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Boc02 Job-Floris Circular-Buildings PDF

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Job Floris

chè, per quanti più si dice lì nostro,
tanto possiede più di ben ciascuno
Dante, Purgatorio, XV, 55-56

Books of copies contain pictures that can be copied to produce architecture.

Books of copies are comprised of a packet of black-and-white A4 photocopies.
Books of copies are stored in a web archive and are downloadable for free.
Each book has a title naming a class of buildings that could be produced by copying
the figures contained in the book. For example, a book of copies entitled Book of
Houses would contain various images that could be employed to produce houses; a
book of copies entitled Book of Prisons would contain images that could be employed
to produce prisons; and a book of copies entitled Palaces for the Tyrant would contain
images that could be employed to produce palaces for tyrants.
Books of copies do not have a fixed number of pages.
These books of copies do not follow a strict typological order. A book entitled Book of
Houses is not necessarily comprised of pictures of houses, and a book entitled Book of
Prisons is not necessarily comprised of pictures of prisons.
Everything can be included in books of copies except nature (after all, one can copy a
toy, but one cannot copy a mountain).
Copies should not be confused with quotations. Copies do not establish any link to the
lost virtue of ancient civilizations. Copies do not testify to any particular erudition, and
copies do not affiliate the copying architects with the great masters of the past. Copies
are humbler and less refined than direct citations. Copies simply re-employ knowledge
that is already available and public.
The only reason to include a picture in a book of copies is its intimate beauty.
Books of copies define the provisional set of objects that deserve to be copied; they are
a tentative corpus iuris of architectural beauty.
Books of copies do not present an exhaustive taxonomy.
Books of copies simply contain a collection of examples, a tentative index of a collective
architectural knowledge.
The number of books of copies to be produced is not fixed.
The action that produces books of copies is that of selection: the recognition of beauty
(not just actual beauty, but potential beauty as well – the fragile, incomplete beauty of
so many clumsy buildings of the past that are begging for completion and plenitude in
the architecture of the future).
The production of books of copies relies on the existence of a collective knowledge
(provisionally named Architecture). Books of copies depend on and, at the same time,
redefine this collective knowledge.

NOTICE The authors of the Books of Copies pro- 4,000 publishers to request permission to repro-
duced their images by making photocopies of books duce these images. San Rocco believes the Books of
available in their own libraries. San Rocco did not try Copies project constitutes a fair use of these imag-
to contact all of the copyright holders of the illus- es. Indeed, the Books of Copies are the product of
trations that appear in the Books of Copies. Such an a collective intelligence, something that should be
enterprise would have been beyond our capabilities, accessible to everyone. If you claim ownership of any
for the Books of Copies produced thus far include of the illustrations appearing in the Books of Copies
around 4,000 illustrations, which means we would and have not been properly credited, please inform
potentially have had to contact as many as 4,000 us and we will be happy to indicate this in any future
architects, 4,000 photographers, 4,000 writers and publication of the project.


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