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Analysis of Tensile Strength and Hardness of IS 500/7 Grade Ductile Iron Subjected To Austempering Heat Treatment

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International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2015

Analysis of Tensile strength and Hardness

of IS 500/7 Grade Ductile Iron Subjected to
Austempering Heat treatment
Shakir K.A, Ahamed Aahraf, Vijaykumar H.K

Abstract—Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) is Factor that affect austempering process and
replacing steel and it is finding applications in subsequent microstructures as well as mechanical
agriculture, mining construction and automotive properties are chemical composition, alloying
sector due to its superior mechanical properties and elements, austenitizing temperature austenitizing
cost-effectiveness in manufacturing. In this study time, casting quality, alloy segregation and section
IS500/7 grade ductile iron castings were made size of castings [6],[7],[9].In the present
subjected to austempering heat treatment to get ADI investigation IS500/7 grade ductile iron castings
i.e., to bring about changes in microstructure and
hence therefore mechanical properties. Austempering
were subjected to standard austempering heat
heat treatment involves austenisation at 9000C treatment cycle. Mechanical properties such as
temperature for 2 hours duration, austempering ultimate tensile strength, Brinell hardness tests
temperatures selected was 3600C and 4300C and were carried out for ADI and as cast condition and
austempering duration selected were 50,100,150,200 compared.
and 250 minutes. Ultimate Tensile strength and
Hardness of the ADI specimens were analysed and
compared with as cast condition specimen. The
results of the investigation indicate that the ADI
castings possess better tensile strength and hardness A. Moulding
compared to as cast specimens. Moulding sand used for production of casting
possessed American Foundry man’s Society
Index Terms—Austempered ductile iron (ADI), (AFS No.) 60 in the present analysis. Sand
Ductile Iron, Ultimate tensile strength, Hardness. moulding was used for obtaining castings with
permeability and compression strength of the sand
I.INTRODUCTION being 120 and 1250 N/mm2 respectively. Fig. 1
Austempering is a special heat treatment process shows the sand moulds. Mould sizes were prepared
[1] .Initially austempering heat treatment was such that castings obtained were as per
applied to steel, resulting microstructure obtained specifications of ASTM A897 standard.
in steel is known as Bainite.Later on austempering
heat treatment process was extended to ductile iron,
resulting microstructure obtained in ductile iron is
known as Ausferrite [2], [8], [10]. Ausferrite
microstructure in ADI exhibits remarkable
mechanical properties [3], [4], [5].Austempering
heat treatment is a two stage treatment involves
subjecting the material i.e., specimens to
austenitisation treatment (8500C-9600C) and then
suddenly quenching to austempering baths (2500C-

Shakir.K.A,MechanicalEngineering,BearysInstituteOfTechnolo Fig.1 Sand Moulds as per ASTM A897

gy, Mangalore, Karnataka, India, Mobile: +919746856884.
nology, Mangalore, Karnataka, India, Mobile: +917204823376
B. Melting and Pouring
Vijaykumar.HK,MechanicalEngineering,BearysInstituteOfTech Melting of the charge was carried out using 200Kg
nology, Mangalore, Karnataka, India, Mobile: +918050940728 capacity, 200Hz frequency induction furnace.
Figure 2 shows the preparation of IS500/7 grade
ductile iron melt. The charge consisting of ductile
Iron, Grey Iron returns, pig iron, and mild steel
punching were melted and superheated to a

ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2015

temperature range 1450oC-1560oC. After removing C. Heat treatment

off the impurities and slag the molten metal was Standard austempering heat treatment cycle as
poured into the prepared sand moulds. The carbon shown in the Figure.4 was employed in the present
equivalent of the iron was aimed to meet analysis. Initially IS500/7 grade ductile iron
specification of IS 500/7 grade ductile iron. specimens were transferred to a salt bath furnace
maintained at 9000C.The specimens were dipped
completely in the salt bath and maintained at the
same temperature for 120minutes.The samples at
the end of austenitisation were then quenched into
austempering salt baths held at 3600C and
4300c.The specimens were then held at this
austempering temperature for 50,100,150,200 and
250 minutes duration in order to bring about
isothermal transformation to bainite stabilized
austenite matrix. Later the specimens were
removed from the furnace and cooled in air till
room temperature is reached.

Fig. 2 Preparation of IS500/7 ductile iron by melt

The chemical composition of IS 500/7 grade

ductile iron is as shown in the Table I. The molten
metal was poured in the mould cavity as shown in
the Figure 3.Then molten metal was allowed to
cool in the moulds and solidified castings taken out
were used for preparation of test specimen.

Table I. Chemical composition of IS 500/7 grade

ductile iron specimens
Elements Percentage by Fig.4 Austempering Heat treatment cycle
Si 2.53 Mechanical properties such as Ultimate tensile
Mn 0.183 strength and hardness are considered for analysis
S 0.0086 since these properties plays an important role in
P 0.016 applications of ADI in many fields.
Cu 0.390
A. Tensile test
Sn 0.0410
The tensile specimens were prepared as per
Fe Remaining
ASTM A370 standards. Figure 5 shows the tensile
specimens of ADI held at different austempering
durations. The tensile test was carried out on
Universal testing machine for all the five different
specimens at each austempering temperature i.e., at
3600C and 4000C and finally ultimate tensile
strength results were tabulated .

Fig. 3 Pouring of IS 500/7 ductile iron molten


ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2015

An average of five readings has been considered

for the test. The values of Brinell hardness number
are as shown in the table III.

Table III. Hardness (BHN) values obtained for ADI

specimens and as cast specimens
Hardness of as cast and Austempered specimens
held at 3600C&4300C
Sl. Austempering Austempering Hardness
No. duration Temperature (BHN)

1 As cast 3600C 284

2 50 minutes 3600C 346
Fig. 5 Tensile specimens of ADI held at different 3 100 minutes 3600C 362
austempering durations. 4 150 minutes 3600C 371
5 200 minutes 3600C 356
These results of ADI specimens were then 6 250 minutes 3600C 343
compared with as cast IS500/7 grade ductile iron 7 50 minutes 4300C 351
specimen. The Ultimate tensile strength values 8 100 minutes 4300C 368
obtained for ADI specimens and as cast are as 9 150 minutes 4300C 379
shown in Table II. 10 200 minutes 4300C 360
11 250 minutes 4300C 349
Table II. Ultimate tensile strength values obtained
for ADI specimens and as cast specimens C. Microstructure
Ultimate Tensile Strength of as cast and Microstructure analysis is carried out on the
Austempered specimens held at 3600C&4300C specimens using metallurgical microscope.
Sl.No. Austempering Austempering UTS Specimens are polished by following standard
Duration Temperature N/mm2 metallographic procedures, etched in 10% Nital
1 As cast 3600C 479.3 (10% Nitric acid and 90% Ethanol) and examined
2 50 minutes 3600C 1136.9 under optical microscope equipped with digital
3 100 minutes 3600C 1149.7 camera. Figure 7 shows microstructure consisting
4 150 minutes 3600C 986.5 of Ausferrite which consists of high carbon
5 200 minutes 3600C 954.7 Austenite and Bainitic ferrite with graphite nodules
6 250 minutes 3600C 1079.2 dispersed in it. Figure 8 shows Photomicrograph of
7 50 minutes 4300C 1088.6 as cast IS500/7 grade ductile iron with graphite
8 100 minutes 4300C 1096.5 nodules distributed uniformly.
9 150 minutes 4300C 1120.7
10 200 minutes 4300C 1105.3
11 250 minutes 4300C 989.8

B. Hardness test
Brinell hardness test was conducted on the as cast
and ADI specimens. Figure 6 shows the hardness
specimens held at different austempering duration.

Fig.7 Microstructure of ADI at 100X

Fig. 6 Hardness specimens held at different

austempering duration

ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2015

[4]. Kim Y. J, Shin, H, Park H and Lim J.D” Investigation

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[5]. J. PanasieWicz, C.Grupek, J.Huth, and Chryslers
“Experience with austempered ductile iron
crankshafts”, Transactions of American Foundrymen’s
Society, World Conference on ADI, pp176-193, March
[6]. N.D.Prasanna,M.K.Muralidhara, and K.Radhakrishna
“Influence of Austempering temperature on
Mechanical properties and wet abrasive wear of IS
Fig.8 Microstructure of as cast IS500/7 ductile iron 700/2 Grade Ductile Iron Castings” Congress
proceedings - 52nd Indian foundry congress,
at 100X pp 41-44, Kolkata.
[7]. C.Siddaraju,N.D.Prasanna,andM.K.Muralidhara“Corr
osion characteristics of Ductile iron castings subjected
to Austempering heat treatment” Indian foundry
III. CONCLUSION journal Vol. 59, No.1 , pp 44- 47, Jan 2013.
From the analysis the following conclusions are [8]. Carl B. Rundman.”Austempered Ductile iron; striving
drawn: for continuous improvement”.Transactionof American
foundrymens society, world conference on ADI.
 By subjecting IS500/7 ductile iron casting pp1-21, March 1991.
to austempering heat treatment [9]. Hughes I.C.H, “Austempered Ductile Irons - Their
transformation in the microstructure is Properties & Significance”, Materials & Design,
Vol-6, No-3, pp124-126.
found. [10]. Olivera Eric, Milan Jovanovic, Leposava S, Dragan
 ADI specimens possess improved Rajnovic and Slavica Zec, “The austempering study of
Ultimate tensile strength and hardness alloyed ductile iron”, Materials and Design, Vol27,
when compared with as cast ductile iron pp617-622, 2006.
 From experimental investigation it is
found that Austempered specimen held at Shakir.K.A studying Final semester
3600C for 100minutes duration possess B.E.in Mechanical Engineering at
BearysInstituteOfTechnology, Mangalore,
higher Ultimate strength of 1149.7N/mm2 Karnataka, India, His area of research
comparatively with other specimens time work includes Mechanical Engineering,
durations at 3600C. Material Science Metallurgy and
Composite materials. He is a student
 It is also found that Austempered member of ASTM.
specimen held at 4300C for 150minutes
duration possess better Ultimate tensile AhamedAahraf, studying Final semester
strength of 1120.7N/mm2 comparatively B.E.in Mechanical Engineering at Bearys
Institute of Technology, Mangalore,
with other specimen time durations at Karnataka, India, His area of research
4300C. work includes Mechanical Engineering,
 It is observed that Austempered specimen Material Science Metallurgy and
held at 3600C for 150minutes duration Composite materials. He is a student
member of ASTM.
possess better hardness of 371BHN
comparatively with other time durations at
3600C. Vijaykumar H.K. He is working as
 It is also observed that Austempered Assistant Professor in Mechanical
Engineering department. He Possess
specimen held at 4300C for 150minutes M.Tech Degree in Production
duration possess better Hardness value of Engineering, Presently pursuing PhD at
379BHN comparatively with other time Visvesvaraya Technological University,
durations at 4300C. Belgaum.He has published 9 Papers in
International Journals. His research area
includes Micro-manufacturing, Robotics
REFERENCES and Metallurgy, Composite materials.
[1]. H. L. Morgan, “Introduction to Foundry Production He possesses memberships in
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Conference paper, The British Foundry Man, professional bodies.
pp.98-108 Feb/March 1987.
[2]. Cast Metals Development Ltd, “Austempered Ductile
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Specifications”, Materials and Design, Vol. 13. 1992,
[3]. Jianjhuai Yang and Susil K Putatunda, “Improvement
in strength and toughness of austempered ductile iron
by a novel two-step austempering process”, Materials
and design 25, pp.219-230, 2003.

ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJSETR

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