GR150XL 1
GR150XL 1
GR150XL 1
NOTE: The lifting capacity data stored in the LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR (AML-C) is based on the standard
number of parts of line listed in the chart.
Standard number of parts of line for each boom length should be according to the following table.
GR150XL-1 2
A 17.4' 30' 42' 54' 66' 78'
B C (5.3m) C (9.0m) C (12.7m) C (16.4m) C (20.1m) C (23.8m)
4' 70 30,000 79 13,200
5' 67 30,000 77 13,200 81 13,200
6' 63 28,800 75 13,200 80 13,200
8' 54 23,800 71 13,200 77 13,200 80 11,000
10' 44 17,800 67 13,200 74 13,200 78 11,000 80 9,900
12' 31 14,800 62 13,200 71 13,200 76 11,000 79 9,900 81 6,600
15' 55 10,150 67 10,000 72 9,450 76 8,950 79 6,600
20' 42 5,800 59 5,550 67 6,300 71 6,550 75 5,950
25' 20 3,600 50 3,400 60 4,050 67 4,400 71 4,500
30' 39 2,100 54 2,650 61 3,000 67 3,100
35' 25 1,250 47 1,800 56 2,050 62 2,250
40' 38 1,150 51 1,350 58 1,550
45' 28 700 45 950 53 1,050
50' 37 650 48 700
55' 43 450
D 0 26 39
A :Boom length in feet B :Load radius in feet C :Loaded boom angle (o) D :Minimum boom angle (o) for indicated length (no load)
NOTE: The lifting capacity data stored in the LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR (AML-C) is based on the standard
number of parts of line listed in the chart.
Standard number of parts of line for each boom length should be according to the following table.
C :Loaded boom angle ( )
R :Load radius in fee
W :Rated lifting capacity in pounds
GR150XL-1 4
C :Loaded boom angle ( )
R :Load radius in fee
W :Rated lifting capacity in pounds
GR150XL-1 5
1. RATED LIFTING CAPACITIES apply only to the machine as 10. When making lifts at a load radius not shown, use the next
originally manufactured and normally equipped by TADANO longer radius to determine allowable capacity.
LTD. Modifications to the machine or use of optional 11. Load per line should not exceed 4,000 lbs. (1,800kg) for
equipment other than that specified can result in a reduction main hoist and auxiliary hoist.
of capacity. 12. Check the actual number of parts of line with LOAD MOMENT
2. Hydraulic cranes can be hazardous if improperly INDICATOR (AML-C) before operation. Maximum lifting
operated or maintained. Operation and maintenance of this capacity is restricted by the number of parts of line of LOAD
machine must be in compliance with information in the MOMENT INDICATOR (AML-C). Limited capacity is as
Operation and Maintenance Manual supplied with determined from the formula, Single line pull for main hoist
the crane. If this manual is missing, order a replacement 4,000 lbs.(1,800kg) x number of parts of line.
through the distributor. 13. The boom angle before loading should be greater to account
3. The operator and other personnel associated with this for deflection. For rated lifting capacities, the loaded boom
machine shall fully acquaint themselves with the latest angle and the load radius is for reference only.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) safety 14. The 17.4' (5.3m) boom length capacities are based on boom
standards for cranes. fully retracted. If not fully retracted [less than 30' (9.0m)
boom length], use the rated lifting capacities for the 30' (9.0m)
SET UP boom length.
1. Rated lifting capacities on the load chart are the maximum 15. Extension or retraction of the boom with loads may be
allowable crane capacities. They are based on the machine attempted within the limits of the RATED LIFTING CAPACITIES.
standing level on firm supporting surface under ideal job The ability to telescope loads is limited by hydraulic pressure,
conditions. Depending on the nature of the supporting boom angle, boom length, crane maintenance, etc.
surface, it may be necessary to have structural supports 16. For lifting capacity of single top, reduce the rated lifting
under the outrigger floats or tires to spread the loads to a capacities of relevant boom according to a weight reductions
larger surface. for auxiliary load handling equipment. Capacities of single top
2. For outrigger operation, outriggers shall be properly extended shall not exceed 4,000 lbs. (1,800kg) including main hook.
with tires free of supporting surface before operating crane. 17. When jib removing, jib state switch select removed.
18. When erecting and stowing jib, be sure to retain it by hand or by
OPERATION other means to prevent its free movement.
1. Rated lifting capacities have been tested to and meet 19. Use "ANTI-TWO BLOCK" disable switch when erecting and
minimum requirements of SAE J1063-Cantilevered Boom stowing jib and when stowing hook block. While the switch is
Crane Structures Method of Test. pushed, the hoist does not stop, even when overwind condition
2. Rated lifting capacities do not exceed 85 % of the tipping occurs.
load on outriggers fully extended as determined by SAE 20. For boom length with 11.8' (3.6m) jib, rated lifting capacities are
J765-Crane Stability Test Code. determined by loaded boom angle only in the column headed
Rated lifting capacities for partially extended outriggers are "78' (23.8m) boom + 11.8' (3.6m) jib".
determined from the formula, Rated Lifting Capacities For boom length with 18' (5.5 m) jib, rated lifting capacities
=(Tipping Load - 0.1 x Tip Reaction)/1.25. are determined by loaded boom angle only in the column
3. Rated lifting capacities above bold lines in the chart are headed "78' (23.8m) boom + 18' (5.5m) jib".
based on crane strength and those below, on its stability. For angles not shown, use the next lower loaded boom angle
They are based on actual load radius increased by boom to determine allowable capacity.
deflection. 21. When lifting a load by using jib (aux. hoist) and boom (main
4. The weight of handling device such as hook blocks, slings, hoist) simultaneously, do the following:
etc., must be considered as part of the load and must be Enter the operation status as jib operation, not as boom
deducted from the lifting capacities. operation.
5. Rated lifting capacities are based on freely suspended loads Before starting operation, make sure that mass of load is
and make no allowance for such factors as the effect of wind, within rated lifting capacity for jib.
sudden stopping of loads, supporting surface conditions, 22. Be very careful not to come in contact with the mirror, engine
inflation of tires, operating speeds, side loads, etc. Side pull cover, etc. with following warning messages. When operating
on the boom or jib is extremely dangerous. crane in the following case.
6. Rated lifting capacities do not account for wind on lifted load When lowering the boom angles less than 12
or boom. We recommend against working under the condition When swinging with the boom angles less than 12
that the load is out of control due to a strong wind.During
boom lift, consider that the rated lifting capacity is reduced by
50% when the wind speed is 20mph(9m/s) to 27mph(12m/s);
reduced by 70% when the wind speed is 27mph(12m/s) to DEFINITIONS
31mph(14m/s).If the wind speed is 31mph(14m/s) or over, 1. Load Radius: Horizontal distance from a projection of the axis
stop operation. During jib lift, stop operation if the wind speed of rotation to supporting surface before loading to the center of
is 20mph(9m/s). the vertical hoist line or tackle with load applied.
7. Rated lifting capacities at load radius shall not be exceeded. 2. Loaded Boom Angle: The angle between the boom base
Do not tip the crane to determine allowable loads. section and the horizontal, after lifting the rated lifting capacity
8. Do not operate at boom lengths, radii, or boom angle, where at the load radius.
no capacities are shown. Crane may overturn without any 3. Working Area: Area measured in a circular arc about the
load on the hook. centerline of rotation.
9. When boom length is between values listed, refer to the 4. Freely Suspended Load: Load hanging free with no direct
rated lifting capacities of the next longer and next shorter external force applied except by the hoist line.
booms for the same radius. The lesser of the two rated lifting 5. Side Load: Horizontal side force applied to the lifted load either
GR150XL-1 capacities shall be used. on the ground or in the air. 6
A Stationary Creep
Over Front 360 o Rotation Over Front
17.4' 30' 42' 17.4' 30' 42' 17.4' 30' 42'
B C (5.3m) C (9.0m) C (12.7m) C (5.3m) C (9.0m) C (12.7m) C (5.3m) C (9.0m) C (12.7m)
4 70 7,900 79 7,900 70 6,200 79 6,200 70 7,050 79 7,050
6 63 7,650 75 7,650 79 7,900 63 6,200 75 6,200 79 6,150 63 6,750 75 6,750 79 7,050
8 54 6,900 71 6,900 77 6,900 54 4,900 71 4,800 77 4,700 54 6,200 71 6,100 77 5,900
10' 44 5,750 67 5,650 74 5,500 44 3,450 67 3,350 74 3,200 44 5,200 67 4,950 74 4,750
12' 31 4,850 62 4,600 71 4,350 31 2,500 62 2,350 71 2,100 31 4,150 62 4,000 71 3,750
15' 55 3,450 66 3,000 55 1,000 66 750 55 3,000 66 2,700
20' 42 1,900 58 1,700 42 1,700 58 1,500
25' 19 550 49 650 19 500 49 650
D 0 42 0 44 60 0 42
NOTE: The lifting capacity data stored in the LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR (AML-C) is based
on the standard number of parts of line listed in the chart.
Standard number of parts of line for rubber operation should be according to the
following table.
GR150XL-1 7
1. When operating crane on outriggers: When a load is lifted in the front position and then swung
Set P.T.O. switch to "ON". to the side area, make sure the value of the LOAD
Press the outrigger mode select key to register for the MOMENT INDICATOR(AML-C) is below the 360 lifting
outrigger operation. Press the register key, then the outrigger capacity.
mode indicative symbol changes from flashing to a solid light (2) For creep operation.
Press the lift mode select key to select the lift status that The creep capacities are attainable only when boom is
corresponds to the actual boom configuration. in the straight forward position of chassis and the over
Each time the lift mode select key is pressed, the status changes. front position symbol is on. If boom is not in the straight
Press the register key to register the lift status, then the lift forward position of chassis , never lift load.
indicative symbol changes from flashing to a solid light. 3. A swing does not automatically stop even if the crane
when mounting and stowing jib, select the jib set status. becomes overloaded.
(the jib state indicative symbol will be flashing.) 4. During crane operation, make sure that the displays on front
2. When operating crane on rubber: panel are in accordance with actual operating conditions.
Set P.T.O. switch to "ON". 5. The displayed values of LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR
Press the outrigger mode select key. The on-tire mode (AML-C) are based on freely suspended loads and make no
indicative symbol comes on. Each time the outrigger mode allowance for such factors as the effect of wind, sudden
select key is pressed the status changes. Select the creep stopping of loads, supporting surface conditions, inflation of
operation, the on-tire mode indicative symbol flicker. tire, operating speed, side loads, etc.
Press the lift mode select key to register the boom or single top For safe operation, it is recommended when extending and
lift. lowering boom or swinging, lifting loads shall be
However, pay attention to the following. appropriately reduced.
(1) For stationary operation. 6. LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR (AML-C) is intended as an aid
The front capacities are attainable only when the over front to the operator. Under no condition should it be relied upon
position symbol comes on. When the boom is more than to replace use of capacity charts and operating instruction.
2 degrees from centered over front of chassis, 360o Sole reliance upon LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR (AML-C)
capacities are in effect. aids in place of good operating practice can cause an
accident. The operator must exercise caution to assure
GR150XL-1 8
BOOM WIRE ROPE - Warrington seal wire, extra improved plow steel,
Six section full power synchronized telescoping boom, preformed, independent wire rope core, right regular lay.
17.4'~78' (5.3m~23.8m), of box construction with 4 sheaves, 7/16" (11.2mm) 6x37 class
9-5/16" (0.236m) root diameter, at boom head. Maximum Permissible Line Pull (Main) : 5,450lbs (2,470kg)
The synchronization system consists of two double acting Maximum Permissible Line Pull (Auxiliary) : 5,730lbs (2,600kg)
telescope cylinders , extension cables and retraction cables.
Hydraulic cylinder fitted with holding valve. Boom telescope HOOK BLOCKS
sections are supported by wear pads both vertically and horizontally. 15 ton (13.6 metric ton)- Weighted hook block with swivel and safety latch.
Extension speed 60.6' (18.5m) in 52 seconds. 2.0 ton (1.8 metric ton) - Weighted hook ball with swivel and safety latch.
Right side, 1 man type, steel construction with sliding door access
HOIST and safety glass windows opening at side. Door window is
powered control. Windshield glass window and roof glass window
MAIN HOIST - Grooved drum driven by hydraulic axial piston are shatter-resistant. Tilt-telescoping steering wheel. Adjustable
motor through winch speed reducer. Power load lowering and control lever for swing, boom elevating, boom telescoping,
raising. Equipped with automatic brake (neutral brake) and auxiliary hoist and main hoist. Control lever can change
counterbalance valve. Controlled independently of auxiliary hoist. neutral positions and tilt for easy access to cab. 3 way adjustable
Equipped with cable follower and drum rotation indicator. operator's seat with high back, headrest and armrest. Engine
throttle knob. Foot operated controls: boom elevating,
DRUM - Grooved 10-7/16" (0.265m) root diameter x 9-7/16" (0.239m) boom telescoping, service brake and engine throttle.
wide. Wire rope: 433' of 7/16" diameter rope (132m of 11.2mm). Hot water cab heater and air conditioning.
Drum capacity: 486.8' (148.4m) 7 layers.
Maximum line pull (available): 6,700lbs. (3,050kg). Dash-mounted engine start/stop, monitor lamps, cigarette lighter,
Maximum line speed: 410FPM (125m/min) at the 5th layer. drive selector switch, parking brake switch, steering mode
select switch, power window switch, pump engaged/disengaged
AUXILIARY HOIST - Grooved drum driven by hydraulic axial switch, swing brake switch and outrigger controls.
piston motor through winch speed reducer. Power load lowering
and raising. Equipped with automatic brake (neutral brake) and Instruments - Torque converter oil temperature, engine water
counterbalance valve. Controlled independently of main hoist. temperature, air pressure, fuel, speedometer, tachometer,
Equipped with cable follower and drum rotation indicator. hour meter and odometer / tripmeter. Hydraulic oil pressure is
monitored and displayed on the AML-C display panel.
DRUM - Grooved 10-7/16" (0.265m) root diameter x 9-7/16" (0.239m)
wide. Wire rope: 217' of 7/16" diameter rope (66m of 11.2mm).
Drum capacity: 486.8' (148.4m) 7 layers.
Maximum line pull (available): 6,700lbs. (3,050kg).
Maximum line speed: 361FPM (110m/min) at the 3rd layer.
GR150XL-1 9
Tadano electronic LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR system TADANO AML-C monitors outrigger extended length and
(AML-C) including: automatically programs the corresponding "RATED LIFTING
Control lever lockout function CAPACITIES" table
Boom position indicator
Outrigger state indicator Operator's left hand console includes transmission gear selector
Boom angle / boom length / jib offset angle / jib length / load and sight level bubble. Upper console includes roof washer
radius / rated lifting capacities / actual loads read out and wiper switch, emergency outrigger set up key switch,
Ratio of actual load moment to rated load moment jib equipped/removed select switch and air conditioning control
indication switch.
Automatic Speed Reduction and Soft Stop function Lower console includes working light switch and boom emergency
on boom elevation and swing telescoping switch (2nd-3rd and 4th-top).
Working condition register switch
Load radius / boom angle / tip height / swing range NOTE: Each crane motion speed is based on unladen
preset function conditions.
External warning lamp
Tare function
Drum rotation indicator (audible and visible type) main and
auxiliary hoist
TYPE - Rear engine, left hand steering, driving axle 2-way SUSPENSION - Front: Semi-elliptic leaf springs with hydraulic
selected type by manual switch, 4x2 front drive, 4x4 front and lockout device. Rear: Semi-elliptic leaf springs with hydraulic
rear drive. lockout device.
FRAME - High tensile steel, all welded mono-box construction. BRAKE SYSTEMS - Service: Air over hydraulic disc brakes on
all 4 wheels. Parking/Emergency: Spring applied-air released
TRANSMISSION - Electronically controlled full automatic brake acting on input shaft of front axle. Auxiliary: Electro-
transmission. Torque converter driving full powershift with pneumatic operated exhaust brake.
driving axle selector. 6 forward and 2 reverse speeds, constant
mesh. TIRES - 275/80R22.5
3 speeds - high range - 2 wheel drive; 4 wheel drive
3 speeds - low range - 4 wheel drive OUTRIGGERS - Four hydraulic, beam and jack outriggers.
Vertical jack cylinders equipped with integral holding valve. Each
TRAVEL SPEED - 30.4 mph (49 km/h) outrigger beam and jack is controlled independently from cab.
Beams extend to 15' 5" (4.7 m) center-line and retract to
AXLE - Front: Full floating type, steering and driving axle. within 5' 4-1/2" (1.64 m) overall width with floats. Outrigger jack
AXLE - Rear: Full floating type, steering and driving axle. floats are attached thus eliminating the need of manually
attaching and detaching them. Controls and sight bubble located
STEERING- Hydraulic power steering controlled by steering in superstructure cab. Four outrigger extension lengths are
wheel. Four steering modes available: 2 wheel front, 2 wheel rear, provided with corresponding "RATED LIFTING CAPACITIES" for
4 wheel coordinated and 4 wheel crab. crane duty in confined areas.
Min. Extension 5' 4-1/2" (1.64m) center to center
Mid. Extension 8' 2-3/8" (2.5m) center to center
Mid. Extension 11' 5-3/4" (3.5m) center to center
Mid. Extension 14' 1-1/4" (4.3m) center to center
Max. Extension 15' 5" (4.7m) center to center
Float size(Diameter) 1' 1- 3/4" (0.35m)
Model Mitsubishi 4M50-TLA3B [Tier 3] Radiator Fin and tube core, thermostat controlled
Type Direct injection diesel Fan, in.(mm) Suction type, 10-blade, 18 (457) dia.
No. of cylinders 4 Starting 24 volt
Combustion 4 cycle, turbo charged and after cooled Charging 24 volt system, negative ground
BoreXStroke, in.(mm) 4.488 X 4.724 (114X120) Battery 2-80 amp. Hour
Displacement, cu. in (liters) 299 (4.900) Compressor, air, CFM(l /min) 21.6 CFM (612) at 2,700rpm
Air inlet heater 24 volt preheat Output, Max. HP (kW) Gross 172 (129) at 2,700rpm
Air cleaner Dry type, replaceable element Torque, Max. ft-lb (Nm) 390 (529) at 1,600rpm
Oil filter Full flow with replaceable element Capacity, gal.(liters)
Fuel filter Full flow with replaceable element Cooling water 2.9 (11)
Fuel tank, gal.(liters) 50 (189), right side of carrier Lubrication 201 ~ 2.9 (8 ~11)
Cooling Liquid pressurized, recirculating by-pass Fuel 50 (189)
GR150XL-1 10
- Six section full power partially synchronized boom - Mitsubishi 4M50-TL turbo charged after
17.4' ~ 78' (5.3 m~23.8 m) cooled engine (172HP) with exhaust brake
- Main hoist with grooved drum and 433' of 7/16" cable. - Electronic controlled automatic transmission driven
- Drum rotation indicator (visible type) main hoist by torque converter
- Anti-Two block device (overwind cutout) - 4 X 4 X 4 drive/steer
- Tadano electronic load moment indicator system (AML-C) - Semi-elliptic leaf springs suspension with hydraulic lockout
- Outrigger extension length detector device (front and rear)
- Electronic crane monitoring system - 275/80R22.5 tires
- Self centering finger control levers with pilot control - Disc brakes
- Control pedals for boom elevating and boom telescoping - Fenders
- 3 way adjustable cloth seat with armrests, high back - Air dryer
and seat belt - Water separator with filter
- Tilt-telescoping steering wheel - Engine over-run alarm
- Tinted safety glass and sun visor - Back-up alarm
- Front windshield wiper and washer - Low oil pressure/high water temp. warning device (visual)
- Roof window wiper and washer - Rear steer centering light
- Power window (cab door - Air cleaner dust indicator
- Rear view mirrors (right and left side) - Full instrumentation package
- Cigarette lighter - Complete highway light package
- Cab floor mat - Tool storage compartment
- Pump disconnect in operator's cab - Tire inflation kit
- Hydraulic oil cooler - 24 volt electric system
- Hot water cab heater and air conditioner - 2.0 ton (1.8 metric ton) hook ball with swivel
- Work lights - 15 ton (13.6 metric ton) hook block with swivel
- Independently controlled outriggers - Towing hooks-Front and rear
- Five outrigger extension positions - Fuel consumption monitor (#FD2021~)
- Self-storing outrigger pads - Eco mode system (#FD2021~)
- 11.8' or 18' (3.6 m or 5.5 m) box jib (tilt type)
with 5 o, 25o, 45o and 60o pinned offsets and self storing pins.
- Auxiliary lifting sheave (single top) stowable.
- Auxiliary hoist with grooved drum and 217' of 16" cable and
drum rotation indicator (visual type)
Main or auxiliary hoist - 10'-7/8" (0.28m)
Drum grooved lagging
drum Wire
Layer Line pulls rope 7/16" (11.2mm) wire rope
Line speeds1 layer
Available2 Total wire rope
F.P.M. m/min Lbs. kgf Feet Meters
1st 308 94 6700 3050 1 57.0 17.4
2nd 330 101 6200 2810 2 118.3 36.0
3rd 361 108 5700 2610 3 183.6 56.0
4th 375 114 5400 2430 4 253.2 77.2
5th 410 121 5000 2280 5 326.9 99.6
6th 420 128 4700 2140 6 404.8 123.4
7th 443 135 4500 2020 7 486.8 148.4
* Maximum permissible line pull may be affected by wire rope strength.
Line speeds based only on hook block, not loaded. Inch mm
Developed by machinery with each layer of wire rope, but not based Root diameter 10-7/16" 265
on rope strength or other limitation in machinery or equipment. Length 9-7/16" 239
GR150XL-1 Flange diameter 1' 5-11/16" 450 11
(275/80R22.5 Tires)
Feet Meters
Turning radius
4 wheel steer 12' 5-5/8" 3.8
2 wheel steer 21' 3-7/8" 6.5
Tail swing of counterweight 5' 3" 1.6
GR150XL-1 12