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Lab. #1 - Defect (Bug) Reporting, Manual Testing, and Regression Testing

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159-Software Testing

MTAT.03.159-Software Testing

Lab. #1 – Defect (Bug) Reporting, Manual Testing, and Regression


Institute Of Computer Science

University of Tartu

This lab can be divided into three main parts:
 Familiarization
 Manual functional testing
 Regression testing
This lab is a simple introduction to some of the concepts inherent to software testing. This includes hands
on experience in testing an example software system, and following industrial defect tracking practices
through several phases of defects’ life cycles. The focus of this lab is to provide good issue reporting
practice. Also students will be able to compare manual and regression testing strategies.
Sections 2.1 through 2.3 will be performed in pairs. The lab report will be completed and submitted by
each student group. Make sure to include the names of both students in the lab report.
Lab report should be submitted through the submission form on the course home page
(https://courses.cs.ut.ee/2016/SWT2016/spring/Main/Submission). Deadline for submissions is 7 days
from current lab session. For example if the lab has been done on Tuesday 16.15, the deadline is on
following Monday at 23:59.
Late reports: There will be 50% penalty for 1 day delay. There will be no credit points for reports turned
in after the 1 day delay date.
The following are example repositories of real defects for real projects in the software industry. Make
sure to review many examples to see how other experienced testers write defect reports.
 https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira
 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX/?selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.jira-projects-
 https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TISTUD/?selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.jira-projects-

An example with explanations can be found in Appendix A (the screen shot has been taken from Bugzilla
bug tracking tool).

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The system under test for this lab is an ATM simulation system. To use the ATM simulation system
simply download “ATM System – Lab 1 Version 1.0.jar” from course page, save it in a known location
and run that file from the saved location. The system should begin execution with the GUI as shown in
Appendix B.
There are two valid hard-coded card numbers and PINs:
Card Number: 1 PIN: 42 Available Accounts: Checking and Savings
Card Number: 2 PIN: 1234 Available Accounts: Checking and Money Market
Note: Both of these cards access the same checking account.
The initial balances are:
Checking: $100 Savings: $1000 Money Market: $5000


1. If you haven’t done so already, download the ATM simulation system version 1.0 from course
2. Run the JAR file version 1.0 file to show the GUI as shown in Appendix B.

Perform a deposit
3. Turn the system on using the “On” button.
4. Enter the number of $20 bills that the system is assumed to start off with, noting that this is the
number of bills, not the total value of the bills. Entering a value of 10 for instance indicates that
the ATM is starting with $200 (10 twenty dollar bills). Any number greater than 0 will suffice for
5. Click on the “Click to insert card” button which has now appeared on the main interface below
the simulated ATM display.
6. The screen now changes to a prompt for the user to input the card number (since there is no
actual physical card reader). Enter 1 for the card number and press Enter. Upon returning to the
main screen, the display is now requesting the PIN be entered.
7. Type 42 using the simulated keypad and press Enter. The display now prompts the user to
perform one of four transactions: withdraw, deposit, balance inquiry, or transfer.
8. Press 2 on the simulated keypad to perform a deposit. The display now prompts the user to
indicate which account they would like to deposit to: checking, savings, or the money market
9. Press 2 on the simulated keypad to deposit to the savings account. The display now prompts the
user to enter the deposit amount.
10. Enter any positive amount and press Enter. A button which represents the user inserting the
deposit envelope now appears.
11. Click that button to simulate inserting the envelope. The display now prompts the user whether
they wish to perform another transaction or not.
12. Press 2 on the simulated keypad to indicate you do not wish to perform another transaction. The
main window shows a button appearing, simulating the ejecting of the user’s card.
13. Press the System Power Button once again to turn the ATM system off.

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2.2.1 Logging in

Log in to JIRA account that has been created for you. If you didn't receive an e-mail about account
creation or not sure which e-mail address has been used, please ask the TA for the assistance. Follow the
link in your e-mail notification. You should now be logged in and viewing the JIRA main page.

2.2.2 Reporting a defect

Begin by clicking on the “Create issue” button on the navigation bar to begin reporting a new defect for a
specific project. Select the relevant “Group N project” and Issue Type “Bug” on the Create Issue dialog
box. A screen shot of the form is shown below:

Type a Summary for the issue and complete any appropriate fields — at least required ones which are
marked by an asterisk. If you want to access fields that are not shown on this dialog box, then click the
Configure Fields button at the top right of the screen. Click Custom and select the fields you want to
show or hide by selecting or clearing the relevant check boxes, respectively, or click All to show all fields.
Think of a defect that you have seen (or make one up) in your least favorite piece of software, and enter
details in the Summary and Description fields. When filling in the description, try to include high level
description of the defect, the steps to reproduce, the actual results (what happened), and the expected
results (what should have happened).
Click the “Create” button at the bottom of the page.

2.2.3 Displaying all defects for a projects

Choose Issues > Search for Issues. The issue navigator is displayed.

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Select the “Group N project” project from the project list. A list of all defects logged for the product is
displayed. You can search against specific fields and/or search for specific text.
There is also a possibility to switch to Advanced searching mode.

2.2.4 Editing a project

To edit the settings of a project, first navigate to this project (Projects → “Group N project”), then click on
the “Administration” link on one of the navigation bars. Along the left side of the page are a series of
links to edit the components, versions or group access rights. This is where you can alter the product
settings later on. For now just make note of the options available to you.


This section is to be performed in pairs. One student can ‘drive’ the testing (operate the computer
executing the system under test), while the other student keeps track of which tests have been performed,
reports any defects found, and determines what order to execute tests in.
14. In Appendix D, a basic test suite has been provided for this SUT. You can pick arbitrary number
of test cases from the test suite. Execute selected test cases at least once, verifying that the actual
results match the expected results for each case. Report any defects found as described below. We
expect you to find and report at least 9 defects.
15. Reporting defects: While performing your testing, make sure to record the following information
for each test case into description field:
 The function being tested (e.g., Login)
 The initial state of the system (e.g., System is on and is idle, i.e., not already serving a customer)
 The action to take (e.g., Insert a card, enter correct card number and PIN)
 The expected outcome (e.g., the system successfully accepts the customer, and shows the banking
 While performing the tests, if any of the actual results differ from the expected results, report that
as a defect in the report.
16. Reporting defects in a simple, concise manner. When reporting defects, follow the guidelines in
the Sample Bug Report article (http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/sample-bug-report), and
use the same style as in Appendix A.
17. When reporting these defects, ensure that version 1.0 is selected in the Affect Version/s field.


This section is to be performed in pairs. The defects reported in the two previous stages of testing can be
divided among the group and can be retested individually.
18. Download the updated version (version 1.1) of the ATM simulation system from course page.
This version of the system has been partially fixed by imaginary developers based on the defect
reports previously existing.
19. Retest each of these defects to determine which have been fixed and which have not. To do this
we must follow the defect lifecycle as shown in Appendix C. Since we do not know which defects
have been fixed exactly, assume that all defects have had an attempt to fix them (to emulate the
developer's progress on the bug open the issue by clicking on it and click “Start Progress” button

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and then “Fixed”). If the defect has actually been fixed in the ATM system version 1.1, change the
status to Verified by clicking “QA verifies solution”. If the defect has not actually been fixed in
the ATM system version 1.1, change the status to Reopened by clicking “QA not satisfied” and
write a comment stating “Defect still exists in version 1.1”.
20. When reporting these defects, ensure that version 1.1 is selected.

Within your group, you should now each have a general understanding of how to effectively report and
track defects. You have also progressed through a short iteration of manual functional testing and an
iteration of regression testing.


Both students of each group must attend the lab session. The maximum number of points is 10. Points are
allocated as follows:


You will be required to demonstrate your progress to the TA during lab time.

Note: If you work in a pair, both students of each group should be present in the demo times.


Students will be graded on their defect reports AS SAVED IN THE JIRA SYSTEM. Please do not repeat
your bug reports in your lab reports! The grading criteria (rubric) for defect reports are as follows.

JIRA Defect Report (6 POINTS)

1. Correctness: Do the defect reports contain the detailed defect information? Does the 3 points
report contain all the defects in the same level of detail? Does it contain the input, the
expected output, and the faulty output for each defect?

2. Clarity and adherence to defect reporting guidelines: Is it obvious where to start 3 points
(what state to bring the program to) to replicate the defect? Is it obvious what you
would type? Is it obvious what files to use (if any)?

Important: we will not count points for the defects reported in JIRA if the lab report in pdf format is not
submitted through the course page.


Important: lab report should be submitted through the submission form on the course home page. LAB
submitted in PDF format only. Deadline for submissions is 7 days from current lab session.
Students will be required to submit one report from group. In the report should be included:

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Lab Report (3 POINTS)
3. Number of defects found. Outline defects and corresponding test cases (it’s enough 2 points
to put a reference to the JIRA bug report). Also mark whether defect has been fixed in
version 1.1 or not. We expect to see at least 10 issue reports.
4. General comments and conclusions on performing the lab. Did you find it a useful 1 point
practice? Was it easy to follow? Did you spend too little/too much time on it? Should
some parts be dropped or explained better? Is something missing? Etc. Please try to be


 “Bug Advocacy: Lesson 59 - Take the time to make your bug reports valuable”
 “Bug Advocacy: Lesson 57 - Make your bug report an effective sales tool”
 “Bug Advocacy: Lesson 62 - Report perceived quality gaps as bugs”
 “Bug Advocacy: Lesson 67 - Report defects promptly”
 “Bug Advocacy: Lesson 68 - Never assume that an obvious bug has already been filed”
 “Bug Advocacy: Lesson 72 - Minor bugs are worth reporting and fixing”
 “Bug Advocacy: Lesson 84 - Never exaggerate your bugs”
 “Bug Advocacy: Lesson 85 - Report the problem clearly, but don't try to solve it”
From Cem Kaner’s book “Lessons Learned in Software Testing”
 Cem Kaner's slides on Bug Advocacy: http://www.kaner.com/pdfs/bugadvoc.pdf

The original version of this lab package was developed by Prof. Vahid Garousi at the University of
Calgary and is part of a large software testing laboratory courseware available under a Creative
Commons license for other testing educators.
We are also grateful for improvement suggestions proposed and introduced into these lab instructions by
Oliver Vilson of Celeg Hannas OÜ.

[1] J. B. Cem Kaner, Bret Pettichord, "Chapter 4 - Bug Advocacy," in Lessons Learned in Software
Testing New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2002.
[2] C. Kaner, "Assignment - Replicate and Edit Bugs," 2008.

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Test Case Use Case Function Being Initial System State Input Expected Output
# Tested

1 System System is started System is off Activate the System requests initial cash
Startup when the switch is "on" switch amount
turned "on"

2 System System accepts initial System is requesting Enter a System is on

Startup cash amount cash amount legitimate

3 System Connection to the System has just been Perform a System output should
Startup bank is established turned on legitimate demonstrate that a connection has
inquiry been established to the Bank

4 System System is shut down System is on and Activate the System is off
Shutdown when the switch is not servicing a "off" switch
turned "off" customer

5 Session System reads a System is on and Insert a Card is accepted;

customer's ATM card not servicing a readable card System asks for entry of PIN

6 Session System rejects an System is on and Insert an Card is ejected;

unreadable card not servicing a unreadable System displays an error screen;
customer card System is ready to start a new

7 Session System accepts System is asking for Enter a PIN System displays a menu of
customer's PIN entry of PIN transaction types

8 Session System allows System is displaying Perform a System asks whether customer
customer to perform menu of transaction transaction wants another transaction
a transaction types

9 Session System allows System is asking Answer yes System displays a menu of
multiple transactions whether customer transaction types
in one session wants another

10 Session Session ends when System is asking Answer no System ejects card and is ready to
customer chooses not whether customer start a new session
to do another wants another
transaction transaction

11 Transaction System handles an A readable card has Enter an The Invalid PIN Extension is
invalid PIN properly been entered incorrect PIN performed
and then
attempt a

12 Withdrawal System asks Menu of transaction Choose System displays a menu of

customer to choose types is being Withdrawal account types
an account to displayed transaction
withdraw from

13 Withdrawal System asks Menu of account Choose System displays a menu of

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Test Case Use Case Function Being Initial System State Input Expected Output
# Tested

customer to choose a types is being checking possible withdrawal amounts

dollar amount to displayed account

14 Withdrawal System performs a System is displaying Choose an System dispenses this amount of
legitimate the menu of amount that cash;
withdrawal withdrawal the system System prints a correct receipt
transaction properly amounts currently has showing amount and correct
and which is updated balance;
not greater System records transaction
than the correctly in the log (showing both
account message to the bank and approval
balance back)

15 Withdrawal System verifies that it System has been Choose an System displays an appropriate
has sufficient cash on started up with less amount greater message and asks customer to
hand to fulfill the than the maximum than what the choose a different amount
request withdrawal amount system
in cash on hand; currently has
System is requesting
a withdrawal

16 Withdrawal System verifies that System is requesting Choose an System displays an appropriate
customer's balance is a withdrawal amount that message and offers customer the
sufficient to fulfill the amount the system option of choosing to do another
request currently has transaction or not.
but which is
greater than
the account

17 Withdrawal A withdrawal System is displaying Press "Cancel" System displays an appropriate

transaction can be menu of account key message and offers customer the
cancelled by the types option of choosing to do another
customer any time transaction or not.
prior to choosing the
dollar amount

18 Withdrawal A withdrawal System is displaying Press "Cancel" System displays an appropriate

transaction can be menu of dollar key message and offers customer the
cancelled by the amounts option of choosing to do another
customer any time transaction or not.
prior to choosing the
dollar amount

19 Deposit System asks Menu of transaction Choose System displays a menu of

customer to choose types is being Deposit account types
an account to deposit displayed transaction

20 Deposit System asks Menu of account Choose System displays a request for the
customer to enter a types is being checking customer to type a dollar amount
dollar amount to displayed account

21 Deposit System asks System is displaying Enter a System requests that customer
customer to insert an a request for the legitimate insert an envelope
envelope customer to type a

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Test Case Use Case Function Being Initial System State Input Expected Output
# Tested

dollar amount dollar amount

22 Deposit System performs a System is requesting Insert an System accepts envelope;

legitimate deposit that customer insert envelope System prints a correct receipt
transaction properly an envelope showing amount and correct
updated balance;
System records transaction
correctly in the log (showing
message to the bank, approval
back, and acceptance of the

23 Deposit A deposit transaction System is displaying Press "Cancel" System displays an appropriate
can be cancelled by menu of account key message and offers customer the
the customer any types option of choosing to do another
time prior to transaction or not.
inserting an envelope

24 Deposit A deposit transaction System is requesting Press "Cancel" System displays an appropriate
can be cancelled by customer to enter a key message and offers customer the
the customer any dollar amount option of choosing to do another
time prior to transaction or not.
inserting an envelope

25 Deposit A deposit transaction System is requesting Press "Cancel" System displays an appropriate
can be cancelled by customer to insert key message and offers customer the
the customer any an envelope option of choosing to do another
time prior to transaction or not.
inserting an envelope

26 Transfer System asks Menu of transaction Choose System displays a menu of

customer to choose types is being Transfer account types specifying transfer
an account to transfer displayed transaction from

27 Transfer System asks Menu of account Choose System displays a menu of

customer to choose types to transfer checking account types specifying transfer
an account to transfer from is being account to
to displayed

28 Transfer System asks Menu of account Choose savings System displays a request for the
customer to enter a types to transfer to account customer to type a dollar amount
dollar amount to is being displayed

29 Transfer System performs a System is displaying Enter a System prints a correct receipt
legitimate transfer a request for the legitimate showing amount and correct
transaction properly customer to type a dollar amount updated balance;
dollar amount System records transaction
correctly in the log (showing both
message to the bank and approval

30 Transfer A transfer System is displaying Press "Cancel" System displays an appropriate

transaction can be menu of account key message and offers customer the
cancelled by the types specifying option of choosing to do another
customer any time transfer from transaction or not.
prior to entering

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Test Case Use Case Function Being Initial System State Input Expected Output
# Tested

dollar amount

31 Transfer A transfer System is displaying Press "Cancel" System displays an appropriate

transaction can be menu of account key message and offers customer the
cancelled by the types specifying option of choosing to do another
customer any time transfer to transaction or not.
prior to entering
dollar amount

32 Transfer A transfer System is requesting Press "Cancel" System displays an appropriate

transaction can be customer to enter a key message and offers customer the
cancelled by the dollar amount option of choosing to do another
customer any time transaction or not.
prior to entering
dollar amount

33 Inquiry System asks Menu of transaction Choose Inquiry System displays a menu of
customer to choose types is being transaction account types
an account to inquire displayed

34 Inquiry System performs a System is displaying Choose System prints a correct receipt
legitimate inquiry menu of account checking showing correct balance;
transaction properly types account System records transaction
correctly in the log (showing both
message to the bank and approval

35 Inquiry An inquiry System is displaying Press "Cancel" System displays an appropriate

transaction can be menu of account key message and offers customer the
cancelled any time types option of choosing to do another
prior to choosing an transaction or not.

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