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Choice Board - Tic Tac Toe

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Name:____________ Date:_________

Fitness Choice Board

Instructions: See how long it takes to complete the entire board; find a friend or two and race against
them. (You only have to pick one from each box)

See who’s faster! Pushups: Sit-ups:

1. Pick a start and end 1. Perform as many push 1. Partner sit up; find a
point and see who will up while someone partner and high 5 each
win watches that you have other as you sit up
2. Create a relay with 3 or correct form 2. Perform 20 sit up
more people 2. Have a push up
3. 3-legged race competition with a

Arm- wrestling Diet: HIIT Vs Strength

1. Using past knowledge, 1. Perform a HIIT workout
1. Find the arm-wrestling figure out which diet/ 2. Perform an ab workout
station and challenge at workout plan would 3. Perform a weight
least 3 people work best for someone training session
who is trying to gain
weight. Use a workout program from
the IPAD

Pick a sport skill! Critical features: Heart rate:

1. Pick 1 sport skill of 1. Use your sport skill and 1. Record your resting
your choice and create a list of critical heartrate
record yourself elements 2. Run around the
doing it. 2. Compare your list with basketball court 5 times
2. Once you have someone else who (slow pace)
recorded it, use. I picked the same skill 3. Do a short 100m dash
movie to slow it
down Perform all of these to compare

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