Prof. M. Saha: Professor of Mathematics The University of Burdwan West Bengal, India
Prof. M. Saha: Professor of Mathematics The University of Burdwan West Bengal, India
Prof. M. Saha: Professor of Mathematics The University of Burdwan West Bengal, India
Prof. M. Saha
Professor of Mathematics
The University of Burdwan
West Bengal, India
E-mail :
Module-2: Norm of Bounded Linear Operators
Theorem 5.2.1:
||T || = sup ||T x||, for T ∈ Bd L(X, Y ).
Theorem 5.2.2: Let, X and Y be two normed linear spaces over the same field of
scalars F . Also let, T ∈ Bd L(X, Y ), Then,
{ }
||T || = inf M > 0 : ||T x|| ≤ M ||x||, ∀ x ∈ X
Chapter 5 Bounded Linear Operators
{ }
Let M0 = inf M > 0 : ||T x|| ≤ M ||x|| ∀ x ∈ X . So M0 ≤ ||T || (5.2.3)
=⇒ ||T || ≤ M0 . (5.2.4)
From (5.2.3) and (5.2.4) we see that ||T || = M0 = inf{M > 0 : ||T x|| ≤ M ||x||,
∀ x ∈ X}.
Theorem 5.2.3: Let X and Y be two normed linear spaces over the same field of
scalars F and let, T ∈ Bd L(X, Y ). Then,
||T x||
||T || = sup
x̸=0 ||x||
=⇒ ||T || ≥ β − ϵ
Chapter 5 Bounded Linear Operators
This implies that T is a bounded linear operator. So, sup ||T f || ≤ (b − a), implying
||f ||=1
that ||T || ≤ (b − a).
Let f0 (t) = 1 ∀ t ∈ [a, b]. So f0 ∈ c[a, b].
Let T (f0 ) = ψ0 (say), where ψ0 (x) = a f0 (t) dt.
But ||f0 || = 1.
Chapter 5 Bounded Linear Operators
Solution: Let, E = c[0, 1] where c[0, 1] is equipped with sup norm. Define A, B :
c[0, 1] → c[0, 1] by Ax(t) = 0 stx(t) dt and Bx(s) = sx(s), t, s ∈ [0, 1] and x ∈ c[0, 1].
Clearly A and B are continuous linear operator mapping E into itself.
∫1 ∫1 ∫1 ∫1
Now ABx = 0 st2 x(t) dt = s 0 t2 x(t) dt and BAx = s 0 stx(t) dt = s2 0 tx(t) dt,
showing that AB(x) ̸= BA(x) for all x ∈ c[0, 1]. Hence AB ̸= BA.
Remark 5.2.1: For two bounded linear operators A, B : X → X, ||AB|| ≤ ||A|| ||B||.
||AB|| = sup ||(AB)(x)||
( )
= sup ||A B(x) ||
≤ ||A|| ||B||
Corollary 5.2.1: Let, A : X → Y be a bounded linear operator then for any positive
integer n, ||An || ≤ ||A||n .
Thus, the result is true for n = m + 1 and hence the result follows by Principle of
Mathematical Induction.
Theorem 5.2.4: Let X and Y be two normed linear spaces over the same field of
scalars. Let T : X → Y be a linear operator which is onto then, T −1 : Y → X exists
and continuous iff ∃ a constant m > 0 such that m||x|| ≤ ||T (x)||, ∀ x ∈ X.
Chapter 5 Bounded Linear Operators
Proof: Let the condition holds. That is ∃ m > 0 such that m||x|| ≤ ||T (x)|| ∀ x ∈ X.
Let T (x) = θY for x ∈ X. So ||T (x)|| = 0 for x ∈ X. So, m||x|| ≤ 0.
That is ||x|| = 0, and hence x = θX . Thus T (x) = θY =⇒ x = θX .
Also, x = θX is unique and can be proved easily. So T −1 : Y → X exists. Also it
can be shown that T −1 : Y → X is linear (see Theorem 5.1.1). Let y ∈ Y so there
exists x ∈ X such that T −1 (y) = x. So, m||x|| ≤ ||T (x)||
=⇒ ||T −1 (y)|| ≤ 1
||y|| = k||y||, k = 1/m > 0
i.e., ||T −1 (y)|| ≤ k||y|| ∀ y ∈ Y .
So, T −1 : Y → X is bounded and hence by Theorem 5.1.2 T −1 : Y → X is continuous.
Again conversely let the linear operator T −1 : Y → X exists and continuous. So,
T −1 : Y → X is bounded.
Let y ∈ Y . So ∃ x ∈ X such that T −1 (y) = x =⇒ T (x) = y. So ∃ a constant k > 0
such that
Theorem 5.2.5: Let X be a Banach space, Y be a normed linear space and let T :
X → Y be a bijective and continuous linear operator. If T −1 : Y → X exist and
continuous then Y is a Banach space.