Gec-Sat: Government Excellence Class Self-Assessment Tool
Gec-Sat: Government Excellence Class Self-Assessment Tool
Gec-Sat: Government Excellence Class Self-Assessment Tool
The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) acknowledges with sincere appreciation
the invaluable contributions of Dr. Robin S. Mann and the Centre for Organizational Excellence
Research (COER) Ltd., for the development and use of the Government Excellence Class Self-
Assessment Tool (GEC-SAT) by public sector organizations in the Philippines.
It is noteworthy to mention that Dr. Robin S. Mann’s professional advice to the DAP Project
Team, through his deputation as a Technical Expert of the Asian Productivity Organization
(APO) and on his personal capacity, has immensely contributed to the program
implementation of the Government Excellence Class (GEC).
Correspondingly, the Academy extends its special recognition to the DAP –Center for Quality
and Competitiveness (CQC) Project Team in bringing the Government Excellence Class (GEC)
into a reality. Thus, addressing the Philippine Development Plan’s (PDP) 2011-2016 strategy
for effective and honest governance, through the administration of a self-assessment for public
sector organizations, recognize commendable efforts through the GEC and to draw an agency
action plan in response to opportunities for improvement in public service delivery.
The DAP-CQC Project Team deserves special mention for its dedication and collective
technical efforts in the preparation and implementation of the Government Excellent Class
(GEC) and in customizing the GEC-SAT to the Philippine public sector setting. Special
recognition goes to: Arnel D. Abanto, Managing Director and Vice-President, CQC; Ma. Theresa
A. Agustin, Program Director, CQC-ICD & SME; Melani G. Mercader, Project Manager;
Technical Team Members, Ceazar Valerei E. Navarro, Chenier Nicu V. Villanueva and
Maegan S. Saroca.
Particular recognition extends to highly esteemed contributors in the GEC, namely: DAP
Senior Vice-President Magdalena L. Mendoza for her technical guidance in the development
and implementation of the GEC, Presidential Communications Operations Office
(PCOO)Secretary Herminio B. Coloma, Jr. for his technical advice on the implementation and
on the promotion of the GEC; and to, the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) and the
Academy’s APO Liaison Office for its continuous support in the Academy’s business excellence
program and for the deputation of Dr. Robin S. Mann.
Through all these collective contributions, the GEC is set to chart the commendable efforts
and the journey to excellence of public sector organizations in the Philippines.
The Government Excellence Class Self-assessment Tool (GECSGEC-SAT) provides a simple and
objective approach for assessing public sector an agenciesor’s health. The approach is fully
inclusive involving all your key personnel and as many staff as you wish. The self-assessment will
help to unite your staff behind a common direction. Together you will identify the current health of
your agency organisation, where you want to be and how to get there!
GECSGEC-SAT has been designed for use by all agenciesorganisations whatever their size,
structure or industry type. The self-assessment design is based on the Criteria for Performance
Excellence (otherwise known as the Baldrige Excellence Framework) an internationally
recognised business excellence model that is used as a basis for national business excellence
awards in 22 countries. The Criteria for Performance Excellence are updated annually by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States. The Criteria reflect the
successful management practices identified in high performing organisations.
c) determine the actions required that will have most impact on improving your agency’s
organisation’s performance
GECSGEC-SAT has been designed for public sector agenciesorganizations, which haves
financial autonomy and full operational responsibility for itself. If your agency organization exists
on more than one site but the Financial Statement of Operations (FSO) and operational
responsibility only applies at the Department organizational level, the assessment should be done
at the total organizational level. On the other hand, if the sites are operationally or FSO
independent, you should complete an assessment for each independent entity.
Most organizsations assign a small team of 4 to 8 people to undertake the assessment and in
which case it should take between 40 to 80 man-hours to complete for the whole team. This
includes completing the self-assessment questionnaire and holding a consensus meeting.
However, you may wish to encourage more staff to complete the questionnaire, in which case the
total man hours will be higher.
GECSGEC-SAT reflects the belief that correctly structured self-assessment will provide an
accurate and honest view of your agency.organisation.
1. Appoint a Facilitator to lead the assessment. A Facilitator should have the following attributes:
2. The Facilitator reads all the documentation and uses the GECSGEC-SAT Facilitator’s Guide
to assist him/her in facilitating the assessment and action planning process.
3. The Facilitator selects a GECSGEC-SAT Team of typically 4–8 people, usually most are
senior personnel, to complete the assessment (see the GECSGEC-SAT Facilitator’s Guide
on how to select Team Members and alternative approaches to conducting the self-
4. The Facilitator holds a briefing meeting with the GECSGEC-SAT Team to explain the purpose
of the self-assessment and the process that needs to be followed.
5. The Facilitator gives a copy of the GECSGEC-SAT Team Member’s Guide, GECSGEC-SAT
Team Member’s Questionnaire, and the GECSGEC-SAT Team Member’s Scorecard to
each Team Member and asks them to individually complete the questionnaire and the
Strengths and Opportunities Forms (in the Team Member’s Guide) in preparation for the Team
Consensus Meeting. The Facilitator does not complete the questionnaire but provides support
for Team Members.
6. The Team Members return their completed GECSGEC-SAT Team Member’s Scorecard, and
Strengths and Opportunities Forms to the Facilitator. The Facilitator transfers the scores of
each Team Member to the GECSGEC-SAT Consensus Spreadsheet and groups together
the Strengths and Opportunities by each CPE Category.
7. The Facilitator plans for the Team Consensus Meeting and completes the Consensus Meeting
Time-Plan (as described in the Facilitator’s Guide). The Facilitator, through consultation with
senior management, also decides on the action planning approach to use so that this can be
communicated at the Consensus Meeting. In some cases it may be decided to have a new
team set up for Action Planning consisting of those people who will be responsible for
overseeing or undertaking the actions.
8. A Team Consensus Meeting is held, led by the Facilitator.
9. The Facilitator updates the GECSGEC-SAT Consensus Spreadsheet as the meeting
progresses and completes the Facilitator Questions provided in the GECSGEC-SAT
Facilitator’s Guide.
10. The GECSGEC-SAT Consensus Spreadsheet is sent to the Development Academy of the
Philippines for analysis.
11. A GECSGEC-SAT Score Report is issued by DAP to the Facilitator. This report provides an
overall business excellence score and benchmark comparisons against other organizsations.
12. An Action Planning meeting is held to agree on what needs to be done to address the
opportunities for improvement that have been identified in the GECSGEC-SAT Score Report.
In this meeting it is helpful to review the responses to the GECSGEC-SAT questions, and
information collected on the Strengths and Opportunities Form. Action plans should be linked
to your agency’s organisatannual strategic planning process to ensure that appropriate
resources can be released.
shows your agency’s organisation’s business excellence score and performance relative to
world-class levels
benchmarks your agency’s organisation’s score against other agencies organisations that
have undertaken the self-assessment.
The most value from the assessment will be obtained from analysing your agency’s
organisation’s relative strengths and opportunities across the 7 Categories and 17 Items. This
information will help you to determine strategic priorities and develop an Action Plan.
Are there any hidden costs? Do we need to hire external consultants to facilitate the self-
assessment process? No, there are no hidden costs. The self-assessment has been designed
as a stand-alone service and does not require the input of consultants. However, some
agencies organisations prefer to hire consultants to explain the self-assessment process and
facilitate the Consensus meeting and/or the Action Planning Meeting.
Is the self-assessment as good as the one used for assessing organisations for Philippine
Quality Award (PQA) based on the Government Criteria for Performance Excellence? –
Assessments for PQA are more rigorous as agencies organisations need to submit a 50 or 75
page report and are assessed on-site by highly trained independent assessors. evaluators. The
GECSGEC-SAT is less rigorous but will still give you a very good understanding of your
agency’s organisation’s strengths and opportunities for improvement and provide feedback on
your agency’s organisation's performance relative to others. Self-assessments can serve as a
more powerful change agent than independent assessments as they can involve more staff in
the process. High levels of staff involvement will lead to a greater understanding of business
excellence and your agency’s organisation’s challenges leading to a greater motivation for
change and a unified call and commitment for action.
How often should we repeat the self-assessment? - Once a year. Often, agencies organisations
undertake a more rigorous awards-style assessment every three to four years to obtain external
validation of their score and/or gain recognition from winning an award. Agencies Organisations
should undertake GECSGEC-SAT even in years when they undertake an award-style
assessment as this can help them prepare for an award-style assessment and provide
benchmark data to support their application.
The Figure below may also help to gain commitment. This graph shows the spread of business
excellence scores of agencies organisations that have assessed themselves using GECSGEC-
SAT. It shows that if agencies organisations improve their management systems (as assessed by
the Criteria) their organizational and market results will improve. Statistically this relationship is
significant and the correlation is “strong”.
Business Results
0 50 100 150 200 250
r. = 0.611, P = 0.000 Enabler Points
(points in Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer & Market Focus, Measure ment, Analysis, &
Knowledge Management, Hu man Resource focus, & Process Management)
Note: - Published by “Mann, R.S. & Saunders, M (2005), Self-assessment in a Multi-Organisational Network,
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 22, Issue 4”