PD 881
PD 881
PD 881
881 (2) This term shall not apply to foods, drugs, and
cosmetics nor to substances intended for use as fuels
Title: Empowering the secretary of health to regulate when stored in containers and used in the heating,
the labeling, sale and distribution of hazardous cooking or refrigeration system of a house, but such
substances term shall apply to any article which is not in itself a
pesticide but which is a hazardous substance, as
Date signed: January 30, 1976
construed in paragraph (1) of this sub-section, by
reason of bearing or containing such harmful
substances described therein.
Section 1. Definitions.
(e) “Toxic” – any substance (other than a radioactive
(a) “Secretary” – the Secretary of Health. substance) which can cause injury or illness or death
to man through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption
(b) “Administrator” – the Food and Drug through any body surface.
(f) “Highly Toxic” – any substance which has any of
(c) “Person” – any individual, partnership, the following effects:
corporation or association, trust, government or
governmental subdivision or any other legal entity 1 2 3
other than the consumer. Death within 14 within 14 within 14
days days days
(d) “Hazardous substance” means: Size ½ or MT ½ or more of ½ or more
number ½ of a a group of 10 of a group
(1) (a) Any substance or mixture of substances which: group of or more of 10 or
10 or more
(i) is toxic, more
(ii) is corrosive, Lab Lab lab white Rabbits
(iii) is an irritant, animal white rats
(iv) is a strong sensitizer, used rats
(v) is flammable or combustible, or Wt of Bet 200 Bet 200 &
(vi) generates pressure through the lab & 300 300 grams
decomposition, heat or other means, if such animals grams
substance or mixture of substances may Admin orally inhaled continuous
cause substantial injury or substantial illness continuously contact
during or as a proximate result of any with the
customary or reasonably foreseeable bare skin
ingestion by children. for twenty-
four hours
(b) Any substance which the Secretary by regulation or less
finds, pursuant to the provision of this Decree, to be Dosage single period of 1 hr 200 mg or
under the categories enumerated in sub-paragraph dose of or less at an less per
(1) (a) of this paragraph. 50mg or atmospheric kilogram of
less per conc. of 200 body
(c) Any radioactive substance, if, with respect to such kg of BW parts per weight
substance as used in a particular class of article or as million by vol
packaged, the Secretary determines by regulation or less of gas
that the substance is sufficiently hazardous to or vapor or
require labeling in accordance with this Section in 2mg/L by
order to protect the public health. volume or
less of mist outside container or wrapper, and (2) on all
or dust accompanying literature where there are directions
for use, written or otherwise.
(a) Commissioner of Customs – deliver samples (1) to enter at reasonable hours, any
of hazardous substances being imported or establishment or warehouse, or to enter
offered for export to the Philippines to the any vehicle being used to transport or
Administrator, upon his request. hold such hazardous substance in
With the issue provided by the domestic commerce;
Administrator, the hazardous substances (2) To inspect, in a reasonable manner, such
that have been examined with such samples establishment or vehicle, warehouse
may only be delivered under the and all pertinent equipment, finished or
requirements imposed therein. unfinished, materials and labeling
The Commissioner of Customs shall cause the therein; and
destruction of any hazardous substance (3) to obtain samples of such materials or
refused admission. packages therein or of such labeling,
(b) Pending decision on the admissibility of a issuing proper receipts for them.
hazardous substance being imported or
offered for import, the Commissioner of
Customs may authorize delivery of SECTION. 6. Prohibited Acts and Penalties.
(c) such hazardous substance to the owner or
(a) The following acts and the causing thereof are
consignee upon execution by him of a good
and sufficient bond providing for the
payment of such liquidated damages in the (1) The introduction or delivery of
event of default. introduction into commerce
If the hazardous substance can be made (2) The alteration, mutilation, destruction,
to comply with the requirements of this obliteration, or removal of the whole or any
Decree by relabeling or other action— part of the label
final determination as to the admission of (3) The receipt in commerce, and the delivery
such hazardous substance may be or offered delivery thereof at cost or
deferred. otherwise.
The authorization of the applicant to (4) The giving of a guarantee or undertaking
perform such relabeling or other action referred to in Section 3(b) and Section 4(b) if
may be only done by the Administrator. such guarantee or undertaking is false,
Officer or employee of the Bureau of except by a person who relied upon a
Customs and the Food and Drug guarantee or undertaking which received in
Administration must supervise all such good faith.
(5) Placing of hazardous substances in a SECTION 7. Effectivity
container or reused container for food, drug,
This Decree shall take effect immediately. Done in
or cosmetics.
the City of Manila, this 30th day of January in the
The use of a used food, drug, or cosmetic year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy-six.
container as a container for a hazardous
substance involved, therefore such
substance shall be deemed a misbranded
hazardous substance. As used in this
paragraph, the terms “food,” “drug,” and
“cosmetic” shall have the same meanings as
in the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
(Republic Act No. 3720).
(b) Penalties, exception.