Euch Body - Blood A
Euch Body - Blood A
Euch Body - Blood A
11 June 2023 Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Year A
he Food and Drink of Eternal Life
s we observe the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and
Blood of Christ, we have the opportunity to reflect more
thoroughly on the richness of the sacrament of the Eucha-
rist as our spiritual nourishment.
Let us express our gratitude to the Lord for giving himself to
us under the forms of Bread and Wine, the supernatural FOOD and
DRINK which nurtures and strengthens us during our earthly pil-
Let us also remember that Jesus is present in the Eucharist as
a PERSON and as a FRIEND who loves us so dearly and wants to
establish with us that perfect COMMUNION that is the essence of
spiritual life on earth and of eternal life in heaven.
Let us keep these wonderful truths in our minds and hearts as
we are about to begin our Eucharistic celebration that will enable us to meet the Lord in the
most personal and fulfilling manner.
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Collect (Opening Prayer) known to your fathers.” To the pilgrim who has striven;
The Word of the Lord! See the children’s bread from
P –O God, who in this won- heaven,
derful Sacrament have left us a All – Thanks be to God!
Which on dogs may not be
memorial of your Passion, grant spent.
us, we pray, so to revere the sa- Responsorial Psalm Ps 147
Truth the ancient types fulfill-
cred mysteries of your Body and R –Praise the Lord, Jerusa- ing,
Blood that we may always expe- lem! Isaac bound, a victim willing,
rience in ourselves the fruits of Paschal lamb, its lifeblood
your redemption. spilling,
Who lives and reigns with Manna to the fathers sent.
God the Father in the unity of
Very bread, good shepherd,
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and tend us,
ever. Jesus, of your love befriend us,
All – Amen! * Glorify the Lord, O Je- You refresh us, you defend us,
rusalem; praise your God, O Your eternal goodness send us
Zion. For he has strengthened In the land of life to see.
the bars of your gates; he has You who all things can and know,
blessed your children within Who on earth such food
you. R. bestow,
1st Reading Dt 8:2-3.14-16
The “manna” through * He has granted peace in Grant us with your saints,
your borders; with the best of though lowest,
which the Israelites were fed for
wheat he fills you. He sends Where the heav’nly feast you
forty years and the “water from
forth his command to the earth; show,
the rock” which quenched their Fellow heirs and guests to be.
thirst in the parched desert were swiftly runs his word! R.
* He has proclaimed his Amen! Alleluia!
signs of God’s special love for
them. Both also foreshadowed word to Jacob, his statutes and
his ordinances to Israel. He Gospel Acclamation Jn 6:51
the Eucharist as our spiritual
food and drink during our jour- has not done thus for any other All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
ney to the Promised Land of nation; his ordinances he has “I am the living bread that
heaven. not made known to them. Al- came down from heaven,”
leluia! R. says the Lord;
R – A proclamation from the “whoever eats this bread
Book of Deuteronomy 2nd Reading 1 Cor 10:16-17 will live forever.”
Moses said to the people: St. Paul was faced with the Alleluia! Alleluia!
“Remember how for forty pastoral problem of numerous
years now, the Lord, your God, factions within the community Gospel Jn 6:51-58
of Corinth. In his fatherly con- In the conclusion of the so-
has directed all your journey- cern, he reminds them that they called “Discourse on the Bread
ing in the desert, so as to test are one body because they feed of Life,” Jesus states emphatical-
you by affliction and find out on the one bread of the body of ly that his body is real food and
whether or not it was your in- Christ, and drink from the one his blood is real drink. There-
tention to keep his command- cup of his blood.
fore, the person who feeds on his
ments. He therefore let you be R –A proclamation from the flesh and drinks his blood will
afflicted with hunger, and then First Letter of Paul to the have life because of him. Such is
fed you with manna, a food un- Corinthians the wonder of the Eucharist.
known to you and your fathers, Brothers and sisters: P –The Lord be with you!
in order to show you that not by The cup of blessing that All –And with your spirit!
bread alone does one live, but we bless, is it not a participa- P – A proclamation from the
by every word that comes forth tion in the blood of Christ? holy Gospel according to
from the mouth of the Lord. The bread that we break, is it John
Do not forget the Lord, your not a participation in the body All – Glory to you, O Lord!
God, who brought you out of of Christ? Because the loaf of Jesus said to the Jewish
the land of Egypt, that place bread is one, we, though many, crowds: “I am the living bread
of slavery; who guided you are one body, for we all partake that came down from heaven.
through the vast and terrible of the one loaf. Whoever eats this bread will
desert with its saraph serpents The Word of the Lord! live forever; and the bread that
and scorpions, its parched and All – Thanks be to God! I will give is my flesh for the life
waterless ground; who brought of the world.”
forth water for you from the The Jews quarreled among
flinty rock and fed you in the themselves, saying, “How
desert with manna, a food un- Lo! the angel’s food is given can this man give us his flesh
11 June 2023
to eat?” Jesus said to them, the prophets. P –Lord Jesus, Food and Drink
“Amen, amen, I say to you, un- I believe in one, holy, cath- of eternal life, remove from each
less you eat the flesh of the Son olic and apostolic Church. I of us and our community all that
of Man and drink his blood, confess one Baptism for the hinders our communion with you
you do not have life within you. forgiveness of sins and I look and among ourselves. May our
Whoever eats my flesh and forward to the resurrection of lives be a reflection of the eternal
drinks my blood has eternal the dead and the life of the world Banquet you have prepared for
life, and I will raise him on to come. Amen! us in the Kingdom where you
the last day. For my flesh is live and reign for ever and ever.
true food, and my blood is true Prayer of the Faithful All – Amen!
drink. Whoever eats my flesh P –With gratitude to the Lord
and drinks my blood remains Jesus for the gift of the Eucharist,
in me and I in him. let us address our petitions to
Just as the living Father him for the good of humankind,
sent me and I have life because the whole Church, and our own.
of the Father, so also the one Preparation of the Gifts
Let us pray together:
who feeds on me will have P –Pray, brethren . . .
life because of me. This is the All –Lord Jesus, make us All – May the Lord accept the
bread that came down from a Eucharistic people! sacrifice at your hands, for the
heaven. Unlike your ancestors C –For the Catholic Church and praise and glory of his name,
who ate and still died, whoever all other Christian denomina- for our good and the good of all
eats this bread will live for- tions: May they find in the Eu- his holy Church.
ever.” charist the source of their growth
and the help toward the perfect Prayer over the Offerings
The Gospel of the Lord!
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus unity for which Christ prayed. P –Grant your Church, O Lord,
Christ! Let us pray! R. we pray, the gifts of unity and
C –For the Holy Father, the peace, whose signs are to be seen
Homily bishops, the priests, and the in mystery in the offerings we
Profession of Faith extraordinary ministers of the here present.
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) Eucharist: May their lives be Through Christ our Lord.
a mirror of the holiness of this All – Amen!
All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
ther almighty, maker of heaven Sacrament. Let us pray! R. Preface of the
and earth, of all things visible C –For the sick, the lonely, and Holy Eucharist II
and invisible. the marginalized: May they find
I believe in one Lord Jesus in the Eucharist the source of the P –The Lord be with you!
Christ, the Only Begotten Son strength they need to overcome All –And with your spirit!
of God, born of the Father be- their isolation and neglect. Let P –Lift up your hearts!
fore all ages. God from God, All – We lift them up to the Lord!
Light from Light, true God from us pray! R.
P –Let us give thanks to the
true God, begotten, not made, C –For our parish community Lord our God!
consubstantial with the Father; and our families: May we be All –It is right and just!
through him all things were aware that participation in the P –It is truly right and just, our
made. For us men and for our Eucharist entails the commitment duty and our salvation, always
salvation he came down from to promote cooperation, justice,
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy and everywhere to give you
and peace. Let us pray! R. thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
gin Mary, and became man.* C –For all children who are pre- mighty and eternal God, through
For our sake he was crucified paring for their First Holy Com- Christ our Lord.
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- munion: May they preserve the For at the Last Supper with
fered death and was buried, and fervor of this Event, and their love his Apostles, establishing for
rose again on the third day in for the Eucharistic Jesus all the the ages to come the saving me-
accordance with the Scriptures. days of their lives. Let us pray! morial of the Cross, he offered
He ascended into heaven and is R. himself to you as the unblem-
seated at the right hand of the ished Lamb, the acceptable gift
Father. He will come again in C –For those who are about to of perfect praise.
glory to judge the living and the die: May they find in the Eucha- Nourishing your faithful by
dead and his kingdom will have rist a foretaste of the full com- this sacred mystery, you make
no end. munion with God and all the them holy so that the human
I believe in the Holy Spirit, saints, which is the essence of race, bounded by one world, may
the Lord, the giver of life, who eternal life. Let us pray! R. be enlightened by one faith and
proceeds from the Father and united by one bond of charity.
the Son, who with the Father C – Let us pray in silence for our And so, we approach the table
and the Son is adored and glori- personal intentions. (Pause) of this wondrous Sacrament, so
fied, who has spoken through Let us pray! R. that, bathed in the sweetness of
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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, V. David, R. Molomog, M. Vibiesca, D. Daguio
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