Chemistry - Princeton University
Chemistry - Princeton University
Chemistry - Princeton University
CHM 201
CHM 202
CHM 203
CHM 204
CHM 207
CHM 215
CHM 301
An introductory course that covers the
Organic Chemistry I structures, properties, spectroscopy, and
reactivity of organic compounds. Students will
learn the mechanisms of organic chemistry
and general principles through a combination
of lectures and problemsolving in small
groups. The course may be followed by 302 or
304. This course is appropriate for students in
chemistry, biology, and premedical programs.
Prerequisite: 201 and 202; or 203 (or 207)
and 204; or 215; or a score of 5 on the AP
Chemistry Exam. Three lectures, one three-
hour laboratory.
CHM 302
CHM 303
CHM 304
Continuation of 303 (or 301). The concepts
Organic Chemistry II: introduced in CHM 303 will be extended to the
Foundations of structures and reactions of more complex
molecules, with an emphasis on how organic
Chemical Reactivity chemistry provides the framework for
understanding molecular processes in biology.
and Synthesis The fundamental concepts of organic
chemistry will be illustrated, as often as
possible, with examples drawn from biological
Erik J. Sorensen, Bradley Patrick Carrow,
systems. Prerequisite: 301 or 303. Three
Martin F. Semmelhack
lectures, one preceptorial, one three-hour
CHM 305
CHM 306
CHM 371
CHM 405
CHM 406
Chia-Ying Wang
CHM 407
CHM 408
CHM 501
CHM 502
Advanced Quantum Typical topics covered include advanced
aspects of angular momentum theory,
Chemistry scattering, time dependent processes, and
interaction of radiation with matter. Specialized
Professor/Instructor topics are included at the discretion of the
Annabella Selloni, Denys Ivanovych Bondar instructor.
CHM 504
CHM 509
CHM 512
Steven L. Bernasek
CHM 513
CHM 515
CHM 516
CHM 521
CHM 523
CHM 524
CHM 529
CHM 530
CHM 532
Mechanistic and The ways in which molecules are changed into
other molecules are studied. Some topics
Physical Organic include mechanisms of acid and base
catalyzed reactions, nucleophilic and
Chemistry electrophilic displacements and substitutions,
addition and elimination reactions,
condensations, inter- and intramolecular
Bradley Patrick Carrow, Robert Randolph
rearrangements, electrocyclic ring openings
and closings, and sigmatropic shifts.
CHM 534
CHM 536
CHM 538
The chemical mechanisms of enzyme-
Topics in Biological catalyzed reactions are studied. The nature
Chemistry and sequence of events at enzyme active
sites, emphasizing the participation of
Professor/Instructor prosthetic groups and amino acid side chains
Ralph Elliot Kleiner, Tom Muir in catalysis are also studied. Topics discussed
include the use of kinetic, spectroscopic, and
structural data as well as substrate analog
and isotopic substitution studies for analysis
of enzyme mechanisms.
CHM 539
Michael H. Hecht
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