Data Keying Error Reduction Reduction of Paper Postage Automated Procedures Inventory Reduction
Data Keying Error Reduction Reduction of Paper Postage Automated Procedures Inventory Reduction
Data Keying Error Reduction Reduction of Paper Postage Automated Procedures Inventory Reduction
- To coordinate sales and production operations and to define an entity, they form a record type.
maintain an uninterrupted flow of raw materials, many • Database
organizations enter into a trading partner agreement with -Set of record types that an organization needs to support
their suppliers and customers its business processes
Enterprise Resource Planning • Association
- An example of EDI -Record types that constitute a database exist in relation to
- Use to help managing and integrate the core other record types.
of the business operation. -One-to-one association, one-to-many association, and
Functional Group many-to-many association
- is a collection of transaction sets (electronic documents)
for a particular business application, such as a group of • One-to-one association
sales invoices or purchase orders. The transaction set is -For every occurrence in one Record Type, there is one (or
composed of data segments and data elements. possibly zero) occurrence in other Record Type.
Important features of EDI • One-to-many association
• EDI is an inter-organization endeavor. -For every occurrence in one Record Type, there are zero,
• The information systems of the trading one, or many occurrences in other record type Record
partners automatically process the Type.
• Transaction information is transmitted in a • Many-to-many association
standardized format. -For each occurrence of both Record Types, there are zero,
one, or many occurrences in the other Record Type.
EDI STANDARDS • Hierarchical Model
• EDI success is the use of a standard format -Constructed of sets that describe the relationship between
for messaging between dissimilar systems two linked files.
• Example, (ANSI) X.12 format. In US and -Each set contains a parent and a child.
EDIFACT in UK -Files at the same level with the same parent are called
Benefits of EDI siblings.
• Data keying -The highest level in the tree is the root segment, and the
• Error reduction lowest file in a particular branch is called a leaf.
• Reduction of paper -This model is called navigational database.
• Postage -One-to-many association
• Automated procedures
• Inventory reduction Limitations of the Hierarchical Model:
Electronic Fund Transfer A parent record may have one or more child records.
• EFT requires intermediary banks between No child record can have more than one parent.
trading partners.
• EFT requires intermediary banks between Network Model
trading partners. - Like the hierarchical model, the network model is a
navigational database with explicit linkages between
EDI CONTROL records and files. The distinction is that the network model
- The absence of human intervention in the EDI permits a child record to have multiple parents.
process presents a unique twist to traditional control -Many-to-many association.
problems, including ensuring that transactions are • Relational Model
authorized and valid, preventing unauthorized -Portrays data in a two-dimensional table.
access to data files, and maintaining an audit trail of -Across the top of the table are attributes (data fields)
transactions. forming columns.
• Transaction Authorization and Validation -Intersecting the columns to form rows in the table are
• Access Control tuples.
• EDI Audit Trail
Audit Objectives Relating to EDI Databases in a Distributed Environment
• All EDI transactions are authorized, validated, • Centralized
and in compliance with the trading partner • Distributed
agreement Partitioned
• No unauthorized organizations gain access to Replicated
database records
• Authorized trading partners have access only Centralized Database
to approved data -The data is retained in a central location.
• Adequate controls are in place to ensure a -Remote information processing units (IPU) send requests
complete audit for data.
Audit Procedures Relating to EDI -Central site services the needs of the remote IPU.
• Tests of Authorization and Validation
Controls. • Temporary Inconsistency
• Tests of Access Controls. -Values are incorrectly stated.
• Tests of Audit Trail Controls. • Database lockout
-A software control that prevents multiple simultaneous
access to data.
Database and database system
What is database? Distributed Database
is a collection of information that is organized so that it can • Partitioned Database
be easily accessed, managed and updated. -Splits the central database into segments that are
distributed to their primary users.
Database management system • Advantages
special software system that is programmed to know which -Storing data at local sites increases users’ control.
data elements each user is authorized to access. -Improves transaction processing response time.
2 types Database System -Reduce the potential effects of disaster.
Flat-file Model • Deadlock Phenomenon
Database Model -Occurs when there is mutual execution to data and the
transactions are in a wait state.
Flat file model • Deadlock Resolution
Legacy systems (traditional) -Terminating one or more transactions.
Flat files are data files that contain records Factors:
with no structured relationships to other files. – Resources currently invested in the transaction
The flat-file environment promotes a single- – The transaction’s stage of completion.
user view approach to data management – The number of deadlocks associated with the
whereby end users own their data files rather transaction.
than share them with other users. – Replicated database
-Duplication of entire database for multiple
DBMS Models IPUs.
• Data model -Effective for situations with high degree of
-An abstract representation of the data about entities, data sharing but no primary users.
including resources (assets), events (transactions), and -The problem with this approach is
agents (personnel or customers, etc.) and their maintaining current versions of the database
relationships in an organization. at each site.
Database Terminology
• Entity
-A database representation of an individual resource, event,
or agent about which we choose to collect data.
-May be physical or conceptual.
• Data Attribute/Field
-A single item of data, such as customer’s name, account
balance, or address.
• Record Type (Table or File)