The Relationship Between Interpersonal Intelligence, Reading Activity and Vocabulary Learning Among Iranian EFL Learners
The Relationship Between Interpersonal Intelligence, Reading Activity and Vocabulary Learning Among Iranian EFL Learners
The Relationship Between Interpersonal Intelligence, Reading Activity and Vocabulary Learning Among Iranian EFL Learners
understanding the potential of the theory in or work alone would rather do things
practice. In an integrated and cooperative MI collectively, possesses a high degree of
classroom, the teacher employs non- social skills and shows concern for others.
traditional approaches to construction of 2.3 The Importance of Vocabulary Learning
meaning through a flexible but careful The importance of vocabulary learning
planning. The small social groups and is undeniable and the need for sustained
learner-centered activities enable the vocabulary learning is clear. According to
students to share information and get a better August (2005), limited vocabulary
understanding of what is learnt. In such a knowledge of L2 learners make them not to
relaxed and nonthreatening learning be able to understand the target language
environment that is characterized by text and not to be able to communicate
contextual clues, learners receive properly. Similarly, Allen (1983) points to
comprehensible input by working the significant role of vocabulary learning in
collaboratively. Classroom research has ESL/EFL context. He states that L2 speakers
reported that MIT is a promising theoretical know a great number of words that speakers
construct which can foster students‟ and writers of the target language employ in
learning. Haley‟s (2014) research on the their interactions and asserts that teachers
ways teachers apply MIT in foreign and and students agree on the need to learn a
second language classrooms showed that large number of vocabulary items. Krashen
students in experimental groups (1989) also emphasizes the important role
outperformed those in control groups while vocabulary knowledge plays in L2
developing a high degree of satisfaction and communications and states that most of the
positive attitude toward the content. meaning in a language is carried by lexical
Similarly, in agreement with Emig (1997), items (as cited in Tozcu & Coady 2004).
Haley (2014), Hamurlu (2017) found that Vocabulary learning is at the heart of
MIT-based instruction increased students‟ language learning and language use. As
achievement in English classes and had Zygadlo (2007) puts it, lexical knowledge is
positive effect on students‟ attitudes towards what makes the essence of a given language.
English. He further adds that it is not easy to conduct
2.2 Interpersonal Intelligence a message or communicate in English by
The interpersonal component is used in those who have learnt only grammatical
person to person relationships through structures and their knowledge of words
verbal and non-verbal communication. This needs to be enriched. He explains that many
intelligence involves the ability to interact EFL learners have somehow experienced
with, work with and motivate others toward that most of their time spent over the L2
a common goal. For example, the solution to learning process has been devoted to
the problem in a science laboratory absorbing and remembering vocabulary. In
classroom needs to be mapped out by this regard, Gorjian, et al (2011) also point
following the guidelines to the scientific to the importance of vocabulary knowledge
method. Student lab groups collectively state by stating that L2 learners can boost their
the problem, write a hypothesis and conduct listening, speaking, reading and writing
experiments in order to achieve the group skills and may eventually improve
goal and solving the problem. The comprehension and production in the L2 by
interpersonal intelligence also includes the vocabulary learning.
ability to have empathy for others' feelings, According to Meara (2005), the
values, need and be able to understand what importance of vocabulary learning becomes
other people are "going through in life." more important due to the fact that English
Whenever a conflict or problem arises this has a rich and a very large group of
social model does not compromise until a vocabularies. In fact, Nation (2001)
win-win solution is the result for the parties explained why English lexical system is a
involves. Peer mediation is a strategy used complicated mixture of Germanic and
to diffuse the situation. This is often referred Romance words (Meara, 2005). He further
to as being "People Smart". explains that the result of this mixture of
Characteristics of an Interpersonally items is that learning English lexical items
Intelligent Student is to be leaders among presents a lot of very complicated problems
peers, encourages togetherness for a feeling for foreign learners. Accordingly, an
of belonging, "street smart"; has a high effective solution must be exerted for this
degree of common sense, has many friends problem and that is why English learners
in a variety of social groups, hates to study must be familiarized with useful methods of
Cite this article as: Hajebi, M., Taheri, S. & Noshadi, M. (2018). The Relationship between Interpersonal
Intelligence, Reading Activity and Vocabulary Learning among Iranian EFL Learners. International Journal of
English Language & Translation Studies. 6(1).48-56.
Page | 50
The Relationship between Interpersonal Intelligence… Mustapha Hajebi, SeddiQ Taheri & Mahdi Noshadi
learning lexical items. If not, they may feel and its applications in various educational
disappointed and lose their confidence settings. Mett, Jordanand Harper (1997)
(Yunus and et al. 2016). conducted a study to investigate the impact
2.4 Vocabulary Learning in Reading Activity of a MI curriculum in an elementary school.
A number of vocabulary acquisition They used observation and survey for data
researchers have investigated the rate of collection. On the basis of their analyses of
words learners learn from reading in a the data, three themes emerged “(a) students,
second or foreign language (Waring & teachers, and parents were very positive
Nation, 2004). The studies on second/ about the concept of multiple intelligences;
foreign language acquisition have (b) they were positive about school-wide
demonstrated that reading can help learners implementation, including flow time,
enrich their vocabulary knowledge through activity room and enrichment clusters; and
reading (Brown et al., 2008; Zahar et al., (c) classroom implementation of MI
2001). The findings show that reading can concepts was uneven across classrooms” (p.
be an important source for vocabulary 115).
acquisition. In one study by Supon (1999) the use of
One of the techniques that teachers can the MI theory and rubric design was done to
use to enhance their pupils‟ vocabulary is evaluate students learning. The utilization of
reading. Despite the important role it has, „how‟ various assessment procedures can be
vocabulary learning through reading used in the K-12 classroom as well as means
program is not a core part of language to access quality results by preparing
program‟s curriculum in EFL/ESL contexts teacher-created rubrics were discussed. It is
(Waring, 2012). Teaching vocabulary argued that weaving the MI into a rubric
through reading approach is rarely practiced design provides the teachers with
in EFL/ESL English classrooms. EFL/ESL challenging and rewarding tools for
learners are not exposed to enough language assessing learners‟ performance (Supon,
to build a large vocabulary (Grabe &Stoller; 1999). Chan (2001) conducted a study to
2002). Hosseini: (2007, P. 4) maintains that assess the variability of the use of a self-
“Iranian students do not have ample report checklist identifying aspects of
opportunities for more natural acquisition of giftedness in a sample of 192 Chinese
the language as well as vocabulary secondary students from a multiple
acquisition”. He further asserts that “Under intelligences perspective. Osciak and
such circumstances, there is very little scope Milheim (2001) focused on MI strategies
for genuine and meaningful interaction and which could be implemented with web-
effective language learning” (p. 6). based instruction. They stated that “utilizing
A study was done by Waring and Takaki the principles of Multiple Intelligences
(2003) who provided empirical support to theory and the dynamics of the Internet
the prediction that vocabulary is acquired allow instructional designers to develop
from reading. Words encountered in a learning experiences that are diversified,
variety of contents in which new words are exploratory, guided and soundly
presented contribute the learners or readers constructed” (P.358). Mbuva (2003) focused
to acquire the mastery of full knowledge of on the implementation of the MI theory in
semantics (Krashen, 1989). Following 21st century teaching and learning
Krashen‟s (1989) idea on full mastery of environment. He suggested that MI theory is
word knowledge through reading, different an effective teaching and learning tool at all
measures are required to measure full levels. Mbuva who examined various types
knowledge of vocabulary gained from of intelligences, offered a definition of MI
reading (Waring & Takaki, 2003) as word and discussed the historical developments of
knowledge comes in different levels: MI. He further argued about the application
knowledge of recognition of form, of the MI into the classroom social
recognition of meaning and producing environment. The researcher concluded that
meaning. Another reason for using different “traditional ways of understanding pedagogy
measures is that as vocabulary acquisition is and static methods of teaching are giving
an incremental process using measurements way to the new classroom examination and
that are sensitive to capturing partial application of the MI” (p. 1). He also noted
knowledge is also required (Schmitt, 2010). that teachers should take account of the
2.4 MI and EFL Teaching/ Learning cognition, language, and culture of each of
In recent years, a number of studies have their students.
been conducted to investigate the role of MI
Rule and Lord (2003) edited an activity below the mean were chosen to be
book containing 13 curriculum units which intermediate level.
are designed to help learners who need 3.2 Instruments
special help including gifted students with The instruments used in this study
enhanced instruction. To this end, Bloom‟s consisted of a vocabulary test, a reading
level of cognitive understanding and passage, an English proficiency test and a
Gardner‟s MI theory were utilized to Multiple Intelligences questionnaire. Since
provide a framework for individualized our main concern in the present study was to
instruction. Bloom‟s taxonomic levels and see the relationship between interpersonal
Gardner‟s eight multiple intelligences are intelligence and vocabulary learning through
the basis of the activities. McMahon, et al. reading, there two constructs must have
(2004) evaluated the reliability of an operationalized and appropriately measured.
instrument designed to assess MI, namely, In order to measure students‟ vocabulary
the Teele Inventory of Multiple Intelligences learning through reading, the researcher
(TIMI). They also investigated the developed a ten item test of vocabulary
relationship between intellectual preferences knowledge based on a reading passage. In
and reading achievement. The results fact, the vocabulary items from the reading
indicated that the instrument does not passage were singled out for the vocabulary
provide consistent measurement and needs test. For this selection, the criteria of
further development and refinement. In frequency of use, scope, usability and
another study Hajhashemi, et al. (2011) complexity were taken into account. This ten
attempted to find out the relationship item vocabulary test was in the multiple
between the MI and language learning choice format in which each item was
strategies used by Iranian EFL high school presented in a sentence and underlined and
students. Participants of the study consist of the students were required to select the
229 students (121 males, 108 females). appropriate synonym for the word in each
Findings revealed a low, positive correlation stem among the given alternatives. More
between the MI and learning strategies. specifically, this test as pre-test and post-
3. Research Design test of the study and served as a benchmark
A non- experimental, descriptive and for comparing the performance of different
correlational quantitative design was used in individuals.
this study. No treatment was used in this Furthermore, in order to operationalize
study and also no variable was manipulated the vocabulary learning through reading, the
to cause a change. In fact, the necessary data students were required to read a reading
were collected through a set of instruments passage in which the items of vocabulary
to provide insights about the issue of testes featured there and were in the bold
concern in the current study. form to catch the learners‟ attention and
3.1 Participants attempts for figuring out their meanings.
The participants of the present study This passage was selected from a corpus of
were a convenient sample of 30 (15 male test for TOEFL exam and the students were
and 15 female) freshmen students whose required to read the text carefully, try to
dominant intelligence are interpersonal. A understand the meanings of the underlined
Multiple Intelligence (MI) questionnaire was words and finally write a summary of about
administered in order to elicit the 150-200 words on the main content of the
participants‟ responses and also types of reading passage.
intelligence. The researcher managed to The reason behind asking the learners
have access to 100 participants who could writing a summary instead of presenting
answer the MI questionnaire. Finally, thirty multiple choice items assessing their
students who had a dominant interpersonal comprehension was the fact that summary
intelligence type were selected as the main writing requires further mental processing
participant of the study. They were all and cognitive engagement with the reading
majoring in English Language Translation at passage.
Islamic Azad University of Bandar Abbas In order to identify the intelligence of
branch, Iran. In fact, the attempt was made the participants, the MI questionnaire was
to choose a homogenous sample of distributed to the students. Armstrong
participants in term of language proficiency. (1994) states that the MI inventory is a form
To this end, 30 participants whose scores on that was designed to assess the strengths of
the proficiency test fell on standard the individuals or determined by each of the
deviation above and one standard deviation intelligence in this study, Mckenzi (1999)
Cite this article as: Hajebi, M., Taheri, S. & Noshadi, M. (2018). The Relationship between Interpersonal
Intelligence, Reading Activity and Vocabulary Learning among Iranian EFL Learners. International Journal of
English Language & Translation Studies. 6(1).48-56.
Page | 52
The Relationship between Interpersonal Intelligence… Mustapha Hajebi, SeddiQ Taheri & Mahdi Noshadi
MI inventory (albeit, the Persian translated As it is depicted in the above table, item
version) was used. Some researchers have number seven (that is, I am a team player)
claimed the overall internal consistency in had a highest mean score (M=.80 and
the range of 0.85 and 0.90 for the SD=.40), which can be considered as the
questionnaire. It consists of 90 statements most tangible experience for Iranian EFL
related to each of the nine intelligences learners. Item number nine (that is, I belong
proposed by Gardner (1999). In the study to more than three clubs or organizations)
each respondent was required to compute had the lowest mean score (M=.41 and
the questionnaire by making Yes/ N next to SD=.50) which can be attributed to the
each statement based on their own limited number of social organizations or
understanding of themselves. clubs in Iranian socio cultural context. On
Finally, Nclson English Language the average, the patterns depicted in the
Proficiency test (Fowler& Coe, 1976) was above table indicate that Iranian learners
administrated to the participations so as to optimally value their interpersonal
identify the learners with an intermediate relationships.
proficiency level. It consisted of 50 Since our main intention was to examine
multiple- choice items organized in four the relationship between interpersonal
paths: grammar, (two sections), vocabulary intelligence and vocabulary learning through
and reading comprehension. The allotted reading of Iranian EFL learners, the
time was 40 minutes. participants of the study also responded to a
3.3 Results researcher-made vocabulary learning
The present study was intended to through reading test. Herein students‟ gain
investigate the relationship between scores (post-test score minus pre-test scores)
interpersonal intelligence and vocabulary will be used as an index for their vocabulary
learning through reading of a group of learning though reading.
Iranian EFL learners. Table 2: Correlation between interpersonal
3.3.1 Descriptive statistics of interpersonal intelligence and vocabulary learning through
intelligence items in MI reading
A multiple intelligence survey
developed and validated by Mckenzie
(1999) based on Howard Gardner‟s
identification of different kinds of
intelligences possess: visual / spatial, verbal
/ linguistic, mathematical / logical, bodily /
kinesthetic, musical / rhythmic, The table presents the results of
intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalist and Pearson‟s product moment correlation
existential. Interpersonal intelligence that is coefficient. As it is shown, there wasn‟t any
the issue of our concern in the present study significant relationship between these two
refers to learning through interaction with variables (r=-.317, Sig. =.08> .05). This
others that promotes collaboration and finding can be attributed to the underlying
working with others. The interpersonal nature of these two variables: interpersonal
section in the MI survey had ten items and intelligence is a social variable, but
the descriptive statistics for these items vocabulary learning is more an independent
based on the responses of the participants of undertaking that mostly depends on
the current study are presented in Table 1. individual endeavor and effort. The small
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of interpersonal number of participants can also be another
intelligence items
factor to explain this lack of significant
relationship between these two variables
since most of the parametric statistical tests
are highly dependent upon the sample size
and require a large sample to reach a
significant level.
Table 3: Paired Samples Test
Paired samples statistics also indicated and think critically about their learning.
that this difference was statistically This enhances each individual‟s prospects
significant (t=-10.62, df=30, sig. (2- on post-graduation because they come
tailed)=.000) which conform the idea that out with the ability to solve problem and
the learners have significantly improved work in a multitude of work settings. The
their vocabulary knowledge from pre-test to opportunities created for post-graduation
post-test and reading text has performed a give each of the students a purpose in
good role and has served as an effective the classroom. Classroom, no longer is
medium to enhance their vocabulary only for students going on in academia,
knowledge. but instead everyone is prepared to be
4. Discussion & Conclusion citizen of the world (Carig, 2007).
The present study indicated that there is Teachers usually see the students who
no significant relationship between come to the classroom with different sets of
interpersonal intelligence and vocabulary developed intelligences. Thus, there is a
learning through reading. This finding can need to deal with different students with
be mostly attributed to the idiosyncratic varying strengths. It may sound impossible
nature of the context and participants of the to cater for all the different needs of these
present study and never undervalues the differing students. However, this is possible
importance of considering multiple if the teacher centers the lesson arounds the
intelligences in general and interpersonal nine intelligences. By encompassing all the
intelligence in particular in educational nine intelligences, these students will benefit
settings because Multiple intelligences from their different levels of intelligences.
theory provides different pathways to tap Gardner (1987, pp. 187-193) says that
the diverse students‟ learning preferences. “teachers should recognize and nurture all
Different intelligence types are considered the varied human intelligences, and all the
as learning tools and have a contribution combinations of intelligences”. Thus,
to the learners‟ success and development. teachers‟ should acknowledge different
Therefore, all of the intelligences should be intelligences of the students and prepare
activated if the aim of education is to student-centered activities that cater to all
train successful individuals in everyday life the students‟ intelligences. In this way,
in the globalized diverse world. students experience success in learning.
Consequently, within a MI framework, Students come to celebrate their own
language teachers are strongly uniqueness and honor the diversity they
recommended to represent all the discover among themselves. Thus,
intelligences, “while not losing sight that recognizing students‟ intelligences and
their purpose is to teach language (Fahim, learning in a conductive environment are
Bagherzadeh, & Alemi, 2010, p. 5). vital for effective learning to take place.
As a positive point, the present study As for the implications of interpersonal
indicated that reading texts can greatly assist intelligence, teachers can help their students
the learners in developing the level of their to benefit most from such learning
vocabulary knowledge, which confirms the activities as pair work, group
results of previous studies which have brainstorming, peer tutoring, role plays,
demonstrated that foreign language learners etc. Therefore, teachers may set out their
can acquire a significant number of classes in such a way that the students can
unknown words through reading. A understand their perspectives and options
significant outcome of this research is a call that are highly interpersonal intelligence
to return to the issue of the role of extensive connected. Educational methods such as
reading in EFL classrooms. While extensive cooperative learning and social
reading alone is not suggested as a model for constructivism, stresses the importance of
EFL vocabulary development (Laufer, interaction of the participants in the
2003), it has been shown to lead to learning situation.
significant gains in vocabulary learning In addition, since reading can be the
beyond high frequency words (Horst, 2005; main source of vocabulary growth in foreign
Lee, 2007). language contexts and because this and other
4.1 Implications of the Study studies have demonstrated that foreign
Proponents of MI-based education language learners can acquire vocabulary
identify classroom as more than a place from reading. An important pedagogical
that students simply learn facts, but implication would be that language learning
instead where students learn how to learn programs would incorporate an extensive
Cite this article as: Hajebi, M., Taheri, S. & Noshadi, M. (2018). The Relationship between Interpersonal
Intelligence, Reading Activity and Vocabulary Learning among Iranian EFL Learners. International Journal of
English Language & Translation Studies. 6(1).48-56.
Page | 54
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Appendix A:
Cite this article as: Hajebi, M., Taheri, S. & Noshadi, M. (2018). The Relationship between Interpersonal
Intelligence, Reading Activity and Vocabulary Learning among Iranian EFL Learners. International Journal of
English Language & Translation Studies. 6(1).48-56.
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