Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) : Clinical Presentation, Aetiology and Management
Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) : Clinical Presentation, Aetiology and Management
Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) : Clinical Presentation, Aetiology and Management
D uring the past decades, declining
caries prevalence figures have been
noticed in all age groups. In the past,
defects in first permanent molars
during, or soon after, eruption (Figure
1). In the literature, such molars are
MIH is a hypomineralized defect of the
first permanent molars, frequently
dentists were used to rapid caries referred to as non-fluoride enamel associated with affected incisors. The
progression in the primary as well as opacities, internal enamel hypoplasia, number of affected first permanent
the permanent dentition in high caries non-endemic mottling of enamel,
populations. In those days, first opaque spots, idiopathic enamel
permanent molars became carious opacities, enamel opacities and cheese
shortly after eruption in most cases. molars.1,2 Since these molars can be
Although occlusal caries still accounts extremely painful to the children, such
for the majority of caries experience in molars have become a field of renewed
children, a rapid caries progression in interest to clinical practitioners.
first permanent molars is not common Recently, Weerheijm et al. suggested
any more in contemporary populations. the term Molar Incisor
However, dentists (especially paediatric Hypomineralization (MIH) and defined
dentists) are still confronted with large it as hypomineralization of systemic
origin of one to four permanent first
K.L. Weerheijm, DDS, PhD, Department of molars frequently associated with
Cariology Endodontology Pedodontology, affected incisors.3 MIH does not appear Figure 1. 6/ with cavity due to MIH. Notice the
Academic Centre for Dentistry (ACTA), to be a new phenomenon, but when yellow opacities at the cavity border, buccal
Amsterdam,The Netherlands.
caries prevalence was high, the cusps and at the occlusal mesial part.
be chosen for these restorations. The consider children with a poor general
outline of the restoration should be made health in the first four years after birth at
in non-hypomineralized enamel, but it can risk for MIH.12 These children should be
be very difficult to find out where sound monitored more frequently during
enamel begins, resulting in repeated eruption of the first permanent molars.
restorations due to disintegration of The same applies to children at low risk
adjacent enamel or opacities on other of caries when an opacity is noticed at
spots. The disintegration of the the eruption of one of the first permanent
hypomineralized enamel can be molars. Management of these teeth
Figure 4. Lower arch with stainless steel crowns unpredictable in the first years after should consider their long-term
on first permanent molars in child with MIH. eruption. In hypersensitive cases, or very prognosis, as well as management of the
severely affected teeth, semi-permanent presenting features such as pain.
restorations with stainless steel crowns
without MIH showed similar dental (Figure 4) or adhesive-retained metal
histories concerning their primary castings can be an alternative restoration.
dentition, it was found that, after eruption Extraction of such molars, combined with REFERENCES
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