Euch 140T B
Euch 140T B
Euch 140T B
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Through our Lord Jesus * To you I lift up my eyes upon me for he sent me to
Christ, your Son, who lives and who are enthroned in heaven bring glad tidings to the
reigns with you in the unity of – as the eyes of servants are on poor.
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and the hands of their masters. R. Alleluia! Alleluia!
ever. * As the eyes of a maid are
All – Amen! on the hands of her mistress, Gospel Mk 6:1-6
so are our eyes on the Lord, our Jesus had been extremely suc-
God, till he have pity on us. R. cessful at the beginning of his
mission. But soon, he also met
* Have pity on us, O Lord, with misunderstanding and
1st Reading Ez 2:2-5
have pity on us, for we are opposition. In today’s Gospel
In spite of the negative attitude more than sated with con- passage, we learn that he suf-
of many sinners, God does not tempt; our souls are more than fered his first setback in the very
leave a stone unturned in order sated with the mockery of the town where he had been reared
to bring about their conversion. arrogant, with the contempt of and where he lived for about 30
The call of young Ezekiel to the proud. R. years.
go and preach to the Israelites P –The Lord be with you!
shows God’s constant concern 2nd Reading 2 Cor 12:7-10 All –And with your spirit!
for the salvation even of obsti- Even great saints have their own P – A reading from the holy
nate sinners. limitations and “weak points,” Gospel according to Mark
such as the mysterious “thorn All – Glory to you, O Lord!
R –A reading from the Book of in the flesh” mentioned by St.
the Prophet Ezekiel Paul in today’s passage. In Jesus departed from there
As the Lord spoke to me, God’s eyes, all that matters is and came to his native place,
the spirit entered into me and our constant cooperation with accompanied by his disciples.
set me on my feet, and I heard His grace. When the sabbath came he be-
the one who was speaking say gan to teach in the synagogue,
to me: “Son of man, I am send- R –A reading from the Second and many who heard him were
ing you to the Israelites, rebels Letter of Paul to the Corin- astonished. They said, “Where
who have rebelled against me. thians did this man get all this? What
They and their ancestors have Brothers and sisters: kind of wisdom has been given
revolted against me to this very That I, Paul, might not him? What mighty deeds are
day. Hard of face and obstinate become too elated, because wrought by his hands! Is he not
of heart are they to whom I am of the abundance of the rev- the carpenter, the son of Mary,
sending you. But you shall say elations, a thorn in the flesh and the brother of James and
to them: ‘Thus says the Lord was given to me, an angel of Joses and Judas and Simon?
God!’ And whether they heed Satan, to beat me, to keep me And are not his sisters here
or resist – for they are a rebel- from being too elated. Three with us?” And they took of-
lious house – they shall know times I begged the Lord about fense at him.
that a prophet has been among this, that it might leave me, Jesus said to them, “A
them.” but he said to me, “My grace prophet is not without honor
The Word of the Lord! is sufficient for you, for power except in his native place and
All – Thanks be to God! is made perfect in weakness.” among his own kin and in his
I will rather boast most own house.” So he was not able
Responsorial Psalm Ps 123
gladly of my weaknesses, in to perform any mighty deed
order that the power of Christ there, apart from curing a few
R –Our eyes are fixed on the may dwell with me. Therefore, sick people by laying his hands
Lord, pleading for his mer- I am content with weaknesses, on them. He was amazed at
cy! insults, hardships, persecu- their lack of faith.
R. M. Velez tions, and constraints, for the The Gospel of the Lord!
Dm Gm sake of Christ; for when I am All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
weak, then I am strong. Christ!
The Word of the Lord!
Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, All – Thanks be to God! Homily
C Dm Profession of Faith
Gospel Acclamation Lk 4:18 (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
All – Alleluia! Alleluia! All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
plea-ding for his mer-cy! The Spirit of the Lord is ther almighty, maker of heaven
GLOSSARY: • Brothers and sisters of Jesus: Catholic and Orthodox traditions have constantly understood that the terms “brothers” and
“sisters,” when used in reference to Jesus, mean close relatives, such as cousins and stepbrothers/sisters. In the Bible, in fact, the words
“brother” and “sister” have a wider meaning than siblings born of the same parents.
7 July 2024
and earth, of all things visible C –That the gift of authentic mighty and eternal God, through
and invisible. prophecy may flourish in the Christ our Lord.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Church, and be duly recognized Out of compassion for the
Christ, the Only Begotten Son by all the faithful, let us pray! R. waywardness that is ours, he
of God, born of the Father be- C –That those who receive humbled himself and was born of
fore all ages. God from God, God’s call to the prophetic min- the Virgin; by the passion of the
Light from Light, true God from istry today may not be frightened Cross, he freed us from unend-
true God, begotten, not made, by the challenges of their mis- ing death, and by rising from the
consubstantial with the Father; sion, let us pray! R. dead, he gave us life eternal.
through him all things were And so, with Angels and
C –That those who are called to Archangels, with Thrones and
made. For us men and for our
exercise the prophetic ministry Dominions, and with all the
salvation he came down from in the Church may always con-
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy hosts and Powers of heaven, we
form their lives to the message sing the hymn of your glory, as
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- they proclaim, let us pray! R.
gin Mary, and became man.* without end we acclaim:
For our sake he was crucified C –That the Sacrament of the All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- Anointing of the Sick may confer of hosts. Heaven and earth are
fered death and was buried, and to those who receive it and their full of your glory. Hosanna in
rose again on the third day in loved ones the power of the Lord the highest!
accordance with the Scriptures. and become ever more a visible Blessed is he who comes in
sign of compassion and hope for the name of the Lord. Hosanna
He ascended into heaven and is
all, let us pray! R. in the highest!
seated at the right hand of the
Father. He will come again in P –Lord God, send us many
glory to judge the living and the and worthy prophets to help us Memorial Acclamation
dead and his kingdom will have know Your will clearly and carry P –The mystery of faith!
no end. it out faithfully, through Christ All –When we eat this Bread
I believe in the Holy Spirit, our Lord. and drink this Cup, we pro-
the Lord, the giver of life, who All – Amen! claim your Death, O Lord,
proceeds from the Father and until you come again!
the Son, who with the Father
and the Son is adored and glori-
fied, who has spoken through
the prophets. Preparation of the Gifts
I believe in one, holy, cath-
olic and apostolic Church. I P –Pray, brethren . . . All – Our Father . . .
confess one Baptism for the All – May the Lord accept the P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
forgiveness of sins and I look sacrifice at your hands, for the All –For the kingdom, the
forward to the resurrection of praise and glory of his name, power, and the glory are
the dead and the life of the world for our good and the good of all yours, now and for ever.
to come. Amen! his holy Church.
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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, Fr. J. Camaya, Fr. C. Dimaranan, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua
from the Lord. The Lord hears our prayer. To- to be subjected to all forms of hardships and
day, we see ourselves blessed to be counted constraints. Most of all, we see ourselves
among the ranks of Ezekiel who remained privileged to follow the footsteps of Christ
unfazed by the obduracy and hard-heart- himself, who found no honor and faith from
edness of the people he was sent to. We among the people of his native place. We are
consider ourselves favored by the Lord who fortunate to be afforded the singular oppor-
found us worthy enough to be in league with tunity to respond in faith to him “for whose
St. Paul who knew first hand what it meant sake [we] are content with weaknesses . . . for
to be weak, to be insulted, persecuted and when [we are] weak, then [we are] strong.”