Cbcpmonitor Vol14 n22
Cbcpmonitor Vol14 n22
Cbcpmonitor Vol14 n22
against illegal logging. the religious and academic com- before praying the Angelus at
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media
Satur then was only 29 years munities. midday with those gathered
old and one of Malaybalay’s He said natural calamities in St. Peter’s Square.
youngest priests. Media ac- such as flooding and landslides The next Ordinary Gen- Pope Benedict XVI
counts revealed the priest’s head could have been avoided had the eral Assembly of the Synod of
was smashed with a rifle butt forests remained as they should Bishops will be held in 2012, Quoting Pope Paul VI, he
and later shot pointblank with be. Trees prevent soil erosion and will be dedicated to the added, “The Church exists to
a shotgun. Tribute / A6 theme “The New Evangeli- evangelize, that is to say, to
zation for the Transmission preach and to teach, to be the
communities (ad extra). Chile miners’ flag hung in pontiff’s apartment
The proposals call the world’s Benedict XVI hung in his apartment the flag signed by the 33
attention to the problems linked trapped Chilean miners, praying daily for their rescue, said Vati-
to emigration and immigra- can spokesman and Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi. Lombardi
tion in the region and to the spoke of the miners’ plight and the Pope’s prayers during the
promotion of religious liberty, most recent edition of Vatican Television’s “Octava Dies.” The
including that of worship and The proposal list was pre- rated 194 proposals, which Sunday with a solemn Eucharis- miners were all pulled to safety last Oct.13, after being trapped
conscience. sented today at the 12th general were unified and reduced to 41, tic celebration. below ground since Aug.5. On Oct. 7, the Pope was presented
Noteworthy is constant ref- congregation of the Special As- explained Archbishop Nikola The 41 proposals, articu- with a flag that had been signed by the 33. (Zenit)
erence to a need to intensify sembly for the Middle East of Eterović, secretary-general of lated in an introduction, three
cooperation among the Catholic the Synod of Bishops. the synod. chapters and a conclusion, Pope pledges Catholic support for bettering Korea
hierarchies in the Middle East Along with the Pope, 162 The document is now be- were read by special secre- Receiving the new Korean ambassador to the Holy See on Oct.
through meetings, initiatives of synod fathers participated in ing analyzed by the working tary of the synod, Archbishop 17, Pope Benedict XVI praised the Republic of Korea’s work for
solidarity, and the formation of the assembly, coordinated by groups, which can propose pos- Joseph Soueif, archbishop of peace and its role as an “important player” on the world stage.
priests and laity. The proposals the president-delegate on duty, sible amendments. A final list Cyprus of the Maronites, and He pledged the Church’s help to advance the common good,
also stress the importance of Patriarch Ignace Joseph III will be presented on Saturday by the general-relator, Cardinal- noting the inspiration the faithful take from the example of the
media in transmitting the teach- (Ephrem) Younan of Antioch of morning, at the last general designate Antonios Naguib, Korean Martyrs. Ambassador Han Hong-soon presented letters
ings of the Church. the Syrians. congregation. patriarch of Alexandria of the of credence to the Pontiff on Oct. 21 at the Vatican. (CNS)
Trimming down Working groups had elabo- The synod will then close on Copts. (Zenit)
Pope tells seminarians abuse crisis cannot discredit
priestly mission
Cardinal Van Thuân seen as model of hope Historical shrine draws Mandalay faith
MANDALAY, Oct. 25, 2010—The sacred Margaret Khyu, a parishioner.
ROME, Oct. 22, 2010--The diocesan when Cardinal van Thuân traveled to Marian Shrine is drawing more people The Marian Shrine, Mandalay archdio-
phase of the canonization process New York he would visit the Vietnam- to come and live in Chanthargone vil- cese is a popular pilgrimage site that draws
opened today in Rome for Cardinal ese Catholics who resided there, in the lage, 555 kilometers north of Yangon. over 1,000 visitors to the annual church feast
François Xavier Nguyen van Thuân parish of the Most Precious Blood, in the New arrivals say they are attracted by day, which falls on the Full Moon Day.
(1928-2002), who is remembered by his city’s Chinese neighborhood. the tranquility and spiritual benefit For this year, Full Moon Day falls on Oct.
countrymen as an example of hope. The priest recalled that Cardinal from church activities and presence of 23. So the Mass, procession, saying rosary
The opening ceremony took place van Thuân was a “very gentle and the Blessed Mother. and benediction will be held on the eve-
at midday in the Conciliation Hall of humble” person “with a good sense “When I was feeling troubled and ning of Oct. 22 and morning of Oct. 23.
the Lateran Palace in Rome, presided of humor.” He said that many young unhappy, I went to the Church, talked During World War II, fleeing villagers
over by Cardinal Agostino Vallini, the people “admired him and wanted to to Mother Mary and visit the Sacrament. dug a pit and buried the iron statue of
Pope’s vicar for the Diocese of Rome, imitate him.” Then all my troubles disappeared,” Our Lady of Lourdes because she was
and Cardinal Peter Turkson, current For Salesian Brother Domenico Nam, Sanda Htun, a villager said. too heavy to carry.
president of the Pontifical Council for the cardinal was “a great example of U Ngwe Gyi, a parishioner also dedi- The villagers finally recovered the statue
Justice and Peace. hope, after so many years in prison,” cated to Our Lady of Mary, said: “We after having dug many places in 1958.
Also, Cardinal Turkson presided over and he said that the Church in his get a chance to attend daily Mass and To their surprise the statue was in
a Eucharistic celebration in memory of country “finds itself in a very difficult for elderly people like me, we can spend upright position and not lying as de-
the Servant of God in the Roman church situation because of the Communist the rest of our life peacefully.” scribed by the villagers who buried it.
of Santa Maria della Scala, of which he regime.” Father David Kyaw Swa, a parish Moreover, the statue´s face was clean,
was the titular bishop. Attending the However, there are “many Catholic priest said older parishioners used to with no rust or dirt.
ceremony were members of the dicast- families that pray together. Devotion to spend a couple of months here. Now Chanthagone village was resurrected
ery, cardinals, bishops, relatives, friends Cardinal van Thuân is spreading among about 50 Catholic families live in Chan- in 1963 around that site and since then,
and others who had the opportunity to them,” and this generates “many voca- thargone. Ten years ago, there were 30 feasts of the Blessed Mother were cel-
know the cardinal during his life. tions” as fruits. families but now it has increased said ebrated regularly. (UCAN)
The diocesan phase of the canoniza- For Sister Assunta, of the Institute of
tion process will involve gathering Mary Help of Christians, what was most
documentation of the life, writings, admirable about Cardinal van Thuân Festival celebrates Korean interreligious unity
virtues and sanctity of Cardinal van part in the celebrations for the opening was his “immense charity,” as well as
Thuân. of Cardinal van Thuân’s canonization his “very profound hope.” SEOUL, Oct. 25, 2010—Organizers of ciety,” Reverend Rhee added.
While serving as the coadjutor arch- cause were Vietnamese residents in He was a person who was able to an interreligious festival in Korea have In his congratulatory message to
bishop of Ho Chi Minh, the prelate Rome. Vietnam has a Catholic popula- give “true justice: that of forgiveness,” vowed to promote understanding the festival, President Lee Myung-bak
was arrested in 1975 and detained for tion of 7 million (6% of the population), the religious said, adding that when she among various religions and called on asked the religions’ cooperation to help
13 years in a Communist re-education making it the second largest Catholic was very young she saw him sometimes all faiths to work for peace. spread love and harmony.
camp in Vietnam. In 1988, he was liber- population in Asia after the Philip- in Saigon (today Ho Chi Minh City). “Though our country is multi-reli- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tour-
ated and forced into exile. Pope John pines. “I pray every day to imitate his vir- gious, we have showed mutual coop- ism sponsored the event held at the National
Paul II welcomed him to Vatican City ZENIT spoke with Sister Cecilia, who tues in my consecrated life,” said Sister eration and harmony,” said Reverend Museum of Korea in Seoul, with the theme
and entrusted him with responsibilities knew the cardinal personally, and who Assunta. Rhee Kwang-sun, co-chairman of The Let’s Go Together with One Heart.
in the Roman Curia. often visited him in his apartment in After completing the diocesan phase, Korean Council of Religious Leaders Each religion set up a booth display-
The Vietnamese archbishop served as Rome, where he always received his the Vatican phase would begin which (KCRL) who organized the 14th Korean ing religious artifacts. Hands-on activi-
vice-president of the Pontifical Council compatriots with special kindness. would involve a commission of theo- Religious Culture Festival on Oct. 23. ties have also attracted visitors.
for Justice and Peace in 1994, and was “When he fell ill we went to visit him logians determining whether or not KCRL comprises of leaders of Bud- The Catholic booth offered rosary
its president from 1998 to 2002. He was in the hospital,” she recalled. “His death Cardinal van Thuân lived the virtues dhism, Catholicism, Confucianism, bracelet-making while the Buddhist
made a cardinal in 2001. He died in was a very hard moment although we to a heroic degree. Should this be the Protestantism, Korean traditional reli- booth let people paint a lotus mural.
September 2002. knew that the suffering he lived here on case, he would be declared Venerable. A gions as well as Chondogyo and Won Other highlights of the festival includ-
earth had greater meaning. Truth and miracle through his intercession would Buddhism, both founded in Korea. ed performances by singers, dancers and
Countrymen forgiveness triumphed.” be then be needed for his cause to ad- “As religious people, we will try our magicians, along with a drawing contest
The majority of the faithful who took Father Cuong Pham recalled that vance toward beatification. (Zenit) best to make our religions closer to so- for elementary students. (UCAN)
News Features
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 22
October 25 - November 7, 2010
Among the matters receiv- from all levels of society. nied by the Holy See and the
ing the most attention during “Conflicts, wars, violence and whole Church, which, having
the sessions were communion terrorism have gone on for too been born in Jerusalem, spread
among the variety of Eastern long in the Middle East,” he em- through the Middle East and
Catholic traditions; problematic phasized. “Peace, which is a gift then the rest of the world.”
emigration from the Middle East; of God, is also the result of the He also announced during the
and inter-religious relations and efforts of men of goodwill, of the homily that the next assembly of
dialogue. The topics of violence, national and international insti- bishops would take place in 2012
peace, and religious freedom tutions, in particular of the states to examine “new evangeliza-
were also prominent. most involved in the search for a tion.” (CNA/EWTN News)
of celibacy makes any sense as a truly marriage.” ized saints, Australia and Canada. the most beautiful aspect of the
human way of life.” In this relationship with Christ, he Canadian and Australian pil- Church.”
The Pope’s frank engagement of the said, “celibacy is anticipation,” taking grims flew their flags throughout In service to mankind, he said,
question comes after a year of contro- the priest beyond this world and time the square before and after the cer- the Church helps people from all
Fr. Federico Lombardi
versies in Europe in which many have to the “world of the resurrection.” In emony. They were joined in the cel- places to “walk to meet God along
publicly questioned whether there opening the doors to this “future of ebration by many others from Spain, the paths of holiness.” Turning to
might be a link between the celibacy God,” he said, celibacy is lived as a Italy and Poland, the homelands of recognizing something that is “already all people, he concluded, “we need
rule and the scandal. witness to faith, a testimony of true the four other new saints. understood” among the people. This to learn to see the Church in this
Two bishops in Belgium in Sep- belief that God exists and is found in In a canonization, said Fr. Lom- understanding, he explained, is that perspective and continuously renew
tember raised the issue of admitting one’s life. bardi, the Church solemnly pro- “certain people,” the saints, “embody her, beginning with ourselves.”
married men to the priesthood in the For this reason it causes such “scan- poses the Christian life of a person, the Gospel in an extraordinary and (CNA/EWTN News)
wake of the scandal that has rocked the dal” in the secular world, he said.
Poll bets should run for service and not money, bishop says
MANILA, Oct. 24, 2010—Candidates cially those requiring a mandate from trusted to us as opportunities to help “Would you not choose a leader with and to himself,” he said.
running for public office should be the people, involves a responsibility and them, uplift them, promote their rights, these positive traits? Would you not let Although the barangay and SK elec-
motivated by their desire to serve the duty to serve them,” he said. provide for their needs and improve yourself be under his care, under this tions may be at the bottom of the “totem
people and not to enrich themselves, a Santos said that one’s position in their lives,” the prelate added. kind of shepherd?” he asked. pole of elections for public office”, the
young bishop said. society or community should not lead Santos urged voters to vote wisely on He advised the public not to be bishop said, it is important to “begin
Balanga Bishop Ruperto Santos, in his a person to feel superior on others, but Oct. 25 and choose candidates who are swayed by promises of politicians but with the smallest things”.
pastoral reflections on Oct. 25 Barangay rather use one’s status in life to help truly motivated to serve. rather be inspired by their “good deeds, “The Gospel said that he who could
and SK elections, said “public officials uplift other people’s lives. The bishop said they should serve like credible and honest living.” be trusted in small things can be
are called upon to serve especially those And this is true to anyone holding a that of the Good Shepherd as mentioned “Let us be attracted by selfless service trusted in big things. The proper and
who are less privileged, less fortunate, responsible position “whether religious in the Gospel of Saint John, who “leads rather than giveaways. Let us be moti- moral exercise of our suffrage applies
and least taken care of.” or civic authority”, he said. and guides his flock to the right and vated by what he can do for God and to all elective posts,” he said. (Pinky
“Any position in government, espe- “These people are given and en- moral path.” for His people rather than to his own Barrientos/CBCPNews)
A4 Opinion CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 22
October 25 - November 7, 2010
‘Irresponsible parenthood’
RH issue shows Fr. Roy Cimagala even called for his arrest upon his arrival in Britain. But every
dispute, every trip, has ended with the acclaim of the people,
confusion among
of the authorities and—most miraculously—of the media.
Even the priestly sex scandal turned into a boomerang,
Catholics Candidly Speaking when it was revealed that it had been none other than Cardinal
Ratzinger who had insisted on rigorously cleaning house once
the abuses had come to light, under his watch at the Congrega-
LIKE a chemical compound called reagent, the stuck in the past. But, ok, let´s always give about contraception. tion for the Doctrine of the Faith. Ironically, the fact that it had
RH question exposes the range and scope of them the benefit of the doubt. To them, contraception is not intrinsically been he who had prevailed over more lenient policies, might
the confusion and disaffection among many They usually begin their arguments by evil, an echo of the liberals´ dissent on Hu- never have come to light had not part of the press insisted on
Catholic faithful toward their Church, her introducing themselves as moderates, not manae Vitae. Pope John Paul II reiterated the pinning the blame on him.
doctrine and discipline. Let´s hope it will also hardliners, who try to hew a saner, more ra- intrinsic evil of contraception in his Evan- One entertaining example of the uncanny reversals of booby
give us an idea of the solution to be applied. tional and compassionate position. With very gelium Vitae. How clever they are in glib traps was seen in March 2009 on Channel Three of RAI, the
There was an explosion of views, many of subtle maneuverings, they try to make them- talk, both cutting corners and straying into Italian state-run television. In her regular Sunday afternoon
them shooting from the hip, but a few also selves the exclusive owners of St. Augustine´s irrelevant nooks to make their point! show “In Half An Hour” (a bit like BBC World’s Hardtalk),
came up, from so-called theologians, with maxim: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, They make a strong appeal for the voice anchorwoman Lucia Annunziata, formerly President of RAI it-
serious arguments that actually contained liberty; and in all things, charity.” of personal conscience as the final arbiter, self, interviewed US Jesuit Fr. Thomas J. Reese. She introduced
nothing more than sophistries. They point out to the public that their without much concern for its formation. him as a priest who had resigned as Editor-in-chief of America
The reckless comments are usually found presentation is not merely anecdotal in shrill Their favorite line is that in the end it´s just Magazine when Cardinal Ratzinger was elected pope.
in the media, with everyone, from editors tones, but scientific in calm, sober tones, an a question between the individual and God Annunziata, who had recently interviewed rebel theologian
and reporters to readers, giving their 2 cents obvious dig at those who convey the official that matters. All the intervening authorities, Hans Kung, introduced her guest as “hugely important”, “high
worth. The more serious and dangerous teaching of the Church by ornamenting it the Church Magisterium in particular, are calibre” and “immensely prestigious”. She clearly expected Fr.
ones are found in journals, in seminars and with stories. The implication is that they are easily set aside. Reese to tip the bucket on the Pope.
centers of higher learning. not fanatics, like those who oppose RH. They usually conclude their arguments by But her plan backfired. Not only did Fr. Reese not attack
Among the amusing arguments are the But they miss out many things as they saying that we should not make laws that the Pope, but he matter-of-factly validated every one of his
accusations that the Church wants to run focus only on their bias of making the RH discriminate against the others who may doctrinal positions. His criticisms were limited to reflecting
the whole country, wants to interfere in gov- acceptable. They paint the RH Bill, for ex- take the opposite view of what the Church that the Holy Father should surround himself with people
ernment affairs, wants to destroy society by ample, as a mixed bag, an assortment of leaders teach. Yes, even in matters of life who are more expert with the media.
encouraging civil disobedience, etc. good and bad elements that should not just and morality, they preach that we ought to Flustered, Annunziata broached one issue after another in
We don´t have to spend much time refut- be dismissed. In fact, it should be approved, be open, in a blatant display of what is now an increasingly pleading tone: “Surely on this matter you must
ing these arguments. They have a short shelf glossing over the essential issues while known as the tyranny of relativism. differ with the Pope?” and “You must be willing to at least
life, since they have no roots, or are like little sweetening its perceived bad elements. There´s no doubt that the Church authori- admit that not everyone approves of the Pope these days?”
rocks thrown at the Church, causing some Not only that, they now appear to be its ties have to wage at least a comprehensive Reese smilingly parried every lunge.
disturbance, but largely left where they fall most serious attorneys, defending it from any information campaign about the RH issue, Finally she played her trump card: “What about the little
with hardly anyone taking notice. Wild and question or protest raised against it, openly and to sustain an ongoing formation first girl in Brazil who was raped by her stepfather? Do you sup-
gratuitous, they pop in and out anytime and putting themselves at the other side of the among the clergy and then the rest of the port even the decision to excommunicate the family who took
just die under the sun or simply rot. Bishops´ position. That´s loyalty for them. faithful. her to an abortion clinic?” But Reese laughed pleasantly and
The more serious threats have to be taken They seem to be unaware of the global Church leaders need to summon the help pointed out: “I’m not an enemy of the Pope. I think he’s right
with more caution. They usually come from context in which this RH issue was born and of all Church organs and facilities to pursue on all of the issues you mentioned.” And then the mortal blow:
the ranks of the clergy, a truly disturbing developed—the ugly backroom geopolitics this plan. They have to weed out some bad “I like the Pope!”
phenomenon. With PhD´s and STD´s, they and commercial horsetrading done in its elements in strategic locations in the Church Thus a potentially disastrous interview turned into unex-
like to present themselves as the true light in name. While they are clearly against abor- structures, like the seminaries, parishes and pected publicity for the Pope, thanks to the ability of an honest
a world plunged in darkness or in a Church tion, at least, as of now, they are much at sea some so-called Catholic schools. priest, when the time came, to set aside past differences and
stand shoulder to shoulder with him—on prime time TV.
The attacks won’t stop, of course. But in the five and a half
years of Benedict’s Papacy, they have all led to an increase in
Melo M. Acuña the prestige of the Catholic Church.
The country’s ailing In a final irony, the man derided as “God’s rottweiler”, a
stern and distant intellectual, connects with the people, draw-
Issues and Concern tourism ing crowds from every age, background, and walk of life. Take
the traditional summer appearances in Castel Gandolfo. Quite
often Pope Benedict returns to Rome for the Wednesday audi-
ences, because the square could not hold all of the people who
THE Philippines pins its hopes after the hostage-taking incident. spick and span and the roads for more foreign tourists. Not in
sought to be there.
on tourism as a dollar-earner. Of Of course, close friends warned of were always safe 24/7. I never the Philippines.
Far from marking its demise, under Josef Ratzinger’s watch
course this was before the fateful possible consequences from being missed my early morning jogs After my ten-day trip, I re-
the Catholic Church has been recovering its reputation and,
August 23 hostage-taking inci- ostracized or be asked repeat- in Beijing, Chengdu and other turned to NAIA Terminal I only
along with it, the ability to spread its message. Whoever would
dent where eight foreign nation- edly of what really happened. Sichuan cities. to see long queues of Filipinos
have thought that this quintessential intellectual, 83 going on
als and the hostage-taker died. Our counterparts from CRI and Aside from Sichuan’s come-on, and foreigners weary from the
84, would rewrite the public relations textbooks?
What added to the government’s State Administration for Radio, the famed pandas and the numer- long air travel waiting to clear
woes was the fact the whole Film and Television were prudent ous museums and places of inter- their passports at the immigration
(Alessandra Nucci is an Italian writer and freelance journalist.
world had a glimpse of how we enough and talked about possible est, the forests remained forests section because of fewer immigra-
This commentary is published here under special arrangements with
responded to the crisis. closer working relations and news with no signs of illegal logging. tion personnel. The Immigration
The botched rescue operation exchange instead. They didn’t ask Local officials were hospitable Bureau’s departure and arrival
was seen through BBC, CNN and because the internet provided them and the food they served were cards should have tourist spots
Al Jazeera, thanks to the latest with everything they needed. sumptuous and unique. instead of Vicky Belo’s profile.
technology. Though Tourism Sec- Having been to China for the At their airports, immigration (Whoever thought of the idea?).
retary Alberto Lim remains opti- fourth time since 2001, I was nev- and security personnel knew their The air conditioning units need
mistic the international audience er surprised to see foreign tourists respective responsibilities. They replacements. We can surely get
would forget the incident in due on board various flights in and were attentive to locals and for- tourists to see the Philippines if
time, the country has to double its out of Beijing. The two-and-a- eigners alike. Their terminals are and when foreigners would say a
efforts in enticing foreign tourists half hour flight to Chengdu was clean and their duty-free shops’ few good words about their pleas-
to see the Philippines. a good eye-opener because I saw goods are reasonably priced. Taxis ant trip to Manila and suburbs
On invitation of China Radio In- how serious the Chinese were in have receipts and a recorded voice where the roads are clean and the
ternational and the Sichuan Tour- building infrastructures such as would advice tourists not to pay hotels are reasonable yet present-
ism Council, this corner had the airports and terminals, well-built what’s been recorded in the taxi able and where anybody will feel
chance to visit Beijing, Chengdu, roads and access to internet and meters and the receipt. In China, safe and free from muggers and
Leshan and Emei Shan, just a week mobile phones. Their hotels were cities compete against each other street urchins.
Brian Caulfield
Mining / A1
They expressed alarm on the irre- being lifted from their sorry state of Precioso D. Cantillas, Calbayog Bishop at a disadvantage if mining operations ties and consequences relative to mining,
versible impact of extractive industries poverty were left to fend for themselves Isabelo C. Abarquez, and Naval Bishop continue, they furthered. the statement said, while pointing out
especially on the islands of Manicani and grapple with the realities that there Felomino G. Bactol. “What is more basic than any right, that the company left the island even
and Homonhon in Eastern Samar and are no more fertile grounds to grow their more basic than the right of mining before the expiration of its permit.
Batag in Northern Samar which remain food or natural river systems to catch the Borongan clergy firms, is the right of the people of “How then it would account for its fail-
imperiled by large and small-scale min- fishes for their day’s meal,” they said. Meanwhile, in a statement released on Manicani to live safely and peacefully ures and shortcomings?” the clergy asked.
ing operations. The prelates also noted the decade- October 13, the Borongan clergy led by in their own island without the presence In an effort to get the diocese soften
“As shepherds of our flock, it is our long struggle of the people in the islands Bishop Crispin Varquez rapped the obvi- of mining which endangers their very its stand against the loading of mineral
collective sentiments that the continuing of Manicani, Homonhon and Batag ous attempt of Nickel Asia Corp. (NAC) lives,” the statement said. stockpiles, HMC offered to donate one
drive for development of the Eastern who have to make do with what was to have the suspension of mining opera- The clergy also raised other issues million for the spiritual and pastoral
Visayas region anchored on mining left of the environment and livelihood tion in the island be lifted that would pave such as the company’s failure to com- endeavours of Borongan diocese, which
as well as other extractive economic destroyed by mining. for mineral extraction in Manicani. ply with the condition agreed with the the bishop flatly declined.
pursuits, only reinforce the irreversible Added to the damage done on the “[We] reiterate our collective stand to people of Manicani regarding the last But the company was able to buy
trend of permanently damaging na- environment is “the destruction of the oppose the resumption of mining in the loading of mineral stockpile in 2004- people’s support by handing out
ture’s endowments. As a consequence, islands’ social fabric, [with] families island of Manicani in solidarity with the 05, stating “That immediately after the P10,000 to every household, which led
the many lines of opportunities upon and communities [being] polarized,” people of the island who have suffered loading of the 150,000 MT nickel ore, all to the loading of mineral stockpiles, the
which our people can draw their life they said. long enough because of unmitigated open pit caused by the mining opera- statement said.
sustenance will definitely be threatened “What pervades has been the situa- greed of the very people who vowed tions shall be rehabilitated” (No. 8 of SB According to the clergy, the NAC has
immensely,” the statement said. tion of unpeace and disharmony. People to protect them; because of the wanton Resolution No. 32 series of 2004). been doing a maintenance program on
The bishops said previous experi- in the islands have been constantly disregard of their basic right to live They said compliance to the above the “mined out areas in Manicani, spe-
ences attest on the harmful effects of threatened by another prospect of sys- through the denial of their access to a condition is necessary at least before cifically the settling ponds, periphery
mining on environment and livelihoods tematic destruction of the island they basic element that sustains their life; any endorsement of the Guiuan Sang- canals and catchment basins” already
and these should have at least imparted call home,” they added. and because, we cannot remain deaf and guniang Barangay should be made. for several months now with some hired
some lessons on everyone. The bishops reiterated that the so- blind to the excesses of mining while The Guiuan Sangguniang Barangay locals doing the work.
cial costs and irreversible destruction our people suffer the consequences of is currently in the process of formulat- The mining company has even taken
Lamentable track record caused by mining far outweigh its actions not of their own making,” the ing a resolution to lift the suspension of all the members of the island’s four
Citing Bagacay in the Diocese of perceived economic benefits. statement partly read. mining operation in Manicani. barangay councils for a field trip to Rio
Calbayog as an example, the prelates Signatories of the pastoral statement Mining will destroy agriculture and So far, the barangay councils of Ba- Tuba, a mining area in Palawan.
said the mining company left the area titled “A Call to Stop Mining in Eastern fisheries, which are the main livelihoods naag, Buenavista, Hamorawon and San The clergy made their collective stand
permanently devastated and the river Visayas Region” were Palo Archbishop of the people, the clergy said. Jose, all in Manicani island, have already on the issue during their regular assem-
poisoned after having extracted all min- Jose S. Palma, Catarman Bishop Em- With only an area of 1,165.89 hectares passed a resolution seeking the same. bly on October 13 held at the Bishop
erals from the ground. manuel C. Trance, Borongan Bishop and no major source of water except rain The Hinatuan Mining Corporation Leonardo Y. Medroso Social Hall at the
“The people who had high hopes of Crispin B. Varquez, Maasin Bishop water, Manicani communities will be (HMC) failed to assume the responsibili- Bishop’s Residence in Borongan.
Diocesan News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 22
October 25 - November 7, 2010
Contributed Photo
of chief Chaplain and Scalabrinian Fr. Romy who can publicly speak about what life is
Velos. in both the offline and online world. It also
Velos expressed high hopes on OFW´s to help seeks to unhinge biased media and create a
keep the faith alive in their families through more pro-active and pro-life citizen.
loving dedication to service and Christian Young men who wanted to be part of an
witnessing. (Fr. Garret Alfonso Ulanimo) intelligent pro-life discussion came and at-
tended the activity.
on alternatives to imprisonment
Meanwhile, to enlighten the public on
the misinformation caused by anti-life and
anti-family bills pending in Congress, Theo-
logical Centrum is making available again
THE Church’s celebration of the Themed as “Towards Justice That in Intramuros, Manila. the prisoners. its various Documentation Service issues on
Prison Awareness Week has focused Moves Beyond Punishment,” the Conferences were held to inform The celebration ended with a family and life.
on the need to consider alternatives week-long celebration was held on the public through the media of Eucharistic celebration presided by This effort is meant to provide people
to the country’s current punitive October 19-24, 2010. the reform agenda on justice by the Palawan Bishop Pedro Arigo at the guidance to make them more capable of de-
criminal justice system and impris- Rodolfo Diamante, executive sec- church and non-government agen- Maximum Security Compound, New fending human life and the family. Requests
onment. retary of ECPPC said, the week-long cies involved. Bilibid Prisons in Muntinlupa City. for publications can be made to Theological
The Episcopal Commission on celebration began with a thanksgiv- Diamante said it will also aid in Organizers said separate masses Centrum, 5th Floor, Quad Alpha Centrum
Prison Pastoral Care (ECPPC) of the ing mass officiated by Fr. Oliver promoting the adoption of more were also held by the VIPs in their Building, 125 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong
Catholic Bishops Conference of the Dee, Director of the Philippine Jesuit restorative interventions in the penal respective areas in observance of City; telefax (02) 635 6113 or email: theologi-
Philippines (CBCP) spearheaded the Prison Service. The mass was held on system and the need to pass legisla- the week-long celebration. (Kate calcentrum@yahoo.com. (Jan Ong)
23rd Prison Awareness Week. October 18, 2010 at the CBCP Chapel tions that will enhance the dignity of Laceda)
(Homily of Pope Benedict XVI delivered at St. Peter’s Basilica during the solemn closing
of the Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops on October 24, 2010;
on the theme: “The Catholic Church in the Middle East: Communion and Witness.”)
Venerable Brothers, are afflicted. “The prayer of the humble other so that each may return to his own Synodal meeting its deep conviction to can bring to society is the promotion of
Illustrious Ladies and Gentlemen, pierces the clouds” affirms Ecclesiasticus mission, but we know that we remain pursuing such dialogue as well, so that an authentic freedom of religion and
Dear brothers and sisters, (35:21); and the Psalmist adds: “Yahweh united, we remain in his love. the prayer of the Lord Jesus might be conscience, one of the fundamental
is near to the broken-hearted, he helps The Synodal Assembly which completely fulfilled: “May they all be human rights that each state should
TWO weeks on from the opening those whose spirit is crushed” (34:18). concludes today has always kept in one” (Jn 17:21). always respect. In numerous countries
Celebration, we are gathered on ce Our thoughts go to our numerous mind the icon of the first Christian The words of the Lord Jesus may be of the Middle East there exists freedom
again on the Lord’s day, at the Altar of brothers and sisters who live in the community, described in the Acts of the applied to Christians in the Middle East: of belief, while the space given to the
the Confession in St. Peter’s Basilica, to region of the Middle East and who find Apostles: “The whole group of believers “There is no need to be afraid, little flock, freedom to practice religion is often quite
conclude the Special Assembly for the themselves in trying situations, at times was united, heart and soul” (Acts 4:32). for it has pleased your Father to give you limited. Increasing this space of freedom
Middle East of the Synod of Bishops. In very burdensome, both for the material It is a reality that we experienced in these the kingdom” (Lk 12:32). Indeed, even becomes essential to guarantee to all
our hearts is a deep gratitude towards poverty and for the discouragement, past days, in which we have shared the if they are few, they are bearers of the the members of the various religious
God who has afforded us this truly the state of tension and at times of fear. joys and the pains, the concerns and the Good News of the love of God for man, communities the true freedom to live
extraordinary experience, not just for Today the Word of God also offers us hopes of Christians in the Middle East. love which revealed itself in the Holy and profess their faith. This topic could
us, but for the good of the Church, a light of consoling hope, there where We experienced the unity of the Church Land in the person of Jesus Christ. This become the subject of dialogue between
for the People of God who live in the He presents prayer, personified, that in the variety of Churches present in Word of salvation, strengthened with the Christians and Muslims, a dialogue
lands between the Mediterranean and “until he has eliminated the hordes of the that region. Led by the Holy Spirit, grace of the Sacraments, resounds with whose urgency and usefulness was
Mesopotamia. As Bishop of Rome, I arrogant and broken the sceptres of the we became “united, heart and soul” in particular potency in the places in which, reiterated by the Synodal Fathers.
would like to pass on this gratitude wicked, until he has repaid all people as faith, in hope, and in charity, most of all by Divine Providence, it was written, and During the work of the Synod what
to you, Venerable Synod Fathers: their deeds deserve and human actions during Eucharistic celebrations, source it is the only Word which is able to break was often underlined was the need to
Cardinals, Patriarchs, Archbishops, as their intentions merit” (Ecc 35:21-22). and summit of ecclesial communion, that vicious circle of vengeance, hate, and offer the Gospel anew to people who do
Bishops. I wish to especially thank the This link too, between prayer and justice and in the Liturgy of the Hours as well, violence. From a purified heart, in peace not know it very well or who have even
Secretary General, the four Presidents makes us think of many situations in the celebrated every morning according to with God and neighbor, may intentions moved away from the Church. What
Delegate, the Relator General, the Special world, particularly in the Middle East. one of the seven Catholic rites of the and initiatives for peace at local, national, was often evoked was the need for a
Secretary and all the collaborators, who The cry of the poor and of the oppressed Middle East. We have thus enhanced and international levels be born. In these new evangelization for the Middle East
have worked tirelessly in these days. finds an immediate echo in God, who the liturgical, spiritual and theological actions, to whose accomplishment the as well. This was quite a widespread
This morning we left the Synod Hall and desires to intervene to open up a way wealth of the Eastern Catholic Churches, whole international community is called, theme, especially in the countries where
came to “the temple to pray”: in this, we out, to restore a future of freedom, a as well as of the Latin Church. It Christians as full-fledged citizens can Christianity has ancient roots. The
are touched directly by the parable of horizon of hope. involved an exchange of precious and must do their part with the spirit recent creation of the Pontifical Council
the pharisee and the publican, told by This faith in God who is near, who gifts, from which all the Synodal of the Beatitudes, becoming builders of for Promoting the New Evangelization
Jesus and recounted by the evangelist frees his friends, is what the Apostle Fathers benefitted. It is hoped that this peace and apostles of reconciliation to also responds to this profound need. For
St. Luke (cf. 18:9-14). We too may be Paul witnesses to in today’s epistle, in positive experience repeats itself in the the benefit of all society. this reason, after having consulted the
tempted, like the pharisee, to tell God of the Second Letter to Timothy. Realizing respective communities of the Middle Conflicts, wars, violence and terrorism episcopacy of the whole world and after
our merits, perhaps thinking of our work that the end of his earthly life was near, East, encouraging the participation of have gone on for too long in the having listened to the Ordinary Council
during these days. However, to rise up Paul makes an assessment: “I have the faithful in liturgical celebrations Middle East. Peace, which is a gift of of the General Secretariat of the Synod
to Heaven, prayer must emanate from fought the good fight to the end; I have of other Catholic rites, thus opening God, is also the result of the efforts of of Bishops, I have decided to dedicate
a poor, humble heart. And therefore we run the race to the finish; I have kept themselves to the dimensions of the men of goodwill, of the national and the next Ordinary General Assembly,
too, at the conclusion of this ecclesial the faith” (2 Tm 4:7). For each one of us, Universal Church. international institutions, in particular in 2012, to the following theme: “Nova
event, wish to first and foremost give dear brothers in the episcopacy, this is a Common prayer helped us to face of the states most involved in the search evangelizatio ad christianam fidem
thanks to God, not for our merits, but model to imitate: May Divine Goodness the challenges of the Catholic Church for a solution to conflicts. We must never tradendam - The new evangelization for
for the gift that He has given us. We allow us to make a similar judgment of in the Middle East as well. One of these resign ourselves to the absence of peace. the transmission of the Christian faith”.
recognize ourselves as small and in need ourselves! St Paul continues, “the Lord is communion within each sui iuris Peace is possible. Peace is urgent. Peace Dear brothers and sisters of the Middle
of salvation, of mercy; we recognize all stood by me and gave me power, so that Church, as well as in the relationships is the indispensable condition for a life East! May the experience of these days
that comes from Him and that only with through me the message might be fully between the various Catholic Churches of dignity for human beings and society. assure you that you are never alone,
his Grace we may realize what the Holy proclaimed for all the gentiles to hear” of different traditions. As today’s Gospel Peace is also the best remedy to avoid that you are always accompanied by the
Spirit told us. Only in this manner may (2 Tm 4:17). It is a word which resounds reminded us (cf Lk 18:9-14), we need emigration from the Middle East. “Pray Holy See and the whole Church, which,
we “return home” truly enriched, made with particular strength on this Sunday humility, in order to recognize our for the peace of Jerusalem” we are told having been born in Jerusalem, spread
more just and more able to walk in the in which we celebrate World Mission limitations, our errors and omissions, in in the Psalm (122:6). We pray for peace through the Middle East and then the rest
path of the Lord. Day! Communion with Jesus crucified order to be able to truly be “united, heart in the Holy Land. We pray for peace in of the world. We entrust the results of the
The First Reading and the responsorial and risen, witness of his love. The and soul”. A fuller communion within the Middle East, undertaking to try to Special Assembly for the Middle East, as
Psalm stress the theme of prayer, Apostle’s experience is a model for every the Catholic Church favors ecumenical ensure that this gift of God to men of well as the preparation for the Ordinary
emphasizing that it is much more Christian, especially for us Shepherds. dialogue with other Churches and goodwill should spread through the General Assembly, to the Blessed Virgin
powerful to God’s heart when those We have shared a powerful moment of ecclesial communities as well. The whole world. Mary, Mother of the Church and Queen
who pray are in a condition of need and ecclesial communion. We now leave each Catholic Church reiterated in this Another contribution that Christians of Peace. Amen.
B2 Updates CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 22
October 25 - November 7, 2010
the possibility of an AID epidemic in According to the Lancet article cited above,
some African countries. a vigorous condom-promotion activity
In a well-researched article titled “AIDS could increase rather than decrease
Prevention in Africa,” health writer Dale unprotected sexual exposure, if it has the
O’Leary defended the Pope from his critics unintended effect of encouraging great
in the Western press. He cites evidences sexual promiscuity.
contained in a book titled Rethinking True enough, according to a study
AIDS Prevention by Edward Green. high condom use has yet to produce to achieve anything close to consistent require substantial changes in behavior. published in the Journal of AIDS in
Green had gone to Africa accepting the demonstrable benefits. The sad experience condom use over time. No matter how The difference is that while the decision 2005, men supplied with condoms
conventional wisdom that condoms were shows that high HIV transmission can good the intentions of those in the to practise abstinence and fidelity is made and properly educated about their use
the solution for the AIDS epidemic. He co-exist with high condom use. program, after a few months, use drops with your clothes on, the decision to use reported a significantly higher number
soon discovered, however, that massive An article in the prestigious British significantly. This is true in Africa and a condom is made with your clothes off, of partners during the six months follow-
condom education and distribution medical journal The Lancet concluded: true among men who have sex with in the heat of passion and often under up period when compared with the six
programs were not working. On the other “Massive increases in condom use men in the U.S. As a result, where the influence of alcohol or drugs. The months prior to their joining the study.
hand, a program promoting abstinence worldwide have not translated into condoms are promoted as the answer, decision not to engage in sex requires In this way, they increased their risk of
before marriage and fidelity within demonstrably improved HIV control the epidemic continues. discipline, will power, and is strongly infection. All these findings support the
marriage in Uganda was successful. in the great majority of countries where Why have massive condom education supported by both custom and religion. Pope’s statement in his trip to Africa:
His conclusion has been confirmed by they have occurred.” Those promoting and distribution campaigns failed to While condom promoters encourage condoms may sound like the solution to
numerous other studies. In 2003, Norman condoms as the solution insist that slow the AIDS epidemic in Africa, while people to use a condom every time, the the AIDS problem, but governments and
Hearst and Sanny Chen conducted a a correct and consistent condom use a campaign stressing abstinence before fact is that if both partners are HIV free funders need to look at the results and
condom effectiveness study for the U.N.’s reduces infections. The problem is that marriage and fidelity in marriage has had and monogamous, the risk of infection only support programs with a proven
AID program. They concluded that in no intervention or education program, positive results. The answer is found in is zero. The epidemic is not driven record of success. For comments, my
many sub-Saharan African countries, no matter how intense, has been able patterns of behavior. Both approaches by monogamous couples not using email address is bvillegas@uap.edu.ph.
CBCP Monitor
B4 Vol. 14 No. 22
October 25 - November 7, 2010
Contributed photo
By Fr. Edwin Corros in appreciating the numerous James, in the city that bears his and the shrine are really realms such as the Our Lady Fatima in participants, the Philippine
aspects and importance of the name. of the Word, of celebration, of Portugal, Our Lady of Lourdes in Church ranked second for having
pastoral care of pilgrimage and He also spoke of life as a charity, of ecclesial communion, France, Our Lady of Guadalupe in sent 21 delegates. Most countries
A DELEGATION of Shrine shrines. pilgrimage touching as well the of Eucharistic communion and Mexico and Our Lady of the Holy were able to send only one or two
rectors from the Philippines In his inaugural address, experience of a pilgrim to that of of mission.” Rosary of Pompei in Italy. delegates.
led by Maasin Bishop Precioso Archbishop Antonio Maria the experience of the disciples on The workshops for each topic Other rectors were seen The Association of the Shrine
Cantillas had participated in Veglio, president of the Pontifical the way to Emmaus. had brought all delegates to distributing medals, small statues RectorsandPilgrimagePromoters
the Second World Congress on Council for the Pastoral Care “As he did with the disciples exchange ideas and experiences and even commemorative coins of the Philippines were among
the Pastoral Care of Pilgrimage for Migrants said the aim of the of Emmaus, the Lord goes to of their own respective shrines, issued by their government those acknowledged by the
and Shrines held in Santiago congress was to evangelize. meet the pilgrim in his doubts including topics that deal on the recognizing the significant Vatican for having contributed to
de Compostela, Spain last Sept. He noted that the Church had and uncertainties, even though “Diversity and collaboration in contribution of the shrines that the success of the congress.
27-30. come to realize this objective recognizing Him will be the result welcoming or accompanying the they represent. “We want to express our
Bishop Cantillas, head of the over the past decades, and also of hearing and understanding pilgrims’ return.” For most participants from sincere gratitude to institutions
Commission for the Pastoral its understanding of shrines His Word and taking part in Shrine rectors from the the Philippines, the congress that by means of their economic
Care of Migrants and Itinerant has changed from a devotional the table of the Eucharist,” the Philippines who joined the has not only spiritually renewed support made possible great part
People of the Catholic Bishops practice to an area of pastoral archbishop said. congress include Sto. Niño in them of their roles as rectors of the organizational activity of
Conference of the Philippines, care. Conducted in various Cebu, Our Lady of Manaoag esp ec ia lly fr om t he ver y the II World Congress on the
also chaired one of the round “We have become more aware languages with simultaneous in Pangasinan, Our Lady of profound discourses presented Pastoral Care of Pilgrimages
table discussions during the of this possibility over the last translations, bishops, theologians Peñafrancia in Bicol, Our Lady by the resource persons, but and Shrines 2010,” it said in its
three-day ecclesiastical event. decades, in which we have and rectors of famous shrines of Antipolo in Rizal, Our Lady also permitted them to learn statement.
The congress was organized passed from a devotional practice from different parts of the of Guadalupe in Makati, Nuestra from the positive practices and The Rectors are all active
by the Pontifical Council for the to a pastoral of pilgrimage, world took turns in presenting Señora de Regla in Cebu, Jesus, innovations that other shrine members of the Association of the
Pastoral Care of Migrants and discovering that this moment their pastoral and theological the Way, the Truth and the rectors have created especially Shrine Rectors and Pilgrimage
Itinerant People in collaboration becomes an occasion for the reflection on topics such as Life in Pasay, Basilica of Poon from those coming from the more Promoters in the Philippines.
with the Archdiocese of renewal of faith and also for a first pilgrimage to the shrines as area Nazareno in Quiapo, Sacred globally prominent and renowned Besides participating in world
Santiago de Compostela, which evangelization,” he said. of the Word and of Celebration; as Heart of Jesus in Makati, St. Jude pilgrims’ destinations. congresses organized by the
coincidentally, is celebrating its Santiago de Compostela area of culture; as area of charity in Malacañang, Santo Sepolcro in According to the organizers, Vatican’s Pontifical Council for
holy year. Archbishop Julian Barrio Barrio and fraternity; and as area of San Pedro, Laguna, Our Lady of the congress’ participants came the Pastoral Care of Migrants and
Convened at the Galacia explained pilgrimage from ecumenical and inter-religious Fatima in Bulacan, and St. Joseph from 75 countries from five Itinerant People, the association
Congress and Exhibition Palace the context of its archdiocesan encounter. in Cubao. continents and had attracted 278 organizes regularly assembly for
after eighteen years since it was celebration of the holy year at At the conclusion of the The congress has given them bishops, priests, religious and its members and joins the Asian
first held in Rome in February 28, Santiago de Compostela which congress, Archbishop Vegliò the opportunity to meet and know lay people. congress held in various parts of
1992, the congress had discussed celebrates “The Way of Santiago” has encouraged his listeners to personally their counterparts of Besides Spain which hosted Asia. The recent Asian congress
varied topics that aimed precisely that leads to the Tomb of Apostle work “so that the pilgrimage the world’s famous shrines the event and had about 40 was held in Japan last year.
in Jesus Christ. In the theological science
face of Jesus Christ we see the face of God. In yet also without the indifference that might but its presupposition. Cut off from the
his words we hear God himself speaking to lead us to abandon altogether the struggle for believing Church, theology would cease to be
us. It follows that the most important thing holiness and self-improvement. Moreover, by itself and instead it would become a medley
in our path towards priesthood and during letting myself be forgiven, I learn to forgive of different disciplines lacking inner unity.
Dear Mr. President,
the whole of our priestly lives is our personal others. In recognizing my own weakness, I 6. Your years in the seminary should also
relationship with God in Jesus Christ. The grow more tolerant and understanding of be a time of growth towards human maturity.
We, the convenors of the Ephphata Forum and Religious
priest is not the leader of a sort of association the failings of my neighbor. It is important for the priest, who is called to
Discernment Group, greet you once again as you complete
whose membership he tries to maintain and 4. I urge you to retain an appreciation for accompany others through the journey of life
your first one hundred days in office. We trust that our
expand. He is God’s messenger to his people. popular piety, which is different in every up to the threshold of death, to have the right
first letter to you dated August 5, 2010 and received by
He wants to lead them to God and in this way to culture yet always remains very similar, for balance of heart and mind, reason and feeling,
Undersecretary Ma. Lourdes Ong, of the Presidential
foster authentic communion between all men the human heart is ultimately one and the body and soul, and to be humanly integrated. To
Assistant Office of the Special Assistant to the President
and women. That is why it is so important, same. Certainly, popular piety tends towards the theological virtues the Christian tradition has
has reached you. As stated in that letter, we considered it
dear friends, that you learn to live in constant the irrational, and can at times be somewhat always joined the cardinal virtues derived from
good that you called the people your “bosses” and declared
intimacy with God. When the Lord tells us to superficial. Yet it would be quite wrong to human experience and philosophy, and, more
that you wanted to lead us in the path of Righteousness, “sa
“pray constantly”, he is obviously not asking dismiss it. Through that piety, the faith has generally, from the sound ethical tradition of
daang matuwid”. In Isaiah we hear this reference to making
us to recite endless prayers, but urging us entered human hearts and become part of humanity. Paul makes this point this very clearly
the way straight (Is 40:4) so that the glory of God may be
never to lose our inner closeness to God. the common patrimony of sentiments and to the Philippians: “Finally, brothers, whatever
seen. Luke takes up this theme where Jesus quotes Isaiah
Praying means growing in this intimacy. customs, shaping the life and emotions of the is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just,
in his mission statement (Lk 4: 18-19): this is the challenge
So it is important that our day should community. Popular piety is thus one of the whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever
for one to be righteous and make the way straight:
begin and end with prayer; that we listen Church’s great treasures. The faith has taken is commendable, if there is any excellence and
1. Preach good news to the poor: this means poverty
to God as the Scriptures are read; that we on flesh and blood. Certainly popular piety if there is anything worthy of praise, think
alleviation. Schemes such as the Conditional Cash Transfer
share with him our desires and our hopes, always needs to be purified and refocused, about these things” (4:8). This also involves
Program (CCT) have been shown to develop mendicancy
our joys and our troubles, our failures and yet it is worthy of our love and it truly makes the integration of sexuality into the whole
and do nothing about the underlying causes of poverty. The
our thanks for all his blessings, and thus keep us into the “People of God”. personality. Sexuality is a gift of the Creator
money could be better spent creating jobs and improving
him ever before us as the point of reference 5. Above all, your time in the seminary yet it is also a task which relates to a person’s
basic services such as health and education. We are
for our lives. In this way we grow aware of is also a time of study. The Christian faith growth towards human maturity. When it is not
concerned that there is no budget for the National Food
our failings and learn to improve, but we has an essentially rational and intellectual integrated within the person, sexuality becomes
Authority (NFA). If instead the budget was increased, the
also come to appreciate all the beauty and dimension. Were it to lack that dimension, it banal and destructive. Today we can see many
farmers could sell their produce at a fair price and many
goodness which we daily take for granted would not be itself. Paul speaks of a “standard examples of this in our society.
would no longer need dole outs such as the CCT.
and so we grow in gratitude. With gratitude of teaching” to which we were entrusted in Recently we have seen with great dismay
2. Set prisoners free: we commend your asking Dept.
comes joy for the fact that God is close to us Baptism (Rom 6:17). All of you know the that some priests disfigured their ministry by
of Justice Secretary Leila De Lima to review the case of
and that we can serve him. words of Saint Peter which the medieval sexually abusing children and young people.
the Morong 43, but the 388 political prisoners, including
2. For us God is not simply Word. In the theologians saw as the justification for a Instead of guiding people to greater human
the illegally detained 43 health workers should be freed
sacraments he gives himself to us in person, rational and scientific theology: “Always be maturity and setting them an example, their
immediately. We are concerned at the continuing arrests,
through physical realities. At the heart of ready to make your defense to anyone who abusive behavior caused great damage for
particularly of peasant leaders on trumped up charges. We
our relationship with God and our way of demands from you an ‘accounting’ (logos) for which we feel profound shame and regret.
call on you to be a righteous person and release all political
life is the Eucharist. Celebrating it devoutly, the hope that is in you” (1 Pet 3:15). Learning As a result of all this, many people, perhaps
prisoners. We are extremely concerned that 16 leaders have
and thus encountering Christ personally, how to make such a defense is one of the even some of you, might ask whether it is
been extra judicially killed since you took office. This shows
should be the centre of all our days. In Saint primary responsibilities of your years in good to become a priest; whether the choice
that the culture of impunity implicating some members of the
Cyprian’s interpretation of the Gospel prayer, the seminary. I can only plead with you: Be of celibacy makes any sense as a truly human
military continues unabated. To pave the “daang matuwid”
“Give us this day our daily bread”, he says committed to your studies! Take advantage way of life. Yet even the most reprehensible
Open / B7
among other things that “our” bread—the of your years of study! You will not regret Letter / B7
Ref lections
CBCP Monitor
B6 Vol. 14 No. 22
October 25 - November 7, 2010
Bo Sanchez
Quality time isn’t enough
I’VE also spent many hours talking with The other night, I went home totally this way. A day will come when he’s all grown
parents whose kids are drifting away from God exhausted. I told the family I was going to up and he won’t jump on me anymore. (At
and hanging out with the wrong crowd.
I know my next statement is very
sleep early.
But after I dozed off on bed, my five-year
least, I hope he won’t!) While we can play
together, I’ll do it. A common sense
simplistic. old son entered the room and wanted to jump I’ve said “No” to my kids when they ask
But bear with me. on a trampoline. for toys.
I believe kids get into trouble usually In his mind, my body was his giant I’ve said “No” to my kids when they ask
because parents didn’t spend enough time trampoline! for junk food.
with them. Parents failed to unlock the
greatness of their children by not spending
both quantity and quality time with them.
He’d step on me, walk on me, and jump
on me.
A part of me wanted to say, “Francis, not
I’ve said “No” to my kids when they ask
for gadgets.
But to this day, I’ve never said “No” when
(To the RH Bill)
All is not lost. now. Daddy is really tired.” they ask for my time. No matter how busy THE discussions on the RH Bill issue have so far attained
Reach out to them now. But the words couldn’t leave my lips. or how tired I am. national attention, as it concerns life, specifically the life of the
Tell them you love them. Go out of your Because I knew that a time would come I urge you: Give 10,000 hours to your kids unborn. Since it is one prime right, I guess it should. However
way and spend time with them. when he’ll no longer be playing with me in and you unlock their greatness. we must put first things first. Many times the discussions
drift towards over-population, lack of food and classrooms
Fr. Francis Ongkingco or other educational facilities, the poverty issues and others
connected to above perspectives.
First of all, the basic rights of man are a non-negotiable
element that cannot be excluded—namely, life, liberty and
property. The table of life is not intended for control of the
guests to life, but rather to increase the food for people to have
world. They are the relief they struggle for justice and His spirit never died but lives
workers, the volunteers, the peace, they bring food and on today in those who have
fund raisers, campaigners, relief and help to the dying chosen to take up a mission
the medical people and and bring development and to serve the downtrodden,
development workers, all health services and a better the oppressed and unjustly
are agents of change and quality of life to millions of deprived.
compassion working alone or people. They help people to They are the brave and
through secular agencies. be empowered, enable them courageous that challenge
Then there are the to help themselves be self- the forces of evil that exploit
missionaries that serve reliant and lead sustainable and abuse the weak and not to be served, but to live life the poor. He was ambushed by a death squad.
through the Church lives. the vulnerable, the women to the fullest for others. I know and shot by armed men. It is We recall the words of
organizations and missionary Others help people by and children, and risk their many who have died for their alleged that on 16 June 2008 at Archbishop Oscar Romero of
societies. Countless thousands their mission to save the lives to protect them from mission. Let us remember one a military ceremony with the El Salvador, himself shot and
over the past years have left environment, to nurture the rapists and abusers, the who represents the thousands Catubig Brigade, the President murdered as he raised the cup
family and friends and gone planet and to protect all living criminal coddlers, the corrupt who died while on mission for of the Philippines that time, at mass. “Even when they call
to remote countries and lived creatures. All are the unsung politicians and money moguls their people. President Gloria Macapagal- us mad, when they call us
incredibly dedicated lives of heroes, they don’t receive that cause the suffering of This past September was the Arroyo referred to Fr. Lucero subversives and communists
hardship and deprivation and fame and publicity, they work others. one year anniversary of the as “that communist priest” and all the epithets they put on
sought no reward and asked quietly day by day and make Those on mission dedicate death of Fr. Cecilio Lucero, a in front of General Arthur us, we know we only preach
no recompense. Their lives of present that love for others themselves to integrity, brave man on a human rights Tabaquero and other military the subversive witness of the
selfless service are a challenge which is the highest form of honesty and truth. They give mission in Catubig, Northern officials. By September that Beatitudes, which have turned
to the rest of us seeking a unselfish self-giving. Some do their resources to serve and Samar, defending the rights of year, Fr. Lucero was murdered everything upside down.”
Letter / B5 Open / B5
abuse cannot discredit the priestly profession. Often it grows within the tolerance, not only bearing with, but also the perpetrators of all extra judicial of national sovereignty, there will be
mission, which remains great and pure. Communities, particularly within the enriching one another, so that each of you killings must be held accountable no true development for the people
Thank God, all of us know exemplary Movements, which favour a communal will be able to contribute his own gifts and the victims compensated. We and no peace.
priests, men shaped by their faith, who encounter with Christ and his Church, to the whole, even as all serve the same are disappointed that Oplan Bantay Finally, as the survey shows, you
bear witness that one can attain to an spiritual experiences and joy in the Church, the same Lord. This school of Laya has been extended since it has retain much popularity among the
authentic, pure and mature humanity service of the faith. It also matures in very tolerance, indeed, of mutual acceptance been documented that this Oplan has people. We call on you to follow
in this state and specifically in the life of personal encounters with the nobility and and mutual understanding in the unity given rise to the continuing human Jesus who sided with the poor and the
celibacy. Admittedly, what has happened the wretchedness of human existence. As of Christ’s Body, is an important part of rights violations. oppressed. Let them be your “bosses”:
should make us all the more watchful and a result, candidates for the priesthood your years in the seminary. 3. Proclaim a Jubilee year: central to they will continue to support you for as
attentive, precisely in order to examine often live on very different spiritual Dear seminarians, with these few the jubilee year in Lev 25, is the breaking long as they know you are really trying
ourselves earnestly, before God, as we continents. It can be difficult to recognize lines I have wanted to let you know up of landed monopolies into small to be righteous, as we, too, shall try.
make our way towards priesthood, so the common elements of one’s future how often I think of you, especially in family farms and providing services so As stated in our first letter we are
as to understand whether this is his mandate and its spiritual path. For this these difficult tim es, and how close that the farmers become productive. We ready to pursue with you “ang daang
will for me. It is the responsibility of very reason, the seminary is important I am to you in prayer. Please pray for regret that until now you have failed to matuwid” but there is much to be done
your confessor and your superiors to as a community which advances above me, that I may exercise my ministry effect the distribution of their land to the to make this a reality.
accompany you and help you along this and beyond differences of spirituality. well, as long as the Lord may wish. I tenants of Hacienda Luisita, but have
path of discernment. It is an essential The Movements are a magnificent thing. entrust your journey of preparation for instead tolerated the maneuverings In behalf of the Ephphata
part of your journey to practise the You know how much I esteem them and priesthood to the maternal protection of family members to undermine the Convenors,
fundamental human virtues, with your love them as a gift of the Holy Spirit to the of Mary Most Holy, whose home was social justice provisions of land reform
gaze fixed on the God who has revealed Church. Yet they must be evaluated by a school of goodness and of grace. May in the Constitution. Fr. Wilfredo Dulay, MJ
himself in Christ, and to let yourselves their openness to what is truly Catholic, Almighty God bless you all, the Father, 4. Be a peacemaker: this means Fr. Gregorio Obejas, OSM
be purified by him ever anew. to the life of the whole Church of Christ, the Son and the Holy Spirit. resuming Peace Talks with the Fr. Quirico Pedregosa, Jr., OP
7. The origins of a priestly vocation are which for all her variety still remains one. From the Vatican, 18 October 2010, the National Democratic Front of the Sr. Pat Fox, NDS
nowadays more varied and disparate The seminary is a time when you learn Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist. Philippines (NDFP) and the Moro Fr. Tito Maratas, MSC
than in the past. Today the decision to with one another and from one another. Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). Fr. Jose Dizon
become a priest often takes shape after In community life, which can at times be Yours devotedly in the Lord, Unless the basic causes of poverty
one has already entered upon a secular difficult, you should learn generosity and BENEDICTUS PP. XVI are addressed within the framework 17 October 2010
Striving / B6
Abhorrent Poor
Disturbing Below average
Acceptable Average
Wholesome Above average
Exemplary E
Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck) is an to close ups that capture the depth TITLE: The Town
unrepentant criminal, the de facto of each character’s portrayal. CAST: Ben Affleck, Rebecca
leader of a group of ruthless bank Casting couldn’t have been better, Hall, Jeremy Renner,
robbers who pride themselves as proven by the flawless acting Blake Lively, Pete
in stealing what they want and of the lead characters. Affleck Postlethwaite, Chris
has done a good directing job in Cooper.
getting out clean. With no real
DIRECTOR: Ben Affleck
attachments, Doug never has to that he is able to pull together SCREENPLAY: Ben Affleck,
fear losing anyone close to him. otherwise ordinary elements into Peter Craig and Aaron
But, that all changes on the gang’s a fresh, cohesive whole. Stockard, based on the
latest job, when they briefly take Can a man commit crimes with novel “Prince of Thieves”
a hostage, bank manager, Claire impunity and still love anyone by Chuck Hogan
Keesey (Rebecca Hall). They let else but himself? Can a lifetime CINEMATOGRAPHY: Robert
her go unharmed, but sometime of violence be reversed by an Elswit
later she meets an unassuming uttered intention to change? MUSIC: David Buckley, Harry
and rather charming man named It seems a tribute to the good Gregson-Williams
GENRE: Drama-thriller
Doug... not realizing that he is in man that one who has been
RUNNING TIME: 124 minutes
the same man who only days brought up in violence and LOCATION: United States
earlier had terrorized her. The crime—inheriting his bank- DISTRIBUTOR: Warner Bros.
instant attraction between them robbing “career” from his father TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT:
gradually turns into a passionate as part of a warped but accepted ½
romance that threatens to take cultural tradition, much like in MORAL ASSESSMENT: ½
them both down a dangerous, the olden days when fathers CBCP-CINEMA ratings: R 18
and potentially deadly, path. and grandfathers molded their (Restricted to viewers
(Warner Bros). progeny to their trade—still has aged 18 and above)
Director and co-writer Affleck’s a modicum of human goodness
screen version of Chuck Hogan’s in him to resolve to turn his Town gains merits in painfully
2004 novel “Prince of Thieves” is back on evil and take the road to trying to depict the effect of the
meant to be a serious film , yet it is decency. But the will to change “sins of our fathers” on us and in
able to cater to the crowd that finds is tested and tried through time. giving hope to those who yearn
thrills in car chases and bloody There are people who have for a better world. A sensitive
bank heists. The story is clear and been killed, abused, betrayed and morally weighty film, but
is enhanced by good direction and and denied—may the offender its theme won’t interest young
tight editing. Cinematography is simply dispose of them in the new teens, and its well-intended
well-conceived, imbuing a sense world he wants to create? In this message may be missed, if not
of urgency and tension to high- film, time and the future are left misconstrued, by immature
action footage and an intimate feel to the viewer. Nonetheless, The viewers. (Teresa R. Tunay)
Buhay Parokya
Look for the images of TITLE: Life as we know it
saints, Holy Rosary, and CAST: Katherine Heigle, Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas,
Chalice. (Illustration by Christina Hendricks, Hayes MacArthur, Jean Smart,
Bladimer Usi) Melissa McCarthy, Majandra Delfino, Faizon Love,
Will Sasso
DIRECTOR: Greg Berlanti
WRITERS: Ian Deitchman, Kristin Rusk Robinson
GENRE: Comedy-Drama
RUNNING TIME: 115 minutes
LOCATION: United States
CBCP-CINEMA Ratings: R 14 (For viewers aged 14 and
H olly
B e r e n s o n
(Katherine Heigl)
is an up-and-
coming caterer
and Eric Messer
(Josh Duhamel)
is an aspiring
network sports
director. After
a disastrous
first (blind) date
arranged by
their best friends
Peter and Alison
Novack (Hayes
and Christina
Hendricks) the
only thing they
have in common
in their dislike for
each other and
their love for their
Sophie, the child of Peter and Alison. When Sophie’s parents
die in a car accident, Holly and Messer find themselves the
unwilling surrogate parents as stated in the Novacks’ will. Messer
and Holly are oil and water forced to live under the same roof
in raising a child not their own. When they realize Sophie is
an orphan and has nobody else in the world, they agree to put
aside their differences. Parenting is done in earnest as Holly and
Messer juggle career ambitions and competing social calendars
to honor their best friends’ wish. (Warner Bros.)
Fans of Katherine Heigl will love this movie—besides being
easy on the eyes, Heigl has good comic timing, which explains
why she is so much in demand for rom-coms. It’s good to
remember that Life As We Know It is a romantic comedy, a
genre that may include the facts of life and living but which also
may capitalize on these facts as props to justify the improbable
plot. The most factual thing about this movie is its portrayal of
details where it concerns the experience of sharing a home with
a baby: the sleepless nights, poop-and-vomit management,
feeding time tantrums, and god-knows-what-other tragedies
that can be caused by an unattended toddler.
Like most rom-coms, Life As We Know It comes across as
formulaic and in many instances may feel like an expanded
television 30-minuter; but unlike most rom-coms, it is premised
on love for others, concern for the helpless, trust and loyalty
among friends, and goodwill of neighbors. Points for reflection
are: 1) having to care for a baby when one is not prepared for
it, and 2) what a shared experience of raising an orphan can
do to erstwhile enemies. While being surrogate parents to a
toddler helps them mature as persons, proximity accelerates
physical intimacy between the pair, leading them to skip
courtship—which is what happens in so many Hollywood
movies, when boy and girl bed even before they get to know
each other’s name. Despite the laughs and the artifice, Life As
We Know It may still move you to be involved—especially
as Sophie begins to call her surrogate mother “mama”—to be
concerned about the future of so many Sophies in our midst.
(Teresa R. Tunay)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 22
October 25 - November 7, 2010
Participants of the Visayas Sales Meetings
pose with their thumbs up at the lobby of the
Sarosa International Hotel.
The Cross
A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI
and the Order of the Knights of Columbus
Meeting in Poland
vention at the Marriott Wardman Park
Hotel in Washington, D.C. held from
August 3-5, 2010.
In the Philippines, Tan is the State
Deputy of the Luzon Jurisdiction of
the Knights of Columbus. He is also
the KCFAPI President, Director of the
Keys Realty and the President of the two
KC foundations, which are the KC Fr.
George J. Willman Charities, Inc and the
KC Philippines Foundation.
As Supreme Director, he will be part
of the advisory body of the Supreme
Knight of the Order of the Knights of
Columbus with headquarters at the
Columbus Plaza in New Haven, Con-
necticut, USA.
Aside from Tan, other Supreme KC
Officials were also given new roles and
Emilio Moure, who has served as
Supreme Treasurer since October 2009,
is now the Supreme Secretary while
Charles E. Maurer Jr. is the new Su-
preme Treasurer.
Michael G. Conrad, past Nebraska
State Deputy is also one of the new New Supreme Director, Alonso L. Tan, seated fourth from right together with the other Supreme Board of Directors and their wives during the Board Meeting held in Warsaw and Krakow,
members of the Board of Directors. Poland from Oct. 5-10, 2010.
(Kate Laceda)
Justice Reyes
attends 60th
Men’s group vows to defend
of Burgos
church’s stand vs RH bill
Amid a raging birth control debate, initiated by the Church and even mass guide was protesting the church’s oppo- your rosaries out of our ovaries.”
a group of Catholic men is girding to protests to uphold and promote their sition to President Benigno Aquino III’s “The Knights of Columbus being
protect and defend the church’s position anti-reproductive health bill stand. position on artificial contraception. pro-life, pro-family and pro-Church
on the RH Bill. Tan also criticized tourist guide Carlos The following day, a rally was held cannot just let these current onslaughts
The 250,000-strong Knights of Co- Celdran for “disrupting” an ecumenical at the gate of the main headquarters of against the Church pass without doing
Joseph P. Teodoro
Certificate Holder”.
an established mutual benefits association is currently looking for:
Kind of It is a non-stock They are registered
Auditor The Knights of Columbus
Fraternal Association of the
corporation corporation. Mem-
bers of the Board
as Stock corpora-
tions. Members of
Accounting Staff Philippines Inc., is an established and
are referred to as
the Board are referred
to as “Directors”.
BC Holders’ Relations Office Staff progressive mutual benefits association
operating for 52 years, has been highly Ownership Being a non-stock Ownership is repre-
Treasury Staff committed to provide mutual aid and
assistance to its members and their
corporation, there
are no stockholders.
sented in shares of
stocks and owners of
Customer Relations Assistant immediate families. All of its members
are co-owners of the
stocks are referred to
as “stockholders”.
If you are dedicated, service-oriented, and have the prom- KC Fraternal firmly believes that Association
ising potential to join us in our continuous drive to provide the continued progress and success
Excess of Savings attained in Income derived from
mutual aid, assistance and excellent service to our mem- of the association depends to a
Revenues a fiscal year by an operations in a fiscal
great extent on its human capital
bers. Kindly send your comprehensive resume’ thru fax MBA is apportioned year is distributed
for use in further- to its stockholders
number 527-2244 or hand-carry resume’ with a 2x2 photo KC Fraternal also believes that ance of its objectives through dividend
and transcript of records to: through training and a host of other and for distribution declaration and to
benefits if coupled with hard work, will to qualified mem- policy holders re-
help employees and the association bers. ferred to as policy
attain their goals and objectives. dividends.
KCFAPI employees
recite novena to
Bro. André Bessette
A NOVENA to Bro. An-
dré was included in the
noon prayer sessions of
the KCFAPI employees,
which ran from October
11 to 17. The novena
followed the praying of
the holy rosary, which
is being done regularly
by the KCFAPI employ-
ees during their lunch
The invitation to of-
Bro. Conrado S. Dator, Jr., Area Manager-Southern Luzon Lakers, handed over to Sis. Cristina N. Mercado a check worth P103,777.64 representing death benefits on the life of fer a prayer to Bro. An-
the late Bro. Manuel L. Mercado. Beside Sis. Mercado is Bro. Edwin B. Dawal, Manager of Benefit Certificate Holders’ Relations Office. dré came from Msgr.
Pedro C. Quitorio III
during his homily at