Rear Impact and Side Intrusion of Two Wheeler With A Bus: Praveen Kumar.Y DR - Vinod Banthia Dr. Badarinath Ambati
Rear Impact and Side Intrusion of Two Wheeler With A Bus: Praveen Kumar.Y DR - Vinod Banthia Dr. Badarinath Ambati
Rear Impact and Side Intrusion of Two Wheeler With A Bus: Praveen Kumar.Y DR - Vinod Banthia Dr. Badarinath Ambati
Motorcycle rider crashing into heavy vehicles such as trucks and buses is a common occurrence on city roads, the absence of safety
features on a motorcycle makes the bike riders venerable to severe injuries. The existing safety regulations are mostly related to car
occupant safet,very few regulations imply to motorcycle design. Few studies have been carried out for motor cycle. They are more related
to accidents involving Motorcycle and car and in some case with obstacles such are pole and Road side rails.
There is a need to incorporate safety features which can save the motorcycle user from sevier injury. In this paper we are discussing
about FEA simulation of the commonly occurring accident scenarios by using CAE software. The rear impact and side impact on a
motorcycle by a city bus was the focus of this study due to some of the obvious short coming in the design of the city bus such as high
ground clearance without RUP and absence of bumper on the rear.
The existing design was evaluated for rear and side impact. The introduction of different safety features such as RUP and overlaying
rigid zones with softer material was also evaluated. The results obtained from the simulation were analyzed for various biomechanical
limits specified for the bike rider.The addition of safety features on the bus frame clearly showed positive results in terms of injury to the
head. The helmet also was found to be very effective in reducing the injury to the motorcycle rider.
The methodology used for development of the
project is as listed below.
• Literature review of existing data on
structural design of bus and two wheeler was
carried out.
Figure 3: Dummy and Biomechanical limits [4] [5]
The kinematics of the bike and rider show similar Simulations were carried out on existing design
trends as in earlier senario. The only difference and based on the outcome new concept designs
being the deformation of the RUP. In this case the was made. The results which are exceeding the
RUP is very delicate since the reinforcing stell biomechanical limits for the rider are highted in
plate is flat and it easily buckles on impact. The the below table.
Foam material under goes large deformation
dureing the course of impact. The Impact of the HIC
Helmet on the bus rear leave a dent on the helemt Rear Impact
outer shell. The bikes front tire, rim, mudguard Without Helmet 1051.15
and shockabsorbers deform on impact. The HIC With Helmet 576.83
value of 17.89 is well below the biomechanical
limits. This clearly demostrated this RUP is
effective in reducing the injury to the rider. On
comparison with the STEEL RUP (HIC -15.23) Side Impact
the FOAM RUP (HIC-17.89) is found to be less Without Helmet 8801.57
effective due to the large deformation of the Foam With Helmet 1439.93
material and less reinforcement behind the Foam CONCEPT 3 - Rubber Lining 43.45
Table 1 :Result summary
CONCEPT 3 –Bus with Rubber lineing –Side
Impact 8.2 Conclusions
• The helmet was found to be a life saver in both
the accident senario of rear impact as well as
side impact. The HIC values without helmet
were above the permissible limit of 1000.
• The side impact was found to be more severe
due to the absence of a crumble zone which is
provided in the rear portion of the bus structure.
Figure 23 :Rubber lineing on rigid zone on side of bus This is evident from the higher HIC values for
side impact.
• The pelvis and chest accelerations were slightly
higher in side impact due to the rigid structure
on side frame of the bus. This results in higher
impact velocity of the riders head aginst the bus
leading to higher HIC.
• The steel RUP in rear impact was found to be
adequetly reinforced to absorbe the impact force
due to which there is a lower HIC of 15.23.
• The foam RUP in rear impact reduced the HIC
value to 17.89.However the structure buckled
Figure 24 :Side impact– Bus with Rubber lineing on rigid (under went large deformation) due to the
delicate reinforceing steel plate on the rare of
the RUP.