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Turning Programming (PC Based) PDF

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4 Edition: 2005
5 Edition: 2007
6 Edition: 2008
7 Edition: 2009
8 Edition: 2011
9 Edition: 2012
10 Edition: 2014
11 Edition: 2015

Table of Content
1. Part Programming Fundamentals 4
1.1 Process Planning 4
1.2 Part Programming 5
1.3 Part Program Entry 5
1.4 Proving Part Program 6
1.5 Program Preparation Methods 7
2. Part Programming Geometry 9
2.1 Coordinate system for CNC Lathe 9
2.2 Zero Point & Reference Point 10
2.3 Machine Zero Point (M) 11
2.4 Reference Point (R) 11
2.5 Workpiece Point (W) 12
2.6 Tool Reference Point (T) 12
2.7 CNC Dimensioning 13
3. CNC Program Build Up 15
3.1 Part Program Formats 15
3.2 Miscellaneous Function (M Codes) 16
3.3 Preparatory Function (G Codes) 17
3.4 Program Build Up for CNC Lathe 22
4. Programming Examples 23
4.1 Programming for turning operation using linear command 23
4.2 Programming for face operation using linear command 25
4.3 Programming for linear and circular interpolation 27
4.4 Programming for facing cycle (G94) 29
4.5 Programming for multiple facing cycle (G72) 31
4.6 Programming for turning cycle (G90) 33
4.7 Programming for multiple turning cycle (G72) 35
4.8 Programming for pattern repeating cycle (G73) 37
4.9 Programming for grooving cycle (G75) 39
4.10 Programming for multiple threading cycle (G76) 41
4.11 Programming for drilling cycle (G74) 43
4.12 Programming for boring operation 45
4.13 Programming for internal threading operation 47
5. Exercises 49


The following are the basic steps which involved in the CNC procedure.

o Process planning
o Part programming
o Part program entry
o Proving part programs
o Program preparation methods

1.1 Process Planning:

The part programmer will often carry out the task of process planning. Process planning is
the procedure of deciding what operation are to be done on the component, in what order
and with what tooling and work holding facilities. Both the process planning and part
programming aspects of manufacturer occur after the detail drawings of a component have
been prepared. The following procedure maybe used as a guide to assist the programmer by
describing each step required in preparing the method of production.

 Receive the part drawing from the part drawing information and check the suitability
of part to be machined against the machine capacity.
 Determine a method to driving the component (Chuck type, chuck size, type of jaw,
collect size, face driver etc.) and the method of machining.
 Determine the tooling required to suit the method of machining and utilize as much
as possible which are permanently in the turret set upon the machine.
 Determine the order of machining and tooling stations
 Determine the planned stop (Cycle interrupt procedure, incorporating block delete
codes) for checking dimensional sizes where required by operator.
 Determine the cutting speed based on i) component material, method of driving,
rigidity of the component. ii) The tooling selected for roughing and finishing tool
holders with carbide drills, HSS drills and ceramics.
 Determine the depth of cut and feed rate for roughing operation based on the
horsepower available for cutting and rigidity of the part.

 Determine form surface finish requirements the cutter nose radius most suited for
finishing operations and determine feed rates.
 Allocates tool offsets as required
 Complete planning sheet

1.2 Part Programming:

 After completing the planning sheet, draw the component showing the cutter paths.
 Select a component datum and carryout the necessary calculations at slopes and
 Prepare tooling layout sheet showing tools to be used in the program and indicate
the station number for each tool.
 Indicate the ordering code for each tool, grade and type of inserts to be used.
 Write the part program according to the sequence of operations.

1.3 Part Program Entry:

The part program is prepared and then feed into the machine control unit (MCU) in order to
prepare a component of interest on machine tool. The input to the system can be done
through two ways.

o Manual Data Input

o Direct Numerical Input

1.3.1 Manual Data Input (MDI)

Complete part programs are entered into CNC control unit via the console keyboard. It is
suited only for relatively simple jobs the most common application for MDI is the editing of
part programs already resident in the controllers memory.

MDI concept is also called as “Conversational Programming” most of the CNC machines are
programmed via a question and answer technique whereby a resident of software program
asks the operator a series of questions. In response to the operators input, and by accessing
a pre-programmed data file in the computer control by

 Select numerical values for use within machining calculations

 Perform calculations to optimize machining conditions
 Identify standard tools and coordinates
 Calculate cutter paths and coordinates
 Generate the part program to machine the component

1.3.2 Direct Numerical Control (DNC)

The process of transferring part programs into the memory of a CNC machine tool from a
host computer is called direct numerical control.

1.4 Proving Part Programs

It is a safe practice to check the programmed path for any interference between the tool
and the work before using the part program for production this process is known as proving
part program. This process is done in several ways as follow:

i) Visual Inspection:

It represents the methods of checking visually the program present in the memory of the
CNC machine. In this actual program is run and the program movements in all axes to be
checked along with ensuring the tool offset of cutter compensation features. This method
represents the least form of verification and should not be relied entirely.

ii) Single Step Execution:

Before running the part program it should be executed in a single step mode i.e., block by
block. During execution the spindle speed, feed rate override facilities are used to monitor
the axes movement easily. This operation maybe carried out with or without mounting the
component in the machine.

iii) Dry Run:

A dry run consists of running the part program in auto mode. During this, the component is
not inserted in the machine table and the cutting is done in air. The purpose of dry run is to
verify the programmed path of the tool under continuous operation and to check whether
the adequate clearance exist between clamping arrangement and other projections with the
setup. Feed rate override facilities are used to slow down the speed of program execution.

iv) Graphical Simulation:

A graphical simulation package emulates the machine tool and using computer graphics,
plots out the machine movement on a visual display unit (VDU) screen. Machine movement
often takes the form of a cutting tool shape moving around the screen according to the
programmed movements. When the tool shape passes over a shaded representation of the
component it erases that part of the finished component and any gross deviations from the
intended tool path can be observed any potential interference can be highlighted.

1.5 Program Preparation Methods:

Part programming of CNC production machines comprises the collection of all data required
to produce the calculation of a tool path along with the machine operation is performed and
the arrangement of those given calculated data in a standard format, which could be
converted to an acceptable form for a particular machine control unit. Different methods
can be employed in the preparation of CNC programs depending on how a particular
company has organized its CNC programming, and also depends on what additional data
processing aids are available, they are

i) Programming in the Planning Department:

 This methods is advantageous where
 The existing CNC systems are complicated
 The workpiece have complex geometries
 They are many similar CNC machines in the plant
 Workshop personnel are required
 Programming systems can be utilized

ii) Workshop Programing:

Many CNC machines are designed for workshop programming as a fundamental concept,
and there can be wide difference in how the machine is operated to support the operator in
the workshop. When such guidance is available, the screen shows the functions that can be
selected not only shows the program instruction input it also shows the possible
supplementary functions (coordinates, feed rates, etc.)

iii) Manual Part Programming:

In this method the necessary program information is taken directly from the work piece
drawings and set down in the form of the programs blocks which are then input into the
control system. Manual programming is suitable only to develop part programs for 2D and 2
½ D surface machining.

iv) Computer Assisted Programming:

Preparing the CNC programs for complicated parts with a programming language following
established standards can involve considerable effort and expenditure. Thus the number of
programs blocks maybe very high which makes the program less clear, fault-prone, and
difficult to modify. In addition that, difficult mathematical calculations maybe required
which can only be carried out with further aids such as books of tables, calculators etc.
Computer assisted part programming system has two components.

o Pre processor
o Post processor


2.1 Coordinate System for a CNC Lathe:

Machining of a workpiece by a CNC program requires a coordinate system to be applied to

the machine tool. As all machine tools have more than one slide, it is important that each
slide is identified individually. There are three planes in which movement can take place.
Each place is assigned a letter and is referred as an axis,

o Longitudinal plane (AXIS X)

o Transverse plane (AXIS Z)

The two axis is identified by the upper case X and Z and the direction of movement along
each axis is specified in plus (+) or minus (-) and the Z axis is always parallel to the main
spindle of the machine, as shown in the below figure.

The coordinate system for designating the axes is the conventional ‘Right hand coordinate
system’ as shown in figure. A labeling of the axes is a right hand coordinate system
whenever the fingers of the right hand are aligned with the positive X axis and are then
rotated (through the smaller angle) toward the positive Y axis then the thumb of the right
hand points in the direction of the positive Z axis. Otherwise, the orientation is a ‘Left Hand
coordinate system’.

The right hand coordinate system is also known as ‘Clockwise rotating coordinate system’.
The reason for this is the sequence of the axis definitions. If the X axis is rotating in the
direction of the Y axis, the movement is the name as if a screw is turned in the Z direction as

In programming it must be assumed that the workpiece is stationary and the tools move in
the coordinate system. The workpiece is positioned within the coordinate system so that
the Z axis coincides with the turning center line (axis of rotation) and the X and Y
coordinates always have the same values. Therefore Y is not used in turning.

2.2 Zero Point and Reference Point:

The CNC machines, tool traverse are controlled by the coordinating systems. Their accurate
position within the machine tool is established by ‘Zero Point’.

2.3 Machine Zero Point (M):

Machine zero point (M) is specified by the manufacturer of the machine. This is the zero
point for the coordinate systems and reference points in the machine as shown in below.

The main spindle axis (Center line) represents the Z axis whereas the face determines the X
axis. The directions of the positive X and Z axes point toward the working area when the tool
transverses in the positive direction, it moves away from the workpiece.

2.4 Reference Point (R):

This point serves for calibrating and for controlling the measuring system of the slides and
tool traverses. The position of the reference point is accurately predetermined in every
traverse axis by the trip dogs and limit switches. Therefore, the reference point coordinates
always have the same, precisely known numerical value in relation to the machine zero
point. After initiating the control system, the reference point must always be approached
from all axes to calibrate the traverse measuring system. If current slide and tool position
data should be lost in control system as for example through an electrical failure the
machine must against be positioned to the reference point to re-establish the proper
position valves.

2.5 Workpiece Zero Point (W):

This point determines the workpiece coordinate system in relation to the machine zero
point. The workpiece zero point is chosen by the programmer and input into the CNC
system when setting up the machine. The workpiece zero point can be freely chosen by the
programmer within the workpiece envelope of the machine. It is however advisable to place
the workpiece zero point in such a manner that the dimensions in the workpiece drawing
can be conveniently converted into coordinate values and orientation when clamping /
chucking, setting up and checking the traverse measuring system can be effected easily.

For turned parts, the workpiece zero point should be placed along the spindle axis (center
line), in line with the right-hand or left-hand end face of the finished contour. Occasionally,
the workpiece zero point is also called the ‘program zero point’.

2.6 Tool Reference Point (T):

When machining a workpiece it is essential to able to control the tool point or the tool
cutting edges in precise relationship to the workpiece along the machining path. Since tools
have different shapes and dimensions, precise tool dimensions have to be established
beforehand and input into the control system.

The tool dimensions are related to a fixed tool setting point during pre-setting. The tool
setting point E is located at a certain point on the tool holder. This setting point permits
measuring of tools away from the CNC machine. The data thus measured such as tool
length, tool point offset or tool radius are input into the tool data storage (memory) of the
control system. The mate of the tool settings point is the socket point N on the tool carrier.

2.7 CNC Dimensioning:

Dimensioning information in a workpiece drawing is stated in two ways,

o Absolute Dimensioning System

o Incremental Dimensioning System

Absolute dimension system always refers to a fixed reference point in the drawings as
shown in below. This point has the function of a coordinate zero point. The dimension lines
run parallel to the coordinate axes and always start at the reference point. Absolute
dimensions are called as “Reference dimensioning system”

P6 P5
P3 1

(0, 0)

30 20 10

When using incremental dimension system every measurement refers to a previously

dimensioned position. Incremental dimensions are distance between adjacent points. These
distances are converted into incremental coordinates by accepting the last dimension point
as the coordinate origin for the new point. This may be compared to a small coordinate
system, i.e., shifted consequently from point to point (P1… P2… through P6) as shown.

Incremental dimensions also called as “Relative Dimensioning System” or “Chain
Dimensioning System”.


P1 10 0 P1 10 0

P2 10 -10 P2 0 -10

P3 20 -10 P3 10 0

P4 20 -30 P4 0 -20

P5 30 -30 P5 10 0

P6 30 -60 P6 0 -30


In a CNC program, the machining steps (operations) for producing a part on the machine
tool are laid down in a form that the control system can understand. A program is composed
of several blocks. A block is a collection of CNC word which address letter and a sequence of
number, refer the given below table.
Address Characters As Per DIN 66025
Character Meaning
A Rotation about, X- axis
B Rotation about, Y- axis
C Rotation about, Z axis
D&E Rotation about additional axes
F Feed
G Preparatory function, identifying the action to be
H Unassigned
I Interpolation Parameter / Thread pitch parallel to X-axis
J Interpolation Parameter / Thread pitch parallel to Y-axis
K Interpolation Parameter / Thread pitch parallel to Z-axis
M Machine function / Auxiliary function
N Block number
O Program Number
P,Q,R Parameters are used in cycles
S Spindle speed
T Tool Function
U,V,W Second movement parallel to X, Y, Z axes respectively
X Movement in X-axis
Y Movement in Y-axis
Z Movement in Z -axis

3.1 Part Program Formats:

The order in which these words appear in a block of instructions is called the format.
Basically there are two type of format:

3.1.1 Fixed Block Format:
i) Fixed Sequential Format:
Every instruction contains all the word in the same sequence irrespective of the word being
the same as in the previous blocks so the identifying address letter need not to be provided.
For example if some coordinate value (X, Y and Z coordinates) remain constant from one
block to next block these values have to be specified in the next block also. The data must be
input to a specified sequence and characters within each word must be of the same length.
Example: N010 G00 X10 Z0 F60 S1200 EOB
N020 G01 X10 Z-0.5 F60 S1200 EOB
ii) Tab Sequential Format:
The word in each instruction or block is always provided in the same sequence but each
word is preceded by the TAB character. If instruction remains unchanged in succeeding
blocks, the instructions need not to repeat but TAB character must be punched. Here also,
the identifying letter address need not be employed.
Example: N010 G00 X10 TAB F60 TAB S800 EOB
N020 G01 X20 TAB Z-0.5 EOB
3.1.2 Word Address Format:
Each word is preceded and identified by its letter address. This format enables instructions
which remain unchanged from the preceding block, to be omitted from succeeding blocks.
This system reduces programming length, therefore it occupies less storage space / file size.
This is the format adopted by most CNC machine control units. Detailed format classification
is provided by the control system manufacturer.
Example: N010 G00 X10 Z0 TAB F60 S800 EOB
N020 G01 X20 Z-0.5 EOB
3.2 Miscellaneous Function (M Codes)
When a 3-digit figure the M-code address is specified, a 3-digit BCD code signal and a strobe
signal are transmitted. This signal is used for ON / OFF control of the machine function such
as tool change, spindle rotation, coolant ON and OFF etc. M code can be specified in one
block for the function of varies machine tool builder.

Miscellaneous Function (M Codes)
M Codes Description
M00 Program Stop
M01 Optional Stop
M02 Program End
M03 Spindle Rotation Clockwise
M04 Spindle Rotation Counter Clockwise
M05 Spindle Stop
M06 Tool Change
M08 Coolant On
M09 Coolant Off
M10 Chuck Open
M11 Chuck Close
M30 Program Stop and Rewind
M62 Output 1 On
M63 Output 2 On
M64 Output 1 Off
M65 Output 2 Off
M66 Wait input 1 On
M67 Wait input 2 On
M76 Wait input 1 Off
M77 Wait input 2 Off
M98 Sub-program Call
M99 Sub-program Exit

3.3 Preparatory Functions (G Codes):

A 2-digit number following the address G determines the meaning of command used in the
block. G codes are divided into two types,
i) One shot G code: The G code is effective only in the block in which it is specified.
ii) Modal G code: The G code is effective until another G code of the same group is
 G codes marked with * are initial G codes when turning program ON, for G20 and
G21, the G code before turning power off remains.
 G codes of group 00 are not modal. They are only effective in the block in which they
are specified.

G CODE Group Function
G00* 01 Positioning (Rapid traverse)
G0l Linear interpolation (Cutting feed)
G02 Circular interpolation (Clockwise)
G03 Circular interpolation ( Counter Clockwise)
G04 00 Dwell
G17* 02 XY plane selection
G18 ZX plane selection
G19 YZ plane selection
G20 06 Input in inch
G21 Input in mm
G28 00 Return to reference point
G40* 07 Tool Nose Radius compensation cancel
G41 Tool Nose Radius compensation left
G42 Tool Nose Radius compensation right
G70 04 Finishing Cycle
G71 Multiple Turning Cycle
G72 Multiple Facing Cycle
G73 Pattern Repeating Cycle
G74 00 Drilling Cycle
G75 Grooving Cycle
G76 Multiple Threading Cycle
G90 01 Turning Cycle
G92 Threading Cycle
G94 Facing Cycle
G96 02 Constant Surface Speed Control
G97* Constant Surface Speed Control Cancel
G98 11 Feed Per Minute
G99 Feed Per Revolution

 If any G code of group 01 is specified in a canned cycle mode, the canned cycle is
automatically cancelled and the G80 condition is entered. However a G code of
group 01 is not affected by any of the canned cycle G codes.
 All the G codes may not apply to each machine.

3.3.1 Rapid Traverse (G00):
Rapid traverse is also referred to as positioning of the tool. Using the fastest feedrate
possible, the tool moves to the desired destination as programmed by X and Z coordinate,
without any obstruction. A motion block contains the target positions for the axes to be
traversed. The target positions can be programmed in Cartesian coordinates or in polar
coordinates. The traversing motion is always from the last point reached to the programmed
target position.

3.3.2 Linear Traverse (G01):

Linear interpolation commands takes the tool to the target position in a straight or inclined
direction, as programmed by the X- and Z- coordinates. The feedrate is adjusted as required
by the machine parameters. It is specified by unit millimeter in minutes or millimeter per
revolution. A motion block contains the target positions for the axes to be traversed. The
traversing motion is always from the last point reached to the programmed target position.

3.3.3 Circular Interpolation:
Circular interpolation commands the tool to move along a circular arc between the starting
point and the end point, either in clockwise or counter clockwise direction.

3.3.4 Dwell (G04):

Dwell refers to a delay in the program. We use a G04 code to cause a delay or dwell in the
program. The block containing the code G04 gets delayed in its action for the time specified
in the P code. X or P causes the dwell time in seconds or milliseconds. The command G04
P2000 lets the tool take a delay of two seconds in its current location.

3.3.5 Geometry Offset Measure: External Cutting Tools:
External tools are classified into:
 Turning
 Facing
 Neutral
 Threading
 Grooving
The image shows the geometry offset representation of external tools. Note that all external
tools have different geometry offset values in X and Z axes.

[20] Internal Cutting Tools:
Internal tools are classified into
 Boring
 Internal threading
 Grooving
The image shows the geometry offset representation of internal tools. Note that all internal
tools have different geometry offset values in X and Z axes. Internal Cutting Tools:

Hole processing tools are classified into
 Center drilling
 Drilling

 Tapping
 Reaming
These tools machine at the center of the workpiece. Note that the geometry offset valve of
X axis is same for all hole processing tools. The value of Z axis however varies.

3.4 Program Build Up For CNC Lathe:

CNC Program can be divided into three parts
o Start-up Program
o Profile Program
o End Program
i) Star-Up Program
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T0101
M03 S1500
G00 X32 Z5
ii) Profile Program is based on the given part drawing.
iii) End of the program
G28 U0 W0

4.1 Programming for turning operation using linear command:

G21 G98; Initial settings
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M06 T; Tool change position No. 01
M03 S1200; Spindle clockwise with 1200 RPM
G00 X32 Z5; Move tool entry point of X32 Z5 at rapid traverse
G01 X31 F80; 1st depth of cut of 1 mm at a feedrate of 80 mm/min
G01 Z-25; Moving the tool towards Z-25 mm
G01 X33; Retract the tool in X axis
G00 Z5; Moving the tool to Z5 position
G01 X30 F8; 2nd depth of cut of 1 mm at a feedrate of 80 mm/min
G01 Z-25; Moving the tool towards Z-25 mm
G01 X33; Retract the tool in X axis
G00 Z5; Moving the tool to Z5 position
G01 X29 F80; 3rd depth of cut of 1 mm at a feed rate of 80 mm/min
G01 Z-25; Moving the tool towards Z-25 mm
G01 X33; Retract the tool in X axis
G00 Z5; Moving the tool to Z5 position
G01 X28 F80; 4th depth of cut of 1 mm at a feed rate of 80 mm/min
G01 Z-25; Moving the tool towards Z-25 mm
G01 X33; Retract the tool in X axis
G00 Z5; Moving the tool to Z5 position
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M05; Stop the spindle
M30; Program stops and rewind

4.2 Programming for facing operation using linear command:

G21 G98; Initial settings
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M06 T1; Tool change position No. 01
M03 S1200; Spindle clockwise with 1200 RPM
G00 X33 Z5; Moving to tool entry Point of X33 Z5 at rapid traverse.
G01 Z-0.5 F80; First depth of cut 0.5 mm at a feedrate of 80 mm/min.
G01 X-1; Moving the tool towards spindle center line
G01 Z5 ; Retract the tool in Z axis
G00 X33; Move the tool to X33 position
G01 Z-1 F80; Giving Second depth of cut
G01 X-1; Moving the tool towards spindle center line
G01 Z5; Retract the tool in Z axis
G00 X33; Move the tool to X33 position
G01 Z-1.5 F80; Giving Third depth of cut
G01 X-1; Moving the tool towards spindle center line
G01 Z5; Retract the tool in Z axis
G00 X33; Move the tool to X33 position
G01 Z-2 F80; Giving Fourth depth of cut
G01 X-1; Moving the tool towards spindle center line
G01 Z5; Retract the tool in Z axis
G00 X33; Move the tool to X33 position
G01 Z-2.5 F80; Giving Fifth depth of cut
G01 X-1; Moving the tool towards spindle Centre line
G01 Z5; Retract the tool in Z axis
G00 X33; Move the tool to X33 position
G01 Z-3 F80; Giving Sixth depth of cut
G01 X-1; Moving the tool towards spindle Centre line
G01 Z5; Retract the tool in Z axis
G00 X33; Move the tool to X33 position
G01 Z-3.5 F80; Giving Seventh depth of cut
G01 X-1; Moving the tool towards spindle center line
G01 Z5; Retract the tool in Z axis
G00 X33; Move the tool to X33 position
G01 Z-4 F80; Giving Eight depth of cut
G01 X-1; Move the tool towards spindle center line
G01 Z5; Retract the tool in Z axis
G00 X33; Move the tool to X33 position
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M05; Stop the spindle
M30; Program stops and rewind

4.3 Programming for linear and circular interpolation:

NOTE: This Program is for Simulation only (not for Machining Practice)
G21 G98; Initial settings
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M06 T1; Tool change position No. 01
M03 S1200; Spindle clockwise with 1200 RPM
G00 X32 Z5; Move tool entry point of X32 Z5 at rapid traverse
G01 X18 F80; First point in X axis at a feed rate of 80 mm/min
G01 Z0; Defining Z axis
G01 X20 Z-4 F80; Moving the tool both X and Z axes
G01 Z-16; Moving the tool to Z-16 mm position
G03 X24 Z-20 R4; Tool movement in circular interpolation with CCW
G01 Z-30; Tool Movement along Z-30 mm
G01 X32 Z-38; Tool movement both X and Z axes
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M05; Stop the spindle
M30; Program Stop & Rewind

4.4 Programming for facing cycle (G94):

Facing Cycle (G94):
This cycle is used for stock removal in parallel tool path. It is equivalent of
 Rapid to Z position
 Feed to X position
 Feed to start Z position
 Rapid to start X position
G94 X Z F;

X – Diameter to which the movement is being made.

Z – Z-axis coordinate to which the movement is being made.
F – Feed Rate.
G21 G98; Initial settings
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M06 T1; Tool change position No. 01
M03 S1200; Spindle clockwise with 1200 RPM
G00 X33 Z5; Move tool entry point of X33 Z5 at rapid traverse
G94 X22 Z-0.5 F80; Calling G94 Cycle and defining first depth of cut
Z-1; Defining Second Depth of cut
G00 X33 Z-8;
G94 X28 Z-8.5 F80;
G28 U0 W0;

4.5 Programming for multiple facing cycle (G72):

Multiple Facing Cycle (G72):
Multiple facing cycles is used when the major direction of cut is along the ‘X’ axis. This cycle
requires two blocks are needed to specify all the parameters.

G72 W (Δd) R (e);
G72 P (A') Q (B) U (Δu) W(Δw) F;

W – Depth of cut in Z axis.

R – Relief amount.
P – Starting block of the profile.
Q – Finishing block of the profile.
U – Finishing allowance in X axis.
W – Finishing allowance in Z axis.
F – Feed Rate.

G21 G98; Initial settings
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M06 T1; Tool change position No. 01
M03 S1200; Spindle clockwise with 1200 RPM
G00 X33 Z5; Move tool entry point X33 Z5 at rapid traverse
G72 W0.5 R1; Calling G72 Cycle and defining Cycle Parameters
G72 P1 Q2 U0.1 W0.1 F100; Defining Cycle Parameters
N1 G01 Z-38 F100;
G01 X32;
G01 X24 Z-30;
G01 Z-20;
G02 X20 Z-16 R4;
G01 Z-4;
N2 G01 X18 Z0;
G28 U0 W0;
M06 T0202;
M03 S1800;
G00 X33 Z5;
G70 P1 Q2 S1800 F80;
G28 U0 W0;

4.6 Programming for Turning Cycle (G90):

Turning Cycle (G90):
This cycle is used for stock removal in parallel tool path. This cycle performs four distinct
moves with one line of information. It is equivalent of
 Rapid to X position.
 Feed to Z position.
 Feed to start X position.
 Rapid to start Z position.
G90 X Z F;

X – Diameter to which the movement is being made.

Z – Z-axis coordinate to which the movement is being made.
F – Feed Rate.

G21 G98; Initial settings
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M06 T1; Tool change position No. 01
M03 S1200; Spindle clockwise with 1200 RPM
G00 X33 Z5; Move tool entry point of X33 Z5 at rapid traverse
G90 X31 Z-26 F100; Calling G90 Cycle and defining first depth of cut
X30; Defining second depth of cut
G90 X27 Z-14 F100;
G28 U0 W0;

4.7 Programming for multiple turning cycle (G71):

Multiple Turning Cycle (G71):
Multiple turning cycles is used when the major direction of cut is along the ‘Z’ axis. This
cycle requires two blocks are needed to specify all the parameters.

G71 U (Δd) R (e);
G71 P (A') Q (B) U (Δu) W(Δw) F;

W – Depth of cut in X axis.

R – Relief amount.
P – Starting block of the profile.
Q – Finishing block of the profile.
U – Finishing allowance in X axis.
W – Finishing allowance in Z axis.
F – Feed Rate.

G21 G98; Initial settings
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M06 T1; Tool change position No. 01
M03 S1200; Spindle clockwise with 1200 RPM
G00 X32 Z5; Move tool entry point X32 Z5 at rapid traverse
G71 U0.5 R1; Calling G71 Cycle and defining Cycle Parameters
G71 P1 Q2 U0.1 W0.1 F100; Defining Cycle Parameters
N1 G01 X18 F100;
G01 Z0;
G01 X20 Z-4;
G01 Z-16;
G03 X24 Z-20 R4;
G01 Z-30;
N2 G01 X32 Z-38;
G28 U0 W0;
M06 T2;
M03 S1500;
G00 X32 Z5;
G70 P1 Q2 S1500 F80 ;
G28 U0 W0;

4.8 Programming for pattern repeating cycle (G73):

Pattern Repeating Cycle (G73):
This cycle provides roughing out of a form by repeating the desired tool path a set number
of times, the tool path being incremented in to the workpiece until the full form is
completed. This cycle is particularly useful when machining castings or forgings which are
already formed to the basic shape required. This cycle also requires two blocks are needed
to specify all the parameters.
G73 U (Δk) W (Δi) R (e);
G73 P (A') Q (B) U (Δu) W(Δw) F;

U – Distance & Direction of relief amount in X axis.

W – Distance & Direction of relief amount in Z axis.
R – Number of repeats.
P – Starting block of the profile.
Q – Finishing block of the profile.
U – Finishing allowance in X axis.
W – Finishing allowance in Z axis.
F – Feed Rate.
G21 G98; Initial settings
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M06 T1; Tool change position No. 01
M03 S1200; Spindle clockwise with 1200 RPM
G00 X32 Z5; Move tool entry point X32 Z5 at rapid traverse
G73 U0.75 W0 R4; Calling G73 Cycle and defining Cycle Parameters
G73 P1 Q2 U0.1 W0.1 F100; Defining Cycle Parameters
N1 G01 X18 F100;
Calculation of “U” and “R” for G73 Cycle
G01 Z0;
U= (XP-XR) / 2
G01 X20 Z-4; U= (19.5-18) / 2
G01 Z-16; U= 1.5 / 2
G03 X24 Z-20 R4; U= 0.75
R= (XG-XR) / (XG-XP)
G01 Z-30;
R= (20-18) / (20-19.5)
N2 G01 X32 Z-38; R= (2) / (0.5)
G28 U0 W0; R=4
M06 T2;
M03 S1500;
G00 X32 Z5; XG = Given Diameter, mm
G70 P1 Q2 S1500 F80; XP = Positioning Diameter, mm
G28 U0 W0;
XR = Required Diameter, mm

4.9 Programming for grooving Cycle (G75):

Grooving Cycle (G75):
This cycle is designated for grooving. This cycle also requires two blocks are needed to
specify all the parameters.

G75 R (e);
G75 X Z P Q F;

R – Return amount, mm.

X – Total depth along X axis, mm.
Z – Total width along Z axis, mm.
P – Depth of cut in X axis (in Micron).
Q – Stepping distance in Z axis (in Micron).
F – Feed Rate, mm.

G21 G98; Initial Settings
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M06 T1; Tool Change Position No. 01
M03 S500; Spindle clockwise with 500 RPM
G00 X33 Z-18; Move tool entry point X33 Z-18 at rapid Travers
G75 R1; Calling G75 Cycle and defining Cycle Parameters
G75 X28 Z-20 P50 Q1000 F40; Defining Cycle Parameters
G28 U0 W0;

4.10 Programming for multiple threading cycle (G76):

Multiple Threading Cycles (G76):
Thread cutting cycle can be commanded by the G76 command as shown in the figure. This
cycle also requires two blocks are needed to specify all the parameters.
G76 P (m) (r) (a) Q (Δd min) R (d);
G71 X Z P (k) Q (Δd) F;

m – No. of repeats for finishing operation.

r – Chamfering amount.
a – Tool angle, degree.
Q – Minimum cutting depth, (in Micron).
R – Finishing allowance, (in mm).
X – Minor Diameter, m.
Z – Thread length, mm.
P (k) – Thread height, (in Micron).
Q (Δd) – Depth of cut for first pass (in Micron).
F – Pitch of the thread, mm.

G21 G98; Initial settings
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M06 T1; Tool change position No. 01
M03 S500; Spindle clockwise with 500 RPM
G00 X32.5 Z5; Move to tool entry X32.5 Z5 at rapid traverse
G76 P040060 Q50 R0.01; Calling G76 Cycle and defining cycle parameters
G76 X30.774 Z-14 P613 Q100 F1;
G28 U0 W0; Minor Diameter Calculation
d= Minor Diameter
D= Minor Diameter
P= Thread Height
d= D – 2 (P)
d= 32 – 2 (0.613)
d= 32 – 1.226
d= 30.774
Thread Height, P = 0.613 x Pitch of the Thread
= 0.613 x 1
P = 0.613

4.11 Programming for drilling cycle (G74):

Drilling Cycle (G74):
This cycle is designed for deep hole drilling, the drill entering the workpiece by a
predetermined amount then backing off by another set amount to provide breaking and
allowing swarf to clear the drill flutes. This cycle is commanded by two distinct lines of
G74 R (e);
G74 X Z Q(Δk) F;
R (e) – Return amount, mm.
X – Always zero, mm.
Z – Drilling depth, mm.
Q – Depth of cut in Z axis (in Micron).
F – Feed Rate, mm.

G21 G98; - Initial settings
G28 U0 W0; - Going to home position
M06 T1; - Tool change position no. 01
M03 S1000; - Spindle clockwise with 1000 rpm
G00 X0 Z5; - Moving to tool entry point of X0 Z5 at rapid traverse
G74 R1; - Calling G74 cycle and defining parameters
G74 X0 Z-5 Q500 F100;
G28 U0 W0;
M06 T2; - Tool change position no. 02
M03 S1000;
G00 X0 Z5;
G74 R1; - Calling G74 cycle and defining parameters
G74 X0 Z-24 Q500 F180;
G28 U0 W0;
M06 T3; - Tool change position no. 03
M03 S1000;
G00 X0 Z5;
G74 R1; - Calling G74 cycle and defining parameters
G74 X0 Z-24 Q500 F60;
G28 U0 W0;

4.12 Programming for boring operation:

G21 G98; - Initial settings
G28 U0 W0; - Going to home position
M06 T1; - Tool change position no. 01
M03 S1000; - Spindle clockwise with 1000 rpm
G00 X0 Z5; - Moving to tool entry point of X0 Z5 at rapid traverse
G74 R1; - Calling G74 cycle and defining parameters
G74 X0 Z-5 Q500 F100;
G28 U0 W0;
M06 T2; - Tool change position no. 02
M03 S1000;
G00 X0 Z5;
G74 R1; - Calling G74 cycle and defining parameters
G74 X0 Z-24 Q500 F80;
G28 U0 W0;
M06 T3; - Tool change position no.03
M03 S1000;
G00 X0 Z5;
G74 R1; - Calling G74 cycle and defining parameters
G74 X0 Z-24 Q500 F60;
G28 U0 W0;
M06 T4; - Tool change position no. 04
M03 S1000;
G00 X12 Z5;
G71 U0.5 R1; - Calling G71 cycle and defining parameters
G71 P1 Q2 U-0.1 W0.1 F80;
N1 G01 X26 F80;
G01 Z0;
G02 X22 Z-4 R4;
G01 Z-14;
G01 X16 Z-20;
N2 G01 X12;
G70 P1 Q2 S1200 F60;
G28 U0 W0;

4.13 Programming for internal threading operation:

G21 G98; Initial Settings
G28 U0 W0; Going to home position
M06 T1; Tool change position no. 01
M03 S1200; Spindle clockwise with S1200 rpm
G00 X0 Z5; Moving to tool entry point of X0 Z5 at rapid traverse
G74 R1; Calling G74 Cycle and defining parameters
G74 X0 Z-5 Q500 F100;
G28 U0 W0;
M06 T2; Tool change position no. 02
M03 S1200;
G00 X0 Z5;
G74 R1; Calling G74 cycle and defining parameters
G74 X0 Z-30 Q500 F80;
G28 U0 W0;
M06 T3; Tool change position no. 03
M03 S1200;
G00 X0 Z5;
G74 R1 ; Calling G74 cycle and defining parameters
G74 X0 Z-30 Q500 F60;
G28 U0 W0;
M06 T4; Tool change position no. 04
M03 S1200;
G00 X12 Z5;
G90 X13 Z-24 F80; Calling G90 cycle and defining parameters
X17 Z-18;
G28 U0 W0;
M06 T0101;
M03 S500;
G76 P040060 Q50 R0.01;
G76 X26 Z-14 P919 Q100 F1.5;
G28 U0 W0;

5.1 Write a manual part program for combined cycle (G70, G71, G75 and G76) of the
component shown in below.

5.2 Write a manual part program for drilling operation of the component shown in below.

Tool Offset Procedure for XLTURN PC Based Machine:
X Offset Procedure:
 Enter [Tool no 1]  Click [T] button.

 Enter spindle speed as 500  Click [S] button.

 Select [Rapid Mode]  Move [Z-] direction  Move [X-] direction.

 Select [Jog Mode]  Select [0.1mm]  Move [X-] direction  touch the job.

 Measure the Job diameter.

 Select [Datum Mode]  Click [X] Enter diameter.

Tool (2):

 Select [Tool no.2].

 Select [Offsets]  Click on [X offset] column  Enter diameter.

 Select [Offsets]  Click on [Y offset] column  Becomes zero.

Tool (3):

 Select [Tool no.3].

 Select [Offsets]  Click on [X offset] column  Enter diameter.

 Select [Offsets]  Click on [Y offset] column  Becomes zero.

Z Offset Procedure:

 Select [Rapid Mode]  Approach the Job

 Select [Jog Mode]  Select [0.1mm]  touch the Job

 Select [Manual Mode]  Enter feedrate [100]  Click [F] button.

 Switch on spindle.

 Select [Datum Mode]  Click [Z] button.

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