12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Collect (Opening Prayer) Lord and his wonders in the ited his people.
abyss. R. Alleluia! Alleluia!
P –Grant, O Lord, that we may
always revere and love your holy * His command raised up a Gospel Mk 4:35-41
name, for you never deprive of storm wind which tossed its The episode of the storm
your guidance those you set firm waves on high. They mounted quelled by Jesus is an invita-
on the foundation of your love. up to heaven; they sank to the tion for us to trust in his saving
Through our Lord Jesus depths; their hearts melted help when we go through difficult
Christ, your Son, who lives and away in their plight. R. times. His power to save is om-
reigns with you in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever * They cried to the Lord nipotent. He is always at hand
and ever. in their distress; from their to save those who turn to him in
All –Amen! straits he rescued them, he faith.
hushed the storm to a gentle P –The Lord be with you!
breeze, and the billows of the All –And with your spirit!
sea were stilled. R. P –A proclamation from the
* They rejoiced that they were holy Gospel according to
calmed, and he brought them Mark
1st Reading Jb 38:1.8-11 to their desired haven. Let All –Glory to you, O Lord!
Job is the symbol of all good them give thanks to the Lord On that day, as evening
people faced with unexpected for his kindness and his won- drew on, Jesus said to his disci-
and undeserved difficulties and drous deeds to the children of ples: “Let us cross to the other
suffering. In their search for ex- men. R. side.” Leaving the crowd, they
planations they too, like Job, took Jesus with them in the
may even question God’s fair- 2nd Reading 2 Cor 5:14-17 boat just as he was. And other
ness. God’s answer is often not The thought that Jesus boats were with him. A violent
what they expect, but it always Christ had died for the salvation squall came up and waves were
amounts to an invitation to trust of all human beings filled the breaking over the boat, so that
in His power and mercy. apostle Paul with gratitude. His it was already filling up. Jesus
R – A proclamation from the logical conclusion was that we was in the stern, asleep on a
Book of Job should all live for the one who cushion.
The Lord addressed Job
died for us. They woke him and said
out of the storm and said: R –A proclamation from the to him, “Teacher, do you not
“Who shut within doors the Second Letter of Paul to the care that we are perishing?”
sea, when it burst forth from Christians He woke up, rebuked the wind,
the womb; when I made the and said to the sea, “Quiet! Be
Brothers and sisters: still!” The wind ceased and
clouds its garment and thick The love of Christ impels
darkness its swaddling bands? there was great calm. Then
us, once we have come to the he asked them, “Why are you
When I set limits for it and conviction that one died for
fastened the bar of its door, and terrified? Do you not yet have
all; therefore, all have died. faith?” They were filled with
said: Thus far shall you come He indeed died for all, so that
but no farther, and here shall great awe and said to one an-
those who live might no longer other, “Who then is this whom
your proud waves be stilled!” live for themselves but for him even the wind and the sea
The Word of the Lord! who for their sake died and was obey?”
All –Thanks be to God! raised.
Consequently, from now The Gospel of the Lord!
Responsorial Psalm Ps 107 on we regard no one accord- All –Praise to you, Lord Jesus
ing to the flesh; even if we Christ!
R –Give thanks to the Lord, his
love is everlasting! once knew Christ according
to the flesh, yet now we know Homily
him so no longer. So whoever Profession of Faith
is in Christ is a new creation: (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
the old things have passed
away; behold, new things All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
have come. ther almighty, maker of heaven
and earth, of all things visible
The Word of the Lord! and invisible.
All –Thanks be to God! I believe in one Lord Jesus
Gospel Acclamation Christ, the Only Begotten Son
of God, born of the Father be-
* They who sailed the sea in All –Alleluia! Alleluia! fore all ages. God from God,
ships, trading on the deep wa- A great prophet has arisen Light from Light, true God from
ters, these saw the works of the in our midst. God has vis- true God, begotten, not made,
20 June 2021
consubstantial with the Father; be blessed with love, peace, and over all you have made and for
through him all things were joy. Let us pray! R. ever praise you in your mighty
made. For us men and for our C –For ourselves and the people works, through Christ our Lord.
salvation he came down from dear to us: May we be protected And so, with all the Angels,
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy against all dangers, be blessed in we praise you, as in joyful cel-
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- our undertakings, and be led to ebration, we acclaim:
gin Mary, and became man.* rely ever more on Jesus’ saving All – Holy, holy, holy . . .
For our sake he was crucified grace. Let us pray! R.
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- Memorial Acclamation
fered death and was buried, and C –Let us pray in silence for our
personal intentions. (Pause) P –The mystery of faith!
rose again on the third day in All –When we eat this Bread
accordance with the Scriptures. Let us pray! R.
and drink this Cup, we pro-
He ascended into heaven and is P –Lord God, source of our claim your Death, O Lord,
seated at the right hand of the hope and salvation, watch over until you come again!
Father. He will come again in Your people who implore Your
glory to judge the living and the help with faith. May we con-
dead and his kingdom will have stantly experience the power
no end. of Your saving love. Through
I believe in the Holy Spirit, Christ, our Lord.
the Lord, the giver of life, who All – Our Father . . .
All –Amen! P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
proceeds from the Father and
the Son, who with the Father All –For the kingdom, the
and the Son is adored and glori- power, and the glory are
fied, who has spoken through yours, now and for ever.
the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, cath- Preparation of the Gifts Sign of Peace
olic and apostolic Church. I Breaking of the Bread
P –Pray, brethren . . . All – Lamb of God, you take
confess one Baptism for the All – May the Lord accept the
forgiveness of sins and I look away the sins of the world: have
sacrifice at your hands, for the mercy on us. (2x)
forward to the resurrection of praise and glory of his name,
the dead and the life of the world Lamb of God, you take
for our good and the good of all away the sins of the world:
to come. Amen! his holy Church. grant us peace.
Prayer of the Faithful
Prayer over the Offerings Communion
P –Surrounded by difficulties
of all sorts, let us turn to the Lord P –Receive, O Lord, the sac- P –This is the Lord Jesus who
in humble prayer for the needs of rifice of conciliation and praise saves us in the storms of life.
all mankind, the Church and our and grant that, cleansed by its He is the Lamb of God who
own. Let our response be: action, we may make offering of takes away the sins of the world.
a heart pleasing to you. Blessed are those called to the
All –Lord, show us Your saving Through Christ our Lord.
love! supper of the Lamb.
All –Amen! All –Lord, I am not worthy
C –For the universal Church, that you should enter under
the community of Christ’s dis- Preface V my roof, but only say the word
ciples: May she always seek her and my soul shall be healed.
salvation and help in her Founder P –The Lord be with you!
and Savior. Let us pray! R. All –And with your spirit!
P –Lift up your hearts! Communion Antiphon
C –For the Holy Father, the All – We lift them up to the Lord! (To be recited only when no
bishops, and our parish priests: P –Let us give thanks to the Communion Hymn is sung.)
May they always show a practi- The eyes of all look to you,
Lord our God!
cal compassion toward those Lord, and you give them their
who are experiencing grave dif- All –It is right and just!
P –It is truly right and just, food in due season.
ficulties and those who plead for
help. Let us pray! R. our duty and our salvation, al-
ways and everywhere to give Prayer after Communion
C –For the families that are you thanks, Lord, holy Father, P –Renewed and nourished by
undergoing severe affective, almighty and eternal God. the Sacred Body and Precious
relational, or economic crises: For you laid the foundations Blood of your Son, we ask of
May they find in the Christian of the world and have arranged your mercy, O Lord, that what
faith the source of reconciliation, the changing of times and sea- we celebrate with constant devo-
peace, and hope. Let us pray! R. sons; you formed man in your tion may be our sure pledge of
C –For all fathers: May they own image and set humanity redemption.
care for their families as God the over the whole world in all its Through Christ our Lord.
Father cares for us, and may they wonder, to rule in your name All – Amen!
storm at sea can be a very frightening experience, stances, have reached even its highest leaders, transform-
particularly when the ship or the boat is not very big ing them into carbon copies of proud and ambitious world
and strong. All self-confidence vanishes in front of leaders, and making them neglect their fundamental mis-
the ravaging violence of nature. And one feels weak and sion of preaching the Gospel and witnessing to it in one’s
impotent, totally at the mercy of a power that is much too life.
strong to be resisted.
The Church has also known many storms of unbridled
Such was the feeling of the disciples of Jesus the night “adaptations” to contemporary trends and principles that
they found themselves tossed around and on the verge of risked transforming it into something very different from
being swallowed by the raging waves in the Sea of Galilee. what Christ had intended it to be. On the other hand,
It was only thanks to the timely intervention of Jesus that such exaggerations were often a reaction to a stilting and
the winds calmed down and their fragile boat was able to
stifling traditionalism that had made the Church irrelevant
continue its course and take its “human cargo” to the safety
of the harbor to which they were directed. to the conditions and problems of certain societies and
That dramatic experience was an occasion for the
disciples to begin to discover that Jesus was no ordinary But, in spite of all these deficiencies and storms, the
preacher and merciful healer. They saw that he was one amazing thing is that the Church is still alive and thriving in
who had power even over the unrestrainable forces of na- many ways in almost all parts of the world. This is so only
ture. They saw, and faith began to blossom in their hearts. because of the presence of the Lord Jesus in it. It is his
presence that has enabled the fragile boat of the Church to
Jesus’ decisive intervention was also a prophecy and weather so many storms and survive so many crises. Today
a promise of the role he would play in the history of the as in the past, Jesus repeats, “Be not afraid! I am with you
Church, the “boat” that sails the often unfriendly ocean always.”
of time. The Church has, indeed, often found itself in the
middle of frightening “storms” that have caused uncertain- These reassuring words apply not only to the univer-
ties and fears in many of its members and even of its lead- sal Church or particular Churches that are undergoing
ers. Such was the case of the numberless persecutions the severe tests, but also to each of its members – to each of
Church has suffered over the centuries, starting with the us. Sooner or later, our lives, too, will be upset by violent
harassment to which the Jewish authorities subjected the “storms” that would test our courage and our faith. Adverse
apostles shortly after the ascension of the Lord, to the latest situations and events may threaten to destroy in a short
attempts to destroy the Church and the faith of its members span of time what we have been building in long years of
carried out systematically by the Communist regimes, Na- hard work and at the cost of big sacrifices.
zism, and other dictatorships and godless ideologies.
Many of us may have experienced the “sinking feeling”
The Church has constantly been victimized not only by that creeps in when so many things turn against us, our
external enemies, but also by numerous “internal enemies,” friends desert us, and our “enemies” already savor the
such as the many heresies that have shaken the solidity of harsh joy of our defeat. It is especially in those moments
the faith, dividing the allegiance of the believers and even that we should remember that Jesus is only “a prayer away”
pitting various sects against the Church . . . . The Church and that he can bring peace and salvation into our lives, just
has, also known the storms of moral corruption and a as he did to his frightened disciples on that fateful night at
process of “worldization” which in some historical circum- the Sea of Galilee.
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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: J. Feliciano • Circulation: R. Saldua