Simone Weil Religious Thougth
Simone Weil Religious Thougth
Simone Weil Religious Thougth
ing the direct rays of divine light. Is such a case possible? What are
we to think about it?
There are certain facts we must accept. The existence of authentic
mystics among people entirely ignorant of the Catholic faith is nowa-
days regarded as beyond question. Missionaries from the Far East
have provided evidence which cannot easily be rejected. Be that as it
may, there is another fact, this time beyond argument, which raises
the same question—the fact that there exist among pagans quite
large numbers of souls living in a state of friendship with God but
without any apparent link with the Church of Christ. Though they
cannot know it, these souls do receive their spiritual riches through
the mediation of the Church, whose prayers and Eucharist have a
mystical influence far beyond her visible boundaries.
The existence of a life of grace in souls making no external profession
of the Catholic faith raises the fundamental difficulty familiar to apolo-
gists—that of the salvation of unbelievers. The addition of mystical
experiences does not raise a new problem; it merely emphasizes the
degree of sanctity attainable by souls in involuntary ignorance. This
is the extremely difficult case of Simone Weil. The recent publication
of her notes, essays, and letters, too hastily made available to a very
wide public, has made known the extraordinary life of this "agnostic-
atheist" Jewess. She was a woman of exceptional intelligence and cul-
ture, familiar with Catholic doctrine, heroic in her faithfulness to the
precepts of evangelical morality, favored, it would seem, with numerous
mystical experiences, yet determinedly unbelieving about several es-
sential articles of faith, and for that reason unable, right up to the
time of her death, to receive baptism. She did not hesitate, moreover,
to show an aggressive hostility towards certain of the Church's atti-
tudes and teachings. She denied the Church's right to impose beliefs
on the faithful. Finally, she propounded the notion, based on her
personal supernatural experiences, that the easiest way to achieve
unity with God was to refrain from any explicit act of faith and even
from any intellectual affirmation about His existence.
Such an attitude is a serious matter—more serious than people seem
to think. If Simone did have mystical experiences—which would prove
that she enjoyed a life of grace—she constitutes the most difficult
possible case of the problem of the salvation of unbelievers. Nor is
Simone Weil, Waiting for God, trans. Emma Craufurd (New York: Putnam, 1951),
p. 69.
which is the object of a positive sensation, more positive than that of sound.
Noises, if there are any, only reach me after crossing this silence.
Sometimes, also, during this recitation or at other moments, Christ is present
with me in person, but his presence is infinitely more real, more moving, more
clear than on that first occasion when he took possession of me.2
It should be noted that in the first case quoted above Simone ex-
pressly excludes participation by the senses and imagination. Her ex-
periences seem to be strictly limited to the domains of pure intelli-
gence and love. Now theological teaching is that in these domains
the devil cannot act directly on the soul. Without being decisive, that
is one very good reason for discounting the theory of diabolic illusion.
Besides, descriptions like that are not imagined and everyone who
knew her agrees that Simone was incapable of lying. In any case, the
bare admission in this second possible solution that Simone Weil
enjoyed a supernatural life of grace and charity poses in all its force
the problem of reconciling such a life with her errors in matters of
faith. The mystical experiences add nothing essential to the problem
and there is therefore no a priori reason to reject them.
There remains, therefore, only one acceptable way of stating the
problem: to admit as probable (for there is no certainty in these mat-
ters, except perhaps in the case of canonized saints) that Simone, in
spite of her doctrinal shortcomings, lived, at least during the time she
had her mystical experiences, a lofty supernatural life, since she did
attain at times to a union of love with God. What then are we to make
of her errors?
One is tempted to reduce them to the inoffensive minimum, a
simple historical mistake about the Jewish people and the Catholic
Church and a failure to grasp the doctrine of the constitution of that
Church. All the rest could be written off as unimportant misunder-
standings. According to his preface to Gravity and Grace, this is the
stand taken by Gustave Thibon, who prudently disclaims any preten-
sions to theological competence.3 On the whole, a quick reading of
the aphorisms which make up this book confirms such a judgment.
Unfortunately, one is apt to forget that these thoughts were selected
and arranged by M. Thibon. When one compares them with the works
* Ibid., p. 72.
Cf. Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace, trans. Emma Craufurd (London: Routledge and
Kegan Paul, 1952), Introduction, p. xxix ff.
later published over her name, one is struck by the sharply different
impression they give. The highest motives impelled M. Thibon to make
a selection from the loose notes he received and to arrange them me-
thodically. One gets the impression that the selection, guided by a
very praiseworthy prudence, has unintentionally attenuated what
might otherwise have been a little too much for the faithful to swallow.
A more detailed study would perhaps show us that the editor has used
this means to give us a truer and more intimate picture of Simone. We
shall soon see that all that is most profound and true in her lies hidden
in the rough ore of error. Only someone who knew her and whose com-
petence is beyond question has the right or the means to separate the
gold from the dross.
Not being in the privileged position of M. Thibon, I believe we
must confine our attention in the main to her writings as she herself
left them in her notebooks and as they have recently been made
public. Despite the veil of so much error which hides the best in them,
they remain transparent enough for us to discern the supernatural
riches of a soul which, in spite of its shortcomings, undoubtedly received
signal favors from God. We shall devote the second part of this study
to the difficult task of making the distinction between the obvious
serious errors which swarm (I do not think the word is too strong)
from the pen of Simone Weil and the nucleus containing the precious
germ which, once isolated, has the most magnificent lights and re-
flections. For the moment we shall limit ourselves to admitting and,
as far as possible, explaining the antithesis between Simone's genuine
interior life and her denials of fundamental matters of faith.
According to traditional Catholic theological teaching, no super-
natural life is possible without a minimum of objectively explicit faith
in the existence of God and His rewarding providence. Now Simone
Weil has declared on several occasions that before her experience of
union with Christ she had always maintained a complete abstention
from any intellectual judgment on the existence of God. "As soon as I
reached adolescence, I saw the problem of God as a problem the data
of which could not be obtained here below, and I decided that the
only way of being sure not to reach a wrong solution, which seemed to
me the greatest possible evil, was to leave it alone."4
Waiting for God, p. 62.
During the whole of her life she continued to believe that for a soul
which has not yet experienced contact with God, the attitude most
favorable to this contact is one of complete agnosticism with regard
to the intellectual problem of God. She herself on several occasions
referred to this intellectual position (which was for so long her own
and which, according to her, is the ideal position for beginners),
denominating it "atheistic agnosticism.''
She emphasized it particularly in her autobiography in terms which
leave no room for doubt: "I was brought up by my parents and my
brother in complete agnosticism and never made the slightest attempt
to get away from it. And, rightly in my opinion, I never had the slight-
est wish to do so." We shall come back to this "atheism" later, but it
is important first of all to fix Simone's attitude towards the problem
of faith as it is presented by the teaching of the Catholic Church. To
her the Church's teaching seemed neither rational nor useful; on the
contrary, it appeared to be an obstacle to union with God.
But to add dogma to this conception of life [the Christian conception], without
being forced to do so by indisputable evidence, would have seemed to me like a
lack of honesty. I should even have thought I was lacking in honesty had I con-
sidered the question of the truth of dogma as a problem for myself or even had I
simply desired to reach a conclusion on this subject.5
The special function of the intelligence requires total liberty, implying the
right to deny everything
He who has not heard this word [the word of God in the secrecy of the soul],
even if he adheres to all the dogmas taught by the Church, has no contact with
. . . my vocation imposes upon me the necessity of remaining outside the Church,
without so much as engaging myself in any way, even implicitly, to her or to the
dogmas of Christianity
. . . that my thought should be indifferent to all ideas without exception, includ-
ing for instance materialism and atheism
I believe St. Thomas Aquinas might have put his name to such a
formula of "atheism," though he would have noted at the same time
11 18
Ibid., p. 82. ^ Ibid., p. 164. Gravity and Grace, p. 103.
that there was nothing really contradictory about it. It is true that
Simone gives it a meaning which St. Thomas would not have accepted,
since for her nothing real, absolutely nothing, corresponds to what
we conceive under the appellation God, whereas in Christian philos-
ophy our concepts allow us not only to reach certainty about the
existence of God but also to have some imperfect yet objective knowl-
edge of Him.
In the text which M. Thibon quotes immediately afterwards, Si-
mone remarks that there are "two atheisms, of which one is a purifica-
tion of the notion of God."14 But St. Thomas also recognized the need
for a "way of negation" to purify any assertion we make about God.
When we have said that God exists, we must always add that He does
not exist in our way of thinking of existence. It is a part of our approach
to transcendence, which affirms the existence of a God greater than
anything we can conceive of Him. Undoubtedly, Simone exaggerated
the negative side of this concept and did not see beyond it on the plane
of conceptual intelligence. This extreme position is based on a false
notion of knowledge and certainty, which in her view can only result
from a real and immediate contact with the object. She held that to
rise above atheism one must experience God, and said on several
occasions that only mystics had ceased to be atheists.
But Simone has revealed the existence in herself of a psychological
act, or rather a permanent attitude, which implies, without any ver-
bal expression or clear-cut formulation, a profound belief—nay, a
faith—in the reality which she considered as conceptually unknow-
able, the reality we call God. This belief of hers has an experimental
basis; it is the recognition of her own misery, her own impotence,
what in philosophy we should call her contingency (i.e., the fact of ex-
isting without having any inherent right to exist).
Moreover, from the start of her spiritual life Simone really believed
that she had a call, a vocation, an obligation which required her to
adopt an attitude basically Christian. She submitted to it immediately
and unreservedly.
. . .1 never hesitated in my choice of an attitude; I always adopted the Chris-
tian attitude as the only possible one. I might say that I was born, I grew up,
and I always remained within the Christian inspiration. While the very name of
hoc. cit.
God had no part in my thoughts, with regard to the problems of this world and
this life I shared the Christian conception in an explicit and rigorous manner,
with the most specific notions it involves.16
From the start she had a feeling of obligation which was not only
moral but also religious, in the sense that she saw herself as required
to perform actions impossible for human nature alone. Only a superior
strength, a supernatural strength, would allow her to perform them.
She placed herself thus unmistakably in a supernatural perspective.
Everything she did, in fact, implied the existence of an Absolute, a
Creator of the material world and of souls, who gives to the latter the
feeling of having a supernatural duty and (in the measure that they
submit, wait, and consent) the supernatural means necessary to carry
it out. This certainty, finding concrete expression in a submission
which aimed at being complete and absolute, was by no means
hindered by her awareness of her own misery. On the contrary, it was
her misery which seems to have given divine supernatural aid (soon
to be called love) its great opportunity. In this attitude it is pos-
sible to recognize, implicit but real, an imperfect form of the initial
movement of the soul towards faith and justification described by
the Council of Trent (Session VI, Chapter 5).16 There is a certain
faith in God and His supernatural providence in the attitude of "wait-
ing on God" which is the primary and fundamental attitude of Si-
mone's soul. No one had a greater sense of God's mercy. Later on we
shall have to make considerable reservations in the matter of her
exclusion of the idea of merit and reward; even so, she believed in a
rewarding Providence which gives to each faithful soul what it has
caused it to desire.
How is it that this attitude did not lead Simone to &fidesex auditu,
the intellectual adherence accorded to an explicit revelation, which
would have broadened into a profession of the Catholic faith? The rea-
son is that there was the obstacle of an intelligence at one and the
same time extremely alert and yet hindered in its objective develop-
ment by a mass of faulty prejudices and, most of all, by a wrong con-
cept of knowledge. This was an obstacle all the more insurmountable
Waiting for God, pp. 62-63.
Denziger-Bannwart-Umberg, Enchiridion symbolorum (ed. 24-25; Barcelona: Herder,
1948), n. 797.
believe that each thought by which I desire the good brings me nearer to it, that
is faith. I cannot know this except by faith. And even when I have known it, it
still is not a matter of established fact but remains a matter of faith.
Since the possession of goodness consists in desiring it, the object of the article
of faith in question—and it is the sole article of true faith—is the self-multiplica-
tion of every desire for the good.
The mere fact that a soul desires this goodness purely, truly, and exclusively
with a part of itself, means that at some later time it will desire it with a greater
part of itself . . . unless it refuses its consent to this transformation.
To believe that is to have faith.17
Simone was faithful to this first grace; by its help she did all that it
was possible for her to do, and God continued to give her interior guid-
ance to make up for what is normally the work of the mind and of
explicit faith. We have two indications, which it would be difficult
to refute, that this (too exclusively) interior faith of Simone's did
implicitly embrace the mystery of Christ. The first of these is the fact
that from her first contact with the Gospels Simone recognized that
her interior life had been, unknown to her, a really Christian life.
The second is that Christ revealed Himself to this soul in a mystical
experience of love. In spite of so many deficiencies, there was at the
root of Simone's spiritual life an element of faith sufficient, with God's
grace making up for what was lacking, to allow her to make the act
of supernatural charity necessary to purify her soul and place her in a
state of friendship with God. That is, we must believe, the only explana-
tion of how this soul could have attained the mystical union of love
which marks the approach to supernatural perfection.
Let us conclude this first study with a brief recapitulation. Simone's
case remains an exceptional one and one that can never be regarded as
a normal example of Christian life. The path she followed was valid
for her alone, taking into account all her circumstances. It would be
false and dangerous for others to imagine that their circumstances are
the same. Any sincere unbelievers or non-practicing Christians who
think to find comfort in her example must first satisfy themselves that
their prejudices and their ignorance are really invincible and that there
is no taint of culpability. They must be able to say, like Simone, that
they have been faithful to interior grace to a heroic degree. Lastly,
they must see whether they have followed her example in adopting a
Christian attitude which has done more than merely make them be-
have like well-brought-up people. This attitude should also have led
them to a practice of continuous asceticism, renunciation, perfect
charity, daily meditation on the Gospel, attentive attendance at Holy
Mass and the Divine Office (like that of Simone at Solesmes in 1938
when "the thought of Christ's passion entered into her once for all
time"), and lastly to that intense love of the Blessed Sacrament which
is perhaps the most reassuring thing about the last phase of Simone's
life. Most people who managed to keep pace with her that far would
find no difficulty in embracing explicitly the entire beliefs of the Church.
There is one other reason for not allowing Christians to take Simone
as a model of the spiritual life: that is the initial error which closed
her mind to explicit belief in the Church and in the long run influenced
all her religious thinking. Perfect sincerity, genius, even supernatural
love, cannot make truth out of falsehood. In the second part of this
study we shall see the striking contrast her errors make with the
treasure of goodness and beauty which constitute the only acceptable
part of her most moving testimony.
One does not, of course, reject the evidence of a mystic just because
he does not use the same vocabulary as the theologians. We are not
concerned with the words themselves but with what they are intended
to convey. It is perfectly possible that private revelation may make
known something which is not embodied in the explicit teaching of
the Church. The over-all perspective of collective revelation is a very
different thing from the intimate personal point of view engendered by
an intimate union of love in the depths of the soul. Nevertheless, any
divergences between the two revelations can never amount to real
contradictions. God is absolute truth and, whatever Simone Weil may
have had to say about it, truth in its singleness and perfect simplicity
never contradicts itself. Not even the most unfathomable mysteries
of the faith contain any real and serious contradiction; the occasional
appearance of contradiction is entirely due to the limitations of our
From the above considerations we can draw the following conclusion
of capital importance. Every time a real contradiction between the
evidence of a mystic and the teaching of the Church is apparent, we
must admit either that the mystical experience was illusory and had
nothing of the divine in it, or that the mystic has added some human
error to the evidence of authentic experience. It is not always easy to
decide between these two alternatives: only an experienced spiritual
director, wise in the interpretation of souls, could prudently give judg-
ment. Based on my faith in just such a judgment, I have accepted the
probability that Simone's experiences were genuine. We are then
faced with the second alternative each time her thought comes into
conflict with the truth as taught by the Church.
We need not be surprised if we are constantly coming upon this
situation in her writings. Simone was not only a mystic; she was also
a great reasoner who never ceased turning her thoughts over from one
day's end to another. Unfortunately, her philosophy rests on an in-
trinsically unsound foundation. It is therefore to be expected that,
even after a genuine mystical contact with God, she would be unable
to express her experience, even less to relate it to the rest of her intel-
lectual life, without a generous admixture of error.
One remarkable fact in her writings seems to confirm the point we
have just made. Throughout her work, in the midst of page after page
show up this trait in high relief; one has only to look at her reading
of the story of Noah's three sons or her interpretation of the parable
of the prodigal son.
It is no mere chance that this motif occurs throughout her work.
She herself saw contradictions everywhere. One is tempted to say
that she went out looking for them—or, if that is not quite the right
word to apply to her, that she "waited'' for them and never let one
pass unnoticed. Even more, confronting a direct contradiction was,
to her way of thinking, the best possible thing for the human intelli-
gence, just as a completely insurmountable obstacle was the best
thing for spiritual development. In this connection one should read
the two chapters of Gravity and Grace called "The Impossible" and
"Contradiction."18 Here, in any case, are some of her statements:
"Human life is impossible."19 "Our life is impossibility, absurdity."20
"The contradictions the mind comes up against—these are the only
realities: they are the criterion of the real."21 "All truth contains a
contradiction."22 A passage from the American Notebooks gives us
the origin of this tendency: "Plato's scale of cognition [from perception
to dialectic] has this significance alone: to prepare the intellect to rise
to the point where it can grasp the simultaneous truth of contradic-
What result can be expected from this philosophy of the absurd?
Nothing, apparently, save scepticism. But that is not Simone's idea.
For her, the absurdity which is an obstacle in our way of thinking
and acting is a lever by which the soul is to be raised to a higher plane.
It puts us in a position of having to "wait" for an infinitely greater
transcendent force or light which will resolve the contradiction or the
impossibility. This light or force constitutes the supernatural, which
is essentially love (love of God, she specified later). And it is a divine
gift which we can neither procure nor attain to on our own; God alone
can give it to us. So long as we are without it, all that is real seems
absurd to us and all good is illusory and vain; real good can be seen
by us only as something unattainable by our own unaided powers.
This would be the gift made to Simone, "agnostic atheist" as she was,
18 19
Cf. Gravity and Grace, pp. 86-93. Ibid., p. 86.
™Loc.cit. Jta*.,p.89.
22 u
Loc. cit. La connaissance sumaturelle, p. 50.
the day that God, in response to her "waiting," came down and filled
her with His supernatural light.
What are we to make of such a philosophy and of such a method of
disposing of the absurdities which baffle our reason? One's first instinct
is to reject out of hand a construction based on a premise which is
irreconcilably opposed to reason, does away with all possibility of
thinking or doing, and is the negation of the principle of non-contradic-
tion, first law of realism and rational thought.
We must be chary, however, about such a drastic judgment. To do
justice to Simone's method, we must put ourselves in her position.
She maintained (and this is where she really goes wrong) that human
intelligence, by its natural limitations, is incapable of knowing any-
thing beyond the material actualities of the physical world in which
it lives. Now God is outside this material sphere. Therefore, for any-
one capable of knowing only the finite realities perceptible by the
senses, one must admit that the whole world is a contradictory enigma:
it is something which exists but has no right or reason to do so. If
everything real is contingent, then everything real is absurd. To escape
this absurdity, sound reasoning leads one to posit a necessary Being,
a God, who is the raison d'etre of everything. This approach, however,
will not do for Simone. It would be a verbal, a conceptual solution
without any real value, and in her view we must therefore resign our-
selves loyally to the absurd and admit that our reason cannot explain
it away.
We can escape it, however, if we know how to desire and to "wait."
For what? That one does not know; if one did, there would be no prob-
lem. To "wait" without knowing whether there is anything to wait
for, to wait naked and without object, that, without our knowing
anything about it and vastly to our surprise, will give us God. The
mere action of desiring Him, in fact, will give Him to us because,
clearly, if He did not exist there could be no such desire. But if we
remain faithfully "waiting," He will reveal Himself clearly, He will
show us that this desire, this love which causes us to wait, is no work
of ours but is His doing; it is His own love which passes into us, for
God alone can love God. To be aware of this love is to make a genuine
contact with God, and thereby we shall resolve the contradictions
which our intellect has confronted.
This method is not without its defects and its dangers; it is not,
however, the complete tissue of contradictions that it at first appears.
It seems that for Simone at any rate, who followed it with faithful
heroism, it brought results. She does seem to have attained actual
knowledge of God through supernatural love. We must beware, how-
ever, of accepting this process as normal or general and we must bear
in mind that the results are not really certain. In most cases it would
result in utter failure. It would open the door wide to pseudo-mysti-
cism. For Catholics, it would entail disregarding the teaching of the
Church and would jeopardize our faith. Modernism itself would be
at home in this system.
Moreover, though Simone's supernatural knowledge enabled her
to resolve the contradictions which human reason could not, she was
only to find herself faced on a higher plane with new ones just as
insoluble. She believed that the mysteries of the faith were strictly
contradictory. It is true—and we are constantly compelled to come
back to this—that she judged purely the appearances of things, the
phenomenon as psychologically perceived. Even from that angle,
however, it is a mistake to assume an absolute and evident contradic-
tion between the natural and the supernatural, between reason and
faith. The Vatican Council has solemnly proclaimed that there is no
disharmony between revelation and the natural truths accessible to
mankind. When Simone, therefore, accuses all who try to reconcile
reason with faith of being heretical, she is completely on the wrong
track. The heresy would be to explain away the mystery, to show posi-
tively that there is no contradiction; by contrast, the task of the Catho-
lic theologian is to show, negatively, that the apparent contradictions
of our religion are never clear or certain and that there is a means,
unknown to us, of resolving them.
There is another point in Simone's thinking which, like the last, is
heavy with consequences—the psychological structure of the human
soul. Considering no more than spiritual activity in this sphere, Simone
distinguishes three faculties; two of them are natural—understanding
and will; the third is "supernatural love." There is material for a
whole book to be written about this keystone of Simone's spiritual
doctrine, her concept of supernatural love (which would have been a
much more suitable title for her book than Connaissance surnaturelle,
supernatural knowledge), but we shall have to confine ourselves here
to a few short remarks.
Simone separates and contrasts "love" and "will." That is to say,
for her real love (supernatural love) is not something achieved by our
souls but an act of God in us; all we do is to receive it. The whole
function of our understanding and will consists solely in submitting
to it.24 She frequently repeats that only God can love God. Our natural
faculties are therefore entirely passive in relation to this love. This is a
grave error which, despite Simone's remarkable asceticism, tends to-
wards quietism, and this in turn does away with merit and with all
true supernatural life.
Simone herself has several ways of looking at this love. Sometimes
she makes it a constituent part of the soul (its fine pointe); sometimes
she describes it as an act of God which must pass through the soul
as through a sort of tube whose perfection would lie in offering no
resistance to its passage. She also identifies this love with God Him-
self substantially present in the soul.
Any reader with the slightest knowledge of the Church's spiritual
teaching will recognize in these inexact concepts a certain measure
of truth, enough to lend to one aphorism or another an often very
profound orthodox meaning. But caution is imperative. In a form of
words which is perfectly accurate as we understand it, Simone man-
ages to express an entirely different and much less acceptable idea.
Against all these affirmations of Simone we must oppose the cer-
tain truth that the love of God is always an act of our souls—or rather,
of our will reinforced by divine grace and the infused virtue of charity.
Once we have grasped this point, we can admit that in the highest
forms of mystical experience the human understanding is no longer
conscious of anything but God's uncreated love working on the soul,
or more precisely, of the effects produced in the soul by the divine
love. From the psychological standpoint, everything that happens in
the soul is the action of God. Let me repeat that this is the attitude
which Simone consistently adopts. But in fact, even in these conditions,
the soul itself is also active; the understanding is aware of what is
Cf. the essay, "The Love of God and Affliction," in Waiting for God, pp. 117-36.
happening and the will returns love for love. Now that is action, that
is life; it is, in fact, the highest form of life here below. There is noth-
ing higher but the beatific vision of eternity.
We find another curious mixture of truth and error in the concept
that Simone, now a mystic, has of creation. The point is relevant since
it is, as it were, the ontological basis of the mistakes of her thinking.
On God's part creation is not an act of self-expansion but of restraint and re-
nunciation. God and all his creatures are less than God alone. God accepted this
diminution. He emptied a part of his being from himself. He had already emptied
himself in the act of his divinity; that is why St. John says that the Lamb has
been slain from the beginning of the world. God permitted the existence of things
distinct from himself and worth infinitely less than himself. By this creative act
he denied himself, as Christ has told us to deny ourselves. God denied himself for
our sakes in order to give us the possibility of denying ourselves for him.25
can only note in passing. Creation, which would be a sin for the crea-
ture, is an absolute necessity for God. Without it He would not have
been able to become man, and without the Incarnation there could
have been no God the Son. Thus, for Simone the supreme mystery of
the Trinity is the result of the Incarnation, original sin, and creation.
And since this mystery is necessary, it follows that its causes are as
It also happens sometimes, as we have had occasion to note, that
Simone Weil associates with her fallacious notions certain truths of
which she became directly aware in the course of the development of
her interior life. It is on her false concept of creation as renunciation
that she bases her ascetic doctrine of self-denial by the creature. The
soul makes a space within itself to allow room for God and permit
its own divinization. Many moving pages are devoted to asceticism
and total renunciation, pages which, read in the context of Catholic
doctrine, have a truth and beauty worthy of the great spiritual masters.
But replace them in the framework of Simone's doctrine and they show,
if not error, at least some serious lack. We have already remarked how,
with her, asceticism lacks the positive and supernatural element which
gives it its efficacity. There is wanting the real supernatural love of the
creature for its God.
Attached to this doctrine of creation is an opinion, also sadly defec-
tive, on the final destiny of the human soul. Simone conceived the soul
as an amalgam of two elements—one natural, the understanding and
the will; the other divine, supernatural love, which could only really
exist in the souls of mystics or of those on the path to mysticism. What
happens at death? The animal part disappears and nothing is left
but the supernatural love, which is not a created being but God Him-
self. Nothing of the individuality of the soul, therefore, survives death.
For a clear definition of this tragic and hopeless opinion we must
refer to the American Notebooks. It is obviously useless to try to
reconcile this notion with the Catholic teaching on man's last end.
The error is absolute: it is pantheism and the denial of all personal
immortality of the soul.
The consequences of this idea are equally serious. There is no finality
in human activity; God is not an end for us; He exists for His own good
alone. Our only joy and our sole perfection is to be aware by mystical
union of the existence of pure joy in Him who alone is happy. Such
thoughts foster a high philosophy of perfect disinterestedness, but on
account of sublimation all contact with reality is lost.
What happens to the theological virtues in this scheme of things?
We spoke of faith in the first part of this study and found that it
remained implicit. Hope, too, loses its principal object, final happiness.
There is nothing left but hypomone, the waiting upon a God who is
unknown and who will reveal Himself only to allow His confidant to
lapse once more into nothingness.
Charity remains. Here we are in an immense field which would
involve ranging over all of Simone's works. We should have to read
all that she has to say in Waiting for God on implicit charity and un-
conditional love. Our personal love cannot be directed towards God,
it can only bear upon created objects which can be loved uncondition-
ally, such as "Beauty of the World" and "Religious Practices." After
we have received the graces of mysticism, this love develops into the
higher plane of benevolent contemplation, becoming the love of God
Himself exercised in us and through us for the whole of His creation.
Here once more we must pick out certain pages rich with truth and
beauty from the rest where errors pullulate. It is in these passages
where she hymns the love of God that Simone's nobility and incompar-
able art are revealed. To cite only one example, consider these closing
lines from a meditation on love in La connaissance sumaturelle: "God
loves, not as I love but as an emerald is green. He is 'I love.' If I
were perfect, I, too, would love as an emerald is green."29
There is another theme which runs throughout Simone's works,
that of Christ and the redemption. It occupies the leading place in
her thoughts and by its realism and austerity corrects a tendency in
her to replace mysticism with aestheticism. One can never tire of
reading her notes on redemptive suffering, on the suffering of the inno-
cent. But here again beautiful conclusions are based on faulty or too
fragile foundations. Her most moving words are those devoted to the
mystery of the cross. She is constantly meditating upon Our Lord's
cry, "My God! My God! Why hast Thou forsaken me?" There are
times when she twists this beautiful text out of recognition, but at
others she derives great truths from it.
IWtf.,p. 77.
at the end of the first part of this study, to do this would be contrary
to the example of the author herself, who well understood the need for
a religious and sacramental life, even though some of the riches to be
found therein were unknown to her.
Finally we must remember that, in spite of the sincerity of her
interior life and the heroic degree of her asceticism, Simone remains an
abnormal and exceptional case. She cannot be put forward as an ex-
ample to be followed. Her very achievement is entirely a personal one
and in any case remains uncertain. Christ's Church has authentic
saints whom she canonizes and sets up as examples for us in sufficient
numbers for there to be no need to look elsewhere for our models. The
preference for people who have reached their goal by an uncertain and
roundabout way is an eccentricity of our time, in which true saints
seem dull, uninteresting, and old-fashioned.
These important reservations do not prevent us from admiring all
that God achieved in the way of greatness and beauty in Simone.
Grace can triumph over all obstacles; only obstinacy in sin renders it
powerless, and there is abundant reason to believe that this condition
was not present in the case of Simone Weil, who considered sin the
greatest of all evils. In these days when the great wave of materialism
sweeping over the world threatens to engulf us, Simone's testimony,
though itself lacking in balance, acts as a counterweight (sometimes
even by reason of its own excesses) to the more dangerous tendencies
of our time. Her reactions to the theories of evolutionism and progress-
ism, and even to the sort of humanism which tends to absorb the super-
natural, offer us pertinent food for thought.
In her writings, and even more by her personal example, she reminds
us of the primordial necessity for the elementary moral virtues which
so many young revolutionaries are inclined to forget. Her sense of
purity is a complete rejection of the disintegrating tendencies of modern
literature. Her meticulous delicacy and search after perfection stand
as a condemnation of the indifference and mediocrity that are some-
times very near to serious negligence. Her reflections on devotion and
almsgiving are an expression of a profound sense of real purity of
intention. In this connection it is appropriate to quote the magnificent
words in which she gives full value to the grandeur and dignity of