Submitted By: - Submitted To: Deepty Mam Narendra Kumar Reg. No. 10809874 Section: E3803
Submitted By: - Submitted To: Deepty Mam Narendra Kumar Reg. No. 10809874 Section: E3803
Submitted By: - Submitted To: Deepty Mam Narendra Kumar Reg. No. 10809874 Section: E3803
Q1. Explain the complete coding process for hostel management system for your
Ans: - 1. Student account creation
This section provides an online form to the students which can be filled by them, and a
copy of the filled page can be taken in the printed form. This is later submitted to the
Hostel authorities who can be verified by them before allotting them to the respective
$abc="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'adm_account'(
'user' VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
'pass' VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
'pass_r' VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY('id'))";
$sql="insert into adm_account (user,pass,pass_r) values ('$user1','$pass1','$pass1')";
2. Administrator Login
The Administrator can:
1. Allot different students to the different hostels.
2. Vacate the students for the hostels.
3. Control the status of the fee payment.
4. Edit the details of the students & modify the student records.
$sql="SELECT * FROM adm_account where user1='$user' AND pass1='$pass'";
$msg="Wrong username or password";
3. Application form
4. Allotment
There will be pre-defined criteria for the admission to the hostels. He checks the attested
Application forms of the students obtained from the internet and varify it with the student
database. If the students are found eligible then they are allotted to the hostel.
function validate(f)
alert("Please enter a valid username");
return false;
alert("Please enter a valid password");
return false;
return true;
6. Notice Board
All the 9 hostels have their Notice boards. Any change in the Hostel fee, mess fee will be
shown in this. It can be also used for different notifications.
Remote debugging occurs when you want to debug a problem that is occurring on
another computer while continuing to work from your own computer. Developers
frequently do this when a segment of code runs fine on their own computer but
crashes on another system. They may want to debug it on the other system
remotely, without having to go sit in front of the other computer. For more
Debugging procedures are different when you are trying to debug code on a live
server that customers are accessing. This is getting more common as more code is
written for the Web. For more information, see "Troubleshooting Common
Problems with Applications: Debugging in the Real World".
When you fix a bug, include in the code a version number, bug ID, and your alias.
If someone looks at the code afterward and has a question about the fix, they can
contact you for information.
You should code review all fixes. Get at least one other person to examine your
code —a peer review.
Avoid fixing the same bug twice. Use a build to verify that the fix is correct,
especially for subtle bugs.
Coordinate with test team by documenting all your bug fixes in a test release
document (TRD) and sending it to the test team in e-mail.
Q3. Write down the basic standards you will follow while coding in your project.
Ans: - the basic standards that we follow while coding in our project are:-
Q1. Create black/white box testing document for your software project.
Black Box Testing is the most widely used testing and is used to used to check if the
product meets per se customer’s all requirements. The tester is not worried about how the
software has been built, what queries have been written, whether the coding is technically
optimal or not, but focuses more as if the customer is working on the system and feels
like customer when he tests the software.
A basic requirement of Black Box Testing is that nothing should be presumed about the
functionality of the software while testing the software, rather the tester is supposed to
check each and every functionality of a unit, module and the product as specified in the
customer requirement document. So the fundamental of this testing is the Customer
Requirement Document, based on which the appropriate test plan, test cases and test
scenarios are built and ultimately test results are drawn as a Test Report (or Bugs Report).
The purpose of any security testing method is to ensure the robustness of a system in the
face of malicious attacks or regular software failures. White box testing is performed
based on the knowledge of how the system is implemented. White box testing includes
analyzing data flow, control flow, information flow, coding practices, and exception and
error handling within the system, to test the intended and unintended software behavior.
White box testing can be performed to validate whether code implementation follows
intended design, to validate implemented security functionality, and to uncover
exploitable vulnerabilities.
White box testing requires access to the source code. Though white box testing can be
performed any time in the life cycle after the code is developed, it is a good practice to
perform white box testing during the unit testing phase.
White box testing requires knowing what makes software secure or insecure, how to
think like an attacker, and how to use different testing tools and techniques. The first step
in white box testing is to comprehend and analyze available design documentation,
source code, and other relevant development artifacts, so knowing what makes software
secure is a fundamental requirement. Second, to create tests that exploit software, a tester
must think like an attacker. Third, to perform testing effectively, testers need to know the
different tools and techniques available for white box testing. The three requirements do
not work in isolation, but together.
The white box provides a graphic depiction of the security testing process. This same
process applies at all levels of testing, from unit testing to systems testing. The use of this
document does not require subscribing to a specific testing process or methodology.
Readers are urged to fit the activities described here into the process followed within their
3. Develop a detailed test plan that organizes the subsequent testing process.
6. Prepare a report.
In addition to the general activities described above, the process diagram introduces
review cycles, reporting mechanisms, deliverables, and responsibilities.
Q2. Design all the possible test cases to test Windows Media Player Application
of Windows 7 or Windows Vista. User can try to play any kind of file available in
the system so derive the test case accordingly.
Q3. Identify the situations which can cause project failure during testing
This is probably the most common problem. If you have ever been on a troubled project,
chances are you looked back and said "We should have spent more time planning."
Projects that start execution without fully understanding the work to be done (and getting
the sponsor to agree) are usually destined for problems. By the time you realize that you
are not in synch with your sponsor, it's usually very difficult to get back on track within
the allocated budget and timeframe.
Your work plan (schedule) is the roadmap that describes how you are going to complete
the work. You'll have problems if your work plan is at too high a level, incomplete or not
up-to-date. You may get away with it on a small project, but it will be fatal on a larger
Some project managers do a great job in the upfront planning process, but then don't
manage the project effectively from that point on. This includes having problems
managing scope change, resolving issues, communicating proactively and managing
project risks.
Inadequate resources
This covers a lot of areas. You may not have the right level of resources because you
didn't estimate the work correctly. You might have estimated the work correctly, but your
management has not allocated the proper level of staffing. It's possible that you have
enough bodies, but you don't have people with the right skill mix. All of these may lead
to major project failures.
People problems
In my experience, people tend to get along fine when the project is on track. However, if
the project gets into trouble, people start to work longer hours, feel more stress, get more
edgy and have more personality conflicts. While it is certainly possible that these
problems are actually causing the project to slip, it is also likely that other problems are
causing the problem and that the people problems are a later symptom.
Lifecycle problems
There are many opportunities for project problems throughout the lifecycle. Many of
these will cascade as the project progresses, leading to major trouble. Examples of
lifecycle problems include: