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Kerio Control Step by Step en 7.0.0

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Kerio Control

Step-by-Step Configuration

Kerio Technologies
 Kerio Technologies s.r.o. All rights reserved.

This guide provides detailed description on configuration of the local network which uses
the Kerio Control, version 7.0. All additional modifications and updates reserved.

For current version of the product, go to http://www.kerio.com/firewall/download. For other

documents addressing the product, see http://www.kerio.com/firewall/manual.

1 Introduction ................................................................... 4

2 Headquarters configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1 Selection of IP addresses for LAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Configuration of network interfaces of the Internet gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Kerio Control installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Basic Traffic Policy Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 Intrusion Prevention System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6 DHCP Server Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.7 DNS configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.8 Web interface and SSL-VPN certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.9 Mapping of user accounts and groups from the Active Directory . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.10 Address Groups and Time Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.11 Web Rules Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.12 FTP Policy Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.13 Antivirus Scanning Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.14 Enabling access to local services from the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.15 Secured access of remote clients to LAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.16 LAN Hosts Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.17 Viewing statistics of Internet usage and user browsing behavior . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3 Configuration of the LAN in a filial office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1 Configuration of network interfaces of the Internet gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 DNS configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 DHCP Server Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

4 Interconnection of the headquarters and branch offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4.1 Headquarters configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2 Configuration of a filial office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3 VPN test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

A Used open source items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

B Legal Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Chapter 1


This manual describes configuration steps to be taken for implementation of Kerio Con-
trol in a model network. This network includes most elements present in a real-life Kerio
Control network — Internet access from the local network, protection against attacks from
the Internet, access to selected services on the LAN from the Internet, user access control,
automatic configuration of clients on the LAN, user authentication in the Active Directory
domain, user browsing behavior control, etc.
Another issue is to provide interconnection of networks between the headquarters and
a branch office by a secure (encrypted) channel (so called VPN tunnel) and secure access of
clients to the local network via the Internet using Kerio Control.
This manual provides guidelines for quick setup. Detailed information addressing individual
Kerio Control features and configuration instructions are provided in the Kerio Control —
Administrator’s Guide available at http://www.kerio.com/firewall/manual.

Network configuration example

Kerio Control configuration will be better understood through an example of a model network
shown at figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 Network configuration example

It is recommended to reserve a standalone server for the firewall’s purposes (Internet gateway).
Such server can be:

• A physical or virtual server with Windows.

Use Kerio Control in a Windows edition installed in the system as an application. The
firewall can be run along with other server applications, such as the mailserver with
groupware fetaures Kerio Connect. However, the firewall host should not be used as
a user workstation.

Implementation on a server with Windows is suitable especially in minor networks

where only one server is available, or if you want to use Kerio Control to replace an
existing software firewall or proxy server.

• A physical or virtual server without operating system.

If there is a physical or virtual server reserved where no other applications will be

run, it is recommended to use the Kerio Control’s Software Appliance edition which
provides firewall including a host operating system. Compared with the Windows
edition on the same hardware, this version offers higher performance and network
throughput. It also guarantees no collisions with incompatible applications and
system services. However, no other applications can be hosted on the same system
along with the firewall.

Besides that, for the VMware platform, there is a ready virtual appliance available in
OVF and VMX, simply to be imported and started.

Chapter 2

Headquarters configuration

This chapter provides detailed description on configuration of the local network and setup
of Kerio Control in company headquarters. The same procedure can be applied for network
configuration in a branch office (bearing in mind slight differences described in chapter 3).
For purposes of this example, it is supposed that an Active Directory domain company.com is
created in the headquarters’ LAN and all hosts in the network are included in this domain.

2.1 Selection of IP addresses for LAN

In our example, we will focus on private networks connected to the Internet through a single
public IP address. Under such circumstances, the local network will be “hidden” behind this
IP address entirely.
Local networks which do not belong to the Internet (so called private networks) use reserved
special ranges of IP addresses. These addresses must not exist in the Internet (Internet routers
are usually set in order to drop all packets that include these addresses).
The following IP ranges are reserved for private networks:

1. 10.x.x.x, network mask

2. 172.16.x.x, network mask
3. 192.168.x.x, network mask

Do not use other IP addresses in private networks, otherwise some web pages (those
networks that have the same IP addresses) might be unavailable!

For the headquarters’ LAN, the private addresses 192.168.1.x with subnet mask (IP subnet will be used whereas IP addresses10.1.1.x with
subnet mask (IP subnet will be used for the filial’s LAN.

Setting IP addresses in an example network

The following methods can be used to assign IP addresses to local hosts:

• The static IP address will be assigned to the domain server / FTP server
(its IP address must not be changed, otherwise mapping from the Internet will not

• A Static IP address will be assigned to the network printer by the DHCP server (DHCP
lease). Printing machines cannot have dynamic IP addresses, otherwise they would be
unavailable from clients if the IP changes.

2.2 Configuration of network interfaces of the Internet gateway

Note: IP addresses can be assigned to printers either manually or by a DHCP server.

If a DHCP server is used, the printing machine is configured automatically and its
address is listed in the DHCP lease list. If configured manually, the printing machine
will be independent of the DHCP server’s availability.

• Dynamic IP addresses will be assigned to local workstations (easier configuration).

Figure 2.1 Example of configuration of a network with assigned IP addresses


1. The DNS domain in the LAN must be identical with the Active Directory domain (i.e.

2. IP addresses 10.1.1.x with the subnet mask will be used in the network
of the branch office. The Active Directory domain is not used in this network, so it is
necessary to create a local DNS domain filial.company.com.

2.2 Configuration of network interfaces of the Internet gateway

Internet gateway is a host (or a server) at the boundary of LAN and the Internet. In this
example, a server with Windows will be used. The Kerio Control firewall (see chapter 2.3) as
well as Kerio Connect will be installed on this server. Kerio Connect will be used as a mailserver
and groupware server.

Headquarters configuration

Internet Interfaces

Follow the ISP’s instructions to set the interface connected to the Internet. Most ISP use
automatic configuration of TCP/IP parameters by using DHCP protocol. In case of manual
configuration, the following parameters are required for proper functionality of the Internet
interface: IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and at least one DNS server’s address.

The web interface of the company headquarter’s firewall should have a fixed IP address to
make it possible for the filial’s server and VPN clients to connect to it (see requirements
in chapter 1). Suppose that the ISP has aasigned IP adddress It is also
recommended to assign a DNS name (e.g. server.company.com) to this IP address; otherwise
all VPN clients will be required to define the server by the IP address.

Verify connectivity (i.e. by using the ping command or by opening a Web site using your

LAN Interface

The following parameters will be set at the LAN Interface:

• IP address — we will use the IP address (refer to chapter 2.1).

• network mask —

• default gateway — no default gateway is allowed at this interface!

• DNS server — no DNS server should be set on this interface.

2.3 Kerio Control installation

Install Kerio Control by following the procedure corresponding with your server type.

Installation on Windows

Run the Kerio Connect installation file. Select Full installation.

If the installation program detects the Internet Connection Sharing service, it is recommended
to strictly disable this service, otherwise collisions might occur and Kerio Connect may work
incorrectly. It is also recommended to disable also other system services which might cause
collisions — Universal Plug and Play Device Host and SSDP Discovery Service.

Now set a password for access to administration (user Admin). If the installation is performed
remotely (e.g. via Remote Desktop), check the corresponding option to avoid blocking of
network traffic when the installation is completed.

Under usual circumstances, a reboot of the computer is not required after the installation is
completed (a restart may be required if the installation program rewrites shared files which
are currently in use). This will install the Kerio Control Engine low-level driver into the system

2.4 Basic Traffic Policy Configuration

kernel. Kerio Control Engine and Kerio Control Engine Monitor will be automatically launched
when the installation is complete. The engine runs as a service.

Installation of Software Appliance

Kerio Control in the software appliance edition is distribuded as an ISO image of the
installation CD that can be used to implement the system and install the firewall on either
a physical or virtual host.

ISO image of the installation CD can be burned on a physical CD and then the CD can be used
for installation of the system on the target computer (either physical or virtual). In case of
virtual computers, the ISO image can be also connected as a virtual CD ROM, without the need
to burn the installation ISO file on a CD.

After installation, the computer will be rebooted and a simple wizard for setting of
the following basic firewall parameters will get started — network interfaces, remote
administration, Admin passwords, etc. Any other settings can be done remotely in the Kerio
Administration Console or on the Kerio Control Administration web interface.

VMware Virtual Appliance installation

Use a corresponding package in accordance with the type of your VMware product (see

• In case of products VMware Server, Workstation and Fusion, download the compressed
VMX distribution file (*.zip), unpack it and open it in the your VMware product.

• You can import a virtual appliance directly to VMware ESX/ESXi from the URL of the
OVF file — for example:


VMware ESX/ESXi automatically downloads the OVF configuration file and

a corresponding disk image (.vmdk).

Upon the first start of the virtual host, a simple wizard for setting of the following basic
firewall parameters will get started — network interfaces, remote administration, Admin
passwords, etc. Other settings can be done remotely in the Kerio Administration Console or on
the Kerio Control Administration web interface.

2.4 Basic Traffic Policy Configuration

Run the Kerio Administration Console and connect to the localhost (the local computer) with
the user name and password defined during installation. The Network Rules Wizard will be
started automatically after the first login.

Headquarters configuration

Set the following parameters using the Wizard:

• Internet connection types (the wizard, page 2) — select persistent connection with
a single Internet line.

• Internet interface (the wizard, page 3) — select an interface connected to the Internet.

• Rules used for outgoing traffic (the wizard, page 4) — these rules enable access to
Internet services.

• Rules for VPN (the wizard, page 5) — leave both options enabled: Create rules for
Kerio VPN (this creates key traffic rules for interconnection of headquarters and filial
networks and for connection of remote clients — see chapter 4) and Create rules for
Kerio Clientless SSL-VPN (remote access to shared folders and files in the network via

Note: There is no reason to create rules for Kerio Clientless SSL-VPN on the firewall of
the branch office (Active Directory domain is not used on the side of the branch office).

• Rules for incoming traffic (the wizard, page 6) — add mapping of SMTP service on the

Note: In this step you can also define mapping for other hosted services such as an
FTP server. This will be better understood through the second method — custom rule
definition. For details, see chapter 2.14.

2.5 Intrusion Prevention System

In Configuration → Traffic Policy → Intrusion Prevention, enable detection of known types of
network intrusions coming from the Internet and from known intruders. The default setting
is optimized and it is usually not necessary to change it. Howeever, it is recommended to
check Security regularly and evaluate possible false alarms. For details, see Kerio Control —
Administrator’s Guide (http://www.kerio.com/firewall/manual).

2.6 DHCP Server Configuration

Go to the Configuration → DHCP server section in Kerio Administration Console. Open the
Scopes tab to create an IP scope for hosts to which addresses will be assigned dynamically (the
Add → Scope option). The following parameters must be specified to define address scopes:

• Address rsnge — select to (addresses from to will be reserved for servers and printing machines),

• Network mask —

• Default gateway — IP address of the firewall interface that is connected to the local
network (

2.6 DHCP Server Configuration

• DNS server — IP address of the firewall interface that is connected to the local network
( — the same as the default gateway). The Kerio Control’s DNS forwarder
will be used as the primary DNS server. The forwarder will procure correct forwarding
of requests between the company’s offices and to the Internet.

• Domain — local DNS domain (identical with the Active Directory domain, i.e.

Now add a reservation for the network printer. The address you reserve need not necessarily
belong to the scope described above, however, it must belong to the specified network (in
this example the address is reserved). You need to know the hardware (MAC)
address of the printing machine to make the reservation.


1. DHCP server can be configured automatically in accordance with LAN interface

parameters. Automatic configuration of DHCP server can now be enabled only in the
Kerio Control Administration web interface.

2. Do not make the reservation manually unless you know the MAC address of your
printing machine. Run the DHCP server and connect the machine to the network. An
IP address from the formerly defined scope (see above) will be assigned to the printing
machine. In the list of leased addresses, mark this IP address and click on Reserve. This
opens a dialog for IP address reservation with the corresponding MAC address already
predefined. Change reserved IP address to the desired one (, edit the
description and click on OK. Restart your printing machine. The appropriate IP address
will be assigned to the printing machine by the DHCP server after the restart.


1. Do not enable (allow) the DHCP server unless all desired scopes and reservations are made
or unless you need to determine a client’s MAC address (see above).

2. You can also use another DHCP server to detect settings of your network equipment
automatically. Set the firewall computer’s internal IP address ( as the default
gateway and DNS server in parameters for this range on the DHCP server.

In this case it is necessary to keep the DHCP server in Kerio Control disabled!

Headquarters configuration

2.7 DNS configuration

In Configuration → DNS, keep the default settings (the DNS service and simple DNS translation
woth the hosts file and a table of leased addresses are allowed) and set the advanced options:

• Enter the local DNS domain name — company.com.

• Enable the Use custom forwarding option Add the rule for forwarding of requests to
the Active Directory, i.e. of all requests for names starting with _ (underscore), to the
domain server in the LAN. This setting is required for correct communication of local
computers with the domain server.

DNS name Forward to DNS servers


Table 2.1 Rule for forwarding of DNS requests to Active Directory

It is also necessary to add rules for correct forwarding of DNS queries between the
headquarters’ network and networks of branch offices. For detailed description on
these settings, refer to chapters 4.1 and 4.2.

2.8 Web interface and SSL-VPN certificates

The Kerio Control web interface allows remote administration of the firewall via a web
browser (Kerio Control Administration) and viewing of Internet usage statistics (Kerio StaR).
It also allows viewing of information regarding attempts to access forbidden web pages (see
chapter 2.11) and users can use it to set several parameters of their accounts. The Clientless
SSL-VPN interface is used for secured remote connections to shared files in local networks by
a web browser.
For proper functionality of web services, an SSL certificate is required that proves the server’s
identity. To create certificates for web interfaces, go to Configuration → Advanced Options,
to the Web Interface or the SSL-VPN tab. In advanced settings of individual interfaces, select
Change SSL certificate and Create certificate.
The server name for which the certificate will be issued should be identical with the server
name including domain — in our example, name server.company.com is used. For access
to Kerio Control interfaces from the Internet, a record for this name must exist also in public

It is recommended to replace the created SSL certificates by an SSL certificate issued by
a public certification authority (one certificate can be used both for the web interface and
the Clientless SSL-VPN interface — there is no need to pay for two certificates).

2.9 Mapping of user accounts and groups from the Active Directory

2.9 Mapping of user accounts and groups from the Active Directory
To enable disposal of Active Directory user accounts, set mapping of a corresponding domain
and define a template that will apply specific Kerio Control parameters (user rights, data
transfer quotas, etc.) to all users.

Domain mapping

To set Active Directory domain mapping, go to the Active Directory tab under User and
Groups → Users. The firewall must belong to the corresponding domain. For mapping of
user accounts, enter name and password of a user with rights to read the Active Directory
database (any user belonging to the domain).

Creating templates for user accounts

On the User Accounts tab, select the mapped Active Directory domain, i.e. company.com. If
mapping is set correctly, all user accounts included in the domain will be displayed here.

Click on the Template button to define a template for user accounts. It is also intended to
enable remote users to access the local network by Kerio VPN Client or Kerio Clientless SSL-
VPN. Set user rights on the Rights tab.

In case you do not want to use any of the domain accounts, you can block them in Kerio
Control and hide blocked accounts. The accounts will be blocked only in Kerio Control, they
will stay active in the domain.

2.10 Address Groups and Time Ranges

Open the Configuration → Definitions → Address Groups section to create IP group Email
Access that will be used to limit access to email accounts (refer to chapter 2.14). This
group will consist of the and IP addresses and of the entire network with the network mask.

Note: Definition of the first group requires name of the new group, later additions allow
selection of an existing group.

Likely, go to Configuration → Definition → Time Ranges to create a time interval that will be
limited to accessing Internet services during the labor hours (from Monday to Friday from 8
A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Saturdays and Sundays from 8 A.M. to 12 A.M.).

You can use predefined day groups (Weekday or Weekend) to define the Valid on entry — it is
not necessary to tick each day individually.

Headquarters configuration

2.11 Web Rules Definition


Access to Web pages will be limited by the following restrictions:

• filtering of advertisements included in web pages,

• access to pages with erotic/sexual content is denied,

• access to Web pages that offer jobs is denied (only users working in Personal
Departments are allowed to access these pages),

• user authentication will be required before access to the Internet is allowed (this way
you can monitor which pages are opened by each user).

Ads filtering and blocking access to specific website categories

The following basic HTTP rules are already predefined and available in the URL Rules tab in
Configuration → Content Filtering → HTTP Policy:

• It is recommended to keep rules Allow automatic updates for Kerio software and Allow
automatic updates and MS Windows activation enabled, so that Kerio Control automatic
updates and the server’s operating system activations work correctly.

• Rules Allow popular search engines and Remove advertisement and banners can be
used according to your needs.

• Rule Deny sites rated in Kerio Web Filter categoriescan be used to block all users access
to pages with erotic contents.

Use the Select Rating... button to select Kerio Web Filter categories that will be blocked.
Then select appropriate categories in the Pornography /Nudity section to deny access
to pages with erotic/sexual content.

On the Advanced tab, enter the text which will be displayed if a user to access a page
with forbidden content or set redirection to another webpage.

Restrictions of web pages with job offers

To restrict access to websites with job offers, use the following rules:

1. Add a rule allowing users from the Human Resources Department group to access pages
categorized by Kerio Web Filter as Job Offers.

2. Behind this rule, add a rule blocking access to the same category for any other users.

2.12 FTP Policy Configuration

It is recommended not to require user authentication in this rule. This prevents from
redirecting unauthenticated users’ browser to the authentication page before showing the
information that the page is blocked.

User authentication for accessing Websites

The last optional restriction is user authentication while accessing Web pages. To enable this
feature, use the corresponding option under Users and Groups → Users, the Authentication
Options tab.
User authentication is performed within redirection to the Kerio Control web interface’s
authentication page. It is necessary that the web interface is enabled and all its parameters
set correctly (refer to chapter 2.8). Upon entering a valid username and password, the browser
will be redirected to the solicited page.

2.12 FTP Policy Configuration

FTP usage will be limited by the following restrictions:

• transmission of music files in the MP3 format will be denied

• transmission of video files (*.AVI) will be denied within working hours
• uploads (storing files at FTP servers) will be denied — protection of important
company information

FTP restrictions specified by predefined rules

Go to Configuration → Content Filtering → FTP Policy to set FTP limitations. The following
rules are predefined rules and can be used for all intended restrictions:

• Rules Forbid *.mpg, *.mp3 and *.mpeg files and Forbid upload are ready to use.

• Modify the Forbid *.avi files rule by going to the Advanced tab and setting the time
when the rule is valid in the Working hours range (see chapter 2.10).

FTP server in local network

?In the following example, we intend to enable the local FTP server from the Internet. The
Forbid upload rule denies even upload to this server which is not always desirable. For this
reason we must add a rule that would enable upload to this server before the Forbid upload

• On the General tab set the following condition: “if any user acesses FTP server, then allow.”

• On the Advanced tab, set the operation type to Upload and use the wildcard for any
file (*).

Headquarters configuration


1. The IP address of the host where the appropriate FTP service is running must be used to
define the FTP server’s IP address. It is not possible to use an outbound IP address of the
firewall that the FTP server is mapped from (unless the FTP server runs on the firewall)! IP
addresses are translated before the content filtering rules are applied.

2. The same method can be also applied to enable upload to a particular FTP server in the
Internet whereas upload to other FTP servers will be forbidden.

2.13 Antivirus Scanning Configuration

Any supported external antivirus application that you intend to use must be installed first.
The Sophos antivirus application is integrated into Kerio Control and you will need a special
license to run it. The ideal solution is to combine the integrated and an external antivirus (so
called dual antivirus check).

In Configuration → Content Filtering → Antivirus, on the Antivirus tab, set antiviruses

and, if applicable, also advanced settings for the selected external antivirus. For
complete list of supported antiviruses and their detailed configuration guides, refer to

Kerio Control allows to select protocols which antivirus check will be applied to. The HTTP,
FTP scanning, Email scanning and SSL-VPN scanning, tabs enable detailed configuration of
scanning of individual protocols. Usually, the default settings are convenient.

2.14 Enabling access to local services from the Internet

Go to Configuration → Traffic Policy → Traffic Rules to add rules for services that will be
available from the Internet. Rules for service mapping should be always at the top of the
traffic rules table.

• Mapping of local FTP server — unsecured access only is supposed which makes it
possible to filter traffic and scan it for viruses.

Name Source Destination Service Action Translation

Access to FTP server Any Firewall FTP Allow Mapping

Table 2.2 Making the local FTP servers available from the Internet

• Access to other mail server services (save SMTP) — allowed only from certain IP
addresses in the Working hours time range.

2.15 Secured access of remote clients to LAN

Name Source Destination Service Action Translation Valid in

Access to email Group Access Firewall IMAP Allow Working hours

to email IMAPS

Table 2.3 Enabling access to the firewall’s mailserver services


1. This rule enables access to IMAP and POP3 services in both encrypted and
unencrypted versions — client can select which service they will use.

2. Based on this example, the SMTP service was mapped by the traffic rules Wizard
(refer to chapter 2.4) — the appropriate rule already exists.

3. Access to the SMTP service must not be limited to certain IP addresses only as
anyone is allowed to send an email to the local domain.

2.15 Secured access of remote clients to LAN

Enable the VPN server for secured access of remote clients (“VPN clients”) to LAN under Con-
figuration → Interfaces (for details, see chapter 4.1). No additional settings are required.
Communication of VPN clients is already allowed by the traffic policy created by the wizard —
refer to chapter 2.4.

Kerio VPN Client

Kerio VPN Client must be installed at each remote host to enable their connection to the
VPN server in Kerio Control. This application is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Installation files can be downloaded from http://www.kerio.com/firewall/download.
Clients will connect to the server at the headquarters (i.e. to or to the server
name server.company.com and they will be authenticated through their domain usernames
and passwords (see chapter 2.9).
For help details, see Kerio VPN Client — User’s Guide (http://www.kerio.com/firewall/manual).

2.16 LAN Hosts Configuration

TCP/IP parameters for the hosts that are used as the domain server and as the FTP server
must be configured manually (its IP address must not be changed):

• IP address — we will use the address (refer to chapter 2.6),

• Default gateway — use IP address of the appropriate firewall interface (,

• DNS server — since Microsoft DNS is running on the host, the system sets the local
loopback address (loopback — as the primary DNS server.

Headquarters configuration

Set automatic configuration of both IP address and DNS server (using DHCP) at all workstations
(it is set by default under most operating systems).

2.17 Viewing statistics of Internet usage and user browsing behavior

Kerio Control also includes a web interface called Kerio StaR (statistics and reporting) which
allows to view user browsing behavior as well as statistics in tables and charts.
The monitored activity items include:

• visited websites,
• email messages and instant messaging,
• large file transfers,
• multimedia (online audio and video streaming),
• remote access (terminal access and VPN connection).

Tables and charts are available for the following statistical issues:

• volume of transferred data,

• used protocols (services),

• top visited web domains,

• top requested web categories.

Statistics can be either showed for the overall traffic or for individual users.

Access and authentication to the statistics

Internet usage statistics may include fragile information. For this reason, a special right is
used for access to this information, assigned only to the Admin by default. Therefore, it is
first necessary to grant rights for statistics viewing to specific users and/or groups under
Users and Groups.
Statistics are available via the Kerio Control web interface. You can enter the web interface at
the URL following this pattern:
which is in our example:
Users with rights to view statistics see the Kerio StaR’s main page with overall statistics upon
their logon to the web interface. Other users see the web interface welcome page first.
By default, the web interface is available from the LAN. To make it available from the Internet,
it is necessary to define a corresponding traffic rule (see chapter 2.14).
Detailed information addressing the Kerio Control web interface and Kerio StaR is provided in
the Kerio Control — User’s Guide available at http://www.kerio.com/firewall/manual.

Chapter 3

Configuration of the LAN in a filial office

For quick configuration of the filial’s LAN, it is possible to follow similar method as for the
headquarter’s network (see chapter 2). The only difference is in DNS and DHCP configuration.
Supposing that there is no domain server or any other DNS server in the filial’s network. The
Kerio Control’s DNS module will be used as the primary DNS server.

3.1 Configuration of network interfaces of the Internet gateway

Set a fixed IP address (e.g. at the firewall’s interface connected to the local network.
Make sure that no default gateway is set on this interface! No DNS server should be set here
as well!

Follow the ISP’s instructions to set the interface connected to the Internet.

3.2 DNS configuration

In Configuration → DNS, keep the default settings (the DNS forwarder service and simple
DNS translation with the hosts file and a table of leased addresses are allowed) and set the
advanced options:

• Enter the local DNS domain name — filial.company.com.

• Enable the Use custom forwarding option The settings are addressed in details in
chapter 4.2.

• It is recommended to add a record about the server (or about other hosts to which
a fixed IP address will be assigned) to the hosts file: server

3.3 DHCP Server Configuration

Go to the Configuration → DHCP server section to create an IP scope for hosts to which
addresses will be assigned dynamically (the Add → Scope option). The following parameters
must be specified to define address scopes:

• Address range — select - (addresses from to will be reserved for servers and printing machines),

• Network mask —

Configuration of the LAN in a filial office

• Default gateway — IP address of the firewall interface that is connected to the local
network (

• DNS server — IP address of the firewall interface that is connected to the local network
( — the same as the default gateway). The Kerio Control’s DNS forwarder will
be used as the primary DNS server. The forwarder will procure correct forwarding of
requests between the company’s offices and to the Internet.

• Domain — name of the local DNS domain (filial.company.com)

Chapter 4

Interconnection of the headquarters and branch of-


This chapter provides information on interconnection of headquarters and branch office

servers by an encrypted channel (“VPN tunnel”). The following example describes only
the basic configuration of a VPN tunnel between two networks. No tips related to access
restrictions or other specific settings are included here. For example of a more complex VPN
configuration, refer to the Kerio Control — User’s Guide document.

The configuration consists of two parts: settings in the headquarters and settings of the filial.
It is supposed that both networks have been already configured as described in chapter 2 and
that connection to the Internet is available.

Information related to the example

For better reference, review the figure providing a graphical description of interconnected
networks, including their IP addresses.

Figure 4.1 Example of configuration of a network with assigned IP addresses

Interconnection of the headquarters and branch offices

The headquarters uses IP addresses 192.168.1.x with the network mask and
with DNS domain company.com. The branch office uses IP addresses 10.1.1.x with network
mask and with the subdomain filial.company.com.

4.1 Headquarters configuration

1. In Kerio Control under Configuration / Interfaces select a VPN server, open its settings
dialog and enable it.

Note: The VPN network and Mask entries now include an automatically selected free
subnet for VPN. There is no reason to change the network.

2. Use the Edit SSL certificate button to create an SSL certificate with the name of
the corresponding server (e.g. server.company.com). This certificate is used for
identification of the VPN server.

Note: It is recommended to later replace this generated certificate with a certificate

authorized by a reliable public certification authority.

3. Create a passive endpoint of the VPN tunnel (the office’s server uses a dynamic IP address
— therefore there must be the active endpoint of the tunnel at the office). Specify the
remote endpoint SSL certificate’s fingerprint by the fingerprint of the certificate of the
branch office VPN server.

4. In the configuration of the DNS module (refer to chapter 2.7), enable the Use custom for-
warding. Define rules for the filial.company.com domain. Specify the server for DNS
forwarding by the IP address of the remote Kerio Control host’s interface (i.e. interface
connected to the local network at the other end of the tunnel).

Domain / Network DNS server(s)


Table 4.1 Headquarters — DNS forwarding configuration

4.2 Configuration of a filial office

1. In Kerio Control under Configuration / Interfaces select a VPN server, open its settings
dialog and enable it.

Note: The VPN network and Mask entries now include an automatically selected free
subnet for VPN. There is no reason to change the network.

Use the Edit SSL certificate button to create an SSL certificate with the name of the
corresponding server (e.g. server.filial.company). This certificate is used for

identification of the VPN server. The fingerprint of the created SSL certificate will be
required for definition of the VPN tunnel on the headquarters server (see chapter 4.1).
Select it, copy it to the clipboard and paste it to an email message, text file, etc.

Note: It is recommended to later replace this generated certificate with a certificate

authorized by a reliable public certification authority.

2. Create an active endpoint of the VPN tunnel which connects to the company’s
headquarters server (server.company.com). The fingerprint of the VPN server certificate
can be set simply by clicking on Detect remote certificate.

3. In the configuration of the DNS module (refer to chapter 2.7), enable the Use cus-
tom forwarding. Define rules for the company.com domain. Set the IP address of the
headquarter’s domain server ( which is used as the primary server for the
company.com domain as the DNS server used for forwarding.

Domain / Network DNS server(s)


Table 4.2 Filial — DNS forwarding configuration

4.3 VPN test

Configuration of the VPN tunnel has been completed by now. At this point, it is recommended
to test availability of the remote hosts from each end of the tunnel (from both local networks).

For example, the ping or/and tracert operating system commands can be used for this
testing. It is recommended to test availability of remote hosts both through IP addresses and
DNS names.

If a remote host is tested through IP address and it does not respond, check configuration
of the traffic rules or/and find out whether the subnets do not collide (i.e. whether the same
subnet is not used at both ends of the tunnel).

If an IP address is tested successfully and an error is reported (Unknown host) when

a corresponding DNS name is tested, then check configuration of the DNS.

Note: VPN clients connecting to the headquarters server can access both the headquarters
and the branch office networks and vice versa (the access is not limited by any restrictions).
Therefore, it is recommended to test connection to both networks also from the VPN client.

Appendix A

Used open source items

Kerio Control contains open-source software. Full source code packages for these components
are available in the Software Archive at http://download.kerio.com/archive/.

Appendix B

Legal Notices

Microsoft , Windows , Windows NT  and Active Directory  are registered trademarks or

trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

VMware  is registered trademark of VMware, Inc.

Other names of real companies and products mentioned in this document may be registered
trademarks or trademarks of their owners.


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