line Filter
The following procedure is required for setting the oil discharge volume:
NOTE: Proceed to setting only with the drive plunge completely free from the motor actuation.
Never use oil of other type or brand. This could cause chemical decomposition forming
viscosity residue to different admixtures used by suppliers. This viscosity residue
could clog the dosing outlets to the lubrication points. Always use oil of recommended
viscosity and quality.
If changing the oil brand or supplier, fully change the oil in the system, including the
oil remaining in piping.
For changing the oil at the beginning of a work shift, drain the oil remaining in the tank, throughly
clean the tank, check the suction filters and fill-up the tank with clean oil.
If changing oil would occur at the end of a work shift or out of normal working hours, in addition to the
procedure above, completely drain the oil remaining in piping though forced lubrication, by actuating
the lubrication pump manually.
6 Front View
4 10
Rear View
7 8
10 Oil distributors
"A" Detail
ROMI C620 v3.0 accessories Hydraulic Operated Tailstock, Hydraulic chuck, Brake for Direct
Drive Headstock and 72 positions Indexing for Geared Headstock need a Hydraulic Unit as mandatory
accessory to actuate them.
Volume 25 liters
Maximum Pressure 50 bar
13.4 l/min (50 Hz)
Flow rate
13,0 l/min (60 Hz)
Oil type DIN 51502 HLP 32
50 C
1 Oil Supply
2 Heat Exchangers
3 Level indicator 2
4 Oil Emptying Plug
2.8.1. Periodical Maintenance
Hydraulic Oil:
Check the oil level on a daily basis. In case level variation would be noticed, contact the maintenance
personnel in order to diagnose the cause and refill the unit.
The upper yellow mark of the Oil Level Indicator at the side of the hydraulic fluid tank indicates the
maximum oil level (rated capacity) of this hydraulic unit.
The bottom red mark below the Oil Level Indicator indicates the minimum level.
Never operate the pump with the oil level below the red mark.
Suction filter:
Inspect and clean the filter after the first 90 hours and at every 360 hours of operation. The filter is
located within the hydraulic unit.
Changing the oil, replacing the line filter filtering element and cleaning the tank are recommended
after the first 1000 hours and at every 2000 hours of operation, or in case of contamination.
Filtering element code: Romi S12654 / HDA 114.139
Note: The line filter is monitored by an electronic indicator, which is actuated when the filter is saturated; a
sound alarm and dirty filter message would occur at the control panel. During cold starts, actuation
of the indicator could occur because of the hydraulic oil viscosity increment; if this would occur, wait
until the oil would reach the normal working temperature. Is the filtering element is not contaminated,
the indicator would reset automatically; otherwise, the filtering element should be replaced and the
oil changed, if contaminated.
Operating the hydraulic unit pump with the oil level below minimum could cause the
following accidents:
Air would flow more easily in the oil, and this would result in pump fault, noise, defective
valve, or unstable pressure.
Chatter would occur to piping, resulting in oil leakage. The hydraulic fluid quality would
be impaired.
Heat Exchanges :
In case of need for cleaning the heat exchanger, the external part shall be cleaned with compressed
air or water. The jet direction must be parallel to the vanes to prevent damage to them.
Better result can be achieved by adding detergent, but be careful about products that could da-
mage aluminum.
In case of oil or grease built-up, it would be necessary to clean by steam jet or hot water.
In case of need for cleaning the heat exchanges inner part, it should be disassembled. Dirt can
be removed by circulating degreasing product through the exchanger. Such operation can take
from 10 to 30 minutes.
The degreasing product remaining in the heat exchanger inside after the cleaning operation shall
be removed by running water.
The electrical motor must be protected during the cleaning operation.
For accessing the Hydraulic Unit the protection
cover shall be removed. The pressure gauge is
located in the unit itself, as shown on the side
The side table shows the maximum Nose Hydraulic
Autoblok Chuck setting
(ASA) Cylinder
working pressure in function of the hydraulic pressure
chuck used: A2-8 Autoblok BHM/BHD 250 VNK 150-67 33 bar
Geared Headstock
Autoblok BHM/BHD 315 VNK 150-67 39 bar
A2-8 Autoblok BHM/BHD 250 VNK 150-67 33 bar
Direct Drive
Headstock Autoblok BHM/BHD 315 VNK 225-95 26 bar
(acessrio) (acessrio) (acessrio)
A4 A1 D T T1
A3 B3 B1 A2 B2
V23 A B
V26 Y421 Y422
V29 G2
V22 V3
Hydraulic Diagram
V45 V5
A B V4
Y423 Y424
Y161 B G3
V35 S2
A1 A2
B1 B2 10
Y322 Y321
Y422 Y421
4.1 4 4.2
7.2 7 7.1 3.1 3
6 6.1 2
9.1 9 1.1 1 1.2
S423 P P
T (Hydraulic chuck) T (Hydraulic Tailstock)
The complete coolant system contains one tank located at the machine rear portion. This system
is used for cooling the cutting tools and the workpiece during machining, in addition to cleaning the
machining area from chips. When starting the work shift, check the oil level at the tank viewer and, if
necessary, add oil of same characteristics.
To prevent cutting fluid contamination, clogging and other problems, pay attention to frequent
cleaning, which will depend on the type of chips produced during machining.
The first cleaning shall be carried out upon 360 hours of operation.
For performing the tank cleaning, the machine must be switched off.
The coolant tank is provided with two (2) filters. Clean the filters on a daily basis (one at a time).
When the machine would be machining materials such as: brass, aluminum, cast iron, or similar alloys,
the filters must be cleaned at every 4 hours.
Removing chips from the coolant tank case shall be done according to the need.
N Qty. Item
1 4 Leveling and mounting bolt
2 2 Filters
3 1 Drain plug
4 1 Level Viewer
Use only cutting fluid specific for CND lathes, which fluid must be in the dilution proportion recommended
by suppliers. Use of improper cutting fluids could cause damages to the PVC protection, to electrical
components and could cause the machine components to rust.
View A
2 4
Oil / Cooler
Coolant Pump
3 1
Motor-pump Chip
Connector Conveyor
(Wash Gun) Connector
The coolant fluid volume in the tank must be monitored through the level viewer. The capacity mentioned
above represents the tank total volume.
The coolant liquid must be compatible with the oil used for lubrication, that is, it should present proper
de-emulsifying before the same.
Damages caused by using improper or impure coolant liquids are not covered by our guarantee.
The drag conveyor belt shall be used for fine chips, while the caterpillar conveyor shall be used for
elongated or entangled chips originating from machining operations with or without coolant liquids.
Emergency button
Oil / Cooler
Coolant Pump Separator
Connector connector
Motor-pump Chip
Connector Conveyor
(Wash Gun) Connector
Do not connect or disconnect the Refrigeration and/or Chip Conveyor connectors while the Master Switch
would be at the ON position (switched on). Pay attention when inserting or extracting the connectors.
Ensure that they would not be wet when handling them. Electrical shock risk would exist.
If any device has been removed or not installed, ensure that the connector covers are at their proper
The main voltage present at those connectors is 380VAC. The command signal used with the
Chip Conveyor is 24VDC.
Never connect any other device beside the Coolant Pump and Chip Conveyor specified for this machine,
under risk of causing severe damage do the machine/device and injury to the operator.
Keep the area of these two connectors always clean and free from any obstructions.
DIN 51502
HLP 32
Likewise, abnormal heating of any equipment part may indicate problems that could cause the machine
to partially or fully shut-down.
2.14. WIPERS
The machine guides life directly depends on wipers care and maintenance. If the wipers would be damaged,
particles could clog the lubrication points, causing serious wear-out to the lathe bed machined guides. For such
purpose, the wipers shall be regularly checked and replaced, if damaged.
The Worklight basically consists of one reactor, sockets and fluorescent lamps, at it is mounted to the
rear cover upper part.
The rear enclosure covers (1) must be removed for purposes of reactor maintenance or lamp change.
Type Fluorescent
Voltage 220V
Frequency 50/60Hz
Do not attempt to access the lamps while the ma-
Power 13W
chine is powered on.
Reactor Quick Start-up Ensure that power would be cutoff before replacing
lamps or reactors.
Frontal door glasses are fixed by metalic frames screwed in internal side of the doors.
Each glass is comprised of multi-layers of protection. If glass replacement is required it is necessary to
pay attention to the correct assembly position. See ROMI logo mark as a reference that should be placed in
front of the operator view.
Door Glass
The operators door is equipped with two Electrical interlock safety switch (1) located at the machine
upper part (as per drawing below). Electrical unlocking can only be done when the machine is
powered-up, releasing the doors opening. In need for opening the door without the machine being
powered-up, follow the procedure below:
1. Loosen the metal lock bolt (2) until unlocking the mechanical release key (3).
Note: The bolt (2) has a seal that would be broken-down when loosened.
2. Turn the mechanical release key (3) clockwise to the open padlock position (180) observing
the arrow indication; At this position, the safety lock becomes released, allowing the door to be
3. After opening the door, you must return the mechanical release key (3) to its initial position,
by turning it counterclockwise to the closed padlock position (-180) observing the arrow
NOTE: If the machine would be powered-up with the lock actuation at the released position (padlock
open), it would not be possible to eliminate the emergency status, because the safety
electrical lock would generate a fault signal, thus keeping the safety status.
2 3
Frequent cleaning:
Filtering mat:
The equipment maintenance and cleaning assures proper functioning and longer life. Avoid using solvents
containing dichloride-ethane, hydrochloric methylene or acetone for cleaning. Keep the working area clean and organized
to prevent accidents.
Ensure that the Skimmer is switched off when performing any intervention.
The customer must provide a container for
waste collection.
Separador de
er leo/Refrigerante
mm de
Improper waste disposal could contaminate the Sep efrig
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The tool-holder turret essentially consists of an enclosure containing the operating components, and
securely mounted to the machine table or equivalent part.
The enclosure frontal part is provided with a tool-holder disk. Tool supports or similar devices can be
mounted to this disk, which has a centering feature and mounting threads.
By using a three-part coupling with frontal teeth, no axial disk displacements would occur during
locking and unlocking.
The rotation and locking movements are performed by a three-phase motor located at the enclosure
back part.
A connection to coolant oil allows direct oil supply into the disk.
The electrical components are under a protective cover at the turret back part. The turret is
Eyebolt Motor and electrical
Coolant inlet
Coolant outlet
In need for the electrical turret transporting/lifting use Indstrias Romi S.A.
Av. Prola Byington, 56
Santa Brbara d'Oeste- SP - Brasil
C om r ia iza o S o a o S
e c l
Rua Coriolano, 710
: P ul
S 3-3388
o) 3- 87
Telefone +55 19 3455-9000 Fax P(a11 ) 38 65-9510
The indexing assembly is placed behind the headstock and it provides the spindle locking during
a pre-determined machining plan thru CNC program. The spindle program should be done in 5
to 5 degrees for the corret indexing position for locking. After the angular positioning there is M22
comand to actuate the piston and M23 comand to turn the piston off.
Piston is hydraulically actuated and its return occurs thru a spring system.
See adjusting parameter in electrical diagram to provide the angular adjusting for the correct piston
fitting to the gear.
In case of a different angle program than 5 to 5 degrees spindle will be located in a wrong angle for
the piston fitting to the gear.
Components description
N Description
1 Piston for indexing locking
2 72-teeth gear
3 Valve (V45) / Solenoid (Y161)
4 Sensors (S161 /S162)
When the machine is equipped with indexing a limit pressure valve is added on hydraulic line
which should be adjusted in 15 bar to limit the working pressure of the indexing.
For additional information of hydraulic system please see the chapter Hydraulic System .
0,5 mm
0,5 mm
Both sensors should never be turned on/off simultaneously. In this case previous procedures
should be performed again.
Power outlet
Port RS232
Do neither connect nor disconnect the RS-232 serial cable without switching the machine main
switch off. Otherwise, the serial port could be damaged.
Do not use supply form other equipment when the serial cable is connected to the machine. Such action
could damage the CNC serial port. Always use supply from the machine to which it is connected.
Care must be taken when connecting any instrument to the electrical power socket.
Ensure that the instrument connected to the power socket would not exceed the current provided
by the socket.
Ensure that the instrument is set to the electrical power socket voltage.
Voltage would always be present at the socket while the main switch will be switched on. Be careful
before connecting any instruments to the socket.
Do not connect any instruments other than those indicated for use.
CURRENT (Maximum): 1A
The Control panel and Electrical Cabinet have been designed in optimized manner aiming at occupying
small volume space in the machine layout, in addition to having IP54 protection degree. Therefore,
to prevent any type of damage to electric-electronic components do not install any type of equipment
to these assemblies.
Romi understands that for installing any type of equipment, drilling and threading operations would
be required to the Control Panel and/or Electrical Cabinet Casing, making possible the infiltration of
filings and small chips, in addition to modifying the protection degree, thus promoting contamination,
and consequently, compromising the proper machine functioning. Attention:
Romi would not be liable for damages occurred due to modifications made to these assemblies.
Always switch the Main Switch off prior to accessing this area, observing the safety procedures
for electrical installations and works with electricity.
Periodically cleaning/replacing the ventilation filter is mandatory. The time for cleaning the filter
shall be accessed in accordance with the working environment where the machine is installed.
The customer shall access the time interval required for cleaning the filter. This time interval could
be changed on the CNC "Customer" screen (default value = 192 hours). The customer shall be
effectively alerted about the filter change periodicity (preventive maintenance). After this time count,
an alarm would occur: "Check the electrical panel filters cleanliness".
When changing the filter pay attention that the sealing foam would be properly fixed to the filter
metallic frame. For ordering this filter from Romi, please check the code in the Parts Catalog (see
Chapter "Plate-works").
Never leave the panel switched on without the filter at the air intake.
Check that all parts related to the electrical panel are properly attached and sealed. The electrical
panel inside must be a clean location; therefore, if during periodical inspections, dirt would be
found in it, dirt must be removed.
Always switch the main switch off before accessing the electrical cabinet.
Never attempt to access any components within the cabinet while the machine is powered-up. Serious
accident risks would exist.
Ensure that the proper procedures for electrical connections have been obeyed prior to power-up the
machine for the first time.
It is highly recommendable all electrical connections to be checked and re-tightened, using proper tool,
during the machine installation procedure. Always check for loose wiring or connections. Check all connectors
used. It is recommended to check for loose components inside or outside the electrical cabinet.
This chart has the purpose of guiding the machine user on periodically inspection for the key
The periodicity recommended must be reduced in function of the environment severity and work conditions,
which the machine will be exposed to. This hypothesis must be analyzed by the maintenance department
via follow-up of the operation and conditions of the internal machine components.
1.5 year
Check coolant lubricant valve for wear and leakage (see turret manual) (4000 hs)
Check oil of the turret gearbox chamber (see turret manual) (4000 hs)
Change the oil of the turret gearbox chamber (see turret manual) (8000 hs)
Inspect and lubricate the bearings of the X and Z axes (10.000 hs)
Check electrical lines and connections of the turret (see turret manual)
(*) = Considering 8-hour shift / 5 days a week