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NEP Syllabus UG Chemistry

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National Education Policy- 2020

Subject: Chemistry

Effective from academic year 2022-2023

Page 1 of 50
Semester-wise Titles of the Papers in B.Sc. Chemistry

Year Sem. Course Paper Title Theory/Practical Credits

Certificate in Science
1 I Fundamentals of Theory 4
Chemical Analysis-I Practical-1 2
II Fundamentals of Theory 4
Chemical Analysis-II Practical-1 2
Diploma in Science
2 III General Chemistry-I Theory 4
Analytical Procedures-I Practical-2 2
IV General Chemistry-II Theory 4
Analytical Procedures-II Practical-2 2
Degree in Bachelor of Science
3 V Inorganic Chemistry Theory 4
Organic Chemistry Theory 4
Analytical Procedures -III Practical-3 2
Research Project Project Qualifying
VI Physical Chemistry Theory 4
Analytical Chemistry Theory 4
Analytical Procedures -IV Practical-3 2
Research Project Project Qualifying
Purpose of the Program
The Importance of chemistry arises because so many other disciplines draw on certain chemical
principles and concepts. The purpose of the undergraduate chemistry program at the university and
college level is to prepare our students for all those fields where basic knowledge of chemistry is
required including academia for careers as professionals in various industries and research
Program Outcomes
PO 1. Students will have a firm foundation in the fundamentals and applications of chemical and
scientific theories including those in analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry.
PO 2. Students will be able to design and carry out scientific experiments as well as accurately record
and analyze the data of such experiments.
PO 3. Students will develop skill in problem solving, critical thinking and analytical reasoning as
applied to scientific problems.
PO 4. Students will be able to explore new areas of research in both chemistry and allied fields of
science and technology.
PO 5. Students will appreciate the central role of chemistry in our society and use this as a basis for
ethical behavior in issues facing chemists including an understanding of safe handling of
chemicals, environmental issues and key issues facing our society in energy, health and
PO 6. Students will be able to explain why chemistry is an integral activity for addressing social,
economic, and environmental problems.
PO 7. Students will be able to function as a member of an interdisciplinary problem-solving team.

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First Certificate in Science will give the student a basic knowledge of all the fundamental
Year principles of chemistry like atomic structure, molecular polarity, bonding theories of
different molecules, resonance concept, hyperconjugation, field effects, periodic
properties of more than 111 elements, mechanism of organic reactions, stereochemistry,
detailed study of states of matter including kinetic theories of gases, solid and liquid
states, chemistry of aliphatic and aromatic compounds, chemical kinetics, its scope and
first law of thermodynamics. Student will be able to understand the qualitative and
quantitative chemical analysis of the compounds in the laboratory. This certificate course
is definitely going to prepare the students for various fields of chemistry and will give an
insight into all the branches of chemistry. It will enable students to join the diploma
course (semester III and IV) in any University or College of Higher education in
Diploma in Science will provide the theoretical as well as practical knowledge of handling
chemicals, apparatus, equipment and instruments. The knowledge about second law of
thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, phase equilibrium, electrochemistry, coordination
chemistry, acid-base theories, chemistry of transition elements, halides, alcohols, phenols,
aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids will enable the students to work as chemists in
various industries. The experimental work during the diploma course will enhance the
skill of the students regarding chemical and physical tests of inorganic as well as organic
compounds along with some physical experiments which will be beneficial to achieve
their goals in industrial sectors. It will enable students to join the Bachelor of Science
course (semester V and VI) in any University or College of Higher education in
Degree in Bachelor of Science programme aims to introduce very important aspects of
modern-day course curriculum, namely, chemistry of nitrogen containing compounds,
organometallic, lipids, fats, dyes, paints, reagents in organic synthesis, carbohydrates,
proteins, biomolecules, data analysis, nano-chemistry, green chemistry, stability of
coordination compounds, cement, paint, ceramics, glass, inorganic fertilizers,
radioactivity, corrosion, magnetic behaviour of transition metal complexes, surface
chemistry, quantum mechanics, solutions, third law of thermodynamics, photochemistry,
and spectroscopic techniques. This knowledge will make the students skilled to work in
various chemical industries like cement industries, agro product, paint industries, rubber
industries, petrochemical industries, food processing industries, fertilizer industries,
pollution monitoring and control agencies etc. It will also enable the students to
understand the importance of the biomolecules in biological science and related fields.
Upon completion of a degree, chemistry students will able to employ critical thinking and
scientific inquiry in the performance, design, interpretation and documentation of
laboratory experiments. It will help a candidate to succeed at an entry-level position in
chemical industry or a chemistry postgraduate program.

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Subject: Chemistry
Year Semester Theory Units Practical Paper Units Research Total
Paper Project Credits of
the Year
1 I Fundamentals 1. Atomic Structure and Chemical 1. Laboratory hazards and NIL 4+2=6
of Chemistry- Periodic Properties Analysis-I safety precautions
I 2. Chemical Bonding-I 2. Inorganic exercise (Acidic
3. Mechanism of radicals including
Organic Reactions combinations and
4. Stereochemistry of interfering radicals)
Organic Compounds 3. Organic exercise
5. States of Matter-I 4. Physical exercise
6. States of Matter-II

II Fundamentals 1. Chemical Bonding-II Chemical 1. Laboratory hazards and NIL 4+2=6

of Chemistry- 2. Salient Features of s- Analysis-II safety precautions
II and p-Block Elements 2. Inorganic exercise (acid-
3. Aliphatic Compounds base titrations)
4. Aromatic Compounds 3. Organic exercise
5. Chemical Kinetics and 4. Physical exercise
6. Thermodynamics I
2 III General 1. Chemistry of Analytical 1. Laboratory hazards and NIL 4+2=6
Chemistry-I Transition Elements Procedures-I safety precautions
(First, second and 2. Inorganic mixture
third Transition analysis (including basic
Series) radicals)
2. Coordination 3. Organic exercise
Chemistry-I 4. Physical exercise
3. Halides
4. Alcohols and Phenols

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5. Thermodynamics II
6. Chemical Equilibrium,
Phase Equilibrium
IV General 1. Acids and Bases Analytical 1. Laboratory hazards and NIL 4+2=6
Chemistry-II 2. Chemistry of Inner Procedures-II safety precautions
Transition Elements 2. Inorganic exercise
3. Aldehydes and (Redox titration)
Ketones 3. Organic exercise
4. Carboxylic Acids 4. Physical exercise
5. Electrochemistry I
6. Electrochemistry II
3 V Inorganic 1. Metal-Ligand Bonding Analytical 1. Laboratory hazards and Research 4+4+2=10
Chemistry in Transition Metal Procedures -III safety precautions Project
Complexes 2. Inorganic exercise (Qualifying)
2. Thermodynamic and (Synthesis)
Kinetic Aspects of 3. Organic exercise
Coordination 4. Physical exercise
3. Electronic Spectra of
Transition Metal
4. Magnetic Properties of
Transition Metal
5. Organometallic
6. Some Industrially
Important Inorganic
Organic 1. Lipids and Fats
Chemistry 2. Reagents in Organic

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3. Nitrogen containing
organic Compounds
4. Organometallic
5. Dyes and Paints
6. Carbohydrates and
VI Physical 1. Surface Chemistry Analytical 1. Laboratory hazards and Research 4+4+2=10
Chemistry 2. Elementary Quantum Procedures -IV safety precautions Project
Mechanics 2. Physical exercise (Qualifying)
3. Photochemistry 3. Spectroscopic exercise/
4. Solutions and Chromatographic technique
Colligative Properties 4. Inorganic exercise
5. Thermodynamics III (Gravimetric)
6. Radiochemistry
Analytical 1. General Biochemistry
Chemistry 2. Data Analysis
3. Fundamentals of
4. Basics of Green
5. Analytical Techniques
6. Spectroscopy

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Subject: Chemistry
Course Semester Paper Title Prerequisite for Paper Elective for Major Subject Hours per Total
Semester Credits of
the Year
Certificate in I Theory-1 Fundamentals of Chemistry-I Chemistry of 12th standard Yes open for all 60 4
Practical-1 Chemical Analysis-I Chemistry of 12th standard Yes open for all 60 2

II Theory-1 Fundamentals of Chemistry-II Passed Sem-I Theory paper-1 Yes for the students with major 60 4
Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
Practical-1 Chemical Analysis-II Opted Sem-II Theory Paper-1 Yes for the students with major 60 2
Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
Diploma in III Theory-1 General Chemistry-I Passed Certificate Course in Yes for the students with major 60 4
Science Introductory Chemistry Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
Practical-2 Analytical Procedures-I Opted Sem-III Theory Paper-1 Yes for the students with major 60 2
Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
IV Theory-1 General Chemistry-II Passed Sem-III Theory Paper- Yes for the students with major 60 4
1 Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
Practical-2 Analytical Procedures-II Opted Sem-IV Theory Paper-1 Yes for the students with major 60 2
Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
Degree in V Theory-1 Inorganic Chemistry Passed Sem-III and Sem-IV Yes for the students with major 60 4
Bachelor of Theory papers Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
Science Theory-2 Organic Chemistry Passed Sem-III and Sem-IV Yes for the students with major 60 4
Theory papers Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
Practical-3 Analytical Procedures-III Opted Sem-V Theory Paper-1 Yes for the students with major 60 2
&2. Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
Research 60 Qualifying
VI Theory-1 Physical Chemistry Passed Sem-V Theory papers Yes for the students with major 60 4
Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
Theory-2 Analytical Chemistry Passed Sem-V Theory papers Yes for the students with major 60 4
Theory papers Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
Practical-3 Analytical Procedures-IV Opted Sem-VI Theory Paper-1 Yes for the students with major 60 2
&2 Zoo/Bot./Physics/Math/Comp Sci/Forestry/Geo
Research 60 Qualifying

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Pattern of examination theory papers

A. Theory
Each theory paper shall consist two sections A and B.
Section A: (Short answers type with reasoning); 30 marks, eight questions of six marks each,
any five have to be attempted).
Section B: (Long answers type);45 marks, three questions of fifteen marks each. All the
questions are compulsory with internal choice.

B. Internal assessment
For each theory paper internal assessment shall be conducted periodically (in the form of
class tests and/or assignments/ group discussion/ oral presentation/ overall performance)
during the semester period. Total marks allotted to internal assessment shall be 25. The
evaluated answer sheets/assignments have to be retained by the Professor In-Charge for the
period of six months and can be shown to the students if students want to see the evaluated
answer sheets. The marks obtained by the students shall be submitted to the Head of
concerned department/ the Principal of the College for uploading onto the University
examination portal.

C. Practical
The laboratory work of the students has to be evaluated periodically. The internal assessment
(in the form of lab test, lab record, internal evaluation, assignment/home assignment and
attendance) of total 12 marks for each semester shall be conducted during the semester. A
minimum of 12 experiments covering all kinds of exercises have to be conducted during a
semester. Maximum 5 marks of attendance can be given to the students. In each semester
practical examination of 38 marks has to be conducted by two examiners (External and
internal) having duration of 4 hours for I to IV Semester and 5 hours for V and VI
Semester. The total number of students to be examined per batch should not be more than
sixty. Marks obtained in the practical examination have to be submitted to the Head of the
department/ Principal of the College. The Head of the Department/Principal of the College
will make necessary arrangement for uploading the marks onto the University exam portal.
The hard copy of the award list from portal has to be submitted to the Controller of
Examination, Kumaun University, Nainital.

Page 8 of 50
Year Semester Course Paper Title Theory/Practical Credits
Certificate in Science
1 I Fundamentals of Theory 4
Chemical Practical 2
1 II Fundamentals of Theory 4
Chemical Practical 2

Paper-I (Theory)
Course Title: Fundamentals of Chemistry-I
Programme/Class: Year: First Semester: First
Certificate in Science
Paper-I Theory Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Fundamentals of Chemistry-I

Course outcomes: There is nothing more fundamental to chemistry than the chemical
bond. Chemical bonding is the language of logic for chemists. Chemical bonding enables
scientists to take the 100-plus elements of the periodic table and combine them in myriad
ways to form chemical compounds and materials. Periodic trends, arising from the
arrangement of the periodic table, provide chemists with an invaluable tool to quickly
predict an element's properties. These trends exist because of the similar atomic structure
of the elements within their respective group families or periods, and because of the
periodic nature of the elements. Reaction mechanism gives the fundamental knowledge of
carrying out an organic reaction in a step-by-step manner. This course will provide a
broad foundation in chemistry that stresses scientific reasoning and analytical problem
solving with a molecular perspective. Students will gain an understanding of;
✓ Molecular geometries, physical and chemical properties of the molecules.
✓ Current bonding models for simple inorganic and organic molecules in order to
predict structures and important bonding parameters.
✓ This course gives a broader theoretical picture in multiple stages in an overall
chemical reaction.
✓ It describes reactive intermediates, transition states and states of all the bonds broken
and formed.
✓ It enables to understand the reactants, catalyst, stereochemistry and major and minor
products of any organic reaction. It describes the types of reactions and the kinetic and
thermodynamic aspects one should know for carrying out any reaction and the ways
how the reaction mechanism can be determined. ∙
✓ The chapter stereochemistry gives the clear picture of two-dimensional and three-
dimensional structure of the molecules, and their role in reaction mechanism. The
course will also strengthen the knowledge of students regarding complete picture of
states of matter that includes gaseous, liquid, solid and colloidal states.

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Credits:4 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 60

Unit Content Number

of Hours

1 Atomic Structure and Periodic Properties: Dual nature of 12

matter; de Broglie concept. Heisenberg uncertainty principle; its
significance. Atomic orbitals, Schrödinger wave equation (no
derivation); significance of ψ and ψ2. Quantum numbers, radial
and angular wave functions and probability distribution curves,
shapes of s, p and d orbitals. Aufbau energy diagram, Pauli’s
exclusion principle. Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.
Electronic configuration of elements (s block, p block and first
series of d-block elements). Effective nuclear charge, Slater’s rule.
The general idea of Modern periodic table, atomic and ionic radii,
ionization potential, electron affinity, electronegativity-definition,
trends of variation in periodic table and their application in
prediction and explaining the chemical behaviour of elements and
compounds thereof.

2 Chemical Bonding-I: Ionic bond, covalent bond-Valence Bond 8

Theory and its limitations; various types of hybridization and
shapes of different inorganic and organic molecules. Valence Shell
Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR) and shapes of NH3,
H2O, H3O+, SF4, ClF3, ICl2-, TeF5- NH4+ and other simple
molecules/ions (CO2, SO2, SO3, Cl2O7, SO42-, CO32-, NO3-, PO43-)
including compounds of xenon.
Resonance, hyperconjugation, field effects- inductive, mesomeric,
electromeric effect

3 Mechanism of Organic Reactions: Types of reagents- 8

electrophiles and nucleophiles. Types of organic reactions.
Energy considerations. Reactive intermediates- carbocations,
carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, arynes and nitrenes (with

4 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds: Types of isomerism- 12

optical isomerism- elements of symmetry, molecular chirality,
enantiomers, stereogenic centers, optical activity, properties of
enantiomers, chiral and achiral molecules with two stereogenic
centre, diastereomers, threo and erythro diastereomers, meso
compounds, inversion, retention and racemization. Relative and
absolute configuration, sequence rules, D & L and R & S systems
of nomenclature. Geometrical isomerism: determination of

Page 10 of 50
configuration of geometrical isomers, E & Z system of

5 States of Matter-I: Gaseous State-Postulates of kinetic theory of 12

gases, deviation from ideal behavior, van der Waal’s equation of
states, Critical phenomena – PV isotherms of real gases,
relationship between critical constants and van der Waals
constants. Molecular velocities: Root mean square, average and
most probable velocities, qualitative discussion of the Maxwell’s
distribution of molecular velocities, Numerical problems.
Liquid State-Intermolecular forces, Structural differences
between solids, liquids and gases. Physical properties of liquids
including their methods of determination: surface tension,
viscosity, Numerical problems.

6 States of Matter-II: 8
Solid State: Introduction to crystalline materials, Definition of
space lattice, unit cell, crystal planes, Miller indices, Laws of
crystallography – (i) law of constancy of interfacial angles (ii) law
of rationality of indices (iii) law of symmetry. Symmetry elements
in crystals, X-ray diffraction by crystals. Bragg’s equation,
Numerical problems.
Colloidal State: Definition of colloids, classification of colloids.
Solids in liquids (sols): properties – kinetic, optical and electrical;
stability of colloids, protective action, Hardy-Schulze law, gold

Books Recommended:
i. Lee, J.D., “Concise, Inorganic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, India, 5th
ii. Puri, B.R., Sharma, L.R., and Kalia, K.C., “Principles of Inorganic Chemistry”, Vishal
Publishing Co., India, 2020, 33rd edition.
iii. Madan, R.L., “Chemistry for Degree Students, B. Sc. First Year”, S. Chand Publishing,
New Delhi, India, 2011, 3rd edition.
iv. Madan, R.D., Malik, U.M. and Tuli, G.D., “Selected topics in Inorganic Chemistry”, S.
Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2010.
v. Chandra, S., “Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry” New Age International Publishers,
India, 2018, 1st edition.
vi. Prakash, S., Tuli, G.D., Basu, S.K. and Madan, R.D., “Advanced Inorganic Chemistry”,
S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2000, Vol 1.
vii. Finar, I.L., “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India, 2002, 6 th edition.
viii. Eliel, E.L. and Wilen, S.H., “Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds”, Willey, 1994,1st
ix. Boyd, Morrison and Bhattacharjee, “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India,
2010, 7th edition.

Page 11 of 50
x. Mukerji, S.M., “Reaction mechanism in Organic Chemistry”, Laxmi Publications,
2007, 3rd edition.
xi. Singh, Jagdamba and Yadav, L.D.S., “Undergraduate Organic Chemistry” Pragati
Prakashan, India, 2011, Vol 1.
xii. Loudon, G. Marc, “Organic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, 4 th edition.
xiii. Atkins P.W., “Atkin’s Physical Chemistry: International”, Oxford University Press,
2018, 11th edition.
xiv. Ball D.W., “Physical Chemistry”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017, 2nd edition.
xv. Puri, B.R., Pathania, M.S. and Sharma, L.R., “Principles of Physical Chemistry”,
Vishal Publishing, India, 2020, 47th edition.
xvi. Bahl, A., Bahl, B.S. and Tuli, G.D., “Essential of Physical Chemistry”, S. Chand
Publishing, India, 2010.
xvii. Bariyar, A., Singh, R.P. and Dwivedi, A., “Text Book for B. Sc. Chemistry I”, Anu
Books, 2019.

Suggested online links:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeV3V0DjupQ&list=PLmxSS9XYst219YI3DjJ
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gahQYHs0c8s
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2He_Q0Mf0c
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1qMFcZVlPk
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWTgMr6idf0
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNLJyhqXaTc&t=10s
8. https://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/faculty/reusch/VirtTxtJml/intro1.htm
9. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cy36/preview
10. https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/cec20_lb01/preview

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in a mid-term exam, together with the performance of other activities which
can include short exams, in-class or on-line tests, home assignments, group discussions or
oral presentations.

Evaluation method Marks

Mid-term exam/ in-class or on-line tests/ 15 marks
home assignments/ group discussions/ oral
Overall performance throughout the 10 marks
semester, Discipline, participation in
different activities) & Attendance

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have studied the chemistry of
class 12th standard.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions: ……………………………

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Semester-I, Paper-II (Practical)
Course Title: Chemical Analysis -I
Programme/Class: Year: First Semester: First
Certificate in Science
Paper-2 Practical Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Chemical Analysis-I

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the students will have the knowledge and skills to:
understand the laboratory methods and tests related to inorganic mixture analysis and
estimation of surface tension of commercial products. Also, they can understand the absolute
configuration of organic molecules with the help of models. The students will able to

✓ Qualitatively estimate anions and cations in samples.

✓ Determine the relative surface tension of a given liquid.
✓ Find out the absolute configuration of organic molecules.

Credits:2 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 12+38 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 60

Unit Contents Number of Hours

1 Laboratory hazards and safety precautions 6

2 Salt mixture analysis: Identification of 18

acid radicals (three to four) including
anions in combination and basic radicals
upto II Group in the given salt mixture.
3 Organic exercise: Determination of 18
absolute configuration of organic
molecules using ball and stick models.
Students are supposed sketch the structure
of simple organic compounds showing
their stereochemistry using Fischer

4 Physical exercise: Determination of 18

relative surface tension of the given liquid
using Stalagmometer.

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in viva voce, record and overall performance.

Evaluation method Marks

Attendance 06 marks

Page 13 of 50
Viva voce/Record and overall performance 06 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have studied the chemistry of
class 12th standard.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions: ……………………………

One exercise each from salt mixture analysis (acidic radicals), organic exercise (absolute
configuration) and physical exercise (relative surface tension) shall be given in the

Distribution of marks shall be as given below:

1. Inorganic salt analysis (Acidic and Basic radicals) 13
2. Organic exercise 10
3. Physical 10
4. Viva 05
5. Home assignment/internal assessment, lab record and attendance 12
• The lab work of the student has to be evaluated and assessed carefully and periodically. A
minimum of 12 experiments covering all the kind of exercises has to be performed during a
semester. The semester lab record has to be maintained by the department/college as an
official record.
• Less than zero mark will not be awarded.
• The total number of students to be examined per batch shall not be more than sixty.
• Duration of the practical examination shall be of 04 (four) hours.
• Marks obtained in the practical examination have to be submitted to the Head of the
department/ Principal of the College. The Head of the Department/Principal of the College
will make necessary arrangement for uploading the marks onto the University exam portal.
The hard copy of the award list from portal has to be submitted to the Controller of
Examination, Kumaun University, Nainital

Suggested Readings:
i. Mendham, J. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Pearson, 2009.
ii. Harris, D. C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 6th Ed., Freeman (2007) Chapters 3-5.
iii. Harris, D. C. Exploring Chemical Analysis, 9th Ed. New York, W.H. Freeman, 2016.
iv. Khopkar, S.M. Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry. New Age International
Publisher, 2009.
v. Skoog, D.A. Holler F.J. and Nieman, T.A. Principles of Instrumental Analysis,
Cengage Learning India Edition.

Suggestive digital platforms web links:

1. http://chemcollective.org/vlabs
2. https://www.vlab.co.in/broad-area-chemical-sciences
3. https://wp.labster.com/chemistry-virtual-labs/

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Paper-I (Theory)
Course Title: Fundamentals of Chemistry-II
Programme/Class: Year: First Semester: Second
Certificate in Science
Paper-I Theory Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Fundamentals of Chemistry-II

Course outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to
describe the reactions shown by aliphatic and aromatic compounds. They will also able to
understand the bonding in inorganic molecules, salient features of s- and p- block
elements, different aspects of chemical kinetics, catalysis and first law of

Credits: 4 Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:…………

Total Number of Hours = 60
Units Content Number

1 Chemical Bonding-II: Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT) as 10

applied to diatomic homonuclear/heteronuclear inorganic
molecules. MO diagrams and bond order of H2, He2, Li2, Be2, B2,
C2, N2, O2, F2, Ne2, CO, NO, HF difference between VB and MO
theories. Multicentre bonding in electron deficient molecules.
Polarization of covalent molecules, Percentage ionic character
from dipole and electronegativity difference. Polarizing power and
polarizability; Fajan’s rule. Metallic bond- Electron Pool, valence
bond and MO theories. Weak interactions-hydrogen bonding in
inorganic and organic molecules and van der Waals interactions.

2 Salient Features of s- and p-Block Elements: General discussion 10

with respect to all periodic (Occurrence, electronic configuration,
atomic & ionic radii, density, ionization potential, metallic
behaviour, electropositive nature, electronegativity, electron
affinity, hydration energy, flame colouration, photoelectric effect,
polarization power, boiling and melting point) and chemical
properties (reactivity towards water, oxygen, air and moisture,
hydrogen, halogens, ammonia). Diagonal relationship, catenation,
inert pair effect, pπ- pπ, dπ-pπ bond, chemistry of hydrides,
halides, oxides and oxyacids of p-block elements. Silicates, Boron
nitrogen compounds (borazene and boron nitrides), interhalogen
compounds, basic property of iodine.

Page 15 of 50
3 Aliphatic Compounds: Chemical reactions of alkanes. 10
Mechanism of free radical halogenation of alkanes. Cycloalkanes-
Baeyer’s strain theory and its limitations. Ring strain in small
rings (cyclopropane and cyclobutane), theory of strainless rings.
The case of cyclopropane ring-bent or banana bonds.
Chemical reactions of alkenes- mechanisms involved in
hydrogenation, electrophilic and free radical additions,
Markownikoff’s Rule, hydroboration-oxidation, oxymercuration-
reduction. Epoxidation, ozonolysis, hydration, hydroxylation and
oxidation with KMnO4, Polymerization of alkenes. Substitution at
the allylic and vinylic positions of alkenes. Industrial applications
of ethylene and propene.
Chemical reactions of alkynes, acidity of alkynes. Mechanism of
electrophilic and nucleophilic addition reactions, hydroboration-
oxidation, metal- ammonia reduction, oxidation and

4 Aromatic Compounds: Aromaticity- the Hückel rule, aromatic 10

ions. Aromatic electrophilic substitution- general pattern of the
mechanism, role of σ and π complexes. Mechanism of nitration,
halogenation, sulphonation, mercuration and Friedel- Crafts
reaction. Energy profile diagrams. Activating and deactivating
substituents, orientation and ortho/para ratio. Side chain reactions
of benzene derivatives.

5 Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis: Chemical kinetics and its 10

scope, rate of a reaction, factors influencing the rate of a reaction–
concentration, temperature, pressure, solvent, light, catalyst;
hetero and homocatalysis, significance. Inhibitors, poisons and
promoters. Concentration dependence of rates of simple reaction,
Molecularity, Order of reaction- zero order, first order, second
order, pseudo-order, Radioactive decay a first order phenomenon,
half-life period, Methods of determination of the order of reaction-
differential method, method of integration, method of half-life
period and isolation methods, Numerical problems.

6 Thermodynamics I: Definition of thermodynamic terms, system, 10

surroundings etc. Types of thermodynamic systems and
thermodynamic processes. Intensive and extensive properties.
Concept of heat and work, first law of thermodynamics, definition
of internal energy and enthalpy. Heat capacity – heat capacities at
constant volume and at constant pressure and their relationship,
calculation of w, q, dU & dH for the expansion of ideal gases
under isothermal and reversible conditions. Thermochemistry;
standard state, Standard enthalpy of formation – Hess’s law of
heat summation and its application. Temperature dependence of
enthalpy, Kirchoff’s equation, Numerical problems.

Page 16 of 50
Books Recommended:
i. Lee, J.D., “Concise, Inorganic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, India, 5th
ii. Puri, B.R., Sharma, L.R., and Kalia, K.C., “Principles of Inorganic Chemistry”, Vishal
Publishing Co., India, 2020, 33rd edition.
iii. Madan, R.L., “Chemistry for Degree Students, B. Sc. First Year”, S. Chand Publishing,
New Delhi, India, 2011, 3rd edition.
iv. Madan, R.D., Malik, U.M. and Tuli, G.D., “Selected topics in Inorganic Chemistry”, S.
Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2010.
v. Chandra, S., “Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry” New Age International Publishers,
India, 2018, 1st edition.
vi. Prakash, S., Tuli, G.D., Basu, S.K. and Madan, R.D., “Advanced Inorganic Chemistry”,
S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2000, Vol 1.
vii. Finar, I.L., “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India, 2002, 6th edition.
viii. Eliel, E.L. and Wilen, S.H., “Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds”, Willey, 1994,1 st
ix. Boyd, Morrison and Bhattacharjee, “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India,
2010, 7th edition.
x. Mukerji, S.M., “Reaction mechanism in Organic Chemistry”, Laxmi Publications,
2007, 3rd edition.
xi. Singh, Jagdamba and Yadav, L.D.S., “Undergraduate Organic Chemistry” Pragati
Prakashan, India, 2011, Vol 1.
xii. Loudon, G. Marc, “Organic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, 4 th edition.
xiii. Atkins P.W., “Atkin’s Physical Chemistry: International”, Oxford University Press,
2018, 11th edition.
xiv. Ball D.W., “Physical Chemistry”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017, 2nd edition.
xv. Puri, B.R., Pathania, M.S. and Sharma, L.R., “Principles of Physical Chemistry”,
Vishal Publishing, India, 2020, 47th edition.
xvi. Bahl, A., Bahl, B.S. and Tuli, G.D., “Essential of Physical Chemistry”, S. Chand
Publishing, India, 2010.
xvii. Bariyar, A., Singh, R.P. and Dwivedi, A., “Text Book for B. Sc. Chemistry I”, Anu
Books, 2019.

Suggested online links:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg4-
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz17_NnMPak&t=51s
3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUxhnr9H2IYKsuRypG0MAfw/videos
4. https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/nce19_sc15/preview
5. https://www.openlearning.com/courses/introduction-to-physical-chemistry/?cl=1
6. https://www.careers360.com/university/indian-institute-of-technology-
7. https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/cec20_lb01/preview
8. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/103/104103071/

Page 17 of 50
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of
score obtained in a mid-term exam, together with the performance of other activities which
can include short exams, in-class or on-line tests, home assignments, group discussions or
oral presentations.

Evaluation method Marks

Mid-term exam/ in-class or on-line tests/ home assignments/ 15 marks
group discussions/ oral presentations
Overall performance throughout the semester, Discipline, 10 marks
participation in different activities) and Attendance

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have passed Sem-I, Theory

Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions: ……………………………

Semester-II, Paper-II (Practical)

Course Title: Chemical Analysis -II
Programme/Class: Year: First Semester: Second
Certificate in Science
Paper-2 Practical Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Chemical Analysis –II

Course outcomes:
After completing this course, the students will be able to quantitatively find out the amount of
acid or base in the samples, to qualitatively differentiate among different classes of organic
compounds and to measure the relative viscosity of a given liquid.

Credits:2 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 12+38 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 60
Unit Contents Number of
1 Laboratory hazards and safety precautions 6

2 Inorganic exercise: Acid-base titrations; preparation of a 22

solution in normal/molar terms, its standardization using a
primary standard solution, determination of the strength of
unknown solution. For example: preparation of NaOH
solution (secondary standard say N/10), preparation of
(COOH)2 solution (primary standard say N/10),
standardization of NaOH solution titrating it against
(COOH)2 solution using phenolphthalein (indicator) and
then determination of the strength of given HCl solution.
3 Organic exercise: Differentiation between alkanes, alkenes 18

Page 18 of 50
and alkynes. Differentiation between aliphatic and aromatic
compounds using chemical and physical tests.
4 Physical exercise: Determination of relative viscosity of the 14
given liquid using Ostwald viscometer.

Suggested Readings:

i. Mendham, J., A. I. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Ed., Pearson, 2009.
ii. Willard, H.H. et al.: Instrumental Methods of Analysis, 7th Ed. Wardsworth Publishing
Company, Belmont, California, USA, 1988.
iii. Christian, G.D. Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2004.
iv. Harris, D. C. Exploring Chemical Analysis, 9th Ed. New York, W.H. Freeman, 2016.
v. Khopkar, S.M. Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry. New Age International
Publisher, 2009.
vi. Skoog, D.A. Holler F.J. and Nieman, T.A. Principles of Instrumental Analysis,
Cengage Learning India Edition.
vii. Mikes, O. & Chalmes, R.A. Laboratory Handbook of Chromatographic & Allied
Methods, Elles Harwood Ltd. London.
viii. Ditts, R.V. Analytical Chemistry: Methods of separation. Van Nostrand, New York,

Suggestive digital platforms web links

1. https://www.labster.com/chemistry-virtual-labs/
2. https://www.vlab.co.in/broad-area-chemical-sciences
3. http://chemcollective.org/vlabs

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in viva voce, record and overall performance.

Evaluation method Marks

Attendance 06 marks

Viva voce/Record and overall performance 06 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted Semester-II Theory

Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions: ……………………………
One exercise each from volumetric analysis (acid-base titration), organic exercise (tests for
alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aliphatic and aromatic compounds) and physical exercise (relative
viscosity) shall be given in the examination.

Distribution of marks shall be as given below:

1. Inorganic exercise 13
2. Organic exercise 10
3. Physical 10
4. Viva 05
5. Home assignment/internal assessment, lab record and attendance 12

Page 19 of 50
• The lab work of the student has to be evaluated and assessed carefully and periodically. A
minimum of 12 experiments covering all the kind of exercises has to be performed during a
semester. The semester record has to be maintained by the department/college as an official
• Less than zero mark will not be awarded.
• The total number of students to be examined per batch shall not be more than sixty.
• Duration of the practical examination shall be of 04 (four) hours.
• Marks obtained in the practical examination have to be submitted to the Head of the
department/ Principal of the College. The Head of the Department/Principal of the College
will make necessary arrangement for uploading the marks onto the University exam portal.
The hard copy of the award list from portal has to be submitted to the Controller of
Examination, Kumaun University, Nainital

Year Semester Course Paper Title Theory/Practical Credits

Diploma in Science
2 III General Theory 4
Analytical Practical 2
2 IV General Theory 4
Analytical Practical 2

Paper-I (Theory)
Course Title: General Chemistry-I
Programme/Class: Year: Second Semester: Third
Diploma in Science
Paper-I Theory Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: General Chemistry-I

Course outcomes: This paper provides detailed knowledge of synthesis of various

classes of organic compounds and functional groups inter conversion. Organic synthesis
is the most important branch of organic chemistry which provides jobs in production &
QC departments related to chemicals, drugs, medicines, FMCG etc. industries.
✓ It relates and gives an analytical aptitude for synthesizing various industrially
important compounds.
✓ This paper also provides a detailed knowledge on the elements present in our
surroundings, their occurrence in nature. Their position in periodic table, their
physical and chemical properties. This paper also gives detailed understanding of the
d-block elements and their characteristics.

Page 20 of 50
✓ After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to gather the
information regarding Werner’s theory and VBT of transition metal complexes.
✓ Students will be able to learn the basic concepts of spontaneity, chemical and phase
equilibrium and able to apply these concepts in predicting the spontaneous reactions
and will be able to solve the numerical problems based on these concepts.

Credit: 4 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Hours- = 60

Unit Contents Number of


1 Chemistry of Transition Elements (First, second and third 10

Transition Series): Characteristic properties of the elements;
electronic configuration, atomic & ionic radii, oxidation states and
stability of uncommon oxidation states, ionization energy, boiling
& melting points, complex compound formation, colour, catalytic
properties and magnetic properties. coordination number and
Comparative treatment of 3d, 4d and 5d elements and their
analogues in respect of occurrence, atomic & ionic radii, oxidation
state, ionization energy, complex formation tendency, magnetic
behaviour, geometry and colour.

2 Coordination Chemistry-I: Definition, terminology (ligand, 10

coordination number, coordination sphere, complex ion etc.),
Nomenclature of coordination compounds (IUPAC system),
Werner’s theory for coordination compounds; its experimental
verification, effective atomic number (EAN) concept, 18-electron
rule, stability of complexes and factors contributing to the
stability. Chelates- Introduction, factors affecting the stability of
chelates, thermodynamic origin of stability, applications. Valence
Bond Theory (VBT) for coordination compounds, geometry of
complexes (tetrahedral, octahedral, square planar), magnetic
properties of complex compounds.

3 Halides: Chemical reactions. Alkyl, aryl and vinyl halides. 8

Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions, SN2 and SN1
reactions with energy profile diagrams.

4 Alcohols and Phenols: Alcohols: Reactions of alcohols. Dihydric 12

alcohols-methods of preparation, chemical reactions of vicinal
glycols, oxidative cleavage [Pb(OAc)4 and HIO4] and pinacol-
pinacolone rearrangement. Trihydric alcohols-methods of
formation, chemical reactions of glycerol.

Page 21 of 50
Phenols: Physical properties and acidic character. Comparative
acidic strengths of alcohols and phenols, resonance stabilization of
phenoxide ion. Reactions of phenols-electrophilic aromatic
substitution, acylation and carboxylation. Mechanism of Fries
rearrangement, Claisen condensation, Gatterman synthesis,
Houben-Hoesch reaction, Lederer-Manasse reaction and Reimer-
Tiemann reaction.

5 Thermodynamics II: Second law of thermodynamics, need of the 12

law, different statements of the law. Carnot cycle and its
efficiency, Carnot theorem. Thermodynamic scale of temperature.
Concept of entropy: entropy as a state function, entropy as a
function of V and T, entropy as a function of P and T, entropy
change in physical and chemical processes, entropy change for
reversible, irreversible and equilibrium condition. Clausius
inequality, entropy as criteria of spontaneity and equilibrium.
Entropy change in ideal gases. Gibbs free energy and Helmholtz
work functions. Criteria for thermodynamic equilibrium and
spontaneity, advantage Gibbs free energy and Helmholtz work
functions over entropy change for spontaneity. Variation of G and
A with P, V and T, Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, Numerical

6 Chemical Equilibrium: The law of mass action, free energy and 8

equilibrium constant, factors influencing equilibrium constant,
relationship between Kp and Kc. Le-Chatelier’s principle,
Numerical problems.
Phase Equilibrium: Statement and meaning of the terms: phase,
component and degree of freedom, Gibbs phase rule, phase
equilibria of one component systems- water, carbon dioxide and
sulphur. Raoult’s and Henry’s law.

Books Recommended:
i. Lee, J.D., “Concise, Inorganic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, India, 5th
ii. Puri, B.R., Sharma, L.R., and Kalia, K.C., “Principles of Inorganic Chemistry”, Vishal
Publishing Co., India, 2020, 33rd edition.
iii. Madan, R.L., “Chemistry for Degree Students, B. Sc. Second Year”, S. Chand
Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2011, 3rd edition.
iv. Madan, R.D., Malik, U.M. and Tuli, G.D., “Selected topics in Inorganic Chemistry”, S.
Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2010.
v. Chandra, S., “Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry” New Age International Publishers,
India, 2018, 1st edition.
vi. Prakash, S., Tuli, G.D., Basu, S.K. and Madan, R.D., “Advanced Inorganic Chemistry”,
S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2000, Vol 1.
vii. Finar, I.L., “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India, 2002, 6th edition.

Page 22 of 50
viii. Eliel, E.L. and Wilen, S.H., “Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds”, Willey, 1994,1 st
ix. Boyd, Morrison and Bhattacharjee, “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India,
2010, 7th edition.
x. Mukerji, S.M., “Reaction mechanism in Organic Chemistry”, Laxmi Publications,
2007, 3rd edition.
xi. Singh, Jagdamba and Yadav, L.D.S., “Undergraduate Organic Chemistry” Pragati
Prakashan, India, 2011, Vol 1.
xii. Loudon, G. Marc, “Organic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, 4th edition.
xiii. Atkins P.W., “Atkin’s Physical Chemistry: International”, Oxford University Press,
2018, 11th edition.
xiv. Ball D.W., “Physical Chemistry”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017, 2nd edition.
xv. Puri, B.R., Pathania, M.S. and Sharma, L.R., “Principles of Physical Chemistry”,
Vishal Publishing, India, 2020, 47th edition.
xvi. Bahl, A., Bahl, B.S. and Tuli, G.D., “Essential of Physical Chemistry”, S. Chand
Publishing, India, 2010.

Suggested online links:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fmclk9oUkEE&list=PLmxSS9XYst20Pz1SpRl4jd
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y67STFWoQ3A&list=PLmUlqVgZsTVV9zQAF-
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo2sRayaVyc&list=PLmUlqVgZsTVUAEThwJsJ
4. https://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/faculty/reusch/VirtTxtJml/intro1.htm
5. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/103/104103071/#
6. https://swayam.gov.in/
7. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/103/104103071/

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in a mid-term exam, together with the performance of other activities which
can include short exams, in-class or on-line tests, home assignments, group discussions or
oral presentations.

Evaluation method Marks

Mid-term exam/ in-class or on-line tests/ 15 marks
home assignments/ group discussions/ oral
Overall performance throughout the 10 marks
semester, Discipline, participation in
different activities) and Attendance

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have passed Certificate Course
in Introductory Chemistry.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions: ……………………………

Page 23 of 50
Semester-III Paper-II (Practical)
Course Title: Analytical Procedures-I
Programme/Class: Year: Second Semester: Third
Diploma in Science
Paper-II Practical Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Analytical Procedures-I

Course outcomes:
After completing this course, the students will be able to test the inorganic mixtures of acidic
and basic radicals in given samples, to qualitatively differentiate between alcohols and
phenols and determine the critical solution temperature of partially miscible liquids.

Credits:2 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 12+38 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 60
Unit Contents Number of Hours
1 Laboratory hazards and safety precautions 6

2 Inorganic exercise: 30
Complete analysis of inorganic mixture
including both acid and basic radicals with
a special emphasis on the role of common
ion effect and solubility product.

3 Organic exercise: Functional group tests 12

for alcohols and phenols. Differentiation
between alcohols and phenols using
chemical and physical tests.

4 Physical exercise: Determination of 12

critical solution temperature (CST)

Suggested Readings:
i. Mendham, J., A. I. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Ed., Pearson, 2009.
ii. Willard, H.H. et al.: Instrumental Methods of Analysis, 7th Ed. Wordsworth Publishing
Company, Belmont, California, USA, 1988.
iii. Christian, G.D. Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2004.
iv. Harris, D. C. Exploring Chemical Analysis, 9th Ed. New York, W.H. Freeman, 2016.
v. Khopkar, S.M. Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry. New Age International
Publisher, 2009.
vi. Skoog, D.A. Holler F.J. and Nieman, T.A. Principles of Instrumental Analysis,
Cengage Learning India Edition.
vii. Mikes, O. & Chalmes, R.A. Laboratory Handbook of Chromatographic & Allied
Methods, Elles Harwood Ltd. London.
viii. Ditts, R.V. Analytical Chemistry: Methods of separation. Van Nostrand, New York,

Page 24 of 50
Suggestive digital platforms web links
1. https://www.labster.com/chemistry-virtual-labs/
2. https://www.vlab.co.in/broad-area-chemical-sciences
3. http://chemcollective.org/vlabs

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in viva voce, record and overall performance.

Evaluation method Marks

Attendance 06 marks

Viva voce/Record and overall performance 06 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted Sem-III Theory Paper-1

Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions: ……………………………

One exercise each from Inorganic mixture (qualitative), organic exercise (tests for alcohols
and phenols) and physical exercise (critical solution temperature) shall be given in the

Distribution of marks shall be as given below:

1. Inorganic exercise 13
2. Organic exercise 10
3. Physical exercise 10
4. Viva 05
5. Home assignment/internal assessment, lab record and attendance 12
• The lab work of the student has to be evaluated and assessed carefully and periodically. A
minimum of 12 experiments covering all the kind of exercises has to be performed during a
semester. The semester record has to be maintained by the department/college as an official
• Less than zero mark will not be awarded.
• The total number of students to be examined per batch shall not be more than sixty.
• Duration of the practical examination shall be of 04 (four) hours.
• Marks obtained in the practical examination have to be submitted to the Head of the
department/ Principal of the College. The Head of the Department/Principal of the College
will make necessary arrangement for uploading the marks onto the University exam portal.
The hard copy of the award list from portal has to be submitted to the Controller of
Examination, Kumaun University, Nainital

Paper-I (Theory)
Course Title: General Chemistry-II
Programme/Class: Year: Second Semester: Fourth
Diploma in Science
Paper-I Theory Subject: Chemistry

Page 25 of 50
Course Code: Course Title: General Chemistry-II

Course outcomes: This paper provides detailed knowledge of synthesis of aldehydes,

ketones, carboxylic acids and functional groups inter conversion. The students will be able to
describe the concepts of electrochemistry in detail and its applications. Also, they will be able
to solve the numerical problems based on these concepts. Students will be able to define the
acids and bases on the basis of various concepts/ theories and will be able to identify the
position of various elements in the periodic table and able to explain their properties on the
basis of their position.

Credits: 4 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Hours- = 60
Unit Contents Number
of Hours

1 Acids and Bases: Arrhenius concept, Bronsted-Lowry concept, 10

Lux-Flood and Lewis concept of acids and bases; Hard and Soft
Acid-Base Theory: Classification of acids and bases as hard and
soft. Pearson’s hard and soft acid base concept, acid base strength
and hardness and softness. Symbiosis, theoretical basis of hardness
and softness, electronegativity and hardness and softness; Role of
the solvent and strength of acids and bases. Acid-base properties
in non-aqueous media.

2 Chemistry of Inner Transition Elements: Chemistry of 10

Lanthanides: Electronic configuration, oxidation states, atomic &
ionic radii, lanthanide contraction and its consequences, complex
formation, colour; Methods of separation of lanthanides- fractional
crystallization, fractional precipitation, change in oxidation state,
solvent extraction and ion exchange methods.
Chemistry of Actinides: General features of actinides-electronic
configuration, atomic & ionic radii, ionization potential, oxidation
states and complex formation.

3 Aldehydes and Ketones: Comparative account of properties of 10

aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes and ketones. Mechanism of
nucleophilic additions to carbonyl group with particular emphasis
on benzoin, aldol, Perkin and Knoevenagel condensation.
Condensation with ammonia and its derivatives; Wittig reaction,
Mannich reaction. Use of acetals as protecting group. Oxidation of
aldehydes, Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of ketones, Cannizzaro
reaction, MPV, Clemmensen, Wolff-Kishner, LiAlH4 and NaBH4
reductions. Halogenation of enolizable ketones. An introduction to
α-, β-unsaturated aldehydes and ketones.

4 Carboxylic Acids: Reactions of carboxylic acids, Hell-Volhard- 10

Zelinsky reaction. Synthesis of acid chlorides, esters and amides.
Reduction of carboxylic acids, mechanism of decarboxylation.

Page 26 of 50
Methods of formation and chemical reactions of halo acids,
hydroxy acids- malic, tartaric, and citric acids. Methods of
preparation and chemical reactions of unsaturated monocarboxylic
acids. Dicarboxylic acids-methods of preparation and effect of
heat and dehydrating agents.

5 Electrochemistry I: Electrical transport-conduction in metals and 8

electrolytic solutions, specific conductance and equivalent
conductance, measurement of equivalent conductance, variation of
equivalent and specific conductance with dilution. Arrhenius
theory of electrolytic dissociation and its limitations, weak and
strong electrolytes, Ostwald’s dilution law, its uses and
limitations, Numerical Problems.

6 Electrochemistry II: Oxidation state, types of redox reactions, 12

balancing of chemical reactions by ion electron and oxidation state
method. Computations of equivalent weights. Types of reversible
electrodes-gas-metal ion, metal-metal ion, metal-insoluble salt
anion and redox electrodes. Electrode reactions, Nernst equation,
derivation of cell EMF and single electrode potential, standard
hydrogen electrode-reference electrode, standard electrode
potential, sign conventions, electrochemical series and its
significance. Electrolytic and Galvanic cells-reversible and
irreversible cells, conventional representation of electrochemical
cells. EMF of a cell and its measurements. Calculation of
thermodynamic quantities of cell reactions (ΔG, ΔH and K),
Numerical Problems.

Books Recommended:
i. Lee, J.D., “Concise, Inorganic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, India, 5th
ii. Puri, B.R., Sharma, L.R., and Kalia, K.C., “Principles of Inorganic Chemistry”, Vishal
Publishing Co., India, 2020, 33rd edition.
iii. Madan, R.L., “Chemistry for Degree Students, B. Sc. Second Year”, S. Chand
Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2011, 3rd edition.
iv. Madan, R.D., Malik, U.M. and Tuli, G.D., “Selected topics in Inorganic Chemistry”, S.
Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2010.
v. Chandra, S., “Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry” New Age International Publishers,
India, 2018, 1st edition.
vi. Prakash, S., Tuli, G.D., Basu, S.K. and Madan, R.D., “Advanced Inorganic Chemistry”,
S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2000, Vol 1.
vii. Finar, I.L., “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India, 2002, 6 th edition.
viii. Eliel, E.L. and Wilen, S.H., “Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds”, Willey, 1994,1 st

Page 27 of 50
ix. Boyd, Morrison and Bhattacharjee, “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India,
2010, 7th edition.
x. Mukerji, S.M., “Reaction mechanism in Organic Chemistry”, Laxmi Publications,
2007, 3rd edition.
xi. Singh, Jagdamba and Yadav, L.D.S., “Undergraduate Organic Chemistry” Pragati
Prakashan, India, 2011, Vol 1.
xii. Loudon, G. Marc, “Organic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, 4th edition.
xiii. Atkins P.W., “Atkin’s Physical Chemistry: International”, Oxford University Press,
2018, 11th edition.
xiv. Ball D.W., “Physical Chemistry”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017, 2nd edition.
xv. Puri, B.R., Pathania, M.S. and Sharma, L.R., “Principles of Physical Chemistry”,
Vishal Publishing, India, 2020, 47th edition.
xvi. Bahl, A., Bahl, B.S. and Tuli, G.D., “Essential of Physical Chemistry”, S. Chand
Publishing, India, 2010.

Suggested online links:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJgzQ5XP8wQ&list=PLmxSS9XYst20FfphDeS0
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G79lCT5Os8&list=PLmxSS9XYst23WTFnTWu
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNXFYz31iFI&list=PLmUlqVgZsTVUfjMBLDQ
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t0GDMSzZ9A&list=PLmxSS9XYst21dec_6u2y
5. https://swayam.gov.in/
6. https://www.coursera.org/learn/physical-chemistry
7. https://www.mooc-list.com/tags/physical-chemistry
8. https://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/faculty/reusch/VirtTxtJml/intro1.htm
9. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/103/104103071/

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in a mid-term exam, together with the performance of other activities which
can include short exams, in-class or on-line tests, home assignments, group discussions or
oral presentations.

Evaluation method Marks

Mid-term exam/ in-class or on-line tests/ 15 marks
home assignments/ group discussions/ oral
Overall performance throughout the 10 marks
semester, Discipline, participation in
different activities) and Attendance

Page 28 of 50
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had Passed Sem-III Theory
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions: ……………………………

Semester-IV Paper-II (Practical)

Course Title: Analytical Procedures-II
Programme/Class: Year: Second Semester: Fourth
Diploma in Science
Paper-II Practical Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Analytical Procedures-II

Course outcomes:
After completing this course, the students will be able to determine the concentrations of
oxidising and reducing agents through double titration, qualitatively differentiate between
aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids and determine the solubility of salts.

Credits:2 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 12+38 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 60
Unit Contents Number of Hours
1 Laboratory hazards and safety precautions 6

2 Inorganic exercise: Volumetric exercises 22

(double titration) based on redox reactions
involving internal as well as external
3 Organic exercise: Preliminary and 18
Functional group tests for aldehydes,
ketones and carboxylic acids (both
aliphatic and aromatic).
4 Physical exercise: Determination of 14
solubility of salts.

Suggestive digital platforms web links

1. https://www.labster.com/chemistry-virtual-labs/
2. https://www.vlab.co.in/broad-area-chemical-sciences
3. http://chemcollective.org/vlabs

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in viva voce, record and overall performance.
Evaluation method Marks
Attendance 06 marks

Viva voce/Record and overall performance 06 marks

Page 29 of 50
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have Opted Sem-IV Theory

Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions: ……………………………
One exercise each from inorganic volumetric analysis (quantitative), organic exercise (tests
for aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids) and physical exercise (solubility of salts) shall
be given in the examination.

Distribution of marks shall be as given below:

1. Inorganic exercise 13
2. Organic exercise 10
3. Physical exercise 10
4. Viva 05
5. Home assignment/internal assessment, lab record and attendance 12

• The lab work of the student has to be evaluated and assessed carefully and periodically. A
minimum of 12 experiments covering all the kind of exercises has to be performed during a
semester. The semester record has to be maintained by the department/college as an official
• Less than zero mark will not be awarded.
• The total number of students to be examined per batch shall not be more than sixty.
• Duration of the practical examination shall be of 04 (four) hours.
• Marks obtained in the practical examination have to be submitted to the Head of the
department/ Principal of the College. The Head of the Department/Principal of the College
will make necessary arrangement for uploading the marks onto the University exam portal.
The hard copy of the award list from portal has to be submitted to the Controller of
Examination, Kumaun University, Nainital

Year Semester Course Paper Title Theory/Prac Credits

Code tical
Degree in Bachelor of Science
3 V Inorganic Theory 4
Organic Chemistry Theory 4
Analytical Practical 2
3 VI Physical Chemistry Theory 4
Analytical Theory 4
Analytical Practical 2

Paper-I (Theory)
Course Title: Inorganic Chemistry
Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: Fifth

Page 30 of 50
in Bachelor of Science
Paper-1 Theory Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Inorganic Chemistry

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to
describe the stability, crystal field theory, electronic spectra and magnetic properties of
coordination compounds. They will also learn about organometallic compounds, some
industrially important inorganic materials and their applications in various industries. It will
assist them to get a suitable job in the relevant industrial and scientific field.
Credits:4 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 60

Unit Contents Number of


1 Metal-Ligand Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes: 10

Limitations of valence bond theory, an elementary idea about
crystal field theory (CFT); crystal field splitting of octahedral and
tetrahedral complexes, tetragonal distortion (Jahn-Teller
distortion, crystal field splitting of square planar and trigonal
bipyramidal complexes, factors affecting the crystal-field
parameters, calculation of crystal field stabilization energy
(CFSE), spectrochemical series. Applications (color and magnetic
properties) and limitations CFT. Comparison between VBT and

2 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects of Coordination 10

Compounds: Stability of metal complexes- thermodynamic and
kinetic stability, stable and unstable complexes, inert and labile
complexes, stepwise and overall stability constants, relationship
between the stepwise and overall stability constants, factors
affecting the thermodynamic and kinetic stabilities of coordination
compounds. Chelate effect and its thermodynamic origin.
Determination of binary formation constants by pH-metry and
Electronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes: Types of
3 8
electronic transitions, selection rules for d-d transitions,
calculations of spectroscopic ground states (Russell Saunders/L-S
coupling), Orgel energy level diagram for d1, d4 and d6, d9
tetrahedral and octahedral complexes, discussion of the electronic
spectrum of [Ti(H2O)6]3+ complex ion.
4 Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes: Origin of 10
magnetic behavior, concept of magnetic susceptibility,
diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism
and antiferromagnetism, magnetic moments, quenching of orbital
magnetic moment by crystal field, magnetic susceptibility-
definition relationship with temperature, Curie law and Curie
Weiss law. methods of determining magnetic susceptibility;

Page 31 of 50
Gouy’s and Quincke’s methods, magnetic moment, spin only
formula, correlation of µs and µeff values, orbital contribution to
magnetic moments, application of magnetic moment data for 3d
metal complexes.

5 Organometallic Chemistry: Definition, nomenclature and 8

classification based on nature of metal-carbon bond. EAN and 18-
electron rule. Definition, nomenclature, classification, general
methods of preparation of organometallic compounds and a brief
account of metal-ethylenic complexes. Applications of
organometallic compounds-Ziegler-Natta catalyst, Wilkinson
catalyst (No mechanism).

6 Some Industrially Important Inorganic Materials: 14

Silicones, siloxanes, polymethylhydrosiloxanes, their applications.
Phosphazenes, nature of bonding in triphosphazenes.
Aluminosilicates- Feldspars, Ultramarines, Zeolites. Clays and
Pillared Clays.
Cement- manufacture, composition and setting. Glass-
manufacture, annealing, types and uses. Ceramics-definition,
traditional and new ceramics, structure of ceramics. Inorganic
fertilizers-essential nutrients for plants, nitrogenous, phosphatic
and potash fertilizers.

Books Recommended:
i. Lee, J.D., “Concise, Inorganic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, India, 5th
ii. Puri, B.R., Sharma, L.R., and Kalia, K.C., “Principles of Inorganic Chemistry”, Vishal
Publishing Co., India, 2020, 33rd edition.
iii. Madan, R.D., Malik, U.M. and Tuli, G.D., “Selected topics in Inorganic Chemistry”, S.
Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2010.
iv. Chandra, S., “Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry” New Age International Publishers,
India, 2018, 1st edition.
v. Prakash, S., Tuli, G.D., Basu, S.K. and Madan, R.D., “Advanced Inorganic Chemistry”,
S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2000, Vol 1.
vi. Madan, R.L., “Chemistry for Degree Students, B. Sc. Third Year”, S. Chand
Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2011, 3rd edition.

Suggested online links:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BQ38GEYF7s&list=PLmxSS9XYst22OYcJbKW
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oQcm281TT0&list=PLmxSS9XYst20MhuKSMR

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3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGd4gOncw9s&list=PLmxSS9XYst22CtJwFrX
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4rPlpWT1cA&list=PLmxSS9XYst21uxf3tsohnD
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TWLAJuVN0c&list=PLmxSS9XYst23hk5m9-
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k4ryWpwhmo&list=PLmxSS9XYst22xP0d02Utc
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZBMRjyHWfY&list=PLmxSS9XYst205pTMkW
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=najS_fXL38U&list=PLmxSS9XYst23yE3f2Kqsir4
9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VoKRgPj7OI&list=PLmxSS9XYst23yE3f2Kqsir
10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57hQHf1E3PE&list=PLmxSS9XYst23yE3f2Kqsir
11. https://nptel.ac.in/noc/courses/noc19/SEM2/noc19-cy19/
12. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cy02/preview
13. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/105/104105033/
14. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/101/104101079/
15. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cy12/preview
16. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/108/104108062/
17. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cy36/preview
18. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cy05/preview
19. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/105/104105033/
20. https://www.york.ac.uk/media/chemistry/research/douthwaite/Metal-
21. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/106/104106089/
22. http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/epgpdata/uploads/epgp_content/S000005CH/P000658/M014
23. http://ddugu.ac.in/epathshala_content1.aspx
24. https://www.uou.ac.in/sites/default/files/slm/BSCCH-301.pdf
25. http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/epgpdata/uploads/epgp_content/chemistry/07.inorganic_che
26. https://egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/15794/1/Unit-7.pd
27. https://www.hhrc.ac.in/ePortal/Chemistry/IImscchem-18pche3-unit1-sv.pdf
28. http://www.du.edu.eg/upFilesCenter/sci/1596861612.pdf
29. https://www.uou.ac.in/sites/default/files/slm/BSCCH-301.pdf
30. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/105/104105103/
31. https://www.uou.ac.in/sites/default/files/slm/BSCCH-301.pdf
32. https://nptel.ac.in/content/storage2/courses/103107086/module1/lecture1/lecture1.pdf
33. https://nptel.ac.in/content/storage2/courses/103107086/module4/lecture1/lecture1.pdf

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in a mid-term exam, together with the performance of other activities which
can include short exams, in-class or on-line tests, home assignments, group discussions or
oral presentations.

Page 33 of 50
Evaluation method Marks
Mid-term exam/ in-class or on-line tests/ 15 marks
home assignments/ group discussions/ oral
Overall performance throughout the 10 marks
semester, Discipline, participation in
different activities) and Attendance

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have passed Sem-III and Sem-
IV Theory papers.
Suggested equivalent online courses:

1. https://www.labster.com/chemistry-virtual-labs/
2. https://www.vlab.co.in/broad-area-chemical-sciences
3. http://chemcollective.org/vlabs

Further Suggestions: ……………………………

Paper-II (Theory)
Course Title: Organic Chemistry
Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: Fifth
in Bachelor of Science
Paper-II Theory Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Organic Chemistry

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
describe the chemistry of nitrogen containing compounds, the basic understanding of the
chemistry of industrially important materials such as lipids, fats, soaps, detergents, dyes,
paints and reagents in organic synthesis. Upon completion of this course students may get job
opportunities in food, soap, detergent, paint and other organic material based synthetic labs
and industries. Biomolecules are important for the functioning of living organisms. These
molecules perform or trigger important biochemical reactions in living organisms. When
studying biomolecules, one can understand the physiological function that regulates the
proper growth and development of a human body. This course aims to introduce the students
with basic experimental understanding of carbohydrates and proteins.

Credits:4 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 60

Unit Contents Number of


1 Lipids and Fats: Lipids-Definition, categories, biological 12

Page 34 of 50
functions, metabolism, nutrition and health, tests, examples. Fats-
Definition, biological importance, metabolism, digestion and it's
metabolism. Soaps, Detergents and their action mechanism.

2 Reagents in Organic Synthesis: Reagent compounds, types of 12

reagents, acetylene, ammonia, Bayer's reagent, NBS, n-butyl
lithium, CAN, chromic acid, chromium trioxide, diborane, DMSO,
dioxane, Fehling reagent, Grignard reagent, hydrazide, hydrogen
peroxide, LAH, OsO4, PCl5, potassium dichromate, potassium
permanganate, Raney Ni, silver nitrate, sodium borohydride, NaH,
THF, TMS, SOCl2, Tollen's reagent.

3 Nitrogen Containing Organic Compounds: Chemical reactions 14

of nitroalkanes. Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution in
nitroarenes and their reduction in acidic, neutral and alkaline
medium. Picric acid.
Halo nitroarenes-reactivity, structure and nomenclature of amines.
Physical properties. Separation of mixture of primary, secondary
and tertiary amines. Structural features affecting basicity of
amines. Amine salts as phase-transfer catalysts. Preparation of
alkyl and aryl amines (reduction of nitro compounds, nitriles),
reductive amination of aldehydic and ketonic compounds. Gabriel-
phthalimide reaction, Hofmann bromamide reaction. Reaction of
amines, electrophilic aromatic substitution in aryl amines, reaction
of amines with nitrous acid. Synthetic transformations of aryl
diazonium salts, azo coupling.

4 Organometallic Compounds: Organ magnesium compounds; the 10

Grignard reagent-formation, structure and chemical reactions.
Organozinc compounds; formation and chemical reactions.

5 Dyes and Paints: Color and constitution, types of dyes, Alizarin, 10

Indigo, Congo red, Malachite green, Methylene blue,
Phenolphthalein, Methyl orange. Paints and Varnishes: Definition,
components, chemistry, applications.

6 Carbohydrates and Proteins: Carbohydrates: Classification and 12

nomenclature. Monosaccharides, mechanism of osazone
formation, interconversion of glucose and fructose, chain
lengthening and chain shortening of aldoses. Configuration of
monosaccharides. Erythro and threo diastereomers. Conversion of
glucose into mannose. Formation of glycosides, ethers and esters.
Cyclic structure of D(+)-glucose. Mechanism of mutarotation.
General study of disaccharides.
Proteins: Classification, structure and stereochemistry of amino
acids. Acid-base behavior, isoelectric point and electrophoresis.
Classification of proteins.

Page 35 of 50
Books Recommended:
i. Finar, I.L., “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India, 2002, 6 th edition.
ii. Eliel, E.L. and Wilen, S.H., “Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds”, Willey, 1994,1st
iii. Boyd, Morrison and Bhattacharjee, “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India,
2010, 7th edition.
iv. Mukerji, S.M., “Reaction mechanism in Organic Chemistry”, Laxmi Publications,
2007, 3rd edition.
v. Singh, Jagdamba and Yadav, L.D.S., “Undergraduate Organic Chemistry” Pragati
Prakashan, India, 2011, Vol 1.
vi. Loudon, G. Marc, “Organic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, 4 th edition.
vii. Madan, R.L., “Chemistry for Degree Students, B. Sc. Third Year”, S. Chand
Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2011, 3rd edition.
viii. Bahl, A. and Bahl, B.S. a “Advance Organic Chemistry”, S. Chand Publishing, India,

Suggested online links:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBNv80Dg6nI&list=PLmUlqVgZsTVUk5NkroU
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgbaIFI_q6E
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz0BrCqPTV0&t=15s
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sHlLNzTpUU&t=4s
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALaTCbetFSg&t=210s
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kruIzuor5v8
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuERNLx-J7k&t=19s
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW7KlYbpNxk&t=1414s
9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcUoeFe0iN8
10. https://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/faculty/reusch/VirtTxtJml/intro1.htm
11. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/103/104103111/
12. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/103/104103071/
13. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cy24/preview
14. https://nptel.ac.in/content/storage2/courses/104103071/pdf/mod10.pdf

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in a mid-term exam, together with the performance of other activities which
can include short exams, in-class or on-line tests, home assignments, group discussions or
oral presentations.

Evaluation method Marks

Mid-term exam/ in-class or on-line tests/ 15 marks
home assignments/ group discussions/ oral
Overall performance throughout the 10 marks
semester, Discipline, participation in
different activities) and Attendance

Page 36 of 50
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have passed Sem-III and Sem-
IV Theory papers.

Further Suggestions: ……………………………

Semester-V, Paper-III (Practical)

Course Title: Analytical Procedures-III
Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: Fifth
in Bachelor of Science
Paper-III Practical Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Analytical Procedures-III

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the students will have the knowledge and skills to
understand the synthetic methods related to inorganic and organic fields. Also, they can
easily analyze the nitrogen containing compounds and separate the binary organic mixture.

Credits:2 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 12+38 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 60

Unit Contents Number of

1 Laboratory hazards and safety precautions 6

2 Inorganic exercise: Inorganic synthesis – cuprous 14

chloride, potash alum, chrome alum, ferrous oxalate,
ferrous ammonium sulphate, tetraamminecopper(II)
sulphate and hexaamminenickel(II) chloride.
Crystallization of compounds.

3 Organic exercise: 40
Organic qualitative analysis: Analysis of Nitrogen
containing organic compounds (detection of elements,
amines, nitro, amides and anilides)
Binary mixture of organic compounds separable by

Organic synthesis: through nitration, halogenation,

acetylation, sulphonation and simple oxidation

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in viva voce, record and overall performance.

Page 37 of 50
Evaluation method Marks
Attendance 06 marks

Viva voce/Record and overall performance 06 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted Sem-V Theory Paper-
1 &2

Suggested equivalent online courses:

1. https://www.labster.com/chemistry-virtual-labs/
2. https://www.vlab.co.in/broad-area-chemical-sciences
3. http://chemcollective.org/vlabs

Further Suggestions: ……………………………

One exercise each from inorganic synthesis, organic qualitative analysis and organic
synthesis shall be given in the examination.

Distribution of marks shall be as given below:

1. Inorganic exercise 10
2. Organic exercise 23
3. Viva 05
4. Home assignment/internal assessment, lab record and attendance 12

• The lab work of the student has to be evaluated and assessed carefully and periodically. A
minimum of 12 experiments covering all the kind of exercises has to be performed during a
semester. The semester record has to be maintained by the department/college as an official
• Less than zero mark will not be awarded.
• The total number of students to be examined per batch shall not be more than sixty.
• Duration of the practical examination shall be of 05(five) hours.
• Marks obtained in the practical examination have to be submitted to the Head of the
department/ Principal of the College. The Head of the Department/Principal of the College
will make necessary arrangement for uploading the marks onto the University exam portal.
The hard copy of the award list from portal has to be submitted to the Controller of
Examination, Kumaun University, Nainital

Page 38 of 50
Paper-I (Theory)
Course Title: Physical Chemistry
Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: Sixth
in Bachelor of Science
Paper-I Theory Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Physical Chemistry

Course outcomes: The core concepts of Physical Chemistry have been included in this
semester with a view that students’ command over these topics will help them to understand
the higher chemistry in PG classes. Their understanding of Photochemistry and Solutions will
help him to explain the day today phenomenon of the relevant filed whereas.
Thermodynamics will help them to understand the natural flow of energy. Learning the
Quantum Mechanics will help them to praise the beauty of behavior of fundamental particles.
It will assist them to get a suitable job in the relevant industrial and scientific field.

Credits:4 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 60
Contents Number of
Unit Hours

1 Surface Chemistry: Definition of surface phenomenon- 10

Adsorption. Chemical and physical adsorption, Factors affecting
adsorption. Isotherm and Isobar. Free energy of adsorption.
Quantitative treatment of adsorption, Freundlich’s and Langmuir’s
adsorption model and their applications. Limitation of Langmuir
adsorption model. Adsorption in catalysis, characteristics of
catalyzed reactions.

2 Elementary Quantum Mechanics: Black-body radiation, Plank’s 12

radiation law, photoelectric effect, Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom
(no derivation) and its defects. Compton effect, de Broglie
hypothesis, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, operator concept,
Hamiltonian operator, Schrödinger wave equation and its
importance, physical interpretation of the wave function,
Numerical Problems.

3 Photochemistry: Interaction of radiation with matter, difference 10

between thermal and photochemical processes. Laws of
photochemistry; Grothuss-Drapper law, Lambert’s law, Lambert-
Beer’s law, Stark-Einstein law, Jablonski diagram depicting
various processes occurring in the excited state, fluorescence,
phosphorescence, non-radiative processes (internal conversion,
intersystem crossing), quantum yield, Numerical Problems.

Page 39 of 50
4 Solutions and Colligative Properties: Ideal and non-ideal 10
solutions, methods of expressing concentrations of solutions,
activity and activity coefficient. Dilute solutions, colligative
properties, Raoult’s law, relative lowering of vapour pressure,
molecular mass determination. Osmosis, law of osmotic pressure,
determination of molecular mass from osmotic pressure. Elevation
of boiling point and depression in freezing point, Numerical

5 Thermodynamics III : Statement and concept of residual entropy, 8

third law of thermodynamics, unattainability of absolute zero,
Nernst heat theorem. Evaluation of absolute entropy from heat
capacity data, Numerical Problems

6 Radioactivity: Definition, nature of radioactivity, emission, types 10

of radioactively, occurrence, Energetics and kinetics radioactivity,
rates of radioactive transitions, Applications of radioactivity,
Numerical Problems.

Books Recommended:
i. Madan, R.L., “Chemistry for Degree Students, B. Sc. Third Year”, S. Chand
Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2011, 3rd edition.
ii. Atkins P.W., “Atkin’s Physical Chemistry: International”, Oxford University Press,
2018, 11th edition.
iii. Ball D.W., “Physical Chemistry”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017, 2nd edition.
iv. Puri, B.R., Pathania, M.S. and Sharma, L.R., “Principles of Physical Chemistry”,
Vishal Publishing, India, 2020, 47th edition.
v. Bahl, A., Bahl, B.S. and Tuli, G.D., “Essential of Physical Chemistry”, S. Chand
Publishing, India, 2010.
vi. Atkins, P. and de Paula, J. (2005).Physical Chemistry: 7th edition. Oxford University
vii. Moore, W.J. (1976). Physical Chemistry: 5th edition. Orient Longman Limited.
viii. Fundamentals of Photochemistry, K.K. Rohtagi-Mukherji, Wiley-Eastern.
viii. Essentials of Molecular Photochemistry, A. Gilbert and J. Baggott, Blackwell Scientific
ix. Introduction to Quantum Chemistry, A. K. Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill

Suggested online links:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMYg3ElZwDY
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01dY_lLWdMA&t=4s
3. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cy27/preview
4. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cy20/preview
5. https://www.classcentral.com/course/swayam-chemistry-i-introduction-to-quantum-
6. https://www.classcentral.com/course/swayam-quantum-chemistry-of-atoms-and-

Page 40 of 50
7. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/108/104108057/
8. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/115/101/115101107/
9. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/101/104101124/
10. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/105/104105128/
11. https://www.classcentral.com/course/swayam-concepts-of-thermodynamics-13015
12. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_me20/preview
13. https://www.careers360.com/university/indian-institute-of-technology-
14. https://www.coursera.org/learn/thermodynamics-intro
15. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cy14/preview
16. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cy22/preview
17. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cy45/preview
18. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_ch48/preview

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in a mid-term exam, together with the performance of other activities which
can include short exams, in-class or on-line tests, home assignments, group discussions or
oral presentations.

Evaluation method Marks

Mid-term exam/ in-class or on-line tests/ 15 marks
home assignments/ group discussions/ oral
Overall performance throughout the 10 marks
semester, Discipline, participation in
different activities) and Attendance

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have passed Sem-V Theory

Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions: ……………………………

Paper-II (Theory)
Course Title: Analytical Chemistry
Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: Sixth
in Bachelor of Science
Paper-II Theory Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Analytical Chemistry

Course outcomes: After completion of this course, the students will be able to understand
the chemistry of biomolecules. They will become acquainted in the field of data analysis. The
new frontiers of chemistry such as nano-chemistry and green chemistry are the part of syllabi
of this course which boost the knowledge of the students in these fields. The chemistry of
industrially important inorganic materials such as cement, ceramics, glass and inorganic
fertilizers has been incorporated in the course to enhance the skills and capability of the

Page 41 of 50
students pursuing this course. The students will also able to understand the analytical
techniques such as electro-gravimetric analysis, coulometric analysis, thermogravimetry,
polarography and chromatography.
✓ Students will be able to explore new areas of research in both chemistry and allied fields
of science and technology.
✓ Students will be able to function as a member of an interdisciplinary problem solving
✓ Students will be skilled in problem solving, critical thinking and analytical reasoning as
applied to scientific problems.
✓ Students will gain an understanding of how to determine the structure of organic
molecules using UV, IR and NMR spectroscopic techniques.

Credits:4 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks…
Total Number of Hours = 60
Unit Contents Number
of Hours

1 General Biochemistry: Introduction to biomolecules, Enzymes; 12

Definition, classification, role in physiology. General introduction
to hormones. Nucleic acids; Nitrogen bases, purines, pyrimidines,
nucleosides, nucleotides, structure of RNA and DNA molecule.
Data Analysis: Errors; Definition, types of errors, precision,
2 10
accuracy, absolute, Significant Figures; significant figures in
Arithmatics-addition, subtraction, multiplication and division,
Mean and Standard deviation, Standard deviation and probability.
3 Fundamentals of Nanochemistry: Definition, brief history, 9
classification, general approach of nano synthesis, general
methods of characterization, general applications.

4 Basics of Green Chemistry: Introduction, role of green 8

chemistry in sustainable development, principles of green

5 Analytical Techniques: Basic concepts of electro-gravimetric and 9

coulometric analysis. Thermogravimetric analysis. Voltametry;
principle of polarography
Chromatography: Introduction, Types, paper and column

6 Spectroscopy: Ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectroscopy- 12

absorption laws (Beer-Lambert law), molar absorptivity,
presentation and analysis of UV spectra, types of electronic
transitions, effect of conjugation, concept of chromophore and
auxochrome. Bathochromic, hypsochromic, hyperchromic and
hypochromic shifts. UV spectra of conjugated enes and enones.

Page 42 of 50
Infra-Red (IR) absorption spectroscopy- molecular vibrations,
Hooke’s Law, selection rules, intensity and position of IR bands,
measurement of IR spectrum, finger print region, characteristic
absorptions of various functional groups and interpretation of IR
spectra of simple organic compounds. Nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) spectroscopy; Proton magnetic resonance ( 1H NMR)
spectroscopy, nuclear shielding and deshielding, chemical shift
and molecular structure, spin-spin splitting and coupling constants,
areas of signals, interpretation of 1H NMR spectra of simple
organic molecules such as ethyl bromide, ethanol, acetaldehyde,
1,1,2-tribromoethane, ethyl acetate, toluene and acetophenone,
Problems pertaining to the structure elucidation of simple organic
compounds using UV, IR and 1H NMR spectroscopic techniques

Books Recommended:
i. Clark, J. H., and Macquarrie, D.J., Handbook of Green Chemistry and Technology,
Wiley-Blackwell, 2002.
ii. Anastas, P.T., and Williamson, T.C. Green Chemistry: Frontiers in Benign Chemical
Syntheses and Processes, Oxford University Press, New York, 1999.
iii. Ozin, G.A., Arsenault, A.C. and L. Cademartiri, Nanochemistry: A Chemical
Approach to Nanomaterials, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2008, 2nd edition.
iv. P. H. Raven, Biology, Tata MacGraw Hill.
v. P. Sheeler, Cell and Molecular Biology, John Wiley.
vi. N. A. Campbell, Biology Pearson.
vii. L. Styer, Biochemistry, Freeman & Co.
viii. Outlines of biochemistry. Fourth edition (Conn, Eric E.; Stumpf, P. K.). Wiley India
Pvt. Limited

Suggested online links:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJMJUtqVUVw
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58pAYgrZjF0&t=26s
3. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_mm21/preview
4. https://www.classcentral.com/course/swayam-introduction-to-data-analytics-3973
5. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cy26/preview
6. https://www.classcentral.com/course/swayam-biochemistry-5229
7. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cy18/preview

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in a mid-term exam, together with the performance of other activities which
can include short exams, in-class or on-line tests, home assignments, group discussions or
oral presentations.

Evaluation method Marks

Mid-term exam/ in-class or on-line tests/ 15 marks
home assignments/ group discussions/ oral

Page 43 of 50
Overall performance throughout the 05 marks
semester, Discipline, participation in
different activities) and Attendance

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have passed Sem-V Theory

Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions: ……………………………

Semester-VI, Paper-III (Practical)

Course Title: Analytical Procedures-IV
Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: Sixth
in Bachelor of Science
Paper-III Practical Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Analytical Procedures-IV

Course outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will have the knowledge and
skills to determine the heat of neutralization, solubility of organic compounds by titration
method. They will be able to estimate different metal ions through gravimetric exercise.
Spectroscopic and chromatographic exercise will train them to interpret the spectral data and
chromatograms of organic compounds and will make them job ready for suitable industries.

Credits:2 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 12+38 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 60
Unit Contents Number of Hours
1 Laboratory hazards and safety precautions 6
2 Physical exercise: Determination of 18
solubility of organic compound (viz.
oxalic acid) in water by titration method.

Determination of Heat of neutralization.

3 Spectroscopic exercise: Functional Group 18

determination by UV and IR
Spectroscopy; analysis of organic
compounds including alcohols, phenols,
carboxylic acids, carbonyl compounds,
nitrogen containing compounds.
4 Inorganic Exercise: Gravimetric analysis 10
of any one or two metal ions; Ba2+, Fe3+,
Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ etc.
5 Chromatographic technique: 8
Demonstrative Chromatography- paper
chromatography (Analytical separation of

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organic compounds- Amino acids/ dyes)

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in viva voce, record and overall performance.

Evaluation method Marks

Attendance 06 marks

Viva voce/Record and overall performance 06 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted Sem-VI Theory
Paper-1 &2

Further Suggestions: ……………………………

One exercise each from inorganic analysis (quantitative), Spectroscopy/ Chromatography and
physical exercise shall be given in the examination.

Distribution of marks shall be as given below:

1. Inorganic exercise 13
2. Spectroscopy/ Chromatography 10
3. Physical exercise 10
4. Viva 05
5. Home assignment/internal assessment, lab record and attendance 12

• The lab work of the student has to be evaluated and assessed carefully and periodically. A
minimum of 12 experiments covering all the kind of exercises has to be performed during a
semester. The semester record has to be maintained by the department/college as an official
• Less than zero mark will not be awarded.
• The total number of students to be examined per batch shall not be more than sixty.
• Duration of the practical examination shall be of 05(five) hours.
• Marks obtained in the practical examination have to be submitted to the Head of the
department/ Principal of the College. The Head of the Department/Principal of the College
will make necessary arrangement for uploading the marks onto the University exam portal.
The hard copy of the award list from portal has to be submitted to the Controller of
Examination, Kumaun University, Nainital

Page 45 of 50
Minor/Elective courses -I
Paper-I (Theory)
Course Title: Basics of Chemistry
Programme/Class: Year: First Semester: First/Second
Certificate in Science
Paper-I Theory Subject: Chemistry
Course Code: Course Title: Basics of Chemistry

Course outcomes: There is nothing more fundamental to chemistry than the atom and
combination of atoms to form molecules by chemical bond. Chemical bonding is the
language of logic for chemists. Chemical bonding enables scientists to take the 100-plus
elements of the periodic table and combine them in myriad ways to form chemical
compounds and materials. The kind of bond present in a molecule decides nature of
molecule (ionic or covalent) and its structure (geometry). The formation of molecules via
various chemical reactions involve energy. The course will provide basic understanding
on atomic structure, formation of compounds, chemical bonding, chemical changes and
energy change in the formation of a matter. Students will gain an understanding of;
✓ Molecular geometries, physical and chemical properties of the molecules.
✓ Current bonding models for simple inorganic molecules in order to predict structures
and important bonding parameters.
✓ This course gives a broader theoretical picture in multiple stages in an overall
chemical reaction.
Credits:4 Compulsory
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 60
Unit Content Number of

1 Atom and Molecules: 8

Bohr’s Atomic theory (only postulates), structure of an atom;
nuclear particles, atomic number, mass number and Isotopes,
Atomic orbitals, filling of electrons in various orbitals-Aufbau
energy diagram, Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Hund’s rule of
maximum multiplicity
Measurement- least count, significant figures, their use in simple
arithmetic calculations

2 Ions, Molecules, bonding, molar mass and chemical reactions 18

Ions, ionic bond and ionic compounds, Chemical equations,
Reactions in aqueous medium- Arrhenius theory of acids and
bases, Acid-Base reaction, definition of acid and base,
neutralization, Oxidation Reduction reactions-oxidation number,
balancing of oxidation reduction reactions
Molecules and chemical formulae, molar mass, molar mass and
Avogadro’s number, Covalent compounds-bonding, VSEPR
concept and geometry, Valence Bond theory, Hybridization,

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geometry of covalent molecules, Hydrogen bonding

3 Periodic Properties 10
Periodic table and periodic law, periodic classification of the
elements, Periodic relationship among the elements, periodic
properties-atomic size, ionization energy, electron affinity,

4 Gaseous State 8
Pressure of a gas, pressure volume relationship-Boyle’s law, the
temperature volume relationship-Charle’s law, Ideal gas equation

5 Thermochemistry 8
Energy changes in chemical reactions, Enthalpy, specific heat,
heat capacity- constant volume and constant pressure, Standard
enthalpy of formation and reactions

6 Hydrocarbons, functional groups 8

Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons. Homologous
series, Preparation and properties of ethene and ethyne.
Functional groups in organic compounds-alcohols, ethers,
aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids
Electronegativity and polarization of covalent bond; inductive,
mesomeric, electromeric effect, hydrogen bonding and its
Polymers-definition, properties, polyethylene-preparation

Books Recommended:
i. Lee, J.D., “Concise, Inorganic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, India, 5th
ii. Puri, B.R., Sharma, L.R., and Kalia, K.C., “Principles of Inorganic Chemistry”, Vishal
Publishing Co., India, 2020, 33rd edition.
iii. Madan, R.L., “Chemistry for Degree Students, B. Sc. First Year”, S. Chand Publishing,
New Delhi, India, 2011, 3rd edition.
iv. Madan, R.D., Malik, U.M. and Tuli, G.D., “Selected topics in Inorganic Chemistry”, S.
Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2010.
v. Chandra, S., “Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry” New Age International Publishers,
India, 2018, 1st edition.
vi. Prakash, S., Tuli, G.D., Basu, S.K. and Madan, R.D., “Advanced Inorganic Chemistry”,
S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2000, Vol 1.
vii. Bariyar, A., Singh, R.P. and Dwivedi, A., “Text Book for B. Sc. Chemistry I”, Anu
Books, 2019.
viii. Finar, I.L., “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India, 2002, 6 th edition.

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ix. Eliel, E.L. and Wilen, S.H., “Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds”, Willey, 1994,1st
x. Boyd, Morrison and Bhattacharjee, “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson Education India,
2010, 7th edition.
xi. Mukerji, S.M., “Reaction mechanism in Organic Chemistry”, Laxmi Publications,
2007, 3rd edition.
xii. Singh, Jagdamba and Yadav, L.D.S., “Undergraduate Organic Chemistry” Pragati
Prakashan, India, 2011, Vol 1.
xiii. Loudon, G. Marc, “Organic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2008, 4 th edition.
Suggested online links:

1. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cy36/preview
2. https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/cec20_lb01/preview
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeV3V0DjupQ&list=PLmxSS9XYst20arjxnrIpn
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGk6VeTfpuE&list=PLmxSS9XYst21tCVcVKQ
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUwbVaBaxTY&list=PLmxSS9XYst22fU5l0ry
6. https://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/faculty/reusch/VirtTxtJml/intro1.htm
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AYD7YJqQ0Q&t=23s
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LaLl1wskEg

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in a mid-term exam, together with the performance of other activities which
can include short exams, in-class or on-line tests, home assignments, group discussions or
oral presentations.

Evaluation method Marks

Mid-term exam/ in-class or on-line tests/ 15 marks
home assignments/ group discussions/ oral
Overall performance throughout the 10 marks
semester, Discipline, participation in
different activities) & Attendance

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have studied the
Science/chemistry of class 10th.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions: ……………………………

Page 48 of 50
Vocational/Skill Development
UG Semester-I
Course Title: Basics of Analytical Chemistry-I
Programme/Class: Year: First Semester: I
Certificate in Science
Paper-I Skill Development in Chemical Analysis
Course Code: Course Title: Basics of Analytical Chemistry-I

Course outcomes: The course will be of four stages; from level I to level IV. The purpose of
the course is to develop skill for handling analytical equipment/glassware, sampling and
analysis of the samples, data analysis and presentation of the results in scientific format.
Credits:3 Skill Development
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:…………
Total Number of Hours = 45
Unit Contents Number
of Hours
Analytical approaches: Types of errors, precision & accuracy,
1 10
Significant figures; significant figures in Arithmatics-addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division. Mean and standard
Laboratory Apparatus: Laboratory burner; Bunsen burner, air
2 10
flow regulation, obtaining warm gentle flame with the burner,
hottest flame of the burner. Cutting and bending of glass
tubing/glass rod, fire polishing of glass tubing or rod.
Steps in Chemical Analysis: Sampling, sample preparation,
3 4
analysis, interpretation and preparation of report.
Use of Measuring Equipment: Pipette, burette, chemical balance,
4 4
least count.
Chemical Concentration: Normality, morality, preparation of
5 12
solution of defined normality/molarity of a given compound and
from a given solution of different strength, percent composition,
part per million (ppm), part per billion (ppb), calculations.
Titration: Types of titrations, end point, equivalence point,
6 5
Indicators-types and theory.

Recommended Texts:
i. Nivaldo, J. and Tro, Ho Yu Au-Yeung, Introductory Chemistry, Pearson India
Education, 2017, 5th edition.
ii. Timberlake, K. C., and Timberlake, W., Basic Chemistry, Pearson India Education,
2017, 4th edition.
iii. Pavia, D.L., Lampman, G. M., Kriz, G. S, and Engel, R.G., Microscale and Macroscale
Techniques in the Organic Laboratory, Harcourt College Publishers, 2001, 1 st edition.
iv. Harris, D. C., Exploring Chemical Analysis, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York,
1993, 4th edition.
v. Harris, D. C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York,
2010, 8th edition.

Suggestive digital platforms web links

Page 49 of 50
1. https://www.labster.com/chemistry-virtual-labs/
2. https://www.vlab.co.in/broad-area-chemical-sciences
3. http://chemcollective.org/vlabs

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Students can be evaluated on the basis of

score obtained in a mid-term exam, together with the performance of other activities which
can include short exams, in-class or on-line tests, home assignments, group discussions or
oral presentations.

Evaluation method Marks

Mid-term exam/ in-class or on-line tests/ 15 marks
home assignments/ group discussions/ oral
Overall performance throughout the 10 marks
semester, Discipline, participation in
different activities) and Attendance
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the chemistry in class

Prof. Anand B. Melkani

Convener, Chemistry

25th June, 2022

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