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Industrial Semi-Solid Mixers

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Industrial Pharmacy Department

4th Year Faculty of Pharmacy

Alexandria University

Fall 2010
Introduction for Mixing:

What's meant by Mixing?

It's the process in which two or more than two components in a
separate or roughly mixed condition are treated in such a way so that
each particle of any one ingredient lies as nearly as possible to the
adjacent particles of other ingredients or components.

This process may involve the mixing of gases, liquids or solids in any
possible combination.

Mixing of a gas with another gas, mixing of miscible low viscosity

liquids and mixing of a highly soluble solid with a low viscosity liquid to
effect dissolution are relatively simple as compared to the mixing of
gases with liquids, mixing of liquids of high viscosity though miscible,
mixing of two immiscible liquids such as aqueous and oily solutions to
form emulsions, mixing of solids with liquids when the proportion of
solids is high and mixing of solids with solids, specialized equipments
are required for these operations.

Some of the examples of large scale mixing

practiced in pharmacy :
• Mixing of powders in varying proportions prior to granulation or

• Dry mixing of the materials for direct compression in tablets.

• Dry blending of powders in capsules and compound powders


• Blending of powders in cosmetics in the preparation of face

powders, tooth powders.

• Dissolution of soluble solids in viscous liquids for dispensing in

soft capsules and in the preparation of syrups.

• Mixing of two immiscible liquids for preparation of emulsions.

Mixing of semi-solids

The mechanisms involved in mixing semi solids depend on the
character of the material which may show considerable variation.
Many semi solids form neutral mixtures having no tendency to
segregate although sedimentation may occur.

The most commonly used semi solid mixers are:

1- Sigma blade mixer

(Also known as Double Arm Mixers and
Kneader Mixers)

• Double Arm Sigma Blade Mixers

are engineered specifically for
kneading, mixing, and
homogenizing wet, pasty, and
highly viscous products.

• The two Double Arm Sigma shaped blades, which sit horizontally
and parallel at the bottom of the mixing trough, provide thorough

• The blades rotate at different speeds in opposite directions

causing the product to be transferred from blade to blade and
from end to end, resulting in a figure eight pattern.

• The mixing trough can be tilted up and forward through the use
of a hydraulic system. Valves can be located in the bottom of the
unit, allowing the product to discharge through plug, ball, or
"bomb bay" type valves.
• A third method, which has several advantages, is the use of an
extrusion screw to discharge the product in a form or shape, or
directly to the next phase of processing.

Options of the mixer:

• Mechanical or hydraulic drive system
• Jacketed mixing troughs or heating and cooling
• Designed for pressure, vacuum, or inert gas operation
• Remote operator control.
• Specialized die heads / special extrusion spouts.
• Automated operation of cover via hydraulic piston.
• Cored blades of various design.


Laboratory Mixers are available in sizes

ranging from 1/4 gallon to 3 gallon
working capacity.

Variable speed drive on the blades

standard. Stainless steel construction
standard, jacketed is standard.

Applications of the Mixer:

• Ideal for mixing, kneading of highly

viscous mass, sticky and dough like products.

• Mixing of pastes, rubber, and heavy plastic masses.

• Applications in Food, Rubber, Pharmaceutical and Chemical


• Dry powder to wet phase mixing.

Triple-roller mill
(Also named as: Three roll mill)

Applications of the Mixer:

• Three roll mills are widely used to mix electronic thick film
inks, high performance ceramics, cosmetics, plastisols,
carbon/graphite, paints, printing inks, pharmaceuticals,
chemicals, glass coatings, dental composites, pigment, coatings,
adhesives, sealants, and foods.

• With the recent development in technology, they are also

utilized in the production of cable cover, electronics, soap, and
artificial plastics.

• Small bench models are used for bench-top development

work, laboratory work, and low volume production.

• Larger bench and floor models are built to meet different

production needs from pilot plants to large volume productions.

How Three Roll Mill Works?

• A Triple Roll Mill is a machine that uses
the shear force created by three
horizontally positioned rolls rotating at
opposite directions and different speeds
relative to each other to mix, refine,
disperse, or homogenize viscous materials
fed into it.

• The pasty substance is fed into the hoper, where it is drawn

between the feed and center rollers.

• When pre-dispersed, the substance sticks to the bottom of

the center roller, which transports it into the second gap.

‫•‬ ‫‪In this gap the paste is dispersed to the desired degree of‬‬

‫•‬ ‫‪The scraper system removes the finished product from the‬‬
‫‪apron roller.‬‬

‫‪ 44577‬روان حسين طلعت عبد اللطيف موصلى‬

‫‪ 44578‬روان فاروق خليل محمد شحاتة المغربى‬
‫‪ 44579‬روان مجدى احمد شلبى‬
‫‪ 44580‬روان محمد احمد على احمد‬
‫‪ 44581‬روان محمد محمود بكور‬
‫‪ 44582‬روايدا احمد احمد محمد صالح‬
‫‪ 44583‬روشان خليل علي خليل‬
‫‪ 44584‬ريتا رفعت سعيد غطاس‬
‫‪ 44585‬ريتا لويس نجيب بولس‬
‫‪ 44586‬ريجى عادل عطا ال بسخرون‬
‫‪ 44587‬ريم إبراهيم أحمد محمد ابوسليمان‬
‫‪ 44588‬ريم شريف محمد محمود الشنديدى‬
‫‪ 44589‬ريم عبد الرحيم محمد علم‬
‫‪ 44590‬ريم على حسن على الحداد‬
‫‪ 44591‬ريم محمد نصار احمد العادلى‬
‫‪ 44592‬ريم هشام محمد رضوان على‬
‫‪ 44593‬ريمونده بديع جرجس غطاس‬
‫‪ 44594‬ريهام السيد رضا محمد شوقى محمود سعد‬
‫‪ 44595‬ريهام انور احمد محمد المعداوى‬
‫‪ 44596‬ريهام رافت الياس فارس‬
‫‪ 44597‬ريهام رضا حسن السيد الرامخ‬
‫‪ 44598‬ريهام شكرى ابراهيم ابراهيم كبشه‬
‫‪ 44599‬ريهام طه على محمد العسيلى‬
‫‪ 44600‬ريهام عبد ال السيد عفيفى عفيفى‬



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